Iphone 5 or Ipray 5

Satan can get control over Allah's servants only by whispering to them when they have abandoned their remembrance of Allah, become disdainful, feel complacent when faced with His prohibition, and forget that Allah sees their secret.
Whispering is what comes from outside the heart by tacit permission of the intellect, and is sustained by man's own nature; once it becomes established in the heart, there is error, misguidance, and disbelief. Allah called on His bondsmen with His subtle call and told them about the enmity of Iblis:
إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ فَاتَّخِذُوهُ عَدُوًّا
Shaytan is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy. (35:6)
Be with him like a man who, standing near the shepherd's dog, has recourse to the dog's master in order to keep the dog away from him. It is the same when Satan comes to whisper to you, to lead you off the true path and make you forget to remember Allah. Then seek refuge from him with your Lord and his Lord. He will defend the truth against falsehood, and help wronged ones, since He says,
إِنَّهُ لَيْسَ لَهُ سُلْطَانٌ عَلَى الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَعَلَى رَبِّهِمْ يَتَوَكَّلُونَ
Surely he has no authority over those who believe and who rely on their Lord. (16:99)
Man will only be able to do this if he knows how he comes, and can recognize his methods of whispering, by constant watchfulness, sincerity in the arena of service, awe of the All-Aware, and increased remembrance of Him.
However, anyone who neglects to spend his time in awareness must undoubtedly be the prey of Satan. He should draw a lesson from what Satan does with such a person's self: he leads it to misguidance, deception and haughtiness by duping the person into admiring his own actions, his worship, and his insight.
Satan's insolent behaviour towards him causes a curse to descend on his knowledge, his gnosis and faculty of reasoning for all eternity; yet he has no power over those who are not negligent. Therefore hold to the firmest rope of Allah, which means seeking refuge with Allah, and having a sound need of Allah at every breath.
Do not be deceived when Satan makes your acts of obedience appear beautiful in your eye: if he opens ninety-nine doors of goodness for you, it is only so that he may overcome you by opening the hundredth. So meet him with opposition, block his path and reject his charm.
The concept of pride embraces all those aspects of vanity found in those who are proud of their actions, little knowing what their end will be. Whoever is proud of himself and his actions has strayed off the path of right guidance and has claimed what is not his.
Anyone who claims something to which he has no right is a liar, even if he conceals his claim for a long time. The first thing which happens to the proud man is that he is stripped of his object of pride, so that he will know that he is contemptible and incapable, and will testify against himself; and that will be a firmer proof against him. This was the case with Iblis.
Pride is a plant whose seed is disbelief, whose earth is hypocrisy, and whose water is transgression. Its branches are ignorance, its leaves are misguidance, and its fruit is being cursed to remain in the Fire forever. Whoever chooses pride has sowed disbelief and cultivated hypocrisy. It is inevitable that it must bear its fruit and he will end up in the Fire.
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Among the rights of Ahlul-Bayt is that salawaat is due to them as well as the Prophet and that one should not separate the Messenger of Allah from his progeny when chanting salawaat. Verily Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe! send blessings on him [Muhammad] and greet him with the fitting salutation.
When the above Ayah was revealed, the Companions of the Prophet inquired about the manner in which salawaat is to be said. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) answered: When saying salawaat, one must say: "O Allah! send Thy peace and blessings upon the Prophet and his progeny in the same manner that You send it upon Ibrahim and his progeny for You are Praiseworthy and Most High."
In his book (Sawaa'iq), Ibn Hajr quotes the Prophet saying, "Do not deliver an unfinished salawaat for me." Ibn Hajr adds, when the Prophet was asked what he meant by an unfinished salawaat, the Prophet replied: "Do not say 'O Allah! send Thy peace and blessings upon Muhammad instead say: Allah! send Thy peace and blessings upon Muhammad and upon Aali Muhammad". Regretfully, this unfinished salawaat is quite popular in writings of Ahlul-Sunnah and the lectures of Sunni preachers. In a Hadith, the beloved Prophet (p.b.u.h.) insists that, "Whoever makes prayer and does not declare salawaat for him and his family, his prayer is incomplete and will not be accepted."
Imam Shafi'i attests to this Hadith in a famous poem: Roughly translated Al-Shafi'i says: Oh the love of Ahlul-Bayt is such That it is a must since the Qur'an has it established . Suffice it that their distinction is such That the prayer is invalid if no salawaat is offered for them.
Amazing Science Facts
Following on from our list of amazing science facts, we have produced another list of facts that are entertaining and educational. These are all facts that are (hopefully) not especially well known to the average person. 1. Fingernails grow four times faster than toenails. 2. Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people. 3. If you rub an onion on your foot - within 30 to 60 minutes, you will be able to feel the taste. This is because it travels through the blood stream. 4. You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath (if you hold it until you go unconscious, you begin to breath normally as soon as you do). 5. On one square inch of human skin there are 20 million microscopic creatures. 6. Armadillos are the only creatures apart from men that can catch leprosy – there are known cases of armadillo to human transfers of the disease. 7. A snail can sleep for 3 – 4 years and during that period it does not need food. 8. Giraffes can live longer without water than camels. 9. The songs of humpback whales can change dramatically from year to year, yet each whale in an oceanwide population always sings the same song as the others. 10. The forces required to remove a foot from quicksand at a speed of one centimeter per second would require the same amount of force as “that needed to lift a medium-sized car.” 11. To test if a pearl is real, you can rub vinegar on it. The composition of the pearl will cause it to bubble furiously. 12. Goldfish kept in a dark room turn much paler and if it wasn’t for the color in the food they eat, they would turn completely white. 13. Unlike normal bees, the Queen bee’s stinger is not barbed and can be used repeatedly without harming her. 14. Quicksand doesn’t directly kill humans as it is usually not very deep at all. It is the fact that it can be incredibly difficult to remove yourself from quicksand that causes death by the environment – such as exposure. 14. Oysters can change between being female or male. 16. Men are over 30% stronger than women on average, especially in the upper body, and men’s brains are heavier than women’s. |
It is incumbent upon the Muslim Ummah to honor and respect the homes of Ahlul-Bayt and according to the Ayah mentioned earlier: "The light (of Allah) shines upon dwellings that are made to be honored. In those homes men pray to Allah every morning and every afternoon." These homes are honored and endeared both physically by being well-kept, and spiritually by being kept pure. Special respect is due to such dwellings.
Sayooti writes in his interpretation of the Qur'an that when this Ayah was revealed, the disciples of the Prophet asked him what was meant by (homes). He replied, "The homes of the Prophets." Then Abu Bakr asked him if the residence of Fatima (A.S.) was among such homes. Prophet Muhammad replied, "Yes, and it is one of the best among them."
Any disrespect towards the homes of the Prophets and the residence of the Final Messenger of Allah is prohibited and considered a transgression upon the person of the Prophet. Such acts lead to apostasy. If paying homage " Tar'fii' " refers only to the physical appearance of these homes then their well-keeping is a duty on Muslims. However, if dignifying means doing so in a spiritual capacity, then respecting these dwellings is incumbent upon all Muslims, too.