Sunday, 19 August 2012

I.M.A.M. | The Crescent Presentation (Arabic & English)

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In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful

The Crescent Presentation 

by: Sayyid Mohammed Baqir al-Kashmiri

Please join us by Clicking Here (Arabic)


by: Sheikh Aous Asfar

Please join us by Clicking Here (English)


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Eid-ul-Fitr is linked with the Holy month of Ramadan. It signifies the end of the month of fasting.

In view of the great significance attached to this day of Eid, numerous traditions consisting of prayers and worship of God on this day, have been quoted from the Holy Prophet and his Ahl-al-Bait.

Taking a solemn bath (Ghusl) on the night preceding Eid is highly recommended (Sunnat). This is a night of great sanctity and profound virtues, and should be preferably spent in worship and prayer to God.

Imam Zainul Abedin (a.s.) used to spend this whole night in devotion, and has said: "This night is as important as that of Shab-e-Qadr" (that is to say, the odd night towards the latter part of Ramadan when the Holy Qur'an was first revealed to our Holy Prophet [S.A.W.]).

It is quoted from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) that "one who offers six Rakat prayers on this night reciting in each Rakat Sura Al-Hamnd  once and Sura Qul Howallah five times God will pardon his sins".

Haris Aawar narrates that Hazrat Ali (A.S.), on this night, after Maghrib prayers, used to offer two Rakats prayers. In the first one he used to recite Sure 'Al-Hamd' once and Sura 'Qul Huwallah' one hundred times, and in the other both the Suras only once. After completion of the prayers he would bow his head in prostration and recite "Atubo Ellallah" 100 times and then would say, "I swear by one (God)! He has the sole command over my life". Whoever will, in this way, offer two Rakats prayers, the Beneficent will positively fulfill any wish begged from Him. 

The conception of Eid in Islam is not confined only to celebration extravagance, luxurious feasts, friendly handshakes and embraces. The Muslims should rather devote this day to the worship of God and should beseech Him to approve their virtuous deeds and forgive their sins. This is because the doors of God's pardon are kept open this day and His Blessings are bountiful.

Once Imam Hasan (a.s.) noticed some folks in a most jovial mood merry making on the occasion of Eid. He, turning to his companions said. "God has made this month of Ramadan, a course of action for His slaves to render their due homage to their Lord and earn His pleasure. Some of them who have fasted successfully reached their goal, and those who did not fast have lingered behind and have missed a golden opportunity. When reward is assured for fasting, how strange it is on the part of those who do not fast to indulge in idle pastimes. I swear by God, if the curtains of Divination (Ghaib) wore to be lifted today, both the virtuous and the sinful could afford the physical sight of the rewards of their good and evil deeds respectively".


Bidding Farewell to Ramadan

Phrases from Imam Sajjad's Supplication in 
Bidding Farewell to Ramadan:

Peace be upon thee, O greatest month of ALLAH! O festival of His friends!

Peace be upon thee, month in which expectations come near!

Peace be upon thee, helper who aided against SATAN!

Peace be upon thee, object of seeking before thy time,

object of sorrow before thy passing!
the Holy Fitr Eid!


Eid Al-Fitr, A Day For Thanksgiving

Eid Al-Fitr, A Day For Thanksgiving

The day immediately following the end of the holy month of Ramadan is called Eid-e-Fitr. In other words, it falls on the first day of Shawwal. It is one of the greatest Islamic festivals.

Eid-e-fitr is the Day of Thanksgiving to Allah, forgiving His servants the opportunity to fast and to worship Him in the month of Ramadan. On this Day, Muslims leave their jobs, wear clean clothes, offer special Eid Prayers, and after prayers go to visit one another and take part in festivities. Small children wear beautiful new clothes, and are very busy enjoying the festival. Their angelic faces beam with joy.

Islam wants that all Muslims, whether rich or poor, should enjoy Eid. It has, therefore, commanded all the well-to-do people to pay the 'Zakat-e-Fitr'. This Zakat is paid on the very day of Eid-e-Fitr. It consists of 3 kilograms of one's daily food or its equivalent in cash.

The payment of 'Zakat-e-Fitr' is obligatory upon every person who is adult, sane and free at the time of the sunset on the last day of Ramadan, and is also not dependent upon others for means of subsistence. If the person concerned is the head of a family, it is incumbent upon him to pay his own 'Zakat-e-Fitr' as well.

'Zakat-e-Fitr' is the right of the poor and the needy, and can be spent for those purposes only, for which Zakat, payable on property, is expendable. This includes helping the deserving people and building hospitals, bridges, schools, etc.

Nowadays, Zakat-e-Fitr' is paid without any planning, with the result that the deserving people do not derive any suitable benefit from it. It would be better if the 'Zakat-e-Fitr' paid by all the people, is collected in one place and spent after proper planning, so that the condition of a good number of needy persons may improve.


God sends you greetings..............

God's Prophet (s) said, "An angel came to me and said, O Muhammad! Indeed God sends you greetings and tells you, 'I have married off (the Blessed Lady) Fatima to Ali. Therefore, give her to him in wedlock. I have ordered the 'Tooba  tree to yield pearls, corals and Hyacinths. Indeed all the residents of the Heavens are happy on this occasion. Soon they will have two sons who will be the Masters of the Youth in Paradise! The people of Paradise will be adorned by them. O Muhammad! Glad tidings!You are the best of the previous ones, and the best of the later ones. '



Face Book: Abbas Alam



Allah is Great . Allah is Great . There is no god save Allah. And Allah is Great.

 Allah is Great. (All) praise be to Allah. (We) sing the praises of Allah because

 He has shown us the Right Path. (We) gratefully thank Him because He

 takes care of us and looks after our interests.)





1st Shawwāl - Eid-Ul-Fitr


1st Shawwāl - Eid-Ul-Fitr

Our heartiest greetings and felicitations to Holy Prophet Mohammad (saww),  his Ahl-e-Bait (as), Imam-e-Zamana (AJ) & all lovers of Ahl-e-Bait  (as)  on this auspicious occasion of  Eid-Ul-Fitr*
[*Please check the dates with  local Masjid in your country/area]


On the day of Eid ul-Fitr,
Amir al-Mu'minin Imām ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib (A.S)
delivered a sermon in which he said: 

"O Servants of Allah! Verily the minimum reward for those men and women who fasted (during Ramadhan), is an Angel, who calls out to them on the last day of the month of Ramadhan (saying): O Servants of  Allah! Rejoice of  the Glad Tiding that all your previous sins have been forgiven. Therefore, watch out in those things which serve as your re-creation (on this day and days to follow)"

[Reference: Nahjul-Balaghah]

Sayyid ibn Tawus says: "Do not spend this day with entertainment and negligence while you do not know whether your deeds have been accepted or rejected. Rather, if you hope of acceptance of your deeds, you must show thanks; and if you anticipate rejection, you must be intensely sad"

      For those who are NOT celebrating EID AL FITR today    

Dua for Thirtieth Ramzan al-Mubarak

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Allaahummaj-A’l S’iyaamee Feehi Bish Shukri Wal Qubooli A’laa Maa Tarz”Aahu Wa Yarz”Aahur Rasoolu Muh’kamatan Faroo-U’hu Bil-Us’ooli Bi-‘Aaqi Sayyidinaa Muh’ammadin Wa Aalihit’ T’aahireen Walh’amdu Lillaahi Rabbil A’alameen

O Allah render my fasts observed in this month worthy of appreciation and acceptance, and a medium to obtain Thy pleasure and the pleasure of the Messenger, let the corollary (Furoo - a consequence or a supplement) acquire strength from the original cause (Usool), for the sake of our Leaders-in-chief, Muhammad and his pure children; (all) praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.


Please Click on below:

Please Check Attachment for

A’amal for Last Night of Ramzan al-Mubarak

Night of Eid ul-Fitr [Eve of 1st Shawwāl]

The day of Eid Ul Fitr -1st Shawwāl

A humble request

Please pray for restoration of Jannat al-Baqi & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs) 

Iltemase Dua


The New Crescent of The Month of Shawal 1433 A.H.

Muslim Shia Council

In The Name of Allah The Beneficent The Merciful


Announcement Regarding

The New Crescent for Shawal 1433 AH
The Day of Eid el-Fitr


Salam Alikum Dear Respected Believers,

To all of the believers in North America,

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.

The Crescent Moon Sighting committee of The Council of the Shi'a Muslim Scholars of North America would like to announce the sighting of the crescent moon of the month of Shawal by just and trustworthy believers at sunset on Saturday, August 18, 2012, in Tijuana - on the border of Mexico and California. Based on this sighting, the first day of the month of Shawal, the day of Eid ul-Fitr, for the year 1433 A.H. will be:

  • Sunday, August 19, 2012: For the regions extending from from San Diego (California) to Houston (Texas) and even Miami (Florida) and adjacent cities.
  • Monday, August 20, 2012: For the all other areas in the middle and northern regions of North America and Canada per the previous announcement.

We ask Allah for his support and that He hastens the appearance of our master Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (as).


The Crescent Committee:
  • Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, Toronto, Canada.
  • Sheikh Fadhil al-Sahlani, Jamaica, NY.
  • Sheikh Abed al-Muneim Shararah, Windsor, Canada.
  • Sayyid Mahboob Mahdi Abedi al-Najafi, Chicago, IL.
  • Sheikh Mohammad al-Ali al-Halabi, Miami, FL.
  • Sheikh Ahmad al-Mo'ayad, Los Angeles, CA. 
  • Sheikh Murtaza Bachoo, Vancouver, Canada.  

The "Crescent Moon Committee" was established at the 11th Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America in Detroit, September 2011.     


 Click here to view: Our Principles of Crescent Moon Sighting  


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