Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Birth and Imamate

Imam Muhammad Baqir(a.s) was born in the 57th year of the Hijra, on Friday the first day of the month of Rajab, in the city of Madina. His honoured father is Imam Sajjad(a.s.) and his revered mother, Fatema, daughter of Imam Hasan(a.s.). He was the only Imam who was Alawiite from both the side of the Mother and the Father.

Imam Sajjad(a.s.), according to the command of Allah(swt) and the decree of the Prophet(pbuh&hf), appointed his son, Imam Muhammad al-Baqir(a.s.), to Imamate and leadership of the people in the 95 A.H. He remained Imam for the rest of his life until 114 A.H. and the total period of his Imamte is 19 years. Allama Hajr Makki writes in Sawaeq-e-Moharaqa (Page 120) that He was the true copy of his father Imam Sajjad(a.s.) in knowledge, piousness and prayers & supplications.

Meaning of Baqir

Baqir is a derivate of the word 'Baqara' which means to open up or to expand. Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.) was named as such since he introduced and spread the knowledge and teachings of various dimensions and implemented the knowledge streams in a manner which had never been seen earlier. Allama Noor Allah Shostri says in Majalis-al-Momineen (Page 117) that Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) said that Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.) will introduce, 
spread and open up knowledge just like the ground is opened up for cultivation. Imam Muhammad Baqir(a.s.) instructed people in percepts of religion, taught tafseer-e-Quran, taught them the ethics of life, and used to strive very hard to educate, culture and guide the people. During the course of his life, he taught the people thousands of theological and religious principles, as well as scientific subjects, and his teachings have been handled down to us.

Imam Muhammad Baqir(a.s.), like the other Imams, in knowledge and science had no equal. Great learned men benefited from his knowledge and science and used to ask him to solve their problems.

Presence in Karbala

Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.) was about two and a half years old when he had to accompany Imam Hussain(a.s.) and the rest of his family members on the journey to Karbala. After the tiring journey from Madina to Karbala, he witnessed the shocking and tragic events of Karbala and then the heart rapturing events in Syria and Iraq. After one year of detention in Damascus he returned in 62 A.H. to Madina whe he was 4 years.

Meeting with Jabir ibn-e-Abdullah Ansari(r.a.)

It is a proven fact that Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) had informed about the birth of Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.) about 64 years before his birth. Sheikh Saduq(a.r.) states in his book Amali (page 353) - Imam Jafer Sadiq(a.s.) narrates that one day Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) said to Hazrat Jabir ibn-e-Abdullah Ansari(r.a.) "you will stay alive untill you meet my son Mohammad bin Ali bin Hussain bin Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib(a.s.) who is mentioned in the Torah as Baqir. Give him my salutation (salam) when you meet him". One day when Jabir visited Imam Zain-ul-Abideen(a.s.), 
he saw the young boy sitting next to the Imam(a.s.). He addressed the young boy and asked him to come closer and show his back. Then he proclaimed that by God, that young boy had the features and traits of the Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf). Then he asked Imam Sajjad(a.s.) who the young boy was and Imam(a.s.) replied that he was his son and the successor to the Imamate and his name was Mohammad Baqir(a.s.). Hearing this, Jabir(r.a.) rose up and kissed the young Imam and said "Son of Rasool Allah(pbuh&hf), may I be taken ransom for you, accept the salutation (salam) of Rasool Allah(pbuh&hf). He asked me to convey it to you". Imam Jafer Sadiq(a.s.) states that his father burst into tears on hearing this and said "Jabir my salutation to my grand father until this sky and earth survives. You conveyed the salam of my grand father to me so I convey my salam to you as well".

Imam Mohammad Baqir and Abu Hanifa

The founder of the Hanafi School of thougth, Imam Abu Hanifa was a disciple and student of Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.) for a long period. He used to study fiqh and ilm-e-hadees and other branches of knowledge from the Imam(a.s.) and both Shia and Sunni Ulema agree that most of his knowledge was derived and obtained from Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.). Allama Shabrawi Shafaee writes that on several occassions Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.) tested Abu Hanifa on matters of fiqh and Abu Hanifa could not answer them and then Imam Baqir(a.s.) explained the reasoning and logics to him.

Abu Hanifa was also an associate of his son Imam Jafer Sadiq(a.s.) and benefitted a lot from his knowledge as well.

His Death and burial

In 100 A.H. Hashsham bin Abdul Malik became the Caliph. He was a known enemy of the Ahl-e-Bait(a.s.) and he did not waste any opportunity to bring hardship to the Ahl-e-Bait(a.s.). Allam Majlisi writes that during the last days of his caliphate, Hashsham came to Makkah for Hajj. Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.) and his son Imam Jafer Sadiq(a.s.) were also present. Hashsham was informed that Imam Jafer Sadiq(a.s.) delivered a sermon among the Hajis that he and his father were the Allah's vicegerent and His command on earth and whoever was their friend and well wisher will go to heaven and whoever is thier enemy will be destined to hell. This infuriated Hashsham and when he reached Damasacus,

he ordered the governor of Madina, Ibrahim bin Walid to send the two Imams(a.s.) to his court. Hashsham had planned to malign the Imams in his court but the Imams(a.s.) overturned his plans which further ignited his enmity and he orderd the Imams(a.s.) to be jailed. While in the jail, Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.) gave sermons to the other prisoners which created an atmosphere of great enthusiaism and devotion towards the Imam(a.s.) and against Hashsham and sensin the gravity of the situations and the risk of a revolt,

Hashsham ordered the release of the Imam(a.s.). He then ordered the governor of Madina that Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.) should be poisoned as he is becoming a constant threat (Jala-ul-Ayoon Page 262). The governor of Madina - Ibrahim bin Walid carried out the orders and poisoned the Imam(a.s.) in 114 A.H.

Imam Muhammad Baqir(a.s.), lived in this world for a period of 57 years, and in the 114th year of the Hijra, on the seventh day of the month of Zil-Hijjah, in Medina he left this world. His body was buried in Baqi cemetry alongside the graves of Imam Hasan(a.s.) and Imam Sajjad(a.s) in Medina.

His last will and instructions

Before his martyrdom, Imam Mohammad Baqir(a.s.) instructed his son Imam Jafer Sadiq(a.s.) about several issues and said to him that he is hearing the voice of his father who is calling him(Noor ul Absar Page 131). He gave special instructions for his kafan and burial since only an Imam can say the prayers of an Imam (Shawahi-un-Nabowah page 181).

Allama Majlisi states that in his will, he also mentioned that 800 Dirhams should be spent on his azadari and mourning and arrangement should be made that the Hajj pilgrims would commamorate his martyrdon in Mina for the next 10 years. Ulema also mention that in his will, the Imam(a.s.) also mentioned that his kafn should be opened after his burial and his grave should not be higher that 4 fingers.


Pray to Allah on every occassion : happy or sad. Quran says: "And when touches a man (an) affliction, he cries to Us, but when we remove from him his affliction, he passes on as though he had not called to us (on account of the affliction which did touch him)".

Allah brings problems so that we may establish contact with Him, but some people even don't do this, even if they are faced by problems.

 Dua with Jama'ah: Dua of a congregation (Jama'ah) is better than an individual's dua. The people should get used to praying together. Dua Komail, Dua Nudbah, Dua Tawassul, etc. should be prayed in congregation. The christians have a good habit of praying together when faced with difficulty.

Imam Sadiq (a.s.) says: "If 40 people gather together and pray, Allah shall certainly accept at least one man's dua". Some people in the congregation may be good and sincere, and because of them, dua of all the rest shall be accepted.

Understand the meaning of what you recite in Dua : Reciting Duas taught to us by our beloved Prophet and Imams (as) without understanding their meaning, makes it loose most of its significance and benefits. Then it is little surprise we hardly feel its effect on us or its benefit in our life.


Seventh Infallible Description:
Name: MuhammadTitle: Al-Baqir
Designation: 5th ImamKunyat: Abu Ja'far
Father: Ali Ibne HussainMother: Fatima Bint-e-Hasan
Born: 1st Rajab 57 AH (676 AD)Died: 7th Dhul-Hijja 114 AH (733AD)
Martyred: Poisoned by HishamBuried: Cemetery of Jannatul Baqi
Lived: 57 years

Seventh Infallible Sayings:
  • Remember your previous sins with severe repentance and more seeking forgiveness.
  • One who disobeys Allah has no knowledge of him.
  • Seize the opportunity in asking for du`a on five occasions: (a) After reciting the Qur'an, (b) At the time of azan, (c) When an oppressed invokes assistance, (d) When two armies are facing each other seeking martyrdom, (e) At the time of raining."
  • Whoever recites the Holy Qur'an while standing in prayer, Allah Almighty will bestow a hundred blessings for every letter; whoever recites it while sitting in prayer, Allah will reward with fifty blessings for every letter; whoever recites the Qur'an outside of prayer, Allah will grant ten blessings for each letter.
  • The height of perfection is excellence in the understanding of the religion, endurance in hardships and administration of the affairs of life according to one's means, in the right measure.
  • Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (AS) once said to one of his companions: "O Jabir it is not enough that a person says; I am a Shiah and I love the Prophet (SAW) and the Prophet's family and the Imams. By Allah, a Shiah is the one who is perfectly pious and obedient to Allah's commands. Anyone else is not a Shiah no matter how much they say they love Hazrat Ali (AS) and no matter what they call themselves. O Jabir Our Shiahs are known by these signs: (a) They are truthful, trustworthy and loyal; (b) They always remember Allah; (c) They offer their prayers, observe fasts, and recite Qur'an; (d) They help their neighbors, take care of orphans, and say nothing but good of people; (e) They act nicely towards their parents; (f) They are worthy of peoples trust and confidence.
  • Imam said, Our followers are of three kinds, one who follows us but depends on others, one who is like a glass involved in his own reflections, but the best are those who are like gold, the more they suffer the more they shine.
  • Imam Baqir told Jabir: O Jabir, if I had expounded for you our belief and tenets we would have destroyed ourselves. In any case, we are relating for you traditions that we collected from the Prophet, just as people collect gold and silver.
  • I admonish you regarding five things; if you are wronged, do not commit wrong doing to others, if you are betrayed, do not betray anyone, if you are called a liar, do not be furious, if you are praised, do not be jubilant, if you are criticized do not fret and think of what is said in criticism, if you find in yourself what is criticized about you, then you are falling down in the eyes of God; when you are furious about the truth, it is much greater calamity then your falling down in the eyes of the people. And if you are opposite of what is said (in criticism) about you, then it is a merit you acquired without having to tire yourself in obtaining it.
  • Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS) says that Imam Ali once said: There were two things in this world, which softened the Wrath of Allah and prevented its descent upon man: One has been taken away from you; hold the other steadfastly. The one which has been taken away from men is the Holy Prophet and the one which is still left with them and which they must hold steadfastly is repentance and atonement for sins because Allah at one place in the Holy Book addressed the Holy Prophet and said Allah would not punish them while you were among them nor while they were asking for forgiveness. (Surah Anfal, 8:33)
  • The scholar who derives benefit from his knowledge is better than 70,000 devotees.

Dealing Based On Fazl (Grace)

The person who will be showered with Divine Mercy, will, even though he will remain suspended in the station of people's rights, as he will have to repay some unpaid rights he will be dealt with gracefully. At the time some persons will be drowning in their own perspiration. The Most Merciful Allah will, then show to the gathering a palace of paradise. Then a voice will be heard: “O people! Who claim any right from this one of my servants! Listen. If you desire to dwell in this heavenly palace then, give up your dues and free him.

Truely, a man who behaves straightly with God, his dealing remains straight everywhere. How it is ever possible that God may not straighten it? That is why Imam Sajjad (a.s.) weaps: Waman…meaning: O God! Who except You will save and protect me tomorrow from the claimers of their rights.

Come, lest us all also pray: 

O Lord! Please deal with us on the basis of Your Grace and Generosity and Kindness: Illaahee…Yaa Kareem. The Hazrat had taught a prayer to Abu Hamzah Shimali in which it is mentioned at many places: Wa Ilaa… Meaning: My God! I beseech Your Grace and Mercy. 

Prayers In The Noble Qur’an And Hadees of the Holy Imams (a.s.)

“And keep up prayer; surely prayer keeps (one) away from indecency and evil. And the remembrance of Allah is the greatest.” Noble Qur’an, Suratul `Ankabut, Verse 45

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: “The first thing that Allah made obligatory upon my Ummah was the five prayers; and the first thing from their acts of worship that shall be taken up will be the five prayers; and the first thing that they will be questioned about will be the five prayers.”

Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 7, Tradition 18859

 The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: “The prayer of a person is (in reality) a light in his heart, so whoever desires, can illuminate his heart (by means of prayers).”
Kanzul `Ummal, Volume7, Tradition 18973

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) advised: “We command our children to offer prayers when they are five years old, so you too order your children to offer prayers (but only) when they are seven years of age.”
Wasa’ilush Shi`a, Volume 3, Page 12 

Imam As-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: “One obligatory prayer is better than performing Hajj twenty times, and the performance of one Hajj is better than giving away a house full of gold.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 227

Imam `Ali (peace be upon him) has said: “Surely, when a person engages in prayers, his body, his clothes and everything around him glorify Allah.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 213

The Noble Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: “The good deeds of one who, without any appropriate excuse does not offer his prayer until its time passes away, are annulled.” He then said: “The divide between a believer and disbelief is the abandonment of prayers.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 202

Imam As-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said that Allah, the Exalted has said: “I shall accept the prayers of one who: exhibits humility before My Greatness; restrains himself from his base and carnal desires for My sake; passes his day in My remembrance; does not seek to show his greatness over My creation; feeds the hungry ones; clothes the bare ones; acts with kindness and mercy to those in misery and trouble; provides shelter to those who are strangers (in his city) and away from their homes.”
Wasa`ilush Shi`a, Volume 15, Page 210

Imam As-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “One who offers his prayers along with Adhan and Iqamah, two rows of angels pray behind him, while one who offers his prayers with only the Iqamah and without the Adhan, one row of angels pray behind him.” The Imam (peace be upon him) was asked: “And how long is each row?” The Imam (peace be upon him) replied: “At the very minimum, its length is the distance between East and West, while at the maximum, its length is the distance between the earth and the heavens.”
Wasa’ilush Shi`a, Volume 4, Page 620

 Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) has said: “The prayer that is offered by a person, sometimes half of it ascends upwards, while at other times it is only one-third, or one-fourth or one-fifth that ascends. Only that portion of the prayer which the person has offered with concentration and mindfulness of the heart is made to ascend. (And so) the people have been ordered to offer the recommended prayers so that they can make up for what has been left incomplete of their obligatory prayers.”
Al-Haqa’iq, Page 219

7th Zil-Hijjah

Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

7th Zil-Hijjah
Deepest condolences to  Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.w.), Amir al-Mu'minin Imām ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib (A.S.),  Hazrat Fāṭimah(s.a.), Ahl-e-Bait (a.s.), Imam-e-Zamana (a.s.) & all lovers of Ahl-e-Bait  (a.s.) on the martyrdom Anniversary of Muhammad ibn ‘Alī al-Bāqir (a.s.)

Imām Muhammad ibn ‘Alī al-Bāqir (A.S.):
gave commandments to one of his children. They are as follows

“O My little son, when Allāh(s.w.t.) bestows a blessing on you, say: praise belongs to Allāh(s.w.t.)  When an intense affair befalls you, then say: There is neither power nor might but through Allāh  When your daily bread is slow (in coming) for you, then say: I seek Allāh's forgiveness.”

 [Reference: Al-Bayan wa al-Tabiyyin, vol.3, p.280]

Eighth  day of  Zilhajj is known as Youm-e-Tarwiyah;  It is highly recommended to fast on this day  and taking bath on this day is also desirable (mustahab)