"Karbala: When Skies Wept Blood'' | for everyone |
Yearning for God | for everyone |
As-salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatoh,
Holy Prophet Muhammad al Mustafā (S.A.W.W) said:
“One who fasts for One day in Sha'abān, Allāh writes from him seventy rewards and each reward will be equal to that of worshipping Allāh for a year.”
[Reference: Sawaabul A’amaal, page no. 95]
The emails are sent out as per Islamic calender, Momineen are requested to check with Local Jamat office / Community Centres to confirm Islamic dates.
Please Visit:
Duas & A'amal for Sha'abān al Moazam: http://www.duas.org/shaban.htm
The Excellence and Acts of Worship (A’amal) for The Month of Sha'aban:
The salat has been described in some ahadith as "the pillar of religion." Imam 'Ali (A.S.), after receiving the fatal injury by Ibn Muljim (may Allah curse him), in a part of his advice to his sons, al-Hasan and al-Husayn (A.S.) said, "[Fear] Farewell Allah, and keep Allah in view with regardst salat, for it is the pillar of your religion. [Fear] Allah, and keep Allah in the matter of the house of your Lord (i.e., mosque): do not leave it empty as long as you live."
As-Sukuni narrates from Imam as-Sadiq (A.S.), "The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) said, 'Satan is frightened from a believer as long as he keeps up salat on time; but when he starts neglecting them, Satan becomes emboldened and tempts him to commit major (sins).'" Yazid bin Khalifa said that he heard Imam as-Sadiq (A.S.) say, "When a person stands for salat, mercy descends upon him from the heaven to the earth and the angels engulf him, and an angel calls out: 'if this person knew what is [the reward] for the salat, he would never stop.'"
From these [few selected ahadith] we can understand the clear and obvious importance of salat in Islam. And since salat is like having audience with the Almighty Allah (as the ahadith have it that a person standing for prayer is as if he is standing in audience of the Almighty), the worshiper should approach Allah through presence of heart by not thinking or occupying his mind with anything worldly and transitory. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur'an: "Indeed successful are the believers who are humble in their prayers." (24:1)
When Imam 'Ali Zaynu 'l-'Abideen (A.S.) said his salat, he used to stand "firm and motionless like a tree: nothing moves on it except what is moved by the wind." When the Imams, al-Baqir and as-Sadiq (a.s.), stood for their salat, "their colour would change to red and then yellow as if they were talking to someone whom they could see."
(source I.A.Foun)
Salih b. Ahmad narrated from ‘Abd Allah b. Jabala from al-Ala b. Razin from Muhammad b. Muslim, who said: ‘Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, said: “Protect your wealth and your family, and guard them with these words to recite over them after the final evening prayer (salat al-isha): ‘I seek refuge for myself, my offfspring, my family, and my wealth, by the Perfect Words of Allah, from every demon and reptile, and from every evil eye.’ This is the invocation by which Jibrail, peace be upon him, sought protection for al-Hasan and al-Husayn, blessings of Allah on them.”’
‘Abd Allah b. Yahya al-Bazzaz narrated from ‘Ali b. Muskan from ‘Abd Allah b. al-Mufaddal al-Nawafil from his father from al-Husayn b. ‘Ali, peace be upon him, who said: ‘When I say these words, I pay no attention to the jinn and human beings who gather against me. “In the Name of Allah and by Allah, and to Allah, and in the path of Allah, and according to the creed of the Messenger of Allah, blessings be on him. O Allah, protect me by Your Strength and Your Might and Your Power from the evil of every-doer, and the plot of the wicked. Surely I love the righteous and chosen ones, and Allah bless Muhammad, the Prophet and his family.”’
Sad b. Muhammad b. Said narrated from Musa b. Qays al-Hannat from Muhammad b. Said-he was the father of Said b. Muhammad-from al-Shairi from Jafar b. Muhammad al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, who said: ‘The Messenger of Allah, blessings of Allah on him and his family, said: “Whoever wishes a person evil and that person wishes Allah to make a barrier between the two of them, let him say when he sees him: ‘I take refuge in the Might of Allah and His Strength, from the Might of His creation and its strength. I take refuge with the Lord of the Daybreak, from the evil of what He created (113:1-2).’”
“Then say what Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, said to His Prophet: So, if they turn their backs, say: God is enough for me. There is no god but He. In Him I have put my trust. He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne (9:129). Allah will turn away from him the plot of every plotter, the deception of every cunning person and the envy of every envier. Do not say these words excepts to his face and Allah will protect him by His Might.”’
"The best of the women of the world and Paradise are four:
Janabe Fatema Binte Muhammad (s.a) , Janabe Maryam Binte Imran , Janabe Khadija Binte Khwaylid , Janabe Asiya Binte Muzahim and my daughter Fatema (s.a) is the leader of them all in this world and the Hereafter"
"On the Day of Rising, a caller shall announce from beyond the veil: O gathered people, lower your eyes so that Fatema the Daughter of Muhammad may pass"
Healing Powers of Al-Asma al-Husna | for everyone |
It has been discovered by Doctor Ibrahim Karim (Biologist) that Asma ul Husna, most beautiful names of Allah (SWT) have healing power to a large number of diseases.
He used precision methods in the measurement of energy within the human body and discovered that every one of the names of Allah (SWT) stimulates energy in the immune system of the human body to work efficiently in a certain ideal human body.
He discovered that the mere mention (reciting) of most beautiful names of Allah (SWT) leads to improvement in the tracks Bio Energy within the human body, and after a 3-years of research Doctor Ibrahim Karim reached to the following:
01. Ear – As Sami (The all Hearing)
02. Bone – Al Nafi (The creator of good)
03. Backbone - Al Jabbar (The Compeller)
04. Knee – Al Ra uf (The Clement)
05. Hair – Al Badi (The Originator)
06. Heart – Al Nur (The Light)
07. Muscles – Al Qawi (The All Strength)
08. Heart Waves – Al Wahab (The giver of All)
09. Heart Muscle – Al Razaqq (The Sustainer)
10. Nerve – Al Mughni (The Enricher)
11. Artery – Al Jabbar (The Compeller)
12. Stomach – Al Razaqq (The Sustainer)
13. Cancer – Al Jalil (The Mighty)
14. Thyroid – Al Jabbar (The Compeller)
15. Thigh- Al Rafi (The Exalter)
16. Migraine – Al Ghani (The Rich One)
17. Eye Arteries – Al Muta ali (The Supreme One)
18. Kidney - Al Hayy (The Ever Living One)
19. Colon – Al Ra uf (The Clement)
20. Intestine – Al Razzaq (The Sustainer)
21. Liver - Al Nafi (The creator of good)
22. Pancreas – Al Bari (The Make of Order)
23. Fatty Sacks – Al Nafi (The creator of good)
24. Womb - Al Khaliq (The Creator)
25. Bladder – Al Hadi (The Guide)
26. Rheumatism – Al Muhaymin (The Guardian)
27. Prostat – Al Rashid (The Righteous Teacher)
28. Nerves of the Eye – Al Zahir (The Manifest One)
29. Pineal Gland – Al Hadi (The Guide)
30. Blood Pressure – Al Khafed (The Abaser)
31. Lung – Al Razzaq (The Sustainer)
32. Thymus Gland – Al Qawi (The All Strength)
33. Gland above the Kidney – Al Bari (The Make of Order)
34. Hair Peel - Al Jalil (The Mighty)
35. The Nasal Cavities – (Al Latif, Al Ghani, Al Raheem)
36. Eye – (Al Nur, Al Basir, Al Wahab)
Method of treatment: Lay your hands on the place of pain and praise Allah (SWT) names above according to your disease until the pain heals or cure away inshallah.
Note: Please keep in mind whatever takes place in result of reciting the names of Allah(SWT) depends on the will of Allah the Almighty.
He used precision methods in the measurement of energy within the human body and discovered that every one of the names of Allah (SWT) stimulates energy in the immune system of the human body to work efficiently in a certain ideal human body.
He discovered that the mere mention (reciting) of most beautiful names of Allah (SWT) leads to improvement in the tracks Bio Energy within the human body, and after a 3-years of research Doctor Ibrahim Karim reached to the following:
01. Ear – As Sami (The all Hearing)
02. Bone – Al Nafi (The creator of good)
03. Backbone - Al Jabbar (The Compeller)
04. Knee – Al Ra uf (The Clement)
05. Hair – Al Badi (The Originator)
06. Heart – Al Nur (The Light)
07. Muscles – Al Qawi (The All Strength)
08. Heart Waves – Al Wahab (The giver of All)
09. Heart Muscle – Al Razaqq (The Sustainer)
10. Nerve – Al Mughni (The Enricher)
11. Artery – Al Jabbar (The Compeller)
12. Stomach – Al Razaqq (The Sustainer)
13. Cancer – Al Jalil (The Mighty)
14. Thyroid – Al Jabbar (The Compeller)
15. Thigh- Al Rafi (The Exalter)
16. Migraine – Al Ghani (The Rich One)
17. Eye Arteries – Al Muta ali (The Supreme One)
18. Kidney - Al Hayy (The Ever Living One)
19. Colon – Al Ra uf (The Clement)
20. Intestine – Al Razzaq (The Sustainer)
21. Liver - Al Nafi (The creator of good)
22. Pancreas – Al Bari (The Make of Order)
23. Fatty Sacks – Al Nafi (The creator of good)
24. Womb - Al Khaliq (The Creator)
25. Bladder – Al Hadi (The Guide)
26. Rheumatism – Al Muhaymin (The Guardian)
27. Prostat – Al Rashid (The Righteous Teacher)
28. Nerves of the Eye – Al Zahir (The Manifest One)
29. Pineal Gland – Al Hadi (The Guide)
30. Blood Pressure – Al Khafed (The Abaser)
31. Lung – Al Razzaq (The Sustainer)
32. Thymus Gland – Al Qawi (The All Strength)
33. Gland above the Kidney – Al Bari (The Make of Order)
34. Hair Peel - Al Jalil (The Mighty)
35. The Nasal Cavities – (Al Latif, Al Ghani, Al Raheem)
36. Eye – (Al Nur, Al Basir, Al Wahab)
Method of treatment: Lay your hands on the place of pain and praise Allah (SWT) names above according to your disease until the pain heals or cure away inshallah.
Note: Please keep in mind whatever takes place in result of reciting the names of Allah(SWT) depends on the will of Allah the Almighty.
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
535. Music is an art that has spread far and wide during these days. Some varieties of this art are permissible while others are forbidden; therefore, it is permissible to listen to the first while it is forbidden to listen to the latter.
536. Music that is permissible is the music that does not entail entertainment in gatherings held for that purpose. Forbidden music is the music that is suitable for entertainment and amusement gatherings.
537. The expression “the music or the song that is suitable for entertainment and amusement gatherings” does not mean that the music or the song’s tune amuses the heart or changes the mental state because there is nothing wrong in it. The expression actually means that the person listening to the music or the song’s tune —especially if he is an expert in these matters— can distinguish that this tune is used in the entertainment and amusement gatherings or that it is similar to the tunes used therein.
538. It is permissible to visit places where halãl music is being played, and it is permissible to listen to it as long as it is halãl.
539. It is permissible to visit public places where music is being played, even if it is suitable for entertainment and amusement gatherings, provided that one does not intentionally listen to it: for example, passengers on course, waiting areas for visitors, public parks, restaurants and cafes, etc —even if the music played there is suitable for entertainment and amusement gatherings— because there is no problem in hearing forbidden tunes without intending to listen to it.
540. It is permissible for adults as well as children to learn the art of halãl music in music schools or other places as long as their visits to such places do not have any negative effect on their proper upbringing.
541. Singing (al-ghinã’) is harãm: doing it, listening to it, or living of it. By “singing — al-ghinã’,” I mean an amusing statement expressed in the tunes that are suitable for those who provide entertainment and amusement.
542. It is not permissible to recite the Holy Qur’ãn, supplications (du‘ãs), and words of praise in tunes that are commensurate to entertainment and amusement gatherings.
Based on obligatory precaution, one must refrain from reciting other non-amusing statements, in poetry or prose, in that tune.
543. The prohibition of intentionally listening and giving ear to harãm songs and music has beenmentioned in the holy tradition. The Messenger of Allãh (s.a.w.) said, “And the person with the [sin of] singing (al-ghinã’) will be raised [on the day of resurrection] blind, deaf and dumb. The person with [the sin of] adultery, of wood-wind, and of drum will also be raised in the same way.”
He also said, “Whoever listens to the entertainment (song and music), lead will be melted inside his ear on the day of judgement.” He also said, “Singing and music are enchantment for adultery.” That is, it is a stepping stone or a way that leads to adultery.
544. It is permissible for a woman to dance in front of her husband to please and arouse him. But it is not permissible for her to dance in front of other men; based on obligatory precaution, she must not dance in front of other women also. (See the question-answer section below.)
545. It is permissible to applaud in a marriage ceremony, religious gatherings, seminars, and other functions. This is equally permissible for women and men.
As-Sayyid al-Khu'I, al-Masa'ilu 'sh-Shar'iyya, vol. 2, p. 22.
Ibid, p. 23.
(source I.A.Foun)
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 835 Mason St. | Dearborn | MI | 48124
Birth 1st Sha'ban 5 AH in Medina | for everyone |
Birth | 1st Sha'ban 5 AH in Medina |
Titles | Al Aqilah (gentlewoman), Al Alimah (knowledgeable), Abidatul Ale-Ali(worshipper of Ali’s household), Al Kamilah (the perfect), Al Fadhilah (the virtuous), Al Siddiqah al Sughra (the junior veracious lady), Umm al Masaib (mother of misfortunes) |
“You are the one who knows without being taught.”
(Imam Zainul Abideen (AS) commended about the intellect and accuracy of Bibi Zainab’s knowledge)
(Imam Zainul Abideen (AS) commended about the intellect and accuracy of Bibi Zainab’s knowledge)
Five years after Hijrah, the Holy Prophet’s (SAW) daughter, Bibi Fatema (A), gave birth to a baby girl. The Ahl ul Bayt and the Prophet’s companions received the news of the birth with gladness. The child born was a lady of great eminence, the future leader of the women and a role model for mankind.
It is also narrated that the Prophet (SAW) foretold the events of her life and the role she would play in saving Islam. Bibi Fatema (A) and Imam Ali (A) asked the Holy Prophet (SAW) to name the child to which the Prophet answered:
“I will not precede my Lord in such a matter”
He then declared that the child be named ‘Zainab’, meaning ‘the embellishment of the father’.
“I will not precede my Lord in such a matter”
He then declared that the child be named ‘Zainab’, meaning ‘the embellishment of the father’.
The household of the Holy Prophet was sent by Allah (SWT) as a pure guide for mankind. Bibi Zainab who was one of the pioneers of the greatest revolutions of Islam perfectly reflected the upbringing in this household. Her surroundings emulated the light of knowledge to all parts of the globe.
Bibi Zainab’s early education was under the guardianship of the Holy Prophet (SAW). When he passed away, Bibi Zainab was only five years of age. She then turned to the teachings of her mother and father.
Bibi Zainab married her first cousin, Abdullah ibn Ja’far Tayyar who was the noblest man of the Hashemites and one of the most generous men of the Arabs. They had five children, four sons and one daughter; Awn, Ali al-Zaynabi, Muhammad, Abbas, and Ummu-Kulthum.
Bibi Zainab was highly knowledgeable and was free from worldly attachment. This world was seen by her as a place of travel where only that which was necessary for the journey to the hereafter should be taken. She was known for her generosity and always preferred others over herself. She lived a humble life, despite the wealth of her husband. Bibi Zainab was totally devoted to Allah, and it is recorded that she never missed any of her wajib and nafilah prayers even during the events of Kerbala.
Bibi Zainab was renowned for her leadership through her conduct. After the death of her grandmother and mother, she became the leader of the women. She used to hold regular classes in Medina for the women, in which she used to very concisely convey her knowledge. Her subjects included, Islamic Law and Tafsir of the Qur’an. Women used to gather to learn from her teachings and emulate her manners and morals. She delivered her classes in an eloquent manner. Her eloquence in speech and presentation was acquired from her father, Imam Ali (A). Bibi Zainab also became known as Fasihah (skilfully fluent) and Balighah (intensely eloquent).
When Imam Ali moved to Kufa, Bibi Zainab too moved there and continued holding classes for the women folk there. Once in Kufa, Bibi Zainab was delivering a lecture in which she was presenting the exegesis of the phrase
“Allah (SWT) hears and accepts the praise of one who praises him”
“Allah (SWT) hears and accepts the praise of one who praises him”
Imam Husayn (A) passed by and upon hearing the voice of his sister; he stopped to listen to what she was saying. Although he was an Imam, he honoured his sister by this act, but not only that, it also goes to show the level of intellect that Bibi Zainab had acquired.
Bibi Zainab’s intellect was seen to be extremely vivid and the capacity to which she absorbed information can only be described as outstanding. To her merit lies the memorisation of the Holy Qur’an, the sayings of the Holy Prophet (SAW) pertaining to Islamic ethics, as well as rules of education.
Abdullah ibn Abbas has reported that Bibi Zainab narrated that Imam Ali (A) was once teaching his daughter how to count and he asked her, “Say: “one” and Bibi Zainab replied “One”. He then asked her “Say: two”. To this she kept silent and did not reply. Upon inquiry by her father about her silence, Bibi Zainab said, “A tongue which pronounces ‘one’ cannot say ‘two’”. Her father hugged and kissed her as a gesture in acknowledgment of her belief in Tawhid of Allah (SWT).
by Br Ali BachooArticulate and Eloquent | for everyone |
Articulate and Eloquent (Al Fassehah wal Baleegah)
Al Fassehah wal Baleegah means the one who is articulate and eloquent. Her eloquence is evident in her sermons. Janabe Raziq writes in his compilation "Sayyadah ki Beti":
"Bibi Zainab was perfect in the art of oratory. Her words were filled with pain and were so effective that they would make the audience cry. That's why she is called articulate and eloquent. The fact is that the gift of eloquence has been bestowed only on a few ladies. Her sermons in the court of Yazid and those challenging the governor of Kufa and in the streets of Kufa demonstrated her skilled oration.”
Hazrat Ali (a.s.) had no match in knowledge and eloquence. He (a.s.) enjoyed a high position in prose and poetry. His speeches were at the peak of eloquence and equally heart-rending and effective. His daughter Janabe Zainab (s.a.) inherited his qualities of eloquence, patience, steadfastness and fortitude at the times of difficulties. In fact, it can be said that Janabe Zainab (s.a.) possessed most of the qualities of Ali -the Lion of God.
That is why the name Zain-ab, meaning the 'adornment of her father', was given to her.
O Almighty Allah, we come to your presence with Your Special Names on our tongues and for the sake of Janabe Zainab (s.a.) ask you to hasten of the reappearance of our Imam, Hujjat Ibn al-Hasan (a.s.)! Aameen!
Worshipper (Aabedah)- Bibi Zainab (s.a.) | for everyone |
Worshiper (Aabedah)
The will of Imam Husain (a.s.) is sufficient to talk about her worship. At the time of the last farewell, on the day of Ashura, Imam Husain (a.s.) told Janabe Zainab (s.a.).
"O Sister! Do not forget me in the Nafela of midnight prayers (Namaz-e-Shab)."
This statement highlights many aspects:
- This statement reflects the regularity of Janabe Zainab (s.a.) in midnight prayers. The learned scholar Haji Shaikh Abdul Baqir in his book Qurbat-e-Ahmed under authentic Maqaatil quotes from Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.):
In the journey of Syria, inspite of the troubles and difficulties faced by her, she never missed the night vigil prayers. On account of her abundant worship and her elevated status in the presence of Allah, she is famous as the worshipper.
- Imam Husain (a.s.) recognized the fact that after his martyrdom, the ladies will be taken captive and would be put to untold difficulties in the prison. This will of his demonstrates that inspite of all these difficulties, Imam Husain (a.s.) was certain that Janabe Zainab (s.a.) will maintain the regularity of her night-vigil prayers.
- Our thoughts also reach out to the distinction and importance of the night-vigil prayers of the person, in which the Imam of the time wishes to be remembered.
Aalematun Ghairo Mualemah | for everyone |
Scholar sans Teacher (Aalematun Ghairo Mualemah)
This title means that she was extremely knowledgeable, yet she did not acquire knowledge in the form of a formal education from any ordinary worldly teacher. This title was conferred upon her by none other than the fourth Imam, Hazrat Zainul Abideen (a.s.). He used these words for her to clearly establish her elevated status. Janabe Zainab (s.a.) delivered an eloquent speech amongst the people to the extent that the colour of her face changed. Imam Sajjad (a.s.), fearing that she may lose her life in this condition, whispered to her,
"O Aunt! Silence is better for you (at this stage). What will pass in the future is more reliable than what has already occurred. Praise be to Allah! Indeed you are a scholar without a teacher, and a person of understanding without being made to understand (by any ordinary mortal)"
The above observation of the holy Imam (a.s.) draws our attention to the fact that Janabe Zainab (s.a.) was extremely knowledgeable, yet without being under the tutelage of any ordinary mortal. Her knowledge was divine, which cannot be acquired by any fallible. Clearly, it was a knowledge granted directly by Allah; it was not acquired in any worldly school.
The Infallible (Ma'soomah)
Ma'soomah means infallible (feminine). Infallibility signifies protection from sin and error. The word "infallible" itself is reserved for divine Prophets (a.s.) and their successors. Although Janabe Zainab (s.a.) is not from this illustrious group, yet to even imagine a state of sin and error from her personality would be a grave sin. Her life is a splendid example of piety, struggle and accomplishments. Indeed, she was related to the family which personified purity and infallibility. Her association was with those holy personalities whose purity from all types of uncleanness was testified to by none other than Allah the Almighty - the Verse of Purification (Surah Ahzaab (33): Verse 33) being sufficient to establish this truth.
She was brought up and nourished in the lap of infallibility and played an instrumental role herself in raising some of our Imams (a.s.). And this was not all - even those who were raised by her like Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) and Hazrat Ali Akbar (a.s.) imbibed the lessons of infallibility from her and reached the heights of minor infallibility.
Pay attention to the following words from the Ziyarat of Janabe Zainab (s.a.) which is recited at her tomb and are reportedly from the Imams (a.s.). These words offer a fair insight about her status,
"Peace be upon you, O minor infallible! I bear witness that in every condition, misfortune, grief, difficulty and examination, you were patient, majestic, honourable, dignified and thankful."
Sweet Deception-FROM DR. MERCOLA'S LIBRARY | for everyone |
Take of 4.5 Grams This Each Day to Prevent or Fight Asthma | for everyone |
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/06/26/cla-eases-airways-for-asthmatics.aspx (pls visit this site for more details)
Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) may improve the airway hyper-reactivity in asthmatics, according to the results of a new study. A dose of 4.5 grams of CLA each day produced significant reduction in airway hyper-responsiveness. It also had favorable effects on body weight.
CLA is a fatty acid, which is found in ruminant meat and dairy products. Average intake of CLA has fallen over the years due to changes in the Western diet.
NutraIngredients reports:
"A significant body of science supports the potential of the ingredient to enhance lean body mass and aid in body sculpting. The new study ... is the first to report that the ingredient may also have benefits for overweight asthmatics."
Shabaan is a month of high excellence | for everyone |
Shabaan is a month of high excellence and is dedicated to the Leader of the Prophets (saaw). He used to keep fasts during this month and join it with the month of Ramadhan. He used to say, “Sha’baan is a month dedicated to me. Whoever keeps one fast during my month will definitely go to heaven”.
It has been reported from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as) that on the commencement of this month, Imam Zainul Abideen (as) would gather his companions and address them, “O my companions, do you know which month this is? It is the month of Shabaan about which the Holy Messenger (saaw) used to say that it is dedicated to him. So keep fasts during this month in the love of your Holy Prophet (saaw) and to attain closeness to your Creator. By Allah in whose hands is my soul, I have heard from my father, Hussein ibn Ali (as), that he had heard from Commander of Faithful (as), that whoever keeps fast during Sha’baan in the love of the Holy Prophet (saw) and to attain closeness to Allah will become a friend to Allah and on the Day of Judgement will be close to Allah by His grace and Paradise will be assured to him.”
Sheikh Tusi has reported from Safwane Jammal that Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as) asked him to encourage his neighbours and friends to fast in the month of Sha’baan. He asked the Imam if there was any special significance for it, and he replied that when the month commenced, the Holy Messenger (saaw) would command his announcer to proclaim in Medina that the Holy Messenger (saaw) wished them to be aware that Sha’baan was a month dedicated to him and Allah bestows mercy on whosoever associates with him in this month by fasting. Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as) proceeded to report from Commander of Faithful (as) that since hearing the announcement, he never missed any fast during the month of Sha’baan and, Allah willing, hoped not to miss any during the remainder of his life. He added that fasting in the months of Sha’baan and Ramadhan is a means of repentance and pardon from Allah.
Keeping fast on Thursdays of the month also carried great significance. It has been reported that the heavens are decorated each Thursday in the month of Sha’baan and the angles pray to Allah to forgive all those who fast on that day and their prayers are accepted. It is stated in the reports of the narrations of the Holy prophet (saaw) that whoever fasts on Mondays and Thursdays of this month, Allah will fulfill twenty of his worldly wishes and twenty of his wishes of the Hereafter.
It is recommended to give alms in this month even if it is as small as a half date. Almsgiving in this month brings about rescue from Hellfire. In this respect, it has been narrated that when Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) was asked about the merits of observing fasting in Rajab, he answered, “Why do you not ask about the merits of observing fasting in Sha`ban.” “What is then the reward of him who observes fasting on one day in Sha`ban, Son of Allah’s Messenger?” asked the narrator. The Imam (a.s) answered, “The reward will be Paradise. I swear it by Allah.” The narrator then asked again, “What are the best deeds that should be done in Sha`ban.” The Imam (a.s) answered, “Almsgiving and seeking forgiveness are the best deeds in Sha`b¡n. Verily, if anyone of you gives alms in Sha`ban, Almighty Allah will breed that alms in the very same way as you breed your small camels. Hence, this alms will be as huge as Mount Uhud on the Resurrection Day.”

" women should not be the moon which everyone see uncovered, but women should be the sun which makes eyes bow down before seeing it. ” :)
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