Sunday, 24 February 2013


Feb 24, '13 10:46 AM
for everyone

The following is the excerpt from a letter of the late Ayatollah Khomeni to his son Ahmad, may Allah be please with them.
Giving of loan to those who are in need is highly encouraged in a number of Qur’anic verses (Aayaat) and Traditions (Hadeeths) of the Infallibles (Masoomins) (a.s.).  This good deed carries a lot of reward and the Almighty Allah (swt) has promised to increase its value manifold in this world and reward it honorably in the Hereafter.
Such loans must be interest free.  Taking of interest and usury is forbidden in Islam.  The Holy Qur’an clearly states that “Allah has permitted trading but forbidden Ribaa (usury)’’ (The Holy Qur’an 2:279)
Some Qur’aanic verses on the benefits of giving loan to the needy and being considerate to debtors if they are in difficulty are:  “ Who is it that will offer to Allah a goodly loan, so He will multiply it for him manifold, and Allah is He who decreases and increases the provision) and to Him you shall (all) be returned.” (The Holy Qur’an 2:245)
Be considerate to a debtor who is in difficulty by giving him/her extra time.  If he/she is still unable to repay, then convert the loan to charity (sadaqah) for that is good and highly rewarding for the creditor.  “And if (the debtor) is in difficulty, then let there be granting of time till it is easy (for him to repay); but if you (change) it to charity, that is better for you, only if you knew it.” (The Holy Qur’an 2:280).
Among the promises, which the Almighty took from Jews, was that they would grant goodly loan to the needy.  In return Allah (swt) promised them to keep them in His Mercy, conceal their evil deeds and enter them into Paradise
“Certainly Allah took a covenant from the children of Israel, and We appointed among them twelve leaders; and Allah said: Surely I am with you if you perform as-Salat; pay az-Zakaat, believe in My messengers; honor and assist them and give to Allah a goodly loan.  I will surely cover your evil deeds, and will surely cause you to enter into gardens beneath which river flows. But he who disbelieves amongst you after this then he has certainly gone astray from the right way.” (The Holy Qur’an 57:11)
Giving loan is increased manifold and this is followed by a good reward in the Hereafter.  “Who is he that will lend Allah a good loan; then He will increase it manifold for him, and (in addition) he shall have an honorable reward (The Holy Qur’an 57:11)
Giving of goodly loan has been mentioned along with giving of charity.  This shows that lending money to the needy is no less than charity.  : “Surely those who give charity, men and women and give Allah a goodly loan, it shall be increased manifold and (additionally) they shall have an honorable reward”.  (The Holy Qur’an 57:18)
Giving of goodly loan will help us in being forgiven by Allah (swt). “If you give Allah a goodly loan.  He will increase for you manifold and forgive you; and Allah is most appreciative (of rewards) and All-Forbearing. (The Holy Qur’an 64:17)
“A goodly loan that is given to the needy will be found with Allah, better and greater in reward.  So recite as much of the Qur’an as may be easy, and perform as-Salaat and give as-Zakaat, and give Allah a goodly loan. And whatever good you send on beforehand for yourselves, you will surely find it with Allah, better and greater in reward; and seek forgiveness of Allah; surely Allah is All Forgiving, All-Merciful” (The Holy Qur’an 73:20)
(Extracted from Jaf’ari Observer for the benefits of the Momineens)


Feb 24, '13 10:36 AM
for everyone

To be an intelligent man ……………Fear Allah (swt)

To be a loyal servant to Allah (swt) and to do what he wants us to do…………….Read the Holy Qu’ran

To be enlightened and have a peace of heart………Remember Death

To be protected against enemies ……Trust in Allah

To follow the Straight Path…….. Do good to others for Allah’s sake

What to do so that Allah (swt) does not abase one……..Do not respond to desires of your flesh

To have a long life…..Praise and thank Allah (swt)

For Prosperity………….Be in a state of ablution at all times

How to save oneself from Hellfire ……..Protect your eyes, your tongues, your hands and what is below your waistline against evil

To cleanse oneself from sins……….Shed tears for what you have done and repent by undoing what you have done wrong

To be a respectable person……………Then don’t divulge the wrong doings of anybody

To protect oneself from the tortures of the grave………….Recite Sur’ah Mulk

To become rich……………Read Su’rah Muzammil

To calm the fear of the Day of Last Judgment……….. Remember Allah (swt) before you eat anything and before you sleep

To feel the presence of Allah when making prayers………..Give the utmost care in taking your ablutions and in being clean and pure


Feb 24, '13 10:35 AM
for everyone

According to Imam Mohamed Al-Baqir (a.s.), satan dispatches a special task force in the morning to beguile people.  Hence we have been advised to remember Allah (swt) much and to take refuge in Him.  Perhaps, for the same reason, Islam has considered sleeping between dawn and sunrise as undesirable.
It is the tradition of our Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.a.) and his Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) to remain occupied with worship acts during this period.  This can be borne out by the number of supplications and invocations prescribed especially for recitation after the Morning Prayer (Namaz).  They are more than what have been prescribed for any other Namaz.
It has been related in many narratives that the reward of a person supplication and reciting, the Holy Qu’ran after the morning prayers till sunrise is equivalent to that of a recommended pilgrimage to the Holy Kaaba (i.e. Hajj).  It wards-off calamities, increases longevity and protects the person from diseases and destitution. One can safely state that, except for definite death, these supplications are known to fulfill every need, allay fears and remedy all afflictions of mankind.
Allah (swt) says in Hadis-e-Qudsi: “O son of Aadam remember me for an hour in the morning and or an hour in the afternoon, so that I should take care of all your important works”
Shaykh Ahmad bin Fadd and others have narrated that a person complained to Imam Musa Al-Kazim (a.s.) about Unfulfilled desires.  The person said: “No work results in profit and none of my goals bear fruit.” Imam Al-Kazim (a.s.) taught him to recite the following after the Morning Prayer ten times:
Narrator says that within a very short span of time he became wealthy.
Sayeed ibn Ta’us from a very reliable chain of narrators relates that Imam Reza (a.s.) said: “One who recites after the morning prayer 100 times “BISMILLAHI-RHEMAANIR-RAHEEM-LAA HAWLA-WALAA QUWWATA-ILLA-BIL-LAAHI ALIYELL-AZEEM” will become closer to the ‘Greatest Name’ than the black of the eye to its whiteness.
According to Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s.) and Imam Al-Kazim (a.s.) the person reciting the above—mentioned 70 times after the morning prayers will be safeguarded from seventy types of calamities, the easiest of which are insanity, leucoderma (hypo pigmentation of the skin) etc.
Similarly, the recitation of the following after the morning prayers 10 times is a divine shield against blindness, poverty, leprosy, house-collapse, on the person’s head etc.
Rassulullah (s.a.w.a.) said: “One who recites Surah Qul-Huwallaahu-Ahad 10 times every day, whatsoever attempts Satan may make so that a sin is written in the person’s account will not succeed.”
“Sawaabul Aamaal” quotes from reliable authorities that one who recites:
“ALLAAHUMMA-SALLE-ALAA-MUHAMMED-WA-AALE MUHAMMED” 100 times after the morning prayers will not be punished by hell-fire.
                      HAPPY FAXING


Feb 24, '13 10:27 AM
for everyone

Most of us do realize that our performances of ‘salaat’ (prayers) and dua (supplications) are not of quality they should be.  However, we do not make attempts to correct the situation.  Though Shaitan does play an important role in diverting us from making serious attempts in this regard, we can hardly escape the responsibility of taking concrete steps to correct ourselves.

One of the strangest issues that confounds us and is somewhat unique to our community is the fact the most us ‘recite’ our prayers and supplications rather than ‘pray’ or ‘supplicate’.  There is probably no other community in the world, most of whose adherents do not understand what they say in their prayers, supplications or even while reading their holy book.  But many in our community reach their ripe old ages diligently reciting their salaat, dua and the Holy Qu’ran without ever understanding a word of it!  While there is no denying that there are sawaab (rewards) for mere recitation of these, it is astonishing that it never occurs to us that we should make some attempt to understand what we recite.

If we do make an attempt to understand what we recite surely the spiritual experience of prayer and supplication will be far more refreshing and uplifting.

Here are some tips to improve the quality of one’s salaat (prayers) and dua (supplications) to bring about greater spiritual upliftment and increased rewards in this world and the Hereafter.

1.     First and foremost know and realize that you are able to recite salaat and dua due to the supreme sacrifices of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and the Holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) who, to bring to us these Divine Blessings, have faced enormous trials and tribulations and with the exception of the Imam of Our Time (a.t.f.s.) were eventually martyred.  Most notably, do remember the supreme sacrifice of the Greatest Martyr of Mankind, Imam Husain (a.s.) and his companions who faced the toughest trials, captivity and martyrdom, without which let alone this blessing of salaat, Islam itself would not have reached us.
2.     Keep yourself free of mental and physical fatigue whilst praying.  Keep your mind free of worldly worries, evil thoughts, and ideas.
3.     Plan what verses/duas you are going to recite.
4.     If you do not understand Arabic, learn the meaning of what you recite in your Prayer.  Better still, start learning Arabic- it is the language the Almighty Allah (swt) has addressed us in through the Holy Qu’ran.  The least we can do is try to understand what the Almighty Allah (swt) is telling us.
5.     Remind yourself that engaging in prayers offers you an opportunity to release from the tension of the world.  The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has said that ‘in prayer was placed the comfort of his eyes’.  Therefore cherish the opportunity to remove the burdens of the world from your shoulders.
6.     Use your prayer to remain focused on your mission in life, which is to bring your entire being to serve only Allah (swt)
7.     Use your prayer as a source of strength, inspiration and enthusiasm of your life and activities.
8.     Fulfill all your personal needs before you commence your prayer, for e.g., thirst, hunger and calls of nature.
9.     Do not procrastinate and do not let the time of salaat lapse without your having performed the obligatory salaat.  Know that we pray because Allah (swt) is worthy of and deserves your worship and this is besides the fact that we can earn sawaab (reward) by praying and save ourselves from the azaab (punishment) of avoiding prayers.
10.  Pray in pure physical state.  Perform wudhu with attention, care and perfection.  Although the whole earth is a Masjid or a place of worship, choose a place that is clean.
11. Pray in an environment free of noise and one where there is no distraction.  If that is not possible try not allow your attention to be diverted from your prayers.
12.  Adorn yourself with clean and respectable clothes.
13.   Assess your mental readiness for prayers before its commencement, during the various postures, after each rakaat and ultimately at the end.
14.   Pray with humility both in your mental state and in your physical manner.  Realize that you are before the All-Powerful and humble your entire being before Him.
15.  Pray with hope and awe.
16.    Remind yourself continually that you are talking to the most important ‘One’ in your life- your Creator and Sustainer.  He is Omnipresent.  You are before Him, facing Him and you are involved in a dialogue with Him.
17.  Commence your prayer by seeking Allah’s help and protection from the influence of the cursed Shaitan.
18. Lower your gaze while praying and do not allow the physical environment to distract you.
19.  On each occasion that you recite the sifat (attributes) of Allah (swt) in ruku and sajdah (prostration), consider how indebted you are and how grateful you should be to Allah (swt) and express your true emotions.
20.  Utilize the occasion of sajdah to make additional dua to Allah (swt). The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “A servant is nearest to his Lord when he is in sajdah, so increase your supplication when in sajdah”.  There are many duas recommended by the Holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) for this purpose.
21. Pray as it is your last prayer.  The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said: “When you stand up to pray, perform your prayer as if it were your last prayer”.
22. After each salaat do ask Allah (swt) for fulfillment of your legitimate desires and wishes.  Such a salaat earns the pleasure of Allah (swt).  And of course, do not harbor desires and wishes that are not legitimate.
23.   It is only an expression of gratitude that you send salutations to Imam Husain (a.s.), the other Martyrs of Karbala and those who suffered the following trials of captivity.  Therefore, include and appropriate Ziayarat with your salaat and duas.

Few Hadees of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and Imams (a.s)

Feb 24, '13 10:15 AM
for everyone

Namaz-e- Jama'at :
The Holy Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.s.) said: The rows of my followers in the congregational ( jamat ) prayer on the earth are like the rows of angels in the sky; and a rakat of prayer in congregation is equivalent with twenty-four rakats and every rakat with Allah Almighty and Glorious, is more beloved than forty years of worship. Therefore, on the Day of Judgement, when Allah gathers all human beings from the begining to the end for Reckoning, there will be no believer who has attended the congregatonal prayer but for whom Allah will decrease  the grievousness of the Day of Reckoning and after that one will be told to enter Paradise.
Duty towards one's family :
Immam Ja'far as- Sadiq (a.s.) said that when one person's wife told to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) that her husband was always busy fasting and praying day and night without paying attention to his life and family.  The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) went to the person's house and found him praying.  When the person finished his prayer, the Messenger of Allah said:
You person , Allah has not sent me for mockery but appointed me for a fluent, easy religion (which protects the rights of body and soul).  I fast, keep up prayers, and associate with my family.  Then, he who likes my way and my creed, must follow my way of life, my Sunnah; and. verily, marriage is of my Sunnah.
On Woman:
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s. ) said:
1) Fertile   2) Affectionate   3)  Keeps secret    4) Pious
She obeys her husband and is honourably dear among kinsmen.  Whe she is with her husband, she reveals her ornaments but conceals it from anyone other than him. 
She hearkens to his speech and obeys his commands.
Whe she is private, she dresses hereself beautifully and is eager to offer her husband generously whatever he wants from her.
She is usually ornamented (for him) and is not plain as men are.
On Apppreciation :
Hazrat Ali (a.s.)  in the directive to Malik al- Ashtar (his commander) points out the significance and benfits of appreciation:
(O Malik)  Attention to major matters should not make your neglect minor and less important ones, for the people benefit it from trivial services and acts of kindness in their own right, while they cannot do without major services.
Hence pay thorough attention to the demands and needs of the people.
Pay compliments to those who take pains and do worthy work.  For the tribute paid to them for their work gives enthusiasm to the brave and serves as a constant source of their motivation.
This practice also helps motivate conservative and timid persons and draws them to the field of battle.
Four Traits :
The Holy Prophet (s.a..w.s) said:
There are Four Traits that if one possess he is considered a hypocrite.  If one of them is found in a person he has the characteristic of hypocrite unless he abandons it:
He who lies when he speaks
He who break his promises
He who betray when he makes a vow
He who erupts when he quarells (with someone)
To Prevent a barrier between the paradise
Immam Reza (a.s.) narrated from his father (a.s.) from Amirul Mo'mineen (a.s.) who said: that a man once asked the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) to teach him an action to prevent a barrier between him and Paradise.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:
Do not get angry
Do not ask people for things
Wish for people whatever you wish for yourself


Feb 24, '13 10:13 AM
for everyone

 Allah (s.w.t.) ha created no one (except for the Prophets and the Imams) free of sin, and people generally live behind the veil that Allah (s.w.t.) has, through His far reaching wisdom, drawn over their acts.  If this divine veil were lifted  to expose all our faults and errors, everyone would flee each other in loathing and society would crumble to its foundations. 
This is why Allah  has forbidden Backbiting, so that we should be protected from talk behind our backs, and so that our outward lives should appear beautiful, and this outward beauty should penetrate our inward ugliness.
One of the curses which deals a serious blow to social relations and has been strongly opposed in Islam is BACKBITING.
Backbitting actually means saying something against someone behind his back that he would not like it.  It is one of the major sins.  It is a sign of weakness and cowardice.  The one who backbites is weak because he cannot see the progress and prestige of others, hence he tries to defame him.
Immam Musa Kazim (a.s.) said : The mention of anything evil about anyone among the people who did not know it is backbiting.
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said:" exposing the defects of a brother-in-faith which Allah has covered is backbiting
Allah says: "O you believe  ! avoid most of suspicion, for surely suspicion in some cases, is a sin, and do not spy or let some of you backbite others.  Does one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother ?". (49:12)
Once some companions sent Salman-e-Farsi (r.a.) to get some food.  The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) sent Salman to Usama bin Zaid who looked after the kitchen of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and Usama begged to be pardoned for there was nothing in Kitchen.  When Salman returned without any thing the companions said that Usama was a wise and Salman was also the same. 
 When after that those companions appearing before him, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: " What is the matter, I see some particles of flesh in your teeth ?" They said they had not any animal food.  The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: It is the flesh of Salman and Usama"  This verse (49:12) was revealed.
In Surah al-Noor Alalh says : " Surely (as for) those who love that scandal should circulate respecting those who believe, they shall have a grievous chastisement in this world and the hereafter."  (24:19) . 
This is a seperate important instruction by itself that no attempt should be made to spread even the news of evil or crime which would result in minimising the gravity of crime in the eyes of the people.  He who gives publicity to the evils of others, is equal to himself having committed those evils.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: "Abstain from backbiting for it is worse than adultery (zina) for after committing adultery, if one seeks Allah's pardon, He grants it, but the forgiveness for backbiting is not granteduntil the one who is backbitted forgives him.
In surah al-Qalam, Allah says" And yield no to any mean swearer, defamers, going about with slander " (68:10-11)
This verse, in general, teaches us not pay attention to a type of mean and lowly people who always engage in defaming and exposing faults of othrs, even to the extent of slandering- fabricating defects against others.
Slander is ranked as more reprehensible than backbiting
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: " O you people who have expressed belief with your tongues but whose hearts are unwareof it ! Do not open your mouths to slander the Muslims and do not seek to discover their faults because when a person peeps at the faults of his brother-faith, Allah tears his veil, divulges his faults and disgrace him."
Difference between backbitting and Slander (Bohtan)
Worse than backbiting is slander, which means false accusation and fabricated faults against others.  Backbiting is exposing the true defects of others behind their back. 
Some persons pry into the private affairs and secret matters of others.  This a sort of inferiority complex and the person concerned resorts to divulging the defects of others so that he may creat peace within himself. 
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: " Any get-together which flourishes and becomes lively with backbiting and saying bad things will be desolate from the view-point of religion.  O Muslims !  Keep your ears away from hearing because one who says bad things about others and one who hears it are partners in sin "
" Whoever moves from his place for the purpose of backbitting of his brother-in-faith for exposing his defects then beware that he has put his first step in the Hell. 
Imam Ali (a.s.) "Whoever is inquisitive about the defects of the people should commence this taks with himself"
"Refrain from associating with the fault-finders, because their freinds too, cannot remain safe from their harm.
Allah said: " Woe unto every slanderer defamer !
Repentance and expiation for backbiting
Since backbiting is a major sin so if one is indulged into it he should instantly be repentant because he had opposed a Divine order and then he should seek for the forgiveness of Allah and should resolve not to repeat this sin, and if possible he should praise the backbitten in the same manner in which he had backbitted and should also beg for his pardon.
Immam Ja'far as-Sadiq said: "Backbiting of a Muslim is equal to infidelity and its listening and being pleased with it is polytheism
There are certain occasions when the Jurists (Fuqha) consider backbitting permissible:
1.  Backbiting is permissible of a person who is seen committing sins openly such as drinking wine at a open place provided he is not regretful or ashamed in doing so.
2.  If an oppressed complains of the tyranny inflicted by an oppressor then it will not be considered as backbitting.
     As in Quran Allah says: "Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speach, unless (it be) by one to who injustice has been done"
3.  Counselling the seeker of an advice.  When a person is willing to know some information about a particular person from a consultant who knows such a defect about him which, if not disclosed, may put the seeker of advice in trouble then there is no harm in disclosing the defects of the particular person.  But if any matter disclosed then it is not permissible to disclose anything.
4.  When a shameful or vile act is seen in someone and if it is certain that by exposing these acts he will discard them there there is no harm in backbitting. But if that person is disgraced or insulted in disclosing his evils then it is not permissible.  In this regard one  should be cautious in observing the conditons of 'Nahi-anil-Munkar".
5.  Backbiting of such a person is permissible who is himself misguided and is indulged in misguiding other Muslims and creating schism and innovation in religion.
6.  Repudiating the saying of such a person who connects himself with a family or lineage, to which he is not belonging, will not be considered as backbiting.
7.  If two persons notice a sin of a person and they chat about it in his absence then it will not be backbiting as there is nothing hidden from the teller and the listener. If it is feared this matter may become famous in this way then it is not permissible to talk about it.
Finally the Hadees to sum up:
"Hazrat Ali (a.s.) said:  "Keep silent and cover up (short-comings of others) so that you remain secured and safe"
"One who covers up (short-comings ) of a Muslim Allah (s.w.t.) would reward him by covering him up in this world and the Hereafter".
"Whoever is inquisitive about the defects of the people, should commence this and do first with his own self"
Let us pray that Allah gives us courage to disown the evil design of Shaitan in backbitting others and May Allah forgive us for our past actions and help us seek the forgivness of the person who is backbitted and May Allah us keep always on the right path and observe all his commands to invite His Divine Blessings and Grace - Ameen

N A M A Z - M E ' R A J O F M O ' M I N

Feb 24, '13 10:11 AM
for everyone
The significance of Namaz (prayers) can be understood from the above Quranic verse which clearly depicts the philosophy of Namaz.  Namaz restrains a person from committing evil deeds because if a person remembers his Lord five times in a day, then he cannot think of committing sins, let alone comitting it. This is because he testifies five times in his prayers that he who witnesses are his action, than how can he commit sins.
Namaz brings the person in direct contact with his Lord. It is narrated by the Immam (a.s.) that :
"When a person stands for praying Namaz, mercy of Allah descends upon him from heavens and earth and angels surround him.  One angel says : " If this person know what is the importance of Namaz he would never leave it "Really ! who wants to leave such a significant action except an unlucky person.  It is reported that when a servant of Allah prolongs his prostration (sijdah) Shaitan ( the cursed one) gets disgraced  and cries, " Oh ! woe be on me ! he obeyed Allah and I disobeyed.  He prostrates and I rejected ".
Immam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said  " Obligatory prayers are better than Hajj to a house of Allah.  And a Hajj is better than charity of a house filled with gold in way of Allah.
"Similiarity of Namaz is a pillar of tent.  Till the time the pillar is strong all the things in the tent remain stable.  But if the pillar come down then all other things will crumble. 
Some people, though they don't leave their prayers, but consider it a insiignificant matter are great loosers.  First loss to them is that they will be deprived of shafaa-at (intercession) As the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said : " One who is careless in praying Namaz is not from me. 
The tradition does not say for those who don't pray but for the ones who consider it unimportant  and shows lethargy in its performance.
As for those who pray very fast that one cannot differentiate it from  an exercise, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has strongly condemned them.   
Once Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a,)  was sitting in the mosque for praying Namaz, but while he was praying he did not perform his ruku and sajdah (prostration) properly and finished it in a haste, Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s)  remarked, " He is jumping like a crow.  If he dies in this state he will not die on my religion."
As per Immam (s.a.)  said: " When a person stands for Namaz and considers it unimportant Allay says to the Angels:
" Do you not see this slave of mine, he presumes as if fulfillments of his deeds is with someone other than Me ?  Does he know not that is in My hands ?."
Still other group of people who don't pray Namaz !  About such people Quran is very clear that their place is in Hell. Quran says: "Except for the people of right, they will be in heavens and will ask the sinner, " What has brought you to Hell", they shall reply " We were not among those who prayed Namaz ".
"The thing which converts a Muslim into a non-believer is to leave Namaz deliberately or consider it insignificant"
In another place Quran while describing unbeliver  and their characteristics say : " He  neither believes  (in Prophets) nor he prays Namaz but rejects (the truth) and turns back )  Surah Qiyamat 31- 32   "Immam (a.s.) says :  The one who after believing turns unbeliever than all his actions are washed away .
The Holy Quran says : " Surely the believers are successful, the one who are humble in their prayers and those keep a guard on their prayers. " (Surah Mo'menin') 
Immam Ja'far as- Sadiq (a.s.) said : " For the one who prays Namaz there are   distinctions:
1.  When he stands for prayers blessings pour down upon him from              heaven
2.  Angels gather around his feet from heaven
3.  An Angel announces : " O one who prayes Namaz if you would  have      know that (this) thing which will serve as deliverance  (to Paradise )          you would never turn away from it."
    It is said by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s )
1.  One who helps evader of Namaz by even a morsel of food it is as if           he has killed seventy prophets - first among them being Adam (a.s.)         and last Mohammamed (s.a.w.s.)
2.  One who helps evader of Namaz by giving him even water to drink it         is as if he is at war with me and with all the Prophets
3.  Namaz is the pillar of religion if it is accepted then everything will be         accepted - if it is rejected every other thing will be rejected.
4.  Till the time a person prays five times a day, Shaitan fears him and             keeps away from him but when he does not pray, Shaitan over-                 powers him and indulges him in major sins".
Immam Ali (a.s.) said as to when the Angels pray Namaz behind you
"One who performs prayers with Azaan and Iqamat there will pray behind him one row of Angels which he sees not and one who prays with Iqamat only one angle prays namaz behind him "
When it was asked to Imam (a.s.) as to how many angles are there in one row.  Imam (a.s.) said:
"Minimum is what can be accommodated between East and the West of earth while maximum is what can be accommodated between earth and the sky"
At the time of call for Morning prayers - Allah (s.t.) sends Angels to your doorsteps with all His Grace, Blessings, Rozi, and the Goodness.  The Angles knock at every Momin's door to enter with all the Barkat but the person who does not get for his morning prayers he looses his chance to get the benevolence from Allah and indirectly rejects them.  Who would not want all the Barkat should not come in to his house- no one wants to miss it but being lazy to get up for morning prayers the chance is lost.  It is the same way - you want your guest to come to your house - you say also come in - come in - but you do not open the latch of the door from inside  for him to come in - this is what happens to the Angels - they want to enter your house as you would very much want to do but not opening the latch of your door (not getting up for prayers because of laziness) one deprives the chance -  How can one blame Allah for the loss of barakat in his Rozi.  The person himself is to be blamed for his loss.
Always pray Sure-Yasin - make it a habit to pray after your morning prayers and see the difference
Pray Sure- Waqia between Isha and Magrib prayers for increase in sustenance


Feb 24, '13 10:04 AM
for everyone
Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that,

Holy Prophet Muhammad al Mustafā (S.A.W.W) said:

“The most ignorant person is one who does not learn from the changes in this world, and does not change. 
The most self-sufficient person is one who is not enslaved by greed.”

[Reference: Mishkat ul-Anwar, Sec 8, Chp 2, Hadees 1804]

السلام على الحسين وعلى علي بن الحسين وعلى أولاد الحسين وعلى أصحاب الحسين

A humble request:

Please pray for restoration of Jannat al-Baqi & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs).

Iltemase dua