Jumma is the weekly spiritual, gathering which we should adhere to resolve the problems of the masses
Jumma prayer is a very important tool for the resolving problems of the masses.
As per the Holy Quran it is a command to the Muslims: “O you who believe, when the Congregational Prayer (Salat Al-Jumu`ah) is announced on Friday, you shall hasten to the commemoration of Allah, and drop all business. This is better for you, if you only knew.” (62:9). There are numerous Ahadith which encourage followers to attend the Juma prayers. One of which says: “Juma prayers are Hajj of the needy“.
Jumma is the weekly spiritual, gathering which we should adhere to resolve the problems of the masses. Juma prayer has two Sermons (Khutbas) the first one is to discuss Taqwa piousness and purity. The Islamic belief is that without piety, peace cannot be achieved in society. Purification of souls is the goal of Islam and it can be attained by good advice from each other, and Juma is the best place to talk about it. The second sermon (Khutba) should be regarding the problems faced by the Muslim Ummah during the past week.
The leader of the Jumma prayer should be so bright and well informed that he should be analyzing the situation of Muslims of that area and as well the Muslims of the world.
Maulana Zakir Baqri