What is and what is not ‘Asabiyyah
It is reported that when Prophet (s) was asked: “O Prophet of God! What is ‘asabiyyah ?”, He (s) replied: “That you support your nation (or tribe) in oppression.” [Abu Dawood, Sunan, hadith # 5119]
Imam ‘Ali bin al-Husayn (a) was asked about ‘asabiyyah. He (a) replied: “‘Asabiyyah that makes a person sinful is that he takes the worst actions of his nation (or tribe) to be better than the best actions of his opponent tribe. It is not ‘asabiyyah to love one’s nation. However, if one helps his nation in committing oppression than it is ‘asabiyyah.” [Al‑Kulayni, al‑Kafi, vol. 2, bab al ‘asabiyyah, p. 308, hadith # 7]
The Evils of `Asabiyyah
If one’s heart is covered with the dust of self‑love and the love of the kindred and improper and blind `asabiyyah, the light of faith will not shine in it.
Al‑Imam al‑Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: "Whosoever practices `asabiyyah (against someone), God shall wrap around him (`asabahu) a fold (`isabah)of Fire." [Al‑Kulayni, al‑Kafi, vol. 2, bab al ‘asabiyyah, p. 308, hadith # 4]
It is reported from al-Imam al‑Sadiq (a) that the Prophet (s)said:"The one who exerts `asabiyyah or the one on whose behalf it is exerted, the tie of faith is taken off his neck." [Al‑Kulayni, al‑Kafi, vol. 2, bab al ‘asabiyyah, p. 308, hadith # 2]. That is, such a person is deprived of faith and abandoned from the fold of faithful in the eyes of God. As to the person in whose interest`asabiyyah is exerted, he is also included in the hadith due to his compliance to the behaviour of the one exerting`asabiyyah on his behalfand hence made to share his lot jointly.
‘Asabiyyah against a nation or group may lead one to commit several moral vices such as backbiting, slandering, and heinous crimes such oppression, murder, massacres, and the like.