Sunday, 11 November 2012

Fabric Of Life

Fabric Of Life
My life is an weaving between me and my God.
I may not choose the colors; he knows what they should be.
He can view the pattern upon the upper side,
While I can see it only on this under side.
Sometimes he weaveth sorrow; which seems so strange to me.
But I will trust his judgement and work on faithfully.
Its he who fills the shuttle; He knows just what is best
So I shall weave in earnest and leave the rest with him.
At last… When life ends I shall abide with him
And I shall know the reason why pain was entwined with joy was woven…
In the fabric of life that God designed.


Amiril mumineen's Mola Ali
answer on distance of sun from the earth
    A man asked Imam Ali (a.s.) in Masjid-e-Kufa, "What is the distance
    between me and (pointing towards the sun) and the sun".
    It is worth mentioning here about the complexity of this question.
    This man was an Arab. And in the Arabic language the numbers or
count is limited upto one thousand (1000). The count in arabic does not
    exceed 1000. The answer to the question this man asked dealt in
    millions (distance).
    It was like a challenge to Imam Ali (a.s.) to answer him in a
    convincing manner without confusing him.
    Imam Ali (a.s.) answered :

"If an Arab horse starts walking from
here and continues walking for 500 years, then he (horse) will reach the
    The man got convinced and walked away.
    But it is for us now to ponder on what Imam Ali (a.s.) said. This
one sentence of Imam Ali (a.s.) shows and proves the genius that Imam
 (a.s.) was.
    Imam Ali (a.s.) said "If an Arab horse...", the average speed of an
    arab horse is 22 mph (miles per hour).
    If a horse runs the full day (24hours) it will cover approximately
520 miles. This gives us the distance the horse will cover in 24 hrs
(one day).
    To calculate the distance covered by the horse in one month we
    multiply it 520 by 29.5 (Taking an average of the number of months
in arab callender. Assuming that 6 months are of 29 days and 6 months
are of 30 days.). It gives us something around 15,500. The horse covers
    15,500 miles in one month (30 days).
    To get the distance that he will travel in one year we multiply it
by 12. Since there are 12 months in a year. It gives you 1,86,000.
    Then multiply 1,86,000 by 500 as the horse should run for 500 years.
    It gives you 9,34,00,000 miles.
    Now if you ask an astronomer about the distance of sun from the
earth he will tell you that the distance is never constant. The orbit of
the earth is oval in shape. Sometimes it comes nearer to the sun and on
    occasions it distances itself from the sun. When the earth is
closest to the sun its distance is 9,10,00,000 miles and the distance when
it is farthest from the sun is 9,48,00,000 miles. When you take an
    average on these two distances it comes around 9,30,000 miles.
    Imam Ali (a.s.) 1400 years back told us about 
the distance of the earth from the sun.

Feel Every Moment

Life is like a rainbow, Good from a distance as you enjoy;
But try to capture it, And you have nothing to capture.
Don’t try to capture life, Feel every moment you live.


It is narrated from Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) in the third volume of Bihar-ul-Anwar of Allamah Majlisi and Amali of Shaikh Mufeed then he said, "when the day of Qayamat will dawn, Allah will command us to take account from our Shiahs (followers). We will question them about the Rights of Allah (Huququllah) and Allah will forgive them (because of their intimacy with us). Then we will also forgive them our rights (due on them)". 
Then Imam (A.S.) recited the following verse : "Surely to Us is their turning back, then surely upon Us is the taking of their accounts". (Surah-al-Ghashiyah : 25, 26). In the same book it is related from Ma'soom (A.S.) that after the forgiveness of the Rights of Allah and the Rights of Aimmah (A.S.), the rights still due on our Shi'ahs will be compensated for by the Holy prophet (S.A.W.S.) Himself
May Allah place us amongst the Ummat of the Holy prophet (S.A.W.S.) and the Shi'ahs of Ahlulbait (A.S.), and resurrect us with Them.

Whose Account will be taken

Whose Account will be taken

On the day of Qayamat people who will be accounted for their deeds will be classified into four groups. The first group of people will be the ones who will be made to enter paradise without accounting. They will be the ones who loved Ahlulbait (A.S.) in their life-time and had not committed any sins, or died after repenting and seeking forgiveness from Allah.
The second group will be averse to the first one, they will be the enemies of Ahlulbait (A.S.). They will be thrown head- long into the fire of hell without taking their accounts. The following verse speaks about such people: "These are they who disbelieve in the communications of their Lord and His meeting, so their deeds become null, and therefore we will not set up a balance for them on the day of resurrection". (Surah-al-Kahf : 105).
Shaikh Kulaini relates from Imam Ali Zainul Abadeen
(A. S.) that He said, that the polytheists (mushreqeen) and unbeliever's (kafereen) deeds will not be weighed weighing of deeds (meezane A'amal), accounting (Hisab), and scroll of deeds are meant for the muslims only, while according to the Qur' an the polytheists and unbelievers will remain in eternal chastisement.
The third group will consist of people who will be made to wait for accounting. They will be the ones whose evil deeds would be surpassing their good deeds. When their sins will be compensated for (by waiting long), they will find freedom. The Holy prophet (S.A.W.S.) said to Abdullah ibne Abbas, "Some people will have to wait for a hundred years for accounting, and only then will they be made to enter paradise". But for which particular sin will he be made to wait is not specified. Hence a believer (mo'min) should keep himself away from all sins, so that he may not have to wait that long. (ma'ad)
Shaikh Sadooq relates from Imam Ja'far -as- Sadiq (A.S.) that He said, that on the day of Qayamat two types of people from the followers of Ahlulbait (A.S.) will have to wait for long. One will be the indigent and poor person, while other a rich and wealthy person. The poor man will cry out, "O my Lord why do I have to wait so long. I swear by your Glory and Majesty that in the world you had given me no kingdom or empire so that I may oppress anyone or
commit injustice therein or usurp other's rights. And you had given me only that which You thought was enough for me, and I remained patient and never grumbled. Then Allah will reply, "O believer surely you speak the truth", thus he will be made to enter paradise.
The rich man will have to wait so long that he will sweat profusely, so much so that forty camels could quench their thirst with it. Only then will he be made to enter paradise. In paradise when they will meet each other, the poor man will ask him the reason for having made to wait so long. The rich man will reply, "I was made to wait for a long time giving account of my enormous wealth, so to how I earned it (whether lawfully or unlawfully), as how I spent it. Then the merciful Lord blessed me, forgave my sins and accepted my repentance". Then he will ask the poor man as to who he was¡ He will reply that he is the same indigent fellow who was with him in the plains of Qayamat. The rich man will say, "Verily the blessings and bounties of paradise have transformed you to such an extent that even I could not recognize you". (matalib)
The fourth group will consist of people whose bad deeds will be more than their good ones. And only if Allah's mercy, blessings and forgiveness will give way, they will be made to enter paradise. If not they will be punished at that very place, the punishment appropriate for them. They will be chastised in that way till they become clean of all sins. Then people in whose hearts even an atoms weight of faith (Iman) exists, will not have to stay long in hell, they will be brought back to paradise. While only the polytheists and unbelievers will remain there.


Imam Ali's Letter to Malik Ashtar -4 On Overseeing the Trade

Adopt useful schemes placed before those engaged in trade and industry and help them with wise counsels. Some of them live in towns, and some move from place to place with their wares and tools and earn their living by manual labor. 

Trade and Industry are sources of profit to the State. While the general public is not inclined to bear the strain, those engaged in these professions take the trouble to collect commodities from far and near, from land and from across the sea, and from mountains and forests and naturally derive benefits.

It is this class of peace loving people from whom no disturbance need be feared. They love peace and order; indeed they are incapable of creating disorder. Visit every part of the country and establish personal contact with this class, and inquire into their condition. 

But bear in mind that a good many of them are intensely greedy and are inured to bad dealings. They hoard grain and try to sell it at a high price; and this is most harmful to the public. It is a blot on the name of the ruler not to fight this evil. Prevent them from hoarding; for the Prophet of God -Peace be upon him - had prohibited it. And see to it that trade is carried on with the utmost ease, that the scales are evenly held and that prices are so fixed that neither the seller nor the buyer is put to a loss. And if inspite of your warning, should anyone go against your commands and commit the crime of hoarding, then deal him appropriately with severe punishment.

Imam Ali's Letter to Malik Ashtar -5 To Keep On Your Establishment....

Keep an eye on your establishment and your scribes; and select the best among them for your confidential correspondence such among these as possess high character and deserve your full confidence, men who may not exploit their privileged position to go against you and who may not grow neglectful of their duties and who in the drafting of treaties may not succumb to external temptation and harm your interests, or fail to render you proper assistance and to save you from trouble, and who in carrying out their duties can realize their serious responsibilities, for he who does not realize his own responsibilities can hardly appraise the reprehensibilities of others.

 Do not select men for such work merely on the strength of your first impressions of your affection or good faith; for as a matter of fact; the pretensions of a good many who are really devoid of honesty and good breeding may cheat even the intelligence of rulers. 

Selection should be made after due probation which should be the test of righteousness. In making direct appointments from people, see to it that those selected possess influence with the people and who enjoy the reputation of being honest; for such selection is agreeable to God and the ruler. 

For every department of administration, let there be a head, whom no trying task might cause worry and no pressure of work annoy.

And remember that every weakness of any one among your establishment and scribe which you may overlook will be written down against you in your scroll of deeds.

Do not give into waswasah

Do not give into waswasah (Satanic insinuations, devilish whisperings), wicked thoughts and unnecessary doubts. Thoughts and doubts such as: excessive worship is meant for only those who have nothing else to do, prolonged worshiping of God is a waste of time as well as energy, a learned has a more important thing to do than worshiping, 'ibadah is means to Taqwa (piety and God-fearing) and now that some of us have achieved it we do not need to go back, we are not Ma'sumeen (the infallible) therfore we do not need to imitate them, we are better than others who do not pray at all, prolonged and devoted worship is alien to Islam which is introduced by outsiders, etc.

 Before beginning our obligatory prayers we need to spend sometime in either listening to the Quranic recitations or saying nawafil (supererogatory prayers) so that our minds settle down and we are able to concentrate better in the salaat.
The time we alot for worshipping should be given in its entirety for the purpose. During this time we should not entertain other activities such as answering to telephone calls, responding to pagers, playing with our children, or attending to domestic chores. Both physically and mentally we give ourselves to worshipping the Almighty Creator and Sustainer.


Nov 11, '12 1:54 PM
for everyone
Imam Ali (A.S) asked Meesam: "What is your name"? "Saalim", he replied.
Imam Ali (A.S) said: "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has told me that the Iranians call you Meesam." Meesam was astonished because no one knew his real name. So, he said: "Allah  and His prophet are truthful." Since that day, Meesam had not left Imam Ali (A.S).

Meesam-e-Tammar was a man of high character and a true lover of Allah , Prophet Muhammad (PBHU) and his Ahlul Bayt (A.S). He lived a simple life. Two things grew in his heart: faith in Islam and love for Imam Ali (A.S). Imam Ali (A.S) taught him that Islam was the only way to freedom.

Once Imam Ali (A.S) told him that he (Meesam) would be hanged on account of love for his master. He also gave the address and told him that he would be hanged in a farm next to the house of Amr ibn Huraith. The tree on which he would be hanged was the smallest of the ten trees existing in the farm at that time. Meesam was also informed that his tongue would be cut out because he would not stop praising his master [Imam Ali (A.S)].

After getting this information, it is recorded in history that, Meesam-e-Tammar used to go to the palm-tree until it was cut down, and then he looked after its trunks pointed out by Imam Ali (A.S), clean the place and water the trunk and offer prayers saying, "Oh tree! You are for me and I am for you. Meesam-e-Tammar had visited the palm-tree for more than twenty years.

Meesam-e-Tammar would go to Amr ibn Huraith and say, "I will be your neigbour, thus fulfill the rights of neighborhood well." Amr ibn Huraith would not understand his meaning and would ask, "Do you intend buying the house of Ibne Mas’ood or Ibne Hakeem"? Meesam kept silent. Amr ibn Huraith was puzzled. He wondered: What does Meesam mean?

Months and years passed by, Imam Ali (A.S) was martyred then Imam Hassan (A.S) was martyred and Meesam-e-Tammar kept waiting for the time. Finally came 60 AH when Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad was appointed Governor of Kufa, Iraq. Meesam-e-Tammar then went to Makkah to perform Hajj pilgrimage and there after returned to Kufa, Iraq. 

One day Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad, the Governor of the place, called him and asked him in the Court, "Oh Meesam! Inform me where your God is?" Meesam immediately replied. "He is in quest of an opportunity to punish the transgressors." Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad then asked him about his connection with Imam Ali (A.S). Meesam replied that Imam Ali (A.S) was his master and that he loved him. Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad then asked him. "Did your master tell you anything about your end?" Meesam-e-Tammar replied, "Yes, he informed me that I would be hanged and that my tongue would be cut." Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad sent a roar of laughter and said, "I will see that your master did not tell you the truth (Naus billah). I will see that his prophecy is belied." 

Meesam-e-Tammar said, "My master’s words are true because he got that information from Allah. Prophet Muhammad (saw) was informed by Gabriel (Jibril) and Gabriel came with the message of Allah." O Commander of the faithful! By Allah (SWT)! I shall never disassociate myself from you. Meesam-e-Tammar . Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad ordered Meesam to be jailed. Meesam, al-Mukhtar al-Thaqafy, and Abdullah bin al-Harith were in the same prison. Imam Hussein (A.S) died a martyr for Islam. The prisoners felt pain for him. Al-Mukhtar said to his two friends: "Be ready to meet Allah ! After Imam Hussein’s killing, Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad will kill the Imam Hussein’s (A.S) supporters." Abdullah bin al-Harith said: "Yes, he will kill us sooner or later." Meesam said: "No, he won’t kill you. My master, Imam Ali (A.S) has told me that you (al-Mukhtar) will get revenge of Imam Hussein’s killers. And you will kick Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad’s head with your foot." Then Meesam said to Abdullah bin al-Harith: "You’ll rule Basra." 

When Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad called for al-Mukhtar to be killed, a message arrived from Yazid ordering him to free al-Mukhtar. He released him and ordered Meesam to be crucified. Meesam-e-Tammar was brought to the same tree to be hanged as pointed out by Imam Ali (A.S). Meesam began singing the praises of his master, and about a thousand people gathered to see Meesam being hanged. Amr ibn Huraith saw Meesam. Amr ibn Huraith remembered Meesam’s words: "I’ll be you neighbour. Treat me kindly." So, Amr ibn Huraith ordered one of his daughters to sweep the ground around the palm trunk. He also ordered her to splash it with water. A person looked at Meesam and said: "Disown Ali to save your soul." Meesam said with a smile. "By Allah, this palm trunk has been created for me! And I’ve been created for it." Thus, the people knew the secret of Meesam’s visit to the palm-tree throughout the long years.

Even after being hanged, the tongue of Meesam went on singing the praises of Imam Ali (A.S). Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad was informed about this and the tyrant ordered that the tongue of Meesam is cut and thus the prophecy of Imam Ali (A.S) came true and Meesam-e-Tammar died after his tongue was cut out.Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon.