N A M A Z - M E ' R A J O F M O ' M I N
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The significance of Namaz (prayers) can be understood from the above Quranic verse which clearly depicts the philosophy of Namaz. Namaz restrains a person from committing evil deeds because if a person remembers his Lord five times in a day, then he cannot think of committing sins, let alone comitting it. This is because he testifies five times in his prayers that he who witnesses are his action, than how can he commit sins.
Namaz brings the person in direct contact with his Lord. It is narrated by the Immam (a.s.) that :
"When a person stands for praying Namaz, mercy of Allah descends upon him from heavens and earth and angels surround him. One angel says : " If this person know what is the importance of Namaz he would never leave it "Really ! who wants to leave such a significant action except an unlucky person. It is reported that when a servant of Allah prolongs his prostration (sijdah) Shaitan ( the cursed one) gets disgraced and cries, " Oh ! woe be on me ! he obeyed Allah and I disobeyed. He prostrates and I rejected ".
Immam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said " Obligatory prayers are better than Hajj to a house of Allah. And a Hajj is better than charity of a house filled with gold in way of Allah.
"Similiarity of Namaz is a pillar of tent. Till the time the pillar is strong all the things in the tent remain stable. But if the pillar come down then all other things will crumble.
Some people, though they don't leave their prayers, but consider it a insiignificant matter are great loosers. First loss to them is that they will be deprived of shafaa-at (intercession) As the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said : " One who is careless in praying Namaz is not from me.
The tradition does not say for those who don't pray but for the ones who consider it unimportant and shows lethargy in its performance.
As for those who pray very fast that one cannot differentiate it from an exercise, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has strongly condemned them.
Once Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a,) was sitting in the mosque for praying Namaz, but while he was praying he did not perform his ruku and sajdah (prostration) properly and finished it in a haste, Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) remarked, " He is jumping like a crow. If he dies in this state he will not die on my religion."
As per Immam (s.a.) said: " When a person stands for Namaz and considers it unimportant Allay says to the Angels:
" Do you not see this slave of mine, he presumes as if fulfillments of his deeds is with someone other than Me ? Does he know not that is in My hands ?."
Still other group of people who don't pray Namaz ! About such people Quran is very clear that their place is in Hell. Quran says: "Except for the people of right, they will be in heavens and will ask the sinner, " What has brought you to Hell", they shall reply " We were not among those who prayed Namaz ".
"The thing which converts a Muslim into a non-believer is to leave Namaz deliberately or consider it insignificant"
In another place Quran while describing unbeliver and their characteristics say : " He neither believes (in Prophets) nor he prays Namaz but rejects (the truth) and turns back ) Surah Qiyamat 31- 32 "Immam (a.s.) says : The one who after believing turns unbeliever than all his actions are washed away .
The Holy Quran says : " Surely the believers are successful, the one who are humble in their prayers and those keep a guard on their prayers. " (Surah Mo'menin')
Immam Ja'far as- Sadiq (a.s.) said : " For the one who prays Namaz there are 3 distinctions:
1. When he stands for prayers blessings pour down upon him from heaven
2. Angels gather around his feet from heaven
3. An Angel announces : " O one who prayes Namaz if you would have know that (this) thing which will serve as deliverance (to Paradise ) you would never turn away from it."
It is said by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s )
1. One who helps evader of Namaz by even a morsel of food it is as if he has killed seventy prophets - first among them being Adam (a.s.) and last Mohammamed (s.a.w.s.)
2. One who helps evader of Namaz by giving him even water to drink it is as if he is at war with me and with all the Prophets
3. Namaz is the pillar of religion if it is accepted then everything will be accepted - if it is rejected every other thing will be rejected.
4. Till the time a person prays five times a day, Shaitan fears him and keeps away from him but when he does not pray, Shaitan over- powers him and indulges him in major sins".
Immam Ali (a.s.) said as to when the Angels pray Namaz behind you
"One who performs prayers with Azaan and Iqamat there will pray behind him one row of Angels which he sees not and one who prays with Iqamat only one angle prays namaz behind him "
When it was asked to Imam (a.s.) as to how many angles are there in one row. Imam (a.s.) said:
"Minimum is what can be accommodated between East and the West of earth while maximum is what can be accommodated between earth and the sky"
At the time of call for Morning prayers - Allah (s.t.) sends Angels to your doorsteps with all His Grace, Blessings, Rozi, and the Goodness. The Angles knock at every Momin's door to enter with all the Barkat but the person who does not get for his morning prayers he looses his chance to get the benevolence from Allah and indirectly rejects them. Who would not want all the Barkat should not come in to his house- no one wants to miss it but being lazy to get up for morning prayers the chance is lost. It is the same way - you want your guest to come to your house - you say also come in - come in - but you do not open the latch of the door from inside for him to come in - this is what happens to the Angels - they want to enter your house as you would very much want to do but not opening the latch of your door (not getting up for prayers because of laziness) one deprives the chance - How can one blame Allah for the loss of barakat in his Rozi. The person himself is to be blamed for his loss.
Always pray Sure-Yasin - make it a habit to pray after your morning prayers and see the difference
Pray Sure- Waqia between Isha and Magrib prayers for increase in sustenance
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