Sunday, 17 March 2013

Tahveel Saal in other Cities: Nouroz Tahveel timings in World.... :ساعت تحويل سال در ساير شهرها

Mar 17, '13 6:17 AM
for everyone
WedWednesday, March 20, 2013  ThuThursday, March 21, 2013  * = Daylight Saving Time (DST)


Our heartiest greetings and felicitations-5th Jumada al-awwal

Mar 17, '13 10:18 AM
for everyone

Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

5th Jumada al-awwal 

Our heartiest greetings and felicitations to Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.w.),  Hazrat Fāṭimah(s.a.), Ahl-e-Bait (a.s.), Imam-e-Zamana (a.s.) & all lovers of Ahl-e-Bait  (a.s.) on this auspicious occasion of  Birth Anniversary of  Janabe Zaynab bint Ali (S.A)

Imām (A.S.) have used the following words for Janabe Zaynab (S.A):

"Peace be upon you, O minor infallible! I bear witness that in every condition, misfortune, grief, difficulty and examination, you were patient, majestic, honourable, dignified and thankful."

[Reference:   Ziyarat of Janabe Zaynab (s.a.) ]

Please see attachment a short writeup on Titles of Janabe Zaynab (s.a.) and A’amaal of Janabe Zaynab (s.a.)
[in the same document]

A presentations about Janabe Zaynab bint Ali (S.A)


Zaynab Asool-e-Dee'n ki tarha ba Asool thi; NANA k shehar mein thi to Bilkul RASOOL thi,
Bhai k sath saray safar me BATOOL thi; Darbar mein ALI ka mujassam Nazool thi, 
Zaynab kahin HUSSAIN kahin per HASSAN bani; Zaynab ka aik Tan tha magar PANJTAN bani.


Mar 17, '13 10:22 AM
for everyone


Navroz is a persian word meaning a new day. Actually every day is a new day, but it is on this day that the sun completes its cycle of passing through all the 'Celestial Stations' which are 12 in number and enters the first one known as Haml (Ram) - Aries 31 days initiating a week of festivities.

This day falls on 21st March and is known as Navroz.

It takes the sun 365 days and nights , 5hrs 28mins and 50seconds to complete the full circuit of the 12 Stations. This entry of the sun is known as Tahweel - e - Shams (Sun's entry) and celebrated as Idd - e - Navroz.

On this day Allah(s.w.t) created the earth, the universe, the cold winds started to blow and the earth became fertile to bear trees, vegetables, fruits and other necessities for mankind.

Kumers, the first King of Iran 3266 yrs before Nabi Issa(a.s) determined the days and seasons in a year and ordered all learned people to pronounce and to proclaim the importance of this day.
100 years later it was Jamshed who called this day NAVROZ and celebrated it as Idd.

Though Navroz is not a common Idd amongst Muslims, the Shias give a lot of importance.

Once our 6th Imam a.s. told Moalla bin Khunais on the importance of this day:
1. The sun attained its brightness
2. The wind started to blow
3 .The Ark of Prophet Nuh a.s. stopped near Mount Judi (near Najaf in Iraq) and saved from drowning
4. Prophet Ibrahim a.s. broke the idols of his community
5. Angel Jibrael brought the first revelation to our Holy Prophet s.a.w.
6. The Holy Prophet s.a.w. lifted Imam Ali a.s. on his shoulders for removing the idols from the Kaa'ba
7. The Holy Prophet s.a.w. announced Imam Ali a.s. as his successor at Ghadir - e - Khum
8. Our 12th Imam will reappear and hang Dajjal in a place known as Kinasa in Kufa.

It was on this day that 3000 people were raised from the dead after 60 years as mentioned in the Holy Quran (2:243). In a place called Raawerdaan, between Kufa and Basra. Plague would strike here every year and the people who had the means would migrate to other villages.
Once as they were fleeing the epidemic, Allah sent two angels, one from the front and one from the rear who shouted "die!" and instantly all the people along with their animals died on the spot.

After some sixty years, when the bones had deteriorated, Ezikel ibne Yuza, the second vicegerent of Prophet Musa a.s. happened to pass this way and started to wonder how could it be possible for Allah to raise them again. A voice was heard which told him to sprinkle water over the bones. Ezekial did as instructed and was astounded to see the bones join together in the shape of human beings and thus were they raised from the dead. It was the day of Navroz.

It has been related from Imam Jaffar Sadiq a.s. that on this day one should:
1. Try to keep a fast , have a bath , put on good clothes and use scent
2. Afte zohr prayers, pray 4 rakaats, in two's as follows:-
1st rakaat after sura al Hamd, 10 times sura al Qadr
2nd rakaat after sura al Hamd, 10 times sura al Kafiroon

1st rakaat after sura al Hamd, 10 times Qul Huwwal Lah
2nd rakaat after sura al Hamd, 10 times sura an Naas and 10 times sura al Falaq
3. Recite "Ya zal jalali wal ikram" at least 365 times
4. At the dawn of this day, recite "Ya Wahab" - "Oh Bestower" 14 times
and "Ya Wadudu"-"Oh Governor" 22 times
5. After this pray for the fullfilment of your desires.

Aamal at the Tahwel e Shams: Recite

This dua should be recited 366 times..........

and many other aamals and duas from Shia Dua books.
The rain water of this month is very useful in curing many ailments. 


Mar 17, '13 10:27 AM
for everyone

The Muslim community is blessed with having multiple “new years” throughout the year, in which we have the opportunity to take account of our actions and make a change in our lives. These occasions include the beginning of the Islamic new year – the 1st of Muharram which signals the true Islamic new year (rather than 1st January); the Night of Qadr during the Month of Ramadhan which signifies the spiritual New Year in which the affairs of the entire following year are decreed and the third is Nawrooz – the ‘New Day’ - which signals the beginning of spring and a change in seasons – a time which should also reflect a change and a rebirth within our selves.

What do our scholars say about this day and its importance? Ayatullah al-Uzma Makarim Shirazi, in his recent publication, Mafaatih al-Naveen (an updated version of Mafaatih al-Jinaan of Shaykh Abbas Qummi), writes: “In regards to what Islam has to say about Eid-e-Nowrooz, we must state that amongst the scholars, this Eid is debated. Some of the traditions point to the importance of this day as one in which many nations were saved (from perils).” 

He goes on to state that, “The Late Allamah Majlisi writes in Zad al-Ma‘aad that, “From a reliable chain of narrators from Mu‘alla ibne Janis it has been narrated that on the day of Nowrooz, he was blessed to be in the presence of Imam as-Sadiq (AS). 

The Imam asked, “Do you know the status of this day?” Mu‘alla replied, “May I be sacrificed for your sake! This is the day which the Iranians took as a great day. On this day, they send gifts to one another.” 

The Imam replied, “The act of holding this day in esteem and greatness is due to certain historical events which took place which I will now explain to you.” 

The Imam then mentioned the following events: Nowrooz is the day when Allah, the High, took the promise from the souls of all human beings (before their creation) to His oneness, that they would not associate partners with Him and that they would accept and believe in His Prophets and Imams; this is also the day when the flood during the time of Prophet Nuh (AS) subsided and the ark rested on the mountain of Joodi; Nowrooz is also the day when the Messenger of Allah destroyed the idols of the polytheists of the Quraish in the city of Makkah. This was also the day that Prophet Ibrahim destroyed the idols; also the day when the Messenger of Allah ordered his companions to pledge allegiance to Ali as the Commander of the Faithful (this is in reference to the Day of Ghadeer which took place on the Eid-e-Nowrooz); it is also the day when the Qa’im from Aale Muhammad (the 12th Imam) will make his advent…” 

However, Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi cautions that, “Since Mu‘alla ibne Janis is an individual whom the scholars question (and thus this tradition as well falls under question), for this reason, it is not possible to rely on this tradition.” None the less, he states that this day has Islamic significance, which we need to ensure is marked in an Islamic fashion. He concludes by stating that the Eid-e-Nowrooz is an Eid of nature in the world of creation; it is the day when winter ends and spring blossoms with its natural life by the command of Allah. It is the time when the leaves of the trees begin to sprout their buds and the flowers begin to bring forth their bulbs in preparation of their blooming; it is a time when a movement towards life takes hold of all of creation and thus we, the believers, should be in harmony with this event of the creation as this is equivalent to being in sync with the tradition (Sunnat) of Allah.

The believers need to ensure that they remove all actions which are ‘cultural’ or ‘traditional’ – even if practiced by Muslims, and to follow the dictates of the Prophet and the Imams. 

Thus, some of the recommend actions which we should perform on this day include: a ghusl for Eid; wearing clean clothes; applying perfume; fasting, praying the recommended Salat after Salaatul Asr and the various supplications which should be read on this day, some of which are found in Mafaatih al-Jinaan [The Prayer’s Almanac in English by PET] and Mafaatih al-Naveen. 


Mar 17, '13 10:29 AM
for everyone

There is a Joy in Forgiveness in which You cannot Find in Revenge

A man related to Imam Sajjad (as) came to him, and started cursing the Imam.
Imam Sajjad (as) did not answer the man. When the man left, Imam Sajjad (as) said to his companions, "you have heard what this man said to me; I would like you to come with me so that you can hear my reply to him."
The companions replied, "We will come with you, for we would like you to answer him back. We too would like to say something to him."
Imam Sajjad (as) put on his shoes and he read this verse as he began to leave, "...Those who lower and suppress their anger, yet forgive people, truly Allah loves them." (3:134)
Hearing that, the companions of Imam Sajjad (as) understood that the Imam will not answer the man back.
They walked towards the man’s house till they reached to his door. With a loud voice Imam (as) said, "Tell him Ali-ibn al-Hussain is here." The man came out offensively prepared to face the punishment of Imam Sajjad (as). But Imam Sajjad (as) told the man, "My Brother! A few moments ago you came to me, and you said whatever you wished.

If what you said about me is true within me, then I will ask Allah for forgiveness; and if what you said is not within me, then May Allah forgive you."

At that time the man kissed Imam Sajjad’s (as) forehead and said: "I said something about you that is not in you, yet I deserve whatever I said to you."

God Almighty will address man as follows on the day of judgement.....

Mar 17, '13 10:31 AM
for everyone

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, is reported to have said:

"God Almighty will address man as follows on the day of judgement:

"'O Son of Adam! I was sick and you did not visit Me.'

"Then man will reply, 'How might I visit You, seeing that You are the Creator of both worlds?' God will answer, 'Did you not know that such-and-such a servant of Mine fell sick? You did not care enough to visit him; it you had, you would have found Me with him.'

"God will then continue, 'O son of Adam! I asked you for food and you did not feed Me.' Man will reply, `How might I feed You, seeing that You are the Creator of both worlds?' God will answer, `Did you not know that such-and-such a servant of Mine asked you for food? You refused to feed him; if you had fed him, you would have found Me with him.'

"God will then continue, 'O son of Adam! I asked you to give Me water to drink and you refused Me.' Man will reply, 'How might I give You water to drink, seeing that Your power holds the fate of all things in its hand?' God will answer, 'A servant of Mine asked you for water to drink, but you refused him. If you had given him water, you would have found Me with him." (al-Wasa'il, Vol. II, p. 636)

The essential nature of man, in both its corporeal and spiritual dimensions, predisposes him to love and to creative effort. If certain negative impulses cause him to engage in transgression, oppression and harshness, this represents a kind of pathological state in which man has decided to fill himself with corruption and impurity; there is always a way open for him to emerge from this state.

The Qur'an regards it as imperative for man that he should react to sin and rebellion against God with disgust. Thus it proclaims:

"God has made faith beloved of you and adorned it to your hearts, and He has made sin and disbelief ugly and repellent" (49:7).

In order to choose the path of justice and true happiness, to reach the shore of salvation, it is therefore enough to follow the path that our indwelling and essential nature has traced out before us.

Imam al-Sadiq, upon whom be peace, says the following concerning the eternal nature of punishment:

"If one group among the people of hell fire is destined to stay there eternally, this is because it was their intention to persist in sin if they were made immortal in this world. Likewise, it the people of paradise are destined to remain there eternally, this is because it was their intention always to obey God and His commands it they were made immortal in this world. The type of eternal existence each group enjoys is therefore determined by its own aims and intentions." (Ibid., Vol. I, p. 36)

"On the day of resurrection they will bear the heavy burden of their own sins...

Mar 17, '13 10:35 AM
for everyone
The Qur'an says:

"On the day of resurrection they will bear the heavy burden of their own sins, as well as that of the sins of those whose ignorance and foolishness they exploited in order to lead them astray. What an evil burden it is they will carry!" (16:25).

Imam al-Baqir, upon whom be peace, said:

"Whoever among God's servants established an evil custom among men will be charged with a sin equivalent to the sin of those whom he has led astray, without their sin being diminished in any way." (Safinat al-Bihar, Vol. I, p. 674)

Thus a finite action on the part of man may be equivalent to an infinite series of actions.

Not only does every human act leave some trace in the human world; its also leaves a profound imprint, of a specific type, on the world of the unseen. It sets in motion waves of attraction or repulsion; if the act be evil, the entire world of the unseen unites to repel it, and if it be good, to attract it.

And do not follow the footsteps of Shaytan (satan); surely he is your open enemy (2:208)."

Mar 17, '13 10:36 AM
for everyone

"And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him. And in the Hereafter he shall be one of the losers (3:85)."
"O you who believe! enter into submission one and all, and do not follow the footsteps of Shaytan (satan); surely he is your open enemy (2:208)."

"And fulfil the covenant of Allah when you have made a covenant, and do not break the oaths after making them fast, and you have indeed made Allah a surety for you; surely Allah knows what you do (16:91)."
The purpose of this verse is to indicate that any Muslim who makes a promise to Allah or to people must keep it and must not breach it.

"Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and have debates with them in the best manner; surely your Lord best knows those who go astray from His path, and He knows best those who follow the right way (16:125)."

Most Poor In The Day Of Judgement

Mar 17, '13 10:38 AM
for everyone

Most Poor In The Day Of Judgement

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) is reported to have said to his companions: Do you know who is poor? They replied: He among us is poor who does not have any money nor any property or assets. The Holy Prophet replied: In fact, the poor in my Ummah is the one who will bring with him his prayers and fasts and Zakat and Hajj but he had also given a bad name to somebody, had taken someone's property unjustly or had shed somebody's blood wrongly or had beaten someone unlawfully.

So all of his good (rewards) will be distributed to the aforesaid claimers in proportion to their usurped rights until all of his good will be finished and yet he will remain indebted. Then the sins (punishments) of the rightful claimers will be thrown in the account of the indebted fellow.