Staying in wudhoo at all times-many benefits................. | for everyone |
Subject: Staying in wudhoo at all times-many benefits.................
الوُضوءُ Ablution
1– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘Ablution is half of faith.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 80, p. 238, no. 12]
2– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘He who performs the ablution in the freezing cold weather is given twice the reward, and he who performs the ablution in the extreme heat is given a single share of the reward.’[Kanz al-`Ummal, no. 26059]
3– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘When the Muslim man performs the ablution, mistakes committed by his hearing, his sight, his hands and his feet leave him so that when he sits, he sits forgiven.’[Kanz al-`Ummal, no. 26031]
4– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘When the servant performs the ablution, his sins shed away from him just as leaves shed from a tree.’ [Kanz al-`Ummal, no. 26030]
5– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘He who performs his ablution as best as he can and then walks to the mosque [is considered to be] in a state of prayer as long as he does not nullify it.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 80, p. 237, no. 11]
6– Imam al-Baqir (AS) said, ‘There is no prayer without ablution.’[al-Faqih, v. 1, p. 58, no. 129]
7– Imam al-Baqir (AS) said, ‘Ablution is one of the boundaries of Allah with which He knows who obeys him and who disobeys him.’[`AeIlal al-Shara’i`a, p. 279, no. 1]
8– Imam al-Rida (AS), regarding the reason for ablution, said, ‘So that the servant is pure when he stands before the Mighty One when engaged in supplication to Him, being obedient to Him through what He has commanded him, purified of filths and impurities, and also because it does away with laziness and repels drowsiness, and purifies the heart for standing before the Mighty One.’[`AeIlal al-Shara’i`a, p. 257, no. 9]
9– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘Allah will resurrect my community on the Day of Resurrection among other communities, having white and illuminated faces from the effects of ablution.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 80, p. 237, no. 11]
10– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘Perform ablution frequently and Allah will increase your life, and if you are able to be in a state of purity throughout the night and day, then do so, for if you die in the state of purity, you will die a martyr.’[Amali al-Mufid, p. 60, no. 5]
11– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘The man sleeping in a state of purity is as the man praying and fasting.’[Kanz al-`Ummal, no. 25999]
12– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘He who performs ablution whilst already in a state of purity is given ten good merits.’[Kanz al-`Ummal, no. 26042]
13– Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, ‘He who renews his ablution without [the need to do so to purify] an impurity, Allah renews his repentance without him [needing to] asking for forgiveness.’[Wasael al-Shi`aah , v. 1, p. 264, no. 7]
14– Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, ‘Ablution upon ablution is light upon light.’[Wasael al-Shi`aah , v. 1, p. 265, no. 8]
O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient.
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ، فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
"When Allah takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing
"When Allah takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing
you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better."
HADEES | for everyone |
1– Imam Ali (AS) said, 'Woe betide the wasteful person, how far he is from self-improvement and from redressing his situation.’[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 10092]
2– Imam Ali (AS) said, 'Wasting leads to stagnation [of wealth] whereas thriftiness causes it to thrive.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 72, p. 192, no. 9]
3– Imam Ali (AS) said, 'The giving of wealth to an undeserving cause is squandering and wasting.’[Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 126]
4– Imam Zayn al-Abidin (AS) said in one of his supplications, '…hold me back from wastefulness, fortify my provision against ruin, increase my possessions through blessing them, and set me upon the path of guidance through piety in what I spend of it.’[al-Sahifat al-Sajjadiyya, Supplication 20]
5– The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'There are four characteristics distinguishing a wasteful person: pride in his wrongdoing, eating that which does not belong to him, refraining from acts of courtesy, and refusal to acknowledge anyone who is of no use to him.’[Tuhaf al-`Uqoul, no. 22]
6– Imam al-Sadiq (AS) was once asked by Isq b. `Aammar, 'Can a believer own ten shirts?’ To which he replied, 'Yes.’ 'What about twenty?' to which he replied, 'Yes. And no, that would not be wasting, for indeed wasting is when you wear your formal finery as casual wear at home.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 79, p. 317, no. 1]
7– Imam al-`Aaskari (AS) said, 'Generosity has a set limit, and if taken to extremes becomes squandering.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 69, p. 407, no. 115]
8– The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'Eating anything and everything that one desires is wasting.’[Kanz al-`Ummal, no. 7366]
9– Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'The lowest degree of wastefulness is to spill out the remains of a container [instead of finishing it], to wear one's formal finery as casual wear at home, and to throw away fruit pits.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 75, p. 303, no. 7]
10– The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'There is nothing of good to be found in waste, and nothing of waste to be found in good.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 77, p. 165, no. 2]
11– Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'There is no waste in anything that improves the body…rather waste is found in all that squanders away wealth and harms the body.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 75, p. 303, no. 6]
12– Imam al-Kazim (AS), when asked about whether owning ten shirts was considered a waste, replied, 'No, and in fact that is more conducive to longer wear of your clothes. Waste is when you wear your formal finery to unclean places [as casual wear].’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 79, p. 317, no. 1]
O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient.
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ، فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
"When Allah takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing
"When Allah takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing
you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better."
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
YE MERA INDIA..... | for everyone |
Can you all beleive this .
World's Largest Clock to Begin Ticking in Mecca Time | for everyone |
THE KAABA This is very useful and rare info... | for everyone |
The House of ALLAH in Makkah. The Kaa'ba is covered by a black cloth known as 'Kiswa', which is produced& changed every year. Special factory designed for the making of Kiswa in Makkah. It costs approx. SR 17million.The cloth is made of 670kgs of silver dyed black, about 120kgs of pure gold& 50 kgs of silver used in writing the Qur'anic verses over the cloth. The total area of the cloth is 658sqr meter .
Google’s working on a new software tool | for everyone |
Google’s working on a new software tool to improve web speed. You must have perhaps heard about the google_modspeed software tool that encapsulates a host of softwares intended in speeding up your web.
The application tool is actually an Apache module that uses data compression technology to compress images, if required, to speed up page loading. Also, it can increase the browser cache enabling the web pages to reload faster. Reportedly, the software tools is already under testing and has produced favorable results in the conducted tests.
Also, configuring the mod_speed software is no pain staking business, however moderate skills are required to use and implement the software to speed up your website. The mod_pagespeed identifies the possible way to optimize a wesite’s performance and necessitate the execution of the procedure automatically, if required.
The application is designed to run on Apache Web Servers. The software will be automatically updated. This source Apache module basically serves the purpose of optimizing your web experience by using filters that enhance web page performance. As mentioned earlier, browse cache alteration and image compression may be used to achieve its purpose.

According to Google :
mod_pagespeed includes several filter that optimize JavaScript, HTML and CSS stylesheets. It also includes filters for optimizing JPEG and PNG images. The filters are based on a set of best practices known to enhance web page performance. Webmasters who set up mod_pagespeed in addition to configuring proper caching and compression on their Apache distribution should expect to see an improvement in the loading time of the pages on their websites
The Windshield Is Bigger Than the Rearview Mirror | for everyone |
Start looking forward to the life God has for you! God created you with a great future planned for your life. What you might not realize is that the enemy also has a plan for you-to steal, kill and destroy that future. One of his most effective tactics is to keep you looking backward to the past with would-have-beens, could-have-beens and should-have-beens. This "rearview mirror" focus robs you of present happiness and future promise. The Windshield Is Bigger Than the Rearview Mirror highlights six chains Satan uses to keep people tied to the past: inordinate attachments, past successes, heartbreak, failure, trauma and bitterness. Using powerful illustrations from the Bible and from candid personal experience, Wickwire shows how you can break free from these chains to embrace the future God intended. "Thank you, Jeff Wickwire, for sharing your life, character and even a problem or two with the rest of us. Pardon me while I adjust my rearview mirror and set my cruise control."--TheRev. Tommy Tenney, GodChasers.Network "An outstanding, uplifting book!"--John Bevere, author; speaker; president, Messenger International "This book will give you or a friend fresh vision. Jeff Wickwire provides clear biblical and present-day examples to show how living in the past keeps us from fulfilling God's call and purpose."--James Robison, president and founder, LIFE Outreach International "A must-read for those attempting to make the most out of their 'messes'! In fact, there is a miracle in your mess, if only you'll look for it."--Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr., author; speaker; senior pastor, Hope Christian Church
There is a reason that the approaching horizon along life's journey looms large, explains author Jeff Wickwire in this probing and encouraging wake-up call. Yet the human tendency is to view life through the rearview mirror-a tendency encouraged by a nostalgia-obsessed culture. This mulling over the past--a wrong job choice, a lost chance at love, a hundred missed opportunities--can be paralyzing. Wickwire helps readers let go of skeletons that have kept them in bondage to events that are dead and gone. His scriptural, common-sense approach shows that the best days are ahead for those who learn to keep God's promises in clear view.
There is a reason that the approaching horizon along life's journey looms large, explains author Jeff Wickwire in this probing and encouraging wake-up call. Yet the human tendency is to view life through the rearview mirror-a tendency encouraged by a nostalgia-obsessed culture. This mulling over the past--a wrong job choice, a lost chance at love, a hundred missed opportunities--can be paralyzing. Wickwire helps readers let go of skeletons that have kept them in bondage to events that are dead and gone. His scriptural, common-sense approach shows that the best days are ahead for those who learn to keep God's promises in clear view.
(its purely written on biblical thoughts and presentation - but interesting)
ARJ KIYA HAI......... | for everyone |
Allah se kaho I Love U
Rasul se kaho I trust U
Quran se kaho I believe U
Namaz se kaho I miss U
Imam se kaho I follow U
Waledayn se kaho I obey U
Shaitan se kaho I don’t know U
Wa'de [promise] se kaho I will fulfil U
Qabr se kaho I will come 2 U
Qayamat se kaho I prepare 4 U
Kawsar se kaho I will drink U
Jannat se kaho I will live in U
This is beautifully written:
Duniya Hai Ek INSTITUTION. ...
Humne Liya Hai ADMISSION....
Quran Hai Humara CONSTITUTION....
Humare Nabi Ne Diya Jiska PRESENTATION.
Ispar Chalna Hai Apna PROFESSION....
Jordo Isse Apna CONNECTION...
Issi Me Hai Apna Real SENSATION....
Naa Lena Tum Koi TENSION.....
Yeh Duniya Toh Hai Ek STATION....
Karte Hain Woh Sab SANCTION.....
Iska Allah Ke Hath Me Hai FUNCTION.....
Durr Karo Apna CONFUSION......
Shaitan Hai Humara Khula DUSHMAN.....
Jo Lega Iska INJECTION....
Hoga Iman Me FLUCTUATION.....
Rasul se kaho I trust U
Quran se kaho I believe U
Namaz se kaho I miss U
Imam se kaho I follow U
Waledayn se kaho I obey U
Shaitan se kaho I don’t know U
Wa'de [promise] se kaho I will fulfil U
Qabr se kaho I will come 2 U
Qayamat se kaho I prepare 4 U
Kawsar se kaho I will drink U
Jannat se kaho I will live in U
This is beautifully written:
Duniya Hai Ek INSTITUTION. ...
Humne Liya Hai ADMISSION....
Quran Hai Humara CONSTITUTION....
Humare Nabi Ne Diya Jiska PRESENTATION.
Ispar Chalna Hai Apna PROFESSION....
Jordo Isse Apna CONNECTION...
Issi Me Hai Apna Real SENSATION....
Naa Lena Tum Koi TENSION.....
Yeh Duniya Toh Hai Ek STATION....
Karte Hain Woh Sab SANCTION.....
Iska Allah Ke Hath Me Hai FUNCTION.....
Durr Karo Apna CONFUSION......
Shaitan Hai Humara Khula DUSHMAN.....
Jo Lega Iska INJECTION....
Hoga Iman Me FLUCTUATION.....
Iman se hatoge SLIGHT
To Qabar hogi Tight
Farishte karege fight woh bhi Day & Night
Qabar Me Hoga DISECTION.....
Aur Jahanum Me Iska RETENTION.... Jo Follow Karega Allah Aur Rasool Ka INSTRUCTION....
Qiyamat Me Allah Dega DECISION....
Jannat Hogi Uski DESTINATION
Qabar Me Hoga DISECTION.....
Aur Jahanum Me Iska RETENTION.... Jo Follow Karega Allah Aur Rasool Ka INSTRUCTION....
Qiyamat Me Allah Dega DECISION....
Jannat Hogi Uski DESTINATION
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
At least 17 people have been killed and some 48 wounded in two bomb attacks reportedly targeting Iranian pilgrims in Iraq's holy Shi'ite cities Karbala and Najaf.
The first explosion killed at least 10 and left 38 injured in Karbala.
"It was a car bomb. There were Iranian pilgrims in the area. They were targeted," he said of the explosion which killed at least 10 and left 38 injured.
Hours later, at least seven people were killed and 10 others wounded when a car bomb exploded near buses transporting Iranian pilgrims in Najaf, a health official said.
Officials say the blast was about 500 yards from the revered shrine of Imam Ali, which attracts hundreds of thousands of Shi'ite Muslims from Iraq, Iran and other countries every year.
Two Iranian pilgrims were among those killed.
Political tensions in Iraq have been stoked by the failure of its leaders to agree on a new government eight months after an inconclusive election.
The Karbala bomb exploded shortly before a meeting to break the political deadlock was due to start.
Incumbent Prime Minister Nuri al Maliki, a Shi'ite, is close to securing a second term but is still trying to win over leaders of a Sunni-backed cross-sectarian alliance.
During the eight-month impasse, insurgents have launched a stream of often devastating attacks.
Meanwhile, US troops are scaling back their presence in Iraq ahead of a full withdrawal next year.
Hundreds of thousands of Iranian religious tourists have visited Shi'ite holy sites in neighbouring Iraq since the 2003 US-led invasion toppled Sunni dictator Saddam Hussein.
Saddam crushed insurrections by Iraq's Shi'ite majority, banned Shi'ite religious festivals and fought an eight-year war with Shi'ite power Iran.
The pilgrims are often targeted by Sunni Islamist groups like al Qaeda in Iraq, which condemn Shi'ite Muslims for abandoning their beliefs.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
“Verily the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.) sparks off such an emotional flame in the hearts of believers (momineen) that it will never be extinguished” (Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w.)
Respected Brothers and Sisters in Islam,
Salamun Alaikum,
As sorrowful month of Muharram is fast approaching, this year, we are planning to conduct a project which would explain to the people the purpose of AZADARI. Alhamdollilah by the grace of Allah (s.w.t.) and with the help of generous momineens this will be our 9th year of this Campaign.
We intend to propagate the message of Islam by putting “Window Transfer” inside BEST Buses, “Back Panels” of BEST Buses & “Window Transfer” in local trains. All this Transfers & Back Panels will be informative and will let the people understand the true concept of Islam and the purpose of the Sacrifice of Imam Husain (a.s.).
As you know these projects requires funds to execute. Below mentioned is the expenditure of these projects:
1) 30 BEST Bus back panels for 15 days Rs 273, 810/- (US$ 6,207) (3,811 GBP)
2) 20 BEST Bus inside panels (40 panels) Rs 36, 840/- (US$ 835) (512 GBP)
3) 1 half Central, 1 half Harbor & 1 half Western Train Rs 116, 784/- (US$2,647) (1,625 GBP)
4) Distribution of 25,000 Copies of What is Moharram in four languages viz. English, Marathi, Hindi & Urdu Rs 50,000/- (US$ 1,138) (703 GBP) (approximate)
Our projects at WIN rely solely on your support and generous Donations. A support to WIN is not a support to our organization alone but rather an investment in the Ummah which we strive to serve.
Your financial support would make our projects a reality and Insha-Allah it will prove a useful provision on the Day of Judgment "The day on which property will not benefit, nor sons". [Holy Quran 26:88]
With salaams and duas.
Imran Rasool
Note: Enclosing the layout for this year Moharram Awareness Campaign.
WAQT NAHI | for everyone |
Har Khushi Hai Logon Ke Daman Mein,
Par Ek Hansi Ke Liye Waqt Nahi.
Din Raat Daudti Duniya Mein,
Zindagi Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi.
Maa Ki Loree Ka Ehsaas To Hai,
Par Maa Ko Maa Kehne Ka Waqt Nahi.
Saare Rishton Ko To Hum Maar Chuke,
Ab Unhe Dafnane Ka Bhi Waqt Nahi.
Saare Naam Mobile Mein Hain,
Par Dosti Ke Lye Waqt Nahi.
Gairon Ki Kya Baat Karen,
Jab Apno Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi.
Aankhon Me Hai Neend Badee,
Par Sone Ka Waqt Nahi.
Dil Hai Ghamon Se Bhara Hua,
Par Rone Ka Bhi Waqt Nahi.
Paison Ki Daud Me Aise Daude,
Ki Thakne Ka Bhi Waqt Nahi.
Paraye Ehsason Ki Kya Kadr Karein,
Jab Apane Sapno Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi.
Tu Hi Bata E Zindagi,
Iss Zindagi Ka Kya Hoga,
Ki Har Pal Marne Walon Ko,
Jeene Ke Liye Bhi Waqt Nahi…….
Par Ek Hansi Ke Liye Waqt Nahi.
Din Raat Daudti Duniya Mein,
Zindagi Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi.
Maa Ki Loree Ka Ehsaas To Hai,
Par Maa Ko Maa Kehne Ka Waqt Nahi.
Saare Rishton Ko To Hum Maar Chuke,
Ab Unhe Dafnane Ka Bhi Waqt Nahi.
Saare Naam Mobile Mein Hain,
Par Dosti Ke Lye Waqt Nahi.
Gairon Ki Kya Baat Karen,
Jab Apno Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi.
Aankhon Me Hai Neend Badee,
Par Sone Ka Waqt Nahi.
Dil Hai Ghamon Se Bhara Hua,
Par Rone Ka Bhi Waqt Nahi.
Paison Ki Daud Me Aise Daude,
Ki Thakne Ka Bhi Waqt Nahi.
Paraye Ehsason Ki Kya Kadr Karein,
Jab Apane Sapno Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi.
Tu Hi Bata E Zindagi,
Iss Zindagi Ka Kya Hoga,
Ki Har Pal Marne Walon Ko,
Jeene Ke Liye Bhi Waqt Nahi…….
Cell tower radiation | for everyone |
Cell tower radiation harmful to humans: study
Multiple radio signals enough to cause physical and psychological problems
A research report published in the Canadian journal Environmental Reviews draws some disturbing conclusions about the amount of radiation people are absorbing from cellphone towers and its effects on human health.
"The bottom line is that these very chronic low-level intensities are not biologically inert," study author Blake Levitt told CBC News.
Levitt, a medical and science journalist has been studying radio frequency exposures since the 1970s, and has written two books on the subject.
She says the exponential growth of wireless use and the accompanying low-level signals are a concern. The paper notes there are now 5.5 billion cellphones in use worldwide. In addition to the cell signals, there are also Wi-Fi networks and Wi-Max, which began rolling out in the U.S. last year and uses lower frequencies with higher power densities.
"We're getting a mirror effect now, because the exposures close to cell towers now are almost identical in frequency, in signalling characteristics and in long-term low-level chronic exposure duration as that early microwave sickness paper from the irradiation of the Moscow embassy."
In 1978, researchers at Johns Hopkins University published a study on the long-term effects of that radiation exposure and found it led to several serious health problems. Among them: eczema, psoriasis, allergic and inflammatory reactions, neurological and reproductive problems, tumours and mood disorders such as depression, irritability and lack of concentration.
Levitt says these symptoms have been reflected in other studies on long-term exposure and have been seen in real-world practice.
"It is being increasingly reported when anyone looks at the symptoms that are being reported in populations that live near cell towers or low-level infrastructure."
The medical and scientific community is very much at odds over the impact of cellphone radiation. Health Canada maintains there is no problem.
"Health Canada has reviewed this article and has noted that no new data is presented," the department said in a statement to CBC News. "As well, the conclusions made by the authors are not based on a full examination of the scientific evidence."
Many of the studies cited in the article claim biological or harmful health effects may occur at radiofrequency levels below Health Canada's exposure limits.
"As long as exposures respect the limits set in Health Canada's guidelines, the department has no scientific reason to consider exposure to low-level radiofrequency fields, such as those from cell towers, dangerous to the public," the statement added.
Environmental Reviews is published by Canadian Science Publishing. Before it became private in September, the online publication was overseen by the National Research Council.
"The bottom line is that these very chronic low-level intensities are not biologically inert," study author Blake Levitt told CBC News.
Levitt, a medical and science journalist has been studying radio frequency exposures since the 1970s, and has written two books on the subject.
She says the exponential growth of wireless use and the accompanying low-level signals are a concern. The paper notes there are now 5.5 billion cellphones in use worldwide. In addition to the cell signals, there are also Wi-Fi networks and Wi-Max, which began rolling out in the U.S. last year and uses lower frequencies with higher power densities.
Similar to cold war embassy bombardment
The results, according to Levitt, are conditions similar to the intentional irradiation of employees at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow starting in 1953 during the Cold War."We're getting a mirror effect now, because the exposures close to cell towers now are almost identical in frequency, in signalling characteristics and in long-term low-level chronic exposure duration as that early microwave sickness paper from the irradiation of the Moscow embassy."
In 1978, researchers at Johns Hopkins University published a study on the long-term effects of that radiation exposure and found it led to several serious health problems. Among them: eczema, psoriasis, allergic and inflammatory reactions, neurological and reproductive problems, tumours and mood disorders such as depression, irritability and lack of concentration.
Levitt says these symptoms have been reflected in other studies on long-term exposure and have been seen in real-world practice.
"It is being increasingly reported when anyone looks at the symptoms that are being reported in populations that live near cell towers or low-level infrastructure."
The medical and scientific community is very much at odds over the impact of cellphone radiation. Health Canada maintains there is no problem.
"Health Canada has reviewed this article and has noted that no new data is presented," the department said in a statement to CBC News. "As well, the conclusions made by the authors are not based on a full examination of the scientific evidence."
Many of the studies cited in the article claim biological or harmful health effects may occur at radiofrequency levels below Health Canada's exposure limits.
"As long as exposures respect the limits set in Health Canada's guidelines, the department has no scientific reason to consider exposure to low-level radiofrequency fields, such as those from cell towers, dangerous to the public," the statement added.
Environmental Reviews is published by Canadian Science Publishing. Before it became private in September, the online publication was overseen by the National Research Council.
Last Updated: Friday, November 5, 2010 | 4:30 PM ET
CBC News
The basics behind mobile phone technology | for everyone |
How it works: Cellphones
The basics behind mobile phone technology
Cellphones and other mobile devices send and receive information using low-powered radiofrequency (RF) transmitters, which emit radiation in the form of electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
When a call is placed from a modern mobile handset, a transmission (usually at frequencies between 800 megahertz and 2,200 MHz) is sent from the device to the nearest mobile base station antenna. These antennae are usually mounted on a tower or tall building in the area to maximize the strength and coverage of the signal.
The base station routes the call through a switching centre, where it’s transferred to another cellphone, another base station, or to the local landline system in order to connect with the cellphone or regular phone of the person you're trying to contact.
A geographic area serviced by a base station is often referred to as a cell — hence the term cellphone.
Electromagnetic radiation
Handsets generally operate at low power levels, ranging between 0.2 to 0.6 watts. Base stations transmit anywhere from a few watts to 100 watts or more, depending on the number of cellphone transmissions being processed and the size of the region the base station services.
Electromagnetic radiation emitted by cellphone technology is non-ionizing, meaning the frequency is too low and the wavelength is too long to produce the energy needed to break chemical bonds between cells. This distinction is important because, unlike radiation emitted by ultraviolet light, X-rays, and Gamma rays, EMFs produced by handsets and mobile base stations don’t cause ionization or radioactivity in the body.
A mobile phone user’s level of exposure to RF energy depends on several factors, including the number and duration of calls, the amount of cellphone traffic at a given time, the user’s distance from the nearest base station, the size and power of the handset, and how close the device is to the person’s body.
Handsets act as antennas – so the closer the device is to a user’s head, the greater their exposure to RF energy is generally expected to be. The amount of RF energy absorbed decreases rapidly and significantly the further away the mobile phone is from the body.
The intensity of RF energy emitted by cellular telephones depends on the level of signal sent to or from the nearest base station. The further a handset is from the base station antenna, the more power it needs to use to maintain a connection between the two locations.
SOURCES: Health Canada, National Cancer Institute, WHO
By Nicole Tomlinson
HADEES | for everyone |
Hazrat Musa (a.s.) passed by a person from his followers who was in prostration. After completing his chore Musa (a.s.) returned to find him still in prostration. He said, “If I had the power to grant your wish I would surely have granted it.” Allah (S.w.T.) revealed to Musa (a.s.) that, “Even if this man prostrates for Me till his head gets detached from his neck, I will not accept his deeds, till he abstains from that which I dislike and does that which pleases Me. Otherwise sin hinders the supplications from acceptance.”
“Abstaining from sins is the basis of religion. Hence, refrain from sins in order to become the most pious worshipper. Adorn yourself with piety. Do not perform a single good deed without piety. Surely that deed is most acceptable by Allah which is accompanied by piety, even though it may be trifle. As Allah says, “Allah accepts the good deeds only from the pious people.”
HADEES | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet (S) said:
“I have been commanded by Allah to warn my people and say, ‘Do not go from one mosque to another while someones rights are upon you. If such a person stands up for prayers in that condition, I send my curses upon him till he restores the rights to its owner.”
(Iddat’ud-Dai page 236)
The Holy Prophet (S) said:
“I have been commanded by Allah to warn my people and say, ‘Do not go from one mosque to another while someones rights are upon you. If such a person stands up for prayers in that condition, I send my curses upon him till he restores the rights to its owner.”
(Iddat’ud-Dai page 236)
“Even if you stand for prayers like a tent peg planted on the ground and keep fasting till you resemble a dried stick and stoop like a bow, Allah will not accept any of your deeds till you have the piety to guard against the evil deeds.”
HADEES | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet (S) said:
“For the person who recites ‘Subhanallah’, Allah plants a tree in Paradise.”
On hearing this a man from Quraish stood up and said, “If it is this way, then there must be many trees for us in the Paradise?” The Holy Prophet (S) replied,
“Yes, but you must beware that you don’t set fire from here to burn them all down.”
(Iddat’ud-Dai page 235)
“Jealousy devours belief, like fire devours wood.”
(Usūl al-Kāfi)
The Holy Prophet (S) said:
“On the Day of Judgement there would be people whose good deeds will be as heavy as the mountains of Tahama. Inspite of this it would be ordered that they be tossed into the fire of Hell.”
Upon this someone said, “O! the Prophet of Allah(S),werethesepeopleperforming Salāt (prayers)?”,
“Yes, they used to pray, and fast, and also spend a part of the night in worship. But, whenever they chanced upon something which gave them pleasure, they used to rush to it without thinking whether it was right or wrong.”
HADEES | for everyone |
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said,
“To forgo a single dirham of prohibited money, is equal near Allah, to seventy accepted Hajjs.”
He continued:
“Strive more to perform good deeds. However if you cannot perform a good act (at least) do not disobey (the commands of Allah). Because if one lays the foundation of a building and does not spoil it, then, even if the progress is slow, the building will definitely rise. (Conversely) The person who lays the foundation and at the same time spoils it, then it is sure that the walls of this building will never be raised.”
(Iddat’ud-Dai, page 235
HADEES | for everyone |
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said,
“To refrain from eating a single morsel of Harām is, near Allah, more valued than the performance of two thousand rakats of recommended prayer.”
New blood thinner easier to use | for everyone |
People with a heart rhythm problem could be treated with a drug that is safer and easier-to-use than warfarin, the drug currently used to treat the condition.
For decades, people with atrial fibrillation and other conditions have taken warfarin to reduce their risk of clotting and stroke.
Warfarin, which is also used as a pesticide against rats and other rodents, interacts with some foods and drugs, and patients taking it must have their blood tested regularly to check they are getting the correct amount.
A new drug, dabigatran, is as effective as warfarin in preventing stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation who have previously had a stroke or mini-stroke known as a transient ischemic attack or TIA, according to a study in Sunday's online issue of the journal the Lancet Neurology.
Hans-Christoph Diener of the neurology department at University Hospital in Essen, Germany, and his co-authors randomly assigned 18,113 patients to take either dabigatran twice daily or warfarin. Participants were followed for an average of two years.
Dabigatran will prevent more stokes and save lives, said study co-author Dr. Stuart Connolly, head of the cardiology division at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.
"This is the first new blood thinner to come to the market in Canada," said Connolly. "It's a major new advance."
Since patients taking dabigatran don't need to have their blood monitored like with warfarin, more people will be able to take it, Connolly said.
New guidelines in stroke and cardiac care recommend the use of dabigatran for most patients with atrial defibrillation, said Dr. Stephen Phillips, a stroke neurologist in Halifax who helped develop the recommendations for the Canadian stroke strategy.
But the new drug is expensive and is not yet on provincial formularies for drug coverage, Phillips noted.
"I think that the cost element is probably the biggest barrier," said Phillips. "It's certainly the thing that's very unclear at this time because the drug has just been approved by Health Canada."
As with any new drug, Phillips suggested, doctors should prescribe dabigatran with caution until it has been tried out in a bigger population than the one used in a clinical trial.
Atrial fibrillation affects an estimated 250,000 Canadians.
The study was funded by Boehringer Ingelheim, which developed dabigatran.
For decades, people with atrial fibrillation and other conditions have taken warfarin to reduce their risk of clotting and stroke.
Warfarin, which is also used as a pesticide against rats and other rodents, interacts with some foods and drugs, and patients taking it must have their blood tested regularly to check they are getting the correct amount.
A new drug, dabigatran, is as effective as warfarin in preventing stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation who have previously had a stroke or mini-stroke known as a transient ischemic attack or TIA, according to a study in Sunday's online issue of the journal the Lancet Neurology.
Hans-Christoph Diener of the neurology department at University Hospital in Essen, Germany, and his co-authors randomly assigned 18,113 patients to take either dabigatran twice daily or warfarin. Participants were followed for an average of two years.
Dabigatran will prevent more stokes and save lives, said study co-author Dr. Stuart Connolly, head of the cardiology division at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.
"This is the first new blood thinner to come to the market in Canada," said Connolly. "It's a major new advance."
Since patients taking dabigatran don't need to have their blood monitored like with warfarin, more people will be able to take it, Connolly said.
New guidelines in stroke and cardiac care recommend the use of dabigatran for most patients with atrial defibrillation, said Dr. Stephen Phillips, a stroke neurologist in Halifax who helped develop the recommendations for the Canadian stroke strategy.
But the new drug is expensive and is not yet on provincial formularies for drug coverage, Phillips noted.
"I think that the cost element is probably the biggest barrier," said Phillips. "It's certainly the thing that's very unclear at this time because the drug has just been approved by Health Canada."
As with any new drug, Phillips suggested, doctors should prescribe dabigatran with caution until it has been tried out in a bigger population than the one used in a clinical trial.
Atrial fibrillation affects an estimated 250,000 Canadians.
The study was funded by Boehringer Ingelheim, which developed dabigatran.
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Blood created from human skin | for everyone |
Human blood has been made from human skin in a groundbreaking experiment at a Canadian university.
Researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton report that they converted patches of skin directly into blood. Their process doesn't involve any intermediate conversion of skin stem cells into multi-purpose stem cells that can create almost any other type of cells.
"We have shown this works using human skin. We know how it works and believe we can even improve on the process," stated Mick Bhatia, scientific director of McMaster's Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute. "We'll now go on to work on developing other types of human cell types from skin, as we already have encouraging evidence."
The process was repeated several times over a two-year period and was conducted using skin cells from people of various ages.
The discovery could alleviate blood shortages and provide people needing repeated transfusions, such as cancer or anemia patients, with an assured supply of their own blood type. In the past, many patients who required bone marrow transplants and could not find suitable matches died.
Clinical trials could begin in 2012, the authors say.
The study, published in the journal Nature, was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Canadian Cancer Society, the Stem Cell Network and the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation.
Researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton report that they converted patches of skin directly into blood. Their process doesn't involve any intermediate conversion of skin stem cells into multi-purpose stem cells that can create almost any other type of cells.
"We have shown this works using human skin. We know how it works and believe we can even improve on the process," stated Mick Bhatia, scientific director of McMaster's Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute. "We'll now go on to work on developing other types of human cell types from skin, as we already have encouraging evidence."
The process was repeated several times over a two-year period and was conducted using skin cells from people of various ages.
The discovery could alleviate blood shortages and provide people needing repeated transfusions, such as cancer or anemia patients, with an assured supply of their own blood type. In the past, many patients who required bone marrow transplants and could not find suitable matches died.
Clinical trials could begin in 2012, the authors say.
The study, published in the journal Nature, was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Canadian Cancer Society, the Stem Cell Network and the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation.
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(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
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