Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Nov 25, '10 12:03 AM
for everyone

al-Ghadeer Rituals
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What is the Day of al-Ghadeer?

After completing his last pilgrimage ten years after hijrah, the Messenger of God (saws) left Mecca and headed back to Madina, but not before stopping at a place called Ghadir Khumm.

In this very place, the following verse of the Qur'an was revealed: 

"O Apostle! Deliver what has been sent down to you from your Lord; and if you don't do it, you have not delivered His message (at all); and Allah will protect you from the people ..."
(Qur'an 5:67)

The Messenger of God (saws) then stated: 

"It seems the time approached when I shall be called away (by Allah) and I shall answer that call. I am leaving for you two precious things and if you adhere to them both, you will never go astray after me. They are the Book of Allah and my Progeny, that is, my Ahlul Bayt. The two shall never separate from each other until they come to me by the Pool (of Paradise)."

He continued: 
"Do I not have more right over the believers than what they have over themselves?"  

People cried and answered: 

"Yes, O' Messenger of God."

He then made one of the most important statements in Islamic history.
He held up the hand of 'Ali and said: 
"He over whom I have primacy, Ali has primacy. O' God, love those who love him, and be hostile to those who are hostile to him."

The Covenant of Brotherhood
During the annual celebration of Eid al-Ghadeer, it is customary for believers to engage in a "covenant of brotherhood."

They interlock right hands and say the following:

"I hereby make you my brother/sister for God's sake; I hereby choose you for God's sake; I hereby take your hand for God's sake. And I make a covenant before God, his angels, his scriptures, his messengers, his prophets, and his immaculate imams, that if I am judged to be among the denizens of paradise, worthy of intercession, and am given permission to enter paradise, I shall not enter it unless you are with me."

The other person should then say,

"I accept your covenant, and I relieve you of all the responsibilities of brotherhood except that you must intercede on my behalf before God, you must pray for me, and you must visit me."

Join us nationwide tomorrow 
     THURSDAY 11/25/2010
For the complete ritual of 
     Day of al-Ghadeer
     Starting at 9:00 A.M.
     until Noon Prayers
Those in Dearborn are invited to join us at I.M.A.M.'s office:
     13357 Michigan Ave.,
     Dearborn, MI. 48126
The Rituals of the Day

There are numerous a'amal to be performed during this blessed day, including:
1. Observe fasting on this day, as it erases the sins of sixty years. It has also been narrated that it is equal to fasting for one's whole lifetime and is equal to the rewards of one hundred performances of Hajj and `Umrah. 

2. Perform ghusl.

3. Recite the following three ziyaraat:

4. Recite Dua Nudba

5. Pray the first of two special two rakat prayers (details)

6. Pray the second of two special two rakat prayers (details)

7. When greeting fellow believers, recite the special greeting.

Nov 24, '10 2:37 PM
for everyone
Imam Ali Ibn Moosa Ar Reza (a.s.) said:
"It is highly rewarding to be in Najaf Ashraf today for performing the Ziyarat of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.).
Give today as much as you can, in the name of Allah, to the less fortunate, because, the "day of Ghadeer" is particularly specified for helping deserving people."
Today's A'maal

(1) Have a Ghusl /bath, put on new or clean clothes and apply perfume.

(2) Observe fast.

(3) Recite  special Ziyarats of Imam Ali ibne Abi Talib  (i) Ziyarat Ameenallah & (ii) Ziyarat Mut"laqah

(4) Recite Dua"a Nudbah

(5) We can give expression to our joy and happiness in whatever manner available or suitable to us keeping in view the life style the tenets of Islam.It is highly desirable to make the faithfuls (Moomineen) happy to do favours to relatives, to give gifts, and invite friends and relatives to eat meals together, and above all to send blessings on Muhammad and Aali Muhammad as many times as possible.

(6) Pray a 2 Raka"t Salaat. just before noon time , as under:

In every Raka"t, after the recitation of Soorah Al Fatih"ah, recite:  (i) Soorah Al Ikhlaas 10 times.(ii) Aayaat ul Kursee 10 times. (iii) Soorah At Qadr. 10 times.(iv) After the Salaam go into Sajdah and say 100 times: ALH"AMDULILLAAH SHUKRAN LILLAAH

Then sit and recite the dua"a "Allamumma inni asaloka be anna lakal hamda wahdaka".

Then go into Sajdah and recite :ALHAMDU LILLAH 100 times & SHUKRAN LILLAH 100 times

One who does this a"mal" today is entitled to receive the reward of a person who was present at Ghadeer, had heard the declaration, and accepted it as true.

(7) At the time of meeting with the brothers-in-faith say the following:

لْحَمْدُ للهِ الّذى جَعَلَنا مِنَ الْمُتَمَسِّكينَ بِوِلايَةِ اَميرِ الْمُؤْمِنينَ وَالاَئِمَّةِ عَلَيْهِمُ السَّلامُ
Praise be to Allah, who blessed us to be among -those who cling and hold to the "Wilayaat" (love, friendship and authority) of Ameer Al Momineen and all the Imams, peace be on them all.

اَلْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذى اَكْرَمَنا بِهذَا الْيَوْمِ وَجَعَلَنا مِنَ الْمُوفنَ، بِعَهْدِهِ اِلَيْنا وَميثاقِهِ الّذى واثَقَنا بِهِ مِنْ وِلايَةِ وُلاةِ اَمْرِهِ وَالْقَوّامِ بِقِسْطِهِ، وَلَمْ يَجْعَلْنا مِنَ الْجاحِدينَ وَالْمُكَذِّبينَ بِيَوْمالدِّينَ
Praise be to Allah who honoured us with this day, and included us among those who have been given all that which was promised to them, and have been tied together with the bonds of contract to have full confidence in the authority of the guardians of the religious laws who established justice; and did not disgrace us to be among those who know better but deny the truth and treat the Day of Judgement as a false fable.


(8) Recite the following 100 times:


Praise be to Allah, who had perfected His religion and completed His favour with the establishment of Ali ibn Abi Talib"s authority, peace be on him.

(9) Recite  special Ziyarats of Imam Ali ibne Abi Talib  (i) Ziyarat Ameenallah & (ii) Ziyarat Mut"laqah
Nov 24, '10 11:57 AM
for everyone

Attachment: abu talib ka gharana.mp3
Attachment: allah hoo.mp3
Attachment: hussain zindabad.mp3
Attachment: karam ki inteha.mp3
Attachment: watu izzo man tasha.mp3
Attachment: zamenain nabi ki.mp3
Attachment: tu hai bara rahman.mp3
Nov 24, '10 3:15 AM
for everyone
Maalik can mean Master or the Lord or the King of the 'Yaumiddeen' the Day of Faith. The Day is the Day of the Final judgment but it is termed in the Qur'anic language as the Day of Faith.
Firstly, the word 'Maalik' meaning the Master or the Lord or the King, is used. He who sits at any judgment is commonly known and also called a judge and the Arabic word for it is 'Qadhi' but the word 'Qadhi' is not used, but the word used is 'Maalik'. The subtle point to understand here is that a 'Qadhi' is not the Law-maker or the Law-giver but only an executor of the law, made and enforced by some other authority and as such the 'Qadhi' is bound to decide only in accordance with the law. But the Master, the Lord or the King is the law-making authority and can as well be the executor of His Own made Laws. A 'Qadhi' who sits to judge shall always be within the limits of the law given to him by some higher authority with powers only to strictly apply them in judging persons and matters. Whereas a master or a lord or a king may execute the law applying it in his dealing with the cases, with the unquestionable powers and the supreme authority of a law-maker to use his discretion in judging cases according to their individual merits and to his own personal satisfaction about the acceptability of the excuses given by those alleged to be guilt by the law. When an accused is proved guilty by law, the 'Qadhi' who is there only to judge can never grant him pardon or any remission of the award of the punishment due to the convict but if he who sits is the Master, the Lord or the King, at the Judgment, he can grant the Royal Mercy to any petitioner at his own independent and unquestionable discretion.
Addressing Allah as 'Rab' implies that He Who nourishes, cherishes and protects a creature of His Own must also necessarily be Beneficent and Merciful and when a Master, or a Lord or a King sits to judge his own created, nourished, cherished and protected ones, he would naturally be Just and at the same time Merciful. The justice done by such a Master even though with the strict application of law to recompense everyone according to one's own earning, will naturally be tempered with the mercy of a Creator to his creature, of a Lord to his subservient and of a King to his poor subject. Only those who could not receive the benefit of the Benevolence of the Royal Mercy for any reason unpardonable will naturally receive the punishment. This aspect of the nature' of the Master of the Day of the Final judgement has been revealed through the Holy Qur'an.
Name 'Rab' to keep man alert and careful against the strict justice, and at the same time' keep him hopefully attached to his Nourisher, Cherisher, and the Protector Lord, expectant of the Divine Mercy. Islam invites mankind to flock to the All-Merciful Allah Whose Mercy is all-enveloping and is always ready to reach any one who seeks it. Islam bans terrorising Allah's creatures and presenting Allah as a cruel, merciless despot. Islam wants first to reform and then to chastise.
It is with this Merciful Will of Allah that the Holy Prophet was sent into this world as the Mercy unto the worlds (al-Qur'an 21:107).

The method or means to call mankind to the right path which Qur'an prescribes, is love and goodly exhortation. (16 :125).
"Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation and have disputations with them in the best manner; surely thy Lord knoweth best those who go astray from His path, and He knoweth best those who follow the right path".(16:12).
Nov 24, '10 3:10 AM
for everyone
Dr. Tariq Al Suwaidan discovered some verses in the Holy Quran that mention one thing is equal to nother, i.e.  man is equal to women. Although this makes sense grammatically, the astonishing fact is that the number of times he word man appears in the Quran is 24 and the number of times the word woman appears is also 24, therefore not only is this phrase correct in the grammatical sense but also true mathematically (24 = 24).

Upon further analysis of various other verses, he discovered that this is consistent throughout the whole Quran, where it says one thing is like another.

See below for some astonishing results:-

The word number of times mentioned in Arabic Quran:

Dunia (one name for life) 115 · Aakhirat (one name for the life after) 115 Malaikat (angels) 88 · Shaytan (satan) 88
Life 145 · Death 145
Benefit 50· Corrupt 50
People 50 · Messengers 50
Eblees (king of devils) 11 · Seek refuge from eblees 11 Museebah (calamity) 75 · Thanks 75

Spending (sadaqah) 73 · Satisfaction 73

People who are Mislead 17 · Dead people 17

Muslimeen 41 · Jihad 41

Gold 8 · Easy life 8

Magic 60 · Fitnah (dissuasion, misleading) 60

Zakat (taxes Muslims pay for the poor) 32 · Barakah (increasing or blessings of a wealth) 32

Mind 49 · Noor (light) 49

Tongue 25· Sermon 25

Desire 8 · Fear 8

Speaking publicly 18· Publicising 18

Hardship 114 · Patience 114

Muhammad 4 · Sharee*ah (Muhammad's teachings) 4

Man 24 · Woman 24

And amazingly enough have a look how many times the following words appear:-

Salat (Daily Prayer) 5

Month 12

Day 365

Sea 32

Land 13

Sea + land = 32 + 13 = 45% sea = 32/45 * 100 %   = 71.11111111% land= 13 /
45 * 100 % = 28.88888889 = 100.00
Modern Science has only recently proven that the water covers 71.111% of the
earth, while the land covers 28.889 %.
Is this a coincidence?

Who taught prophet Mohammad (PBUH) all this?
Allah,the All Mighty taught him this.
As the Quran tells us:
(This is) a Book, the Verses whereof are perfected (in every sphere of knowledge, etc.), and then explained in detail from One Who is All-Wise and
Well-Acquainted (with all things).'(Quran 11:1)

The above is from the the series of the scientific miracles in Quraan, by Dr. Tariq Al Suwaidan
Nov 24, '10 3:07 AM
for everyone


Hypnosis is a trance-like condition characterized by an altered state of consciousness, diminished will power, and an increased responsiveness to suggestion. People differ in their suggestibility to hypnosis. A person cannot be hypnotized against his will; he must obey the suggestions of a hypnotist. Hypnosis has been employed to help people with physical and psychological diseases, as well as for harmful purposes. An effective hypnotist is skilled in gaining the confidence of his clients. He knows that `it takes two', the client and himself, to produce the desired effects. Our concern here is with the Master Hypnotist who misleads humanity en masse. The Master Hypnotist also gains the trust of his subjects. But, unlike human hypnotists, he is invisible.
...He (Satan) and his tribe can see you, while YOU DO NOT SEE THEM. We appoint the devils as companions of those who do not believe. [7:27]
Satan meets and even exceeds the qualifications of a hypnotist because he knows when and how to make his suggestions, according to a person's mind, character, desires and habits. He has considerable knowledge of human nature, and he has thoroughly succeeded in rendering millions of humans unable to use their minds.
(Satan said,) "I will come to them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left, and You will find less millions of people say, "I believe in God," when in fact their hearts do not mean it. Their utterance is no more than lip service to go along with parents, friends, or the society at large. Whenever they have opportunities to break away from deception and doubt, they cling to fabricated falsehoods. This leaves them susceptible to Satan's hypnosis. For the Master Hypnotist is given access to the person's true intentions and innermost beliefs, not outward appearances and lip-service utterances. By going against their God-given instinct to worship God alone and uphold His word alone, people enable the Master Hypnotist to set them up for self-destruction behind an invisible barrier.
Recall that your Lord summoned all the descendants of Adam, and had them bear witness for themselves: "Am I not your Lord?" They all said, "Yes. We bear witness." Thus, you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection, "We were not aware of this." [7:172]
Some followers of the scripture wish to lead you astray, but they only lead themselves astray, without perceiving. [3:69]
They repel others from this (Quran), as they themselves stay away from it, and thus, they only destroy themselves with-out perceiving. [6:26]
As for those who reject our revelations, we lead them on without them ever realizing it. I will even encourage them; My scheming is formidable. [7:182-183]
Satan gradually instills his suggestions into the minds of his subjects; ideas counter to the worship God alone. Satan hypnotizes his subjects into doing anything that reflects disbelief, idol-worship, or hypocrisy.
They are like the devil: he says to the human being, "Disbelieve," then as soon as he disbelieves, he says, "I disown you. I fear God, Lord of the universe." [59:16]
A trained hypnotist slowly infuses his directives into the subject's mind because this "drop by drop" approach helps the subject understand the instructions. But, in Satan's case, it is a matter of making a person feel at home with negative prompts. God protects His sincere servants from the Master Hypnotist's obvious and subtle attempts to hypnotize them.
Say, "My Lord, I seek refuge in You from the whispers of the devils. And I seek refuge in You, my Lord, lest they come near me." [23:97-98]
And the devil will say, after the judgment had been issued, "God has promised you the truthful promise, and I promised you, but I broke my promise. I had no power over you; I simply invited you, and you accepted my invitation. Therefore, do not blame me, and blame only yourselves. My complaining cannot help you, nor can your complaining help me. I have disbelieved in your idolizing me. The transgressors have incurred a painful retribution." [14:22]
When you read the Quran, you shall seek refuge in God from Satan the rejected. He has no power over those who believe and trust in their Lord. His power is limited to those who choose him as their master, those who choose him as their god. [16:98-100]
(O Satan,) "You have no power over My servants. You only have power over the strayers who follow you." [15:42]
"You may entice them with your voice, and mobilize all your forces and all your men against them, and share in their money and children, and promise them. Anything the devil promises is no more than an illusion. As for My servants, you have no power over them." Your Lord suffices as an advocate. [17:64-65]
Nov 24, '10 2:07 AM
for everyone
Q & A: Travelers' experience at airport security lines
Many airline passengers will be experiencing new body scanners and pat-down procedures at airports for the first time this weekend. Here are answers to some important questions.
Q: Will I see a full-body scanner at an airport?
A: Maybe. There are 385 machines at 68 airports, mostly large and midsize airports. The machines are not at each checkpoint.
Q: What happens if I go through a scanner?
A: First, empty your pockets of everything — not just metal objects — and remove bulky jewelry and belts. The machines expose any object on your body regardless of its composition.
Next, stand still with your arms raised for several seconds while the machine develops an image of you as you appear underneath your clothing.
Q: Who sees the image?
A: An airport screener in a closed room near the checkpoint studies the image on a monitor to look for objects on your body that could be a weapon. If nothing appears, screening is done.
A screener seeing a suspicious object will talk by radio to a fellow screener at the checkpoint, who may ask if you're wearing anything under your clothes or have something in a pocket. The checkpoint screener also may search you by hand.
Q: How graphic are the images?
A: The images clearly show all parts of a person's anatomy, but they are black and white and look like film negatives or X-rays. In some images, faces are blurred. The Transportation Security Administration says the images cannot be printed and are automatically deleted once screening is done.
Q: What if I don't want to go through a body scanner?
A: Every passenger may elect not to be screened by a body scanner. Those passengers will undergo a pat-down by a screener of the same gender, which may be done in private. During the pat-down, a screener will touch you around your groin and chest to search for hidden weapons.
The pat-downs are "invasive" and "not comfortable," TSA Administrator John Pistole says.
Q: Who else gets a pat-down?
A: Passengers are patted down if they trigger an alarm in either a metal detector or a body scanner. Passengers also may be selected at random for a pat-down.
Q: What about children?
A: Children age 12 and younger receive a "modified" pat-down that is less intrusive.
Q: Are all scanners the same?
A: There are two types of machines. One, called "millimeter wave," bounces harmless electromagnetic waves off your body to create an image. The other machine, called "backscatter," emits X-rays that reflect off your skin to create an image.
Q: Are the machines safe?
A: Millimeter-wave machines are entirely safe. Backscatter machines, which emit low levels of radiation, have been studied and declared safe by groups including the Food and Drug Administration, the American College of Radiologyand the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. The FDA says backscatter machines emit less radiation in each scan than a passenger receives during two minutes of a flight.
Q: Why are the scanners being used?
A: Federal investigators have warned for at least five years that metal detectors cannot pick up explosives made of plastic, liquid or powder, which terrorists have tried to bring onto airplanes. The scanners can find those materials if they're hidden on someone's body. Security experts note that the scanners cannot find weapons hidden in body cavities.
Q: Will more airports be getting scanners?
A: Yes. The TSA says it plans to have 500 machines installed by the end of 2010 and 1,000 machines installed by the end of 2011. There are 2,200 checkpoint lanes in the USA's 450 commercial airports.
Q: Can the scanners be improved?
A: Manufacturers are working on software that will enable the machines to automatically detect a suspicious object on a passenger and generate an alarm, instead of requiring screeners to study the images. The software also will transform images into cartoon-like figures. The TSA does not know when the software will be ready.
Q: Why has there been so much controversy lately about airport screening?
A: Privacy advocates have been concerned for years that the machines are a "virtual strip-search." Some passengers became vocal in recent weeks after the TSA began its new, invasive pat-down procedure. Members of Congress from both parties have asked the TSA to reconsider the pat-downs, but the TSA has said no procedures will change immediately.
Q: Do the machines back up lines at security checkpoints?
A: The TSA says no but has not released any information. The Airports Council International, an airport trade group, says the scanners do not appear to be causing problems because metal detectors are positioned next to the scanners to act as a relief valve.
The scanning process can take up to a minute because passengers must remove all objects, stand in a precise position, hold the pose for several seconds and be cleared by a screener studying the image. Not every passenger goes through a scanner at checkpoints that have them.
Q: Will security lines be longer this weekend?
A: Thanksgiving is a busy travel time, so lines will be longer. Some individuals are calling for passengers to protest the scanners by choosing not to go through them. A large number of people opting for pat-downs could make lines even longer, but the airports council and security experts say they doubt many people will "opt out" of the scanners because
 they want to get to their flights.
By Thomas Frank, USA TODAY
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)

Nov 24, '10 1:52 AM
for everyone
Important Information About New Business Loans

It's not easy organizing your own business without adequate resources to take care of it. The great news is there are new business loans obtainable if you want to get a business loan. Nevertheless, there are few ideas worth knowing about these loans before getting hold of one.

New business loans are only issued to particular persons. The main rationale for this is banks have evaluated their business capacity as high-risk. Because you need toget a business loan to fuel your business, you have to be all set to face creditors when applying for a loan.

A lender will judge a borrower based on his credit history, business plan, experience, education and practicability of the business he is establishing or developing.

The substance of your business plan have to impart financiers helpful responses to your business potential.

How much money is necessitated for your business? Furnish them a defined appraisal of your start-up resources or expanding resources. The truthfulness of the estimate is very essential for your business.

How will you consume the money? How can you attest that the loan will not be for no good reason? Furnish a thorough plan for every cent you would like to borrow. Most debtors would plan to employ the cash for operations, assets, or paying debts.

When do you mean to pay the loan? Because this is a credit, it is expected that you must recompense it after a certain time. Attest to the creditors that your business will be gainful enough for you to be able to pay them.

What will you do if you don’t procure the credit? Lenders will evaluate your strength of character through this question. Just in case you don't procure the loan, don't let it shackle your business plan. Realize what are the lenders' pretexts for not issuing the credit to you.

Influence the financier that new business loans are one of the crucial elements to make your business an attainment.

The triumph of any business will lean on one's grit and confidence. There will always be trials to come your way, and getting a small business loan is one of them.

Nov 24, '10 1:51 AM
for everyone
How To Thread Eyebrows: For Perfect Eyebrow Shape

Eyebrow threading is a depilation technique which originated in India, although it is also widely practiced in the Middle East. Salons in Western nations offered the service to Middle Eastern clients for decades before European and American women became interested and the popularity of eyebrow threading skyrocketed. The hair removal technique is not just for the eyebrows: threading can be used to remove other facial and body hair as well.

The technique is sometimes listed on salon menus as khite or fatlah, which are both Arabic words for threading. Eyebrow threading involves twisting a piece of thread, usually cotton, into a double strand. This double stranded thread is used to pick up a line of hair and then remove it, creating a very clean, precise hairline.

While it takes a little practice, all you need to get started is a length of thread!

    * Gather the materials listed in the Things You’ll Need section below. All you really need is a piece of thread, but you may wish to draw in your desired eyebrow shape with a pencil or numb the area with some ice or cold water.
    * Tie the ends of the thread together so they form a circle. Snip off any extra thread beyond the knot in the thread.
    * Hold the section of the thread with the knot in one hand, and hold the opposite section with your other hand.
    * Twist the hand without the knot five or six times, while holding the other section of the thread tightly (this is to avoid getting the knot in the middle of the thread). You should have an infinity or hourglass shape.
    * Practice opening one hand, while closing the other at the same time. The twisting thread in the middle is what will remove the hair. Practicing the scissor motion will help you later on.
    * Hold your hands so your fingers are facing away from your face, and position them over one eyebrow.
    * Place the triangle of the thread, so that the hair you want to pluck is within the thread. You should be threading against the direction the hair grows, so you should move the point of the triangle opposite the direction the hair grows.
    * Close the hand controlling the triangle around the hair, as you open the other hand. Make sure the thread is still touching the skin, and quickly make the opposite motion (scissors). The hair should be pulled out!
    * Keep practicing at threading. It takes a little practice to be able to do it well.


    * Practice on an inconspicuous area before attempting to thread your own eyebrows.
    * If you decide not to use toner to close pores after threading, be aware that these open pores could be susceptible to infection.

Nov 23, '10 11:40 AM
for everyone
1. Sins which ruin and perishes the bounties and blessings:
1.1 Arrogant and nasty behavior with people
1.2 To abandon a virtue and a practice of a good deed
1.3 Abasement of the bounties of Allah
1.4 Not to be grateful upon the blessings of Allah
As Allah says in his Holy Book "certainly Allah is not going to change the conditions of a nation until they change themselves" (13:12)
2. Sins which causes shameness :
2.1 To kill human life which is prohibited by Allah As Allah mentioned "don't kill anybody who is in protection of Allah" (5:34) (and also Allah mentions in the story of Cain when he killed his brother Abel and he could not bury him and was deceived by himself when he killed his brother), "and he became amongst the ashamed one"(17:32)
2.2 Not to pay the supporting rights of the family until they are become self sufficient.
2.3 To ignore the prayers until the time has been elapsed.
2.4 Not to make the will (before death).
2.5 Not to compensate somebody's rights, which has been violated by him.
2.6 To prevent alms until death makes its appearance and the tongue becomes speechless.
3. Sins which enrage Allah :
3.1 The act of transgression by somebody who is a knowledgeable.
3.2 The act of over powering with people.
3.3 To abuse the people and to pull their legs.
4. Sins that make a person misfortunate :
4.1 To declare his own poverty.
4.2 To sleep before E-shaa prayers and at the time of morning prayers.
4.3 To belittle what ever it has been given to a person.
4.4 To complain of Allah who is ever-respected and ever-exalted.
5. Sins which expose a person's hidden faults :
5.1 To drink wine.
5.2 To involve in gambling.
5.3 To make people laugh by vain talks and silly jokes.
5.4 Mentioning of the faults of others (backbiting).
5.5 To sit with people doubtful in the faith.
6. Sins which causes afflictions and calamities :
6.1 Not to help that person who is in grieves and afflictions.
6.2 Not to respond a person who is calling him in his grieves and afflictions.
6.3 To abandon help of a person who is oppressed.
6.4 To neglect the responsibility not to provoke for a good deed and not to prevent from a bad one.
7. Sins which causes enemies overwhelmed :
7.1 Display of cruelty.
7.2 To commit sins publicly.
7.3 To act upon prohibited things.
7.4 To disobey the pious ones and to obey the wicked ones.
8. Sins which causes death too early :
8.1 To cut off the family relationships.
8.2 A swearing which is not based upon truth.
8.3 To quote untruly.
8.4 Prostitution.
8.5 To stop the ways and means of Muslims.
8.6 The claim of Imamate without any rights.
9. Sins which spoil a positive attitude :
9.1 A disappointment of mercy of Allah.
9.2 Not to expect a favor from Allah.
9.3 To depend on other than Allah.
9.4 To deny the promises of Allah who is ever-respected and ever-exalted.
10. Sins that destroy the respect and popularity of a person :
10.1 Magic.
10.2 Predictions.
10.3 To believe in astrology.
10.4 To deny the Divine-fortune.
10.5 To violate the parental rights
11. Sins which causes disgrace to a person :
11.1 To take a loan with an intention of not to pay it back.
11.2 To waste money upon illegitimate things.
11.3 Misery with wife, children and other family members.
11.4 A bad temperament.
11.5 A lacking of patience.
11.6 To lose his confidence.
11.7 Laziness.
11.8 To belittle the men of religion.
12. Sins which repel the prayers :
12.1 Bad intentions.
12.2 Hidden wickedness.
12.3 Hypocritical behavior with friends.
12.4 Not to certify the truth.
12.5 To postpone the obligatory prayers until the time, it has been elapsed.
12.6 Not to seek nearness to Allah by sacrifice and charity.
12.7 To use a fowl and filthy language.
13. Sins which prevent raining
13.1 Unjust decision of the rulers.
13.2 False witness.
13.3 To conceal a true witness.
13.4 Not to pay zakaat, and not to loan money and other things which are used in everyday life.
13.5 To be stone hearted with poor and needy persons.
13.6 To be cruel with widows and orphans.
13.7 To be rude with a beggar, and not to respond him when he asks at night time.
Nov 23, '10 11:30 AM
for everyone
The Almighty God created for every creature a pair of male and famale and spread their generation by reproduction.
Shaitan have no pair of his own and his reproduction is different from the other creatures. It is written in narrations: When Satan want to reproduce his generation. He rubs his thighs and reproduce his generation.
But to satiate his desires enters in many ways. One of the way is nearing to the women. When a man wants to get near to his wife and if he recites ((بسم الله )) the name of God, the Satan will get away from that pair or as the man forgets to recite the name of God or does not recites the Allah's name intentionally then the Satan arrives and accompany the man and about this matter Quran said:
The another way is lavat (pederasty) with the drunk people. When a person is drinks wine and loose his power of thinking and gets drunk and acts like insane. In this condition the satan make that person a tool of his lust and take the drunk as his bride. Hazrat Rasul Muhammadabout this matter said: One who spend his night drunk, till his morning hours he spends his night as a bride of shaitan.
About this subject The last messenger Hazrat Muhammad said: The drunk spend his night till morning in the condition that the God's wrath had inflicted upon him.
And the prophet added: The person is drunk and unconcious, the whole night by drinking wine and could not sense any thing. He is the bride of Satan. He commits lavat with that drunk man. When he gets up from his sleep, he must perform the bath of Jinabath and if he does not performed the gusl, his acts will not be accepted by the God and he will be supposed one of the worst enemy of God.
Source: "the stories of the warning lessons about the Satan"
Translated by Fatima Zabeth Beenesh
Nov 23, '10 11:15 AM
for everyone


On the commands of Allah Imam Mahdi is in occultation right from the commencement of his Imamat. Hence as compared to his forefathers his meetings with his Shias have been very few.The people present their problem before his esteemed self in the form of letters and areeza. An areeza is a letter of requests written by the Shias to the Imam of their time. The Imam has also reciprocated in a similar manner. The letters of Imam-e-Zaman(a.s) are also terminologically called as "Tawqee". These Tawqee's have been assimilated in several books.Ayatullah Syed Hasan Shirazi has compiled these letters in a book called 'called "Kalemat-ul-Imam al-Mahdi". This single book contains all the letters of Imam (a.s.) which are found in different books. Originally the book was written in Arabic. Dr. Syed Hasan Sabzawari has translated this book into Persian by the same name. The answers to the questions mentioned below, have been given by Imam (a.s.) himself. These replies have been compiled from various letters that were sent to him (a.s.) in the course of his Ghaibat. To that extent the letters of Imam (a.s.) constitute "half a meeting" with him, and the same is being presented in your service.

Q.1. Where do you live in these days of your occultation?

Ans Presently, we are living away from the settlements of the oppressors. Till such time that the reins of the worldly governments are in the hands of oppressors and tyrants, Allah has willed for us and for our Shias that I should live away from the people. However, we are cognizant of all your actions. At this point we are dwelling amidst some remote mountains. The place is surrounded by gardens. I am staying here because of the unbelievers. But very soon I will move to the plains that are not very far from the society.
(Pg. 196-198)

Q.2. What is the reason for the Shias being involved in so many calamities and afflictions?

Ans. One of the reasons is that the Shias are perpetrating those actions which the people of the past avoided. These Shias have forgotten the covenant of Allah and have violated it.
"And had our guardianship and protection not been there, then the calamities would have surrounded you from all sides and destroyed you" (Pg.19)
(This connotes that Imam (a.s.) nullifies most of the calamities with his existence. Else the plight of the Shias would have been most pitiable.)

Q.3. In these last days, what is the best mode of keeping one's self safe from evils and corruption?

Ans: Piety and abstinence. I pledge for the salvation of the one who does not desire any rank or position in any acts of evil and corruption. (pg. 190). The believer who possesses the fear of Allah and is prompt in returning the people their dues, will be secure from the evils of the time. And the one who acts miserly in disseminating the bounties of Allah to the people, will be from among the losers on the Day of Judgement. (Pg. 198-200)

Q.4. What are our responsibilities in your occultation?

Ans : Perform those actions which bring you closer to our love and affection and refrain from all those actions that become the cause of our displeasure and dissatisfaction. (Pg.192)

Q5. How is it possible to meet you?

Ans : If Ans: If our Shias (may Allah grant them the taufeeq of obedience) had been united in fulfilling the pledge, then certainly there would have been no delay in our meeting and they would have been graced with this opportunity several times. However, their actions are most unbecoming of Shias, and have kept them away from us.(Pg. 200)

Q.6. How can we disgrace and humiliate Shaitan?

Ans. Reciting namaz on the dot of time at its very outset (Awwal-e-Waqt) is a cause of disgrace for Shaitan. (Pg. 200)

Q.7. Can a person utilize for his personal use a thing which has been endowed (Waqf) for you

Ans : If the thing has been handed over to us then the person has no right over it -whether he needs that thing or not. (Pg. 200)

Q.8. What do you have to say about those people who use your things for their own personal benefits?

Ans : To use someone's belongings without his permission is prohibited. Hence the one who considers our money as permissible and usurps, has actually filling his stomach with fire and will surely be thrown in Hell.   (Pg. 200)

Q.9. Can we recite namaz before a drawing or fire?

Ans: If a person is not from the children of idol worshippers or fire worshippers then he can recite namaz.(Pg. 204)

Q.1O.Which chapter (surah) is recommended for recitation in namaz?

Ans : One who does not recite the chapter of Qadr (surahe "Inna anzalna'~ in his namaz then his namaz is not accepted. And the one who does not recite the chapter of Tauheed (surahe "Quillo wallah'~ in his namaz, then his namaz is not pure.

Q.11. But traditions also speak about the rewards of reciting other surahs. For instance, it has been reported from traditions that the one who recites surahe "Homazah" will get the reward equal to this world?

Ans : There can be no disputing that he will get the reward which is mentioned in the traditions (for reciting surahe "Homazah"). But if a person forsakes any surah and recites surahe Qadr and surahe Tauheed, then not only will he get the reward of reciting these two surahs but will also get the reward of the surah which he has left (in order to recite these two surahs). Of course he can recite any other surah that he wishes, but then he will have abandoned something that carries a lot of reward. (Pg. 214-216)

Q.12.Can we eat and drink or do business with a person who earns through illegal means

Ans : If the person has some other source of livelihood also, then it is not prohibited to eat and drink or do business with him. But if he has no other source of livelihood save his illegal income, then it is prohibited to interact with such a person. (Pg. 226)

Q.13.How can a person focus his attention towards Allah before starting his namaz?

Ans :It is recommended (mustahab) to recite the following in order to concentrate during namaz. Then he should Then he should say "Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem" and start his prayers.  (pg. 230)

Q.14.What is the order regarding the performance of "Sajdah-e-Shukr" after completing a wajib namaz?

Ans : Sajdah-e-Shukr" is among the highly recommended acts and is very much emphasised. Just as an obligatory (wajib) act is superior to a recommended (mustahhab) act, in much the same way, the "Sajdah-e-Shukr" which is performed after a obligatory namaz is superior to the one which is performed after a recommended namaz.(pg. 232-234)

Q.15.Will the believers give birth to children in Paradise?

Ans: In paradise, neither will the women become pregnant nor will they have their menstrual cycles. In fact only those things will be available that will be a source of comfort for the eyes and the heart.(pg. 240)

Q.16.Can we keep Khak-e-Shifa (soil of Karbala) in the grave?

Ans Yes it can be kept in the grave. And by the command of Allah, the threadsof the shroud get mixed with the soil. (pg. 244)

Q.17.Can a rosary (Tasbeeh) be made of Khak-e-Shifa?

Ans : There is no adornment for a Tasbeeh more excellent than Khak-e-Shifa. Among the virtues of a tasbeeh made of Khak-e-Shifa is that often a person is lost in his thoughts and just turns the beads of the tasbeeh in his hands, yet he will get the complete reward of reciting that tasbeeh.   (pg. 244)

Q.18.Can we prostrate on Khak-eShifa?

Ans : It is permitted to prostrate on Khak-e-Shifa. In fact, it is a source of distinction. (pg. 244)

Q.19.Can we prostrate on the graves of Imams(a.s.)?

Ans : You should not prostrate on the graves. However, you can touch your face to the grave. And there is also no harm in performing namaz in front of the grave. (pg. 246)

Q.20.What do you have to say about those people who exaggerate the position of Ahle Bait(a.s.) and ascribe them with Divinity (Godhood)?

Ans :1 and all my ancestors, right from Adam (a.s.) till Mohammad Mustafa (s.a.w.s) are the servants ofAllah. Actually, we are aggrieved by those Shias who are ignorant and whose faith is not even equal to the wing of a mosquito. We detach ourselves from all those people who associate us with Allah. (pg. 264-266)

Q.21. What do you have to say about people like Shalmagani, Sharaee, Nomairee and Abu Khatab who had falsely claimed the status of being your special deputies?

Ans : We announce our disapproval of them and we distance ourselves from such people and also from their followers. We also send our curse on them.    (pg. 282)

Q.22. What will be the condition ofthe world and the Muslims before your reappearance?

Ans : Before our reappearance, the hearts of the people will become hard and full of injustice and inequality .(pg. 282)

Q23. Have you appointed anyone as your special deputy in Ghaibat-e Kubra?

Ans: Before the rising of Sufyani and before the hearing of the voice from the sky, anyone who claims that he can meet me (at will) is a liar and a malicious person. (There is no special representative in Ghaibat-eKubra)

Q.24.Will those Sayyeds (descendants of the Prophet s.a.w.s. who deny your Imamat get salvation?

Ans. Allah does not have any exclusive relation with anyone (i.e. no one is special in front of Allah). If someone denies our Imamat then he is not from us. His example is like the example of Hazrat Nuh (a.s.)'s son. (pg. 286)

Q.25.Is the time of your reappearance decided? And does anyone have information about it?

Ans (The time of my) reappearance is in the hands of Allah. And anyone who claims otherwise is a liar.(pg. 286)

Q.26.As you do not have a special representative in the major occultation, then who should we resort to for redressal of our religious problems?

Ans. You must refer (your questions) to the narrators of our traditions. We have appointed them as our proof (Hujj at) upon you.(pg. 288)

Q.27.What is the reason for your occultation

Ans. Allah mentions in the Quran
DO not ask those things about which if you are told, you will not like it". (Surah Maidah: 101) (pg. 290)

Q.28.When will your occultation end and will you reappear?

Ans.Do not inquire about those things that will not benefit you. And don't ask questions about matters that are not your responsibility.(pg. 290)

Q.29.Is it necessary to pay khums? And is there some particular way in which it should be paid?

Ans. We accept your wealth only with this intention that you should be purified. Otherwise, whatever Allah has bestowed on us is far superior than what He has given you.

Q.30.Can the people derive benefit from you while you are in occultation?

Ans : The people can derive benefit from me in my occultation just as they derive benefit from the sun when it is concealed behind the clouds.(pg. 290)

Q.31.What are the characteristics and the status of Allah's guides?

Ans : Allah has protected them from all kinds of sins and purified them from all kinds of defects and has made them clean from all sorts of vices. He has appointed them as the treasurers of His knowledge and the custodians of His wisdom. He has made them the focal point of His secrets and has strengthened them with proofs. If all this had not been there then every person would have claimed (this position) and it would not have been possible to discern truth from falsehood. And knowledge would not be distinct from ignorance. (pg. 296)

Q.32.What is the reason for the sending of prophets (a.s.) and Imams (as )?

Ans. Allah has sent the Prophets (a.s.) and Imams (a.s.) so that they should command the people towards His obedience and refrain them from rebelliousness, and inform the people about Allah and about the tenets of His religion.(pg. 294)

Q.33. How should we test and disgrace those people who falsely claim the status of Imamat?

Ans : Ask them about the Quran and the practical tenets (Ahka~tm). Inquire from them about the laws governing namaz. You yourself will be able to gauge their authenticity.(pg. 298)

Q.34. At any point of time can the earth ever remain devoid of the Proof of Allah (Huji at)?

Ans : The earth can never remain devoid of the "Hujjat" ofAllah - whether he is apparent and manifest or concealed and hidden.(pg. 314)

Q.35.Who is the Imam after Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.)?

Ans : Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) has appointed that person as his successor and vicegerent whom Allah has kept in occultation. (i.e. he only is your Imam) (pg. 314)

Q.36. Are the Imams(a.s.) the creators as well as the sustainers (of the people)?

Ans : Imams (a.s.) pray to Allah and He creates and gives sustenance because of their supplications. Allah accepts their invocations and exalts their rank and status.(pg. 228)

Q.37.Till when can a person pray for a son?

Ans : A person should pray for a son till the fourth month of pregnancy.(pg. 386-598)

Q.38.Can a person take your name in general public meetings or gatherings?

Ans : If you publicise our name, they (the enemies) will make it widespread. If you tell them about our place they will try to reach there. (pg. 440)
The one who takes our name in an assembly is accursed.(pg. 442)
(Please note, Hazrat, Hujjat, Vali-eAsr, Baqiyatullah, Imam-e-Zamana, Mahdi etc. are the titles of Imam (a.s.) and not his name).

Q.39. What is the status and position of the narrators ofter adihons?

Ans. Have you not read the saying of Allah in which He says, 'And We made between them and the towns which Wehadblessed, other towns which can be easily seen..."(sure saba 17)

Q.40. To whom does Allah give guidance?

Ans : The one who desires guidance gets it from Allah. The one who endeavors for it, is bestowed with it. (pg. 544)

Q.41. Is it proper to search for you?

Ans : The one who struggles and strives too much for searching me will (in fact) direct the enemies towards me. And the one who guides the enemies towards me has endangered my life. And the one who puts my life in danger is a polytheist. (pg. 548)

Q.42. What are the responsibilities of the scholars (Ulema) towards the people?

Ans They should meet the people with humility, and fulfill the needs of the people. They should be accessible. We will help them in this regard.(pg. 564)

Q.43. Can we give preference to the needs of the relatives before the needs of others?

Ans Imam Moosa ibn Jafar (a.s.) says "If the relatives are in want then Allah does not (even) accept your sadqah" pg. 252

Q.44.But what if we have already made the intention of helping someone else?

Ans Distribute the money among both the parties so that you get the maximum reward. Indeed, we await that day when we can directly converse with Imame Asr(a.t.f.s), illuminate our eyes and souls by his luminous light.
Nov 23, '10 10:47 AM
for everyone


I got up early one morning
and rushed right into the day
I had so much to accomplish
that I didn't have time to pray

Problems just tumbled about me
and heavier came each task
'Why doesn't God help me?' I wondered
He answered, 'You didn't ask'

I wanted to see joy and beauty
but the day toiled on gray and bleak
I wondered why God didn't show me
He said, 'But you didn't seek'

I tried to come into God's presence
I used all my keys at the lock
God gently and lovingly chided
'My servant, you didn't knock'

I woke up early this morning
and paused before entering the day
I had so much to accomplish
that I had to take time to pray

Nov 23, '10 9:24 AM
for everyone

Ghadir Tradition

The expressive evidence for guardianship
Ghadir tradition is one of the conclusive evidences for the immediate guardianship and caliphate of Ali (a.s.) after the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), and the researchers render a special importance to it.
Unfortunately, those who prejudice with regard to his guardianship, once accept validity of the tradition, and express doubt for its implication, and once question about its authenticity.
For clarification of different aspects of this tradition, it is necessary to talk about both groups with authentic and valid evidences:
Background of Ghadir
The “Farewell pilgrimage” ceremony was completed in the last month of the 10th A.H. The Moslems learned pilgrimage activities from the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), and then, Prophet (s.a.w.a.) decided to leave Mecca to Medina. He instructed for departure. When the caravan reached an area called “Rabegh”(1), which is three miles far from Johfeh (2), Gabriel, the inspiration angel, revealed in a point called “Ghadir Khom”, and addressed the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) with the following verse:
یا ایها الرسول بلغ ما انزل الیک من ربک و ان لم تفعل فما بلغت رسالته و الله یعصمک من الناس (3)
O Messenger, deliver that which has been sent down to thee from thy Lord; for if thou dost not, thou wilt not have delivered His Message. God will protect three from men.

The tone of verse indicates that God has assigned Prophet (s.a.w.a.) a critical mission, which equals with his prophetic mission, and caused despair of the Islam enemies. Is any critical mission more important than appointment of Ali (a.s.) to the rank of caliphate, guardianship and succession in front of more than hundred thousand people?!
Therefore, he ordered to stop. Those who were ahead of caravan, stopped, and those who were at the back of caravan, joined them. At noon, it was very hot, and a group of people put a part of their mantle on their head and a part under their foot. A shading was made for the Prophet through casting a veil on the tree. He sat on the high point, formed by the camel saddle, and he delivered a sermon with a loud voice, the extract of which follows:

Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) sermon in Ghadir Khom

Praise belongs to God. We seek help from Him, and believe in Him, and trust in Him. We turn to Him for our evil and unrighteous deeds. The Lord, save whom there is no guide. Whoever is guided by Him, there will be no deviator for him. I testify that there is no God, save Him, and Mohammad is his servant and prophet.
O people! Soon, I will die, and leave you. I am responsible and you too!
Then he added: What do you think about me!? (Have I fulfilled my responsibility against you?)
The crowd all said: We testify that you have accomplished your prophetic mission, and endeavored. God may grant you good rewards.
The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: Do you testify that the Lord of world is one, and Mohammad is His servant and prophet, and there is no doubt about paradise, hell, the everlasting life in the other world?
All replied: Yes, that is right. We testify!
He added: O people, I leave among you two precious things. I shall see how you treat with my two heritage?!
One stood up and asked loudly: What are these two precious things?!
Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: One is divine book, one side of which is in the powerful hand of God, and the other is with you. And the next is my Household. God has informed me that these two will never separate!
Beware, O People, do not surpass Quran and my Household. Do not fail to follow both of them. Otherwise, you will perish!
Then, he took Ali’s hand (a.s.), and raised it too high that the armpit of both of them was seen by the people, and introduced him to the people.
He asked: Who is more authorized and rightful to the believers than themselves?
All replied: God and His messenger are more aware.
The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: God is my master and I am the master of believers, and I am more authorized and rightful than themselves! Beware, O People!
من کنت مولاه فهذا علی مولاه
Whoever I am his master and authority, this Ali will be his master and authority. (1)
اللهم وال من والاه و عاد من عاداه و احب من احبه و ابغض من ابغضه و انصر من نصره و اخذل من خذله و ادر الحق معه حیث دار.
O God, be friend with whoever is friend with Ali, and be enemy with whoever is an enemy of Ali. Help whoever helps him, and leave whoever leaves him, make him the criteria of right! (2)
If you study the above sermon carefully, there are quick evidences for Imamate of Ali (a.s.) in every phrase of it. (we will explain it soon).
1- The Prophet repeated this phrase for three times to avoid any future mistake!
2- This part of Ghadir tradition, and sometimes its first part, without the second or visa versa, has been mentioned in the following documents:

مسند ابن حنبل: vol. 1, p. 254; تاریخ دمشق: vol. 42, p. 207, 208 & 448; خصائص نسایی: p. 181; المعجم الکبیر: vol. 17, p. 39; سنن الترمذی: vol. 5, p. 633;المستدرک علی الصحیحن, vol. 13, p. 135; المعجم الاوسط; vol. 6, p. 95; مسند ابی یعلی, vol. 1, p. 280; المحاسن و المساوئی: p. 41; مناقب خوارزمی: p. 104, and other books.
3- A large group of known Sunnite scholars have narrated this sermon in their books, such as:
مسند احمد: vol. 1, p. 84, 88, 118, 119, 152, 281, 331, 332, 370; سنن ابن ماجه, vol. 1, p. 55, 58; المستدرک علی الصحیحین حاکم نیشابوری, vol. 3, p. 118 & 613; سنن ترمذی, vol. 5, p. 633; فتح الباری, vol. 79, p. 74; تاریخ خطیب بغدادی, vol. 8, p. 290; تاریخ الخلفاء و سیوطی, p. 114, etc.
The eternity of Ghadir event
The Wise God has willed the Ghadir historical event to remain in all ages and centuries, as a live history, attracting the hearts and minds, and the Islamic writers to discuss it in the commentary, history, tradition and theology books, and the religious orators to deliver lectures about it, and call it one of the undeniable virtues of Imam Ali (a.s.).
Not only the orators and lecturers, but also the poets too have been suggested by this event, and have lighted their literary talent through thinking and reflection on it, as well as increasing their loyalty to the owner of guardianship. They have left the best poems in different forms and various languages. (The Late Allameh Amini has mentioned an important part of Ghadir poems in every century of the Islamic history, while describing the attributes of the poets in the eleven volumes of Al-Ghadir book narrated from popular Islamic resources).
In other words, no other historical event in the world, has been noted so much by different classes, including traditionist, commentator, theologian, philosopher, orator, poet, historian and biographer.
One of the reasons for eternity of this tradition, is revelation of two Quranic verses (1) in respect to this event, and since Quran is eternal and everlasting, this historical event too will be never forgotten.
It is noteworthy that referring to the history clarifies that eighteenth of Zelhejjah has been known among Moslems as the Eid Ghadir, so that Ebne Khalkan says about Mostalli Ebne Mostansar: The people paid homage to him on eighteenth of Zelhejjah, Eid Ghadir, 487 A.H. (2), and he writes about Mostansar Bellah Abidi: He passed away twelve nights before the end of Zelhejjah, 487 A.H. It is the same night of eighteenth of Zelhejjah, the night of Eid Ghadir. (3)
It is interesting that Aboureyhan Birouni, in Assarol Baqieh, has called Eid Ghadir one of the feasts, which all Moslems celebrated it. (4)
Not only Ebne Khalkan and Aboureyhan Birouni have called it an Eid, but also Thalebi, one of the other famous Sunnite scholars has called Ghadir one of the popular nights among the Islamic nation. (5)
This Islamic Eid dates back to the time of Prophet (s.a.w.a.), because on that day, the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) instructed the immigrants and helpers, and rather his wives, to go to Ali (a.s.) and congratulate to him for guardianship and Imamate.
Zeid Ebne Arqam says: Aboubakr, Omar, Osman, Talhe and Zobair from among the immigrants were the first who paid homage to Ali (a.s.), but the congratulation and paying homage ceremonies was continued till sunset. (6)

1- The Table sura, verses 67 & 3
2- وفیات الأعیان : vol. 1, p. 60
3- وفیات الأعیان: vol. 2, p. 223
4-ترجمة الآثار الباقیه: 395; الغدیر, vol. 1, p. 367.
5-ثمار القلوب: 511
6-Congratulation of Omar Ebne Khattab has been mentioned in many of Sunnite documents, such as, مسند ابن حنبل, vol. 6, p. 401; البدایة و النهایة, vol. 5, p. 209; الفصول المهمه ابن صباغ, p. 40; فراءد السمطین, vol. 1, p. 71. Congratulation of Aboubakr, Omar, Osman, Talhe, Zobair and others have been stated in other books: مناقب علی بن ابیطالب, composed by Ahmad Ebne Mohammad Tabari (Alghadir, vol. 1, p. 270).
110 people of tradition narrators
For showing importance of this historical event, it is enough to say that one hundred ten of the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) companions have narrated it. (1)
Of course, this does not mean that only these from among the host have narrated the event. Rather, we mean that in the books of Sunnite scholars, the names of one hundred ten people are mentioned.
In the second Islamic century, called the age of followers, eighty nine of them have narrated this tradition.
The narrators of Ghadir tradition, in the next centuries too are among the Sunnite scholars and leaders. Three hundred sixty of them have collected this tradition in their books, and a large group have affirmed its validity and authenticity.
A group of them have not contended with narration of the tradition, and have also written separate books with regards to its documents and contents.
It is strange that the great Islamic historian, Tabari, has composed a book, الولایة فی طرق حدیث الغدیر, and has narrated the tradition based on seventy five chains of transmission from the Prophet!
Ebne Oqdeh Koufi has narrated it from one hundred five people in the, ولایت, essay.
Aboubakr Mohammad Ebne Omar Baghdadi, known as Jamani, has narrated it through twenty five chains of transmission.

1-The documents of these important resources will be mentioned all together.
Sunnite Celebrated People
Ahmad Ebne Hanbal Sheybani
Ebne Hajar Asqalani
Jazari Shafei
Abou Saeid Sajestani
Amir Mohammad Yamani
Abolalae Hamedani
and Abolerfan Haban
have narrated the tradition through numerous chains of transmission. (1)
 Shiite scholars too have composed valuable books regarding this historical event, and have referred to the Sunnite important references, the most comprehensive of which is the historical book, الغدیر, composed by the late Ayatullah Amini. (This book has been the main reference in composition of this article).
However, after appointment of Ali (a.s.) as his successor, the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said:
O People, just now the inspiration angel revealed to me and brought this verse:
الیوم اکملت لکم دینکم و اتممت علیکم نعمتی و رضیت لکم الاسلام دینا‏َ
Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam for your religion. (2)
Then the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said “Allahu Akbar” and added:
I thank God for perfecting His religion, and completing His Blessing, and approving my mission and guardianship and succession of Ali after me.
Then, Prophet (s.a.w.a.) came down, and said Ali (a.s.):
Sit under a tent so that the prominent Islamic chiefs and headmen pay homage and congratulate to you.
First of all, Omar and Aboubakr congratulated to Ali (a.s.) and called him their master!
Hassan Ebne Thabet availed himself of the opportunity and asking permission from the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), versified some poems, and read them before the Prophet (s.a.w.a.). Hereunder we will mention only two couplets of it:
فقال له قم یا علی فاننی
رضیتک من بعدی اماماَ و هادی
فمن کنت مولاه فهذا ولیه
فکونوا له اتباع صدق موالی
He said Ali: Get up, I selected you for succession and guidance of people after me.
Whoever I am his master and authority, this Ali will be his master and authority, and you loving him heartily, follow him. (3)
This tradition has been one of the greatest evidences for excellence of Imam Ali (a.s.) over all the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) companions.
Even, in the caliphate council meeting, hold after demise of the second caliph (4), as well as during the caliphate of Osman, and his own caliphate, Imam Ali (a.s.) has argued it. (5)
Moreover, the great personalities, like Hazrat Zahra (a.s.) have repeatedly reasoned the tradition against the opponents and deniers of the high rank of Ali (a.s.). (6)

1-All of these documents are available in the first volume of Alghadir book, which are generally collected from the known Sunnite references. 
2-The Table sura, verse 3.
3-The poems of Hassan have been stated in several resources: مناقب خوارزمی, p. 135, مقتل الحسین خوارزمی, vol. 1, p. 47, فرائد السمطین, vol. 1, p. 73 & 74;النور المشتغل, p. 56; المناقب کوثر, vol. 1, p. 118 & 362.
4-This argument has been stated in the following books: مناقب اخطب خوارزمی حنفی, p. 217; فرائد السمطین حموینی, chapter 58; الدر النظیم ابن حاتم شامی,الصواعق المحرقه ابن حجر عسقلانی, p. 75; امالی ابن عقده, p. 7, 212, شرح نهج البلاغه ابن ابی الحدید, vol. 2, p. 61, الاستیعاب ابن عبدالبر, vol. 3, p. 35; تفسیر طبری, vol. 3, p. 418 under verse 55, The Table sura.
5-فرائد السمطین, first part, chapter 58; شرح نهج البلاغه ابن ابی الحدید, vol. 1, p. 362; اسد الغابه, vol. 3, p. 307, vol. 5, p. 205; الاصابه ابن حجر عسقلانی, vol. 2, p. 408, vol. 4, p. 80; مسند احمد, vol. 1, p. 84, 88; البدایة و النهایة ابن کثیر شامی, vol. 5, p. 210, vol. 7, p. 348; مجمع الزوائد هیتمی, vol. 9, p. 106; ذخائر العقبی, p. 67, … (الغدیر, p. 163, 164)
6-اسنی المطالب شمس الدین شافعی, as per narration of, سخاوی فی الضوء اللامع, vol. 9, p. 256; البدر الطالع شوکانی, vol. 2, p. 297; شرح نهج البلاغه ابن ابی الحدید, vol. 2, page 273; مناقب علامه حنفی, p. 130; بلاغات النساء, p. 72; العقد الفرید, vol. 1, p. 162; صبح الاعشی, vol. 1, page 259, مروج الذهب ابن مسعود شافعی, vol. 2, page 49; ینابیع الموده, p. 486.
To whom does the word master and authority (مولی) apply?
The main issue here is the interpretation of concept of master, that while being clear and obvious, it has been unfairly judged. Considering the aforementioned explanation, there would remain no doubt and uncertainty about the authenticity of the tradition, the excuse seekers created doubt and uncertainty about the meaning and concept of tradition, particularly the word
,مولا .مولا,
in this tradition, and rather in most cases, has only one meaning, that is, priority and qualification, and in other words, guardianship. Quran has applied the word, مولا, for the concept of guardian and authority.
The word, مولا, has been applied in 18 Quranic verses, 10 of which is concerned with God. It goes without saying that it indicates His authority and guardianship, and only in some few cases, it has been applied for friendship.
Therefore, there shall be no doubt that the word, مولا, primarily means the superior and authority. In Ghadir tradition too, it has the same meaning. In addition, it is accompanied with so many evidences and proofs, clearly proving that it means authority and guardianship.

The evidences certifying this claim

Even supposing that the term, مولا, has lexically various meanings, but there are many evidences and proofs in the Ghadir tradition and this great historical event, removing any ambiguity and conclusive for all.
 First evidence:
As we said, on the day of Ghadir historical event, Hassan Ebne Thabet, Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) poet, asked permission from the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), and versified Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) utterance. This eloquent and fluent poet, having command on Arabic language, applied Imam and guide for the word, مولی, and said:
فقال له: قم یا علی فاننی
رضیتک من بعدی اماماَ و هادی
He said Ali: Get up, I selected you for succession and guidance of people after me. (1)
As it is clear, he had not understood the word, مولی, in the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) utterance, anything save the rank of Imamate, leadership and guardianship of the nation, while he knew well Arabic terminology and was one of the eloquent Arab poets.
Not only Hassan, the great Arab poet, has understood this concept from the word, مولی, but also other great Islamic poets, most of which have been among the famous Arab poets and literati, and some of them have been the great professors in this language, have understood the same concept which Hassan did, that is, Imamate and leadership of nation!
1-The documents for attribution of these poems to Hassan Ebne Thabet was already mentioned.
 Second evidence:
Imam Ali (a.s.) in his poems writing to Moavieh regarding Ghadir tradition says:
و اوجب لی ولایته علیکم
رسول الله یوم غدیر خم
God’s Prophet (s.a.w.a.) enjoined my guardianship for you on the day of Ghadir Khom. (1)
Who can interpret the tradition and explain for us what the God’s Prophet (s.a.w.a.) meant by, ولایت, on the Ghadir day, better than Imam? Does this interpretation show not that as all present in the Ghadir event believe, it does not imply anything save social leadership and headship?
1-The Late Allameh Amini, in vol. 2 of Alghadir, p. 25-30, has narrated this poems with other couplets from 11 of Shiite and 26 of Sunnite scholars.

Third evidence:

Before stating the phrase, من کنت مولاه
, the Prophet asked:
الست اولی بکم من انفسکم؟
Am I not more authorized and rightful to you than yourselves?
In the above phrase, Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has applied
اولی به نفس
and has asked all people for confession to his authority over them. Then, he immediately said:
من کنت مولاه فهذا علی مولاه
Whoever I am his master and authority, this Ali will be his master and authority.
What is the purpose of conjunction in these two phrases? Is it anything save proving the same rank of Prophet (s.a.w.a.) as per the text of Quran, for Ali (a.s.)? The only difference is that he is the prophet and Ali is Imam. On this account, it is interpreted as:
Whoever I am his master and authority, this Ali will be his master and authority. (1)
If the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) meant something else, there was no reason for asking people’s confession for his mastership and authority. It is very unfair if one neglects this message of Prophet (s.a.w.a.), and does not take into account such obvious evidence.

1-Allameh Amini has narrated the phrase, الست اولی بکم من انفسکم, from 64 Islamic traditionists and historians. Refer to vol. 1, p. 371.

Fourth evidence:

The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) asked for people’s confession to three basic Islamic principles and said:
الستم تشهدون ان لا اله الا الله و ان محمداَ عبده و رسوله و ان الجنة حق و النار حق؟
Do you testify that the Lord of world is one, and Mohammad is His servant and prophet, and there is no doubt about paradise, hell?
What did he mean for asking the confession? Does he want to make people’s mind ready to consider the rank and position, which he will later prove for Ali (a.s.), as the previous tenets, and know that confession to his caliphate and guardianship is the same as triple tenets of religion, to which all confess? If the word,
, meant friend and helper, the sentences lose their relation, and the utterances is not firm anymore. Don’t you think so?

Fifth evidence:

At the beginning of his sermon, the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) talks about his death and says:
انی أوشک أن ادعی فاجی
Soon, I will die. (1)
The phrase indicates that the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is going to make a decision for the period after himself, and fill the vacancy caused by his demise. What can fill such vacancy, is appointment of a successor, worthy and informed to manage the affairs after him, and nothing else.
If we interpret guardianship to something save caliphate, the logical relation of the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) utterances is clearly disturbed, while he is one of the most eloquent and fluent orators. What other clearer evidence could be found for guardianship?

1-Refer to Alghadir, vol. 1, p. 26,27,30,32,333,34,36,47,176. The chain of transmission of this subject from the Sunnite documents, such as: صحیح ترمذی, vol. 2, p. 298; الفصول المهمه ابن صباغ, p. 25; المناقب الثلاثه حافظ ابی الفتوح, p. 19, البدایة و النهایة ابن کثیر, vol. 5, p. 209, vol. 7, p. 348; الصواعق المحرقه, p. 25;مچمع الزوائد هیتمی, vol. 9, p. 165,…

Sixth evidence:

من کنت مولاه ...
, the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said:
الله اکبر علی اکمال الدین و اتمام النعمه و رضی الرب برسالتی و الولایه لعلی من بعدی
“Allahu Akbar”, I thank God for perfecting His religion, and completing His Blessing, and approving my mission as well as guardianship and succession of Ali after me.
If he meant friendship and assistance of one of the Moslems, how the God’s religion was perfected, and His blessing was completed through friendship with Ali (a.s.)? More obviously, he says: God approved my mission and guardianship of Ali (a.s.) after me. (1) Are these not clear evidences for the concept of caliphate?

1-The late Allameh Amini has mentioned the documents for this part of tradition in vol. 1, p. 43,165,231,232,233,235, like: الولایة ابن جریر طبری, p. 310;تفسیر ابن کثیر, vol. 2, p. 14; تفسیر الدر المنثور, vol. 2, p. 259; الاتقان, vol. 1, p. 31; مفتاح النجاح بدخشی, p. 220; ما نزل من القرآن فی علیابونعیم اصفهانیتاریخ خطیب بغدادی, vol. 4, p. 290; مناقب خوارزمی, p. 80; الخصائص العلویه ابوالفتح نطنزی, p. 43; تذکره سبط بن جوزی, p. 18; فرائد السمطین, chapter 12.
 Seventh evidence:
What evidence is more explanatory than congratulation of Omar and Aboubakr, and a large number of the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) companions to Ali (a.s.) lasting till the time of sunset prayer, while Omar and Aboubakr were the first of those who congratulated Imam as follows:
هنیئاَ لک یا علی بن ابی طالب اصبحت و أمسیت مولای و مولی کل مؤمن و مؤمنه
Congratulations to you, O Ali Ebne Abitaleb, you wake up and go to sleep, while you are my guardian, and the guardian of any believer man and woman! (1)
What position did Ali (a.s.) achieve on that day to be worthy of such congratulation? Is any rank, save leadership and caliphate of the Islamic nation that was not officially declared till then, worthy of such congratulation? Friendship and kindness was not a new issue.
1-For information about the documents indicating congratulation of Omar & Aboubakr, refer to Alghadir, vol. 1, p. 270, 283. A part of documents of this tradition was already stated.

Eighth evidence:

If friendship of Ali (a.s.) was meant, it was not necessary to express it in such a hot weather (stopping one hundred thousand caravan, and asking the people to sit on the hot sands in the desert for delivering a lecture)!
Quran had already called all the society’s individuals as brothers, and it says:
انما المؤمنون اخوة
The believers indeed are brothers. (1)
Had Quran not already introduced the believers as friends? Ali (a.s.) too was one of the believers, and there was no need for declaring his friendship. Even if it was expedient to declare his friendship, these preparations and hard conditions were not required. It was possible to be declared in Medina. Surely, the issue has been more important, requiring such exceptional preparations, which were unprecedented in the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) life, and it was not repeated anymore.
1-Apartments sura, verse 10.

Now let’s judge!

With such clear evidences, isn’t it strange if someone doubt about the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) purpose, that is, caliphate and leadership of Moslems? How do those who doubt, persuade their conscience and what’s their reply to God on the day of resurrection?
Verily, if all Moslems start a new study and review on the Ghadir tradition, free from any prejudice, they will reach desirable conclusions, and it will cause more solidarity among the Moslems.


It is remarkable that some say that the president, has interpreted the word, مولا
, as friendship, in one of his elective lectures, while he is one of the Shiite clergymen.


It is not true, because soon later, for removing any ambiguity and misunderstanding, he clarified in the explanation published in many of dailies as follows:
I shall remark the point, which I mentioned in one of my recent lectures about the Ghadir event, that is, kindness and affection has a critical role in the God’s religion, and particularly in the social life of the Islamic society. However, considering the time, place and the homage paid to Ali (a.s.) on the same day, by the word, مولی, in the phrase, من کنت مولاه فهذا علی مولاه, the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) surely meant guardianship and leadership of the Islamic society, and as we Shiite believe, and as per the authentic historical narration after demise of Prophet (s.a.w.a.), this concept has been accepted and approved by the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) great companions. On the other hand, the word, مولی, conveys a special message and has been selected knowingly. Surely the Prophet could apply other phrases such as, امیر‏‏، قائد‏، سلطان, but the word,مولی, includes friendship and kindness (one of the bases of desirable Islamic government) in addition to guardianship. Today, our nation wants to enjoy a free and improved society, as well as growth with spirituality, morality and kindness.

Three meaningful traditions!

1- Who is right?

Omme Salameh and Ayesheh, Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) wives say: We heard from the Prophet (s.a.w.a.):
علی مع الحق و الحق مع علی لن یفترقا حتی یردا علی الحوض
Ali is with right, and right is with Ali, they do not separate each other until appearing to me besides the Pond of Abundance.
This tradition has been narrated in many of Sunnite popular resources. Allameh Amini has mentioned these resources exactly in the third volume of Alghadir. (1)
The famous Sunnite commentator, Fakhr Razi, in his commentary book, under the Opening sura says: Ali Ebne Abitaleb (a.s.) recited
" بسم الله"
loudly, and it has been proved by repeated transmission. Whoever follows Ali in his religion, he has been guided, as the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) says:
اللهم ادر الحق مع علی حیث دار
O God, make him the criteria of right, to wherever he turns. (28)
Pay attention. It says the right turns to wherever he turns!

1-Mohammad Ebne Abibakr, Abouzar, Abou Saeid Khadri, and others have narrated this tradition from the Prophet (s.a.w.a.). (Refer to vol. 3, Alghadir).
28-تفسیر کبیر, vol. 1, p. 205.

2- Pledge of brotherhood

A group of known companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) have narrated following tradition from the Prophet (s.a.w.a.):
آخی رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله) بین اصحابه فاخی بین ابی بکر و عمر‏، و فلان و فلان، فجاء علی (رضی الله عنه) فقال آخیت بین اصحابک و لم تواخ بینی و بین احد؟! فقال رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله) انت اخی فی الدنیا و الآخرة.
The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) set the pledge of brotherhood between his companions, such as between Omar and Aboubakr, and the others (those in the same rank). Then, Ali (a.s.) came to him and said: You set the pledge of brotherhood for all, but not between anyone and me? The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: You are my brother in the world and hereafter.
The same content with similar phrases has been stated in 49 other cases. These traditions are generally found in the Sunnite resources! (1)
Isn’t the pledge of brotherhood between Ali and the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) a proof for his excellence and superiority to the all nation? Is it possible to prefer someone to the superior?

1-Allameh Amini has stated all of these fifty traditions, and its documents and resources in details in the third volume of Alghadir.

3- The sole means of salvation

Keeping in hand the door of Kabah, Abouzar called:
من عرفنی (فقد عرفنی) و من لم یعرفنی فانا ابوذر‏، سمعت النبی (صلی الله علیه و آله) یقول: مثل اهل بیتی فیکم مثل سفینة نوح، من رکبها نجی و من تخلف عنها غرق
Whoever knows me, he knows, and whoever doesn’t know me, may know that I am abouzar. I heard from the Prophet (s.a.w.a.): The similitude of my Household is like that of Noah ship. Whoever enters it, is saved, and whoever leaves it, will be drowned.
The references of the above tradition are very numerous, to which will be referred in the footnote. 
When Noah typhoon happened on the earth, there was no salvation means, save Noah ship. Even the high mountains could not deliver Noah’s son who had associated with the evil-doers.
As per the saying of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), is there any way for salvation of the nation after him, save resorting to the Househ
Islamic Sciences & Researches Group – Qom
Nov 23, '10 4:55 AM
for everyone

Shaykh Mufid, a distinguished Shi'ite scholar, also wrote in al Irshad: " When Imam Hasan al' Askari ( a. s, passed away, the caliph of that time, pursued his son because the Shi'ite Imamiyyah's belief was famous and was spread about that the Shi'ites were awaiting His Eminence" Mu'tadid, one of the tyrant ' Abbasid caliphs who ruled from 279 to 289 A. H, decided all at once to destroy the entire family of al ' Askari when he heard that more than twenty years had passed since the birth of the son of Imam Hasan al-' Askari ( a. s, and that he was still living in spite of the attempts of the preceding caliph to kill him. 

One of Mu'tadid's officers said: " Mu'tadid has ordered me and two other persons, each of us to mount a horse and to proceed to Samarra' in full speed without even stopping for prayer. He gave us the address of ( Imam) al' Askari and instructed us to enter his house without his permission and to bring him the head of whoever we find there" As a matter of fact, they were unaware that the same power which had protected the Imam from the former caliphs would give him protection from his evil, because:
"Allah disdains (nothing) save that He shall perfect His light, however much the disbelievers are averse"
Indeed what an immature thought and foolish act it was! If the Divine Will bears on some matter, can a person revolt against it and combat it? Is it possible that definite Divine Promises may not be compiled with? Or is it possible that the reins of oppressive imposters who fight against the Divine decree will not cut? Is it not more amazing that Peerless, Almighty Allah has shown His power many times before, so that after that all men should know that if He wishes to give His chosen servant government and sovereignty and to destroy infidelity and irreligiousness through him, then there is no one who can disrupt His rule? Fortunately, this sensational story is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an.
Pharaoh, the great emperor of Egypt, who had great power and pride, claimed the divinity for himself. He determined to Kill all the youths and boy children of Bani Isra'il as a result of what he had heard about a son being born who would destroy his empire and divinity. He shed the blood of innocents, and banished many persons to unknown regions; but see how Almighty Allah restored His Prophet and how the Divine Will worked to protect the life of Musa( a. s, and destroy Pharaoh:
" And We revealed to the mother of Musa, saying, " Give him suck; and if you fear for him, launch him on the river; and fear not, nor grieve; for We will return him to you and make him one of the Messengers" And took him up Pharaoh's people, that he might be to them an enemy and a( cause of their) grief,( for) verily Pharaoh and Haman and their hosts were sinners .. So We did restore him to his mother that her age might be refreshed and that she might not grieve, and that she might know that the promise of Allah is ( always) true, but most of them know not.
( XXVIII 7- 13)

Yes, Allah will protect His Proof ( Hujjah) and will fulfil His promises and glad tidings because His decision is based on its execution, although most people do not know it. Would Allah wish to save the life of Prophet Musa ( a. s, who was only a messenger to a certain nation and tribe, and yield the Imam of the Age (Imam- e-Zamana) into the hands of Mu'tamid and Mu'tadid?

Would Allah protect the life of Musa ( a. s) while he was in the middle of the roaring waves of a river, and give no security to the Imam of the Age who was in the house of his father, Imam Hasan al' Askari ( a. s? Would the Sustaining Allah of the Prophet Ibrahim ( a. s, protect Ibrahim ( a. s, in the middle of the flaming fire, but allow the Last Pearl of the Prophet's progeny to be a victim of the lust and anger of the' Abbaside caliphs?
At dawn, on the middle day of Sha'ban in the year 255 A. H, Imam Hasan al Askari ( a. s, beheld the heavenly, shinning face of his son who was to fulfil all Divine promises and glad tidings. Not more than three days had passed after his birth when the Eleventh Imam took the holy child to his companions and told them:
" After me this will be your master of authority and my successor, and he is the' Support' ( al- Qa'im) for whose appearance all people will wait; when the earth is full of injustice and tyranny, he will fill it with peace and justice"
Read carefully these words of Shaykh Mufid,

"Imam Hasan al' Askari, peace be on him, prepared a true Government for his fruitful son. He kept secret the birth of his son and other related matters, because His Eminence was living in a difficult time when the caliphs were intensively searching for his son and were keeping a close eye on the affairs of Imam al-' Askari. This is because the Shi'ite Imamiyyah belief about the Imam al Mahdi ( a. s, had become so current they were waiting for His Eminence. Hence, Imam Hasan al' Askari ( a. s, did not show his, and, therefore, the enemies could not recognize Imam al- Mahdi, ( a. s, after the demise of His Eminence (father. Although the affairs of Imam al- Mahdi ( a. s, were unknown to his enemies and opponents, the sincere Shi'ites gathered the news of this important event. Some of them were informed by Imam al' Askari ( a. s,
through a letter. One of the sincere Shi'ites, Ahmad ibn Is'haq, received a letter from the Imam written in his own hand writing, saying: "A son is born to me. Therefore, keep secret the news of it from people and inform only his near relatives and particular friends" Some of the Shi'ites used to pay private visits to Imam al' Askari ( a. s, who would take them into the presence of the Twelfth Imam al- Mahdi ( a. s, who would guide them. Abu ' Umari and Ahwazi reported: " Abu Muhammad ( Imam Hasan al' Askari) showed me his son ( the Twelfth Imam) and told me,' This is your Master ( Sahib" Some other Shi'ites used to visit Imam al' Askari( a. s, in a group, and if the Imam trusted in them that they would faithfully keep their visit secret, he would show them his beloved son.
Yes, in this manner was the Imam of the Age ( Imam- e- Zamana) born and kept hidden from the reach of strangers. On some occasions only were virtuous Shi'ites allowed to see him, until the year 260 A. H, when the Eleventh Imam expired, and by Divine decree the office of Divine Leadership ( Imamate) was vested in the Master of the Authority ( Sahibu'l- Amr.)
Nov 23, '10 2:08 AM
for everyone
It is incumbent upon the Muslim Ummah to honor and respect the homes of Ahlul-Bayt and according to the Ayah mentioned earlier: "The light (of Allah) shines upon dwellings that are made to be honored. In those homes men pray to Allah every morning and every afternoon." These homes are honored and endeared both physically by being well-kept, and spiritually by being kept pure. Special respect is due to such dwellings.
Sayooti writes in his interpretation of the Qur'an that when this Ayah was revealed, the disciples of the Prophet asked him what was meant by (homes). He replied, "The homes of the Prophets." Then Abu Bakr asked him if the residence of Fatima (A.S.) was among such homes. Prophet Muhammad replied, "Yes, and it is one of the best among them."
Any disrespect towards the homes of the Prophets and the residence of the Final Messenger of Allah is prohibited and considered a transgression upon the person of the Prophet. Such acts lead to apostasy. If paying homage " Tar'fii' " refers only to the physical appearance of these homes then their well-keeping is a duty on Muslims. However, if dignifying means doing so in a spiritual capacity, then respecting these dwellings is incumbent upon all Muslims, too.
Among the rights of Ahlul-Bayt is that salawaat is due to them as well as the Prophet and that one should not separate the Messenger of Allah from his progeny when chanting salawaat. Verily Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe! send blessings on him [Muhammad] and greet him with the fitting salutation. 

When the above Ayah was revealed, the Companions of the Prophet inquired about the manner in which salawaat is to be said. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) answered: When saying salawaat, one must say: "O Allah! send Thy peace and blessings upon the Prophet and his progeny in the same manner that You send it upon Ibrahim and his progeny for You are Praiseworthy and Most High." 

In his book (Sawaa'iq), Ibn Hajr quotes the Prophet saying, "Do not deliver an unfinished salawaat for me." Ibn Hajr adds, when the Prophet was asked what he meant by an unfinished salawaat, the Prophet replied: "Do not say 'O Allah! send Thy peace and blessings upon Muhammad instead say: Allah! send Thy peace and blessings upon Muhammad and upon Aali Muhammad". Regretfully, this unfinished salawaat is quite popular in writings of Ahlul-Sunnah and the lectures of Sunni preachers. In a Hadith, the beloved Prophet (p.b.u.h.) insists that, "Whoever makes prayer and does not declare salawaat for him and his family, his prayer is incomplete and will not be accepted."

 Imam Shafi'i attests to this Hadith in a famous poem: Roughly translated Al-Shafi'i says: Oh the love of Ahlul-Bayt is such That it is a must since the Qur'an has it established . Suffice it that their distinction is such That the prayer is invalid if no salawaat is offered for them.
Nov 23, '10 1:51 AM
for everyone
  • She is content: Such woman is the best one who becomes happy and content when her husband puts a loving glance on her, and when he orders her for something right, she obeys him immediately, and never does any thing against his will. - Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)
  • She is a great cook and a good administrator: A woman who cooks neat, clean and delicious food for her husband. Allah has provided great food for such nice wife in paradise. In heaven, she will be asked to drink and eat whatever you wish, as this is the reward for the pain and services which you performed for your husband! - Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)
  • The best woman among your women is one who cooks delicious food, spends the money justly and does not waste it. Such women are the workers of Allah, and the workers of Allah never get hopeless and regretful! - Imam Jafer-e-Sadiq (as)
  • She is priceless: A woman doesn't have any price, whether she is good or bad. A good and nice lady can not be measured with money or gold or silver, as she is far more expensive and precious than money or gold. Similarly, a woman with bad character and worst nature can not be compared with sand, as sand is far more higher and good than her. - Imam Jafer-e-Sadiq (as)
  • She is loving, caring and patient: Do not you want me to tell you about those ladies who will enter paradise? A woman who is loving and caring to her husband, and gives births to his children and when he gets angry with her, she instantly says My hand is in your hand like she does not get satisfied until her husband becomes happy with her. - Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)
  • She is obedient: Lucky and fortunate woman is one who respects her husband and does not give him any pain, hurt or discomfort and does not makes him worried and obeys him in all the right aspects of life. - Imam Jafer-e-Sadiq (as)
  • She does Jehaad: The Jehaad of woman is that she must not lose her patience if she gets hurt from her husband. Her patience is her Jehaad. - Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)
Nov 23, '10 12:51 AM
for everyone
Amazing Science Facts

Following on from our list of amazing science facts, we have produced another list of facts that are entertaining and educational. These are all facts that are (hopefully) not especially well known to the average person.

1. Fingernails grow four times faster than toenails.

2. Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.

3. If you rub an onion on your foot - within 30 to 60 minutes, you will be able to feel the taste. This is because it travels through the blood stream.

4. You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath (if you hold it until you go unconscious, you begin to breath normally as soon as you do).

5. On one square inch of human skin there are 20 million microscopic creatures.

6. Armadillos are the only creatures apart from men that can catch leprosy – there are known cases of armadillo to human transfers of the disease.

7. A snail can sleep for 3 – 4 years and during that period it does not need food.

8. Giraffes can live longer without water than camels.

9. The songs of humpback whales can change dramatically from year to year, yet each whale in an oceanwide population always sings the same song as the others.

10. The forces required to remove a foot from quicksand at a speed of one centimeter per second would require the same amount of force as “that needed to lift a medium-sized car.”

11. To test if a pearl is real, you can rub vinegar on it. The composition of the pearl will cause it to bubble furiously.

12. Goldfish kept in a dark room turn much paler and if it wasn’t for the color in the food they eat, they would turn completely white.

13. Unlike normal bees, the Queen bee’s stinger is not barbed and can be used repeatedly without harming her.

14. Quicksand doesn’t directly kill humans as it is usually not very deep at all. It is the fact that it can be incredibly difficult to remove yourself from quicksand that causes death by the environment – such as exposure.

14. Oysters can change between being female or male.

16. Men are over 30% stronger than women on average, especially in the upper body, and men’s brains are heavier than women’s.

Nov 22, '10 6:28 AM
for everyone
Name: ZainabTitle: Siddiqa-e-Sughra
Father: Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi TalibMother: Fatima Bint-e-Mohummad
Born: 5 Jumada 1/1 Shabaan (5 AH)Died:11/21 Jumada 2/24 Safar 62 A/16th Zil Haj
Kunyat: Umm-ul-MassaibBuried: Damascus / Medina / Cairo
Lived: 55 years
Sayyeda Zainab Miracles:
Zainab (s.a.) is represented by responding to invocations, in a miraculous way, such as healing the sick and the crippled. Sources have detailed many such miracles. Here are some examples:
A  miracle that took place in the late sixties and that was reported in the Lebanese newspapers. An old Lady called Haja Fawzia was so sick that she could not stand, walk or even see.
At the beginning of Muharram people were organizing themselves in-groups to visit the Holy Shrine. Haja Fawziah wanted to go with them. She told her brother, Subhi, that she could hire two women to carry her and help her. But he refused the idea saying that the blessed Lady could hear her and help her wherever she was. Haja Fawzia spent the night crying and listening to the story of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (a.s.). Then she prayed to Allah the almighty invoking the prestigious position of Zainab (s.a.) to heal her.
At dawn, she was getting ready to pray when she felt a women taking her hand and telling her: "Stand up on your feet. I am Zainab bint Ali bin Abi Talib. Your brother has told you that Zainab can heal you if she so wishes while you are in your house. I do not heal anybody unless Allah, the Most Exalted, wants him to be cured... Allah's hand is above mine".
Haja Fawzia replied in astonishment: "But I can't stand". But Zainab (s.a.) insisted saying: "Get Up". The Haja stood up crying: "Allah is great"... She was completely healed... And the story is well known in Lebanon.
There are also some other famous miracles as that of the healing of the only child of the Pakistani merchant, Muhammad Ali Habib:
The son had polio, and all the efforts of the medical doctors were useless. The father, upon a visit to the Holy Shrine prayed to Allah to cure his child.
At the same night, as some sources say, the child who was asleep in his room in Pakistan woke up to find himself able to walk. Following this incident the Pakistani merchant donated the silver cage that still protects the grave.


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