As-Sahla Mosque In the words of Imams (a.s.)
The Household of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon all of them have shown great honor for As-sahla Mosque. In their words, they say:
1- Imam Ali ( PBUH ) has said: (The Mosque of ‘Bin Dhafr’ is a blessed Mosque inside of which, by Allah I say, there is a green rock contains the faces of all of the apostles Allah has sent , and it is named As-Sahla Mosque).
2- Imam Ali (PBUH) has said: (I can envision Imam Al-Mahdi’s tour as he passes from ‘Wady As-Salam’ to Al-Sahla Mosque on a round dish-legged-horse).
3- Imam Ali (PBUH) has once asked his companion ‘Malek Bin Dhamera Al-Anbary’: “Have you ever prayed in the Mosque beside your house?”
But Al-Anbary replied: “It is a mosque where women pray inside” Then, Imam Ali explained: “Oh Malek, this is the Mosque to which any person comes, prays inside, and supplicates to Allah his need, Almighty Allah fulfills his needs.”
4- Imam Ali Zein Al-Abedeen (PBUH) has said:
“Whoever prays inside As-Sahla Mosque, Almighty Allah elongates his lifetime two years more.”
5- Imam Ja’afar Bin Mohammad As-Sadiq (PBUH) has said: “From As-Sahla Mosque Prophet Abraham (PBUH) had started his move to fight the giants (in Yemen).”
6- Imam Ja’afar Bin Mohammad As-Sadiq (PBUH) has said: As-Sahla Mosque is the house of Prophet Edrees (PBUH) and where he used to sew; and from which Prophet David (PBUH) had started his move to fight Jaloutt.”
7- Imam Ja’afar Bin Mohammad As-Sadiq (PBUH) has said: “I foresee Al-Mahdi (PBUH) descending in As-Sahla Mosque along with his family; As-Sahla is the house of Prophet Edrees (PBUH) and inside which all other Prophets had prayed. Staying inside it sounds like staying in the pavilion of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH); for which the heart of every faithful man and woman does yearn; no night passes without having angels finding shelter inside it worshiping Almighty Allah.”
8- Imam Ja’afar Bin Mohammad As-Sadiq ( PBUH ) has said: As-Sahla Mosque is one of the places from which Almighty Allah would like his people supplicate to Him; every day and night angels descend to this Mosque praying. Were I nearby it, I would have never performed a pray anywhere else.”
9- Prophet Al-khidher (PBUH) has said: As-Sahla Mosque is the shrine of Prophets, Apostles and Allah’s good people.