Friday, 15 March 2013

I advise you to keep piety and chastity and warn you of the days of Resurrection and death

Mar 14, '13 1:04 PM
for everyone

Imam Husain (a.s.) said:

I advise you to keep piety and chastity and warn you of the days of Resurrection and death , and hoist you his ( threatening ) flags : Imagine death with its terrible frightening looks , its unwanted arrival, and its bitter taste has clawn at your soul and has made an obstacle between you and your deeds. Still you care more about your body ( rather than soul ). I can see the calamity of death grabs you suddenly and drags you from the surface of the earth to its depth and from the heights of the earth to its lower places and from the joy and familiarity of the earth to the horror of the grave , from the prosperity and illumination of earth to the darkness and pitch blackness of the grave and from the vastness of the earth to the tightness of the grave. It takes you to that prison to which your nearest relative is not allowed to visit you , to a place where patients have no right to be visited , to a place where there is no response to any cry or scream. 

May the Almighty God save us from the difficulties and problems of this day and salvage both we and you from the punishment of that day , and makes us deserving his great rewards. 
(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol.78 , P.120)


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