Saturday, 15 September 2012


Oct 14, '10 11:48 AM
for everyone


-- Imam Ali (AS)
 In his deathbed, placed a great emphasis on worshipping God, the Almighty saying, "Prayers, prayers, prayers."

--The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran says: "Man always needs to worship God especially when in danger."

-- A scholar of Qom Seminary

says: "One night I was invited to the house of Hajj Mustafa Khomeini [son of Imam Khomeini (R.A.)] who lived with his father. In the middle of the night someone moaning awakened me. I woke Hajj Mustafa up and asked him what the moaning could be. He listened for a moment and then said: `It is Imam Khomeini communing with his Lord.'"

--The Prophet (SAW)said: "On the night of Ascension I saw 70,000 cities like those of yours wherein angels had been worshipping God saying: `May God, the Almighty send His blessings unto those who attend the Friday prayers."

-- Prayers are the most comprehensive forms of worshipping.

--Imam Mahdi (AS) said to Zuhri twice: "Those who delay the performance of morning prayers until the setting of stars and of the evening prayers until the appearance of stars -- are out of Allah's blessings."

-- The Prophet (SAW)

said: "After their death, those who have not performed their prayers would beseech God to allow them to return to this world to make up for what they have neglected. (But) God, the Almighty will not do so because He knows well that they will not stand by their words."

--The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) says that there are secrets about paying Zakat (poor-rate) which also exist in prayers:

a) Zakat is a financial gift to the poor and in prayers one pray for the poor as well as the Muslim Ummah.

b) By paying Zakat, one's wealth becomes pure and by worshipping God, one's heart is cleansed of sins.

c) Zakat means thanking Allah and by the performance of prayers one thanks Him in his heart for his mental and physical health.

d) Zakat is the destroyer of financial meanness and prayer is the destroyer of one's arrogance.

e) Zakat protects one's wealth and worship protects one's deeds against evil-doings. Zakat is a stock for the poor and prayers are a stock for the pious.

f) He who pays Zakat wishes abundance in his wealth and he who worships wishes to be rewarded.

-- As long as one is praying, angels pray for him saying, "O Lord! Send your blessings unto him."

--Anas Ibn Malik said that the Prophet (SAW) never allowed his prayers to be delayed, even when he was traveling.

-- One dayAbdullah Ibn Masoudattended the congregation prayer led by the Holy Prophet (SAW), but he was late. He freed a slave to compensate for having lost the virtue of attending the congregation in time.

He asked the Prophet (SAW) if Allah had forgiven him.The Prophet (SAW)said that if he would spent all his wealth, he will never be given back the spiritual reward he had missed.

-- The Prayers of the followings are not accepted:

1- Those who are indifferent to others.

Imam Sadiq (AS) says: "The prayers of those who are indifferent to the destitute and the homeless will not be accepted."

2- Usurers

The Prophet (SAW) says: "The prayers of usurers are like building a house on sandy ground."

3- Irresponsible People

The Prophet (SAW) says: "The prayers of those women who benefit from their husbands' income, but do not show a sense of responsibility to do their duties - are not accepted by God."

4- Those who evade paying Zakat

The Qur'an places great emphasis on the observance of prayers as well as paying Zakat. God does not accept the prayers of those who do not pay Zakat.


While leaving house for special work/object/purposes

While leaving house for special work/object/purposes

A reliable tradition from Hazrat Ali (a.s) states that when a person enters his house he should offer salutation and if his house is not present he should say:


May there be peace on us from our God.

When he is inside the house he should recite sure Qul Huvallaho Ahad as it keeps away poverty and anxiety.

When one has to go out for some special work then one should go on Thursday morning and recite those verses from Aale Imran which are given below, also recite Ayatal Kursi, Inna Anzalna and surae Alhmad. Those verses are:





Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alteration of the night and the day, there are signs for men who possess wisdom.

Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and reclining on their sides and think (Seriously) in the creation of the heaven and the earth saying ‘O’ Our Lord! Thou hast not created (all) this in vain! Glory be to Thee! Save us then from the torment of the (Hell) fire’.

O’ our lord! whomsoever Thou causeth to enter the (hell) fire, surely Thou hast put him to disgrace; there is not, for the unjust, any of the helpers.

O’ Our Lord! We have indeed heard the voice of a Crier (Messenger), calling (us) unto faith, saying, “Believe ye in your Lord!” therefore “Forgive us then our sins and remove away from us our evil deeds and cause us to die with the virtuous ones”.

O’ Our Lord! and give us what Thou didst promise us through Thy Prophets, and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection; Verily, Thou breakest not Thy Promise”. (Quran 3: 190-194).







Do Not Use the Bounties for Committing Sins

Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) wrote a letter to certain friends of his:

If you wish that your life and the hereafter be accomplished with the best of the deeds and that your soul be captured (death occurs) in this condition, then acknowledge the supremacy of Allah.

Do not misuse the bounties and gifts granted to you by Allah in committing acts that are forbidden by Him and become disobedient to Him. Respect all those who remember us, Ahle Bayt (a.s.), and claim to love us. It is immaterial (for you) whether he is truthful or not. For you will be rewarded according to your intention and they (the liars) will be punished for their sins.
(Behaarul Anwaar)


Conversation of Ali (a.s.) With Some Shias

Conversation of Ali (a.s.) With Some Shias

On a certain evening Ali (a.s.) was departing from the mosque. The surroundings were bright due to the moonlight. He saw behind him a group of people walking towards him. He enquired as to who they were? They said: "We are your Shias." Ali (a.s.) looked at their faces carefully and said.

"Why is it that your faces do not exhibit any sign of you being a Shia?".

"Master, what are the signs of a Shia?"

"Their faces are pale due to excessive worship and the fear of Allah, their backs are bent due to prolonged prayers, too much fasting causes their abdomen to touch their backbones, their lips become dry be repeating endless invocations, and their hearts are filled with the fear of Allah."
(Behaarul Anwaar, Al-Irshad).


Types of Taqwa According to Allama Majlisi

According to Allama Majlisi (r.a.) there are four types of 'Taqwa'

1. 'Wara-e-Ta'beeri- which means to abstain from the prohibited things.

2. 'Wara-e-Saleheen'- To abstain from doubtful things so that one may not commit a Haraam act.

3. 'Wara-e-Muttaqeen'- To abstain from permissible things so that one is absolutely protected from 'Haraam'.

4. 'Wara-e-Sadeqeen'- To avoid everything that is not religious so that one may not waste precious time in useless acts, even though there may not be any risk of committing a sin.




1 - Hypocrites are characterized by three features: telling lies, reneging on promises, breaching of trust.

2 - The most hateful thing to Allah among those lawful ones is divorce.

3 - Oh, Adam’s descendant! If you have a healthy body and a peaceful mind, and can afford your livelihood for one day , don’t worry about anything else!

4 - Oh, Adam’s descendant! You have within your reach whatever meets your needs, whereas you are seeking things that develop disobedience in you, you do not choose contentment, and nothing, however abundant, can satisfy you.

5 - Avoid the curse of the opressed, since they seek adjudication from Allah and He will never let them down & deny them their rights.

6 - Refrain from using unlawfully obtained construction materials in your building, for they will ruin it.

8 - He who grants a respite to his debtor or cancels his debt will be in heaven on the Day of Judgement.

9 - Fear the curse of the oppressed for it spreads up as the flames of fire.

10 - God punishes man for two sins in this world: injustice and ungratefulness towards parents.

11 - Whoever from among you is more valiant to take solemn oath is nearer to the Hell.

7 - Fear the believer’s insight, for in seeing things, he is assisted by the light of Allah.

12 - Be moderately wordly minded; since everybody shall receive whatever is apportioned to him by fate.

13 - To God, the best act is timely prayer, then right conduct towards parents, then struggle in the way of God.

14 - To God, the most popular servants are unknown pious ones.

15 - To God. The best act is the one which is more lasting, however scanty that might be.



"Oh Salman, at that time they will decorate the mosques as they do to the temples of the Christians and the Jews, and will decorate the Qur'an (without acting accordingly). The Minarets will be long and the people praying will be a lot, but in their hearts they are enemies and the tongues will differ.

Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the males of my ummah will be wearing gold and silk clothing and will make clothes out of leopard/cheetah skin."

Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who has hold of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time adultery will be performed openly, trading will be performed with backbiting and bribe, and people will put religion down and think only of worldly affairs."

Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life" "Oh Salman, at that time divorce will be common and punishment will not be according to Allah's will in Islamic laws. But they must know that they are the ones who suffer, not Allah."

Salman asked, "is this possible oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the singer women, music instrument, and playing music will appear, and the wicked of my ummah will go for them (will follow them)."

Salman asked. "is this possible oh prophet of Allah? He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds my life."

"Oh Salman, at that time the wealthy people in my ummah will go to hajj for pleasure, the middle class people in my ummah will go to hajj for trading, and the poor in my ummah will go to hajj for show off. At that time there will be people who learn the Quran not for Allah's sake. They treat that like playing instrument. There will be people who learn the religious knowledge not for Allah's sake. And the number of illegitimate children will increase. And people recite Quran in a musical way. People will race each other over the worldly material."

Salman asked, "does this happen oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."

"Oh Salman, this will happen when the veil of venerate will be torn apart (honors will be defiled), sins will be common, the bad will take authority over the good, lies will be plentiful, obstinacy(disputes) will be open, the number of poor will increase, and people will pride oneself because of clothing. There will be unseasonable rain, the instruments of music and gamble will be considered interesting, and will dislike amr-e-bil ma’roof (enjoining the good) and nahie-anil monkar (forbidding the evil) so much as that the true Momin (believer) at this time will be considered at the lowest degree of all amongst the ummah, the Quran reciter will backbite one another. Those are the people who will be called unclean and filthy in the kingdom of heavens."

Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time, the rich will not be afraid (of anything) except to the poor so much so that a beggar will continue begging between two Fridays and will not find anyone putting anything in his hands."

Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time will talk ‘Ruuwaibidhah’."

Salman asked: "And what is Ruwaibidhah? O Messenger of Allah, my father and mother be sacrificed for you." Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. said, "Such persons will talk about public affairs who had not talked in such matter before. Then in a short time, chaos will appear upon the earth, and every nation will think that chaos was only in their land (but it will cover the whole world)." "They will remain in that condition as long as Allah would wish them to remain. Then the Earth will throw out the pieces of its heart - gold, silver, and other minerals - (then the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. pointed towards the pillars, and said), "like these in size, but on that day neither gold nor silver will be of any benefit to anyone. And this is the meaning of the words of Allah ‘So surely did come its (i.e. Qiyamat’s) SIGNS’."

(Bihar-ul-Anwar, Vol. III).



It will happen that heir rulers will be such people that if they talked, they would kill them. And if they remained silent, they would confiscate their wealth, would put their honour under their feet and would shed their blood - and the people’s hearts will be full with fear, and you will not find anyone but that he would be afraid, fearful, awed and in terror."

"Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, verily at that time some things will be brought from the East and some things from the West, and my Ummat (Muslims) will be dyed in them. The woe be unto the weaker people of my Ummat from them, and woe be unto those from Allah. They will not have mercy upon the little ones, and will not respect the old ones. The bodies will be human beings, and their heats will be full of Satans."

Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time men are contented with men, and women with women, and will challenge over the boys as they have for the girls in their family! Men make themselves look like women and women like men; women will ride on the saddle and will show off, and Allah will send his curse upon them."



"Oh Salman, at that time women will be rulers and the concubines will be consulted, and the children will sit upon the pulpit ‘mimber’ (could mean disrespect for the mimber or such people will ascend the pulpit who will not deserve such honour), and the lie will be considered cleverness, and zakat (charity) will be disliked as fines, and the booty of war will be squandered as personal property (or in present days’ context, public property will be squandered as personal property), and man will be tyrant to this parents and will be generous to his friend, and at that time comets will appear."

Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the woman will become a partner of her husband in trade, and the rain will be very hot (Climate Change?), and virtuous people will remain sorrowful, and the poor person will be dishonored, and that time, the markets will come nearer (telephones/Internet), then they will say, ‘I did not sell anything’ and they will say, ‘ did not get any profit.’(greed and discontent?) Thus, you will see none who is not complaining against Allah."



"Verily, amongst the Signs of the Hour is that people will neglect prayer, and will follow their own views (and desires will supersede the commandments of Allah S.W.T., they will follow only those rules which will appeal to them, and will leave other rules), and will incline towards their preferences, and will respect the wealth people (forgetting the Islamic criterion of honour, i.e. piety), and will sell the religion for worldly benefits, at that time the heart and the soul of the believer will melt (from grief) as salt melts in water, because he will see the unlawful things and will not be able to change them."

Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."

"Oh Salman, at that time the rulers will be tyrants, the ministers transgressors, and the trustees embezzlers." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."

"Oh Salman, verily at that time the evil will become virtue and the virtue will become evil, the embezzlers will be trusted, and the trustworthy people will be thought untrustworthy, and the liars will be vouchsafed, and the truthful one will be considered a liar."


The Obedient Wife' ..............

There was a man, who had worked all his life, had saved all of his money,

And was a real miser when it came to his money. 

Just before he died, he said to his wife...'When I die, I want you to take all my money and put it in the casket with me. 

I want to take my money to the afterlife with me.' 

And so he got his wife to promise him, with all of her heart, that when he died, she would put all of the money into the casket with him. 

Well, he died.

He was stretched out in the casket, his wife was sitting there - dressed in black, and her friend was sitting next to her. When they finished the ceremony, and just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said, 

'Wait just a moment!'

She had a small metal box with her; she came over with the box and put it in the casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket down and they rolled it away. 

So her friend said, 
'Girl, I know you were not foolish enough to put all that money in there with your husband.' 

The loyal wife replied, 
'Listen, I'm a Christian; 

I cannot go back on my word. I promised him that I was going to put that money into the casket with him.'

You mean to tell me you put that money in the casket with him!?!?!?'

'I sure did,' said the wife.

'I got it all together, put it into my account, and wrote him a cheque.....
If he can cash it, then he can spend it.

Send this to every clever female you know, and
to every man who thinks they are smarter than women!!!
