Friday, 30 November 2012


As-salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatoh,

Imām Alī ibn Mūsā al-Rezā (A.S.) said:

“Whoever fast on the first day of the month of Rajab, with desire for the reward of Allāh the Almighty, (then) heaven is incumbent for him and whoever fast in the middle of it (Month of Rajab) he can intercedes people that of Tribe Rabi’a and Mudur. Whoever fast on the last day of it (Month of Rajab) Allāh will make him the kings of the heaven and he will intercedes for his father, mother, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, paternal uncle, paternal aunt, maternal uncle, maternal aunt, his known ones and neighbors, even if anyone of them are deserving of fire of hell."

[Reference:  A’maali Al Sudooq, Page. 10]

Holy Prophet Muhammad al Mustafā (S.A.W.W) said:

If one experiences the month of Rajab and bathes himself in the first, middle and last of it, he will be released from all of sins and return as pure as the day of his birth.

[Reference: The rites of Rajab, Shaban and Ramadhan]

Zawwar - e- Masoomeen (A.S)

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* Multiple contributions are encouraged

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Jul 1, '11 12:40 PM
for everyone

Tomorrow will be the last day of Mahe Rajab.

Let us all join together and be on Fast (Roza) as a thanksgiving to Allah (swt) for giving Wilayat-e-Ali ibne Abi-Talib in our heart. Gift this Roza to Imam Ali (as) and ask him to pray for us and our parent.

Keep a fast, read few ayats of Holy Quran and write down on our wall about your experience.

May Allah(swt) forgive our sins and give us nek taufiq.


Tag all your friends and invite them to this right cause. Allah will give you its Jazaa, Inshallah!

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وعَجِّلْ فَرَجَهُمْ
Jul 1, '11 11:27 AM
for everyone
                          P I E T Y      I N     I S L A M
A few traditions to amplify the importance of piety in Islam;
In Al-Mahasin it is narrated that Abi-Basir asked the Sixth Imam Ja’far ibn Mohammed al-Sadiq (a.s.) regarding Allah’s statement in the Holy Qur’an:
“Fear God as he should be feared: (The Holy Qu’ran 3:102).  The Imam (a.s.) said: “It means that He should be obeyed, and not revolted against: He should be remembered, ad not be blasphemed.”
The First Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) said: “Piety resembles faith”.
The Imam (a.s.) was asked to describe this world.  He (a.s.) said: “How can I describe the world for you in which you are accountable for what you rightfully earn, and will be punished for what you wrongfully earn.  If you could only see what happens during and after death, you would give up all worldly aspirations and its tricky attractions.” And further said: “If you could only see what happens during and after death, you would give up all worldly aspirations and its tricky attraction.”  “Allah will reward whoever is really pious with peace of mind without any need for a companion; and is self sufficient without any wealth; and has dignity without being a ruler.”
Imam Ja’far ibn Mohammed al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: “The Resurrection Day is the day of happiness for pious people.”  “Do not be fooled by their crying since piety is rooted in one’s soul.”
The Imam (a.s.) explained Allah (swt)’s statement: “He is the Lord of Righteousness, and the Lord of forgiveness.” (The Holy Qu’ran 74:56) as follows: “Allah, the Almighty said that He deserves that His servants be divinely pious, and even if they do not do so. He has the right to forgive them.”  “Adhere to piety and thus protect your religion.” and “Any independent reasoning lacking piety is useless.”
And the Imam (a.s.) also said: “No one gains anything except through his efforts, and you will not gain what is near Allah without piety.”
Fuzayl narrated that Imam Ja’far ibn Mohammed al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: “Express our greetings to whoever you see and them that – by Allah- none of us are of any use for them unless they themselves adhere to piety.  Be careful about what you say and do, and be one of those who persevere and establish prayers since Allah is the Helper of those who persevere.” 
The Fifth Imam Mohammed ib Ali al-Baqir (a.s.) said Allah (swt) had said: “O’ children of Adam! Abstain from what I forbidden so that you may be of the pious ones.”
The sixth Imam (a.s.) was asked as to who the most pious people were.  He replied: “The most pious people are those who abstain from what Allah has forbidden.”
The Imam (a.s.) also reported the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) “Perform divinely decreed duties to be one of the most pious people.”
Imam Mohammed ibn Ali al-Baqir (a.s.) said: “Always fear and Allah and strive in the way of your religion, and beware that it does not suffice just to strive, but you must also adhere to piety.”  The Imam (a.s.) said in reply to the supplications of Prophet Moses (a.s.), Allah replied: “O’ Moses! Nothing is more effective than piety in making My servants close to Me.  I bestowed Heaven on them and will not let anyone else share it with them.”
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) said: “The following are signs by which the pious ones can be recognized: honesty: trustworthiness; loyalty; lack of haughtiness and jealousy; observing the relations of kin; helping the poor; minimum sexual intercourse with women; doing good deeds; having a good temper; and having an in-depth knowledge of what can help one approach Allah.  Blessed be them and how prosperous they are"
Imam (a.s.) said: “Faith is preserved by piety, and destroyed by greed.”
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “The best definition of piety is given in Allah’s words: “Allah commands justice, the doing of good…” (The Holy Qu’ran: Nahl 16:90).  And further said: “Be pious, since piety is absolute goodness.”  “Whoever likes to be the noblest of the people must be pious”.
Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: Act as if you have realized the truth.”  “Whoever does not fulfill his promises is not religious.  Whoever is not trustworthy does not have faith.  The prayers of those who do not pay alms tax are not accepted.  The payment of the alms tax by one who is not pious is not effective.
The Imam (a.s.) further stated: “Allah never appointed anyone to Prophet Hood unless he was honest and trustworthy.  And we must return what we are entrusted with to its owner whether he is a good-doer or evil-doer.”
The Imam (a.s.) further stated: “Consider what Ali (a.s.) got when he was with the Prophet (s.a.w.a), and protect these things.  Beware that he only got these things through honesty and trustworthiness.”
“Invite the people to the religion by means other than plain talk.  Let them see your hard work, honesty and piety.”
“The people shall not find any position near Allah (swt) except through their efforts, and they will not be our friends, except through piety.  On Judgment Day, one who admires a just man but acts otherwise and follows others will be most sorry.”
Al-Fuzal stated that Imam Ja’far ibn Mohammed al-Sadiq (a.s.) told him: “O’ Fuzal! Whenever you see one of our followers, express our greetings and tell him that he shall not find any position near Allah (swt) except through piety.  Therefore be careful about what you say, and what you do. Be persevering and pray since Allah (swt) is with those who persevere.”
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) said: “Whoever faces the Qibla, and eats what is slaughtered according to our directions, and believes in our Prophets, and witnesses to what we witness to, and enters into our religion will be treated according to the Quranic decrees and Islamic ordinances.  No one is superior to others except through piety.  Beware that the pious ones have the best divine reward and the best ending.”
Jul 1, '11 11:12 AM
for everyone
The following is the excerpt from a letter of the late Ayatollah Khomeni to his son Ahmad, may Allah be please with them.
Giving of loan to those who are in need is highly encouraged in a number of Qur’anic verses (Aayaat) and Traditions (Hadeeths) of the Infallibles (Masoomins) (a.s.).  This good deed carries a lot of reward and the Almighty Allah (swt) has promised to increase its value manifold in this world and reward it honorably in the Hereafter.
Such loans must be interest free.  Taking of interest and usury is forbidden in Islam.  The Holy Qur’an clearly states that “Allah has permitted trading but forbidden Ribaa (usury)’’ (The Holy Qur’an 2:279)
Some Qur’aanic verses on the benefits of giving loan to the needy and being considerate to debtors if they are in difficulty are:  “ Who is it that will offer to Allah a goodly loan, so He will multiply it for him manifold, and Allah is He who decreases and increases the provision) and to Him you shall (all) be returned.” (The Holy Qur’an 2:245)
Be considerate to a debtor who is in difficulty by giving him/her extra time.  If he/she is still unable to repay, then convert the loan to charity (sadaqah) for that is good and highly rewarding for the creditor.  “And if (the debtor) is in difficulty, then let there be granting of time till it is easy (for him to repay); but if you (change) it to charity, that is better for you, only if you knew it.” (The Holy Qur’an 2:280).
Among the promises, which the Almighty took from Jews, was that they would grant goodly loan to the needy.  In return Allah (swt) promised them to keep them in His Mercy, conceal their evil deeds and enter them into Paradise
“Certainly Allah took a covenant from the children of Israel, and We appointed among them twelve leaders; and Allah said: Surely I am with you if you perform as-Salat; pay az-Zakaat, believe in My messengers; honor and assist them and give to Allah a goodly loan.  I will surely cover your evil deeds, and will surely cause you to enter into gardens beneath which river flows. But he who disbelieves amongst you after this then he has certainly gone astray from the right way.” (The Holy Qur’an 57:11)
Giving loan is increased manifold and this is followed by a good reward in the Hereafter.  “Who is he that will lend Allah a good loan; then He will increase it manifold for him, and (in addition) he shall have an honorable reward (The Holy Qur’an 57:11)
Giving of goodly loan has been mentioned along with giving of charity.  This shows that lending money to the needy is no less than charity: “Surely those who give charity, men and women and give Allah a goodly loan, it shall be increased manifold and (additionally) they shall have an honorable reward”.  (The Holy Qur’an 57:18)
Giving of goodly loan will help us in being forgiven by Allah (swt)“If you give Allah a goodly loan.  He will increase for you manifold and forgive you; and Allah is most appreciative (of rewards) and All-Forbearing. (The Holy Qur’an 64:17)
“A goodly loan that is given to the needy will be found with Allah, better and greater in reward.  So recite as much of the Qur’an as may be easy, and perform as-Salaat and give as-Zakaat, and give Allah a goodly loan. And whatever good you send on beforehand for yourselves, you will surely find it with Allah, better and greater in reward; and seek forgiveness of Allah; surely Allah is All Forgiving, All-Merciful” (The Holy Qur’an 73:20)
(Extracted from Jaf’ari Observer for the benefits of the Momineens)
Jul 1, '11 11:10 AM
for everyone
The following is the excerpt from a letter of the late Ayatollah Khomeni to his son Ahmad, may Allah be please with them.
Giving of loan to those who are in need is highly encouraged in a number of Qur’anic verses (Aayaat) and Traditions (Hadeeths) of the Infallibles (Masoomins) (a.s.).  This good deed carries a lot of reward and the Almighty Allah (swt) has promised to increase its value manifold in this world and reward it honorably in the Hereafter.
Such loans must be interest free.  Taking of interest and usury is forbidden in Islam.  The Holy Qur’an clearly states that “Allah has permitted trading but forbidden Ribaa (usury)’’ (The Holy Qur’an 2:279)
Some Qur’aanic verses on the benefits of giving loan to the needy and being considerate to debtors if they are in difficulty are:  “ Who is it that will offer to Allah a goodly loan, so He will multiply it for him manifold, and Allah is He who decreases and increases the provision) and to Him you shall (all) be returned.” (The Holy Qur’an 2:245)
Be considerate to a debtor who is in difficulty by giving him/her extra time.  If he/she is still unable to repay, then convert the loan to charity (sadaqah) for that is good and highly rewarding for the creditor.  “And if (the debtor) is in difficulty, then let there be granting of time till it is easy (for him to repay); but if you (change) it to charity, that is better for you, only if you knew it.” (The Holy Qur’an 2:280).
Among the promises, which the Almighty took from Jews, was that they would grant goodly loan to the needy.  In return Allah (swt) promised them to keep them in His Mercy, conceal their evil deeds and enter them into Paradise
“Certainly Allah took a covenant from the children of Israel, and We appointed among them twelve leaders; and Allah said: Surely I am with you if you perform as-Salat; pay az-Zakaat, believe in My messengers; honor and assist them and give to Allah a goodly loan.  I will surely cover your evil deeds, and will surely cause you to enter into gardens beneath which river flows. But he who disbelieves amongst you after this then he has certainly gone astray from the right way.” (The Holy Qur’an 57:11)
Giving loan is increased manifold and this is followed by a good reward in the Hereafter.  “Who is he that will lend Allah a good loan; then He will increase it manifold for him, and (in addition) he shall have an honorable reward (The Holy Qur’an 57:11)
Giving of goodly loan has been mentioned along with giving of charity.  This shows that lending money to the needy is no less than charity.  : “Surely those who give charity, men and women and give Allah a goodly loan, it shall be increased manifold and (additionally) they shall have an honorable reward”.  (The Holy Qur’an 57:18)
Giving of goodly loan will help us in being forgiven by Allah (swt). “If you give Allah a goodly loan.  He will increase for you manifold and forgive you; and Allah is most appreciative (of rewards) and All-Forbearing. (The Holy Qur’an 64:17)
“A goodly loan that is given to the needy will be found with Allah, better and greater in reward.  So recite as much of the Qur’an as may be easy, and perform as-Salaat and give as-Zakaat, and give Allah a goodly loan. And whatever good you send on beforehand for yourselves, you will surely find it with Allah, better and greater in reward; and seek forgiveness of Allah; surely Allah is All Forgiving, All-Merciful” (The Holy Qur’an 73:20)
(Extracted from Jaf’ari Observer for the benefits of the Momineens)
Jul 1, '11 11:04 AM
for everyone
To be an intelligent man ……………Fear Allah (swt)

To be a loyal servant to Allah (swt) and to do what he wants us to do…………….Read the Holy Qu’ran

To be enlightened and have a peace of heart………Remember Death

To be protected against enemies ……Trust in Allah

To follow the Straight Path…….. Do good to others for Allah’s sake

What to do so that Allah (swt) does not abase one……..Do not respond to desires of your flesh

To have a long life…..Praise and thank Allah (swt)

For Prosperity………….Be in a state of ablution at all times

How to save oneself from Hellfire ……..Protect your eyes, your tongues, your hands and what is below your waistline against evil

To cleanse oneself from sins……….Shed tears for what you have done and repent by undoing what you have done wrong

To be a respectable person……………Then don’t divulge the wrong doings of anybody

To protect oneself from the tortures of the grave………….Recite Sur’ah Mulk

To become rich……………Read Su’rah Muzammil

To calm the fear of the Day of Last Judgment……….. Remember Allah (swt) before you eat anything and before you sleep

To feel the presence of Allah when making prayers………..Give the utmost care in taking your ablutions and in being clean and pure
Jul 1, '11 10:54 AM
for everyone
قالَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَلِيُّ ابْنُ أَبِي طالِبٍ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ):تَعَّلَمُوا الْقُرآنَ فَإِنَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْحَدِيثِ وَ تَفَقَّهُوا فِيهِ فَإِنَّهُ رَبِيعُ الْقُلُوبِ وَ اسْتَشْفُوا بِنُورِهِ فَإِنَّهُ شِفاءُ الصُّدُورِ وَاحْسِنُوا تِلاوَتَهُ فَإِنَّهُ أَنْفَعُ الْقَصَصِ.
Amirul Mu’minin ‘Ali ibne Abi Talib (peace be upon him) has said: “Learn the Qur’an for it is the best of narrations, and understand it thoroughly for it is the best blossoming of the hearts.  Seek cure with its’ Light for it is the cure of the hearts.  Recite it beautifully for it is the most beneficial of narrations.”

The Youth
قال رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه وآله و سلّم: ألشباب شعبة من الجنون
The Messenger of Allāh (s.w.t.) has said: “The period of the youth is from the stages of obsession.”

Jul 1, '11 10:51 AM
for everyone

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): فَإِذا أَلْتَبَسَتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الْفِتَنُ كَقَطْعِ الْلَّيْلِ الْمُظْلِمَ فَعَلَيْكُمْ بِالْقُرآنِ فَإِنَّهُ شافِع مُشَفَّع وَ ماحَلّ مُصَدِّق وَ مَنْ جَعَلَهُ أَمامَهُ قادَهُ إِلـى الْجَنَّةِ وَ مَنْ جَعَلَهُ خَلْفَهُ ساقَهُ إِلـى النّارِ.
The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “Whenever the waves of calamities encompass you like the dark night, seek refuge with the Qur’an - for it is an intercessor whose intercession will be accepted.  One who takes it as a guide, Allah will lead that person into Heaven; and whoever disregards it or goes against it, will be lead into the Hell fire.”
By Sayyid Mustafa Qazwini

Describing God
One of the shortest chapters of the Qur'an, "The Oneness of God",summarizes the nature of God in five verses:
            In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the Most Merciful

            Say, He is Allah, the One

            Allah, the Eternal

            He begets not, nor was He begotten

            And there is nothing at all comparable to Him.  

The most fundamental Islamic teachings about God are contained in these verses, i.e. that there is only one God Who is eternal, unique, and has no blood relation to any human beings.  Different prophets also gave their own descriptions of God which are also related in the Qur'an.  Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) says:  "My Lord is He Who gives life and causes death."  (2:258) After him, Moses (peace be upon him), when confronting the Pharaoh, says:  "Our Lord is He Who gave each thing its form and nature then guided it aright."  (20:50) These two verses both describe Allah in His relation to human beings, but of course Allah's being extends far beyond His relation to mankind.  

Imam 'Ali (peace be upon him) has also described Him thus:

He who assigns to Him different conditions does not believe in His oneness, nor does he who likens Him grasp His reality.  He who illustrates Him does not signify Him; he who points at Him and imagines Him does not mean Him.  Everything that is known through itself has been created, and everything that exists by virtue of other things is the effect of a cause.  He works, but not with the help of instruments; He fixes measures, but not with the activities of thinking; He is rich, but not by acquisition.  Time does not keep company with Him, and implements do not help Him.  His being precedes time, His existence precedes non-existence, and His eternity precedes beginning.  By His creating the senses, it is known that He has no senses. 

By the contraries in various matters, it is known that He has no contrary, and by the similarity between things it is known that there is nothing similar to Him.  He has made light the contrary of darkness, brightness that of gloom, dryness that of moisture, and heat that of cold.  He produces affection among inimical things....  He is not confined by limits nor counted by numbers.  Material parts can surround things of their own kind, and organs can point out things similar to themselves....  Through them, the Creator manifests Himself to the intelligence, and through them He is guarded from the sight of the eyes....  He has not begotten anyone lest He be regarded as having been born.  He has not been begotten, otherwise He would be contained within limits.  He is too high to have sons....  Understanding cannot think of Him so as to give Him shape....

Allah expresses His own eternity and perpetuity Himself:  "Every thing on earth shall perish, but the face of Allah will remain, full of majesty and honor."  (55:26-27)

Jul 1, '11 10:43 AM
for everyone
              A ‘CHAT’ WITH GOD………………

   God:           Hello did you call me?

    Me:             Called you? No. Who is this?

    God:           This is God, I heard your prayers.  So I thought I will chat

Me:                      I do pray.  Just makes me feel good.  I am actually busy now. I   am in the midst of something

God:           What are you busy at? Ants are busy too...

Me:             Don’t know.  But I can’t find free time.  Life has been hectic. Its rush hour all the time.

God:           Sure.  ‘Activity gets you busy ’But ‘productivity gets you results’
                   Activity consumes time. PRODUCTIVITY FREES IT

Me:             I understand.  But I still can’t figure out.  By the way, I was not expecting YOU TO BUZZ ME ON INSTANT MESSAGING CHAT

God:           Well I wanted to resolve your fight for time, by giving you some clarity.  In this net era, I wanted to reach you through the medium you are comfortable with.

Me:             Tell me why life has become complicated now?

God:           Stop analyzing life.  Jut live it.  Analysis is what makes it complicated?

Me:             Why are we then constantly unhappy?

God:           Your today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday.  You are worrying because you are analyzing.  Worrying has become your habit.  That’s why you are not happy.

Me:             But how can we not worry when there is no much uncertainty?
God:           Uncertainty is inevitable, but worrying is optional

Me:             But then, there is so much paid due to uncertainty

God:           Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional       

Me:             If suffering is optional, why do good people always suffer?

God:          Diamonds cannot be polished without friction.  Gold cannot be purified without fire.  Good people go through trials, but don’t suffer. With that experience their life becomes better not bitter.

Me:             You mean to say such experience is useful?

God:           Yes.  In every term, experience is a hard teacher.  She gives the test first and the lessons afterwards.

Me:             But still, why should we go through such tests?  Why can’t we be free from problems?

God:           Problems are ‘Purposeful Roadblocks Offering Beneficial Lessons to Enhance Mental Strength.  Inner Strength comes from struggle and endurance, not when you are free from problems.

Me:             Frankly in the midst of so many problems, we don’t know where we are heading.

God:           If you look outside you will not know where you are heading.  Look inside.  Looking outside, you dream.  Looking inside, you awaken. Eyes provide sight.  Heart provides insight.

Me:            Sometimes not succeeding fast seems to hurt more than moving in the right direction.  What should I do?

God:           Success is a measure as decided by others.  Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you.  Knowing the road ahead is more satisfying than knowing you rode ahead.  You work with the compass.  Let others work with clock.

Me:             In tough times, how do you stay motivated?

God:           Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go.  Always count your blessings, not what you are missing.

Me:             What surprises you of people?

God:           When they suffer they ask “why me?”  When they prosper, they never ask ‘why me”.  Everyone wishes to have truth on their side, but few want to be on the side of the truth.

Me:             Sometimes, I ask, who am I, why am I here, I can’t get the answer.

God:           Seek not to find who you are, but to determine who you want to be.  Stop guessing as to why you are here, but look where you are heading.  You are not in this world forever.  Remember one day you will die and face the Day of Judgment.  Keep in mind your Ultimate Destination and prepare yourself for it.  Life is not a process of discovery but a process of preparation for your eternal life after death.

Me:             How can I get best of life?

God:           Face your past without regret.  Handle your present with confidence.  Prepare for the future without fear.

Me:             One last question.  Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.

God:           There are no unanswered prayers.  At times the answer is ‘No’ as it will be best for you in future times.

Me:             Thank you for this wonderful chat.  I am so happy to start the day with a new sense of inspiration

God:           Well, keep the faith and drop the fear.  Don’t believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs.  Life is a mystery to solve not a problem to resolve.  Trust me.  Life is wonderful if you know how to live.  
Wisdom is the light of gnosis, the measure of fearful awareness and the fruit of truthfulness, Allah (swt) has not given any of his servants a greater, more favorable, generous, lofty or more splendid blessings than wisdom for the heart.  In Allah (swt)’s words:
“He grants wisdom to whom He pleases and whoever is granted wisdom, he indeed is given a great good and none but men of understanding remember (The Holy Qur’an, 2:269)
That is only the one whom I singled out My sake and whom I have designated for it knows what wisdom I have reserved and prepared. 
Wisdom is the rescue, steadiness at the beginning of the affair and a firm stance at the end.  It makes Allah (swt) creatures aspire to Him. And the Messenger of Allah (swt) said to Ali (a.s.):
“That Allah (swt) should guide one of His slaves at your hands is better for you than everything the sun shines upon, from east to west.”
(Source ‘Lantern of Path’ attributed to Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.)
The Eight Imam Ali ibn Musa ar-Reza (a.s.) instruct his followers:
“Imam Ali ibn Musa ar-Reza (a.s.) to Abd al-Azim al Hasani:
‘O ‘Abd al Azm! Send my regards to my friends and tell them not be tempted by Satan and instruct them to be truthful and trustful, recommend them to be silent and refrain from useless discussions and arguments and to be close to each other and to visit each other because that would make them close to me, they should not be busy in annihilating each other; because I have sworn that whoever would do that and would make one of my friends angry, I would request Allah (swt) to punish him in this world very severely and would be among the losers in the Hereafter.  Tell them that the Beneficent Allah has forgiven their sins, except the sins of those who were polytheists’, or persecuted one of my friends or would have bad intentions in regard to him.  In these cases Allah (swt) would not forgive him unless he would repent and stop doing evil actions.  If he would not repent, he would become faithless and would lose our friendship and love.  I take refuge in Allah (swt), against that
(Source: “Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.) in the Holy Qur’an and Hadith” by Muhammedi Rayshahri)

A person asked Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) to explain the meaning of Sajdahs in the salaat.
The Imam (a.s.) said: “When a person performs the first Sajdah, he is actually telling Allah (swt):
MINHAA KHALAQTANEE; (You have created me from it i.e. dust)
The he raises his head from Sajdah he is telling:
“MINHAA AKHRAJTANEE” (You have removed me from it i.e. dust)
Then again he goes into the second Sajdah he is telling:
“WA ILAIHAA TA’EEDUNEE’ (You will return me into it i.e. dust)
And finally when he raises his head up again he is saying:
“WA MINHAA TUKHRIJUNEE TAARATAN UKHRAA” (And you will remove me from it i.e. dust again for the second time)
(Source Bihar al-Anwar)
Throughout the actions of performing Sajdahs the concentration is only on one fact that our creation, return and coming back to life is related to dust.  We are nothing but inferior before the Almighty Great Allah (swt)
We thus acknowledge this through the kind of Dhikr that we recite in Sajdahs:
(Glory and all praise be to my Lord who is the Most High)
Secondly: Sajdah is the physical action which gets soul of a servant closer to Allah (swt).  In other words, it is through Sajdah that one attains the closest proximity of Allah (swt).  That is what Allah (swt) has Himself said:
“Perform the Sajdah and get closer (to Me)”.
The Holy Qur’an 96:19)
Sa’eed bin Yassar asked Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): “Should I pray (for myself) when I am in Rukoo or in Sajdah?  The Imam (a.s.) replied: “Pray when you are in Sajdah, for verily a servant is close to Allah when he is in Sajdah.  Pray for your world and for your Hereafter”. Whenever we perform Sajdah, we must strive to extend it as much as possible (for longer duration).  Because Sajdah reminds our enemy Iblees (Satan) about his disobedience to Allah (swt) and the reason for his banishment from Paradise.
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: “Verily when a servant prolongs his prostrations in a manner that no one sees him, Shaytan says: ‘Woe unto me! They are obedient and I disobeyed.  They prostrated and I refused.”
In the month of Rajab; exactly four months remained for Hajj. During the time of Hajj, people from every corner of the country would come for pilgrimage to Makkah. He could then easily convey his message to the people, Imam Hussain (pbuh) knew that if he were to start his Qiyam and struggle from Makkah, all the world of Islam would become aware of his objectives and then it would not be so easy for the regime to deceive the people about him and his aims.
Imam Hussain (pbuh) determined to leave Madina for Makkah at the earliest opportunity before the Governor and related officials had any knowledge of his intentions of departure.
This decision was announced before the members of his family and was a secret matter. However, the other people belonging to the tribe of Banu Hashim soon came to know about the matter and came to visit Imam Hussain (pbuh). After coming to know about the reasons of this sudden journey, they expressed their views in opposition to Imam Hussain's decision, either because they were afraid that he would get killed, or because they were not courageous enough to follow him. But his resolve to uphold the right was not shaken by such objections or threats.
Ummal Momineen Janabe Salma one of the Prophets wives, clung to him and adjured him not to go. Then told him, quoting from the Apostle of God (pbuh) that he would be martyred. Imam Hussain (pbuh) informed her soothingly, "Indeed, I know I am going to be martyred, mother."
There were two persons among the visitors with whom Imam Hussain had a lengthy conversation and upon whose lives his decision had a direct impact. The first of them was Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyyah, the eldest of his brothers who, after conferring with Imam Hussain (pbuh) wanted to accompany him on this fateful journey. Imam Hussain (pbuh), however, told him to stay and send him the reports of everyday events that passed in Madina during his absence. He told him that the only person who was capable of fulfilling this sensitive and dangerous responsibility of reporting about the reaction of the regime in Madina and the opinion of the masses there, as an aware and well-informed observer, was Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyyah. Therefore he had to stay behind and carry out this duty assigned to him.
The second person was Zainabe Kubra (s.a.) his younger sister, the wife of Abdullah son of Ja'far. When she saw that Imam Hussain's decision was final and that nobody could make him turn away from it. She was deeply moved, with, grief choking her, voice and tears in her eyes, she spoke to him in these words: "Dear brother! After Grandfather [Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)], Father [Imam Ali (pbuh)], Mother [Bibi Fatima (pbuh)] and Brother Hassan (pbuh), only you remain to console my heart and of all of them it is only you who are left. I cannot bear your separation. How can I stay here with unbearable worry and anxiety about what may happen? Is it not possible that I might be of some service to you if I come along?"
Imam Hussain (pbuh) replied: "No sister. You are a woman with a house, husband and children to take care of. Your husband is an illustrious man. I am not the one to decide about your affairs. It is Abdullah son of Ja'far who can give you the permission. As to myself, I have no alternative but to leave."
Abdullah son of Ja'far (who was himself suffering from sickness at that time) agreed to Zainab's accompanying her brother on the journey. Not only this, he sent two of his sons Aun and Muhammad to accompany her by saying; "Aun will represent his maternal Grandfather Imam Ali (pbuh) and the other will represent his paternal Grandfather Ja'far-e-Tayyar."
Less than thirty hours after his meeting with the governor, Imam Hussain (pbuh) was prepared to leave. As he was making his preparations, he was brought the news that the governor had summoned all other persons who had opposed Yazid's allegiance and conferred with them. One of the opponents of the regime, Abdullah son of Al-Zubayr had secretly left for Makkah the night before. He was pursued by the Government's men who could not trace him since he had not used the usual road to Makkah.
Not more than a few hours were left for his departure when for the last time he visited the tombs of his Grandfather, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his mother, Bibi Fatima (pbuh) & his brother Imam Hassan Mujtaba (pbuh).
As he was returning, he met Marwan on the way who told him: "I want to give you some advice. I think it is best for your worldly life as well as your Hereafter that you accept to give allegiance to Yazid. Do not put yourself and your relatives into trouble." "Inna Lillahe wa Inna Ilaihe Raje'oon, And bid farewell to Islam?" replied Imam Hussain (pbuh).
If Marwan did not understand Imam Hussain's words, others understood afterwards. Obviously Imam Hussain (pbuh) wanted to say, "If I agree to support Yazid's corrupt Government, then Islam will be wiped out without any trace. Opposition to Yazid may prove to be costly, but anyhow we would have saved our Hereafter. Indeed everything comes from God and returns unto Him."
Just before Imam Hussain (pbuh) left Madina,Janabe Ummal Banin  the mother of Abbas (pbuh). Summoned all her four sons (Abbas, Abdulla, Ja'far and Uthman) and said to them, "My sons you must remember that, Imam Hussain (pbuh) is your Master. If Imam or his sisters or his children get injured or hurt while you are still alive, I will never forgive you." There were tears in Abbas's eyes as he promised his mother that he and his brothers would lay down their lives for Imam Hussain (pbuh) and his children.
Two days remaining until the end of the month of Rajab  on the night of Sunday, Imam Hussain (pbuh) left Madina for Makkah with a most simple caravan together with his family and a few companions. As he left, this verse of Quran was on his lips, a verse which relates the story of Moses (pbuh) as he fled from Pharaoh's Egypt: He therefore got away there from, looking about, in a state of fear. He prayed "O my Lord! Save me from people given to wrong-doing." Holy Quran (28:21)
The night passed, and, as the travelers drew away from Madina, the sun came up. One of the relatives came to Imam Hussain (pbuh) and suggested that the caravan leave the highway for the danger of being stopped by pursuers: "It is possible that they might pursue us like Abdullah son of Al-Zubayr and catch up with us and cause us trouble." Apparently the suggestion was a good one. But Imam Hussain (pbuh), in view of the open and sublime nature of his objectives replied, "I will never deviate from the right way. And you too, friend of Hussain, always choose the right road and move straight. God will be your protector. There is no danger of losing the way as long as you chose to travel on the straight highway!"
The caravan completed its five day journey from Madina to Makkah and entered the city on the 3rd of  Shaban,of the year 60 Hijrah. As he entered the city, Imam Hussain (pbuh) hopefully murmured this verse of the Quran - the words uttered by Prophet Moses (pbuh) as he entered Madyan fleeing Pharaoh's men: Then, when he turned his face towards (the land of) Madyan, he said: "I do hope that my Lord will show me the smooth and straight Path." Holy Quran (28:22) and there he chose to stay at the house of Al-Abbas son of Abdul Mutalib.
The news of his coming soon spread through the city and all men who held any significant social position hurried to see him. The governor of Makkah, other city officials and similarly many important personalities of the city came to pay a visit.
Soon, the busy hours of visitors rushing to see Imam Hussain (pbuh) came to pass and the days took a normal and relaxed aspect. It was during this time that most of the visitors wanted to find out Imam Hussain's views about Caliphate and the general political conditions of the time.
It did not take much time for the people to know that Imam Hussain's movement from Madina was a gesture of opposition to the regime and a protest against the orders sent from the Syrian court to the Governor of Madina. Very soon this news spread to all parts of the country; it reached the capital in Syria and other provinces.
Yazid become aware that Imam Hussain (pbuh) had made the determination to oppose his Government, even as he had refused before to give allegiance to this nomination as crown prince. He discussed the matter with his courtiers and asked them for advice. They held the opinion that it seemed inadvisable to take any hasty step. They advised that it was better to wait and discover the dimensions that Imam Hussain's opposition might take. It seemed possible that he would settle down in Makkah and maintain his silence as before. They suggested that any attempts at his persecution would only help to aggravate the prevailing situation. They reminded him about Muawiya's advice that if Imam Hussain (pbuh) continued his silence, it was sufficient for Yazid and that his persecution was inadvisable under any condition.
In the mean time the news about the political uprising in Kufa reached Makkah, and the leaders of the city wrote a letter in which they declared their opposition to the Umayyads rule, and they would not accept anybody else but Imam Hussain (pbuh) to rule them. This letter was followed twelve thousand (12,000) similar letters, Fruits have ripened and fields have become green. If you come you will have one thousand swords supporting you. If you do not come to us, we will dispute with you in front of God at doomsday.
Imam Hussain (pbuh) could neither blindly accept the call from Kufa, because he had seen how the people of Kufa had not come to his father's help when he needed them, and how they had mistreated his brother Imam Hassan (pbuh). The Kufees (people of Kufa) who were known for their unstable character and unsettled conduct, if later turn treacherous, the world would question Imam Hussain's ready response to their call without the necessary caution. Therefore Imam Hussain (pbuh) decided to send a deputy of his to Kufa to write to him after studying the sincerity in the invitation.
Jun 30, '11 12:09 PM
for everyone
As Salam Alaikum (May Peace Be Upon You),

      A central theme has come up in my journey this week and is ever evident in the list of articles I picked out to share with you.  People think and say many things.  What counts is the action you take behind these thoughts and words.  As Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "God forgives my followers those (evil deeds) their souls may whisper or suggest to  them as long as they do not act (on the suggestions) or speak (about them)"  
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Dawn E. Drumgoole
Public Relations
Islamic Information Center

The West

Islam is Orderly 
Musician and entertainer, Prince, says that he respects the order of Islamic countries and that telling citizens what to wear and do cannot be dismissed as just oppressive and wrong.  Prince is a Jehovah’s Witness, but says that people can’t do what they want all the time and that boundaries are needed.  He claims that it is fun to be in Islamic countries because there is only one religion.

Islamophobia on the Rise 
Mercury News

The University of California at Berkeley and a national Islamic rights group recently did a study and found that Americans’ favor rating toward Islam has dropped 10 percentage points, to 30 percent, since 2001.  Islamophobia is defined as prejudice or hatred of Islam and Muslims.  Hate crimes targeting Muslims has risen to almost 10 percent, although the report concluded that overall, America is not an Islamophobia nation.  

Middle East

U.S. Soldier Distributes Wheelchairs to Disabled Iraqi Children 
Stars and Stripes

Army Lieutenant Colonel, Vincent Barnhart, Division Surgeon, started an effort to distribute 100 wheelchairs to disabled Iraqi children in 2010.  He says that 95 percent of the kids who came for free wheelchairs suffered from childhood illnesses and birth defects, although some were roadside and suicide bomber victims.  Those wishing to donate wheelchairs or money can do so on the

Victory for Turkey’s Islamic-leaning Justice and Development (AKP) Party  
Turkey’s Prime Minister, Tayyip Erdogan, won a landslide victory this month, but was four votes shy of having a majority parliamentary vote to change the country’s constitution.  He says that a new constitution would be built on civil liberties, although some accuse him of authoritarian tendencies.  Mr. Erdogan desires to turn Turkey into a presidential republic and assured the Turkish people that he would be more moderate in this next period of leadership.

(excluding the Middle East)

The Obedient Wives Club

Indonesian Gina Pupsita, left a career in aircraft engineering to preach Islam and help young women build happier marriages through sex.  She shares her husband with three other women and says that being obedient also consists of meeting his sexual needs. The organization is open to women of all faiths and is gaining popularity throughout Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore.

 A Victory Over Terrorism 
 Known as the ”grandfather of Islamic militancy,” Indonesian cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, was found guilty of terrorism charges and sentenced to 15 years in prison.  He was arrested and tried on other occasions, including charges of bombings and financial support of terrorist organizations, but could never be directly linked to these activities.   Indonesian voters have expressed the desire for a secular government and this conviction is viewed as a strong step towards the intolerance of radical Islam and the opening for religious freedom.


Muhammad Abubakar, Sultan 
A rise in Islamic fundamentalism has led to deepening rifts between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria.  The Sultan of 70 million Nigerian Muslims, Muhammad Abubakar, also a former soldier, says that a small group of extremists does not represent the majority of peaceful Muslims living in West Africa.  He also claims that what is happening within the country is a result of political ambition and not religious crisis.  

Gaddafi Arrest Warrant Issued

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant for Muammar Gaddafi, his son, and spy chief, for violation of human rights, after the UN Security Council referred the case in February 2011.  Gaddafi remains defiant and in undisclosed locations.  Mustafa Abdel Jalil, head of Libya’s rebel National Transitional Council, hailed the decision and vowed to bring him to justice.

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Jun 30, '11 9:08 AM
for everyone
Whoever maintains brother relations with the poor and the needy and lets them partake in his wealth and behaves justlyly with the people is a real believer”
“Every good deed is charity.”
“Whoever would gives even one Dirham in charity in the way of Allah (swt), 700 good deeds in his account will be written by Allah (swt)”
“Sadaqah is the best benefaction.”
“Sadaqah is the bet accumulation”
“After the death of a Momeen the chapter of his accounts and activities is closed.  But there are three means through which his/her good deeds go on multiplying even after his/her death.  They are: 1) Sadaqah-e-Jariya (everlasting charity) such as building a Mosque, madrasa,etc.  2) Knowledge or the written work through which people are being benefited. 3) A noble offspring who prays for his/her parents.”
“Sadaqah saves from the wrath and fury of Allah (swt).”
“The earth on the day of Judgement would be like fire but the Sadaqah given by a momeen would shadow him”
Always give Sadaqah as due to it will be relieved from the Fire of Hell.”
“The givers of Sadaqah would be protected from the suffering of suffocation and heat of grave.
“Give charity even if it be a piece of date as it may also give some relief to a hungry.  Sadaqah erases the sins just as water extinguishes the fire.”
“Cure your patients with Sadaqah.”
“Diseases are increased when people avoid Sadaqah.”
“Sadaqah saves from epidemics ,accidental death, heart failure and other dreaded diseases.”
“Give Sadaqah and keep yourselves away from anguish and distress.
Allah (swt) will protect you from all sorts of sufferings and hardships and will give you power to overcome your enemies.”
“There is a key for each closed thing and Sadaqah is the key for opening the door of sustenance.”
“Momineens should start their morning with Sadaqah as no hardship can overtake it.”
“The best charity is that which is given after being self-sufficient.  First fulfill the needs of your family members.  The upper hand is better than the lower one.  The person who preserves first for his family members is not blamable in the eyes of Allah (swt).”
“Never return a beggar if he comes to you in the night till you give him something,”
“The reward (sawab) of Sadaqah is ten times, the reward of giving loan is 18 times, the reward of doing an act of benevolence is twenty times and doing any favour to relatives is 24 times.”
“”If Allah (swt) grants wealth and prosperity to a person, he should show kindness to his deserving kith and kin, should provide relief to the poor, should come to the assistance of those who are subjected to calamities, misfortunes and reverses, and should assist honest people to liquidate their debts, because only these merits will carry him/her to the zenith of virtues on this world and to height of excellence in the Hereafter.”
“One who spends in the way of Allah (swt) gets the rank of a Mujahid (crusader).”
“Give Sadaqah to get your sustenance.”
“A needy person is sent by Allah (swt).  Hence if one turns down his demand it is as if he has not honoured the words of Allah (swt) and whoever fulfills his demand would be reckoned amongst the givers to Allah (swt).”
“When someone gives Sadaqah to a needy who prays for the giver then surely his prayers is granted by Allah (swt).”
“If one support a Muslim family and procure food and dress for them and preserve their honour in society and is considered to be better than performing seventy recommended pilgrimages.”
“The Fourth Imam (a.s.) would pick up the Sadaqah from the hand of the beggar and smell and kiss them and then put it back in his hand.”
“Sadaqah and the acts of benevolence remove poverty and miseries and the life span of the giver is increased.”
“If people come to know the ill-effects of begging no one will ever ask for anything from anyone and if the giver of charity would know the goodness no one would ever turn down any person till he fulfill his needs.”
“Allah (swt) had ordained Hazarat Musa (a.s.) give regard to the beggars by giving them something otherwise ask for excuse in a nice manner, as a needy who comes to you is neither a man nor a Jin, but he is an angel of Allah (swt) who is sent by Him to test you in the wealth and bounties given to you.  So be aware of how you have treated him.”ur trustee in respect of our needy Shias.  The wealthy should preserve the respect due to us in respect of our needy Shias so that Allah (swt) may preserve them.
“It is reported by Imam Jaf’ar as-Sadiq (a.s.) that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “Charity in secret,quietens the wrath of fire from Allah (and keeps away 70 kinds of calamites.”
“Cursed is the man who is wealthy by the Grace of Allah (swt) but he does not take out Sadaqah.  Has none heard the saying of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that one dirham of charity is heavier than ten days of optional prayers.”
“The patient should give Sadaqah by his own hand and urge the taker to pray for him.”
“Sadaqah is the cause of increase in your earning and Allah (swt) will shower His bounties on you.”
“When Imam (a.s.) was asked that which act of benevolence is supreme, he replied that favour to a relative who is your enemy.”
“Imam Jaf’ar as- Sadiq (a.s.) said about a person who had given some dirham to another person for distributing amongst the needy, Imam (a.s.) said the distributor shall get the rewards equal to the person who had given the money.  Even if this Sadaqah were to pass through 70 hands all of them would get equal sawab.”
“The best day of pleasure for momeen is the day when he/she gives some substance in charity to his /her brother-in-Islam.”  and “Sadaqah given by a person with his own hand be it a half a date has more sawab then given after his death be it whole warehouses full of them.”
Jun 30, '11 8:49 AM
for everyone
                         KINDNESS TOWARDS PEOPLE
Kindness towards people, all the people, is among the recommended rituals that have been emphasized by our religion.  The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said: “My Lord has commanded me to be kind towards the people just as He has commanded me to fulfill obligatory (prayers)”.  Further said : “If a person does not have three things, his deeds are not complete: (spiritual) armor that prevents him for disobeying Allah (swt); noble character by which he shows kindness towards the people; and forbearance by which he repels the foolishness of the ignorant person.”
Kindness is not limited to the Muslims only.  It has been narrated that Imam Ali (a.s.) became a traveling companion of a non-Muslim on the way to Kufa. When they reached a crossroad, the Imam (a.s.) walked with him for a distance before saying farewell.  The non-Muslim asked him why he walked that extra distance, the Imam (a.s.) replied, “This is the right of companionship, i.e. see them through for a short distance when they are separated.  This is what our Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has ordered us to so.”
The man accepted Islam because of this noble gesture.
Similarly, we have heard from Imam Ali (a.s.) what could be considered as a historical precedence of social security that is so commonly practiced at present in the Western world.  Imam Ali (a.s.) did not differentiate between a Muslim and non-Muslim in the Islamic state.  The narrator said that one day an old blind person passed by him begging, Imam Ali (a.s.) asked, “What is this?”
Those who were around his said, “O, he is a Christian!”
Imam (a.s.) answered; “You have used him until he came old and incapable, and now you are depriving him (of the benefits).  “Provide for him for the public treasury.”
It has also been narrated from Imam Ja’far ibn Mohammed as-Sadiq (a.s.),  “ If a Jewish person comes to sit with you, make that a good meeting.”
“When you are in a funeral procession, let your mind be busy in pondering and humbleness and know that you will meet the same fate.”
“Refrain from seeking fame and striving for power, as these two invite man towards annihilation.”
“The sustenance which has become guaranteed (by Allah) must not make you so busy that you do not perform the obligatory acts of worship.”
“Allah answers our prayers in three ways: He says YES and gives what we want, He says NO and gives us better,He says WAIT and gives us the best.”
“Reconciliation of your differences is more worthy than all prayers and all fasting.”
“The worst servants of Allah are those who are two-faced and two-tongued; they praise their present friends and backbite the absent; they envy them for obtaining graces and disappoint them when they suffer a misfortune.”
“If you find a man deeply engrossed in prayers and fasting, do not start extolling his piety until you mark the level of his intelligence”
“The greatest man is he who never considers himself equal in value to the worldly life.  You bodies cannot be sold except in exchange for Paradise, therefore, do not sell for anything less than Paradise.”
“Beware of laziness and boredom for they prevent you from your share of this world and of the Hereafter.”
“The sign of a wise man is that he has three characteristics: he replies whenever he is queried, speaks with confidence when all others are at a loss to say anything and imparts advise which is good for his people.  And anyone who does not possess these three characteristics is stupid.  One who does not possess all these three qualities or at least one of them should not occupy the president’s chair in a meeting and if one who does not have any of the qualifications sits in that chair, he is stupid.”(Imam Ali a.s.)
Jun 30, '11 8:44 AM
for everyone
Abu Talib Peace be upon him, is one of the most victimized Mo’mins in the conspiracy against the Holy Ahul Bayt (a.s.).  This is inspite of the historical fact that he was the key person to support and defend the Holy Prophet (s.a,w.a) against the enemies of Islam in Makah.  This was not because of their blood relationship- he being the uncle of the Holy Prophet for the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) had many uncles – amongst them was Abu Lahab who, along with his wife, was among the staunchest enemies of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.).  (The Holy Qur’an in Sura Masad attacks them openly).
Abu Talib supported the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) because of he had great faith in His message being the last and final message from Allah (swt).  The faith of Abu Talib was expressed through his sayings which came in the form of poetry as he used to say “I verily know that the religion of Mohammed… Is the best among all religions (Tareekh ibn Katheer 3:42, Fat-h-al Barri fi Sharh, Saheeeh al-Bukhari 7:153, Al-Isaabah 4:116 and many other sources).
Janabe Abu Talib used to say:
“Verily Allah has honored His Prophet Mohammed, the most honored among Allah’s creatures is Ahmad, Allah has derived a name for Him from His name, So Allah is Mahmood and He is Muhammed.”
The enemies of the Ahlul Bayt, i.e. the Umayyad and the Abbasid governments and their cronies fabricated stories and false Ahadeeth (traditions) against Janabe Abu Talib accusing his to be ‘Kafir’.  However, this allegation was not acceptable to the Muslim people at large during the time of Mu’awiyah. Otherwise he could have mentioned in his war against Immam Ali (a.s.).  It was supported afterwards by fabricated narrations and publicized by Ummayad and Abbasid governments to harm the status of Immam Ali (a.s.) before the ignorant public.
The great status of Janabe Abu Talib in Islam is reflected in many sayings and actions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) who do not speak but what Allah (swt) commands them to.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) who “Never speaks out of a desire, but only from the revelation revealed on Him: (The Holy Qur’an, Sura an-Najam: 3) used to praise Abu Talib even after his death.  When Al-Abbas the uncle of the Prophet asked the Prophet: “What do you hope for Abu Talib?” the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) answered:
“All the good, I hope it from my Lord (for Abu Talib)” (Tathkirat al-Khawaas, 10) (Al-Ghadeer 7:374), The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) used to repeatedly praise Abu Talib.  Some of those occasions are narrated by Sunni Scholars such a s Ibn Hishaam in ‘Seerat ibn Hisaam’ (1:300)
The reason for allegation against Abu Talib was clarified by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) when he told Immam Ali (a.s.): ‘O Ali, you have an example from my brother Easa (Jessus) (a.s.); as the Jews hated him, they accused his mother.” (kanz al-Ummal by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi).  The enemies of Immam Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) also accused his father with false allegations as the Jews had accused  Easa’s mother.
Immam Ali (a.s.) said: “By Allah, Abu Talib was a faithful Muslim (Mo’min), keeping his faith secretly, not to cause Bani Hashim harm from the Quraish boycott.” (Al-Hujjah 24, Al-Ghadeer 7:389, Mo’jam al-Qoboor 1:200).
Immam Ali (a.s.) also said: “By Him who sent Mohammed as a Prophet.  If my father’s intercession is given to forgive all the sinners on earth, Allah will forgive all of them.” (Tathkirat al-Khawaas),11).
The Fourth Immam Ali ibn Hussain al-Sajjad (a.s.) was asked by a person about people who claim that Abu Talib was a ‘Kafir’, The Immam (a.s.) replied: “It is really very strange, are they attacking Abu Talib or the Messenger of Allah was ordered by Allah in many verses not to leave a Mo’mina (believer lady) with a Kafir husband, and no one doubts that Fatima bint Asad was from the best believing ladies and she was Abu Talib’s wife till he died “(ibn Abil Hadeed in Sharh Nahjul Balagha 3:312, Shaukh al-Abtah 76).
The Fifth Immam Muahammed ibn Ali al-Baqir (a.s.) said: “If the faith (iman) of Abu Talib is put in a scale against the faith of all people, the faith of Abu Talib will be more weighty.  Don’t you know the Ameerul Mominin Immam Ali (a.s.) used to send people to perform Hajj on  behalf of Abdullah and Aaminah (The Holy Prophet’s parents) and Abu Talib as long as Immam Ali was alive, then he made a will to continue that after his death.”  It is obvious that Hajj can only be performed on behalf of a believer
The Sixth Immam Ja’far ibn Mohammed al-Sadiq (a.s.) when a person told him, ‘People are claiming that Abu Talib is in a shallow in the fire,’ said the Immam (a.s.) “They are lying...  Surely, Abu Talib is like the people of the cave who kept their faith secret and showed polytheism, so Allah doubled their reward twice.”  The Immam (a.s.) also said “The enemies of Allah are lying, Abu Talib (in the paradise), is with the Prophets, truthful, martyrs and pious people, who are the best to be with.
The seventh Immam (a.s.) was asked by by Dorost ibn abi Mansour: ‘What was the state of Abu Talib?” The Immam (a.s.) replied: “He believed in the Prophet and in all the message that he brought from Allah, and handed The Wills to him. “ (Al Abas 18, Al-Gadheer 7:395, Abu Talib by Al-Khunaizi 262). This is very important statement from an infallible Immam that Abu Talib had The Wills which are kept with the most pious person in very age, so they are kept with Abu Talib before the Prophet hood of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)and were handed over by Abu Talib to the Holy Prophet(s.a.w.a.). This great status of Janabe Abu Talib is much above and high than the status of other believers; this is the reason the Imamm (a.s.) said that the Iman (faith) of Abu Talib is more weighty that the Imaan of all the creatures. (sheikh-al Abtah 32),
The Eight Immam (a.s.) received a letter from Abann bin Mahmood writing that he has a doubt about Abu Talib whether he was a Muslim or not.  The Immam (a.s.) wrote to him this verse from the Holy Qur’an: “And whoever contradicts and opposes the messenger and takes a way different from the way of the believers, we will leave him with whom he is following and cast him in hell and it is the worst destination.” (The Holy Qur’an 4:115).  Then the Immam (a.s.) wrote: “if you do not believe that Abu Talib was a believer, your destination will be in the fire”.
Alleging that Abu Talib was non-believer is tantamount to contradicting and opposing the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) who knew Abu Talib’s great status and hence praised him all along.  It also amounts to hurting the Holy prophet (s.a.w.s.) by insulting his noble uncle, guardian and protector of Islam who was attached to him till the end of his left.
Hurting the Holy Prophet(saws.)is a major sin as mentioned in His Hadeeth. 
Jun 30, '11 8:39 AM
for everyone
Islam accords great importance to Friday.  While all days of the week belong to Allah (swt), Friday stands out for its significance.
1.     Immam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) informs:  “Allah has created the Prophets (s.a.w.a.) and the successors (a.s.) on Friday.
2.     Immam Muhammed Baqir (a.s.) narrates: “ Friday has been named as Juma’h  because on this day Allah assembled all the creatures and extracted a covenant from them concerning His Unity (Tauheed), the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w.a) and the guardianship of Ameerul Momenen – Ali b.Abi Talib (a.s.)
3.     The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) informs: “Friday is the day of worship.  So worship Allah as much as possible on that day”.
4.     Immam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) explains: “Friday is the day of Eid for the Muslims.  It is greater in merit than Eid ul Fitr and Eid uz Zoha.  The greatest of Eid is Eid-e-Ghadeer which falls on 18th Zihajj and even that incident occurred on a Friday.  Our Qaim the 12th Immam (a.t.f.s.) will also reappear on Friday.  Even the Day of Judgment will come to pass on Friday”.
5.     The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) declared: “ Friday is the chief of all days”
6.     Immam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) revealed: “The excellence of Fridays of the month of Ramazan over Fridays of other months is like the superiority of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) over other Prophets”.
7.     Friday is associated with Hazart Wali-e-Asr our 12th Immam (a.t.f.s.).  Sitr ibne Abi Daif met Immam Ali Naqi (a.s.) while he was in Mutawakkil Abbasi’s prison (may Allah curse him). Sitr inquired: “O my master, there is a tradition from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) the meaning of which is not clear for me, Immam (a.s.) asked him to narrate the tradition.  Sitr recounted:  ‘Don’t disobey the days; else the days will disobey you.  Immam Ali Naqi (a.s.) clarified: “yes in this tradition the days refer to us i.e. Immams (a.s.) unitl the time the heavens and the earth survive.  Then Saturday refers to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), Sunday refers to Ameerul Momeneen (a.s.), Monday refers to Hasnain (a.s.) and other days of the week refer to rest of the Immams (a.s.) and Friday refers to my grandson (Immam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) who will be surrounded by a group of the truthful ones.  This is the meaning of the days, therefore to not disobey them else in the hereafter they shall disobey you.”       
Jun 30, '11 8:33 AM
for everyone
There are many Hadees which recommend Dua (supplication).  Here we present a few examples extracted from the book ‘Oddatol Daee’.  The Asset of Supplicant by Sheikh Ahmad ibn Fahd Helli.
1.     Hassan ibn Sdair says: “I asked Immam Mohammad ib ali al- Baqer (a.s.) which prayer is more virtuous?  The Immam (a.s.) said: “Nothing is more praiseworthy to Allah than a servant’s request and no one is more detested than one who refrains from obeying Allah and asking something from Him”.
2.     Zarareh quotes Immam Muhammed ibn Ali al-Baqer (a.s.) as saying: “Allah says: those who refrain from worshipping Me will enter the Hell with disgrace.  Prayer, here, means Dua which is the best form of prayers.”
3.  Zareh says” I asked Immam (a.s.) further about the meaning of the Quranic verse: “Surely Ibrahim was very tender-hearted, and Forbearing:” The Immam (a.s.) said: “tender-hearted here means one Who frequently recites Dua”
3.     Ibn Ghadiah quotes Immam Ja’far ibn Mohmmed al-Sadeq (a.s.) as        
Saying “ Immam Ali (a.s.) says: “ The most praiseworthy deed on the earth is Dua, the best form of prayer is chastity.  An Immam Ali (a.s.) was an example as a man of abundant Dua.
4       Imam (a.s.) said “ Dua brings answer with it in the same way that Cloud brings rain”.
5       The Immam (a.s.) also asked “Can you distinguish between long-term and short-term affliction?  The Immam (a.s.) replied “No” but further added that “whenever one of you were inspired with Dua, know that the affliction will not last long”
6.     The Immam (a.s.) further stated that : “ The affliction of a believer
Who succeeds in Dua will be soon removed whereas the affliction of a believer who stops Dua will last long.  Therefore whenever an affliction befalls you, supplicate to Allah “.
7.     The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) says” “Seek help from Allah when in need, seek refuge with Him during afflictions, supplicate, and call upon Him, for Dua is the gist of prayer.   No believer calls upon Allah (swt) unless his call is answered in the following ways:
Either his request is granted in this world or he will receive it in the Hereafter, or his sins will be concealed to the extent of his Dua, provided he has not asked for a sinful act.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) also said: “The weakest person is one who forgets Dua and the most mean person is one who is miser in greeting others.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) asked: “Shall I introduce to you the most miser, the most sluggish, the most stealing person, the most oppressing and the most weak person”.
He replied: “The most miser person is one who visits a muslim but does not say Salam to him.  The most sluggish person is one who is in good health but does not praise Allah with his lips and tongue during leisure times.  The most stealing person is one who does not peform his prayer perfectly.  Such prayer is twisted and thrown at his fact like an old piece of cloth.  The most wrong doing person is one before who my name is said, but he does not send Allah’s greeting to me.  The weakest person is one who has forgotten Dua”.
8.     The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “The best prayer is Dua.  When Allah inspires someone with Dua, He opens the door of Mercy to him.  A man of Dua will never become wretched.
The Immam (a.s.) was asked: “Two worshippers begin their prayer at the same time.  One of them recites more verses from the Holy Qur’an and the other has more Dua.  They complete their prayers at the same time.  Which is more virtuous?   The Immam (a.s.) said: “Both are good and virtuous”.  But still the person wanted to know which one is better.  The Immam (a.s.) said: “ Dua is better.  Have you heard Allah (swt) saying: Call upon Me; I will answer you.  I will make enter into the Hell with disgrace those who refrain from worshipping Me.  By Allah Dua is as prayer.  By Allah dua is as the most profound prayer:
Immam (a.s.) also said: Allah inspired Adam (a.s.) saying: “I have collected everything from you in four words.  He said: “My Lord! What are those four words”?  Allah said: The first is due to Me, the second is due to you, the third is between you and Me, and the fourth is between you and people”.  Adam (a.s.) said: “My Lord, make them clear for me: “Allah said “What is due to Me, is your being a servant of Me.  What is due to you is that I will reward your deeds with you what you badly need.  And what concerns you and Me is that you recite Dua and I will answer you.  As for what concerns you and people, wish for others what you wish for yourself.”
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: Two persons whose deeds were the same entered paradise.  But one of the two sees the other superior.  Hence, he asked Allah (swt) My Lord! We have done the same deeds.  What is his superior position for? Allah (swt) said: “He requested from Me but you did not.”  The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “Request from Allah as much as you can for your request is not great for Allah.”   He further stated that “Request from Allah so that He will grant it.  Allah bestows blessings upon a group of His servants in return for their deeds and to another group in return for their sincere Duas.  Then He will gather both groups in Paradise.  The first group will say: “Our Lord! We were men of good deeds and You granted our requests but how about these people?  Allah (swt) will say: These are My servants.  I gave you your rewards fully.  These people too requested from Me and I have them a share of My abundant Grace and Mercy.  I will give to anyone I wish.”           
Jun 30, '11 2:24 AM
for everyone
Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allah shower him and his righteous family with never-ending blessings), if a person were to fast one day in this month for the belief and hope of reward from Allah (SWT), then he would have earned the pleasure of Allah (SWT) and the fast of that one day would put out the anger of Allah (SWT) and would cause the doors of the hellfire to be closed for him.
If the entire land were to be filled with gold and that gold was to be spent in the way of Allah (SWT), then even this act would not add up to the bounties of fasting just one day. There is not a single thing in the world that would perfect that person's reward except for good (from Allah (SWT)) as long as he was sincere to Allah (SWT) (in has fasting). When the evening time comes, ten of that person's prayers would be granted, and if he were to supplicate for anything of the worldly life, Allah (SWT) would give it to him, and if it were not given to him, then Allah (SWT) would preserve that which is greater (than what he supplicated for) and that which the friends, lovers and chosen ones of Allah have prayed to him for.
We pray to Allah (SWT) during this blessed month that we are able to supplicate to Him and that our supplications, especially that of the speedy return of our Imam and Master al-Mahdi al-Muntazar (May our souls be sacrificed for the dirt under his feet), are accepted. May Allah (SWT) give us all the strength and will-power to fast this entire month as a prelude to the month of Sha'ban - a month of blessings and mercy including the birth anniversary of the Savior of Humanity on the 15th of the Month, culminating with the Blessed month of Ramadan - the month of peace and tranquility.

In the month of Rajab; exactly four months remained for Hajj. During the time of Hajj, people from every corner of the country would come for pilgrimage to Makkah. He could then easily convey his message to the people, Imam Hussain (pbuh) knew that if he were to start his Qiyam and struggle from Makkah, all the world of Islam would become aware of his objectives and then it would not be so easy for the regime to deceive the people about him and his aims.
Imam Hussain (pbuh) determined to leave Madina for Makkah at the earliest opportunity before the Governor and related officials had any knowledge of his intentions of departure.
This decision was announced before the members of his family and was a secret matter. However, the other people belonging to the tribe of Banu Hashim soon came to know about the matter and came to visit Imam Hussain (pbuh). After coming to know about the reasons of this sudden journey, they expressed their views in opposition to Imam Hussain's decision, either because they were afraid that he would get killed, or because they were not courageous enough to follow him. But his resolve to uphold the right was not shaken by such objections or threats.
Janabe Umme Salma one of the Prophets wives, clung to him and adjured him not to go. Then told him, quoting from the Apostle of God (pbuh) that he would be martyred. Imam Hussain (pbuh) informed her soothingly, "Indeed, I know I am going to be martyred, mother."
There were two persons among the visitors with whom Imam Hussain had a lengthy conversation and upon whose lives his decision had a direct impact. The first of them was Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyyah, the eldest of his brothers who, after conferring with Imam Hussain (pbuh) wanted to accompany him on this fateful journey. Imam Hussain (pbuh), however, told him to stay and send him the reports of everyday events that passed in Madina during his absence. He told him that the only person who was capable of fulfilling this sensitive and dangerous responsibility of reporting about the reaction of the regime in Madina and the opinion of the masses there, as an aware and well-informed observer, was Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyyah. Therefore he had to stay behind and carry out this duty assigned to him.
The second person was Zainab-e-Kubra (PBUH) his younger sister, the wife of Abdullah son of Ja'far. When she saw that Imam Hussain's decision was final and that nobody could make him turn away from it. She was deeply moved, with, grief choking her, voice and tears in her eyes, she spoke to him in these words: "Dear brother! After Grandfather [Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)], Father [Imam Ali (pbuh)], Mother [Bibi Fatima (pbuh)] and Brother Hassan (pbuh), only you remain to console my heart and of all of them it is only you who are left. I cannot bear your separation. How can I stay here with unbearable worry and anxiety about what may happen? Is it not possible that I might be of some service to you if I come along?"
Imam Hussain (pbuh) replied: "No sister. You are a woman with a house, husband and children to take care of. Your husband is an illustrious man. I am not the one to decide about your affairs. It is Abdullah son of Ja'far who can give you the permission. As to myself, I have no alternative but to leave."
Abdullah son of Ja'far (who was himself suffering from sickness at that time) agreed to Zainab's accompanying her brother on the journey. Not only this, he sent two of his sons Aun and Muhammad to accompany her by saying; "Aun will represent his maternal Grandfather Imam Ali (pbuh) and the other will represent his paternal Grandfather Ja'far-e-Tayyar."
Less than thirty hours after his meeting with the governor, Imam Hussain (pbuh) was prepared to leave. As he was making his preparations, he was brought the news that the governor had summoned all other persons who had opposed Yazid's allegiance and conferred with them. One of the opponents of the regime, Abdullah son of Al-Zubayr had secretly left for Makkah the night before. He was pursued by the Government's men who could not trace him since he had not used the usual road to Makkah.
Not more than a few hours were left for his departure when for the last time he visited the tombs of his Grandfather, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his mother, Bibi Fatima (pbuh) & his brother Imam Hassan Mujtaba (pbuh).
As he was returning, he met Marwan on the way who told him: "I want to give you some advice. I think it is best for your worldly life as well as your Hereafter that you accept to give allegiance to Yazid. Do not put yourself and your relatives into trouble." "Inna Lillahe wa Inna Ilaihe Raje'oon, And bid farewell to Islam?" replied Imam Hussain (pbuh).
If Marwan did not understand Imam Hussain's words, others understood afterwards. Obviously Imam Hussain (pbuh) wanted to say, "If I agree to support Yazid's corrupt Government, then Islam will be wiped out without any trace. Opposition to Yazid may prove to be costly, but anyhow we would have saved our Hereafter. Indeed everything comes from God and returns unto Him."
Just before Imam Hussain (pbuh) left Madina, Ummul Banin, summoned all her four sons (Abbas, Abdulla, Ja'far and Uthman) and said to them, "My sons you must remember that, Imam Hussain (pbuh) is your Master. If Imam or his sisters or his children get injured or hurt while you are still alive, I will never forgive you." There were tears in Abbas's eyes as he promised his mother that he and his brothers would lay down their lives for Imam Hussain (pbuh) and his children.
Two days remaining until the end of month of Rajab,on the night of Sunday, Imam Hussain (pbuh) left Madina for Makkah with a most,simple caravan together with his family and a few companions. As he left, this verse of Quran was on his lips, a verse which relates the story of Moses (pbuh) as he fled from Pharaoh's Egypt: He therefore got away there from, looking about, in a state of fear. He prayed "O my Lord! Save me from people given to wrong-doing." Holy Quran (28:21)
The night passed, and, as the travelers drew away from Madina, the sun came up. One of the relatives came to Imam Hussain (pbuh) and suggested that the caravan leave the highway for the danger of being stopped by pursuers: "It is possible that they might pursue us like Abdullah son of Al-Zubayr and catch up with us and cause us trouble." Apparently the suggestion was a good one. But Imam Hussain (pbuh), in view of the open and sublime nature of his objectives replied, "I will never deviate from the right way. And you too, friend of Hussain, always choose the right road and move straight. God will be your protector. There is no danger of losing the way as long as you chose to travel on the straight highway!"
The caravan completed its five day journey from Madina to Makkah and entered the city on the 3rd of Sha'ban of the year 60 Hijrah. As he entered the city, Imam Hussain (pbuh) hopefully murmured this verse of the Quran - the words uttered by Prophet Moses (pbuh) as he entered Madyan fleeing Pharaoh's men: Then, when he turned his face towards (the land of) Madyan, he said: "I do hope that my Lord will show me the smooth and straight Path." Holy Quran (28:22) and there he chose to stay at the house of Al-Abbas son of Abdul Mutalib.
The news of his coming soon spread through the city and all men who held any significant social position hurried to see him. The governor of Makkah, other city officials and similarly many important personalities of the city came to pay a visit.
Soon, the busy hours of visitors rushing to see Imam Hussain (pbuh) came to pass and the days took a normal and relaxed aspect. It was during this time that most of the visitors wanted to find out Imam Hussain's views about Caliphate and the general political conditions of the time.
It did not take much time for the people to know that Imam Hussain's movement from Madina was a gesture of opposition to the regime and a protest against the orders sent from the Syrian court to the Governor of Madina. Very soon this news spread to all parts of the country; it reached the capital in Syria and other provinces.
Yazid become aware that Imam Hussain (pbuh) had made the determination to oppose his Government, even as he had refused before to give allegiance to this nomination as crown prince. He discussed the matter with his courtiers and asked them for advice. They held the opinion that it seemed inadvisable to take any hasty step. They advised that it was better to wait and discover the dimensions that Imam Hussain's opposition might take. It seemed possible that he would settle down in Makkah and maintain his silence as before. They suggested that any attempts at his persecution would only help to aggravate the prevailing situation. They reminded him about Muawiya's advice that if Imam Hussain (pbuh) continued his silence, it was sufficient for Yazid and that his persecution was inadvisable under any condition.
In the mean time the news about the political uprising in Kufa reached Makkah, and the leaders of the city wrote a letter in which they declared their opposition to the Umayyads rule, and they would not accept anybody else but Imam Hussain (pbuh) to rule them. This letter was followed twelve thousand (12,000) similar letters, Fruits have ripened and fields have become green. If you come you will have one thousand swords supporting you. If you do not come to us, we will dispute with you in front of God at doomsday.
Imam Hussain (pbuh) could neither blindly accept the call from Kufa, because he had seen how the people of Kufa had not come to his father's help when he needed them, and how they had mistreated his brother Imam Hassan (pbuh). The Kufees (people of Kufa) who were known for their unstable character and unsettled conduct, if later turn treacherous, the world would question Imam Hussain's ready response to their call without the necessary caution. Therefore Imam Hussain (pbuh) decided to send a deputy of his to Kufa to write to him after studying the sincerity in the invitation.
28th Rajab-Start of Journey of Imam Husain (A.S.) Towards Iraq
After hatching the conspiracy and achieving ultimate martyrdom of Imam Hasan(A.S.), Moawiya started campaigning openly for the succession of his son Yazid to the office of Caliphate. Until that time he had always planned in secret about this intention. To materialize his plans, he started his campaign among his most trusted people in Syria where he had established his headquarters. Later on, his missionaries took the message to other parts of the Islamic world and with the help of lot of money and bribery he got support for the caliphate of Yazid from a number of important Islamic cities.

After his death in Shabaan of the 60th Hijrah, Yazid sat on his throne and started the campaign of getting Baiyat of all Muslims so that they would accept him as the Caliph. The materialistic personalities of that time came forward and accepted his caliphate. Among them were mostly the people who were known for their enmity towards the Ahl-e-Bait(A.S.)of our Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.). The other group was of the people who were either coerced by force or treachery or their loyalties were bought through material offers.

When the campaign crossed the borders of Syria, instructions were sent to the Governor of Madinah – Walid ibn-e-Aqba ibn-e-Abu Sufyan – as well to get the baiyat of Imam Hussain(A.S.). According to some historians, Yazid also mentioned that if Imam Hussain (A.S.) declines his baiyat then Walid should kill him and send his head to Syria. Walid invited the Imam (A.S.) to his court and gave him the orders of Yazid and demanded his baiyat. Imam (A.S.)replied “A person like me would never accept the baiyat of a person like Yazid”. In this statement, Imam (A.S.)gave a clear guideline for all the future time to come.

One of the advisors of Walid named Marwan bin Hakm incited Walid on getting Imam (A.S.) killed right there but Imam (A.S.)was joined by a few of his followers from Bani Hashim under the leadership of Hazrat Abbas(A.S.)and returned safely from the court.
Within a few days time, the political developments made it very clear that Yazid is going all out to either obtain the baiyat of Imam Hussain (A.S.)or to get him killed. Imam (A.S.)had the sanctity of Madinah as well as the salvation of the religion of Islam in his mind, therefore, he decided to leave Madinah and go towards Iraq. He asked for the preparation of a Caravan of his selected family members and his trusted friends and set off for this long journey on the 28th of Rajab.

When Imam (A.S.)had made his decision to leave Madina, he went to the grave of his brother Imam Hasan (A.S.)with a very heavy heart. There he stayed for some time talking to his brother saying "O brother now your killers are after my blood. It looks like time for my martyrdom is near and I am leaving you now.". I imagine that Imam Hasan (A.S.)would have replied from his grave – O my brother I bid you farewell and give you my son Qasim to become your sadqa in Karbala.

After that Imam (A.S.)went to the grave of his grandfather, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). He stayed there for a long time and wept a lot until he went to sleep. He saw the Prophet (S.A.W.) in his dream and said to him "O my grandfather, my salutations to you. The land of Madinah has become small for me. Tyrants among your ummah are after my blood and I am leaving Madinah with a heavy heart".
Finally Imam Hussain (A.S.) came to the grave of his mother Hazrat Fatima Zahra (S.A.). Historians write that Imam (A.S.) ran towards her grave just like a child runs toward his mother and he fell on her grave just like a child falls in the lap of the mother. Imam (A.S.) said "O my mother accept my last salam. I am leaving the land of Madinah and would not come back. The prophecy of my grandfather is about to come true". I imagine that Bibi Zahra(S.A.) would have said from her grave "O my beloved son, O the one whom I have raised by keeping awake in the night, I would not let you go alone. From this day I would not rest in my grave but I would accompany you throughout your journey."

Historians write that throughout the journey various people reported to Imam (A.S.)that when everyone goes asleep during the night, we hear feminine voices of weeping and a Bibi’s voice crying "Ya Hussain, Ya Hussain". Imam (A.S.) told them "O my trusted companions this is my mother Zahra(A.S.)who is with me ever since I have left Madinah".


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