It means that a person should turn away from the Right Path (Sirat-al-Mustaqeem) during death. At the time of death satan (shaitaan) comes to the dying man and tries his best to deceive him and puts him in doubt, so as to turn him away from faith (Eeman). Fakhr Muhaqqeqeen says that, 'A person who wishes to remain safe from the mischief of shaitaan at the time of death should preserve five proofs regarding the fundamental principals of faith (Usool Deen) in his mind, and present it to Allah's custody, so that during death these may come as a handy against shaitaan's deceit. Then he should recite the following supplication (du' a):
اللهم يا أرحم الراحمين إني قد أودعتك يقيني هذا وثبات ديني وأنت مستودع وقد أمرتنا بحفظ الودائع فرده علي وقت حضور موتي
Fakhrul Muhaqqeqeen also says that those who wish to remain safe from shaitaan's mischief of abandoning faith during death, should recite dua'e Adeelah with a pure mind and heart. (Du'ae Adeelah is found in all the renowned books of du'as, and also in the first volume of Mafateehul Jinaan by the same author).
Shaikh Toosi relates from Mohammad b. Sulayman Daylami that I asked Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) that, "Some of your faithful followers (Shi'ahs) say that faith (Eeman) is of two types: (1) Permanent & firmly established, and (2) One which has been given to us as a trust, and also can be ruined. Please give me a du'a by which my faith may also become permanent and firmly established." Imam (A.S.) told him to recite the following du'a after every obligatory prayers (Wajib Namaz):
رضيت بالله ربّاً وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وآله نبياً وبالإسلام دينا وبالقرآن كتابا وبالكعبة قبلة وبعلي وليّاً وإماماً وبالحسن والحسين وعليّ بن الحسين ومحمد بن علي وجعفر بن محمد وموسى بن جعفر وعلي بن موسى ومحمد بن علي وعلي بن محمد والحسن والحجة بن الحسن صلوات الله عليهم أئمة اللهم إني رضيت بهم أئمّةً فارضني لهم إنك علي كل شيء قدير
Those acts which prove beneficial during death. The best deed is to perform Prayers (Namaz) on time. It is related that there is no person in the east or the west on whom the sight of the Angel of death (Malekul Maut) does not fall at least five times during the time of Prayers. Whenever the time of death of that person comes, the Angel of death (Malekul Maut) recognizes him and helps him to recite Kalema and shuns away Satan (shaitaan) from him.
اللهم يا أرحم الراحمين إني قد أودعتك يقيني هذا وثبات ديني وأنت مستودع وقد أمرتنا بحفظ الودائع فرده علي وقت حضور موتي
Fakhrul Muhaqqeqeen also says that those who wish to remain safe from shaitaan's mischief of abandoning faith during death, should recite dua'e Adeelah with a pure mind and heart. (Du'ae Adeelah is found in all the renowned books of du'as, and also in the first volume of Mafateehul Jinaan by the same author).
Shaikh Toosi relates from Mohammad b. Sulayman Daylami that I asked Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) that, "Some of your faithful followers (Shi'ahs) say that faith (Eeman) is of two types: (1) Permanent & firmly established, and (2) One which has been given to us as a trust, and also can be ruined. Please give me a du'a by which my faith may also become permanent and firmly established." Imam (A.S.) told him to recite the following du'a after every obligatory prayers (Wajib Namaz):
رضيت بالله ربّاً وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وآله نبياً وبالإسلام دينا وبالقرآن كتابا وبالكعبة قبلة وبعلي وليّاً وإماماً وبالحسن والحسين وعليّ بن الحسين ومحمد بن علي وجعفر بن محمد وموسى بن جعفر وعلي بن موسى ومحمد بن علي وعلي بن محمد والحسن والحجة بن الحسن صلوات الله عليهم أئمة اللهم إني رضيت بهم أئمّةً فارضني لهم إنك علي كل شيء قدير
Those acts which prove beneficial during death. The best deed is to perform Prayers (Namaz) on time. It is related that there is no person in the east or the west on whom the sight of the Angel of death (Malekul Maut) does not fall at least five times during the time of Prayers. Whenever the time of death of that person comes, the Angel of death (Malekul Maut) recognizes him and helps him to recite Kalema and shuns away Satan (shaitaan) from him.
It is narrated that once Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) wrote to a person:
"Do you wish that you may face death while on the Right path? And do you wish that your spirit (Rooh) may be removed from your body while you be performing good deeds? Then hold Allah's orders dear to yourself and obey them, and do not waste the bounties offered by Him by being disobedient to Him, and do not take undue advantage of His Mercy, nor become arrogant. Honour those who follow Us and respect those who love Us".
The recitation of Dua-e-Tamjeed (Du'a No. 11) of 'Saheefae Kamelah' is beneficial, so as to die while on the Right path and to be saved from turning away from it.
To recite the following supplication (dua) in the Namaz of sundays in the month of Zilqad:
ربنا لا تزغ قلوبنا بعد إذ هديتنا وهب لنا من لدنك رحمة إنك أنت الوهاب
The other beneficial acts are: To always recite Tasbeehe Fatema (A.S.) (34 times Allaho Akbar, 33 times Alhamdo Lillah, and 33 times Sub-hanallah), to wear ring of Carnelian (Aqeeq, specially of red colour), it is better if the following is engraved on it: 'Mohammadun Nabiyyullahe wa Aliyyun Wahyyullahe". To recite Surah-al-Mo'menoon every friday, to recite the following supplication (du'a) seven times after morning (Subh) and evening (Maghrib) Prayers:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم
To recite 8 units (Rak'at) Namaz on the night of 22nd Rajab, in each unit (Rak'at) after Surah-al-Hamd recites 7 times Surah-at-Tawheed. After ending Namaz, recite 10 times 'Salawat', and 10 times 'Istighfar' (Astagferullah Rabbi wa atoobo Ilayh).
Sayyed ibne Tawoos quotes the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) as saying, that if a person recites 4 units (Rak'ats) Namaz in the month of Sha'ban, such that in each unit (Rak'at) after Surali-al-Hamd recites 50 times Surah-at- Tawheed, then during death his spirit will be removed with ease, and his grave will become spacious, and on the day of Qayamat when he comes out of his grave, his face will be shining bright like a full moon.
"Do you wish that you may face death while on the Right path? And do you wish that your spirit (Rooh) may be removed from your body while you be performing good deeds? Then hold Allah's orders dear to yourself and obey them, and do not waste the bounties offered by Him by being disobedient to Him, and do not take undue advantage of His Mercy, nor become arrogant. Honour those who follow Us and respect those who love Us".
The recitation of Dua-e-Tamjeed (Du'a No. 11) of 'Saheefae Kamelah' is beneficial, so as to die while on the Right path and to be saved from turning away from it.
To recite the following supplication (dua) in the Namaz of sundays in the month of Zilqad:
ربنا لا تزغ قلوبنا بعد إذ هديتنا وهب لنا من لدنك رحمة إنك أنت الوهاب
The other beneficial acts are: To always recite Tasbeehe Fatema (A.S.) (34 times Allaho Akbar, 33 times Alhamdo Lillah, and 33 times Sub-hanallah), to wear ring of Carnelian (Aqeeq, specially of red colour), it is better if the following is engraved on it: 'Mohammadun Nabiyyullahe wa Aliyyun Wahyyullahe". To recite Surah-al-Mo'menoon every friday, to recite the following supplication (du'a) seven times after morning (Subh) and evening (Maghrib) Prayers:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم
To recite 8 units (Rak'at) Namaz on the night of 22nd Rajab, in each unit (Rak'at) after Surah-al-Hamd recites 7 times Surah-at-Tawheed. After ending Namaz, recite 10 times 'Salawat', and 10 times 'Istighfar' (Astagferullah Rabbi wa atoobo Ilayh).
Sayyed ibne Tawoos quotes the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) as saying, that if a person recites 4 units (Rak'ats) Namaz in the month of Sha'ban, such that in each unit (Rak'at) after Surali-al-Hamd recites 50 times Surah-at- Tawheed, then during death his spirit will be removed with ease, and his grave will become spacious, and on the day of Qayamat when he comes out of his grave, his face will be shining bright like a full moon.