The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said, describing the believer,
"He is subtle in his movements, sweet to look at... He seeks out the loftiest of matters, and has the most outstanding moral ethics... He is not prejudiced against he whom he does not like, nor biased in favour of one he loves... He is hardly a burden, and instead is very helpful... He perfects his actions as if he is being watched, lowers his gaze, is liberal in his giving, and never turns away a beggar... He considers his words carefully and guards his tongue... He neither accepts falsehood from a friend, nor rejects truth from an enemy... He only learns in order that he might know, and he only knows in order that he may act... When he travels with worldly people, he is the smartest of them, and when he travels with the people of the Hereafter, he is the most pious from among them." (Bihar al-Anwar)
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) further describes,
"The believer is such that his joy is evident on his face whereas his sorrow is in his heart. His breast is at its widest [i.e. biggest heart] but his ego is at his lowest. He despises high ranks and shuns reputation. His grief is long-lasting and his ambition is lofty. His silence is much and his time occupied. He is grateful, extremely patient, and immersed in deep thought. He is prudent with his needs. He is good-natured and mild-tempered. His soul is firmer than steel whilst his ego remains lower than a slave." (Ibid.)
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