Statement Issued by the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America: Concerning the offensive film which slanders the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad son of Abdullah (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful "And We have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds." [Holy Quran 21:107] To all respected leaders and decision-makers in governments, religions, or foundations and organizations which carry the responsibility and honor of serving humanity as well as global peace and security... With hearts filled with pain and sorrow, and eyes filled with tears, Muslims as well as all free spirited individuals in this world unite to express their honorable position in the face of the offensive video clips being propagated these days. These clips are from a movie which is supposedly to be released, and have been broadcast through various media outlets worldwide. The clips contain unforgivable insults to the greatest Islamic personality of all time, the leader of one of the world's major faith traditions, and one of the most important icons worldwide. He is a man who enjoys the respect and appreciation of billions of human beings - at the very least, among those who have even the slightest proper knowledge, awareness and information regarding him and his message. The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America, including its religious scholars, preachers, spiritual leaders, and Islamic center and organization leaders, serving the American and Canadian communities, senses the threat of an intentionally devised scheme, filled with hate, behind the insults and offenses against such a holy figure. Attacking the personality of one who is so significant to a community of over 1.5 billion human beings can incite conflict which threatens worldwide security and stability. These billions of human beings view this figure with such high regard, love, allegiance, and loyalty, and are spread out across the globe. The resulting strife may eventually lead to wars and bloodshed, let alone destroy the coexistence and harmony which Muslims and non-Muslims have become accustomed to as members of a single community and nation. The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America severely condemns and strongly denounces this heinous act. Moreover, the Council cautions and demands that all those with a sense of responsibility take the following into account: - Officials and governmental authorities should exercise extensive efforts to prevent the propagation of causes for spreading hate which can endanger security and stability. Among such causes is this offensive and inappropriate film. This must be done in order to protect the lives and property of people from the rage of those taken by emotions and who may lose control, whether Muslims or non-Muslims.
- International media outlets, at all levels, should exercise their responsibilities ethically and professionally, by deleting these repulsive clips, which incite hatred and violence, from their websites and other mediums. Indeed, freedom of expression does not at all mean giving the opportunity to insult the beliefs and sacred icons of communities, disrespecting them and disregarding their emotions. Rather, such acts may eventually lead to legal prosecution.
- We call upon all artists, writers and media personnel who truly wish to benefit from the experiences of humanity, its religions and peoples, to refer to the experts and proper sources to learn about any particular religion or community. Yes, we would like to confirm that some books of Muslims, which claim to be attributed to them and to the heritage of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), do contain false reports that offend Islam and the personality of the Prophet. However, that is not to be considered an excuse for those of greed and conspiracies to take advantage. That is because such reports or books are known to represent only an extremist mob which has been abandoned by history and humanity, let alone being abandoned by Muslims and free spirited individuals.
- The Council urges all believers, who revolted and rebelled out of a sense of protectiveness and loyalty to the Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his family), to exercise utmost caution and wariness regarding the entities or individuals that wish ill for Muslims. They await for a slip here or an act there to make it into an excuse to drag the Muslims, especially the members of safe societies and nations, into artificial wars which serve the enemies of humanity as a whole. It is not hidden that those who aim for such provocations are surely neither among those who believe in God, nor among those who belong to a faith tradition, and they merely aim to achieve their narrow-minded interests.
In conclusion, we confirm the need to avoid any step which may promote this despicable film's popularity and viewership. We call upon all believers and free spirited individuals, who are revolting against this despicable act to express their protectiveness, love, allegiance, and loyalty to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family), to abide by wise and peaceful means within the legal and religious guidelines. We also urge them to appeal to decision-makers and people of influence, in all countries across the globe, to limit and prevent these slanderous lies. Perhaps, one of the most important things which can be done is to sponsor an international seminar gathering experts in the history and heritage of various religions and peoples, as well as experts in the art and media of various cultures, in order to discuss the inherited information which is spread throughout libraries worldwide about this unique personality. Then the seminar can come out with a final, official document, which sheds light on the historical truth as it is, brilliantly clear. This would serve humanity, knowledge and civilization, would prevent the causes of sedition, and shut the doors of the greedy, the opportunists, and those who live on turmoil and planting the seeds of hate for fellow human beings. "Surely (as for) those who speak evil things of Allah and His Messenger, Allah has cursed them in this world and the hereafter, and He has prepared for them a chastisement bringing disgrace." [Holy Quran 33:57] "They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths but Allah will perfect His light, though the unbelievers may be averse." [Holy Quran 61:8] May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. The Office of Media Relations for the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America
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