Friday, 30 November 2012

During the rule of Prophet Sulaiman (a.s.) a male sparrow told its mate- " Why do you stop from mating ?  I possess such might that if I want I could pick up the dome of the (the palace) of Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) and drrop it in the river." 
 When Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) came to know of this, he summoned both the birds and asked the male bird if he could substantiate his claim by putting it into practice.  
The bird replied that he had only tried to impress his mate by false claim.  He said that he loved his companion hence could not afford to lose her.  When Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) asked the female bird for her opinion she said that her suitor did not love her and his affections were for some one else.  
Upon hearing her grievance  Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) became remorseful.  He retired in to his prayer niche and did not come out for forty days.  He prayed  " O Allah purify the heart of his male bird from the love of everything except his own mate"

As-salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatoh,

 Imām ‘Alī ibn Ḥusayn (A.S) said:

“‘Fasting for the month of Sha'abān & Ramazān continuously is like repenting before Allāh (s.w.t.). These are the months of Allāh (s.w.t.) and they compensate for the sins of the two months of past and present each.”

[Reference:  Sawaabul A’amaal,  page no. 93]

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 It is our selfishness and egoism that are responsible for our present condition.

 The following maxim expresses the same truth: 'Your worst enemy is your lower self that is within you.' It is this idol which man worships most and to which he is attached most. Man cannot become godly unless he smashes this idol, because an idol and God cannot go together. 

An egoist can never be a devout person. We may apparently be religious, but in reality are idol-worshippers unless we get rid of our selfishness and egoism, which are the root-cause of all our troubles and evils. 

While offering prayers we say: 'You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help, but unfortunately all our thoughts remain concentrated on ourselves. We offer prayers to serve our Own selfish interests and thus in reality worship ourselves only.
Jul 8, '11 10:32 AM
for everyone
A pale and dusty old man came into the mosque. He was clad in rags. He went to the Prophet and in three short sentences explained his circumstances:
"Oh Prophet of God, I am hungry, give me food. "I am clothless, give me clothes. "I am without means, help me!" The Prophet (S.A.) told him, "I have nothing in hand. Go to my daughter's house. She will help you. The house of Fatima was near and one of the Prophet's companions led the old man to it. The old man knocked at the door.
”Who is it?"
"I'm a hungry person, I'm clothless, I'm without means, be kind and generous to me, God will be kind and generous to you.

Fatima took from her neck the necklace given to her by her cousin and gave it to the old man saying. "Sell this  necklace and spend the money. I hope that in the future you will be free of need."
The poor man returned happily. The Prophet was still in the mosque. The old man showed the necklace and said, "Oh Prophet, your daughter, Fatima, gave me her necklace to sell."
One of the Prophet's friends, Ammar ibn Yasir, heard what the old man said and asked him what price he wanted.
The old man said that he would sell it for enough food to satisfy his hunger, enough cloth to clothe his body, and enough money to get home.
Ammar said, "I buy this necklace from you, "for a meal of bread and meat, "clothes of Yemenite cloth, "a four- footer' to take you home, "and, in addition, eight dinars of gold and 200 dirhams of silver."
Ammar then took the old man home and paid him the price of the necklace.
The old man ate the food, put on the clothes and went on his way satisfied and happy.
Then Ammar put perfume on the necklace, wrapped it up in a piece of cloth and ordered his slave, "Go to the Prophet of God. I have given you and this necklace to him."
The slave went to the Prophet and delivered Ammar's message.
The Holy Prophet looked at the necklace and said, "And I have given you and the necklace to my daughter."
The slave went to Holy Fatima and told her what the Prophet had said and presented the necklace. Fatima thanked him and said, "And in the path of God, I have freed you. You are not a slave anymore!"
That man, the slave, became very happy and with joy and surprise said, "What a blessed necklace!
"It satisfied hunger, "clothed the body. "Bestowed means in place of helplessness, "mounted the walker, "freed the slave, "and finally returned to its owner!"
The Holy Prophet of Islam and his followers strove hard to combat slavery and were continually freeing slaves, whatever the price. Thus, in Islam, the freeing of slaves is counted amongst the highest acts of worship, and, in some circumstances, is even considered obligatory.
Jul 8, '11 10:26 AM
for everyone

As far as the purpose for Satan's creation, the Omnipotent Allah creates whatever He desires to. The raison d'être (hikmat) for creation of Satan requires a detailed discussion which will be out of place here. But, in a nutshell, the creation of Satan (and his ilk) is to test the felicity of the human beings. When men ward away the subterfuges of Satan, they heir a place in the Heaven and those who are misled by him, will be Hell bound!

Allah has ordered men to do charity. Satan asked people not to do charity lest their horde of wealth diminishes! Those who have wisdom and strong faith snub Satan and tell him,' Allah says:

Wa ma anfaqtum min shai in fahua yaqlaqhu wa huwa khair 
ur raazeqeen

Whatever you spend, We shall replenish. We are the Best of Providers.

If you are steadfast in determination and patience like a mountain, then wisdom and knowledge will take you to such a place that it becomes evident if you were irresolute, the Satanic fears would sway your feet! It is the existence of Satan that proves the felicity of men of piety and wisdom who are steadfast despite all the stratagems of the accursed one!

We all talk of Allah and the Day of Judgement. But do we really have a strong faith is a moot question! It is only Satan (and his ilk) that is a touchstone for testing the humans. 

If you take Allah's name with implicit faith, then why you don't have confidence in His promises. If, unfortunately, you have accepted the fears that Satan has put in you mind, then you will be rendered a mominonly in the namesake. If you have a strong belief in the existence of the Heaven, then why you don't make a sincere effort to earn a place in it! Why don't you try to avoid going to the Hell as Retribution for the evil deeds committed under the spell of Satan!

Wa ma kaana lahu alaihim min sultanin illa lenalama mai yaumenu bil aakhirate mimman huwa minha fi shak
And there is not for him any authority over them , save that We would know (distinguish) him who believeth in the hereafter, from him who is in doubt concerning it.----Saba 21

You see that a particular lady has claims of piety. Satan approaches her in the garb of a human being and says, ' Madam! You have become old-fashioned and retrograde! You have covered yourself in such a clumsychadar (shawl)'. When you happen to see the lady a second time, she will not look much different from gentlemen! Satan creates such doubts, fears and changes in the human beings.

Definitely, the purpose of the creation of Satan is to test the human beings as to their determination to be steadfast on the right path. Those who are fickle minded and susceptible to be led astray by Satan are also tested by Satan! Thus Allah gets a proof of who is momin (pious) and who is fajir (hypocrite.)
Jul 8, '11 10:15 AM
for everyone
Allah's promise & Satan's promise

It is a human failing that man gives more credence to Satan's promises. Satan prevents him from spending in the way of Allah by creating unfounded fears in his heart. The thought is generated in the man's mind that what he would do if a more important need for expenditure arises soon and he would be without the money that he was giving for the good cause now. . 

But man forgets Allah's promise and goes back on spending on worldly causes. He remains in the service of Satan and is carried away, spending huge amounts for name and fame, hearing his name mentioned on the radio, television and the newspapers! 

When Allah exhorts people to be kind to their poor neighbors, needy relatives and to help them monetarily, they make an excuse that their financial status doesn't permit doing any such charity. But when Satan dictates about expense on worldly activities, they spend without giving a second thought!
Jul 8, '11 10:10 AM
for everyone
THE POWER OF LOVE……(Short Message).

A mighty King was marching home after being victorious
in a battle. He captured the crown of the neighboring kingdom
& killed the King. The King was passing through a jungle.
He wanted to rest. The army halted there for the evening.
Nearby was a hermitage. The king decided to pay his respects
to the sage there. He sent his Minister & some soldiers to seek
an audience. They told the disciples that, "Maharaj wants to
meet the sage." The disciples said, "Guruji has retired for the day,
you can come tomorrow." The next morning the King came
to the hermitage dressed in his royal dress, with his ministers.
The sage was sitting under a tree & scattering seeds all around.
Hundreds of birds of different kinds were eating & the sound
of their twittering filled the air.

The King walked up to the sage. The sage did not look up.
The king said, "Pranam, Guruji!"
No answer.
He spoke louder, "Pranam, Guruji!"
Still, no answer.
"Guruji, I said Pranam!" he said in an angry voice.
The sage looked up & said, "Stop shouting,
you are scaring the birds.

That made the king even more angry.
"Do you know who I am….?" king shouted.
The sage said calmly, "Yes, I do.
You are the one who kills the love for power.
You are the one who doesn’t know that this power is temporary.
One day another King shall kill you in the same way.
The love of power shall bring about your downfall.
The king was beside himself with rage. He said,
"Your impertinence is intolerable.
I shall behead you just now…!!"
He drew out his sword & raised it to strike the sage.
In an instant, hundreds of birds flew up & attacked the king.
They poked their beaks into his face, his eyes & his arms.
The king moved his arms up & around to ward off the birds.
But the birds wouldn't leave him.
The sage said, "Leave him! Leave him! Come to me my dears!"
All at once, the birds came down & sat at the feet of the sage.

The sage said, "All I ever gave these birds is love.
Oh King…! Realize the power of love. The love of power
has blinded you & brought you to the level of a killer.
These birds would have killed you, but that's because
they love me. I rule over them like a king too,
but the only power I ever exercise over them is
the power of love & it is greatest power on this Earth."

Moral of the Story:-

It’s not what You gather, But what You scatter
That tells what kind of Life you have Lived……..!!!

Treat everyone with politeness ,
even to those who are rude to you,
Not because they are not nice,
but because you are nice.....!!!

99% Problems of Life are due to the Tone of Voice,
It's not what you say……..but
How you say that creates the problem…….!!!


Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) has said, "One who recites it will receive ten good deeds for each particle of sand in the world." He has also said, "One who recites it each night or each Friday night, Allah will not expose him to any fear in the life of this world and will receive security from the horrors of the Day of Judgment."


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said that this Chapter was revealed as a whole escorted by seventy thousand angels praising and glorifying the Almighty in unison; so, whoever recites it will be blessed by those same seventy thousand angels for a full day and night. Imam al-Rida (as) is quoted as saying that those angels will keep blessing him till the Day of Judgment. 
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said, "One who recites it from its beginning till the verse saying, 'And thus do We make some oppressors befriend others on account of what they earned (6:129),' Allah will assign for him forty thousand angels to write for him (in his book of good deeds) the like of their own adoration till the Day of Resurrection."
According to the author of
 Al-Af ad wal Gharaib, one who does the same after having performed the fajr prayers, forty angels will descend for him, and it will be recorded for him the like of their adoration. 
According to the author of
 Al-Waseet, if one does so upon waking up, Allah Almighty will assign for him a thousand angels to protect him and to record for him the like of their deeds (of adoration) till the Day of Judgment.


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said, "Whoever recites Surat-al-Anbiya' will be tried by Allah an easy trial, and each and every Prophet mentioned in the Holy Qur'an will shake hands with him." Imam al-Sadiq (as) has said, "One who recites it out of his love for it will be in the company of the prophets in Paradise, and he will be highly respected in the life of this world."


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying, "If someone recites both Surat al-Anfal and Bara'ah together, I shall seek intercession for him and testify for him on the Day of Judgment that he is free from hypocrisy, and he will be granted of the rewards ten times as many as the number of hypocritical men and women in the world, and ten of his sins will be wiped out, and his status will be elevated by ten degrees, and the 'Arsh and those (angels) that bear it shall bless him as long as he lives." 
Imam al-Sadiq (as) has said, "One who recites both of these chapters every month will not undergo any hypocrisy, and he will be as a true Shi'a of the Commander of the Faithful (as) and will be eating on the Day of Judgment of the tables of Paradise with them till Allah, the most Exalted One, is through with the Judgment."


Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) has said, "One who recites it will receive ten good deeds for the number of each and every believer and disbeliever." He (as) has also said, "One who recites both Surat al- Rum and al-'Ankabut during the twenty-third night of the month of Ramadan will, by Allah, be among the people of Paradise."


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying that if one recites this chapter, Allah, the most Exalted One, will install a protective veil between him and Iblis, and Adam (as) will seek intercession for him on the Day of Judgment. 
Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) is quoted saying that one who reads it every month will be among those who shall have no fear on the Day of Judgment, nor shall they grieve; so, if he recites it every Friday, he will be among those who will not be tried on the Day of Judgment.


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted by Ubayy saying, "Whoever recites it will receive blessings from Allah and His mercy and will be granted the rewards due to one who camps for a full year, in the way of Allah, as a soldier on the borders of the Islamic domains to protect them, being constantly on vigil." Then the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) turned to the narrator, Ubayy, and said, "O Ubayy! Order the Muslims to learn it, for learning it is a blessing, while leaving it is a loss, and no magician can ever overpower it." 

He (pbuh) is also quoted as saying that everything has a zenith, and the zenith of the Our'an is
Surat al-Baqarah. "Which ayat (verse)," he (pbuh) was asked, "in it is the best, O Messenger of Allah?" He (pbuh) said, "Ayat al-Kursi [2:255]," he (pbuh) answered. And he (pbuh) entrusted the youngest among his companions, namely al-Harith ibn Zayd ibn al-Harithah, due to the fact that he knew Surat al-Baqarah by heart, to command an army to defend Islam.


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying that whoever recites this Sura on a Friday night will be forgiven and will receive for each of its verses the rewards of one who sets a hundred thousand slaves free, and seventy thousand angels will seek forgiveness for him; and Allah will build a mansion for whoever recites it on Fridays. Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) has said that one who recites it during his obligatory and optional prayers will be resurrected among those who will be secure and Allah will shade him with the shade of His 'Arsh and will try him an easy trial and give him his book (of reckoning) in his right hand.


Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) is quoted as saying that whoever recites this Chapter will be as though he was present when the Prophet (pbuh) openedMecca and was with him when he (pbuh) received the oath of allegiance under the tree. Imam al-Sadiq (as) has also said the following with regard to this Chapter: "Fortify with it your wealth, women, and whatever your right hands possess against harm."


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying that for one who recites this Chapter each day or each night, nobody in his family will be guilty of the sin of adultery, and when he dies, his soul will be escorted to his grave by seventy thousand angels who will pray and seek Allah's forgiveness for him till he is placed in his grave, and he will enter Paradise without a trial. Imam al-Kazim (as) has said, "Allah will never torment anyone who recites Surat al-Furqan every night, nor will He try him, and his residence will be in the highest level of Paradise."


Al-Tibrisi, in his exegesis Mujma'ul-Bayan fee Tafsir al-Qur'an, provides ten names for the first chapter of the Holy Qur'an, namely Surat al-Fatiha:
1) al-Fatiha, the one that opens, for it is like a gate: when opened, it leads one to the Book of Allah;
2) al-Hamd, the praise, for its verses are clearly praising the Almighty;
3) Ummul- Kitab, the mother of the Book, for its status is superior to all other chapters of the Holy Qur'an, or like the war standard: it is always in the forefront;
4) al-Sab', the seven verses, for it is comprised of seven verses and the only one whose verses are seven, and there is no room here to elaborate on the merits of the number 7 especially since most readers of this book are already aware of such merits;
5) al-Mathani, the oft-repeated Chapter, for no other Chapter of the Holy Qur'an is repeated as often as this one;
6) al-Kafiya, the chapter that suffices and that has no substitute; you simply cannot replace its recitation with that of any other chapter of the Holy Qur'an in the first two rek'ats of the prayers, whereas it can substitute others;
8) al-Asas, the basis or foundation or bed-rock, a connotation of its being the foundation upon which the Holy Qur'an stands just as the Basmala ("Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim") is the foundation of the Fatiha;
9) al- Shifa, the healing, due to the fact that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said that the Fatiha heals from all ailments except death; and
10) al-Salat, the prayers, or the basic requirement of the daily prayers, one without the recitation of which no prayer can be accepted, especially since the Prophet (pbuh) has quoted the Almighty saying,

"The prayers have been divided between Me and My servant: one half for Me, and one for him;" so when one recites it and says, "
 Alhamdulillahi Rabbil-'Alameen," the Almighty says, "My servant has praised Me." And when he says, ''Arrahmanir Raheem," the Almighty says, "My servant has praised Me." And when he says, "Maaliki YawmidDeen," Allah says, "My servant has exalted Me." And when he says, "Iyyaaka Na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta'een," Allah will say, 'This is a covenant between Me and My servant, and My servant shall be granted the fulfillment of his pleas." Then if he finishes reciting the Fatiha to the end, Allah will again confirm His promise by saying, 'This is for [the benefit of] My servant, and My servant will be granted the answer to his wishes.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted by Abu Ali al-Fadl ibn al-Hassan ibn al-Fadl al-Tibrisi, may Allah have mercy on his soul, saying that one who recites al-Fatiha will be regarded by the Almighty as though he recited two-thirds of the Holy Qur'an and as though he gave by way of charity to each and every believing man and woman. "By the One in Whose hand my soul is," the Prophet (pbuh) continues, "Allah Almighty did not reveal in the Torah, the Gospel, or the Psalms any chapter like it; it is the Mother of the Book and al- Sab' al-Mathani (the oft-repeated seven verses), and it is divided between Allah and His servant, and His servant shall get whatever he asks; it is the best Sura in the Book of the most Exalted One, and it is a healing from every ailment except poison, which is death." 

He (pbuh) is also quoted by
  al-Kaf'ami as saying, "He (Allah) bestowed it upon me as His blessing, making it equivalent to the Holy Qur'an, saying, 'And We have granted you al-Sab' al-Mathani and the Great Qur'an (Surat al-Hijr, verse 87).' lt is the most precious among the treasures of the 'Arsh." 

Indeed, Allah, the most Sublime, has chosen Muhammad (pbuh) alone to be honored by it without doing so to any other Prophet or Messenger of His with the exception of Sulayman (Solomon), peace be upon him, who was granted the Basmala (see verse 30 of Surat al-Naml, Chapter of the Ant). One who recites it, being fully convinced of his following in the footsteps of Muhammad (pbuh) and his Progeny (as), adhering to its injunctions, believing in its outward and inward meanings, will be granted by Allah for each of its letters a blessing better than what all there is in the world of wealth and good things, and whoever listens to someone reciting it will receive one third of the rewards due to its reciter.


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying that anyone who recites it will be granted as many rewards as the number of those who performed the pilgrimage and the 'umra. Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq is quoted as saying that whoever recites it every three days will perform the pilgrimage to the House of Allah during that year, and if he dies on his way, he will enter Paradise.
Jul 8, '11 10:00 AM
for everyone
“My Ummah consists of four groups:

1. One group offers the prayers, however yet are unmindful of their prayers, and they shall be placed in ‘Wayl’. ‘Wayl’ is the name of one of the bottom-most levels of hell. Allah has said:

“So woe to the praying ones, who are unmindful of their prayers.”[3]

2. One group is such that it occasionally offers the prayers, and so, ‘Ghayy’ is the abode for the people of this group. ‘Ghayy’ is the name of another of the bottom-most levels of hell. Allah has said:

“But there came after them an evil generation, who neglected prayers and followed the sensual desires, so they will meet perdition.” [4]

3. The third group consists of those, who never offer their prayers, and for them is ‘Saqar’, which is also the name of another of the low levels of hell and about which Allah has said: “(The inmates of paradise shall ask the inmates of hell) What has brought you into hell? They shall say: We were not of those who prayed.”[5]

4. The fourth group consists of those, who offer their prayers regularly and are humble in them. Allah has said: “Successful indeed are the believers, Who are humble in their prayers.”[6] and [7]

We pray to Allah (Glory and Greatness to Him) that He decrees all of us to be of the fourth group.
Jul 8, '11 9:08 AM
for everyone

Announcing the American Leadership Initiative for Muslims Convention 2011

The Islamic Information Center is proud to announce its second annual convention, the American Leadership Initiative for Muslims, to take place on September 2 - 4, 2011 in Bethesda, MD. We are seeking the best and brightest from each community, professionals, students, community activists, and anyone who wants to make a difference to attend this action-oriented convention. This convention is different than any other type of Muslim convention in a few ways:
  • This is an action oriented convention, dedicated to creating new and realistic solutions - nothing at this convention is "hypothetical"
  • All attendees participate in discussions on the future of our community in this country
  • This event features organizations that have succeeded in different ways in helping Muslims and other innocents around the world, including Bahrain Center for Human Rights, Amnesty International, the United Nations, the NAACP, and more!
  • The convention will also feature various government agencies and elected officials responsible for policies that affect us all, such as the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Treasury and more!
  • Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in working simulations of political activism - getting on the job experience .
  • Upon sufficient interest, there may be the opportunity for a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit for licensed attorneys.
  • This is not a "large scale" convention with innumerable attendees, but a convention that seeks to involve community members who want to make a difference.
You can register RIGHT NOW by using your credit card or other electronic methods by clicking here!

Hotel rooms are available at the luxurious Bethesda Hyatt for $89 and can be reserved online!
ALIM 2011

What is the American Leadership Initiative?

Over the past several years, it has becoming increasingly important for American Muslims to take on leadership roles in the community and engage the government in dialogue. Specifically this convention will focus on professionalism, civic engagement, citizenship and activism.

The American Leadership Initiative for Muslims Convention is dedicated to brainstorming actionable ideas, plans, and initiatives to elevate the status of our community in the United States. At the conclusion of the convention, attendees will return to their home communities with specific plans of action to effectuate these goals, and the Islamic Information Center will help to coordinate these nationwide initiatives throughout the year.
This convention includes site visits to crucial U.S. government agencies and meetings with government officials.  Each day, attendees will work together to strategize and establish goals to be achieved enact throughout the year. These meetings will not discuss hypothetical topics - but actual plans to implement the knowledge gained at the convention to help ALL Muslims, both locally and abroad!
The first step of leadership is having a vision.

Donate to IIC

IIC provides many useful services to the community, but to continue providing the highest quality of work - we need your assistance! Become a member today and you too can enjoy the many benefits the Islamic Information Center has to offer. Click above to become an IIC Member for only $125. Your support is invaluable to accomplishing IIC's mission.IIC uses the world's most secure online payment service, PayPal, for your donations. 






Islamic Information Center
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Jul 7, '11 9:49 AM
for everyone
Jul 7, '11 8:59 AM
for everyone
As Salam Alaikum (May Peace Be Upon You),

     To say that things are the same as they always were is quite an understatement.  Changes sweeping across the Middle East are allowing more freedom than has ever been recorded in history.  And although Islamophobia is said to be on the rise in the west, no American can ever say that they have never heard of Islam.  Sometimes we need to use a future positive lens to view what is happening around us, instead of a present negative one.  I am still certain that the God of Abraham knows exactly what he is doing and wants the best for all those that love him.
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Dawn E. Drumgoole
Public Relations
Islamic Information Center

The West

Saving Mankind 

Just 10 days after the 9/11 attacks, Rais Bhuiyan,was shot in the face by a hate crime attacker that was targeting Muslims and Middle Easterners.  On July 20, 2011, his attacker will be executed for this shooting spree.  Mr. Bhuiyan wants to save the man who left him blind in one eye.  He claims that his religion of Islam does not permit hatred and believes that saving one man is as though saving mankind. 

America's Sharia 
Huffpost Religion

Muslim Americans practice Sharia law that is not harmful to others, such as following rules in cleanliness, prayer, dress, marriage, and consumption of food and drink.  They do not follow laws that deal with government and criminality.  Only five out of the 56 existing Islamic nations adhere to the strict guidelines that most of the world fears.  The primary purpose of Sharia is to preserve life and order within society, not to punish and harm others.

Middle East

Rush to Judgment? 
The Christian Science Monitor

The U.S. recently added the country of Bahrain to their list of human rights abusers, forcing Bahrain’s government to be viewed with the likes of North Korea.  Bahrain claims that the U.S. had a rush to judgment, even while continuing to place political opponents on trial and destroying more Shiite mosques.

Driving Ban is Against Islam  
Saudi Arabian women are protesting the ban on their right to drive.  They point to the lives of Prophet Muhammad’s wives, Khadija and Aisha, who showed great capability in business, travel, and scholarship.  No other nation on earth prohibits the movement of women to this degree.

(excluding the Middle East)

Filipino Dates
GMA News

Pinoy Muslims from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have sent 2000 kilos of dates to the Philippines, so that the Muslims in Mindanao can celebrate Ramadan.  Other items, such as Qurans, prayer dresses and mats were donated by persons at the Islamic Affairs in Dubai.

Human Rights Violations in Tokyo 
With only 120,000 Muslims in Japan, 98 percent of them are regularly investigated because the Japanese Police view them as homegrown terrorist threats.  Muslims recently sued the Tokyo government over allegations of human rights violations after suffering job dismissals and declines in business.  A Japanese military analyst says that Japan is one of the easiest places for Muslims to live and that there is no bias.


Female Judges Rising 
There are 17 Shariah courts, also known as Kadhis Courts, in Kenya.  New calls have been made to appoint female judges in these courts, although this move has been denounced by the Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK).  They say that Islamic scholars can only make these decisions, while the director of Muslim for Human Rights (Muhuri), says that women can interpret the law the same as men and that there should be no gender bias or religious discrimination.

Morocco's Stability
The Washington Diplomat 

Even though Morocco has been touted as the exception to the Arab Spring, the country received its worst act of violence this year since 2003.  Al-Qaeda has been blamed for the bombing in which 17 people were killed.  Since then, a new constitution has been drafted for vote by the end of the year, that divides the country into 12 regions with each region assuming a president.  This move has been praised by the U.S. as an example of reform and modernization for Middle Eastern and North African governments. 

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Jul 7, '11 8:49 AM
for everyone

As-salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatoh,

 Holy Prophet Muhammad  al Mustafā (S.A.W.W) said:

"The person who recites the following supplication (du’a) one thousand times in the month of Sha’ban, Allāh (s.w.t.) will write in his account one thousand years of worship, and will forgive his sins of one thousand years. And on the day of Qiyamat when he will arise from his grave, his face will be shining like a full moon, and his name will be written among the truthful ones (Siddiqeen):
لاَ الهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ وَلاَ نَعْبُدُ اِلاَّ اِيَّاهُ مُخْلِصِيْنَ لَهُ الدِّيْنَ وَلَوْ كَرِهِ الْمُشْرِكُوْنَ.
Laa ilaaha illallaaho wa laa na'budo illa iyaaho mukhles'eena lahuddeena wa lau karehal mushrekoon

[Reference:  Manazelul Akherah, page 99]

        Holy Prophet Muhammad  al Mustafā (S.A.W.W) said:

"One who fasts for five days would be loved by the people. One who fasts for six days, Allāh (s.w.t.) would keep away seventy types of calamities from him.”

[Reference:  Sawaabul A’amaal,  page no. 95]

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Jihad literally means utmost effort to achieve an objective. In Islamic terminology it means to endeavour and make sacrifice for the cause of Allah, that is, for the deliverance of the people from injustice and subjugation, restoration of belief in Allah's unity and establishment of a just social system.
Defense is a special form of jihad which aims at preventing an attack by an aggressor. In the religious texts of Islam it has been described as resistance to the aggressive designs of an enemy against a Muslim land and thwarting his attempt to gain the control of the natural resources of a Muslim country. Hence defence is a form of jihad for the cause of righteousness and justice.
Aims of Islamic Jihad
Islam with its vast revolutionary programme aims at establishing unity of human society on the basis of justice and mutual love. It wants to restore human freedom and humanize the world. Hence it fights against every kind of polytheism, injustice and subjugation. The Muslim ummah considers itself responsible not only to lead individually and collectively a life based on justice and Unity of Allah, but also, as far as possible, does its utmost to propagate righteousness, to awaken the ignorant, to fight for the cause of the oppressed and the under‑privileged, to put an end to corruption and to restore freedom.
It is a basic duty of the Muslims to work for the removal of all obstacles in the way of human growth and develop­ment, and not to show indifference to them. The Muslims not only should defend the existing sphere of their religious influence but also should try to expand it.
It is also a duty of the Muslims to resist enemy aggression in every possible way, to forestall injustice and corruption and to co‑operate with others in this respect.
We conclude, therefore, that the following are the aims of jihad:
(1) Expansion of the belief in Allah and adherence to His commandments.
"Fight in the way o f Allah against those who fight against you". (Surah al‑Baqarah, 2:190).
"Fight for the cause of Allah with due determination" . (Surah al‑Hajj, 22:78).
(2) Helping the weak and the deprived.
"What stops you from fighting for the cause o f Allah and of the helpless men, women and children?" (Surah al‑Nisa, 4:75).
(3) Putting an end to persecution.
"Fight them until there is no persecution ". (Surah al‑Anfal, 8:39).
Aggression is bad, whosoever may be the aggressor.
A fighter in the way of Allah must always be careful that in his zeal and ardour he may not exceed the limits of justice. The Muslims must in no case violate the basic human rights.
"Fight in the way o f Allah against those who fight against you, but do not commit aggression, for Allah does not like the aggressors". (Surah al‑Baqarah 2:190).
"(Attack them) in the sacred month (if they attack you) in the sacred month, and sacred things are (also) subject to retaliation. If any one attacks you, attack him as he attacked you. Have fear o f Allah and remember Allah, and do not with your own hands cast yourselves into destruction. Do good, for Allah likes those who do good". (Surah al‑Baqarah, 2:194).
A Divine system cannot have a double standard. When it regards aggression as evil and fiendish for others, it cannot consider it to be sacred and divine for its own followers.
Jihad against Egoism
Addressing a party which had returned from a battle with the enemy the Prophet of Islam said:
"I congratulate you that you have carried out the minor jihad successfully. Now you have to carry out the major jihad ". They asked: "O Prophet of Allah! Which jihad is the major one? He replied: `Jihad against egoism". (Wasail al-Shi’ah vol. 6, p. 122).
Imam Ali (P) is reported to have said:
"The best jihad is his, who fights against his own wild passions". (Wasail al-Shi’ah vol. 6, p. 124).
Islam is a world system
Islam has not come for any particular people. It is a world system. From the point of view of a Muslim, every place is the domain of Allah and everything has been created by Him. Islam is not peculiar to any nation, nor is it confined to any race. It has not come for the guidance of any particular society. Islam wants the whole world to be benefited by its life‑giving teachings. The Qur'an described itself as guidance for all and the Prophet of Islam as a blessing for the whole world.
All human beings, irrespective of the race and the country of their origin, can become the members of the great Muslim society by accepting the fundamental principles of Islam, and thus become the brethren of other Muslims.
In order to form a society free from all doctrinal errors and every kind of misconduct, it is the duty of all, especially the believers, to guide the people to the right path.
Hence the scope of the Islamic responsibilities is not confined to any particular territory. It is universal and no conventional frontiers should be a barrier to the spread of the ideas of freedom and Muslim unity.
This persistent effort is not meant to impose Islamic doctrine on others. As the Qur'an has declared, there is no compulsion in the matter of religion and the right and wrong paths are quite distinct.
"There is no compulsion in religion. True guidance has become distinct from error". (Surah al‑Baqarah, 2:256).
This vast effort should be exclusive aim at relieving thought of the burden of myths, unfastening the shackles of injustice and delivering man from every kind of exploitation, subjection and ignorance.
Look into this Qur'anic verse:
"What stops you from fighting for the cause of Allah and of the belpless men, women and cbildren? tVbo say: Our Lord! Deliver us from this town of the oppressors, and appoint for us from you a protector and send us someone that will help us". (Surah al‑Nisa, 4:75).
Before having recourse to fight truth should be explained
Usually there are at least some persons among the enemy troops who have been dragged to fight against truth either forcibly or because of their ignorance of the facts. As one of the aims of jihad is to deliver the people from every kind of subjection, exploitation and ignorance, it is the duty of the commander of the Muslim forces that before the start of fight he should do whatever he can to enlighten all enemy soldiers and to show them the right path so that they may not be unnecessarily killed out of ignorance.
Imam Ali (P) is reported to have said:
"When the holy Prophet sent me to Yemen, he said: O Ali! Don't fight against anyone until you have invited him to Islam and to accept the truth. By Allah! If you succeed in guiding even one person to the right path, that is a great achievement. 'You will be in fact his saviour". (al‑Kafi, vol. 5, p. 34).
Special facilities provided by Islam for this purpose
If anyone from among the enemy soldiers wants to come to the Muslims to have discussions with them with a view to have a more clear idea about Islam, or wants to study the individual and collective way of life of the Muslims from a close quarter in order to know the truth about them, he may be provided due facilities. For this purpose even if a simple Muslim soldier gives an assurance of security, his pledge will be respected by all Muslims, even the Muslim Government.
The holy Prophet has said:
"All Muslims have a common responsibility. A pledge given by one of them is the pledge of all".
If a single soldier gives protection to anyone, that is to be regarded as the protection given by the whole Muslim ummah.
Peace in Islam
"Peace is better; but men are prone to avarice". (Surah al‑Nisa, 4:128).
Generally speaking, all men by nature prefer peace. That is why all social systems, including those, which base their philosophy on contradiction and conflict, try to promise undisturbed peace to the world in the long run.
The Qur'an strongly denounces every war which is not necessary for the defence of the cause of Allah and rescuing the people from the clutches of the devils.
"Believers, enter all of you into peace and do not follow, in the footsteps of Satan. No doubt he is an open enemy of you". (Surah al‑Baqarah, 2:208).
Islam not only wants the internal relations of the Muslims to be peaceful, but it also gives similar instructions in regard to their relations with the non‑Muslims.
"If they incline to peace, incline you also to it and put your trust in Allah. No doubt He is All‑hearing, All knowing". (Surah al‑Anfal, 8:61).
But care should be taken that the leaning of the enemy toward peace may not be a military or political ruse and a mere hoax.
"But if they intend to deceive you, Allah is sufficient for you. It is He who has supported you with His help and with the believers". (Surah al‑Anfal, 8:62).
Full preparedness to face the enemy
Though Islam gives so much importance to peace, it wants the Muslims to be alert and prepared. It wants them to be so strong that none of their open or secret enemies may dare to think of any aggression against them.
`Make ready for them whatever force and well‑bred horses you can in order to strike terror into the enemies of Allah and your own enemies". (Surah al‑Anfal, 8:60).
It may be remembered that the word, `force' in this verse includes every kind of industrial force also. As industrial development is a constant process, it is the religious duty of the Muslims to acquire modern industries and latest technology. They should equip themselves with the modern weapons not for the purpose of attacking others, but to ward off any aggression against them because of their weakness.
Horse racing and archery
To prepare the Muslim masses to participate in the jihad for gaining independence or defending their existence, an effective programme of horse‑racing and archery was introduced. Muslims were encouraged to take part in these competitions. To create interest among the youth, suitable prizes were awarded to the winner. The idea was to make the Muslims fit for fighting.
It is obvious that horse‑racing and archery were chosen for this purpose keeping in view the conditions of that time. The general spirit of this Islamic instruction is that every Muslim should in accordance with the tactics of his own time, take part in a general programme of training with a view to prepare himself for jihad. On the whole, every Muslim is expected to be strong and fit to defend himself, his ideology, and his country, so that no aggressor may ride roughshod over him.
It is an eternal divine practice that a nation which is not prepared to make sacrfices for the defence of the right and justice and does not safeguard its own rights and its own existence, is dragged to humiliation and ruination.
"He who abandons jihad and shows disinclination to it, is humiliated by Allah. He is surrounded by disasters. His heart becomes gloomy. He goes away far from truth. As he has not done justice to jihad, he is involved in worries and troubles and is deprived of justice". (Nahj al‑Balaghah, vol. 10).
The Qur'an regards jihad as the life‑giving stimulant for the individual and the human society.
"Believers, respond to Allah and the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life, and know that Allah comes in between a man and his heart, and that it is He to whom you shall be mustered" . (Surah al‑Anfal, 8:24).
A fighter who lays down his life for the cause of Allah, is immortal, and every Muslim is required to have faith in the immortality of the martyrs who make supreme sacrifice in the way of Allah. (For details see, The Martyr, ISP 1979).
"Do not consider those who have been killed in the way of of Allah to be dead. They are indeed alive and receive their sustenance from their Lord. Well‑pleased with the favour which Allah has granted them by His grace and rejoicing for the sake of those who have not yet joined them but are left behind, that they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve. They rejoice because of Allah's favour and grace and that Allah does not deny the believers their reward". (Surah Ale Imran, 3:169 ‑ 171).
Faith in Allah and His Prophet and the realization of the fact that righteousness demands self‑sacrifice, impels a believer to fight for the cause of Allah. In spite of his intense love for his parents, his children, his hearth and home and his job and occupation, when he hears a call to go out in the way of Allah, he is filled with a zeal far above these attachments and is attracted towards the battle­field. A man trained by Islam knows that his personal interests and attachments are natural and proper provided they do not exceed their limits, do not kill his manly spirit and do not make him weak and coward. Otherwise his fate will be the same as has been of all the weak and the coward in history.
"Believers, do not regard your fathers and brothers as your friends if they give preference to infidelity over faith. They are the wrong‑doers who befriend them. Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your relatives your property that you have acquired, the trade, the dullness of which you fear and the dwellings which you love, are dearer to you than Allah, His Messenger and the struggle for His cause, then wait till Allah brings His command to pass. Allah does not guide the wicked people". (Surah al‑Taubah, 9:23 ‑ 24).
Fighters who do not lag behind in their effort
"The believers who stay behind, apart from those who suffer from a disability, are not equal to those who struggle for the cause o f Allah with their property and lives. Allah has 'given those who struggle with their property and lives a rank higher than those who stay behind. To both Allah has promised, a good reward, but He will show His preference to the fighters by giving them a far richer reward: (By the bestowal of) His own ranks, forgiveness and mercy. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful". (Surah al‑Nisa 4:95 ‑ 96).
Invincible and indefatigable fighters
`Allah likes those who fight for His cause lined up as if they were a solid structure ". (Surah al‑Saff, 61:4).
`As for those who say that our Lord is Allah and then they remain firm in their faith, the angels will descend on them (saying): Let nothing alarm or grieve you, but be happy in the Paradise you were promised.We are your protecting friends in the worldly life and the Hereafter. There in Pradise you shall have whatever you may ask for. As a matter of hospitality from Allah, the Forgiving, the Merciful". (Surah Fussilat, 41:30 ‑ 32).
"Believers, when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, do not turn your backs to them. And if anyone on that day turns his back to them, unless he does so for tactical or to join another detachment, be shall incur Allah's wrath and Hell shall be his abode. What a bad fate!" (Surah al‑Anfal, 8:15 ‑ 16).
The society which Islam wants to build is a society which is living, moving, powerful and bearer of a world mission. The characteristics of this society, which we have briefly stated in this book, should inspire you to study more detailed books on this subject, which are available in various languages.
In the end we would like to point out that the building of a true Islamic social system depends on three things.
(1) Clear understanding of all the aspects of a society to be built on the basis of Islam.
(2) Understanding of the practical ways of bringing about such a society.
(3) Conscious and determined effort accompanied by every kind of sacrifice.
With lack of knowledge and lack of effort we cannot expect that we shall ever be able to enjoy a just system of Allah's liking. From Islamic point of view, there is an immutable social principle:
"As you will be, so your rulers will be".
So let us all pray:
"O Lord, we would serve You under the graceful government which would bring dignity to Islam and to the Muslims, disgracing infidelity and the infidels. O Lord, in such a government, make us among those who invite people to Your obedience, leading them to Your path, and give us, thereby, the graces of this world and the world Hereafter".
"O Lord, bestow Your peace and blessings upon Muhammad and his progeny. Give brightness to my eyes in the awareness of my religion; give confidence to my heart in the sincerity of my deeds and help me to thank You till the end of my life".
"O Lord, I seek refuge in You from my evil‑self; for it induces me to bad deeds unless You have mercy on me. I seek refuge in You from the evils of the accursed Satan who increases my sins.
O Lord, make me one of your armymen, for Your army will always be triumphant; make me one of your partymen for your party will always be pros­perous; and make me one of Your loved ones for Your loved ones will always have no fear and no grief".
Iran fires anti-ship missiles near key Gulf strait

6 July 2011
TEHRAN — Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards on Wednesday launched several anti-ship missiles near the strategic Strait of Hormuz, the country’s Arabic-language television channel Al-Alam reported.
The Guards fired two Khalij Fars (Persian Gulf) anti-ship missiles which Iran says are capable of Mach 3 speed and can hit targets at a distance of 300 kilometres (186 miles).
According to Al-Alam, the missiles, which carry a warhead of 650 kilograms, have been entirely designed and built by the Revolutionary Guards, who are in charge of Iran’s missile programme and ballistic arsenal.
“The forces also fired a land-to-sea Tondar (Thunder) missile with a range of 100 to 200 kilometres (62 to 124 miles),” the television said.
The Guards launched the missiles on the last day of a 10-day military exercise, codenamed Great Prophet-6, which also included the launch of ballistic missiles with various ranges.
Al-Alam said Wednesday’s tests occurred near the port city of Bandar Jask in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan off the Indian Ocean, in an area close to the strategic Strait of Hormuz.
The strait is a narrow waterway at the eastern end of the Gulf, through which nearly 40 percent of world’s seaborne oil shipments pass.
On Monday, the powerful commander of the Guards, General Mohammad Ali Jafari, said the Islamic republic would close down the waterway if Iran was threatened by the enemy.
Jafari also said Iran was increasing its naval presence in the Indian Ocean in order to meet a possible threat from international waters.
Since June 28, Iran has fired 14 missiles, including the medium-range Ghadr (Power), short-range Zelzal (Quake), and Shahab 1 and 2.
The Guards carry out such exercises every year, particularly in the Gulf region, and Tehran insists the manoeuvres are purely defensive.
Iranian leaders, however, have repeatedly warned the missiles could reach Israeli territory as well as US bases in the Middle East, the sworn enemies of the Islamic republic.
Tehran says it has a wide range of missiles in its arsenal, and regularly boasts about developing projectiles with substantial range and capabilities. Western military experts, however, cast doubt over its claims.

"Peace is better; but men are prone to avarice". (Surah al‑Nisa, 4:128).
Generally speaking, all men by nature prefer peace. That is why all social systems, including those, which base their philosophy on contradiction and conflict, try to promise undisturbed peace to the world in the long run.
The Qur'an strongly denounces every war which is not necessary for the defence of the cause of Allah and rescuing the people from the clutches of the devils.
"Believers, enter all of you into peace and do not follow, in the footsteps of Satan. No doubt he is an open enemy of you". (Surah al‑Baqarah, 2:208).
Islam not only wants the internal relations of the Muslims to be peaceful, but it also gives similar instructions in regard to their relations with the non‑Muslims.
"If they incline to peace, incline you also to it and put your trust in Allah. No doubt He is All‑hearing, All knowing". (Surah al‑Anfal, 8:61).
But care should be taken that the leaning of the enemy toward peace may not be a military or political ruse and a mere hoax.
"But if they intend to deceive you, Allah is sufficient for you. It is He who has supported you with His help and with the believers". (Surah al‑Anfal, 8:62).
Imam Ali (P) is reported to have said:
"When the holy Prophet sent me to Yemen, he said: O Ali! Don't fight against anyone until you have invited him to Islam and to accept the truth. By Allah! If you succeed in guiding even one person to the right path, that is a great achievement. 'You will be in fact his saviour". (al‑Kafi, vol. 5, p. 34).


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