Monday, 1 October 2012


Here we mention three virtues of the Conqueror of Khayber:
 One day Mu’awiyah criticized Sa’d Waqqas for not cursing Ali. He said in reply: ‘Whenever I am reminded of three virtues of Ali, I earnestly desire that I might have possessed at least one of them:

1. On the day when the Prophet appointed him as his representative in Madina and himself departed for the Battle of Tabuk, he said to Ali: You enjoy the same relationship with me which Harun enjoyed with Musa except that no prophet will come after me.

 2. On the Day of Khayber the Prophet said: Tomorrow I will give the standard to a person who is loved by Allah and the Prophet. All the great officers and commanders of Islam were anxious to acquire this honour. On the following day, however, the Prophet called Ali and gave him the standard and Allah granted us a great victory which was solely due to the selfsacrifice of Ali.

 3. When it was decided that the Prophet should engage in Mubahilah (cursing) with the leaders of Najran, he held the hands of Ali, Fatimah, Hassan, and Hussiyn, and said:

‘O Allah! These are the members of my family.’(1)

1. Sahih Muslim, vol. VII, page 120.
The Message (the holy Prophet of Allah); Ayatullah Jafar Subhani


Imam Javad (A.S):  whoever had three things, will never regret: 1. refraining from haste 2. Consulting 3.and depending upon God when decision - making (Mesnad Al_Imam Al_Javad, P.247)

Imam Askari (A.S): The most pious among the people is the one to stop ( action ) in doubts , the most worshiping is the one to perform the obligations , the most austere is the one to leave the unlawful , and the most striving is the one to leave sins.
(Tohaf Al_Okool , P.519)

The Holy Prophet  (saw) said: "Whoever wishes to see Adam in his knowledge, Noah in his piety, Abraham in his forbearance, Moses in his strength, and Jesus in his worship and devotion should look at Ali ibn Abi Talib."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said the following about Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.)

He is the first one to believe in Islam; He is the most knowledgeable; He is the most correct one in his DEEN; He is the most certain; He is the most patient; He is the most forgiving and generous; He is the bravest in heart; He is the IMAM and the successor after me.


In the Holy Quran, when Allah recounts His blessings to man, he mentions 
the cow.

Verily in cattle there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of what is inside their bodies, coming from between the intestines and the blood, a milk pure and pleasant for those who drink it. (an-Nahl, 16:66)

The food that is eaten by the cow is digested in its intestines. From here the blood carries the nourishment to the rest of the body, including the mammary glands where the milk is produced.

Modern science tells us that the processes responsible for the production of milk begin when the contents of the intestine are brought together with the blood. And indeed, this is how the Holy Quran has explained it too.

Rights of Allah or the Worship Acts (Haqqullah Ibadah).

The first thing about which a person will be questioned is prayers (Namaz). Did he say his prayers in time¡ Did he serve (rightly) this pillar of Islam and the Legacy of prayers , or did he recite it to show off. After this people will be questioned about Fasting (siyam), pilgrimage (Haj), Zakat, Khums, the Holy War (Jehad) etc. and then the righful recipients will catch hold of their shirts (and ask for their rights).

Questioning about deeds.

It is said in the Qur'an: "And most certainly we will also question the Apostles". (surah-al -A'araf : 6), that "we had sent you to guide"¡ They will reply, "O our Lord we have not left even an atom's weight of Your message to be passed on to them". They will be asked, "who are your witness"¡ They will reply, " O Allah You are our witness and besides Thee is Mohammad (S.A.W.S.), as said in the Qur'an, "And thus we made you a medium (just) nation

that you may be the bearers of witness to the people and (that) the Apostle may be a bearer of witness to you". (surah-al-Baqarah : 143)
It the same way it will be asked to prophet Isa (A.S.), "O Isa son of Mariam Did You say to men, Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah"¡ (surah-al-Maidah : 116). Prophet Isa will tremble (with fright) due to Allah's Glory and reply, "O Allah, if I had ever told them I would surely have known it. But I had always said that, "surely Iam a servant of Allah, He has given me the book and made me a prophet". (surah-al -marium: 30). He once worship Him who created me and you.
Then their people will be questioned, "Did your prophet not remind you of this day of Judgment"¡ They all will reply, "surely they did so". Then they shall be questioned about the blessings sent to them by Allah and as to how they spent it "Then on that day you shall most surely be questioned about the blessings". (surah-al -Takasur: 8). Did you thank Allah for His bestowing His blessings on you, or you rebelled¡ It is stated that the blessings of Allah referred to here means the love of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) and His progeny (A.S.).
Imam (A.S.) asked Qatada, "what do you (sunnis) interpret the following verse (Ayah), 'Then on that day you shall most surely be questioned about the blessings.

Surah-al -Takasur : 8) He replied, "It means that on the day of Qayamat we will be questioned about the food and drink that we consumed in this world". Imam (A.S.) replied, Verily Allah is far beyond this, so as to question anyone about this. If you invite someone for food to your house do you then question him as to how much he ate"¡ Qatada replied, "No, but then what does this blessing means"¡ Imam (A.S.) replied, "The blessing referred to here is the love of us Ahlulbait (A.S.)"`. It will be asked as to how did you treat the Ahlulbait (A.S.), did you love them and follow them, or you disobeyed Allah by bearing grudge towards them. "They recognize the favours of Allah, yet they deny it". (Surah-an-Nahl: 83)
Regarding sustenance it will only be asked as to how he earned it whether lawfully or unlawfully. Why did he squander it or spend it on unlawful means, "I kept asking from you but you kept deaf ear. The wealth was My wealth, and the poor were My children, and their questioning (from you) was My questioning".
Shaikh Sadooq relates that on the day of Qayamat man will not be able to move an inch till he is questioned about four things it on: (1) the way he spent his life, (2) As to how did he wear out his youth, (3) About the wealth, as to where he got it from and in what way he spent it, and (4) And about the love of us the Household (Ahlulbait) of prophet.

Incident of Ehbat and Takfeer.


It is written in trustworthy narratives that in the former days there lived two brothers. One was a believer in the unity of Allah (Tawheed) and the other a polytheist and a worshipper of idols. They both lived in the same house, the believer lived on the ground floor and his (non-believer) brother on the top one. The non-believer was wealthy and lived a lavish life, while the believer was poor and passed his days in hunger and poverty. Sometimes the non- believer would tell his brother, "If you prostrate before the idols and accept them as your Gods, I will off half of my wealth with you. Why do you wish to live such a hard and bitter life. Come and prostrate before my idols so that both of us may enjoy life together". The believer would answer, "why do you not fear Allah and the day of Qayamat. The idols happened many times and days passed bye. Whenever they met the same conversation took place between them.

One night the believer was sitting in the courtyard of his house when he smelt the cooking of delicious food from his brother's house. He said to himself, "Till when will you keep worshipping Allah and glorifying His name¡ when even after such a long time you have not had a good dress to wear, nor a soft and comfortable bed to sleep on. You have turned old due to eating loaves of dry bread, and your teeth cannot chew them anymore. Verily my brother speaks the truth, let me go and prostrate before his idols and feast upon the delicious food and enjoy myself. He got up and started ascending the stairs leading to his brother's place and accept his pagan religion. There his brother too was engrossed in deep thoughts and wondered, "I fail to understand the reality of idol worship, and it has no benefit as such. Verily my brother speaks the truth, I should go and accept his true religion and worship only one Allah". He too got up and started descending the stairs to go to his brother's place. Both brothers met each other on the stairs and exchanged their thoughts.
At that moment Allah ordered the Angel of death (malekul maut) to remove the spirits of both of them. Hence they both died, and whatever good deeds the believer (brother) had performed in his life were transferred to the account of the non-believer (brother) who had left his house with the intention of professing the true faith. And whatever bad deeds the non-believer (brother) had done in his life time were likewise transferred to the account of the believer who had left his house with the intention of abandoning the faith. The believer's entire life was spent in performing good deeds but died a death of infidelity, while the non-believer spent his entire life sinning yet died a faithful. The above incident is the best example of turning from the right (Ehbat) and expiating for sins (Takfeer).
Hence Oh believers, shaitaan is your sworn enemy. He is on the constant move (till your last moment) to turn you away from the Right path (siratal mustaqeem). Put yourself in the habit of righteous by performing good deeds frequently worshipping Allah so that you may not fall prey to the evil intentions of shaitaan, and thus remain steadfast on the Right path. (Khazeenatul

Wasting of Good deeds (Ehbat) and Expiation of sins (Takfeer)

"And (as for) those who disbelieve, for them is destruction, and He has made their deeds ineffective. That is because they hated what Allah revealed, so He rendered their deeds null". (Surah- al- Mohammad : 8-9).
"And (so for) those who believe and do good, and believe in what has been revealed to Mohammad (S.A.W.S.), and it is the very truth from their Lord, He will remove their evil from them and improve their condition". (Surah-al - Mohammad : 2).
Ehbat (wasting of good deeds) : If a person was a muslim in the former part of his life and did good deeds, but turned away from the Right path (Siratal Mustaqeem) during death and died a non -believer, none of his previous (good) deeds will benefit him and they will go wasted. If anyone argues that in the Qur'an it". (surah az-Zilzal : 7).The answer to it is that the person who died disbelieving himself wasted his (good) deeds. It is impossible for Allah to accept a non believer's (good) deeds and make him enter paradise. But the Just Lord gives them the reward for it in this very world, like ease during death, healthiness, wealth etc. as discussed earlier. But it is possible that there may be leniency in their punishment, as in the case of Hatim Tai or Nawshirwane Adil who were generous, they shall be made to enter hell, but the fire will not harm them. As said in the Qur' an: "Nor (for) those who die while they are unbelievers". (surah-an-Nisa : 18)
In another place it is stated : "And (as to) those who reject our communications and the meeting of the Hereafter, their deeds are null. Shall they be rewarded except for what they have done". (surah- al-A'araf :147).
Many verses (ayah) of the Qur'an prove that disbelief (kufr) and polytheism (shirk) wastes away all good deeds. Then there are also such sins that obliterate good deeds and stop them from being accepted. The Holy prophet (S.A.W.S.) has said regarding a disobedient child: "O the one shunned away by his parents do whatever you like, for none of your (good) deeds will be accepted". If a person has upon him the curses and woes of his mother, he will be thrown into hell even if his good deeds are equal to the size of a mountain. Also is the case with slander and jealousy. Ma'soom (A.S.) says, "Jealousy consumes faith (Eeman) just as fire consumes wood". (ma'ad). 
Shaikh Kulaini quotes Abu Baseer who narrates from Imam Ja'far- as Sadiq (A.S.) that he said, "Disbelief (kufr) has three roots (foundations) : greed, pride, and jealousy". And as these roots start gaining strength, faith starts moving away and good deeds go waste. Thus man becomes a fuel for the fire of hell. Shaitaan's good deeds lay wasted because of his pride. But he was given a long span of life in compensation for his (good) deeds. The whole narration is stated in the Qur'an.

Takfeer (Expiation of sins): It means that the sins which a person commits are compensated for acceptance of faith (Eeman) destroys all the sins committed in the past. If a person was a non-believer in the former part of life, but later accepted Islam, then the sins which he committed during that period will be forgiven and will not be taken into, the sin he committed during that period will be forgiven if he truly repents and seeks pardon. It is stated in the Qur'an: "Allah changes the evil deeds to good ones". (surah-al-Furqan : 70)
It is written in the fifteenth volume of Biharul-Anwaar', that once a man came to the presence of the Holy prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.S.) . and said, "O master my sin is very big (in his pre-Islamic days he had buried his daughter alive as was the custom then), you recommend to me a deed whose performance would act as compensation for it, and Allah may forgive me". The prophet (S.A.W.S.) asked him, "Then is your maternal aunt (mother's sister) alive"¡ He replied "Yes, she is"
The prophet (S.A.W.S.) told him to go and serve her (for she had a very near relation with his mother, thus serving her would mean serving his mother). Then He (S.A.W.S.) said, "Had his mother been alive, it would have been the best compensation (for his sins). (ma'ad)


Whose Account will be taken

On the day of Qayamat people who will be accounted for their deeds will be classified into four groups. The first group of people will be the ones who will be made to enter paradise without accounting. They will be the ones who loved Ahlulbait (A.S.) in their life-time and had not committed any sins, or died after repenting and seeking forgiveness from Allah.
The second group will be averse to the first one, they will be the enemies of Ahlulbait (A.S.). They will be thrown head- long into the fire of hell without taking their accounts. The following verse speaks about such people: "These are they who disbelieve in the communications of their Lord and His meeting, so their deeds become null, and therefore we will not set up a balance for them on the day of resurrection". (Surah-al-Kahf : 105).
Shaikh Kulaini relates from Imam Ali Zainul Abadeen
(A. S.) that He said, that the polytheists (mushreqeen) and unbeliever's (kafereen) deeds will not be weighed weighing of deeds (meezane A'amal), accounting (Hisab), and scroll of deeds are meant for the muslims only, while according to the Qur' an the polytheists and unbelievers will remain in eternal chastisement.
The third group will consist of people who will be made to wait for accounting. They will be the ones whose evil deeds would be surpassing their good deeds. When their sins will be compensated for (by waiting long), they will find freedom. The Holy prophet (S.A.W.S.) said to Abdullah ibne Abbas, "Some people will have to wait for a hundred years for accounting, and only then will they be made to enter paradise". But for which particular sin will he be made to wait is not specified. Hence a believer (mo'min) should keep himself away from all sins, so that he may not have to wait that long. (ma'ad)
Shaikh Sadooq relates from Imam Ja'far -as- Sadiq (A.S.) that He said, that on the day of Qayamat two types of people from the followers of Ahlulbait (A.S.) will have to wait for long. One will be the indigent and poor person, while other a rich and wealthy person. The poor man will cry out, "O my Lord why do I have to wait so long. I swear by your Glory and Majesty that in the world you had given me no kingdom or empire so that I may oppress anyone or
commit injustice therein or usurp other's rights. And you had given me only that which You thought was enough for me, and I remained patient and never grumbled. Then Allah will reply, "O believer surely you speak the truth", thus he will be made to enter paradise.
The rich man will have to wait so long that he will sweat profusely, so much so that forty camels could quench their thirst with it. Only then will he be made to enter paradise. In paradise when they will meet each other, the poor man will ask him the reason for having made to wait so long. The rich man will reply, "I was made to wait for a long time giving account of my enormous wealth, so to how I earned it (whether lawfully or unlawfully), as how I spent it. Then the merciful Lord blessed me, forgave my sins and accepted my repentance". Then he will ask the poor man as to who he was¡ He will reply that he is the same indigent fellow who was with him in the plains of Qayamat. The rich man will say, "Verily the blessings and bounties of paradise have transformed you to such an extent that even I could not recognize you". (matalib)
The fourth group will consist of people whose bad deeds will be more than their good ones. And only if Allah's mercy, blessings and forgiveness will give way, they will be made to enter paradise. If not they will be punished at that very place, the punishment appropriate for them. They will be chastised in that way till they become clean of all sins. Then people in whose hearts even an atoms weight of faith (Iman) exists, will not have to stay long in hell, they will be brought back to paradise. While only the polytheists and unbelievers will remain there.



It is narrated from Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) in the third volume of Bihar-ul-Anwar of Allamah Majlisi and Amali of Shaikh Mufeed then he said, "when the day of Qayamat will dawn, Allah will command us to take account from our Shiahs (followers). We will question them about the Rights of Allah (Huququllah) and Allah will forgive them (because of their intimacy with us). Then we will also forgive them our rights (due on them)". 
Then Imam (A.S.) recited the following verse : "Surely to Us is their turning back, then surely upon Us is the taking of their accounts". (Surah-al-Ghashiyah : 25, 26). In the same book it is related from Ma'soom (A.S.) that after the forgiveness of the Rights of Allah and the Rights of Aimmah (A.S.), the rights still due on our Shi'ahs will be compensated for by the Holy prophet (S.A.W.S.) Himself
May Allah place us amongst the Ummat of the Holy prophet (S.A.W.S.) and the Shi'ahs of Ahlulbait (A.S.), and resurrect us with Them.