It is worth Repeating | for everyone |
It is worth Repeating:
Kopi luwak, the world’s most expensive coffee, is made from a certain variety of wild red coffee beans but only after it has passed through the digestive track of the Asian Palm Civet. The berries which grow in Indonesia and Philippines are eaten by the civet, a weasel-like animal, who likes the berries for their flesh. But they can't digest the inner beans which come out as poop.

These droppings are gathered, thoroughly washed, sun dried, roasted and when brewed, they yield an aromatic coffee. Apparently, the beans after having spend about a day and a half in the civet's digestive tract pick up a unique flavor. Drinkers swear it tastes like caramel and chocolate!
Kopi luwak sells for between US $100 and $600 per pound. In coffee shops around Japan and the US it sells for about $30 a cup. In 2008, a department store in London began selling a blend of Kopi luwak and Blue Mountain called Caffe Raro for £50 (US $99.00) a cup.

Jumping Santa | for everyone |
Jumping Santa
Santa was asked to try out a new parachute with a radio link to a guy on the ground, the guy on the ground would say when to pull the release cord for the parachute.
Santa jumped out of the plane and started to fall when he reached a thousand feet the guy on the ground said ok pull the release cord now, Santa didn't take any notice and kept falling.
He got down to 500 feet and the guy on the ground said quick pull the cord you are getting close, but Santa just ignored him and kept falling.
He got down to 100 feet and the guy on the ground said quick pull the cord, Santa still ignored him.
He got down to 10 feet, the guy on the ground said this is your last chance you'll be killed if you don't pull the cord now.
Santa replied, "Thats ok. I can jump from here!!"
Childbirth ! -HUMOR | for everyone |
Childbirth !
Santa`s son was assigned a paper on childbirth and asked his mother, Jeeto, "How was I born?"
"Well dear..." said the embarrassed Jeeto, "the stork brought you to us."
"Oh," said the boy, "and how did you and daddy get born?"
"Oh, the stork brought us too," said Jeeto.
"Well how were grandpa and grandma born?" the boy persisted.
"Well darling, the stork brought them too!" said the frustrated Jeeto.
A few days later, the boy handed in his paper to the teacher who read with confusion the opening sentence:
"This report has been very difficult to write due to the fact that there hasn`t been a natural childbirth in my family for three generations."
Some of these are concept designs and sure are very interesting!

1. The Natural Year Phone by Je-Hyun Kim
This was created in the name of recycling... after all, how durable do we want our devices to be when they become near-obsolete in five years? The phone is made of hay (or should we say of "weed"?) and completely disintegrates in two years' time - only the screen and soft keys remain behind, and even these may be subsequently recycled. However, we have doubts about its practicality. Just one of those "nice to see, good to hold... but no thanks!" pieces of technology

This was created in the name of recycling... after all, how durable do we want our devices to be when they become near-obsolete in five years? The phone is made of hay (or should we say of "weed"?) and completely disintegrates in two years' time - only the screen and soft keys remain behind, and even these may be subsequently recycled. However, we have doubts about its practicality. Just one of those "nice to see, good to hold... but no thanks!" pieces of technology

(designer: Je-Hyun Kim)
2. Window Phone by Seunghan Song
What features would you like on your phone today, mister? The weather? Done! The Brits may like this glass cell phone concept, as it will predictably predict even the most unpredictable English weather, if such a thing is at all possible.

(designer: Seunghan Song)
3. Cell Phone Inspired By Chinese Scrolls, by Yun Liang
A roll-out display and cute buttons placed on the scroll are definitely hot-looking... but imagine using this piece on an everyday basis. If you'd need to pull the display out in a jiffy, then the tactile bit for keypad will last as long as you treat the baton well. Key words… treat the baton well.

2. Window Phone by Seunghan Song
What features would you like on your phone today, mister? The weather? Done! The Brits may like this glass cell phone concept, as it will predictably predict even the most unpredictable English weather, if such a thing is at all possible.

(designer: Seunghan Song)
3. Cell Phone Inspired By Chinese Scrolls, by Yun Liang
A roll-out display and cute buttons placed on the scroll are definitely hot-looking... but imagine using this piece on an everyday basis. If you'd need to pull the display out in a jiffy, then the tactile bit for keypad will last as long as you treat the baton well. Key words… treat the baton well.

(designer: Yun Liang)
4. Easy Tiles Phone by Tzu-Fu Wang
What would you do if you didn’t have the iPhone or its cool apps and games to while away your time? Sorry, didn’t meant to scare you… lemme rephrase, your iPhone is SAFE and SOUND, but give the Easy Tiles Phone a second’s thought. Easily upgradable apps that slide in and around the phone, make this one of those DIY thangs that give you total control to upgrade the gizmo as you like. Let's also assume you have a postal address in Utopia and upgrades are dirt-cheap!

4. Easy Tiles Phone by Tzu-Fu Wang
What would you do if you didn’t have the iPhone or its cool apps and games to while away your time? Sorry, didn’t meant to scare you… lemme rephrase, your iPhone is SAFE and SOUND, but give the Easy Tiles Phone a second’s thought. Easily upgradable apps that slide in and around the phone, make this one of those DIY thangs that give you total control to upgrade the gizmo as you like. Let's also assume you have a postal address in Utopia and upgrades are dirt-cheap!

(designer: Tzu-Fu Wang)
5. Radia - Circular Cell Phone by Michael Laut
Who says cell phone has to be rectangular? An oddball round shape can also be suitably scintillating. No kidding, but this one might be a feasible design for Paris Hilton, who loves to talk in circles... literally!

5. Radia - Circular Cell Phone by Michael Laut
Who says cell phone has to be rectangular? An oddball round shape can also be suitably scintillating. No kidding, but this one might be a feasible design for Paris Hilton, who loves to talk in circles... literally!

Designer: Michael Laut
And we’ve barely even scratched the (non-scratch) surface! Here’s still more…
Weirdest Shape For A Cell Phone:
Bracelet Phone by Tao Ma (more info). Combine the two and you have... handcuffs!

Weirdest Material For A Cell Phone:
Maple Phone by Hyun Jin Yoon & Eun Hak Lee - more info:

Weirdest User Interface for a Cell Phone:
A Finger Touching idea by Sunman Kwon:

And we’ve barely even scratched the (non-scratch) surface! Here’s still more…
Weirdest Shape For A Cell Phone:
Bracelet Phone by Tao Ma (more info). Combine the two and you have... handcuffs!

Weirdest Material For A Cell Phone:
Maple Phone by Hyun Jin Yoon & Eun Hak Lee - more info:

Weirdest User Interface for a Cell Phone:
A Finger Touching idea by Sunman Kwon:

Humor | for everyone |
Question. How many blondes does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer1 to hold it up and 4 to turn the room around.
Answer1 to hold it up and 4 to turn the room around.
A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about half an hour, and then she hung up.
"Wow!," said her father, "That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened?"
"Wrong number," replied the girl.
"Wow!," said her father, "That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened?"
"Wrong number," replied the girl.
According to a radio report, a middle school in Oregon was faced with a unique problem. A number of girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the restroom. That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick, they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints.
Finally the principal decided that something had to be done. She called all of the girls to the restroom and met them there with the maintenance man.
She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night. To demonstrate how! difficult it was to clean the mirrors, she asked the maintenance guy to clean one of them. He took a long handled squeegee, dipped it into the toilet and then cleaned the mirror.
Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirrors.
Finally the principal decided that something had to be done. She called all of the girls to the restroom and met them there with the maintenance man.
She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night. To demonstrate how! difficult it was to clean the mirrors, she asked the maintenance guy to clean one of them. He took a long handled squeegee, dipped it into the toilet and then cleaned the mirror.
Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirrors.
AMAZING FACT OF BLOOD | for everyone |
Two million red blood cells die every second.
There are approximately 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.
Seven percent of a humans body weight is made up of blood.
In the early nineteenth century some advertisements claimed that riding the carousel was good for the circulation of blood.
Each day 400 gallons of recycled blood are pumped through the kidneys.
By donating just one pint of blood, four lives can be saved.
Blood is such a good stain that Native Americans used it for paint.
The kidneys filter over 400 gallons of blood each day.
The average life span of a single red blood cell is 120 days.
Blood accounts for about 8% of a human's body weight.
A woman has approximately 4.5 liters of blood in her body, while men have 5.6 liters.
Your blood takes a very long trip through your body. If you could stretch out all of a human's blood vessels, they would be about 60,000 miles long. That's enough to go around the world twice.
Half your body’s red blood cells are replaced every seven days.
If all the blood vessels in your body were laid end to end, they would reach about 60,000 miles.
Mecca_Direction_Equidistant | for everyone |
It is important in Islam for the members of the family to be kind to each other, and treat each other with passion. This is a form of worship which is highly rewarding.
The Prophet (Pbuh) said:
Moses told God:
What is the reward of one who does not bother others, and treats everybody kindly?
God said:
O' Moses,The Fire of Hell shall tell him/her that you cannot enter. [Ibid]
The Prophet (Pbuh) was asked:
What is the best thing for one.
He replied:
If all Muslims are safe from one's tongue and hands. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.72, p.53-54]

Being kind to each other is good and blessed while non-compliance and improper deeds are wicked. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.72, p.51-2]
He also said:
Should I inform you about people who will be safe from the fire of Hell? They answered yes. He said:
Whoever takes it easy in life, and is kind and complaisant in one's life. [Ibid]
Should I inform you about people who will be safe from the fire of Hell? They answered yes. He said:
Whoever takes it easy in life, and is kind and complaisant in one's life. [Ibid]
Moses told God:
What is the reward of one who does not bother others, and treats everybody kindly?
God said:
O' Moses,The Fire of Hell shall tell him/her that you cannot enter. [Ibid]
The Prophet (Pbuh) was asked:
What is the best thing for one.
He replied:
If all Muslims are safe from one's tongue and hands. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.72, p.53-54]
Some families are really strict about accepting guests. This is either a sign of laziness or a sign of jealousy. Hospitality has been a way of the Prophets and the Imams, and is an example of divine and righteous men. Jealousy or laziness are not proper, in whatever form. The husband, the wife, and the children should all treat their guests warmly.
Imam Sadiq has said: Whenever guests enter your house, they bring God's forgiveness for you and your household, and when they leave, they take away your sins and those of your wife. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.72, pp.459-460].
Imam Baqir said: Feeding four Muslims is equivalent to freeing a slave from the descendants of Ismael. [Ibid].
This action which is according to the ethics of God's saints will please God and ease our affairs, bring God’s Mercy and Favor, and cast away any catastrophes from the members of the family. Hospitality is so encouraged in Islam that we believe the guest brings in his daily bread, and the host is the guest of his guests.
It is highly praised to encourage hospitality. This will improve our morality, and the opposite is inhumane and despised by God. The sixth Imam said: There are ten characters that make up nobility. Try to attain them all. One is hospitality. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.72, p.458]
Imam Sadiq has said: Whenever guests enter your house, they bring God's forgiveness for you and your household, and when they leave, they take away your sins and those of your wife. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.72, pp.459-460].
Imam Baqir said: Feeding four Muslims is equivalent to freeing a slave from the descendants of Ismael. [Ibid].
Therefore being just, kind, wishing the best, politeness, staying away from accusations, honoring one's oath, humbleness, being kind to younger ones, and respecting the elders, and hospitality are all the basis of nobility and cause prosperity in this world and the Hereafter.
The Quran states:
The Prophet (Pbuh) said:
Gossip will ruin a Muslim's religion faster than food gets digested in his stomach [Vasa'il, v.72, p.152]
He also said:
I admonish you against gossiping as it is worse than fornication [Bihar al-Anwar, V.75, p.222]
The Prophet (Pbuh) said:
On the Night of Ascension, I saw some people who were peeling off their skin of their face with their nails, I asked Gabriel who they were. He said they are the ones who gossiped. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.7, pp.332-333].
The Prophet (Pbuh) said:
God has forbidden gossiping, as he has forbidden harming a Muslim's property or life. [Ibid]. The Commander of the Faithful said:
He also said:
The Master of the Martyrs (Imam Husayn) told a man who was gossiping:
Protect yourself from gossip as it is the food for the dogs in the Hell [Bihar al-Anwar, v.78, p.117].
In fact, there is no reason to gossip about a lustful, oppressive ruler or one who is already an evil-doer. [Bihar al-Anwar, V.75, p.253]
The Commander of the Faithful has said:
One who listens to another who gossips is similar to one who gossips [Mizan al-Hikmat, V.7, p.352].
There is also a tradition from the Prophet (Pbuh) related to not listening to gossip:
God will protect whoever defends the honor of his Muslim brothers in front of one who gossips, from the Fire of Hell. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.7, p.353].
Nor speak ill of each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, ye would abhor it...[Holy Quran: Hujurat: 49:12]
The Prophet (Pbuh) said:
Gossip will ruin a Muslim's religion faster than food gets digested in his stomach [Vasa'il, v.72, p.152]
He also said:
I admonish you against gossiping as it is worse than fornication [Bihar al-Anwar, V.75, p.222]
The Prophet (Pbuh) said:
On the Night of Ascension, I saw some people who were peeling off their skin of their face with their nails, I asked Gabriel who they were. He said they are the ones who gossiped. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.7, pp.332-333].
The Prophet (Pbuh) said:
God has forbidden gossiping, as he has forbidden harming a Muslim's property or life. [Ibid]. The Commander of the Faithful said:
Gossiping is a sign of hypocrisy.[Ibid]
He also said:

Gossiping about the good people is one of the most wicked acts.[Ibid]
The seventh Imam said:
The seventh Imam said:
One who gossips about his believing brothers is deprived of God’s Mercy [Bihar al-Anwar, V.77, p.117]
The Master of the Martyrs (Imam Husayn) told a man who was gossiping:
Protect yourself from gossip as it is the food for the dogs in the Hell [Bihar al-Anwar, v.78, p.117].
In fact, there is no reason to gossip about a lustful, oppressive ruler or one who is already an evil-doer. [Bihar al-Anwar, V.75, p.253]
The Commander of the Faithful has said:
One who listens to another who gossips is similar to one who gossips [Mizan al-Hikmat, V.7, p.352].
There is also a tradition from the Prophet (Pbuh) related to not listening to gossip:
God will protect whoever defends the honor of his Muslim brothers in front of one who gossips, from the Fire of Hell. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.7, p.353].

The Prophet (Pbuh ) said: God said, If one does not care how and where he gets his money from, I do not care by which gate I will let him enter into Hell in the Hereafter. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.103, p.11]
God will make the one who earns unlawful money poor. Whatever one earns unlawfully becomes provisions for the Hell Fire. Wealth from which religious dues are not paid is considered to be property containing unlawful property. Its use is not allowable and giving it to the family or others is another wrong act. The Commander of the Faithful (Pbuh) said: The worst property is that from which God's dues have not been paid. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.9, p.308]
Imam Baqir (Pbuh) said: There are people who shall leave their graves with their hands tied to their necks, lacking any power to get anything - even as much as an ant can. They are seriously blamed by the angels saying: These are people upon whom God bestowed wealth but they did not pay God's dues. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.7, p.197]
Imam Hassan Mujtaba (Pbuh) said: One of the signs of generosity is to legally earn your property. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.103, p.6]
O' dear brothers who are responsible for the financial expenses of your family and their spiritual training, and also you who shall marry later: your wife and children only deserve their rightful dues. However, they are not responsible for your job or business, and will not accept the responsibility for unlawful property which you brought home and they knew nothing about. The punishment in Hell for unlawful property is for the one who earns it. There are two punishments: one for earning unlawful property and the other is for giving it to others.
God will make the one who earns unlawful money poor. Whatever one earns unlawfully becomes provisions for the Hell Fire. Wealth from which religious dues are not paid is considered to be property containing unlawful property. Its use is not allowable and giving it to the family or others is another wrong act. The Commander of the Faithful (Pbuh) said: The worst property is that from which God's dues have not been paid. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.9, p.308]
Imam Baqir (Pbuh) said: There are people who shall leave their graves with their hands tied to their necks, lacking any power to get anything - even as much as an ant can. They are seriously blamed by the angels saying: These are people upon whom God bestowed wealth but they did not pay God's dues. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.7, p.197]
Imam Hassan Mujtaba (Pbuh) said: One of the signs of generosity is to legally earn your property. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.103, p.6]
O' dear brothers who are responsible for the financial expenses of your family and their spiritual training, and also you who shall marry later: your wife and children only deserve their rightful dues. However, they are not responsible for your job or business, and will not accept the responsibility for unlawful property which you brought home and they knew nothing about. The punishment in Hell for unlawful property is for the one who earns it. There are two punishments: one for earning unlawful property and the other is for giving it to others.
THE LAWFUL | for everyone |
A man came to the Prophet (Pbuh) with a bowl of milk and asked him to break his fast with the milk. The Prophet (Pbuh) asked him who had sent the milk. The man said it was a gift from a woman and the Prophet (Pbuh) told him to return with the milk and ask her where she had got it from. So the man went to the woman’s house to ask her. The woman said she had obtained it from her own sheep. The man returned to the Prophet (Pbuh ) to tell him. He was told to return and ask her where she had got the sheep from. He returned to ask her and she replied she had bought the sheep by working hard. The man returned to the Prophet (Pbuh ) and explained. Then the Prophet (Pbuh ) said he would break his fast with the milk. The following day the owner of the milk came to him and asked the reason for returning the milk several times. He said God the Almighty had ordered the Prophets to partake of only lawfully obtained food. This must be a lesson for all Muslim people to pay enough attention to the issue of what is lawful and unlawful, so that they do not pick up a burden which is either too difficult or impossible to bear.
The gates of Heaven are open to anyone who obtains lawful food through hard work, and he can enter Heaven from any gate he wishes.[Ibid]
There are ten parts to worship. One is seeking the lawful.[Ibid]
Imam Reza (Pbuh) said: The reward of one who seeks his daily bread from God's Grace to provide for his family's needs is greater than that of the one who fights in God's way. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.78, p.339]
Imam Baqir (Pbuh) said: Whoever seeks worldly goods to protect his family, and to be kind to his neighbors will meet God in Heaven with his face shining like a full moon. [Vasa'il al-Shiaa,v.12, p.11]
The sixth Imam (Pbuh) said: There is no good in one who is not interested in saving money to protect his honor and pay back his debts. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.103, p.7]
The Prophet (Pbuh ) said: The one who falls asleep at night being tired from hard work because of seeking the lawful, is forgiven his sins by God. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.103, p.2]
The Prophet (Pbuh) said: Seeking the lawful is obligatory for each Muslim man and woman [Bihar al-Anwar, v.103, p.719; Mizan-al-Hikmat, v.4, p.119]
Seeking the lawful is obligatory for each Muslim. [Ibid]
Seeking the lawful is a form of Jihad (Holy War). [Ibid]

The gates of Heaven are open to anyone who obtains lawful food through hard work, and he can enter Heaven from any gate he wishes.[Ibid]
There are ten parts to worship. One is seeking the lawful.[Ibid]

There are some ways in the Holy Quran and the Prophetic traditions to increase one's daily bread, which will also improve people's morality and affection in the family and the society. The Commander of the Faithful (Pbuh) said: Good temper is the treasure of daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.77, p.389]
To be too strict spoils your temper, and to go easy on others increases your daily bread. [Mizan AI-Hikmah, v.4, p.117]
Co-operation and helping your Muslim brothers increases your daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.74, p.395]
Being trustworthy increases one's daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.75, p.172]
Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) said: One who treats his wife and children kindly will get an increase in his daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.69, p.407]
Good deeds increase one's daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.74, p.81]
Good temper increase one's daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.71, p.396]
Imam Ali (Pbuh) said: Attract your daily bread to yourself through charity to others. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.78, p.60]
Imam Baqir (Pbuh) said: Pray for your brothers and this act will bring in your daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.76, p.60]
The Fifth Imam (Pbuh) said: Giving alms will increase your daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.66, p.15]
The Commander of the Faithful (Pbuh) said: The daily bread of one with good intentions will be increased. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.103, p.21]

Believers should support each other | for everyone |
My maternal grandfather (the author's) told me that once he and his friends traveled from the Khansar region near Isfahan to visit the holy shrine of Imam Reza (Pbuh). This happened in the old days when people used to travel on quadrupeds.
He was in charge of shopping in Damghan city. Early in the morning, he entered a shop to buy some goods. Since he was a pilgrim, the shopkeeper invited him in and started serving him. At the same time someone entered the shop to purchase goods and intended to buy a lot.
The shopkeeper asked him to cross the street and purchase from the store opposite his shop, so the man left the store. My grandfather said he got surprised and asked the shopkeeper the reason. He replied that earlier that morning he had seen the other shopkeeper in a sad mood. When questioned why he was so sad, he stated that he had a debt to be repaid on that day, but business was bad. The shopkeeper said he could not remain indifferent, so he sent his customer to shop from that poor man's store. Possibly in this way he could pay back his debt.
Believers should support each other. Everyone should support his/her friends. Especially, a husband should support his wife and a wife should support her husband so that their life is established on the basis of divine and humane principles yielding noble children.
Spray scent in your house at the time of morning prayer by reading the Quran. Your heavenly recital of the Holy Quran will affect your wife and children, and they will become better acquainted with worship services and God willing the true message of the Quran and will become benevolent and pious.
He was in charge of shopping in Damghan city. Early in the morning, he entered a shop to buy some goods. Since he was a pilgrim, the shopkeeper invited him in and started serving him. At the same time someone entered the shop to purchase goods and intended to buy a lot.
The shopkeeper asked him to cross the street and purchase from the store opposite his shop, so the man left the store. My grandfather said he got surprised and asked the shopkeeper the reason. He replied that earlier that morning he had seen the other shopkeeper in a sad mood. When questioned why he was so sad, he stated that he had a debt to be repaid on that day, but business was bad. The shopkeeper said he could not remain indifferent, so he sent his customer to shop from that poor man's store. Possibly in this way he could pay back his debt.
Believers should support each other. Everyone should support his/her friends. Especially, a husband should support his wife and a wife should support her husband so that their life is established on the basis of divine and humane principles yielding noble children.
Spray scent in your house at the time of morning prayer by reading the Quran. Your heavenly recital of the Holy Quran will affect your wife and children, and they will become better acquainted with worship services and God willing the true message of the Quran and will become benevolent and pious.
THE SIGNS OF THE PIOUS | for everyone |
Using the Quranic verses and religious traditions, religious authorities consider the following to be signs of the pious:
a)Learning enough of the religious sciences necessary for his actions, morality, business deals and relations with family members and the society
b)Protecting his body's health by using hygienic measures and observing good etiquette while eating and drinking
c)Resorting to one's intellect in daily affairs and being honest in all aspects of life
d)Having modesty, not lying as well as maintaining good temper and not being wicked
e)Not being a hypocrite and hating extra material goods
f)Not being deceitful, making excuses or committing treason
g)Honoring the virtuous and the wise
h)Carrying out one's religious duties, including the obligatory and supererogatory acts.
i)Following divine scholars since they teach man what is forbidden and what is allowed in God's relogion, and only except man's progress
Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) stated the following concerning the fact that one must follow the divine scholars:
A sign of a liar is that he informs you of issues in the Heavens and the Earth, but when asked about the religiously lawful and forbidden, he has no answer to give. [Usul al-Kafi, v.2. p.340; Muhjat ul-Biyza, v.5, p.140]
Some other signs of the pious ones are:
1)Patience in the face of terrible events
2)Observing the Islamic customs and principles of morality in all affairs
3)Diligence in making supplications
4)Perseverance in intellectual affairs
The pious should have sincere intentions and be pure in soul. They should progress to the stage of knowledge of certainty, then to the stage of reality of certainty, and then to the truth of certainty.

According to Allah, these two acts are satanic and due to one's selfish and carnal desires. What prohibits man from abiding by God's limits for life? More specifically, if man were more content he would have an easier life, less stress and insecurity. Once man's physical needs can be met with a reasonable house, a normal vehicle and sufficient food and clothing.
We should get used to normal expenditures, and avoid extra expenditures and obtaining what is considered luxurious and fashionable. We should not use the West as a model for our life-style. They themselves are plagued with many errors. Industry and technology should not make us think that whatever they say and write is correct and that their lifestyle is in accordance with reality.
What is important in the Islamic religion is the well-being of the soul and body, the neighborhoods, towns, cities and regions. What is paid attention to in this culture considering material, spiritual and personal affairs, and social faith and ethics is for the good of man in this world and the Hereafter.
The pure Islamic culture and school for refining human beings scorns wastefulness, luxury-loving, making heavy expenditures, ornamenting the outward appearance of one's life without considering moderation and economizing on expenses. This even applies to the matter of building a mosque being the Muslims' place of worship. Mosques must be adorned with the utmost spirituality inwardly, and be ornamented outwardly in the simplest way so that hearts may not be tempted and souls not be separated from Allah.
Provide yourself with simple clothing, however, observe the etiquette for wearing it. Attain your essential foodstuffs but observe the good manners of eating. One may buy an appropriate vehicle of transportation according to his/her social status but the driving regulations should not be ignored. Purchase a house for yourself, but not one which will enslave your soul. All of the above are the results of piety, abstinence and paying attention to God.
A home decorated with piety and a pious couple could actually possess a divine treasure and heavenly capital. Their life is richly blessed with happiness, peace and friendliness as well as comfort, security, health, righteousness, justice, nobility, benevolence and truth. One's home and place of worship must be such that one can feel at peace and be secure; and it should be a place to get closer to God.
Even today one can live on a meager income if one is pious and content. Of course, in case a problem should arise and the believer could not handle it on his low income, it is the duty of the believers to assist their brother immediately and save him from suffering any hardships.
What is important in the Islamic religion is the well-being of the soul and body, the neighborhoods, towns, cities and regions. What is paid attention to in this culture considering material, spiritual and personal affairs, and social faith and ethics is for the good of man in this world and the Hereafter.
The pure Islamic culture and school for refining human beings scorns wastefulness, luxury-loving, making heavy expenditures, ornamenting the outward appearance of one's life without considering moderation and economizing on expenses. This even applies to the matter of building a mosque being the Muslims' place of worship. Mosques must be adorned with the utmost spirituality inwardly, and be ornamented outwardly in the simplest way so that hearts may not be tempted and souls not be separated from Allah.
Provide yourself with simple clothing, however, observe the etiquette for wearing it. Attain your essential foodstuffs but observe the good manners of eating. One may buy an appropriate vehicle of transportation according to his/her social status but the driving regulations should not be ignored. Purchase a house for yourself, but not one which will enslave your soul. All of the above are the results of piety, abstinence and paying attention to God.
Amassing great amounts of wealth, usury, great robberies even in broad daylight and a thousand other notoriously disgraceful plans are the deeds of God's enemies. God's friends must accustom themselves to God's consent and protect themselves from extravagant expenditures and wastefulness. All these facts are generated and maintained by piety.
A home decorated with piety and a pious couple could actually possess a divine treasure and heavenly capital. Their life is richly blessed with happiness, peace and friendliness as well as comfort, security, health, righteousness, justice, nobility, benevolence and truth. One's home and place of worship must be such that one can feel at peace and be secure; and it should be a place to get closer to God.
In short, we must establish our lives based on piety and moderation - considering God and the Hereafter - so as to please God and obtain the good of the Hereafter.
Even today one can live on a meager income if one is pious and content. Of course, in case a problem should arise and the believer could not handle it on his low income, it is the duty of the believers to assist their brother immediately and save him from suffering any hardships.
Status of Lady Fatima (peace be upon her) | for everyone |
Status of Lady Fatima (peace be upon her)
Lady Fatima and Bibi Marium | for everyone |
The merits of two great women in the world Mary and Fatima (peace upon them) Religions do not discharge women as some people think, but rather assign to them responsibilities and roles befitting their place in life. Women, for example, should not do everything that men do in order to claim quality. Differentiation of position, variety of roles and diversity of tasks can not be eliminated from the natural order in our universe. We see that all living beings. Human history is witness to many great women, whose fame and repute echoes in ears of everyone everywhere. They became models followed by men and women alike, as they surpassed the thresholds of virtue, purity and holiness and reached the limits that entitle them to be considered of those near to God Almighty.
On this account, high virtues made their beholders resemble each other in appearance though they differ in heavenly ranking whose secrets are known only to Allah Almighty. Lady Mary (peace be upon her), the mother of Prophet Jesus, is considered one of those who are near to Allah Almighty. She is distinguished with many virtues mentioned in the holy Quran, such as: 1-Lady Mary used to pray before Allah directed a speech to her, Allah says in the holy Quran: "………O' Marium !keep to obedience to your Lord prostrating and bowing with those who bow" (chapter 3, verse 43).
Such, too, was Lady Fatima (peace be upon her), the daughter of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him and his progeny), who used to pray all night and implore Allah for her neighbors. When her son Hassan asked why she did not implore for herself? She replied "O son! the neighbor first then the house". Lady Mary was protected from sin, purified, and chosen by Allah. He says: "…… O Mareium! Surely Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above all women of the world" [chapter 3, verse 42]. Similarly, infallibility was not away from Lady Fatima (peace be upon her), whom Allah purified her from all abomination. He says "…….Allah only desires to keep away all abomination from you, O people of the House, and to purify you a purifying"[chapter 33, verse 33]. A miracle happened to Lady Mary (peace be upon her) when she shook the dry trunk of the palm tree and fresh ripe dates dropped from it, as is mentioned in the holy Quran.
Miracles also happened many times to Lady Fatima (peace upon her). She had dates coming down from Heaven. Virgin Mary (peace be upon her) talked to the angles and ate from the fruits of Heaven. Allah Almighty says in the holy Quran: "……… Whenever Zakariya entered the sanctuary to see her, he found with her food…." [Chapter 3, verse 37]. Likewise, when food ran out in the house of Lady Fatima, she cared not and continued to pray to her Lord, because of the life of asceticism and austerity that she led. However, when her father prophet Muhammad entered, he saw food whose smell was appetizing. He asked, "From where have you this food O Fatima?" she replied: "It is from Allah. Surely Allah gives whom He pleases without measure". The resemblance between those two great ladies is not limited to this. They also resembled in being subjected to injustice:
1-The pure Lady Mary faced false accusation by the Jews who tried to defame her. Likewise, Lady Fatima faced disdain, injustice and deprivation after the passing away of her father prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny).
2- The Jews endeavored to prevent Lady Mary from worshiping at the holy Temple and were disdainful of her. All the same, the tyrants forbade Lady Fatima from crying over her father's grave.
3- The Jews then chased Prophet Jesus and tortured him. This aches the heart of every believer and in particular the heart of Virgin Mary. The tyrants from the Umayyad dynasty did the same to Lady Fatima when they killed her son, his family members and companions. They tore them to pieces by their swords and spears, then cut off their heads and displayed them around in the cites, they crushed their bodies by running over them with their horses and left them uncovered in the desert.
This was a general overview of some common aspects of these two great ladies whom Allah Almighty has chosen above the women of the world. We shall briefly demonstrate more of the same in this booklet, which is written mainly for the Christians nation.
1-The pure Lady Mary faced false accusation by the Jews who tried to defame her. Likewise, Lady Fatima faced disdain, injustice and deprivation after the passing away of her father prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny).
2- The Jews endeavored to prevent Lady Mary from worshiping at the holy Temple and were disdainful of her. All the same, the tyrants forbade Lady Fatima from crying over her father's grave.
3- The Jews then chased Prophet Jesus and tortured him. This aches the heart of every believer and in particular the heart of Virgin Mary. The tyrants from the Umayyad dynasty did the same to Lady Fatima when they killed her son, his family members and companions. They tore them to pieces by their swords and spears, then cut off their heads and displayed them around in the cites, they crushed their bodies by running over them with their horses and left them uncovered in the desert.
This was a general overview of some common aspects of these two great ladies whom Allah Almighty has chosen above the women of the world. We shall briefly demonstrate more of the same in this booklet, which is written mainly for the Christians nation.
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