Prejudice (`asabiyyah)
O people! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. The noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the best in conduct…(Qur'an, 49:13)
Imam Ja’far al‑Sadiq (a) reported from the Prophet (s) who said: "Whoso ever possesses in his heart 'asabiyyah (prejudice in any of its forms such as tribalism, racism, nationalism) even to the extent of a mustard seed, God will raise him on the Day of Resurrection with the (pagan) Bedouins of theJahiliyyah (the pre‑Islamic era).” [Al‑Kulayni, al‑Kafi, vol. 2,bab al ‘asabiyah, p. 308, hadith # 3]
`Asabiyyah isan inner psychic trait that is manifested in patronizing or defending one's kindred or those with whom one has some kind of affinity or relation, whether it be creed and religious ideology, soil or home, language or colour. This affinity may also be due to similarity of profession or the relationship of teacher and pupil, or something else. It is a moral vice that appears to take the form of defense of truth or religion, but in reality it is aimed at extending one's own influence or that of one's co‑religionist(s), relative(s), friend(s), or member(s) of group. |
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