Sunday, 9 December 2012


Dec 9, '12 2:00 AM
for everyone

Imam 'Ali (A.S.) said: 

Surely, Allah has chosen for us followers (Shiites), who assist us and are happy at our happiness and are sad in our sadness.

Ghuraral‑Hikam vol. 1, pg.   135.

Imam 'Ali Ibn al‑Husain (A.S.) used to say:

Every Mu'min, whose eyes shed tears upon the killing of Husain Ibn 'Ali (A.S.) and his companions, such that the tears roll down his cheeks, Allah shall accommodate him in the elevated rooms of Paradise.

Yanaabe'al‑Mawaddah, pg.   419.

For those unable to go for the ziarat of Imam Husain (A.S.) on the day of A'ashura, Imam Baqir (A.S.) mentions the manner of performing A'zadari as follows:

He should mourn over Husain (A.S.), weep for him and instruct the members of the house to weep for him. He should establish the mourning ceremony in the house by exhibiting lamentations and grief over him; the people should meet one another in their homes and offer condolences and consolation to each other over the calamities which befell him.

Kaamil al‑Ziyaraat pg. 175

Imam Baqir (A.S.) said:

Amirul Mu'mineen (A.S.), along with two of his companions, happened to pass by Kerbala and as he did so, tears filled his eyes. He said (to them), "This is the resting place of their animals; and this is where their luggage shall be laid down; and it is here that their blood shall be shed. Blessed are you O' Earth, that the blood of the beloved shall be spilled upon you."

Bihar al Anwar, vol: 98 pg.   258.

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:

`As for A'li Ibn al‑Husain (A.S.), he cried over Husain (A.S.) for twenty years (after the tragedy of Kerbala); never would any food be placed before him except that he would begin to weep.

Bihar al Anwar, vol 46, pg. 108

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said to Fudhail:

Do you sit together, talk and discuss amongst yourselves? Fudhail replied: Yes. The Imam then said: I approve of these sittings. So keep our `issue' (Imamate) alive. May Allah exhibit mercy on those who revive our issue and mission!

Wasail al‑Shiah , vol. 10, pg.   391.

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:

O' Zurarah! The sky had cried for forty days over (the martyrdom of) Husain (A.S.)

Mustadrakal‑Wasail, vol 1 pg. 391


Dec 9, '12 2:14 AM
for everyone

   My Lord!
*Thy bounty which Thou hast given me - - strip it not away!
*Thy generosity which Thou hast given me - - strip it not away!
*Thy cover over me through Thy clemency - - tear it not away!
*My ugly acts which Thou hast come to know - - forgive them!

My Lord!
*I seek intercession from Thee with Thee, and
*I seek sanctuary in Thee from Thee!
*I have come to Thee craving Thy beneficence, desiring Thy        kindness, …
*So act toward me with the forgiveness and mercy of which Thou     art worthy!
*Act not toward me with the chastisement and vengeance of which    I am worthy!
* By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!

O Lord!
Which person has come before Thee seeking hospitality, and You have not received him hospitably?  And who is the one who has dismounted at Thy door hoping for magnanimity, and to whom You have not shown it?

O Allah who is the asylum of every fleer, the hope of seekers!
O Best Object of hope! O Most Generous Aim for supplication!
O Allah who does not reject His asker or disappoint the expectant!
O Allah whose door is open to His supplicators and whose veil is lifted for those who hope in Him!

I ask Thee by Thy generosity to show kindness toward me through Thy gifts,
* with that which will give serenity to my soul, and
* through certainty with that which will make easy for me the   afflictions of this world, and
*life from my insight the veils of blindness!
By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!


Dec 9, '12 2:15 AM
for everyone

Imam Sajjad ( Ali ibn Husayn entitled Zayn al-abidin and Sajjad ) was the son of the third Imam , and his wife , the queen among women , the daughter of Yazdigird the king of Iran . He was the only son of Imam Husayn to survive, for his other three brothers Ali Akbar , aged twenty-five , five year old Ja'far and Ali Asghar ( or Abdullah ) who was a suckling baby , were martyred during the event of Karbala . 

The Imam had also accompanied his father on the journey that terminated fatally in Karbala, but because of severe illness and the inability to carry arms or participate in fighting he was prevented from taking part in the holy war and being martyred . So he was sent with the womenfolk to Damascus . After spending a period in imprisonment he was sent with honor to Medina because Yazid wanted to conciliate public opinion . But for a second time , by the order of the Umayyad caliph , Abd al-Malik , he was chained and sent from Medina to Damascus and then again returned to Medina.

The Lonely Imam
The fourth Imam , upon returning to Medina , retired from public life completely, closed the door of his house to strangers and spent his time in worship . He was in contact only with the elite among the Shi'ites such as Abu Hamzah Thumali , Abu Khalid Kabuli and the like . The elite disseminated among the Shi'ah the religious sciences they learned from the Imam . In this way Shi'ism spread considerably and showed its effects during the imamate of the fifth Imam . 

Among the works of the fourth Imam is a book called Sahifah sajjadiyah. It consists of fifty-seven prayers concerning the most sublime Divine sciences and is known as 'The Psalm of the Household of the Prophet'. The fourth Imam died ( according to some Shi'ite traditions poisoned by Walid ibn Abd al-Malik through the instigation of the Umayyad caliph Hisham ) in 95/712 after thirty-five years of imamate.

Love of Husain (a.s.)

Dec 9, '12 11:20 AM
for everyone
Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

Imām Ja'far ibn Muhammad  al-Sādiq (A.S.) said:

“When Allāh(s.w.t.) intends good for a person, He places the love of Hussain (a.s.) and the love of his Ziyarat in his heart."

 [Reference: Kamiluz Ziyaraat, Chapter 55, Tradition 3, page 137]

A humble request
Please do pray for earliest restoration of Jannat al-Baqi; protection of Mausoleum of Sayyidah Zaynab bint ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib (a.s.) and Sayyidah Ruqayyah/Sakina bint Hussain (a.s.)  & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs)

Iltemase Dua

Dec 9, '12 11:55 AM
for everyone

Jannatul BaqiAl-Sahifah Al-SajjadiyyahImam Zainul Abdeen
Jannatul BaqiAl-SahifahImam Zainul Abdeen

Sixth Infallible Description:
Name: AliTitle: Zainul Abedin, Sayidus Sajidin
Designation: 4th ImamKunyat: Abul Muhammad
Father: Hussain Ibne AliMother: Shahr Banu Binte-Yazdjard
Born: 15th Jumada 1 38AH (659AD)Died: 25th Muharram 95AH (713AD)
Martyred: Poisoned by WaleedBuried: Cemetery of Jannatul Baqi
Lived: 57 years

Sixth Infallible Sayings:
  • Who honors himself dishonors worldly things.
  • The company of the righteous invites you to goodness.
  • Beware of keeping company with the sinful and helping the unjust.
  • The right of your child is that you know that he has come from you to this world and his right and wrong are attributed to you. You are responsible for teaching and training him, guiding him to his Lord, Almighty and Glorious, and assisting him to obey Him. Therefore, be sure that if you do a favor to your child, you will obtain it and if you act viciously against him, it will come back to you, too.
  • There are no drops which are dearer to Allah than two kinds of drops: Drops of blood shed in Allah's cause (Jehad) and the tears dropped in the darkness of night for which a servant does not want any thing except pleasure of Allah.
  • Do not make anyone your enemy even though you consider him harmless and do not turn down a person's friendship even if you think he will not benefit you.
  • Beware of keeping company with a liar for he is like a mirage (deceptive). He shows you the near one as distant and the distant thing as nearby.
  • Abstain from lies both small and big and in all conditions whether joking or serious.
  • A person said to Imam Sajjad (A.S.)" Oh Son of the Prophet (saw) how did you start your morning?" He replied, "I commenced the morning with eight things being demanded of me. Allah demands the obligatory, Prophet (saw) demands (his) sunnah, the family asks for sustenance, the soul demands lust (desires), satan demands (me to commit) sin, the protectors (two angels who write down both good and bad deeds of man while they also protect and defend him against mishaps) demand the sincerity of practice, the angel of death demands the soul and the grave demands (my) body. I am stationed among such affairs being demanded of me."
  • Sins which terminate the blessings are: oppression against people, abandoning piety, not commanding good deeds, ingratitude for blessings and favors, and not giving thanks.
  • The right of your mother is that you know she has carried you (in her womb) in a manner that nobody has carried the other. And fed you from the fruit of her heart in a way that nobody has fed the other. She protected you happily with her ears, eyes, hands, feet, hairskin and all of her body parts while bearing all the pains, agonies, discomforts and burdens till the time Allah's hand detached you from her to the earth. Then she was contented that she remained hungry and fed you and dressed you up remaining nude herself and quenched your thirst while she was thirsty, she put you in the shade while she herself remained under the sun and brought you up with the extreme comforts while herself (remaining) in hardship. She makes you enjoy the sweet sleep while she is awake. Her womb was a soothing and comforting place for you. Her breasts were a means of quenching your thirst. And her existence was a shield for protecting you. She endured the hot and cold of the world for your sake.
    There fore, you must also thank her in the same manner and you do not have the capability and power of doing it but with the assistance of Allah and His grace.
  • A Mujahid who is martyred for Allah's cause does not deserve as much reward as a person who chooses not to sin despite having the power to do so. Such a person may even become one of the chaste angels.