Short Dua for 29th Day of Ramzān al-Mubarak 1433 A.H.
Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem
Holy Prophet Muhammad al Mustafā (S.A.W.W) said:
“I swear by Him Who has sent me with the truth as Prophet; Archangel Gabriel has reported to me from Archangel Israfel who directly reports from Almighty Allāh that one who offers this prayer, (at the last night of Ramzān al-Mubarak) [Prayer is in attachment] will not raise his head from prostration before Almighty Allāh would forgive him, accept his acts during the month of Ramzān , and overlooks his sins..."
[Reference: Mafatih al-Jinan]
Dua for Twenty-ninth Ramzan al-Mubarak
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Allaahumma Ghashshinee Feehi Bir-Rah’mati War-Zuqnee Feehit Tawfeeqa Wal I’s’mata Wa Tahir Qalbee Min Ghayaahibit Tuhmati Yaa Rah’eeman Bi-I’baadihil Moomineen
O Allah draw me near to Thy mercy, in this month, and enwrap me with it, keep me alive attached with guidance, having a clear conscience, cleanse my heart from the vulgarity of making false accusations, O He who treats the faithful servants mercifully.
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A’amal for Last Night of Ramzan al-Mubarak
Recommended Salat for 30th night of Ramzan al-Mubarak
Recite 12 Rak-a’t Namaaz(2x6)
In every Rak-a’t,
Soorah Al Faatih’ah - 1Time
Soorah A - 20 times
l Ikhlaas
After the Salam, Salawaat -100 times