Among his wise sayings are the following: "God abhors hearsay, the loss of one's funds (through foolishness), and excessive questioning." "To be courteous to people is to cross half the way to achieving wisdom." "The mind of a Muslim is not complete except after he acquires ten merits:
God accepts his good deeds, he is trustworthy, he sees as plentiful what little good others do for him, while seeing his own abundant good as little; he does not fret from being asked for favours, nor does he feel tired of constantly seeking knowledge; poverty reached in order to please God is better for him than wealth accumulated otherwise; to be subjected to power while trying to serve God is better in his regard than achieving power over his foe, and obscurity he prefers over fame."
Then he said, "And the third one..., do you know what the third one is?" It was said to him, "What is it?" He said, "Whenever he meets someone, he says, `He is better than me and more pious.' People are two types: a person better than him and more pious, and one who is more evil than him and more lowly. If he meets the one who is more evil than him and more lowly, he would say to himself `Maybe the goodness of this (statement) is implied, and it is better that he hears such a compliment, while my own goodness is apparent and it is detrimental to me.' And when he sees someone better than him and more pious, he would humble himself before him trying to raise himself to his level. So if he does that, his glory will be higher, his reputation will be better, and he will become distinguished above his contemporaries."
"Silence is one of the gates of wisdom. Silence wins the love of others. It is an indication of everything good." "Everyone's friend is his reason; his enemy is his ignorance." "Among the habits of Prophets is cleanliness." "One who is blessed with plenty must spend generously on his family." "If you mention someone who is present, use a kunya (surname) for him, and if he is absent, mention his full name." "Time will come when one's safety lies in ten things nine of which are in staying aloof from people, and the tenth in staying silent." "Whoever scrutinizes his behaviour wins; whoever does not loses. Whoever fears consequences will live safely. Whoever learns a moral from others achieves insight, and whoever achieves insight achieves wisdom, and whoever achieves wisdom achieves knowledge. One who befriends the ignorant will be worn out. The best of wealth is that which safeguards one's honour. The best of reason is one's knowledge of his own self. If a true believer becomes angry, his anger does not cause him to abandon righteousness; when he is pleased, his pleasure will not tempt him into wrong-doing, and when he achieves power, he does not take more than what rightfully is his." "If one's attributes become plentiful, they will relieve him from having to win praise by mentioning them." "Do not pay attention to the view of someone who does not follow your advice for his own good. Whoever seeks guidance from the appropriate source will never slip, and if he slips, he will find a way to correct himself." "People's hearts are sometimes coming towards you, sometimes keeping away from you; sometimes they are active, sometimes they are relaxed. If they come along, they will achieve wisdom and understanding, and if they stay away, they will be exhausted and worn out; so, take them when they come to you and when they are active, and shun them when they stay away or are relaxed." "Accompany with caution the person who has authority over you; be humble when in the company of a friend; stay alert when facing an enemy, and mingle with the public with a smile on your face." "Postponement is detrimental to the fulfillment of desires. Fulfillment is the gain of the strict. Wastefulness is the calamity of one who can afford it. Miserliness tears up honour. Passion invites trouble. The best and most honourable of virtues is to do others favours, to aid the one who calls for help, to bring the hope of the hopeful to reality, not to disappoint the optimist, to have an ever increase of the number of friends when you are alive, and the number of those who will cry when you die." "The miser one is never restful. The envious is never pleased. The grumbling is never loyal. The liar has no conscience." "One who struggles to satisfy the needs of his family shall have more rewards than those who make jihad in the Way of God." |
When Nimrud wanted to burn Hazrat Ibrahim a.s in the fire.The angels of heaven cried and Jibril a.s pleaded: O God only one person had been worshiping you and now the enemy is dominated him.
The God addressed: When ever I want I will support him.
The angels pleaded: O God! the Provident then grant us permission to help him soon. God addressed and said: You may proceed,if he gave permission, you may help him.
An angel who was appointed the authority of water came and the angels who were delegates of earth and fire arrived and said: O Ibrahim! Give us permission to save you and kill your enemies but Ibrahim a.s did allowed them.
Jibril a.s visited him and said: O Ibrahim! Do you have any wish.
Hazrat Ibrahim a.s replied: I have wish but I do not want to ask you.
Jibril a.s replied: To whoever you want to tell, you ask him.
He replied: He knows about my wish he is not ignorant.
The Almighty God addressed: O fire be cool and safe to Ibrahim.
Characteristics of the Shi'as
Hasan ibn Musa al-Washsha' al-Baghdadi: In Khorasan, I was in a session with Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (AS) where Zayd ibn Musa (the Imam's brother) was also present and was addressing the audience with pomposity and pride, saying: We are so and so.
Talking to another group of people, Imam Reza (AS) heard him what he said, so he turned to him and said: O Zayd! Have the words uttered by Kufan grocers deluded you , when he said: Fatima was chaste and pure, and thus Allah safeguarded her progeny from the [Hell] Fire?! I swear by Allah this is true only for al-Hasan (AS), al-Husayn(AS) and the child born from her. But if Musa ibn Jafar (AS) obeys Allah, fasting in day time and spending nights in worshipping, and you disobey Allah and then be treated the same as him on the Resurrection Day, in this case you will be more dearer to the Exalted Allah than him, Ali ibn al-Husayn(AS) used to say: For the righteous among us there will be double reward and for the wrongdoer double chastisement.
Al-Hasan al-Washsha' says: Then the Imam (AS) faced me and said: O Hasan how do you read the ayah: "He said: O Noah! He is not of thy family, for his conduct is unrighteous" (11:46). I said some interpret it as:" For his conduct is unrighteous", and some others mean it as: "For he is [born] of unrighteous act". So those who read it as by the latter phrasing, they deny he was Noah's son. The Imam (AS) said: "Never it is so. He was Noah's son, but since he disobeyed Allah, the Almighty, He denied him of his father. Similarly, any one of us [the Ahl al-Bayt] who disobeys the Exalted Allah is not of us; and if anyone obeys Allah's commands he is of us. |