Statement Re Concerning the offensive film which slanders the Holy Prophet
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I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave. | Dearborn | MI | 48126 |
Labels: generaltopic
Imam Alis(as) said:
Labels: hadees
One day Imam Reza (A.S.) mentioned Quran, so he described the magnanimity and glory of its authority and its miracles saying,
"That is the firm cable of Allah, firmest handhold the ideal and model path, it guides leads toward paradise and is the savior from the fire (of Hell). It does not corrode or wear out by the passage and flow of time. More over, its continuous repetition and recitation through the tongue does not devalue and depreciate it, since, it is not made to exist for a certain age or period apart from other ages and periods. Instead, it has been made a proof, logic for all human beings. Falsehood does neither find passage in the front or afore of it nor from it's back side.
It has been descended (revealed) by Allah, the all wise, all praise worthy.
(Bihar Ul Anwar Vol 92, P 14)
Labels: hadees
In reply to some one who posed Imam Ali (as) a difficult question, Imam Ali (as) said:
'Ask in order to understand, and do not ask in order to find fault, for surely the ignorant man who wants to learn resembles a man of knowledge, and surely a man of knowledge who wants to be difficult resembles an ignorant man who wants to find fault. '
Labels: hadees
One year after Imam Reza (A.S.) was forcibly taken to Khurasan (in year 201 AH) by the orders of Ma’moon, Hadrat Masumah (A.S.), along with her brothers and some of her relatives, left Madinah for Marw in order to visit her brother, Imam Reza (A.S.). On their way, when they reached the city of Saweh, they were attacked by the enemies of Ahl al-Bait. After a serious struggle, many of her relatives were martyred, and she was poisoned by a woman in Saweh
Grief over the loss of her relatives and the effects of the poison put Hadrat Masumah (A.S.) into a severe illness. She asked her companions to take her to the city of Qum, for she had heard her father say, "Qum is the center of our Shiites."
When she arrived in Qum, the people of the city welcomed her. Moosa ibn Khazraj, who was amongst the great people of Qum, respectfully invited her to his house. 17 days later, on the 10th of Rabi’ al-Thani of the year 201 AH, after 28 years of sufferance and difficulty, Hadrat Ma’soomah (A.S.) no longer could endure her sickness and the effects of the poison. She left this world with a broken heart, while she had not been able to see her brother. She was buried in Qum and her shrine became the beauty of this city since then.
From amongst the narrators, we come across to narrators who happen to be women. One of these virtuous women is Hadrat Ma’soomah (A.S.), who has narrated many Hadiths from Lady Fatimah (A.S.) and the other Infallibles (PBUT). As a matter of fact, because of her prominence, both Shia and Sunni narrators have considered the Hadith narrated by her as authentic.
The Hadiths narrated about Hadrat Ma’soomah (A.S.) reveal her superiority in knowledge and virtue. From the point of view of Ahl al-Bait (PBUT), Hadrat Ma’soomah possesses a high status.
In regards to her particular status, Imam Reza (A.S.) has said:
"One who visits the shrine of Ma’soomah (A.S.) in Qum is like one who has visited my shrine."
As this Hadith illustrates, not only the Ziayrat of Hazrat Ma’soomah is stated to be similar to doing the Ziayrat of an Infallible Imam, but also she has been given the title of a Ma’soomah (infallible woman) by an Imam. Considering the fact that an infallible does not exaggerate, one can come to this conclusion that Hazrat Ma’soomah owns some sort of infallibility.
Also in regards to her particular status, Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said:
"... A lady from my children, named Fatimah daughter of Musa, will pass away there (Qum), which all our Shiites will enter paradise with her intercession".
One of her virtues is that she has a special script for Ziayrat dictated by an Infallible Imam. She is the only women after Lady Fatimah (A.S.) - who is the most superior lady in the two worlds - to have a script for Ziayrat dictated by an Infallible Imam.
Labels: wiladat
In the house of Imam Kadhim (A.S.), Najma, the wife of the honorable Imam was eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the child; she was counting days and nights for that day. The Imam"s house was overwhelmed with happiness.
Finally, the day arrived, on the 1st of Dhil-Qa’dah 173 (A.H.) when Allah blessed the 7th Imam Musa Kadhim (A.S.) with a daughter. The child’s appearance was brilliant and cheerful and she opened her pure bright eyes to this world in the house of Imam.
This was because this was the second child that was granted by the grace of Allah to Najma after 25 years. 25years ago, in the same month of Dhil-Qa’dah, Najma had given birth to a baby boy who after his father was to become the Imam and was to shoulder the responsibility of Imamate and guiding the Muslims.
Yes! That was 148 (A.H.), when the eight Imam, Ali (A.S.) was born and who was given the title of Ridha. Najma got immense pleasure in her first child and after years God blessed her and her husband Musa Kadhim (A.S.) with a daughter and a sister to Imam Ridha (A.S.).
Imam Musa Kadhim (A.S.) named his daughter Fatimah, for the sake of love and special attachment he had with his grandmother Fatima Zahra (S.A.). Fatimah’s purity, modesty, and piety were such that after sometime she was referred as "Ma’soomah" (the infallible). This was because like her honorable Father, she used to keep away from all evils and sins.
Fatemah, was a name that was remembered among the Ahlul bayt who had hundreds of sad and sweet memories of the life of Bibi Fatimah (sa).
If anybody chose the name Fatimah for their daughters, they used to give the same respect as the prophet (S.A.W.) used to give his daughter. She was never neglected. Imam Musa Kadhim (A.S.) also followed this tradition and used to love the new girl very much and never failed to show and express his kindness to and love for her.
If the father of Fatemah was the Imam of the Muslims and was matchless in his piety and chastity, then her mother was also pious and faithful who had accomplished her essential studies of Islam in the school of the wife of Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S.). In those days she was the most intelligent amongst all women and it was for reason that the mother of Imam Kadhim (Hamideh) asked him to propose and marry her.
After getting their questions answered by Imam Kadhim (A.S.), they would return to their town. Incidentally, once Imam Kadhim was away and Imam Ridha (A.S.) was also not around. The Muslims without getting their question answered were returning home very sad.
Fatimah Ma’soomah noticed the sadness and took the papers from them and answered their questions. The Muslims became happy and left. On the outskirts of Medina they met Imam Kadhim (A.S.) and they informed him of all that had transpired in his house. The Imam asked to read his daughter’s answers and after reading expressed his happiness, praised her and in a short sentence said, "May her father be sacrificed for her."
Labels: wiladat