God's Prophet (a.s) said: "Whenever you meet one of your believing brothers, greet him and shake hands. God the Almighty respects the angels for greeting, and you should follow the angels in this respect."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Shaking hands has the same reward as that of those who immigrate for the sake of God."
Abi Obeydeh al-Haz'za narrated that once when he was travelling with Imam Baqir (a.s), the Imam (a.s) would shake hands with him whenever he got off his camel for some reason, and got back on. He asked Imam Baqir (a.s) the reason.
Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "Whenever two believers shake hands, they will leave each other without any sins."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Whenever two men shake hands, the reward of the one who initiates the handshake is more than the other one. Also know that due to the hand shaking, all the sins will be eliminated, and no sin will remain."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God's Prophet was never the first man to withdraw his hands when he shook hands with other men."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God's Prophet never allowed a man to shake hands with a woman, even if she was an old woman."
Ishaq ibn Am'mar narrated that once a man asked Imam Sadiq (a.s): "What is the reward of two believers who hug each other when they meet one another."
He replied: "When they hug each other, they will be encompassed with Mercy, and if they do this for God's sake, and they have no material intentions for so doing, they will be told: "God blesses you. Do it again." When they get close to one another and talk, the angels will tell each other:
"Let's go away. They are having a private conversation, and God will keep their secrets." Ishaq asked the Imam (a.s): "Will there be nothing recorded even though the Almighty God said: "Not a word does he utter but there is a sentinel by him, ready (to note it)." [The Holy Quran: Qaf 50:18] Then the Imam sighed, tears flowed from his eyes and his beard got wet, and he said: "When two believers meet each other God orders the angels to respect them and maintain their distance. This is the honor of the two believers. Even though the angels do not hear them and do not record anything, God who is aware of their
hidden words and deeds knows what they say and records it."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "The speed of development of mutual feelings between two good people when they meet is similar to that of combining rain water with river water even if they do not verbally express their friendship. However, the distance between wicked people when they meet each other-even if they verbally express
their friendship-is similar to the lack of feelings of the four-legged animals, even if they spend a lot of time eating grass together in a field."
Abi Basir asked the Imam (a.s) about a Muslim shaking hand with Jews or Christians. He said: "It is fine if you shake hands with some cloth in between, but if they touch your hands, wash them."
In another tradition we read: "If you do not find any water, rub your hands against a wall."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "You believers have spiritual illumination by which you can be recognized. When one of you meets the other, he kisses just that light spot on the forehead."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "It is not proper to kiss a girl once she reaches the age of six."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "You are only allowed to kiss your small child and your wife on the lips."
A man kissed Imam Sadiq (a.s)'s hand. Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "This is only allowed for the Prophet or those under special consideration of the Prophet."
Imam Kazim (a.s) said: "It is fine to kiss your relatives whom you cannot marry. You can kiss your brother on his cheeks and kiss your leaders on the forehead."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "You believers have a spiritual illumination by which you can be recognized. Whenever you want to shake hands with one another, you can see the light in the other one's face when you greet each other."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "When Abraham -the friend of the Merciful (a.s) was seeking a pasture for his sheep in Mount Bayt al-Mughadas, he heard a voice. When he looked more carefully he saw a man who was nearly twelve-hand spans (or feet) tall standing in prayer. Abraham said: "O' servant of God! Who are you praying to?" The man said: "To the Lord of the heavens." Abraham (a.s) asked: "Do you have any
relatives?" He said: "No." Abraham asked: "Then what do you eat?" He said: "I save the fruits of the trees in the summer, and eat them in the winter." Abraham asked: "Where do you live?" He said: "On the mountain." Abraham said: "Can I spend the night in your house?" The man said: "There is a hard to cross river on the way which we must cross." Abraham asked: "How do you cross it?" The man said: "I walk on top of the water." Abraham said: "Let's go. Maybe God will grant me what He has granted you." The worshiping man took Abraham's hand, and went to the river, and both walked on top of that river and crossed it. Then they both went to his house.
Abraham asked the man: "Which day is the greatest day?" He said: "That on which the people get closer to each other." Abraham said: "Do you want us both to raise our hands in prayer for God to protect us from the evils of that day?" He said: "What do you have to do with my praying? I swear by God that I have been praying for three years now but God does not fulfill my prayers." Abraham said: "Do you want me to tell you why your prayers are not answered?" He said: "Yes." Abraham said:
"God does not fulfill the prayers of one who prays and whom God loves so that he continues to pray and ask Him for what he needs. But when God does not like someone, He will immediately fulfill his needs so he does not pray again, or He makes him give up all hope in praying." Then Abraham asked him what he had
asked for. He said: "A young fellow passed by here with some sheep. I asked him who owned the sheep. He said "They belong to Abraham, the friend of the Merciful."
Then he said: "I prayed to God to show me His friend on the Earth if He has any."
Abraham said: "Your prayer has been responded to since I am Abraham, the friend of the Merciful." Then he hugged him. Hugging became a tradition from this time on.
Shaking hands became a tradition after the Prophet Muhammad's appointment."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Shaking hands with a believer has one thousand rewards."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) quoted on the authority of his noble father (a.s) on the authority of Imam Ali (a.s): "Do not greet women."
Ibn Abi Omir's sisters narrated that they went to see Imam Sadiq (a.s) and asked him: "Can a woman visit her believing brothers?" He said: "Yes." Then they asked: "Can they shake hands with him?" He said: "It is fine if their hands are covered with cloth. When the women were swearing their allegiance to God's Prophet, the Prophet had pulled his hands into his sleeves, and they touched his sleeves."
Imam Javad (a.s) said: "When the women wanted to swear allegiance to the Prophet of God (a.s), he would put his hand in a pan of water and they would immerse their hands in the same pan of water. This is how they expressed their faith in God, and acknowledged His Prophet, and accepted the religious laws of Islam.:
In another tradition we read: "The Prophet of God (a.s) called the women, placed his hand in a pan of water and removed it, and then asked them to place their hands in the pan of water to swear allegiance to him."