Friday, 1 March 2013


Feb 27, '13 11:34 AM
for everyone

A pale and dusty old man came into the mosque. He was clad in rags. He went to the Prophet and in three short sentences explained his circumstances:
"Oh Prophet of God, I am hungry, give me food. "I am clothless, give me clothes. "I am without means, help me!" The Prophet (S.A.) told him, "I have nothing in hand. Go to my daughter's house. She will help you. The house of Fatima was near and one of the Prophet's companions led the old man to it. The old man knocked at the door.
”Who is it?"
"I'm a hungry person, I'm clothless, I'm without means, be kind and generous to me, God will be kind and generous to you.

Fatima took from her neck the necklace given to her by her cousin and gave it to the old man saying. "Sell this  necklace and spend the money. I hope that in the future you will be free of need."
The poor man returned happily. The Prophet was still in the mosque. The old man showed the necklace and said, "Oh Prophet, your daughter, Fatima, gave me her necklace to sell."
One of the Prophet's friends, Ammar ibn Yasir, heard what the old man said and asked him what price he wanted.
The old man said that he would sell it for enough food to satisfy his hunger, enough cloth to clothe his body, and enough money to get home.
Ammar said, "I buy this necklace from you, "for a meal of bread and meat, "clothes of Yemenite cloth, "a four- footer' to take you home, "and, in addition, eight dinars of gold and 200 dirhams of silver."
Ammar then took the old man home and paid him the price of the necklace.
The old man ate the food, put on the clothes and went on his way satisfied and happy.
Then Ammar put perfume on the necklace, wrapped it up in a piece of cloth and ordered his slave, "Go to the Prophet of God. I have given you and this necklace to him."
The slave went to the Prophet and delivered Ammar's message.
The Holy Prophet looked at the necklace and said, "And I have given you and the necklace to my daughter."
The slave went to Holy Fatima and told her what the Prophet had said and presented the necklace. Fatima thanked him and said, "And in the path of God, I have freed you. You are not a slave anymore!"
That man, the slave, became very happy and with joy and surprise said, "What a blessed necklace!
"It satisfied hunger, "clothed the body. "Bestowed means in place of helplessness, "mounted the walker, "freed the slave, "and finally returned to its owner!"
The Holy Prophet of Islam and his followers strove hard to combat slavery and were continually freeing slaves, whatever the price. Thus, in Islam, the freeing of slaves is counted amongst the highest acts of worship, and, in some circumstances, is even considered obligatory.

Amusement......... "Corrupts the wills of determination"

Feb 27, '13 11:35 AM
for everyone

1ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): أيُّها النّاسُ، اتَّقوا اللّه‏َ ؛ فما خُلِقَ امرؤٌ عَبَثاً فيَلهوَ، ولا تُرِكَ سُدىً فيَلغوَ!
1– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘O people, revere Allah, for man was not created in vain that he may amuse himself, nor has he been abandoned to futility that he may be vain!’[Nahj al-Balagha, Saying 370]
2ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): اللّهوُ قُوتُ الحَماقَةِ.
2– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘Amusement is the provision of stupidity.’[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 937]
3ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): شَرُّ ما ضُيِّعَ فيهِ العُمرُ اللَّعِبُ .
3– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘The worst thing that life is wasted on is play.’[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 5729]
ثَمَراتُ اللَّهوِ
The Effects of Amusement
4ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): اللّهوُ يُسخِطُ الرَّحمنَ، ويُرضي الشَّيطانَ، ويُنسي القُرآنَ.
4– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘Amusement brings discontent to the Merciful, pleases Satan, and it makes one forget the Qur’an.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 78, p. 9, no. 66]
5ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): اللّهوُ يُفسِدُ عَزائمَ الجِدِّ.
5– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘Amusement corrupts the wills of determination.’[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 2165]
6ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): مَجالِسُ اللّهوِ تُفسِدُ الإيمانَ.
6– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘Gatherings of amusement corrupt the faith.’[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 9185]
7ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): أبعَدُ النّاسِ مِن النّجاحِ المُستَهتَرُ باللَّهوِ والمِزاحِ.
7– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘The farthest of people from success is the one infatuated with amusement and jokes.’[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 3333]
8ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): مَن كَثُرَ لَهوُهُ قَلَّ عَقلُهُ.
8– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘He whose amusement increases his intellect decreases.’[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 8426]
الإيمانُ وَاللَّهوُ
Faith and Amusement
9ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) ـ في صفةِ المؤمنِ ـ: مَشغولٌ وَقتُهُ.
9– Imam Ali (AS), describing a believer, said, ‘His time is always occupied.’[Nahj al-Balagha, Saying 333]
10ـ الإمامُ الحسنُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): المؤمنُ لا يَلهو حتّى يَغفُلَ، فإذا تَفَكّرَ حَزِنَ.
10– Imam Hasan (AS) said, ‘A believer does not occupy himself with amusement lest he becomes negligent, and when he thinks he becomes sad.’[Tanbih al-Khawatir, v. 1, p. 52]
11ـ الإمامُ الصّادقُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) ـ فيمَن طَلبَ الصَّيدَ لاهِيا ـ: وإنّ المؤمنَ لَفي شُغُلٍ عن ذلكَ، شَغَلَهُ طَلَبُ الآخِرَةِ عَنِ المَلاهي ... وإنَّ المؤمنَ عَن جَميعِ ذلكَ لَفي شُغُلٍ، ما لَهُ وللمَلاهي؟! فإنَّ المَلاهيَ تُورِثُ قَساوَةَ القَلبِ وتُورِثُ النِّفاقَ .
11– Imam al-Sadiq (AS), regarding someone who wanted to go hunting for amusement, said, ‘A believer is too busy for that; acquiring the Hereafter preoccupies him away from amusements…’ until he said, ‘A believer is too busy for all this, and what does he have to do with amusement, for amusement enegenders hard-heartedness and hypocrisy.’[Mustadrak al-Wasa`il, v. 13, p. 216, no. 15163]
لَهوُ المُؤمِنِ
Amusement of Believers
12ـ رسولُ اللهِ‏ِ (صَلَّيَ اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَ آلِهِ): كُلُّ لَهوِ المؤمنِ باطِلٌ إلّا في ثلاثٍ: في تأديبِهِ الفَرَسَ، ورَميِهِ عَن قَوسِهِ، ومُلاعَبَتِهِ امرأتَهُ، فإنّهُنَّ حَقٌّ.
12– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘Every kind of amusement is wrong for a believer except for three: his taming of a horse, his casting from a bow, and his foreplay with his wife, for they are [with] the truth.’[al-Kafi, v. 5, p. 50, no. 13]
13ـ رسولُ اللهِ (صَلَّيَ اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَ آلِهِ): خَيرُ لَهوِ المؤمنِ السِّباحَةُ، وخَيرُ لَهوِ المَرأةِ المِغزَلُ .
13– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘The best amusement for a believer is swimming, and the best amusement for women is the spinning wheel.’[Kanz al-`Ummal, no. 40611]


Feb 27, '13 11:37 AM
for everyone

Many Muslim sisters who wish to start observing Hijab just need a bit of willpower and self-confidence to give themselves a jumpstart into the Hijabi life. As women, practicing Hijab and maintaining our dignity has such a great magnitude that the effects of practicing Hijab, or the lack thereof, ripple in generations to come, and our efforts alone can make all the difference when it comes to producing pious and God-conscious members of society.
So the big question is: are YOU ready to start wearing the Hijab and demand for the highest status of self-respect a woman could possibly ask for while serving as a role model for future generations to come, irrespective of society's un-Islamic pressures?
Regardless of your age, any and every point in life is the perfect time to start observing Hijab and covering up what's not for the world to see. Some of the easier times to start wearing the Hijab include returning from a Hajj, Umrah, or Ziyarat trip, when going to a new school, university or workplace, or when moving to a new city, suburb, or community. Perhaps the new school year will provide the perfect opportunity for you to kick-start your next year in a more Islamic way. Give yourself the gift of Hijab on your next birthday, and reap the rewards until the Hereafter.
And if all else fails, you could always just start wearing the Hijab today when you walk out your front door, knowing that it may be a struggle during the initial stages, yet nothing more excruciating than the struggle faced by the holy women of the Prophet's Family (peace be upon them) as they were paraded around unveiled from Karbala to the cities of Kufa and Shaam, with the gazes of countless unrelated men falling upon their sacred beauty as they struggled to uphold the message and teachings of Islam


Feb 27, '13 11:39 AM
for everyone

Telling the Truth

Avoiding unwanted telephone calls ("Tell them I'm not home!") and trying to obtain undeserved discounts from inexperienced young staff at the local butcher ("Yeah, yeah, your boss knows me, he always gives me a 25 percent discount!") is, well, dishonest and un-Islamic. Small lies, big lies, and even white lies should be avoided at all times. As good believers, we should always be telling the truth!

Praying on Time

One of the major inconveniences of our favorite TV shows it that they are always broadcast at Maghribtime. Despite having seen every episode half a dozen times over the span of our childhood, we can't help but gamble every time over whom we love more: Allah or Homer Simpson? And for those of us who are smart enough to know that our Creator's importance is greater than Matt Groening's creation, the Morning Prayer is a whole other battle. I'm not too sure why most of us "don't have the energy" forFajr, because even at 4 in the morning, the minute someone plugs in the PS3 or suggests a movie marathon, it's as though we've consumed a dozen energy drinks and three shots of espresso. Narrations reveal that Fajr is the most beneficial of the daily prayers; however, Satan whispers otherwise.

Minding Our Language

I understand that the recommended daily Ziyarat Ashura recitation summons an amazing adrenaline rush upon cursing the tyrants; however, extending this "curse allowance" to regular use of profanities in everyday life is certainly uncalled for! These days most Muhammads and Hussains and Zainabs and Fatimas seem to be partaking in the who-can-swear-the-most competitions with the non-Muslims. If anyone feels as though this statement is grossly unfair, please find proof by visiting the local Islamic school during lunch time.

Refraining from Backbiting

To those individuals who feel compelled to commit Gheebat, justifying it as "a collective attempt to rectify faltering individuals" by informing each and every person of someone else's shortcomings and not-so-ethical behavior, we quote the Holy Qur'an: "And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother?" (49:12) Either everyone these days is practicing cannibalism on their own free will, or we have run out of new and interesting meats to try. I'm not too sure about your brother's, but mine's flesh certainly does not seem too appetizing.

Paying Religious Dues

The only difference between shortchanging the IRS and shortchanging on Khums is that the former will land you in jail, whereas the latter will put you in hell. Ideally we would like to avoid both, but if we had to choose one, we would definitely take jail time over hell time. And we sincerely hope our fellow brothers and sisters have the same preference. One way to avoid hell time is to pay our religious dues on time and share our wealth with the poor. We assure you the benefits are countless. The most appealing (second only to earning Allah's pleasure, of course) benefit of taking your wealth and giving it to the poor? You get to feel like Robin Hood!

Observing Proper Hijab

Although it's usually the intelligence of beings possessing the Y chromosome which is questioned, sometimes we can't help but think it's the double X which has a few loose screws. Why exactly a Hijabi woman would intentionally falter when it comes to observing proper Hijab is beyond our understanding. If you've got the headscarf and "modest dress" going on, than we're yet to fully comprehend the benefit of exposing those pink toenails and wrists for the sake of showing off our gladiator sandals and fake Gucci watches.For God's sake, sisters, cover up everything that's not for the world to see, and that means not just your hair!

Avoiding Inappropriate Movies and Television Programs

Either I've remained completely oblivious about the MPAA merging with the Islamic seminary in Qom, or Muslims are mistaking the bold large print of "Rated R for coarse language and nudity" with "This movie is suitable for viewing by Muslims." My dear brother, we are aware that the Imam of Our Time (may Allah hasten his reappearance) is always present among us. Keep that in mind the next time you watch a movie with girls in bikinis in it. And sisters, being a girl doesn't justify your obsession for those romance films which lead to those secret collages and shrines with topless pictures of Edward Cullen making out with Bella. Sorry to break this to you, brothers and sisters, but your husbands and wives will not look like those Photoshopped movie stars, so it's best to stop drooling over them now.

Sporting a Beard

According to several traditions, a shaved face was commonly sported by the munafiqeen of Islam, such as Muawiya and Yazid. Today, however, it is a common sight to see the followers of the bearded nobles, Prophet Muhammad and his Progeny (peace be upon them), resembling the followers of the enemies of Islam. I've never seen South Korean soldiers dress up like the North Korean soldiers, so I'm not too sure what is going on with a growing number of brothers today. Instead of desperately chasing Fiqhi loopholes to justify shaving the beard, just ask yourself one question: WWAD? (What Would [Imam] Ali Do?)

Keeping Proper Friends

We all love to be the best friends possible, but that shouldn't be at the expense of us not being the best Muslim friends possible! Many a times we find it hard to control that energetic spirit within which chants Amr Bil Maroof, and in an attempt to show our friends the Right Path, we decide to do whatever it takes to "fit in" and subsequently let our own faith slip. As a wise person once said, "A man is known by the friends he keeps." Surely hanging with friends who have a tendency to engage in haram activities cannot help us do more halal and less haram. If anyone thinks otherwise, the Prophet of Allah responded to your objection already: "A good friend is one whose presence should always remind you of your Lord."

Making Up Missed Prayers and Fasts

It's great fun to fall sick in Ramadan, because while everyone else is fasting, you're one of the lucky few who can eat! Victory! But for those of us who don't like being in debt to our bank or credit cards, maybe it's a wise idea to be debt-free in the eyes of Allah as well. Fasting on days other than in Ramadan does seem excruciating, but perhaps some of us should have thought about this before we decided to forego our Islamic duties for minor excuses. And if you're among the lucky few who do not have any missed fasts, take account and find out if you have any prayers from the past (that were missed or performed incorrectly) that must be made up.


Feb 27, '13 11:42 AM
for everyone

Imam Kazim (a.s) said: “O' Abu Ahmad! Any believer who commits a sin will become sorry, and God's Prophet (a.s) said being sorry itself is a form of repentance. He also said: “Whoever is pleased with his good deeds and is unhappy with his bad deeds is a believer. Whoever is not sorry about his sins is not a believer. There will be no intercession for him since he is an oppressor. God the Almighty said: “No intimate friend nor intercessor will the wrong-doers have, who could be listened to.”[The Holy Quran: Mu-min 40:18] 
Then he asked: “O' grandson of the Prophet! How can someone who does not repent for committing a sin be not considered a believer?” Imam Kazim (a.s) said: “O' Abu Ahmad! There is no one that knows if he commits a major crime he will be punished, and does not feel sorry when he commits it. Once he feels sorry, this is considered to be repentance, and thus he deserves intercession. But if he does not become sorry, he is considered to be one who insists on committing sins. Such a person will never be forgiven since as a result of the sins that he has committed, he is no longer a believer. If he believed in the punishment he would have repented.
God's Prophet (a.s) said: "Major sins are eliminated by repentance, and minor sins turn into major sins by insisting on committing sins." God the Almighty said: "And they offer no intercession except for those who are acceptable."[The Holy Quran: Anbyaa 21:28]

They will not intercede on behalf of those whose religion is not accepted by God. Religion consists of confessing to recompense for good and bad deeds. Whoever has a religion that is accepted by God will be sorry for committing sins since he is aware of the punishment in the Hereafter."


Feb 27, '13 11:56 AM
for everyone

I am amazed at the heart of man: It possesses the substance of wisdom as well as the opposites contrary to it ...  for if hope arises in it, it is brought low by covetousness: and if covetousness is aroused in it, greed destroys it. If despair possesses it, self piety kills it: and if it is seized by anger, this is intensified by rage. If it is blessed with contentment, then it forgets to be careful; and if it is filled with fear, then it becomes preoccupied with being cautious. If it feels secure , then it is overcome by vain hopes; and if it is given wealth, then its independence makes it extravagant. If want strikes it, then it is smitten by anxiety. If it is weakened by hunger, then it gives way to exhaustion; and if it goes too far in satisfying its appetites, then its inner becomes clogged up. So all its shortcomings are harmful to it, and all its excesses corrupt it.
There are four things that make the heart die: wrong action followed by wrong action, playing around with foolish people, spending a lot of time with women, and sitting with the dead. Then they asked Imam Ali: "And who are the dead, O Commander of the believers?" He replied: "Every slave who follows his desires."
Surely want is a trial, and having sickness of the body is more difficult to bear than indigence, and having a sickness of the heart is more difficult to bear than having a sickness of the body. Surely being very wealthy is a blessing, and having a healthy body is better than being very wealthy, and having awe of Allah in your heart is better than having a healthy body.
Surely hearts have desires, and they turn towards, and they turn away ... so approach them by means of what they desire and what they turn towards, for surely if the heart is forced to do some thing against its will, it goes blind.

Thawaab of being present at gatherings where Allah(SWT) is remembered

Feb 27, '13 11:58 AM
for everyone

“Passing over gatherings where God is remembered, angels stop, weep together with them and say amen to their Dua.  When they ascend the heavens, God says: O My angels! Where have you been?  Though He knows better.  They say: We attended a gathering of “Zikr” and saw men who were praising and glorifying You and feared Your Fire.  Here God says: O My angels! Keep the Fire away from them.  I take you witness that I have forgiven them and keep them safe from what they feared.  The angels say: O Lord! Among them there was one who did not remember You.  God says: I forgave him too, for he was present in the gathering. Never will become wretched, a man who sits with those who remember God.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:“Shall I teach you five words which are light on tongue and heavy on the scales, words which will please God and drive away the Satan, words which are among treasures of heaven, words coming from beneath the Throne and among the righteous deeds?  They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah!
 The Holy Prophet said: Say: Glory be to Allah, and praise is due to Allah, there is no god but Allah and God is the Greatest, there is neither might nor power but with Allah, the Great, the Exalted.  Then he said five times: Excellent are these words which make your scales of good deeds heavy.”

"Subhanallahi, walhamdulillahi, wala ilaha illallahu wallahu akber wala hawla wala quwwata illa billahil aliyyil azeem"
Recite the above as often as possible, especially at the time of sunset.


Feb 27, '13 12:00 PM
for everyone

Imam Ali (as) wrote to Salman al-Farsi (ra) : To continue, surely, the likeness of this world is that of a snake: it is soft to touch, and deadly poisonous. The ignorant child is distracted by it, and the one with understanding and intellect is cautious of it. So turn away from what fascinates you in it, for how little of it stays with you.
I am making a connection which no one has made before me: Islam is submission, and submission is certainty, and certainty is the affirmation of the trut


Feb 28, '13 9:25 AM
for everyone

A shop without goods on Allah's support

Feb 28, '13 10:09 AM
for everyone

This is the reason that when the toilers stir out of their homes in search of work, they say, 

" O Sustainer! We strive for earning the day's square meals. You must give abundance!" These words reflect the spirit ofTauheed. 

It is said that in Medina a person came to Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) and complained of penury. The Imam said that when he reached home in Koofa, he should take a shop on rent and sit there. The man said, " I have no money to invest on goods!" The Imam replied, " Do whatever you are asked to do!" The man complied, rented a shop and started sitting there every day. After a few days a person came to him with some goods and asked him to sell them on the basis of a pre determined commission. The owner of the goods said that he was leaving the goods in the shop on consignment basis of sell-and-pay!

Another person came with some more goods and there was a flow of suppliers of goods to the shop. Buyers too started flocking the shop. The affairs of the person took a turn towards prosperity.


Feb 28, '13 10:12 AM
for everyone

The Brick!!!     Read It.   

Read this today and don't delete it if you are too busy!! You'll see.
A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down
when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver
then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against

a parked car shouting, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That's a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it? " The young boy was apologetic. "Please, mister...please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do," He pleaded. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop..." With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. "It's my brother, "he said. "He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up."

Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me."

Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. "Thank you and may God bless you," the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy! push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.

It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: 
"Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!" God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen or not.

Thought for the Day:
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.

He sends you flowers every spring.

He sends you a sunrise every morning Face it, friend - He is crazy about you!

Send this to every "beautiful person" you wish to bless.

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow,sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

Read this line very slowly and let it sink in... If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Ya Wajhiyaa Indallah Asfalanaa Indallah - Dua Tawasal Nadeem Sarwar

Feb 28, '13 10:14 AM
for everyone

Lawfully (Halaal) or unlawfully (Haram)

Feb 28, '13 10:16 AM
for everyone

Allah expands the sustenance for whomsoever He desires and straitens it for whomsoever He desires. (Noble Qur'an,13:26)
One day Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) went to a Mosque (Masjid) to say his Prayers (Salat). Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) asked a man standing nearby to look after his Horse. When Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) came out, he had two dirhams in his hand which he (as) intended to give to that man as reward. But that man was nowhere to be seen. Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) came to the Horse and found that his rein was missing.
Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) went to the market to buy another rein. Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) went to a shop where he (as) found the exact rein that had gone missing. Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) recognized the rein as it was his own and asked the shopkeeper the price of that rein.
Shopkeeper: A man had just been to my shop and sold this rein to me for two dirhams. You can have it for the same price.
Hadrat Ali Murtada (as): Showing him the two dirhams that he was holding in his hands and said, "This man did me a favour of looking after my Horse. So, I decided to give him two dirhams in return. He could not wait to get this lawfully. Instead he robbed and sold it you. He still got the same amount of money and not a penny more! His anxiety did not increase his wages at all and made him a criminal into the bargain."
Sometimes people become so greedy that in order to obtain their sustenance, they would do anything. What they fail to understand is that Allah (SWT) has already destined their sustenance (Rizq). Now whether he earns it lawfully (Halaal) or unlawfully (Haram), begs or steals or gambles, he is not going to get anything more.
The only difference is that if you earn lawfully, you will have to give account to Allah (SWT) and if you earn it unlawfully, there is a punishment for it.
Amount received by Hadrat Ali Murtada (as): Miracle of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as)
It has been recorded in "Arbaeen" "Fazael-e-Shazaan" and "Tuhfatul Izhaar" the following incident related by Ibrahim Bin Mehram, who said: One of my neighbors in Kufa was a man named Abu Ja'far, who was very good-natured. Anytime a Sayyed would approach and request something from him, he would give. If they could pay, he would take the price of the things and if not, he would ask his servant to write: "This amount has been received by Hadrat Ali Murtada (as)."
He lived in such a manner till he found himself poor and destitute. He would sit in his house and open his book of accounts and if he found someone indebted to him, he would send someone to recover from that person. And when he would find the person to have died, he would draw a line over it.
During this period, once he was sitting near the door of his house examining that book, a Nasibi [enemy of Ahlul Bayt (as)] taunted him by saying: "What did your biggest creditor Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) do for you?" Abu Ja'far felt grieved and went inside the house.
That night, he saw in his dream, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), Imam Hasan (as) and Imam Hussain (as). The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked them "Where is your father?" Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) replied, "Here I am" and came from behind. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked: "What happened that you do not pay this man's dues? Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) replied. "O Messenger of Allah! This is his due which I've brought with me". The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Give it to him". Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) gave a pouch to Abu Ja'far. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Take it and do not deny anyone from his sons (Sayyed) who ask you something that you possess. Return such that destitution will not touch you again".
Abu Ja'far said: "I woke up such that the pouch was in my hand and I woke up my wife and asked her to light the lamps. I found 1000 Ashrafis (Gold Coins) in that pouch". My wife said: "Fear Allah, should poverty force you to deceive some traders and usurp their money". I said: "By Allah, the matter is such and such. When I opened my book of accounts I saw that the total amount that I had given on behalf of Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) was 1000 Ashrafis, neither less nor more".

Absolute necessity of Ista-aaza in permissible affairs

Feb 28, '13 10:19 AM
for everyone

In permissible (mustaheb), or day-to-day, affairs like eating food, drinking water or wearing the clothes, Ista-aaza is mandated. For example, at the time of wearing the clothes one should say

Allahumma astarurati wa la tajal alshaitan lahu naseeba

( O Allah keep my private parts hidden and save them from the interference of Shaitan)

In every situation, however lowly and futile, or elevated and likeable, one should seek protection from the Satan. While entering into the mosque, one should do the Ista-aaza lest the persistent Satan chases you even at that threshold! Even while going to a washroom it is required to do the Ista-aaza as follows:

Allahumma inni a-oozu beka min al khabeesil khabs ar rijs al khabs ash sahaitan ir rajeem

( O Allah I seek Your Protection from the accursed Satan and the defiled impurities)

chale aao aey zawwaro Nadeem Sarwar

Feb 28, '13 10:24 AM
for everyone

Feb 28, '13 10:35 AM
for everyone