Monday, 8 October 2012


It means that a person should turn away from the Right Path (Sirat-al-Mustaqeem) during death. At the time of death satan (shaitaan) comes to the dying man and tries his best to deceive him and puts him in doubt, so as to turn him away from faith (Eeman). Fakhr Muhaqqeqeen says that, 'A person who wishes to remain safe from the mischief of shaitaan at the time of death should preserve five proofs regarding the fundamental principals of faith (Usool Deen) in his mind, and present it to Allah's custody, so that during death these may come as a handy against shaitaan's deceit. Then he should recite the following supplication (du' a):

اللهم يا أرحم الراحمين إني قد أودعتك يقيني هذا وثبات ديني وأنت مستودع وقد أمرتنا بحفظ الودائع فرده علي وقت حضور موتي

Fakhrul Muhaqqeqeen also says that those who wish to remain safe from shaitaan's mischief of abandoning faith during death, should recite dua'e Adeelah with a pure mind and heart. (Du'ae Adeelah is found in all the renowned books of du'as, and also in the first volume of Mafateehul Jinaan by the same author).

Shaikh Toosi relates from Mohammad b. Sulayman Daylami that I asked Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) that, "Some of your faithful followers (Shi'ahs) say that faith (Eeman) is of two types: (1) Permanent & firmly established, and (2) One which has been given to us as a trust, and also can be ruined. Please give me a du'a by which my faith may also become permanent and firmly established." Imam (A.S.) told him to recite the following du'a after every obligatory prayers (Wajib Namaz):

رضيت بالله ربّاً وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وآله نبياً وبالإسلام دينا وبالقرآن كتابا وبالكعبة قبلة وبعلي وليّاً وإماماً وبالحسن والحسين وعليّ بن الحسين ومحمد بن علي وجعفر بن محمد وموسى بن جعفر وعلي بن موسى ومحمد بن علي وعلي بن محمد والحسن والحجة بن الحسن صلوات الله عليهم أئمة اللهم إني رضيت بهم أئمّةً فارضني لهم إنك علي كل شيء قدير

Those acts which prove beneficial during death. The best deed is to perform Prayers (Namaz) on time. It is related that there is no person in the east or the west on whom the sight of the Angel of death (Malekul Maut) does not fall at least five times during the time of Prayers. Whenever the time of death of that person comes, the Angel of death (Malekul Maut) recognizes him and helps him to recite Kalema and shuns away Satan (shaitaan) from him.

It is narrated that once Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) wrote to a person:

"Do you wish that you may face death while on the Right path? And do you wish that your spirit (Rooh) may be removed from your body while you be performing good deeds? Then hold Allah's orders dear to yourself and obey them, and do not waste the bounties offered by Him by being disobedient to Him, and do not take undue advantage of His Mercy, nor become arrogant. Honour those who follow Us and respect those who love Us".

The recitation of Dua-e-Tamjeed (Du'a No. 11) of 'Saheefae Kamelah' is beneficial, so as to die while on the Right path and to be saved from turning away from it.

To recite the following supplication (dua) in the Namaz of sundays in the month of Zilqad:

ربنا لا تزغ قلوبنا بعد إذ هديتنا وهب لنا من لدنك رحمة إنك أنت الوهاب

The other beneficial acts are: To always recite Tasbeehe Fatema (A.S.) (34 times Allaho Akbar, 33 times Alhamdo Lillah, and 33 times Sub-hanallah), to wear ring of Carnelian (Aqeeq, specially of red colour), it is better if the following is engraved on it: 'Mohammadun Nabiyyullahe wa Aliyyun Wahyyullahe". To recite Surah-al-Mo'menoon every friday, to recite the following supplication (du'a) seven times after morning (Subh) and evening (Maghrib) Prayers:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم

To recite 8 units (Rak'at) Namaz on the night of 22nd Rajab, in each unit (Rak'at) after Surah-al-Hamd recites 7 times Surah-at-Tawheed. After ending Namaz, recite 10 times 'Salawat', and 10 times 'Istighfar' (Astagferullah Rabbi wa atoobo Ilayh).

Sayyed ibne Tawoos quotes the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) as saying, that if a person recites 4 units (Rak'ats) Namaz in the month of Sha'ban, such that in each unit (Rak'at) after Surali-al-Hamd recites 50 times Surah-at- Tawheed, then during death his spirit will be removed with ease, and his grave will become spacious, and on the day of Qayamat when he comes out of his grave, his face will be shining bright like a full moon.


Shaikh Sadooq quotes from Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) that he said, "If a person wishes that his last moments should be easy, he should maintain cordial relations with his kith & kin, and be kind to his parents. Whoever does so, death will be eased, and he will never fall prey to misfortunes in his lifetime".

It is narrated that once the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) went to see a youth who was in his last moments. He told him to recite Kalamae Tawheed (There is no God but Allah), but they youth could not utter it because his tongue had turned speechless. The Prophet repeated his order but with no avail. He repeated it twice but the youth could not answer. The Prophet turned towards a woman who was sat near the youth's head and asked her if she was his mother. She replied in affirmative.

He then asked her if she was unhappy with her son. She answered that she was certainly unhappy, but would forgive him if the Prophet commanded her to do so. The Prophet told her to forgive him. As soon as she forgave, the youth's speech returned and he recited the 'Kalema'. The Prophet asked him as to what he saw. He answered that he saw an ugly looking man who had held him by the neck, and was trying to strangle him. The Prophet told him to recite the following:

يا من يقبل اليسير ويعفو عن الكثير اقبل مني اليسير واعف عني الكثير إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم

When he did so, the Prophet asked him as to what he saw now. He answered that he saw that a handsome man had come to his rescue while the ugly man had turned back. The Prophet ordered him to recite the above du'a again and after having done so asked him what he saw. He replied that the ugly man had left, and the handsome youth was there by his side comforting him. He uttered these words and breathed his last. The above narration should be understood well, and lesson should be learnt that parent's displeasure becomes the reason for anguish in death. Even after being a companion (Sahabi) of the Prophet, and the Prophet being present besides him, the youth could not recite the 'kalema' and was in agony until his mother forgave him.

Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) says, "For a person who gives clothes to his brother believer during the summer or in winter, it is incumbent upon Allah to present the dress of Paradise to him, make his end easy, and save him from the narrowness of the grave." The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) says, "A person who offers to eat something sweet to his brother believer, the pangs of death will be easy on him".

Those A'mal which prove beneficial during death and eases it's tribulations:

Reciting Surah-al-Yaseen, Surah-as-Saffat and the following supplication (du'a) eases the tribulation during death:

لا إله إلا الله الحليم الكريم. لا إله الله العلي العظيم. سبحان الله رب السموات السبع ورب الأرضين السبع وما فيهن وما بينهن وما فوقهن وماتحتهن وهو رب العرش العظيم والحمد لله رب العالمين.

Shaikh Sadooq narrates from Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) that he said, "For the person who fasts on the last day of the month of Rajab, Allah will save him from the after effects of death". Fasting on the 24th of Rajab carries great reward (Sawab). One of its merits is that when the Angel of death comes to remove his spirit (Rooh), he comes in the form of a handsome youth carrying a bowl of the pure drink (Sharabe Tahoora) and offers him to drink. The dying person does so and dies in peace.
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) says that if a person recites four units (Rak'at) Namaz on the night of seventh Rajab in a manner that in each unit (Rak'at) after Surah-al-Hamd recites thrice Surah-at-Tawheed, once Surah-al-Falaq, and once Surah-an-Naas. After finishing the Namaz, sends Salawat on Us and recites ten times Tasbeehate Arba.

سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا اله إلا الله والله اكبر

Almighty Allah will offer him shelter under the Throne (Arsh), and give him reward of a person fasting in the month of Ramazan. Till the time he finishes the prayers, the Angels pray for his forgiveness. Allah will ease the pangs of death on him, and save him from the squeeze in the grave (Fishare Qabr). He will not die until he sees his place in Paradise, and will be safe from the hardships of Resurrection (Qay'amat) Shaikh Kafami quotes from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.), that he said that a person who recites the following supplication (Du'a) 10 times daily,

Allah will forgive four thousand major sins (Gunahane Kabeera) of his, offer him refuge from one hundred thousand calamities at the time of death, the squeeze in the grave (Fishare Qabr) and Qayamat. Allah will also save him from Satan (Sshaitaan) and his army, will pay off his dues and save him from troubles and anxieties.

أعددت لكل هول لا إله إلا الله ولكل غم وهم ما شاءالله ولكل نعمة الحمد لله ولكل رخاء الشكر لله ولكل اعجوبة سبحان الله ولكل ذنب استغفر الله ولكل مصيبة إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون ولكل ضيق حسبي الله ولكل قضاء وقدر توكلت على الله ولكل عدو اعتصمت بالله ولكل طاعة ومعصية لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم.

The recitation of the following du'a seventy times carries great reward. The least of which is that he will be given glad tidings that he will enter Paradise

يا أسمع السامعين ويا أبصر المبصرين و يا أسرع الحاسبين ويا أحكم الحاكمين

Shaikh Kulaini relates from Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) that he said that the one who recites Surah-az-Zilzal in the Supererogatory Prayers (Nafela), Allah will save him from earthquake, lightening and the calamities of the land and sky. And during death He will send this Surah in the form of a handsome youth who will sit besides him and request the Angel of death (Malekul Maut) to remove his spirit with ease.


The dying man is confused, because on one hand Satan (Shaitaan) with his companions tries hard to spoil his faith (Eeman), and on the other hand the thought of the arrival of the Angel of death makes him all the more puzzled. He wonders as to in what state would he (the Angel of death) come and how would his spirit be removed. The Commander of the faithful Ali (A.S.) says, "And when the signs of death approaches, he knows not what will befall him."

Shaikh Kulaini narrates from Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) who said that once Hazrat Ali (A.S.) was suffering from the ailment of the eye. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) came to inquire about his health. He saw that Ali (A.S.) was in intense pain and was restless because of it. The Prophet asked him, "Is this anxiety the outcome of the ailment"? Hazrat Ali (A.S.) replied that, "I had never witnessed such a pain before". The Holy Prophet (to console him) said "O Ali! when the Angel of death comes to take the spirit of the disbeliever,he brings along with him a club of fire, by which he removes his spirit and the flames of hell scream at the dying man".

The Commander of the believers sat upright and said, "O Prophet! Please explain to me the tradition (hadees), for I do not fell the pain anymore. Will the spirit of anyone from among your ummat be removed in the same manner"? 

The Holy Prophet replied, 'Yes, three types of persons from among my ummat too will be subjected to this punishment (1) An oppressive (Zalim) ruler, (2) Those who unjustly usurp the rights of orphans, and (3) The bearer of false witness".
Man due to difficulty or ease during death also sees the effects of his good or bad deeds which he committed. There are also some who turn apostates during death due to some of their bad deeds. "Then evil was the end of those who did evil, because they rejected the communications of Allah and used to mock them". (Surah-ar-Room : 10) It has also been narrated that during death (sakarat) or afterwards, the following persons should not be near the dying man: a woman in menses (Haiz) or Istahaza (irregular period), and a polluted (Junoob) person, because the Blessed Angels go away and the dying man falls in trouble. 

Shaikh Sadooq in his book Ilalush Sharaye' quotes Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) as saying, that woman in menses (Haiz) or a polluted person (Junoob) should not remain near the dying person, because the Angels feel disgusted because of it and go away.

Do you know what backbiting is?

A famous tradition cites the Prophet (ص) asking his companions, “Do you know what backbiting is?” They said, “Alla-h and His Messenger know best.” He said, “It is when you say something about your brother which he hates.” It was said to him, “Suppose what I say about my brother is true.” He said, “If what you say is true, it is backbiting, and if it is not, it is slandering.” This is recorded in Tanbi-h al-Khwatir, Vol. 1, p. 118. It is also recorded in Al-Targheeb wal Tarheeb, Vol. 3, p. 515.

It is a major sin due to both the Book of Alla-h and the Sunnah warning against it.

Alla-h Almighty clearly holds it in contempt in His Book, making a similitude between one who is guilty of it to one who eats the flesh of his dead brother. He says, “O you who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible), for suspicion in some cases is a sin, and do not spy on each other, nor speak ill of others by way of backbiting. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay! You would abhor it... but fear Alla-h, for Alla-h is oft-Returning, Most Merciful” (Qur'an-n, 49:12).

Some people mentioned the name of a man in the presence of the Prophet (ص), saying, “How weak he is!” He (ص) said, “You have backbitten your fellow.” They said, “O Messenger of Alla-h! What we have said about him is true!” He (ص) said, “If you wrongfully attribute something to him, you will be slandering him.” This is stated in Ad-Durr Al-Manthoor, Vol. 6, p. 96.

The Prophet (ص) is reported as having said, "One who witnesses a believer being humiliated without supporting him, while being able to do so, will be humiliated by Alla-h on the Day of Judgment as the creation looks on" (Ihya- Ulu-m ad-Di-n, Vol. 3, p. 138).

Abu- al-Darda-' is quoted as having said that the Messenger of Alla-h (ص) had said, "One who protects his brother's honor as it is charged with backbiting, Alla-h will protect his honor on the Judgment Day" (Tanbi-h al-Khawa-tir, Vol. 1, p. 119).

The Messenger of Alla-h (ص) has said, “A Muslim, all of him, is prohibited from harming another Muslim, whether shedding his blood, or robbing him of his possessions, or harming his honor” (Vol. 1, p. 115 of Tanbi-h al-Khawa-tir).

Ja-bir [ibn Abdulla-h al-Ansa-ri] and Abu- Sa`i-d al-Khudri have said, “He (ص) has said, ‘Beware of backbiting, for backbiting is worse than adultery. An adulterer repents, so Alla-h accepts his repentance, but one who backbites is not forgiven unless his fellow [whom he had backbitten] forgives him’”(Vol. 1, p. 115 of Tanbi-h al-Khawa-tir; p. 116 of Irsha-d al-Qulu-b).

In a famous lengthy narrative, the Prophet (ص) is quoted as having said,

 “The recording angels report the deeds of a servant of Alla-h, and he has a light like the rays of the sun which stays on till it reaches the lower heavens as the recording angels think greatly of his deeds and testify for him. But when it reaches the gate, the angel in charge of the gate says, ‘Smite the face of the doer of this deed! I am in charge of monitoring backbiting; my Lord ordered me not to let any good deed of one who backbites people reach my Lord’” (see p. 74, Vol. 1 of Al-Targhib wal Tarhib).

Anas is said as having quoted the Prophet (ص) saying, “During the night of isra-', I passed by people who were scratching their noses with their nails. I asked Gabriel about them. Gabriel said, ‘These are the people who backbite others and speak ill of their honor’” (p. 115, Vol. 1 of Tanbi-h al-Khawa-tir; p. 116 of Irsha-d al-Qulu-b).

Al-Bara-' [ibn `A-zib] has said, “The Messenger of Alla-h delivered a sermon to us once till the free ladies in their own homes heard him. He said, ‘O folks who have believed in tongue but not in heart! Do not backbite the Muslims, and do not trace their shortcomings, for if one keeps track of the shortcoming of his brother, Alla-h will track his shortcoming, and if Alla-h tracks his shortcoming, He will expose him even in the deepest depth of his home’” (Tanbi-h al-Khawa-tir, Vol. 1, p. 115).

Sulayma-n ibn Ja-bir has said, “I went to see the Messenger of Alla-h, peace and blessings of Alla-h be with him and his progeny, and said to him, ‘Teach me something good whereby Alla-h benefits me.’ He said, ‘Do not underestimate any good deed even if it is an act of pouring from your bucket into a cup of one seeking a drink, and when you meet your brother, meet him with a smile. When he goes away, do not backbite him’” (Tanbi-h al-Khawa-tir, Vol. 1, p. 115).
Anas [ibn Ma-lik] has said, “The Messenger of Alla-h (ص) delivered a sermon to us once and mentioned usury, touching upon its magnanimity. He said, ‘One dirham is won by a man through usury is looked upon by Alla-h as greater than thirty-six acts of adultery a man commits. The most serious type of usury is when one speaks ill of a Muslim’s honor’” (Tanbi-h al-Khawa-tir, Vol. 1, p. 116).
Ja-bir has said, “We were in the company of the Messenger of Alla-h (ص) when he approached two graves of persons being tormented. He said, ‘They are not being tormented because of having committed a major sin. One of them used to backbite people. The other was too careless to cleanse himself after urinating.’ He (ص) called for a fresh palm leaf or two which he broke, planting one on each grave. He (ص) said, ‘This will lighten their torment as long as they are not dry’” (Tanbi-h al-Khawa-tir, Vol. 1, p. 116).


Anas has said, “The Messenger of Alla-h (ص) ordered people once to fast then said, ‘Nobody should break his fast till I give him permission.’ People fasted. When it was evening, a man would come and say, ‘O Messenger of Alla-h! I have kept my fast; so, please grant me permission to break my fast,’ and he would give him permission. A man came and said, ‘O Messenger of Alla-h! Two young women from among your folks have kept fasting, but they are too shy to come to you; so, please give them permission to break their fast.’ The Prophet (ص) turned away from him. The man repeated his request, whereupon the Prophet said to him, ‘They did not uphold their fast. How can one fast while eating people’s flesh? Go and tell them that if they were fasting, they should vomit.’ The man returned to the young women and narrated the above to them. They vomited. Each of them vomited a clot of blood. The man returned to the Prophet (ص) and told him about it. He (ص) said to him, ‘I swear by the One Who holds the soul of Muhammad in His hand that had they (clots) remained in their stomachs, they would have consumed them like fire.’” Another version of this incident says that when the Prophet turned away from the man, the latter returned and said, “O Messenger of Alla-h! They, by Alla-h, have almost died [of hunger and thirst].” The Prophet (ص) told the man to bring him the two women whom he ordered to vomit. Each vomited blood, filling a whole container. He (ص) then said, “These women abstained from what Alla-h had permitted them and broke their fast on what Alla-h had prohibited them. Each sat with the other and both kept eating people’s flesh” (Ihya- Ulu-m ad-Di-n, Vol. 3, p. 134. Ad-Durr al-Manthu-r, Vol. 6, p. 96).
It has also been reported that “One who eats his brother’s flesh in the short life will have the flesh brought near to him in the Hereafter and it will be said to him, ‘Eat it dead as you ate it alive.’ He will eat it and will cry out and frown indignantly” (Ihya-' Ulu-m ad-Di-n, Vol. 3, p. 135).

The Messenger of Alla-h (ص) stoned a man once on account of having committed adultery. Someone said to his fellow, “This man used to squirt like dogs.” The Messenger of Alla-h (ص) brought them a carcass and said to them, “Eat it.” They said, “O Messenger of Alla-h! Must we really eat a stinking carcass?!” He (ص) said, “What you have just eaten of the flesh of your brother is more stinking than it” (Tanbi-h al-Khawa-tir, Vol. 1, p. 116).

Imam al-Sa-diq (ع) has said, “Backbiting is prohibited on every Muslim. It consumes good deeds as the fire consumes firewood” (Musba-h al-Shari-`a, pp. 204-205).
Al-Sadu-q has cited his forefathers citing Ali (ع) saying that the Messenger of Alla-h (ص) said, “Four persons shall add harm to the residents of the fire to the harm from which they already suffer: They shall be given to drink of the boiling water in hell. They shall lament, so much so that the people of the fire shall say to each other, ‘What is wrong with these four harming us in addition to the harm from which we already suffer?’ One of them will be dangling from a coffin made of burning timbers and a man runs with him. A man’s mouth will be dripping blood and pus. And a man will be eating his own flesh. It will be said to the man of the coffin, ‘What is wrong with the furthermost man, for he has added to our harm?’ He will say, ‘The furthermost man died owing people money; he did not feel like paying them back or fulfilling his obligations to them.’ Then it will be said to the man running with him, ‘What is wrong with the furthermost man who has added harm to our harm?’ He will say, ‘The furthermost man used not to care where his urine fell on his body.’ Then it will be said to the man whose mouth drips blood and pus, ‘What is wrong with the furthermost man, for he has added to our harm?’ He will say, ‘The furthermost man used to mimic people: He would look at every foul word, praise then repeat it.’ Then it will be said to the one who eats his own flesh, ‘What is wrong with the furthermost man, for he has added to our harm?’ He will say, ‘The furthermost man used to eat of people’s flesh through backbiting, slandering others’” (`Iqba-l-A`ma-l, p. 294).
Through tracking the isna-d back to the Prophet (ص), the Messenger of Alla-h (ص) said once, “One who delves into backbiting his brother, revealing his shortcomings, will have placed his first step in hell, and Alla-h will reveal his shortcoming to all creation” (`Iqa-b al-A`ma-l, p. 337).

One who backbites a Muslim will have his fast nullified, and his ablution will be void; so, if he dies in such a state, he will be regarded as having permitted what Alla-h prohibits (`Iqa-b al-A`ma-l, p. 332).

Abu- Abdulla-h (ع) has said that the Messenger of Alla-h (ص) said, “Backbiting is more swift in undermining a Muslim’s creed than the food in his stomach” (Al-Ka-fi, Vol. 2, p. 357; see also Al-Ikhtisa-s, p. 228).

The Messenger of Alla-h (ص) has said, “Sitting in a mosque waiting for the prayer is adoration as long as one does not do something awful.” It was said to him, “O Messenger of Alla-h! What is this awful thing?” He said, “Backbiting” (Rawdat al-Wa-izeen, p. 470; see also Al-Ka-fi, Vol. 2, p. 257).


'75 million Iranians ready for defense'

Wednesday, 03 October 2012 12:13

'75 million Iranians ready for defense''75 million Iranians ready for defense'

The Iranian Navy today declares that in case of any offensive against
the Islamic Republic, the country’s entire millions-strong population
is prepared to defend it against the aggressors.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran possesses complete preparedness and
stability and this readiness exists in ground, and air,” said Iran’s
Navy Commander, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, ISNA reported on
“And if we are faced with an [instance of military] threat or
intrusion, 75 million Iranians are prepared for defense,” he added.
“Everyone knows that the enemies have united [among themselves] in
every area, namely economic, against the Iranian nation, but the
enemies of the Islamic Iran should know that the Iranian nation
rightly knows these games [played] and threats [issued] by the enemy
and will decisively respond to these threats if need be.”
In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in its defense
sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military
equipment and systems.
Iran has repeatedly assured other nations, especially regional
neighbors, that its military might poses no threat to other countries,
insisting that its defense doctrine is merely based on deterrence.