Bismillah Hir Rahaman Nir Raheem
Bibi Zainab, Ya Zainab,
Pillar of strength and devotion,
Persevering through the greatest commotion
Standing courageously tall, affliction after affliction,
None could ever destroy your brave conviction!
One by one members of your family were taken away,
But your faith in Allah strengthened you everyday.
Your love for Hussain was immensely great,
But your love for Allah dictated your fate!
You selflessly sent your two sons in to battle to die,
If women were permitted to fight, you would have too without a sigh.
On that devastating day.
Our Imam Hussain was martyred and taken away.
Enduring the pain of loneliness and separation,
You still remained strong for the women and children.
Like the moon lights the path in the dark of the night,
You led the ummah with strength and might.
Bibi Zainab, Ya Zainab,
Pillar of strength and devotion,
Persevering through the greatest commotion
Standing courageously tall, affliction after affliction,
None could ever destroy your brave conviction!
Ruthless enemies of Islam took off your hijab,
How could they treat you, the daughter of Fatima, so cruelly, oh Zainab?
But your love for Allah, only grew stronger,
As you continued in your struggle without your brother!
Preserved was your honor and dignity,
Even with their ruthless attempt of afflicting humility.
Standing up to the repulsive Yazid (lanatAllah alay),
Your words sliced through the air, clear and evident
Shattering his pride into utter abasement.
Bibi Zainab, Ya Zainab,
Pillar of strength and devotion,
Persevering through the greatest commotion
Standing courageously tall, affliction after affliction,
None could ever destroy your brave conviction!
Muslim women around the world face continuous adversity,
We turn to you for strength, Bibi Zainab, to remove our constant difficulty.
In France, Muslim women are being forced to take off their hijab!
Who knows better how that feels than you, oh Bibi Zainab?
After 9/11, sisters took off their hijab,
How could they forget your struggles, our dear Zainab?
No adversity we face today can even compare,
To the pain and tragedy that you and your family had to endure and bare.
Bibi Zainab we request your dua,
To strengthen our faith and love for Allah.
To remember the struggles of you and your family,
And enjoin in actions that will please Allah, this will truly make us happy.
Bibi Zainab, Ya Zainab,
Pillar of strength and devotion,
Persevering through the greatest commotion
Standing courageously tall, affliction after affliction,
None could ever destroy your brave conviction!
Asalaamualaikum Zainab!