Friday, 15 March 2013

The Evil Effects of Adultery-snakes, scorpions and pythons emerge from the fire and burn and torment him till the Day of Qiyamat.

Mar 15, '13 12:30 PM
for everyone

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) says:
"Fornication has six types of effects. Three are for this world and three for the Hereafter. The three evils which become evident in this world are:
1) The face of the adulterer loses countenance.
2) He falls into depravity and destitution.
3) His death draws near.
And the three punishments for Hereafter are:
(1) He is liable for Divine anger.
(2) His reckoning is severe.
(3) He abides forever in Hell."

Fornicator in the Barzakh

The fifth Imam (a.s.) has also said,
"Whoever commits Fornication with a Muslim, Jew, Christian or Magian woman, whether she is a slave or a free woman; and dies without repenting of his sin, then the Almighty Allah opens three hundred doors of punishment in his grave. From each door many
snakes, scorpions and pythons emerge from the fire and burn and torment him till the Day of Qiyamat."

Adultery (zina)

Mar 15, '13 12:29 PM
for everyone

The tenth Greater sin is adultery (zina) according to the traditions of Masoomen (a.s.). Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.), Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.), Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) and Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s.) have all described it as a Greater Sin.
In the following ayat the Almighty says:
"And they who do not call upon another god with Allah and do not slay the soul which Allah has forbidden except in the requirements of justice, and (who) do not commit fornication and he who does this shall find a requital of sin. The punishment shall be doubled to him on the day of resurrection, and he shall abide therein in abasement."
(Surah Furqan 25:68-69)

Get up but never approach the sin that you have committed......

Mar 15, '13 12:28 PM
for everyone

There is a tradition from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) in the book Al Kafi (Section on Penal Code), that:
One day Ali (a.s.) was sitting with his companions when a man approached and said "O Chief of the Believers, I have committed sodomy with a boy, please purify me (impose legal penalty upon me) Ali (a.s.) told him, "Go home, you may have had some misunderstanding."
The next day the man returned and repeated his confession and requested for penalty. Ali (a.s.) said,
"Go home, you may not be in your sense right now."
He went away only to return the third time and repeat his confession and again asked for punishment.
At last when he came for the fourth time, Ali (a.s.) said,
"The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has prescribed three methods of dealing with the situation, you may choose any one of the three deaths - by having the arms and feet tied and thrown from the cliff, being beheaded or being burnt alive."
He said, "O, Ali (a.s.) which is the worst of these methods?" Imam replied, "Burning alive." "Then I choose this death." said the man. By permission of Ali (a.s.), he stood and prayed two rakaat prayer and then said, "O Allah ! A sin was committed by me of which You are well aware. Then I had the fear of this sin, I came to the Successor of your Prophet and requested him to purify me. He gave me a choice of three deaths. I chose the most dreadful death. I pray to you to consider this penalty as the expiation of my sin and do not burn me in the fire of Hell which is ignited by you."
Then he got up weeping and jumped into the pit into which the fire had been lit. He sat in the fire and the fire engulfed him from all the sides
Ali (a.s.) began to weep, upon seeing this condition and the other companions were also in tears.
Ali (a.s.) said, "Arise, the one who has caused the angels of the earth and the sky to weep. Allah has certainly accepted your repentance. Get up but never approach the sin that you have committed."
It so happened that the man came out of the fire unscathed. The fire could not burn the one who repented.

Homosexuality is such a hideous crime

Mar 15, '13 12:27 PM
for everyone
People, who have abandoned shame and decency so as to commit such a revolting and loathsome act of sexual perversion in the presence of other people, are like cancer for the society. If they are left alive, they will spread their shamelessness till it engulfs the entire society. This was the fate of the people of Lut (a.s.). First, Satan led one person to commit this indecency and later he invited others to the same evil. Finally, the crime reached such a gigantic proportion that among the people of Lut (a.s.), it was common to see a man mount upon another and perform sodomy right before the eyes of the onlookers. Women also had sexual relations among themselves. Allah cursed these people and destroyed them.
Homosexuality is such a hideous crime that if one does not repent and pray for forgiveness, he becomes like the one who has disbelieved in Allah. He becomes liable for eternal punishment like the Kafirs. Hence, there is no better way than to kill this person and burn the corpse.

Punishable offence according to Shariat

Mar 15, '13 12:25 PM
for everyone

Some scholars remark that since the sleeping of two men under a single blanket without clothes is a punishable offence according to Shariat, it is also a Greater Sin.
It is therefore mustahab not to sleep together even with clothes on. Except for husband and wife, Islam prohibits any two persons who are able to distinguish right from wrong, to sleep close to each other or under a common blanket. The same prohibition applies to brothers and sisters.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has stated:
"Make separate bed for your children above ten years. Two brothers and two sisters and a brother and a sister should not be made to sleep on the same bed."
(Wasaelush Shia)
The Holy Prophet has thus advised us that brothers and sisters should not sleep very close to each other. If they cover themselves, they should have a separate blanket or sheet.

It is Haraam to kiss a young man with passion

Mar 15, '13 12:24 PM
for everyone

It is Haraam to kiss a young man with passion. Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) quotes the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) that he (s.a.w.s.) said;"If a person kisses a young man with passion, on the Day of the Judgement Allah shall tie a rein of fire on his mouth."
(Al Kafi)
Imam ar-Reza (a.s.) has remarked,
"When a person kisses a young man sensually, the angels of the sky, the angels of the earth, the angels of mercy, and the angels of wrath curse him. And Allah decrees for him a place in Hell. O, what a dreadful place it is!"
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has said,
"Allah shall punish for a thousand years in Hell, the man who kisses a boy with passion."
(Mustadrakul Wasael)
If two just witnesses testify to have seen a man kissing a young man in a sensual way, the wrongdoer could be punished with thirty to ninety lashes as decided by the Qazi. This is the punishment according to Islamic law.
The traditions imply that those who perform such an act should also be punished like the adulterers, that is, a hundred lashes for each of them. However, if two women are involved the Qazi prescribes less than a hundred lashes for them.

To look upon a young boy with lust is Haraam

Mar 15, '13 12:23 PM
for everyone

To look upon a young boy with lust is Haraam, especially a boy who has not yet developed facial hair. The evil effects and the severe punishments for a lustful glance have already been described in the section on adultery. It is also related from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) that he said;
"Refrain from looking lustfully at the children of rich people and slaves, especially those who have yet no beard. Because the mischief that is possible by such glances is greater than mischief of glancing at young girls, who are in veil."
(Wasaelush Shia)
It is obligatory for a Muslim to control his glances and safeguard against such indecencies.

Refrain from adultery and sodomy

Mar 15, '13 12:22 PM
for everyone

Hazrat Imam Ali ar-Reza (a.s.) has said;"Refrain from adultery and sodomy, and this sodomy is worse than adultery. These two sins are the causes of seventy two ills of this life and the Hereafter."
The Quran has used the word 'indecency' for adultery in the way it has also used it for sodomy. It is said in Surah Araf:
"And (we sent) Lut when he said to his people: What! Do you commit an indecency which anyone in the world has not done before you?"
"Most surely you come to males in lust besides females. Nay you are a prodigal people".
(Surah Araf 7:80-81)
What could be more indecent than the act where man squanders away his sperms in a way prohibited by Allah instead of allowing them to reach the wombs of women to ensure the continuation of the human race.
Sodomy and homosexuality are denounced in Surah Hud, Surah Ankaboot, Surah Qamar, Surah Najm in addition to Surah Araf; so that the people are fully warned. Allah has strictly forbidden such a loathsome act.

Sodomy is a Greater Sin

Mar 15, '13 12:21 PM
for everyone

The eleventh sin that is classified as a Greater sin is sodomy or homosexuality. This is verified from the sayings of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) and Imam ar-Reza (a.s.).
 In fact it is a sin greater than adultery. Its retribution and punishment are more severe than for adultery. Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has stated:
"Penetrating the anal opening is a greater sin than penetrating the vagina. Certainly Allah destroyed a complete ummat (ummat of Hazrat Lut (a.s.) because they indulged in sodomy. Allah has not destroyed even one man for adultery".
(Al Kafi)
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says,
"A person who commits sodomy with a boy will acquire such a Janabat (impurity) that even all the water of this world cannot remove it. Allah will be wrathful at him and curse him. (That is He will take away His Mercy from him and will award Hell for him.) What a dreadful place it is! Then the Heavens shudder of it. And the person who allows another to mount him from behind to commit sodomy, then Allah puts him on the fringe of Hell (in extreme heat) and keeps him there till He completes the reckoning of all the people. Then He orders him to be put into Hell. One by one he is made to suffer all the punishments of Hell till he reaches the lowest stage. Then he never comes out from there."
(Wasaelush Shia)

Do not Give your Daughter in Marriage to a Drunkard

Mar 15, '13 12:21 PM
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Hazrat Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) quotes the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.),"Allah has made me to pronounce wine as Haraam, after this pronouncement if someone still drinks wine, he is not fit to have his proposal for marriage accepted, when he proposes. If he seeks recommendation, he should not be recommended. If he says something he must not be believed. His testimony must not be accepted. Nothing should be kept in his trust. Allah is not responsible for something kept with a drunkard, with the knowledge (of his vice). He will not receive any compensation. If the thing is lost, nothing could be taken in exchange and neither its cost."
(Al Kafi)
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says:
"One who marries his well-behaved daughter to a drunkard does Qat-e-Rahmi."
(Al Kafi)
Imam (a.s.) has also said,
"One who marries his well-behaved daughter to a drunkard; it is as if he has given her to adultery."
(Mustadrakul Wasael)
Imam (a.s.) has also stated in a tradition,
"If a drunkard falls ill do not go to visit him. If he dies, do not attend his funeral."

Boycott of the Drunkard

By adopting this attitude we fulfill our duty of Nahy Anil Munkar. No one should trust or believe a drunkard, and no one should have any dealings with him whatsoever. As clearly ordered by our Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and our Imam (a.s.) no one should give his daughter in marriage to a drunkard. When the drunkard finds himself so totally cut off from the society in which he lives, he will be compelled to give up his sinful habit.

Liquor is Absolutely Haraam

Mar 15, '13 12:20 PM
for everyone

It makes no difference if the quantity consumed is less or more; liquor is absolutely Haraam; whether pure or mixed. Thus even if a person licks a single drop it is Haraam whether he gets intoxicated or not. In the same way if liquor is consumed by mixing it with other things, it is still Haraam.

Allama Hilli (r.a.) has quoted an authentic tradition from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.), that he said:
"If more of it intoxicates, then to consume even a bit of it is Haraam."
A person enquired from Imam (a.s.), "but I dilute it with water?"
Imam (a.s.) told him,
"A Haraam thing does not become halaal by mixing it with water. Fear Allah, refrain from partaking of it."
(Mustanad ush Shia)
Umar Ibne Hanzala says that he enquired from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.):
"Does it matter if as much water is mixed in wine so that it is no more intoxicating?"
Imam (a.s.) replied:
"No! By Allah it is not. Even if a drop of wine falls into a well full of water it does not become halaal. Rather the whole well has to be emptied."
Ibne Wahab has narrated this tradition from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.):
"Every intoxicant is Haraam. Something that intoxicates only when consumed in large quantities, is also not allowed to be taken even in a lesser quantity."
The narrator says, "I asked, 'Then if a Haraam thing is mixed in a huge quantity of water, does it become permissible?'"

Imam (a.s.) flailed his arms twice, indicating emphatically that it does not.
(Furu Al Kafi)
Liquor is harmful irrespective of the quantity consumed. Even if a drop of the poison enters the body it has harmful effects on it, whether apparent immediately or not. If you mix a few buckets of red dye in a pond of water, the whole pond water turns red. But on the other hand if you throw a glassful of ink in a pond of clear water it would not bring about any appreciable change in its appearance, yet, could you say that the ink has not affected the water at all? 
Certainly not! If the water is subjected to the process of distillation the glassful of ink could be recovered. If it enters the body it will cause harm. A person who tastes liquor, one drop at a time, soon gets addicted to it till he needs to drink more and more of it. Consequently a stage is reached when he is unable to rid himself of this habit howsoever hard he may try. A stone is eroded when water drips upon it over a period of time. Similarly alcohol erodes the liver and other cells of the body. Grapes, raisins and dates, when unfermented have medicinal properties and are wholesome and beneficial to the body. But as soon as fermentation sets in these fruits and wine is produced they turn harmful and prohibited.

Intoxicant Liquids

If an intoxicant is a liquid in its natural state, in addition to its being Haraam, it is also najis (impure). But if an intoxicating substance is solid in its natural form and it is available as a solution, like opium or hemp for consumption, it is not najis, but its consumption is Haraam like that of wine.

Liquor is the root of all evils

Mar 15, '13 12:19 PM
for everyone

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) has said,"Disobedience to the order of Allah is mostly due to alcoholism. The alcoholic abandons namaz. He even commits incest under the influence of alcohol. He loses his senses."
(Wasaelush Shia: chapter of prohibited drinks)
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says,
"Certainly even if a person swallows only a mouthful of wine, at that very moment, the angels, the Prophets and the righteous believers send their curses upon him."
"And when he drinks enough to make him intoxicated, the spirit of belief leaves his body, it is replaced by the dirty, accursed, devilish spirit. When the person neglects prayers, he spreads corruption in society."
It is related from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.):
"One who drinks wine considering it halaal will remain forever in Hell. One who drinks wine, knowing it is Haraam will still taste the punishment of Hell."
(Wasaelush Shia)
Imam Ali ar-Reza (a.s.) has informed,
"Allah knows better that every Prophet who has been sent by Him did not have his religion completed till wine was prohibited. Wine has always been Haraam."
(Furu al-Kafi)

It means knowing the Imam of every time whose.......

Mar 15, '13 10:48 AM
for everyone
Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

In Ilalush Sharai, it is narrated from Imām Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sādiq (a.s.) that,

one day Imām Ḥusayn ibn ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (a.s.) went to his companions and said: 
"O People! Allah (s.w.t) has not created His servants for any other purpose except that they may know Him. When they will know Him they will worship Him and when they will worship Him this worship of His will make them needless of worshipping others."

Hearing this someone asked: 
O son of the holy Messenger! May my parents be sacrificed for you, what does the recognition (Ma’refat) of Allah means? 

Imām Ḥusayn ibn ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (a.s.) replied: 
"It means knowing the Imam of every time whose obedience is compulsory for the people."

[Reference: HAYAT AL-QULUB, Vol 3, Pg 73]

Keep away from little and big lies ..........

Mar 15, '13 10:46 AM
for everyone

Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

Imām `Alī ibn Husayn (a.s.), 

used to say to his son:“Keep away from little and big lies whether you are serious or kidding! Whoever tells lies in childhood, will do so in adulthood."

Do you not know that the Messenger of Allāh (s.w.t) has said:  
‘A servant may keep on speaking truthfully until Allāh (s.w.t) records him as a very truthful one, and a servant may keep on telling lies until Allāh (s.w.t) records him as a very lying one.’

[Reference: Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 69, p. 234]


Mar 14, '13 1:26 PM
for everyone
Has it been said without any reason that at the war of Ditch (Khandaq) one stroke of Imam Ali's sword was more meritorious than all the acts of worship performed by the jinn and mankind? 
Apparently his stroke was no more than a blow to kill a person. But it had a far greater significance. At that time Islam was facing the combined forces of infidelity and if Muslims had been defeated in that encounter, the very existence of Islam would have been endangered. There is still another aspect of the question, and that is the dedication and devotion involved in Imam Ali's act. Once while Imam Ali was on the chest of an enemy, he spat on the Imam's face. Imam Ali at once got off so that his act might not be affected by the motive of personal vengeance.
The spirit of such a stroke is certainly superior to all acts of worship. It is this spirit which gives the acts of a true believer their proper meaning and significance. Outwardly the acts performed by the polytheists and the monotheists, the idolaters and these who do not worship the idols, look alike. Apparently there is no difference in them. Abu Sufyan also used to offer prayers. Mu'awiyah was himself the Imam of Congregational prayers. They performed their religious acts like others. It is the spirit of prayer that accords sublimity to it. If the spirit is there, prayer is a devotional act. Otherwise it is nothing more than a mere show and a fraud. This principle applies to us also. We simply deceive each other.


Mar 14, '13 1:24 PM
for everyone

All our devotional acts serve our own interests only. Those who are more pious among us perform them for the sake of Paradise. Take away the temptation of Paradise, then see who performs them. 

Imam Ali's case is different. He was in fact fond of the acts of devotion and worship. It is said about him that he loved the acts of devotion and embraced them. As a matter of principle it is not of much significance to perform acts of worship for the sake of Paradise. 

A person who has reached the stage of passing away in Allah, attaches no importance to Paradise. He actually does not care for it. Paradise and Hell are alike for him who has annihilated himself. He praises Allah because he believes that Allah deserves devotions. This position is attained by those who are fond of acts of worship. They worship Allah because they believe that He is fit for being worshipped.


Mar 14, '13 1:20 PM
for everyone
There are many degrees of devotion. Anyhow, the first step is shunning the selfishness and getting out of the narrow hole of egoism.
For this purpose the first thing to be done is to wake up for the sake of Allah and not to remain sleeping. At present we are asleep, although apparently awake. Our waking is that of animals, not of man.
A tradition says that people are asleep; they will wake up when they will die. At that time they will realize that they were totally unconscious of the real situation. A Qur'anic verse says: 'Hell is surrounding the unbelievers'. 
It means that Hell is even now surrounding them but man being in a state of unconsciousness does not perceive that. When he will gain his consciousness, he will realize that there is a fire all round him. We all have to go by this path. Therefore it is better for us to wake up and walk along the 'straight path' shown to us by the Prophets.


Mar 14, '13 1:17 PM
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All Imams recited Munajat Sha'biniya. . Those who recited this prayer, also fought against the unbelievers. These prayers take man out of darkness and he who comes out of darkness becomes the real man. Then he does everything for Allah's sake. If he wields the swords, he does so for the sake of Allah; if he fights, he does so for the sake of Allah and if rises, he does so for the sake of Allah. 
It is absolutely wrong to say that prayers make man idle and useless. Those who say such things, to them this world is everything. They believe everything beyond this world to be fantastic. But one day they will find that the things they thought to be fantastic were real and the things they thought to be real were fantastic. In fact prayers, sermons and the books like Nahjul Balaghah and Mafatihul Jinan help man in building his personality.
When one becomes a real man, he automatically begins to act according to true Islamic principles. He cultivates land, but his cultivation is for Allah. He fights but only against the infidels and wrongdoers. Such people are the monotheists and pious prayerers. Those who accompanied the Holy Prophet and the Commander of the Faithful were devoted worshippers.
Imam Ali himself used to offer prayers while fighting was going on. Fighting and praying went on side by side. Once while fighting was going on somebody asked him a question. He immediately rose and delivered a sermon. Somebody said: 'Sermon even on this occasion?' He said: 'It is for what we fight.' According to a report he added: 'We do not fight against Mu'awiyah to capture Syria. Syria has no importance to us.'
The Holy Prophet and Imam Ali were not keen to conquer Syria and Iraq. They wanted to deliver the people from the oppressors and to reform them morally. It was they who were ardent worshippers. 
Dua' Kumayl was taught by Imam Ali to Kumayl, who himself was a warrior.

When they stand up to offer prayers, they perform it languidly. (Surah an-Nisa', 4:142)

Mar 14, '13 1:14 PM
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If we find any devotee flittering away his time in amusements, we can easily conclude that he is not fully devoted to Allah and that his heart is not free from the hypocrisy which is called in this context greater hypocrisy and which is the opposite of greater faith. As a result of this hypocrisy man does not act according to his inner incitement, but is guided by reason, expediency or apprehensions. 

The following verse refers to this kind of hypocrisy: When they stand up to offer prayers, they perform it languidly. (Surah an-Nisa', 4:142)

Imam (as) said: If you can do these five things, then commit sin as much you like.

Mar 14, '13 1:08 PM
for everyone

A man came to Imam Hussain (Master of the martyrs) and said: I am a sinful man and can't avoid doing sin, please advise me. Imam (as) said: If you can do these five things, then commit sin as much you like. 

First of all: don’t eat the sustenance of God and commit sin as much you like. 

Second: go beyond the domain of God and commit sin as much you like. 

Third: seek a site where God can not observe you and commit sin as much you like. 

Fourth :if the Angel of death comes to you to take away your soul, expel him away from yourself and commit sin as much you like. 

Fifth: If the Angel of Hell was about to throw you into the hell-fire, stop him and commit sin as much you like. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 126)

I advise you to keep piety and chastity and warn you of the days of Resurrection and death

Mar 14, '13 1:04 PM
for everyone

Imam Husain (a.s.) said:

I advise you to keep piety and chastity and warn you of the days of Resurrection and death , and hoist you his ( threatening ) flags : Imagine death with its terrible frightening looks , its unwanted arrival, and its bitter taste has clawn at your soul and has made an obstacle between you and your deeds. Still you care more about your body ( rather than soul ). I can see the calamity of death grabs you suddenly and drags you from the surface of the earth to its depth and from the heights of the earth to its lower places and from the joy and familiarity of the earth to the horror of the grave , from the prosperity and illumination of earth to the darkness and pitch blackness of the grave and from the vastness of the earth to the tightness of the grave. It takes you to that prison to which your nearest relative is not allowed to visit you , to a place where patients have no right to be visited , to a place where there is no response to any cry or scream. 

May the Almighty God save us from the difficulties and problems of this day and salvage both we and you from the punishment of that day , and makes us deserving his great rewards. 
(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol.78 , P.120)


Mar 14, '13 1:02 PM
for everyone

,                                                                                                                                                      Below mentioned is an amazing website for the Holy Quran. Just  put the mouse on any line and you will find the translation of that line or you can click the translation in the top of the page in the left corner for the entire Surah. In the left side for this website you can choose Surah (from all 114 Surah). Moreover you can choose any Aayah, can search by the page number and also you can select the Qari whose recitation you want to listen …
 Please circulate for public benefit. Jazak ALLAH Khair.

Prayers of the one who eats a single morsel of Harām are not accepted for forty nights...

Mar 14, '13 12:58 PM
for everyone
Holy Prophet Muhammad  al Mustafā (S.A.W.W)  said:

“Prayers of the one who eats a single morsel of Harām are not accepted for forty nights nor are his invocations accepted for forty days. Every piece of flesh that grows by consuming Harām is most deserving of being burnt in hell-fire and even a single morsel consumed causes some growth of flesh.”
 [Reference: Greater Sins, vol 1, chapter 27/ Safinat’ul-Bihār]