Sunday, 2 September 2012

Relentless Awaiting

Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

  Imām Jaʿfar ibn Muhammad al-Sādiq (A.S.) said: 

"One who desires to be among the companions of the Qaem (atfs), must await, adopt piety and behave courteously. If he dies in such a condition before the reappearance of Qaem (atfs), then his reward will be similar to the one who lives after His reappearance. Hence, congratulations to you all for your relentless awaiting."’.

[Reference: Ghaibat-e-Nomani Pg.200 ]

A humble request
Please do pray for restoration of Jannat al-Baqi & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs) .

Iltemase Dua


The Role of Women in the Government of Imam Mahdi (AFS)

Salam alaikum,

 Please share especially with the respected sisters of your communities..




Fi amanillah,



"The Mahdi will rise up...along with 313 men and fifty women without any previous arrangement among themselves, like separate clouds clustering in the sky, one after another. This is the meaning of the verse where Allah says, 'Wherever you may be, Allah will gather you together. Allah is capable of all things.' (2:148) They will pledge their allegiance to the Mahdi between the Black Stone (of the Ka'bah) and the Station of Ibrahim, and the Mahdi will rise up with them from Mecca." - Imam Al Baqir (AS)

(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)



All Imams recited Munajat Sha'biniya. . Those who recited this prayer, also fought against the unbelievers. These prayers take man out of darkness and he who comes out of darkness becomes the real man. Then he does everything for Allah's sake. If he wields the swords, he does so for the sake of Allah; if he fights, he does so for the sake of Allah and if rises, he does so for the sake of Allah. 

It is absolutely wrong to say that prayers make man idle and useless. Those who say such things, to them this world is everything. They believe everything beyond this world to be fantastic. But one day they will find that the things they thought to be fantastic were real and the things they thought to be real were fantastic. In fact prayers, sermons and the books like Nahjul Balaghah and Mafatihul Jinan help man in building his personality.

When one becomes a real man, he automatically begins to act according to true Islamic principles. He cultivates land, but his cultivation is for Allah. He fights but only against the infidels and wrongdoers. Such people are the monotheists and pious prayerers. Those who accompanied the Holy Prophet and the Commander of the Faithful were devoted worshippers.

Imam Ali himself used to offer prayers while fighting was going on. Fighting and praying went on side by side. Once while fighting was going on somebody asked him a question. He immediately rose and delivered a sermon. Somebody said: 'Sermon even on this occasion?' He said: 'It is for what we fight.' According to a report he added: 'We do not fight against Mu'awiyah to capture Syria. Syria has no importance to us.'

The Holy Prophet and Imam Ali were not keen to conquer Syria and Iraq. They wanted to deliver the people from the oppressors and to reform them morally. It was they who were ardent worshippers. 

Dua' Kumayl was taught by Imam Ali to Kumayl, who himself was a warrior.



There are many degrees of devotion. Anyhow, the first step is shunning the selfishness and getting out of the narrow hole of egoism.

For this purpose the first thing to be done is to wake up for the sake of Allah and not to remain sleeping. At present we are asleep, although apparently awake. Our waking is that of animals, not of man.

A tradition says that people are asleep; they will wake up when they will die. At that time they will realize that they were totally unconscious of the real situation. A Qur'anic verse says: 'Hell is surrounding the unbelievers'. 

It means that Hell is even now surrounding them but man being in a state of unconsciousness does not perceive that. When he will gain his consciousness, he will realize that there is a fire all round him. We all have to go by this path. Therefore it is better for us to wake up and walk along the 'straight path' shown to us by the Prophets.



It is not correct to think that a worldly person is he who possesses wealth. One may possess a lot of wealth, but still may not be worldly. On the other hand, a student possessing only one book may be worldly if he was too much attached to it. 

Attachment to worldly things is the criterion of being worldly. Because of this attachment a person may become hostile to Allah when he finds himself at the time of his death forced to quit his favourite things and thus may die as an enemy of Allah. Therefore, we must lessen our attachment to worldly things. Obviously we have to quit this world one day or other. So it does not make any difference whether we are attached to the world or not.



All our devotional acts serve our own interests only. Those who are more pious among us perform them for the sake of Paradise. Take away the temptation of Paradise, then see who performs them. 

Imam Ali's case is different. He was in fact fond of the acts of devotion and worship. It is said about him that he loved the acts of devotion and embraced them. As a matter of principle it is not of much significance to perform acts of worship for the sake of Paradise. 

A person who has reached the stage of passing away in Allah, attaches no importance to Paradise. He actually does not care for it. Paradise and Hell are alike for him who has annihilated himself. He praises Allah because he believes that Allah deserves devotions. This position is attained by those who are fond of acts of worship. They worship Allah because they believe that He is fit for being worshipped.



Has it been said without any reason that at the war of Ditch (Khandaq) one stroke of Imam Ali's sword was more meritorious than all the acts of worship performed by the jinn and mankind? 

Apparently his stroke was no more than a blow to kill a person. But it had a far greater significance. At that time Islam was facing the combined forces of infidelity and if Muslims had been defeated in that encounter, the very existence of Islam would have been endangered. There is still another aspect of the question, and that is the dedication and devotion involved in Imam Ali's act. Once while Imam Ali was on the chest of an enemy, he spat on the Imam's face. Imam Ali at once got off so that his act might not be affected by the motive of personal vengeance.

The spirit of such a stroke is certainly superior to all acts of worship. It is this spirit which gives the acts of a true believer their proper meaning and significance. Outwardly the acts performed by the polytheists and the monotheists, the idolaters and these who do not worship the idols, look alike. Apparently there is no difference in them. Abu Sufyan also used to offer prayers. Mu'awiyah(l.a) was himself the Imam of Congregational prayers. They performed their religious acts like others. It is the spirit of prayer that accords sublimity to it. If the spirit is there, prayer is a devotional act. Otherwise it is nothing more than a mere show and a fraud. This principle applies to us also. We simply deceive each other.


That is the right religion, but most men do not know 'even this fact' (Surah ar-Rum, 30:30)

The spiritual traveler should be single minded and well-intentioned. The objective of his spiritual journey should be nothing but to pass away in Allah. 

The Qur'an says: "Worship Allah keeping worship purely for Him."

A number of reports say that there are three grades of intention. 

Imam Sadiq is reported to have said: "There are three kinds of worshippers: There are some who worship Allah because they are afraid of Him. Their worship is that of the slaves. There are some others who worship Allah for the sake of recompense. Their worship is that of the wage-earners. There are till others who worship Allah because they love Him. Their worship is that of freemen."

On deep thinking it appears that there are two kinds of worship. One of them is not worship at all in the right sense, because those who perform this kind of worship are actually self-worshippers. They are motivated by self-interest. As self-worshippers cannot be the worshippers of Allah, they may even be regarded as a sort of unbelievers.

The Qur'an has described the worship of Allah as man's nature. At the same time it has denied the possibility of any change in man's in-born qualities.

Set your purpose for religion as a man by nature upright - the nature in which Allah has created man. There is no altering in the nature framed by Allah. 

That is the right religion, but most men do not know 'even this fact' (Surah ar-Rum, 30:30)


Remember that no fear shall come upon the friends of Allah, nor shall they grieve. (Surah Hud, 10:62)

If a devotee purified his tongue and his other organs but at the time of spending money was negligent of his duty, his faith would not be perfect. Every bodily organ must get that part of faith which is related to it. The heart which is the chief of all organs should be kept busy with remembering the Names and Attributes of Allah and pondering over the Divine signs in men and the universe. That is the way how man's heart imbibes the spirit of faith. The Qur'an says: It may be noted that with the remembrance of Allah the hearts become satisfied. (Surah ar-Ra'd, 13:28)

When every organ has obtained its due share of faith, the devotee should intensify his spiritual effort and enter the domain of certainty and conviction by completing the stages of major Islam and major faith.

Those who believe and obscure not their belief by wrong doing, theirs is safety; and they are rightly guided. (Surah al-An'am, 6:82)

As a result of doing spiritual exercises the spiritual traveller will not only be placed on the right path, but will also become safe from the assaults of Satan.

Remember that no fear shall come upon the friends of Allah, nor shall they grieve. (Surah Hud, 10:62)


Allah has not assigned to any man two hearts within his body

Only that man will busy himself with trivial things who is interested in them. A spiritual traveler who has attained to the stage of greater faith and for whom well doing has become a habit, cannot be fond of anything vain, for no heart can love two contradictory things at one and the same time. 

Allah Himself has said: 
Allah has not assigned to any man two hearts within his body. (Surah al-Ahzab, 33:4)



The spiritual traveller has to pass through twelve such worlds before he succeeds in passing the stages of greater emigration and greater jihad and enters the field of sincerity. 

Then he will be called successful and victorious and will enter the world of sincerity and the compound of We belong to Allah and We will surely return to Him (Surah al-Baqarah, 2:l56).For him the greater self-resurrection will already have taken place. He will enter the stage of total passing away from self after crossing the curtains of bodies, souls and every thing fixed and appointed. 

He will have one foot in the world of divinity, and he will have passed the stage of Everybody has to taste death (Surah Ali Imran, 3:185). Such a person being at the stage of passing away from self though consciously alive, yet in one sense will be dead. That is why concerning Imam Ali the Holy Prophet said: 

"Whoever wants to see a dead man walking, let him see Ali ibn Abi Talib."


Silence is a part of wisdom. It is a sign of every virtue

There are two kinds of silence: 

(i) general and relative; (ii) particular and absolute. 

Relative silence means to refrain from talking to people in excess to what is absolutely required. This kind of silence is necessary for the spiritual traveler at every stage. It is commendable for others also. 

Imam Ja'far Sadiq has said: 
"Silence is the way of the lovers of Allah because Allah likes it. It is the style of the Prophets and the habit of the chosen people."

Imam Ja'far Sadiq referred to this kind of silence when he said: "Our partisans (Shi'ah) are dumb." A report is mentioned in the Misbahush Shari'ah according to which 

According to another report Imam Ja'far Sidiq said:

"Silence is a part of wisdom. It is a sign of every virtue."

Particular and absolute silence means to refrain from talking during verbal recollection of Allah.



Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

  Imām Jaʿfar ibn Muhammad al-Sādiq (A.S.) said: 
to Abu Baseer:

 “Shall I not tell you that which Allāh (s.w.t.) does not accept deed from the people except with it? The narrator said, “Yes, please do.” He (a.s.) said: “Witnessing that there is no god but  Allāh and Muhammad is the messenger of  Allāh, submitting to the orders of  Allāh (s.w.t.), believing in the guardianship of the infallible imams, submitting to them especially, and disavowing their enemies, piety, sincerity of faith and waiting for al-Qaim (a.s.). There will be a state for us, Ahle Bayt.  Allāh (s.w.t.) achieves that when He wills. Whoever likes to be one of al- Qaim’s companions has to wait while being pious and acting morally. If that one dies before the advent of al-Qaim (a.s.), he will be rewarded as if he has accompanied al-Qaim (a.s.). Try your best (in being pious) and wait. How lucky you are, O you the mercified group!”.

[Reference: Ghaibat-e-Nomani Pg.Pg. 133 ]

A humble request
Please do pray for restoration of Jannat al-Baqi & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs) .

Iltemase Dua


Pleasure & Wrath of Allāh(s.w.t.)

Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

As-salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatoh,
 Holy Prophet Muhammad  al Mustafā  (S.A.W.W) said:

"The pleasure of Allāh lies in the pleasure of one's parents (in the case that it is right), and His wrath lies in their wrath."

[Reference: Mustadrak-ul-Wasa'il-ush-Shi'ah, vol. 15, p. 176]

A humble request
Please do pray for restoration of Jannat al-Baqi & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs) .

Iltemase Dua
