As-salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatoh,
27th - Rajab al Murrajab
Our heartiest greetings and felicitations to Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.w.), Hazrat Fāṭimah(s.a.), Ahl-e-Bait (a.s.), Imam-e-Zamana (a.s.) & all lovers of Ahl-e-Bait (a.s.) on this auspicious occasion - the Day of Mabath ( official Appointment) & Me'raj ( Ascension)
Lofty Status of Holy Prophet Muhammad al Mustafā (S.A.W.W)
Allāh made a jewel from the noor of Muhammad (saw) and then divided it into two parts. He looked upon one part with the eye of jalal (respectful fear), and it turned into sweet water. Upon the second part, He looked with the eye of kindness, and it turned into Arsh (Throne). Then He created Kursi (chair) from the noor of the Arsh and created Looh (Tablet) from the noor of Kursi and created Qalam (Pen) from the noor of Looh and ordered Him to write My tauheed. For 1000 years the Pen was awestruck and lost in the words of Allāh. When He came out of His stupor, Allāh ordered Him to write and He asked, “O’My Lord, what should I write”? Allāh said, “La illaha illallah Muhammadin rasoolullah”. When the Pen heard the name of Muhammad (saw) He fell into sajda. He began reciting “Subhana wahid Al Qahar, Subhanul Azeem al Azam”. Then He lifted His head from sajda and wrote “La illaha illallah Muhammadin rasoolullah”. Then He (Pen) asked, “O’My Lord, who is this Muhammad (saw) whose name and zirk (remembrance) You have included in Your name and zikr (remembrance)?” Allāh said, “O’Pen! If He had not been there, I would have not created You and the whole universe. He is Bashir (informer) and Nazir (warner) and Siraj e Munir (bright sun), Haseeb (noble).” When the Pen heard the attributes of RasoolAllāh (saw), He was overcome with such great feelings of love for RasoolAllah (saw) that He began saying, “Assalamu alaika ya RasoolAllāh (saw)”. RasoolAllāh (saw) replied to Him and said, “Peace and blessing of Allāh upon You as well”.
[Reference: Bihar ul Anwar vol 15, page 28]
27th Rajab is a highly blessed night / day called ‘laylat al-mab`ath’ | for everyone |
Allah Huma Saley Ala Mohammed Wa Aley Mohammed,
Just a short reminder to all of us about the merits of fasting on 27th Rajab.
27th Rajab is a highly blessed night / day called ‘laylat al-mab`ath’,which stands for the beginning of the Holy Prophet’s Mission of promulgating the true religion of Almighty Allah On this day, the Holy Prophet (saws)was appointed for conveying the Divine Mission of Almighty Allah when Archangel Gabriel first came to him with the Divine Revelation.
It is recommended to have Ghusl (bath) on this day.& observe fasting. This day is one of the four days that are dedicated to fasting among the whole year. The reward of observing fasting on this day is equal to seventy years fasting.
It is recommended to repeat very frequently the salwat ie sending blessings upon Prophet Muhammad and his Household. ie Recite Salwaat "Allahooma Salle Alaa Mohammadin wa Aale Mohammad," (Durood mp3) as many times as possible.
The amaals for the eve/night of 27th Rajab are available here :
27th Rajab is a highly blessed night / day called ‘laylat al-mab`ath’ | for everyone |
Allah Huma Saley Ala Mohammed Wa Aley Mohammed,
Just a short reminder to all of us about the merits of fasting on 27th Rajab.
27th Rajab is a highly blessed night / day called ‘laylat al-mab`ath’,which stands for the beginning of the Holy Prophet’s Mission of promulgating the true religion of Almighty Allah On this day, the Holy Prophet (saws)was appointed for conveying the Divine Mission of Almighty Allah when Archangel Gabriel first came to him with the Divine Revelation.
It is recommended to have Ghusl (bath) on this day.& observe fasting. This day is one of the four days that are dedicated to fasting among the whole year. The reward of observing fasting on this day is equal to seventy years fasting.
It is recommended to repeat very frequently the salwat ie sending blessings upon Prophet Muhammad and his Household. ie Recite Salwaat "Allahooma Salle Alaa Mohammadin wa Aale Mohammad," (Durood mp3) as many times as possible.
The amaals for the eve/night of 27th Rajab are available here :
A quick look at the traits that disqualify a person from having his Duas answered. These have been adapted from the book ‘Qoddatul Daee’ (The Asset of the Supplicant) by Sheikh Ahmad bin Fahd Helli.
Ja’far ibn Ibrahim has reported on the authority of Immam Ja’far ibn Muhammed as- Sadiq (a.s.) “There are four persons whose Duas are not answered.”
1. One who sits idle at home and says. ‘O God! Give me my daily food.’ He is told ‘Have I not ordered you to go after your daily food?
2. A man who has an indecent wife and curses her. To such a man, it is said: ‘Don’t you have the option to keep or divorce her?
3. A man who has possessed wealth but he has ruined it and keeps saying: O’ God! Increase my sustenance’. It is said to him: ‘Didn’t I order you to be moderate in life?’ Then the Immam (a.s.) recited verse 67 of Surah Furqan, The Holy Qur’an “And they who when they spend, are neither extravagant nor parsimonious, and (keep) between the just mean”.
4. “One who has lent his money to someone but has not taken witnesses for it. To such a person it is said:’ didn’t I advise you to take witness for lending money?’
5. ‘A man who curse his neighbor, while Allah (swt) has given him the option of selling his house and departing from there.’
“A man raises his hands towards Allah and calls upon Him and seeks wealth but the man does not expend it in a way there is good in it. The man calls on Allah (swt) again but Allah (swt) says to him: ‘Didn’t I give you wealth but you did such and such act.”
“Allah (swt) does not fulfill the Dua of one with no presence of heart, therefore, whenever you wish to recite Dua, turn to Allah with all your heart. Then be sure your Dua will be answered.’
One who has not recited Dua before the descent of tribulation.
“Allah (swt) does not fulfill the Dua of a hardhearted man.
“One who recite Dua while persisting in sin”
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said “Whoever wishes to have his Dua answered said: “Cleanse the source of your daily food and do not eat unlawful things”
The Immams (a.s.) said “One of the revelations made to Prophet Jesus (a.s.) was: “O Jesus! Say to the oppressors of Bani Israel: You have washed your faces but you have polluted your hearts. Are you trying to deceive Me or to show Me your courage? “. You have adored yourselves with perfume for the people of the world but your heart is like a stinking corpse to Me. You are dead people.”
“O Jesus! Say to them “Take your claws off unlawful business and cover your ears from hearing evil words, turn to Me with your hearts, for I do not want your faces.”
O Jesus! Say to the oppressors of Bani Israel: “ Do not call upon Me while you are ignoring decrees of unlawful business and keeping idols at home, for I have taken an oath to answer anyone who calls upon Me and My answer to anyone who calls upon Me and My answer to them is to curse them so that their band will be dispersed”.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: “Allah sent a revelation to me saying: ‘O brother of Messengers and admonishers! Admonish your people against entering one of My houses while the rights of one of My servants rests upon them, for as long as this person performs prayer before Me, I will curse him unless he returns that right. Should he do it, I will become his ears by which he hears; I will become his eyes by which he sees; and he will become one of My friends and will be My neighbor in paradise among the Prophet, the righteous and martyrs”.
It has been reported on the authority of Amir al- Momenin Immam ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.): “Allah revealed to Prophet Jesus (a.s.) to say to the Bani Israel: “Do not enter any one of My houses unless you have modest eyes, pure heart and innocent hands. Also give them this information that I will not answer the Dua of anyone of them while the right one of my servants rests upon them”.
THE START OF JOURNEY - THE HOLY ME'RAJ.... | for everyone |
Among the writers of history and the elucidators of the Holy Qur` an there is a dispute in regards to the place of commencement of the Me'raj of the Noble Prophet (s.w.a.s.)
Did it start from the house of Umm Hani (the sister of Amir al‑Mo'minin 'Ali ibn Abi Talib) or from Masjid al‑Haram ‑ since the complete city of Makkah was called and referred to as Masjid al‑Haram? From the apparent reading of the verse, it began from Masjid al‑Haram. Thus, the Me'raj journey of the Prophet of Allah(s.w.a.s.) was from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid al‑Aqsa ‑ the Bait al‑Muqaddas.

This trip ‑ meaning the Me'raj of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.s) took place at night and the meaning of Masjid al‑Aqsa (the Furthest Masjid) is the same as the Bait al‑Muqaddas.
Allah (s.a.w.s.) in the Noble Qur'an says:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
"By the declining star. Your companion is not in error nor has he gone astray. He does not speak out of his own desire. It is a revelations which has been revealed to him and taught to him by the Great Mighty One, the Strong One who appeared on the uppermost horizon. He then came nearer and nearer, until he was as close to Him as the distance of two bows, or even less. He revealed to Allah's servant whatever He wanted. His (Muhammad's) heart did not lie to him about what his eyes had seen. Will you then argue with him about what he saw? He certainly saw Him during his other ascent to the Lote‑tree near which isParadise. When the tree was covered with a covering, (Muhammad's) eyes did not deceive him, nor did they lead him to falsehood. He certainly saw the greatest (signs) of the existence of his Lord. "
In the book `Amali' by Shaikh as‑Saduq (may Allah raise his rank), it has been narrated that Imam Ja'far as‑Sadiq had said, "When the Prophet along with Jibra'il mounted onto Buraq, one of the horses of Paradise ‑ to go on the Me'raj, they first went to Bait al‑Muqaddas. The Mehrab (prayer Niche) of the previous Prophets was shown to the Holy Prophet, and he also performed Salat there.
After the Me'raj, the Prophet(s.a.w.s.) once again returned to Bait al Muqaddas and there he met up with a Caravan from the tribe of Quraish. This group has lost one of their camels and was busy searching for it.
The Prophet asked them for a glass of water, drank some of it and poured the rest of it on the ground. Finally, he returned to Makkah.
When the morning came, he told the Quraish: "In the night, Allah took me to Bait al‑Muqaddas and in that land, He showed me the after effects and the houses of the previous Prophets. On my return, I met up with a Caravan from the Quraish who had lost one of their camels; I requested a glass of water from them of which I drank some of it, and the rest I poured onto the ground."
Abu Jahal who was one of the staunch enemies of the Noble Prophet said: "Ask him (the Prophet) how many pillars, lights and Mehrabs are in Bait al‑Muqaddas."
At that time, Jibra'il came to the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and placed an image of Bait al‑Muqaddas in front of him, with which he was able to answer all the questions posed to him. When the people of the Quraish heard this, they said, "Let us wait until the Caravan returns and we can ask them."
The Prophet replied to them, "The Caravan will return to Makkah around the time of sunrise and in front of the Caravan will be an exquisite looking camel."
Once the morning came, everyone was in anticipation for the Caravan to arrive. They said, "The sun is rising but the Caravan still has not arrived!" Just as this was said and the sun began to rise above the horizon, the Caravan appeared. At the head of the Caravan, the same beautiful looking camel that the Prophet had mentioned, could be seen.
My Lord spoke to me with the voice of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib .... | for everyone |
In the book Kashf al‑Ghummah, it has been narrated from `Abdullah ibn `Umar that: "I heard someone ask the Prophet of Allah , `With what voice did Allah, the Glorified and High, speak to you in on the night of the Me'raj?"
The Prophet replied, "My Lord spoke to me with the voice of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and said, `O' Ahmad! I am an Entity that is not like anything else. I can not be compared to anything else and I know all the secrets of your heart. With the exception of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib(a.s.) , you have no other close friend. Thus, I speak to you with the voice of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) so that your heart will be at ease.""
From Kashf al-Ghummah, Vol. 1, p. 106, Fee mahabbati al-rasooli (s) iyyahu wa tahreedahu alaa mahabbatihi wa muwaalaatihi wa nahyuhu an baghdihi.
During the Me'raj, an Angel taught me the following supplication and instructed me to recite it during the Morning and the Evening:

"O' Allah! Verily I appeal for relief from my oppression through Your pardon, and I appeal for relief from my sins through Your forgiveness, and I appeal for relief from my own insignificance through your Everlasting Countenance which will never cease to exist. "
From Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 18, p. 329-330, Bab 3 - Ithbaat al-Mi`raaj wa ma`anaahu wa kayfiyyatuhu wa sifatuhu wa ma jaraa feehi wa wasf al-buraaq, Hadith 34.
The Heavenly Journey of the Prophet of Islam
has been straight‑forwardly explained in two Surahs of the Qur'an. In other Surahs as well, we see allusions to this journey.

In the Surah al‑Isra (Sarah 17 ‑ also known as Bani Isra`il), it is mentioned:

"Glorified be He who carried His servant at night from Masjid al Haram to Masjid al‑Aqsa, the precincts of which We have blessed so that We may show him of Our Signs. Verily He is the All Hearing, the All‑Seeing. "
From this verse, we come to the conclusion that the Prophet of Islam
traveled with his physical body through the worlds of Ascension. Further, by the greatness of the Hidden Power, he was able to complete this journey in a very short span of time.

1. Allah did not befriend Ibrahim (a.s.) except for his feeding people and offering prayers by night while the people were fast asleep.
2. He who does not fear Allah regarding little does not fear him regarding much.
3. Surely Allah detests idle talk, wasting money, and excessive questioning.
4. Whoever guides or directs to good, then he gets the same amount of reward as the one who does it.
5. Miserliness tears up honor.
6. One who is blessed with plenty must spend generously on his family.
7. To us does not belong he from whose calamities his neighbors are not safe.
8. Among the practices (of the Prophet) is giving food during marriage.
9. One of the most beloved of actions of Allah the Almighty is making a believer happy through alleviating his hunger, removing his sadness and paying his debts.
10. Paradise is surrounded by hardships and perseverance, so one who perseveres and endures the hardships and adversities in this world will enterParadise . And Hell is surrounded by passions and pleasures, so whoever gives himself over to his passions and vain desires will enter Hell.
11. The cause of the cessation of (one’s) wealth is leaving the needy heedless.
12. Happiness is for the one who will attend the Qaim of my Ahlul Bayt and will follow him before his rise. This person will love his (Qaim’s) lovers and hate his enemies, and will accept the leadership of the Immams from before his advent. These ones are my friends, and are the most sincere members of my Ummah whom I honor very much (The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
13. No drop is more beloved with Allah Almighty and Glorious, than the drop of blood which is poured in the way of Allah.
HADEES | for everyone |
H A D E E S OF THE HOLY PROHPHET (S.W.t.) AND THE Holy Immams (a.s.)
1) “The tyrant dies and his rule ends, the martyr dies and his rule begins”
2) “Allah (swt), Honored His Name, is Generous, and He loves good manners and hates a lowly conduct”.
3) “The most pious people are those who abstain from what God has forbidden”.
4) “There are seventy advantages for the greetings. Sixty-nine is given to the one who greets first and one is given to the one who responds to the greetings.
5) “The likeness of those who take to themselves guardians besides Allah is the likeness of the spider that makes for itself a house; and indeed the frailest of all houses is the house of the spider, had they but known”
6) “The generous one is close to Allah, close to (the hearts of) people, close to Paradise , distant from the fire. A miser is distant from Allah, distant from people, distant from Paradise , close to the fire”.
7) “Four (habits) are from the (hidden) treasures of virtue: to keep silent about one’s needs, charity, one’s indisposition and one’s adversity”.
8) “You will not be able to please all people with your wealth; so, do please them with your good manners”.
9) “I wonder at the mentality of a miser, fearing poverty he takes to stinginess and thus hastily pushes himself headlong into a state of want and destitution, he madly desires plenty and ease, but throws it away without understanding. In this world he, of his own free will, leads the life of a beggar and in the next world he will have to submit an account like the rich.
10) “Shake each other’s hands for it eliminates ill will”.
11) “Lower your voice during a funeral, during fighting and during the recitation of the Holy Qur’an”.
12) “He who is deserted by friends and relatives will often find help and sympathy from strangers”.
13) “I wonder at the man who takes great pains to decorate and to make comfortable this mortal habitat and totally forgets his permanent abode”.
14) “A word of wisdom listened to by a believer is better than a year of worshiping”.
15) “Allah (SWT) dislikes the person who is aware of the worldly things and unaware of the hereafter.
16“Trustworthiness bring richness and untrustworthiness brings poverty.
17)“The best faith is to know (surely) that Allah (swt) is with you wherever you are.
THE HOLY PROPHET (S.A.W.A.) ANSWERS……. | for everyone |
To be an intelligent man ……………Fear Allah (swt)
To be a loyal servant to Allah (swt) and to do what he wants us to do…………….Read the Holy Qu’ran
To be enlightened and have a peace of heart………Remember Death
To be protected against enemies ……Trust in Allah
To follow the Straight Path…….. Do good to others for Allah’s sake
What to do so that Allah (swt) does not abase one……..Do not respond to desires of your flesh
To have a long life…..Praise and thank Allah (swt)
For Prosperity………….Be in a state of ablution at all times
How to save oneself from Hellfire ……..Protect your eyes, your tongues, your hands and what is below your waistline against evil
To cleanse oneself from sins……….Shed tears for what you have done and repent by undoing what you have done wrong
To be a respectable person……………Then don’t divulge the wrong doings of anybody
To protect oneself from the tortures of the grave………….Recite Sur’ah Mulk
To become rich……………Read Su’rah Muzammil
To calm the fear of the Day of Last Judgment……….. Remember Allah (swt) before you eat anything and before you sleep
To feel the presence of Allah when making prayers………..Give the utmost care in taking your ablutions and in being clean and pure
Most of us do realize that our performances of ‘salaat’ (prayers) and dua (supplications) are not of quality they should be. However, we do not make attempts to correct the situation. Though Shaitan does play an important role in diverting us from making serious attempts in this regard, we can hardly escape the responsibility of taking concrete steps to correct ourselves.
One of the strangest issues that confounds us and is somewhat unique to our community is the fact the most us ‘recite’ our prayers and supplications rather than ‘pray’ or ‘supplicate’. There is probably no other community in the world, most of whose adherents do not understand what they say in their prayers, supplications or even while reading their holy book. But many in our community reach their ripe old ages diligently reciting their salaat, dua and the Holy Qu’ran without ever understanding a word of it! While there is no denying that there are sawaab (rewards) for mere recitation of these, it is astonishing that it never occurs to us that we should make some attempt to understand what we recite.
If we do make an attempt to understand what we recite surely the spiritual experience of prayer and supplication will be far more refreshing and uplifting.
Here are some tips to improve the quality of one’s salaat (prayers) and dua (supplications) to bring about greater spiritual upliftment and increased rewards in this world and the Hereafter.
1. First and foremost know and realize that you are able to recite salaat and dua due to the supreme sacrifices of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and the Holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) who, to bring to us these Divine Blessings, have faced enormous trials and tribulations and with the exception of the Imam of Our Time (a.t.f.s.) were eventually martyred. Most notably, do remember the supreme sacrifice of the Greatest Martyr of Mankind, Imam Husain (a.s.) and his companions who faced the toughest trials, captivity and martyrdom, without which let alone this blessing of salaat, Islam itself would not have reached us.
2. Keep yourself free of mental and physical fatigue whilst praying. Keep your mind free of worldly worries, evil thoughts, and ideas.
3. Plan what verses/duas you are going to recite.
4. If you do not understand Arabic, learn the meaning of what you recite in your Prayer. Better still, start learning Arabic- it is the language the Almighty Allah (swt) has addressed us in through the Holy Qu’ran. The least we can do is try to understand what the Almighty Allah (swt) is telling us.
5. Remind yourself that engaging in prayers offers you an opportunity to release from the tension of the world. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has said that ‘in prayer was placed the comfort of his eyes’. Therefore cherish the opportunity to remove the burdens of the world from your shoulders.
6. Use your prayer to remain focused on your mission in life, which is to bring your entire being to serve only Allah (swt)
7. Use your prayer as a source of strength, inspiration and enthusiasm of your life and activities.
8. Fulfill all your personal needs before you commence your prayer, for e.g., thirst, hunger and calls of nature.
9. Do not procrastinate and do not let the time of salaat lapse without your having performed the obligatory salaat. Know that we pray because Allah (swt) is worthy of and deserves your worship and this is besides the fact that we can earn sawaab (reward) by praying and save ourselves from the azaab (punishment) of avoiding prayers.
10. Pray in pure physical state. Perform wudhu with attention, care and perfection. Although the whole earth is a Masjid or a place of worship, choose a place that is clean.
11. Pray in an environment free of noise and one where there is no distraction. If that is not possible try not allow your attention to be diverted from your prayers.
12. Adorn yourself with clean and respectable clothes.
13. Assess your mental readiness for prayers before its commencement, during the various postures, after each rakaat and ultimately at the end.
14. Pray with humility both in your mental state and in your physical manner. Realize that you are before the All-Powerful and humble your entire being before Him.
15. Pray with hope and awe.
16. Remind yourself continually that you are talking to the most important ‘One’ in your life- your Creator and Sustainer. He is Omnipresent. You are before Him, facing Him and you are involved in a dialogue with Him.
17. Commence your prayer by seeking Allah’s help and protection from the influence of the cursed Shaitan.
18. Lower your gaze while praying and do not allow the physical environment to distract you.
19. On each occasion that you recite the sifat (attributes) of Allah (swt) in ruku and sajdah (prostration), consider how indebted you are and how grateful you should be to Allah (swt) and express your true emotions.
20. Utilize the occasion of sajdah to make additional dua to Allah (swt). The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “A servant is nearest to his Lord when he is in sajdah, so increase your supplication when in sajdah”. There are many duas recommended by the Holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) for this purpose.
21. Pray as it is your last prayer. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said: “When you stand up to pray, perform your prayer as if it were your last prayer”.
22. After each salaat do ask Allah (swt) for fulfillment of your legitimate desires and wishes. Such a salaat earns the pleasure of Allah (swt). And of course, do not harbor desires and wishes that are not legitimate.
23. It is only an expression of gratitude that you send salutations to Imam Husain (a.s.), the other Martyrs of Karbala and those who suffered the following trials of captivity. Therefore, include and appropriate Ziayarat with your salaat and duas.
According to Imam Mohamed Al-Baqir (a.s.), satan dispatches a special task force in the morning to beguile people. Hence we have been advised to remember Allah (swt) much and to take refuge in Him. Perhaps, for the same reason, Islam has considered sleeping between dawn and sunrise as undesirable.
It is the tradition of our Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.a.) and his Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) to remain occupied with worship acts during this period. This can be borne out by the number of supplications and invocations prescribed especially for recitation after the Morning Prayer (Namaz). They are more than what have been prescribed for any other Namaz.
It has been related in many narratives that the reward of a person supplication and reciting, the Holy Qu’ran after the morning prayers till sunrise is equivalent to that of a recommended pilgrimage to the Holy Kaaba (i.e. Hajj). It wards-off calamities, increases longevity and protects the person from diseases and destitution. One can safely state that, except for definite death, these supplications are known to fulfill every need, allay fears and remedy all afflictions of mankind.
Allah (swt) says in Hadis-e-Qudsi: “O son of Aadam remember me for an hour in the morning and or an hour in the afternoon, so that I should take care of all your important works”
Shaykh Ahmad bin Fadd and others have narrated that a person complained to Imam Musa Al-Kazim (a.s.) about Unfulfilled desires. The person said: “No work results in profit and none of my goals bear fruit.” Imam Al-Kazim (a.s.) taught him to recite the following after the Morning Prayer ten times:
Narrator says that within a very short span of time he became wealthy.
Sayeed ibn Ta’us from a very reliable chain of narrators relates that Imam Reza (a.s.) said: “One who recites after the morning prayer 100 times “BISMILLAHI-RHEMAANIR-RAHEEM-LAA HAWLA-WALAA QUWWATA-ILLA-BIL-LAAHI ALIYELL-AZEEM” will become closer to the ‘Greatest Name’ than the black of the eye to its whiteness.
According to Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s.) and Imam Al-Kazim (a.s.) the person reciting the above—mentioned 70 times after the morning prayers will be safeguarded from seventy types of calamities, the easiest of which are insanity, leucoderma (hypo pigmentation of the skin) etc.
Similarly, the recitation of the following after the morning prayers 10 times is a divine shield against blindness, poverty, leprosy, house-collapse, on the person’s head etc.
Rassulullah (s.a.w.a.) said: “One who recites Surah Qul-Huwallaahu-Ahad 10 times every day, whatsoever attempts Satan may make so that a sin is written in the person’s account will not succeed.”
“Sawaabul Aamaal” quotes from reliable authorities that one who recites:
“ALLAAHUMMA-SALLE-ALAA-MUHAMMED-WA-AALE MUHAMMED” 100 times after the morning prayers will not be punished by hell-fire.
We all know the difference between falling down from a roof-top and climbing down by a ladder. The second act is done by our own power, will and intention; while the falling down is not. And we know that our actions are not like falling down from the roof-top; instead they are like climbing down the ladder with our own free will and power. Therefore, what we do are our own actions and should not be attributed solely to Allah (swt).
Again, we see that there are some of our actions for which we are either praised or blamed, while for others we are neither praised nor condemned. It clearly shows that:
· the First category is within our power and will, while
· the second category is beyond our will and power.
For example, we may be advised to treat an ailment in one or the other way, but we cannot be advised to recover from the illness. It means that getting treatment is within our power, but getting well is not within our sphere of activity.
Therefore, we say that are many things and aspects of life which are within our power and will, while at the same time some others are not within our power. Those actions, for which we can be advised, praised or blamed, are within our power and will. The commandments of religion fall under this category, because we have been advised or ordered to do some actions or avoid some others. We are praised when we obey the commands and blamed when we disobey them. It follows, therefore, it is absolutely wrong to say that our sins and righteousness, our obedience and disobedience, or true beliefs and wrong beliefs are decreed by Allah (swt) and are the result of His desire and will.
Sheikh al-Saduq said: “Allah possesses foreknowledge of human actions, but does not compel them to act in any particular manner.”
But this does not mean that man is completely independent of Allah (swt). If fact, the power and will to act as we like is given to us by Almighty Allah (swt). Thus the sixth Imam Ja’far bin Mohammed as-Sadiq (a.s.) said:
“There is no compulsion (by Allah), nor is there absolute delegation of power (from Allah to man); but the real position is between these two extremes, al-amr bayna al-amryan”
The following example clearly portrays this “middle position”. Suppose a man’s hand is totally paralyzed to an extent that he cannot move even a finger. A doctor fitted an electrical device on his hand which, on being switched on, enables the man to use his hand freely in a normal way. The device is activated by a remote control which the doctor keeps in his own custody. When the doctor switches the device on, the man uses his hand in the way he intends, but when the device is off, he cannot do anything. Now if the device is on and the patient does any work, can that work be attributed independently to him? No- because the power comes from that device which is fully controlled by the doctor. Again, can it be attributed to the doctor? No- because the man had done it by his own free will and choice. This is exactly the position of our ability to act.
We are not under compulsion because the will and choice is ours – nor are we completely independent- because the power to do whatever we intend to comes form Allah (swt). But at what point does our ability to do things start?
The Seventh Imam Musa ibn Jaf’ar al-Kazim (a.s.) said:
“A man acquires that ability when four conditions are fulfilled:
- when there is nothing to hinder his plans;
- his health
- the faculties (needed for that work) are up to the required standard; and
- Allah (swt) provides him the occasion of that work”
When asked for an example, the Imam (a.s.) said:
“Let us suppose that there is a man, without any hindrance, of good health and proper strength; yet he cannot commit adultery unless he finds a woman. When he gets a woman (and the fourth condition is fulfilled), then it is up to him to choose one of the two alternatives; either he controls his evil emotions and saves himself as Prophet Yusuf did, or he commits adultery. If he protects himself from that sin, it will not be by compulsion of Allah (as some people think). And if he commits the sin, it does not mean that he was above the power of Allah (as others think).”
According to the Islamic point of view, if one believes in predestination, then he cannot at the same time believe in the Day of Judgment (qiyamat). If Allah (swt) decreed every act which is committed or omitted by us, then how can He inflict punishment upon us for those sins, evils and transgressions, polytheism, disbelief and immoralities which He Himself predestined for us? That would be gross injustice.
Abu Hanifah once went to meet the Sixth Imam Ja’far ibn Mohammed as-Sadiq (a.s.) was inside his house and Abu Hanifah was waiting for the Imam (a,s.) to emerge. In the meantime, a youth emerged from the house and Abu Hanifah, just to pass some time asked him, “O! Youth, for whom is the action of man?”
The youth at once said: “O Abu Hanifah, there are only three imaginable sources: either the man himself the originator of his action; or Allah is the doer of that action; or both together are the originator of that action; Now if Allah is the doer of the actions of man, then why does He inflict punishment on man for the sins? Is it not injustice (zulm)? And Allah says” Verily Allah is not unjust to His creatures.” And if both man and Allah are partners in that crime, then is it not gross injustice that the powerful partner (i.e. Allah swt) punishes the weaker partner (i.e. man) for an action which both of them performed together? And as these two alternatives are proved to be illogical and impossible, the third theory is proved to be correct that man does his actions by his own power and will”.
Abu Hanifah kissed the forehead of the youth. That youth was none other that the Seventh Imam Musa ibn Ja’far al-Kazim (a.s.)
FEW HADEES | for everyone |
Few Hadees of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and Immams (a.s)
Namaz-e- Jama'at :
The Holy Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.s.) said: The rows of my followers in the congregational ( jamat ) prayer on the earth are like the rows of angels in the sky; and a rakat of prayer in congregation is equivalent with twenty-four rakats and every rakat with Allah Almighty and Glorious, is more beloved than forty years of worship. Therefore, on the Day of Judgement, when Allah gathers all human beings from the begining to the end for Reckoning, there will be no believer who has attended the congregatonal prayer but for whom Allah will decrease the grievousness of the Day of Reckoning and after that one will be told to enter Paradise.
Duty towards one's family :
Immam Ja'far as- Sadiq (a.s.) said that when one person's wife told to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) that her husband was always busy fasting and praying day and night without paying attention to his life and family. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) went to the person's house and found him praying. When the person finished his prayer, the Messenger of Allah said:
You person , Allah has not sent me for mockery but appointed me for a fluent, easy religion (which protects the rights of body and soul). I fast, keep up prayers, and associate with my family. Then, he who likes my way and my creed, must follow my way of life, my Sunnah; and. verily, marriage is of my Sunnah.
On Woman:
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s. ) said:
1) Fertile 2) Affectionate 3) Keeps secret 4) Pious
She obeys her husband and is honourably dear among kinsmen. Whe she is with her husband, she reveals her ornaments but conceals it from anyone other than him.
She hearkens to his speech and obeys his commands.
Whe she is private, she dresses hereself beautifully and is eager to offer her husband generously whatever he wants from her.
She is usually ornamented (for him) and is not plain as men are.
On Apppreciation :
Hazrat Ali (a.s.) in the directive to Malik al- Ashtar (his commander) points out the significance and benfits of appreciation:
(O Malik) Attention to major matters should not make your neglect minor and less important ones, for the people benefit it from trivial services and acts of kindness in their own right, while they cannot do without major services.
Hence pay thorough attention to the demands and needs of the people.
Pay compliments to those who take pains and do worthy work. For the tribute paid to them for their work gives enthusiasm to the brave and serves as a constant source of their motivation.
This practice also helps motivate conservative and timid persons and draws them to the field of battle.
Four Traits :
The Holy Prophet (s.a..w.s) said:
There are Four Traits that if one possess he is considered a hypocrite. If one of them is found in a person he has the characteristic of hypocrite unless he abandons it:
He who lies when he speaks
He who break his promises
He who betray when he makes a vow
He who erupts when he quarells (with someone)
To Prevent a barrier between the paradise
Immam Reza (a.s.) narrated from his father (a.s.) from Amirul Mo'mineen (a.s.) who said: that a man once asked the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) to teach him an action to prevent a barrier between him and Paradise.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:
Do not get angry
Do not ask people for things
Wish for people whatever you wish for yourself
H A W Z E K A U S A R (SPRING OF KAUSAR) | for everyone |
The existence of the Spring of Kausar is found in the Holy Quran and the traditons, it is the abundance (Khayre Kaseer) which was bestowed on the Prophet (s.a.w.s.). It is quoted in ' Basaerud Darajat ', "Ma'alimul Zulfa" and the third volume of 'Biharul Anwaar' that Abdullah ibne Sinan asked Immam Ja'far as- Sadiq (a.s.) regarding the Spring of Kausar. Immam (a.s.) : "that its width is approximately equal to distance from Basra in Iraq to Sanaa in Yemen. Abdullah seemed astonished. Then Immam (a.s.) asked him ,
"Do you wish to have a glimpse of it ?"
He replied, "Yes O, son of the Prophet ". Immam (a.s.) escorted him outside Madina, and struck his foot on the ground. Abdullah says that by the Immam's order the veils of the unseen were lifted off my eyes. I saw stream flowing beneath, and the place where we were standing was surrounded by it. I saw that on one side of the stream was flowing water which was whiter than ice, and on the other side milk, and in between was flowing
the "Pure Drink" (Sharabe Tahoora) coloured red like rubies (Yaqoot). I have never witnessed such a beautiful view before nor wine (the wine referred to here is not the usual intoxicating liquid, rather it is a pure drink reserved for the believers in Paradise) flowing between water and milk. Immam said :
" As is written in the Holy Quran, that in Paradise flows rivers of milk, water and wine, verily this stream flows from it. There are beautiful trees on both side of this river, and between the trees the 'houries' of Paradise are standing with their beautiful hair flowing in the air, the likeness of which cannot be seen in this world"
Then the Immam (a.s.) went towards one of the 'houries' and asked for a drink. The ' hourie ' saluted Immam (a.s.) and filled the cup with water from the stream and presented it to Him. Immam (a.s.) gave the cup to me to drink. I drank and was surprised for I had never tasted such a delicious and tasty water in my life, nor ever smelt such frangrance of musk. I asked, "May my life be your ramsom, the likeness of what I saw today can never be imagined in my life ". Immam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) replied:
"Whatever you have seen is quite less when compared to the blessings reserved for Our followers. When anyone among them dies, their spirits stroll in these gardens,and drink and bathe in these streams, and thus gain pleasure by consuming the delicious fruits. " (ma'ad)
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) told Immam Ali (a.s.) :" The Spring of Kausar flows from beneath the high heavens. Its water is whiter than milk, sweeter than honey, and softer than ghee. Its pebbles are of topaz (Zabro Jad), rubies (Yaqoot) and corals (Marjan). Its grass of saffron (Za'fran), and mud of musk (Mushke Azfar). " The the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) placed his hand on the side of Immam Ali (a.s.) and said :" O Ali ! This stream is for me and yourself, and those who love you
It is related in 'Khisaal' of Shaikh Sadooq that the Commander of the Faithful , Ali (a.s.) said:
" I along with my Progeny (Ahlulbait) (a.s.) will be standing besides the Holy Prophet (sa.w.s.) near the Springs of Kausar. Whoever wishes to meet us should strive to emulate our actions and words. For every house has some generous and noble people. Intercession (Shafa'at) is surely there for our friends. Hence, strive to meet us there. For we shall drive away our enemies from there and give our friends to drink from it. And whoever drinks a sip from that blessed water will never become thirsty. "
It is written in the ' Saheeh' of Bukhari (in the ninth volume) that when some of the companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) will be removed from the Kausar the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) will say : " O my Lord ! these are my companions "
Allah will reply : " You do not know what they did after you. They spread false traditons and made changes in Religion (Bid'at)
" He will gather all the people on the day of Qiyamat, and will errect a Pulpit (Mimbar) for me. It will be having a thousand steps, and each step will be of topaz (Zabro Jad), emeralds (Zaamrrud), rubies (Yaqoot) and gold. I will mount on it and sit on the highest stop. At that moment Jibreel (a.s.) will bring th Standard of Praise (Liwaul Hamd), and handing it over to me will say : " O Muhamed (s.a.w.s.) ! verily this is the Praiseworthy Position (Maqaame Mahmood) about which Allah had promised you. " Then I will ask Ali (a.s.) to mount the Pulpit, He shall do so and sit one step after me. Then I will hand over the Standard to Him"
"Then the gate-keeper of Paradise (Rizwan) will bring the keys of Paradise and hand them over to me. Likewise the Keeper of hell(Malik) will also come and hand over the keys of hell to me. Then I in turn will give the keys to Ali (a.s.) the son of Abdul Talib (a.s.)
And the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) will say : " O Ali ! you are the distributor of Paradise and hell (Holy Prophet s.a.w.s.)
" And at that time Paradise and hell will be obedient to me as a bride is to her groom".
" Do cast into hell very ungrateful and rebellious one."(Surah al Qaf :24)
It is written in 'Tafseere Qummi' that Sama'ah says that I asked Immam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that :
"How will the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) intercede on the day of the Qiyamat ? The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied:
" When people will become weary and tired and will be sweating profusely, they will go to Prophet Adam (a.s.) and plead for his intercession. Adam (a.s.) wil put forth his 'Tarke Ula' (leaving the better work for a less desirable thing) and excuse himself. He will direct them to Prophet Nooh (a.s.).
Nooh (a.s.) will also apologise and direct them to go the Prophet after him. Likewise each Prophet will direct them to the Prophet after them till they reach Prophet Isa (a.s.) , who will then advise them to go to the Last Prophet Hajrat Mohammed Mustafa (s.a.w.s.). Then the people will go to Him and plead his mercy and ask for His intercession. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) will accompany them till the Gate of Mercy (Babur Rahmah) and will fall into prostration (sajdah) there. At that moment Allah's voice will come :
" O Prophet ! lift your head up and intercede (for the people), for surely your intercession will be accepted. And ask whatever you wish, for surely you shall be given that "
It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) in 'Khisaal' that three groups of people will interceed on the day of Qiyamat, and their intercession will be accepted :
1) The Prophets (Anbiya)
2) The Scholars (Ulama), and
3) The Martyrs (Shohada)
(Ehsanul Fawaed)
In 'Biharul Anwaar" it is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) it is said:
" Intercession (Shafa'at) will be for those of my Ummah who have commmitted major sins (Gunahane Kabeera)while those who are righteous will be in no need of it ."
"On the day of Qiyamat I will surely intercede for four types of people:
1) Those who respect and honour My Progeny (Ahlulbait ) (a.s.)
2) Those who fulfil the desires of My Progeny
3) Those who work for their cause, and
4) Those who love them from their hearts as well as by the tongue (openly and in secret) (Sawaeqe Muhriqa)
Immam Jaf'ar as-Sadiq (a.s.) says that :
"The one who considers Prayers (Namaz) to be unimportant or lowly will not get our Intercession "
Immam Muhammed Al Baqr (a.s.) says that :
"Our followers is the one who obeys Us and does not go against our word"
If a person does not do what is obligatory (wajib) and does not keep himself from sins and evil, he is not amongst the followers, and will not receive intercession of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and His Progeny (Ahlulbait) (a.s.) (Ehsanul Fawaed)
A'araf is a place between Paradise and hell. The oppressed ones (mustaz-afeen), idiots and insane people, foolish women, children who have died before attaining adulthood, people who have died between the appearance of two Prophets (and did not meet either of them), and people who were alive at that time but Prophet's message did not reach them, will be made to dwell therein. There shall be no blessings and pleasures of Paradise and no punishment and wrath of Allah.
There are different interpretations regarding A'araf
1) According to the reports of Ahlulbait (a.s.) A'raf is a height on the the Bridge of Siraat on which the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) will be standing along with His Progeny (a.s.). The foreheads of the friends and the followers of Ahlulbait (a.s.) will be emitting a light, and this will act as a permit to pass over the Pul-e-Shirat .
2) Another interpretaion of A'araf is that it is wall as said in the Holy Quran:
"On that day you will the faithful men and the faithful women their light running before them and on their right hand, good news for you today: gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein, that is the great achievment ." (surah al Hadeed :12)
It is said in the interpretation of this verse that the light referred to here is the Love of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and his Progeny (Walayah). And this light will be (glowing more or less) according to the (extent of) belief (Iman) and love (Walayah), and it will be (shining) on the right side. So will be emitting light so intensely that they will not be able to look at their feet. Some will emitting light which will be infinite. While some will be emitting a weak light which will dim sometimes and shine sometimes. They will become disturbed and cry out:
" Our Lord ! Make perfect our light, and grant us protection "
During that moment the light of others will be of no help. The hyporcrites and sinners will try to gain benefit from the light of the believers, but will not be able to do so, and a wall will be erected between them and this is the very A'araf.
"They will cry out to them: Were we not with you ? They shall say: Yea ! But you caused yourselves to fall into temptation, and you waited and doubted and vain desires deceived you till the threatened punishment of Allah came, which the arch deceiver(shaitan )deceived you about Allah (s.Hadeed:14)
AN INTERVIEW WITH SHAITAN (the cursed one) | for everyone |
Once our beloved HOLY PROPHET ( s.a.w.s.) was walking with his companions from the back side of the Jan'atul Baqi (Medina). As he was stepping out, he saw a very old man with a colourful hat on his head, colourful belt with diamonds on it was around his waist, with a bell in his left hand, and with a net in his right hand. The old man said : As salamu alaikum yah Rasool Allah(O Prophet of Allah may the peace of Allah be upon you) to our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.s.). The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) did'nt reply to his salaam. The old man knew why our Prophet did'nt reply his salaam. After all this old man was not like any other old ma, he was shaitan- the cursed one. The Shaitan said, Salaam ul-illahai Alaykum ya Rasool Allah (Allah's peace by upon you O Prophet of Allah). Then our Prophet (s.a.w.s.) accepted his salaam. Now, the companions of Prophet (s.a.w.s.) were surprise to see the cursed one personally. Shaitan (the cursed one) attempted to misguide even the Prophets and Immams (a.s.). Shaitan- the cursed one used to meet with Prophets to answer any questions of the Prophets. In fact, it was obligatory on him (the cursed Shaitan) to answer the questions of the Messengers of Allah.
Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.s.), though he had all the knowledge, only for the sake of his companions, asked the shaitan-the cursed one the following questions:
(Prohpet ( s.a.w.s.) questions in red - the shaitan (the cursed one reply in black )
O Shaitan, people are interested in your hat, tell me what is this hat ?
Shaitan the cursed one replied, O Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.), my colourful hat is this materialistic worldly goods, perishable worldly benefits and temporary worldly enjoyment. Once, any person get caught by this colourful hat of mine, then that person stays in my control and forgets all about the hereafter.
Shaitan what is this belt you are wearing with gold and diamonds around your waist ?
O Prophet this is my second weapon which keeps my back bone strong. O Prophet, those Mominees (believers) who do not get into my trap by my hat, I used this weapon.
O Prophet this are the worldly be-hijaabs (un-vieled) woman/girl of this worlds. Through this be-hijab (un-vieled) woman/girls I deceive the mominees (believers)
But what is this bell you are holding in your left hand ?
This is the bell through which I destroy the imaan (faith) of the believers. Whenever I see belivers arguing with each other, getting into minor verbal antagonism or disagreement with each other, then I ring this bell. As I ring this bell, these believers get in to major verbal fights and they start saying things (such as backbiting, false accusations, or use bad language) to each other due to whch their own imaan (faith disappears from hearts)
But what is this net you are holding ?
When I see the belivers not getting trap by any form of my weapons then I throw this net at them as my last weapon
O Prophet of Allah, this Riyah Kari (performing good deeds only to show people). Whenever, I see that a believer is performing all the good deeds and that person not getting caught by my weapon, then I throw this net at them. By stepping at this net, their good deeds which they were performing for Allah, becomes invalid. Because the believers, gradually, get ego in them while performing all their prayers, observing fast, performing Hajj, paying Zakat and Khums, and several other dutes towards Allah. They (believers) perform all these and other good deeds, but after they get caught by my net, they show their good deeds to others, as though they have done favour on Allah by performing such good deeds. All these actions which take place after they step on my net makes their good deeds go wast (void).
Tell me one more thing, now that you have spent so much of your time in this life with your bad deeds, do you have any friend, Do you have companion ?
I visit all the houses and all the people in general, but I have 11 types of people, that are my best friends and companions. And I have 15 types of people that I hate them the most. O Prophet of Allah that a person who is my friend is an enemy of Allah, and a person who is my enemy is a friend of Allah
Fifteen enemies of the cursed shaitan are as follows
1) My first enemy is you and your Ahlul Bait (progeny) because if it was'nt for you and your Ahlu Bait my mission would quiet successful. There would have been not even a single believe ( follower of right path shown by Allah). You bought the religion of Allah (Islam) to this world. You made people believers of Allah's communication
2) O Prophet of Allah my second enemy is that just ruler who rules a nation with complete justice.
3) O Prophet of Allah, my third enemy is that rich person who does not have any ego or feel superior to other poor people around him
4) My fourth enemy is that business man who performs his business with justice
5) My fifth enemy is that Aalim (scholar of Deen) who fears Allah and practice what he preaches
6) My sixth enemy is that specific Mo'min (believer) who work on showing other the path of truth. Who offer other the knowledge of Wajibats (obligatory acts) and Haram (forbidden) duties of Alalh. This person is undoing all my hard work.
7) My seventh enemy is that a person who does not listen to what is forbidden, does not see what is forbidden, and does not eat what is forbidden ( the person does not look at any Na-Mehram women/men i.e. a women with whom a man can marry or a man with whom a woman can marry), does not watch movies or shows. This person prevent himself or herself from listening to Music,songs,lies, or Gheebat (backbitting).This person doesnt eat forbidden food (meat which is not cut according to the Islamic ways such as meat cut by non Muslims business men etc) and that food which is not purchased with the halal (allowed) earnings such as earnings form selling alochol, from gambling, from selling drugs, and from many other sources which are forbidden in Islam).
8) My eighth enemy is that believer who keeps himself clean all the time. A person who stays in Wuzu and who wears clean clothes.
9) My ninth enemy is that person who has a big heart. Who spents his/her money for the sake of Allah
10) My tenth enemy is that person who gives Sadqa (charity) only for the name of Allah
11) My eleventh enemy is that person who reads, memorizes, and acts according to the Quran
12) My twelfth enemy is that person who recites 'Namaz-e-Shab' (prayers recited after midnight and before namaz Fajr). I am always afraid of this person
13) My thirteenth enemy is that person who offers his wajib (obligatory) Khums, wajib Zakat, and other wajib sadaqas
14) My fourteenth enemy is that woman who observes Hijaab (viel) and safeguards her Hijab
15) My fifteenth enemy is that who peforms his 'Ibadat" (such as prayers) without having thoughts except for the thoughts of Allah.
CONDITONS OF WOMEN........ | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) was weeping profusely when Bibi Fatima (s.a.) and Hajrat Ali (a.s.) came to visit him. They asked him the cause of his grief, to which the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) replied: that:
" On the night I was carried to Haven (Mehraj) I saw number of women of my sect in great torment, and it is for them I weep. I saw a woman suspended by her hair and her brain was boiling from excessive heat. Another was suspended by her tongue, and liquid from the fountain of melted copper in hell was poured down her throat; and another was hung-up by her breasts. I saw a woman eating flesh of her own body, which fell from her, and fire meanwhile was flaming under her. I saw a woman bound hand and foot, and assailed on all sides by serpents and scorpions. Another, blind, deaf and dumb was encased in a coffin of fire, and her brain drooping out at her nostrils, and her body was falling to pieces from gangrene and leprosy. I saw a woman whose face and hands were burning. who ate her own entrails. I saw a woman with the head of a hog and the body of an ass, tormented in a million of different ways. I saw a woman in the form of a dog, and fire was poured through her body, issuing at her mouth, and the angels were beating her with maces of fire"
Bibi Fatima (s.a.) asked her father the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) to explain the condition of such women to which the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied:
" Dearest Daughter - the woman suspended by the hair, did not concel it from the view of men. The one suspended by here tongue, tormented her husband with tongue. The one hung by her breast would not acknowledge her husband's conjugal rights. The one suspended by her feet, was in habit of gadding abroad withour her husband's consent. The one that ate her own flesh, adorned herself for the view of those who had no right to see her. The woman bound by hand and foot, neglected to wash herself and cleanse her garments. She do not peform the necessary obligatory ablutions and held prayer of light account. The one blind, deaf and dumb, bore children from adulterous intercourse, and caused her husband to bear the burden of their support. She whose flesh was cut off with the fiery scissors, who dressed herself to incite men to desire her. The woman who was burning and ate her own entrails, was a procuress and brought together wicked men and women. She with the head of a hog was slanderer and liar; and the one in the form of a dog was professed singer, and mourner and envier, whose practice was to exite discontent under the providence of God. Woe to the woman that angers her husband, and happy she that contents him"
Saudi forces to pull out of Bahrain-Beshumar Lanat on the Saudi forces | for everyone |

Saudi forces to pull out of Bahrain'
Saudi forces in Bahrain (file photo)
Saudi forces are reportedly to withdraw from Bahrain after four months of aiding the Manama regime in cracking down on protesters.
Around 1,000 Saudi military and police forces were deployed in Bahrain together with forces from the United Arab Emirates in mid-March.
The deployment took place upon Bahrain's request to help Manama crush the popular revolution it has been facing since mid-February.
“The Saudi troops will be withdrawn starting on Monday," a source within the Bahraini government said on Tuesday, Reuters reported.
The pullout would take place “because their situation is getting much calmer,” the source claimed, while other reports state that the reinforcements have contributed to an increase in the use of violence against the peaceful protesters.
Another source confirmed the withdrawal and said it is to be a phased-out one.
Saudi sources have also ruled out a complete pullout, saying Riyadh is seeking to redeploy its forces.
Scores of people have been killed and hundreds arrested in the Saudi-backed crackdown on protests in Bahrain.
Rights groups have slammed Manama and Riyadh for what they call gross rights violations.
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