HADEES | for everyone |
Know that you help the people of God you do not get tired turning blessings to you and others.
(Imam Hussain a.s.)
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Allah humma salli ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad wa ajjel farajahom
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(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
HADEES | for everyone |
Imām Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sādiq (A.S.) said:
"When a Shia knows Imam Husain's (a.s.) right over the people and leaves his house for Imam's (a.s.) ziarat in this condition, without any pride and conceit, then a 1,000 angels accompany him from the right, with another 1,000 angels on the left. And he will be rewarded as if he has performed 1,000 Hajj and 1,000 Umrah with a prophet or with the successor (wasi) of a prophet."
[Reference: Behaarul Anwar, vol 101, pg 91, tradition 33]
HADEES | for everyone |
The Prophet (s) said: Whoever would like to see the most beloved person to the inhabitants of the heavens from among the inhabitants of the earth should look at Hossein.
قالَ رسولُ اللّه صلىاللهعليهوآله : مَن أحَبَّ أن يَنظُرَ إلى أحَبِّ أهلِ الأرضِ إلى أهلِ السَّماءِ فَليَنظُر إلى الحُسَينِ .
(مناقب ابن شهرآشوب : 4 / 73)
(مناقب ابن شهرآشوب : 4 / 73)
Imam Ali (as) said: Supplication is the shield of the believer.
قالَ الإمامُ عليٌّ: الدُّعاءُ تُرْسُ المُؤمِنِ .
(الكافي : 2 / 467 / 8)
(الكافي : 2 / 467 / 8)
Imam Ali (as) said: The fountainhead of merits is the overpowering of anger, and the eradication of desire.
قالَ الإمام عليٌّ: رَأسُ الفَضائلِ مِلكُ الغَضَبِ ، وإماتَةُ الشَّهوَةِ .
(غرر الحكم : 5237)
(غرر الحكم : 5237)
The Prophet (s) said: Keeping rela¬tion¬ships with one’s kin prolongs one’s life and repels poverty.
قالَ رسولُ اللّهِ صلىاللهعليهوآله : صِلَةُ الرَّحِمِ تَزيدُ في العُمرِ ، وتَنفي الفَقرَ .
(البحار : 74 / 103 / 61)
(البحار : 74 / 103 / 61)
Imam Ali (as) said: Learn the Qur’an for it is the best of speeches, and study it for it is the spring of the hearts.
قالَ الإمامُ عليٌّ: تَعَلَّموا القرآنَ؛ فإنّهُ أحسَنُ الحَديثِ، وتَفَقَّهُوا فيهِ فإنَّهُ رَبيعُ القُلوبِ.
(نهج البلاغة : الخطبة : 110)
(نهج البلاغة : الخطبة : 110)
HADEES | for everyone |
Imam Ali (as) said: Verily part of keeping oneself immune from sins, is that you do not delude yourself about Allah.
قالَ الإمامُ عليٌّ: إنّ مِن العِصمَةِ ألاّ تَغتَرُّوا بِاللّهِ .
(تحف العقول : 150)
(تحف العقول : 150)
Imam Ali (as) said: I am surprised at the one who despairs whilst he has [the ability to seek] forgiveness!
قالَ الإمامُ عليٌّ: عَجِبتُ لِمَن يَقنَطُ ومَعهُ الاستِغفارُ!
(نهج البلاغة : الحكمة 87)
(نهج البلاغة : الحكمة 87)
Imam Ali (as) said: There is no trea¬sure more precious than contentment.
قالَ الإمامُ عليٌّ: لا كَنزَ أغنى مِن القَناعَةِ .
(نهج البلاغة : الحكمة 371)
(نهج البلاغة : الحكمة 371)
Imam Ali (as) said: Let go of your pride, put down your arrogance, and remember your grave.
قالَ الإمام عليٌّ: ضَعْ فَخرَكَ ، واحطُطْ كِبرَكَ ، واذكُرْ قَبرَكَ.
(نهج البلاغة : الحكمة 398)
(نهج البلاغة : الحكمة 398)
Imam Bâqir (as) said: The weapon of the wicked is foul language.
قالَ الإمام عليٌّ: سِلاحُ اللِّئامِ قَبيحُ الكلامِ .
(البحار : 78 / 185 / 14)
(البحار : 78 / 185 / 14)
HADEES | for everyone |
The Prophet (s) said: The best jihad is performed by one who awakes in the morn¬ing with no intention to wrong anyone.
قالَ رسولُ اللّهِ صلىاللهعليهوآله : أفْضَلُ الجِهادِ مَن أصْبَحَ لا يَهُمُّ بظُلْمِ أحدٍ .
(المحاسن : 1 / 456 / 1053)
(المحاسن : 1 / 456 / 1053)
Imam Ali (as) said: He who observes his own faults is preoccupied from others’ faults.
قالَ الإمامُ عليٌّ : مَن أبصَرَ عَيبَ نَفسِهِ شُغِلَ عَن عَيبِ غَيرِه.
(تحف العقول : 88)
(تحف العقول : 88)
Imam Ali (as) said: The greatest fault is when one criticizes others for the same faults present in oneself.
قالَ الإمامُ عليٌّ: أكبَرُ العَيبِ أن تَعيبَ مافيكَ مِثلُه.
(نهج البلاغة : الحكمة 349)
(نهج البلاغة : الحكمة 349)
Imam Ali (as) said: Anticipating att¬entively for a fault [in someone] is a fault in itself.
قالَ الإمامُ عليٌّ: تَأمُّلُ العَيبِ عَيبٌ .
(غرر الحكم : 4489)
(غرر الحكم : 4489)
Imam Sâdiq (as) said: The most beloved of my brothers to me is he who con¬fers my faults to me.
قالَ الإمامُ الصّادقُ: أحَبُّ إخواني إلَيَّ مَن أهدى إلَيَّ عُيوبي .
(تحف العقول : 366)
(تحف العقول : 366)
Kidney Stones: | for everyone |
Kidney Stones:
A Kidney stones is a hard, crystalline mineral material formed within the kidney or urinary tract. Kidney stones are a common cause of blood in the urine and often severe pain in the abdomen, flank, or groin. Kidney stones are sometimes called renal calculi. One in every 20 people develops a kidney stone at some point in their life.
Kidney stones typically leave the body by passage in the urine stream, and many stones are formed and passed without causing symptoms.The kidney acts as a filter for blood, making urineand removing waste products from the body. It also helps regulate electrolyte levels that are important for body function.
Causes of Kidney Stones:
Kidney stones form when there is a decrease in urine volume and/or an excess of stone forming substances in the urine. The most common type of kidney stone contains calcium in combination with either oxalate or phosphate. Other chemical compounds that can form stones in the urinary tract include uric acid and the amino acid cystine.
Kidney stones form when there is a decrease in urine volume and/or an excess of stone forming substances in the urine. The most common type of kidney stone contains calcium in combination with either oxalate or phosphate. Other chemical compounds that can form stones in the urinary tract include uric acid and the amino acid cystine.
Kidney Stones Symptoms:
The main kidney stones symptoms,
• Pain in genitals;
• Admixture of blood in the urine;
• Frequent urge for urination;
• Stones discharges.
The main kidney stones symptoms,
• Pain in genitals;
• Admixture of blood in the urine;
• Frequent urge for urination;
• Stones discharges.
Remedies for Kidney Stones:
* Boil 4 tablespoons of linseed in 1 litre (1 3/4 pints) of water then strain and drink the liquid with lemon and honey. It will soothe all kidney disorders. This will dissolves kidney stone.
* Take 4 figs and boil them in 2 cups of water. If one drinks this decoction for one month in morning with empty stomach then it shows the wonderful results.
* Take 60ml of fresh lime juice and same quantity of olive oil and now mix them a large glass of water. It is helpful in passing the stones in just24 hours and provides you relief.
* Take a pan and add a glass of water with 2 medium sized onions and cook them well. When it reaches to normal temperature, blend them in blender. Strain this and drink the decoction for 3 days. It is very helpful as you feel the passing of stone even on the second day.
* Since the body transforms vitamin C into oxalate, taking high doses (more than 3,000 milligrams daily) of the vitamin poses an issue for people battling Kidney stones Eliminate vitamin Csupplements from your routine and opt to receive your daily dose from food.
* To lessen uric acid stone formation, lower the amount of animal protein contained in your daily diet. Meats and certain fish can hasten the formation of uric acid and calcium in urine, which can lead to stone formation.
* Out of all the fruits suggested for kidney stones treatment, watermelon is considered the best and safest because it contains the highest concentration of water and provides an impressive amount of potassium salts.
* To fight calcium stones, lowering your salt intake can help. Pass on sprinkling extra salt on your French fries, avoid pickled foods, and choose low sodium potato chips. You should aim for reducing your salt consumption to only two to three grams per day.
* Boil 4 tablespoons of linseed in 1 litre (1 3/4 pints) of water then strain and drink the liquid with lemon and honey. It will soothe all kidney disorders. This will dissolves kidney stone.
* Take 4 figs and boil them in 2 cups of water. If one drinks this decoction for one month in morning with empty stomach then it shows the wonderful results.
* Take 60ml of fresh lime juice and same quantity of olive oil and now mix them a large glass of water. It is helpful in passing the stones in just24 hours and provides you relief.
* Take a pan and add a glass of water with 2 medium sized onions and cook them well. When it reaches to normal temperature, blend them in blender. Strain this and drink the decoction for 3 days. It is very helpful as you feel the passing of stone even on the second day.
* Since the body transforms vitamin C into oxalate, taking high doses (more than 3,000 milligrams daily) of the vitamin poses an issue for people battling Kidney stones Eliminate vitamin Csupplements from your routine and opt to receive your daily dose from food.
* To lessen uric acid stone formation, lower the amount of animal protein contained in your daily diet. Meats and certain fish can hasten the formation of uric acid and calcium in urine, which can lead to stone formation.
* Out of all the fruits suggested for kidney stones treatment, watermelon is considered the best and safest because it contains the highest concentration of water and provides an impressive amount of potassium salts.
* To fight calcium stones, lowering your salt intake can help. Pass on sprinkling extra salt on your French fries, avoid pickled foods, and choose low sodium potato chips. You should aim for reducing your salt consumption to only two to three grams per day.
DENGUE FEVER | for everyone |
Dengue is a disease caused by any one of four closely related viruses (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, or DEN-4). The viruses are transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected mosquitoes. It is found mostly during and shortly after the rainy season in tropical and subtropical areas.
The disease has also been termed "break bone" or "dandy fever " because the unusually severe muscle and joint pains can make people assume distorted body positions or exaggerated walking movements in an effort to reduce their pain.
Dengue Fever Causes:
Dengue fever is caused by one of four different but related viruses. It is spread by the bite of mosquitoes, most commonly the mosquito Aedes aegypti, which is found in tropic and subtropic regions.
Dengue fever is caused by one of four different but related viruses. It is spread by the bite of mosquitoes, most commonly the mosquito Aedes aegypti, which is found in tropic and subtropic regions.
Dengue Fever Symptoms:
Dengue fever begins with a sudden high fever, often as high as 104-105 degrees Fahrenheit.
Other symptoms include:Dengue fever begins with a sudden high fever, often as high as 104-105 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Headache (especially behind the eyes)
• Fatigue
• Joint aches
• Muscle aches
• Nausea
• Swollen lymph nodes
• Vomiting
• Fatigue
• Joint aches
• Muscle aches
• Nausea
• Swollen lymph nodes
• Vomiting
Dengue Fever Remedies:
It is a fact that there is no cure for dengue fever and therefore it is a much feared fatal illness. However, recently there has been a lot written about papaya leaves that seem to prove itself as a cure to dengue fever.
It is a fact that there is no cure for dengue fever and therefore it is a much feared fatal illness. However, recently there has been a lot written about papaya leaves that seem to prove itself as a cure to dengue fever.
Only two spoonfuls of raw papaya leaves juice, taken once a day can help dengue patients increase their platelet count and therefore overcome the fever.
Dengue Fever Prevention:
* Aerosol and liquid spray has to be applied directly to the adult mosquito for effective killing, e.g. household pesticides.
* Mosquito coil and electric mosquito mat/liquid has to be placed near possible entrance, such as window, for mosquito.
* Wear long sleeved clothes and long trousers when going outdoors. Bodies could be protected from mosquito bite.
* Mosquito bednet could be used when the room is not air conditioned.
* Aerosol and liquid spray has to be applied directly to the adult mosquito for effective killing, e.g. household pesticides.
* Mosquito coil and electric mosquito mat/liquid has to be placed near possible entrance, such as window, for mosquito.
* Wear long sleeved clothes and long trousers when going outdoors. Bodies could be protected from mosquito bite.
* Mosquito bednet could be used when the room is not air conditioned.
USING RIGHT WASILA | for everyone |
Dua Tawassul
Shaykh Tusi says, in his book Misbah, that imam Hassan bin Ali Al Askari wrote this dua'a for Abu Muhammad who requested him to teach him the proper way of reciting salawaat.
Allama Majlisi has mentioned this dua'a on the authority of Ibn babawayh who confidently says that there is no difficulty or problem that this dua'a does not solve.
Najmus Saqib in Bihar-ul-Anwar states the story of Abu Wafa Shirazi. Abu Wafa Shirazi was a follower of Ahlul Bait and was wrongly imprisoned by Abu Ilyas for a crime he did not commit. He was confined to a cell and was on death row. OneThursday night, Abu Wafa prays then falls asleep and in his dream he sees the Prophet who tells him how to ask for intercession, from each of the infallibles:
Shaykh Tusi says, in his book Misbah, that imam Hassan bin Ali Al Askari wrote this dua'a for Abu Muhammad who requested him to teach him the proper way of reciting salawaat.
Allama Majlisi has mentioned this dua'a on the authority of Ibn babawayh who confidently says that there is no difficulty or problem that this dua'a does not solve.
Najmus Saqib in Bihar-ul-Anwar states the story of Abu Wafa Shirazi. Abu Wafa Shirazi was a follower of Ahlul Bait and was wrongly imprisoned by Abu Ilyas for a crime he did not commit. He was confined to a cell and was on death row. OneThursday night, Abu Wafa prays then falls asleep and in his dream he sees the Prophet who tells him how to ask for intercession, from each of the infallibles:
Imam Ali: When you are in need to take revenge from an enemy use the wasilah of Imam Ali (a.s).
Bibi Fatema, Imam Hassan and Imam Husayn (a.s): When you pray for your affairs of the next world and when you wish the blessings of Almighty Allah to be bestowed upon you, then you should supplicate these three infallibles.
Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s): When praying against oppression, injustice, tyranny and violence, and from the wickedness and mischief of the Shayateen, pray through the wasila of the 4th Imam.
Imam Baqir and Imam Sadiq (a.s): When seeking nearness and attaining the pleasure of Almighty Allah use the wasilah of these Imams.
Imam Kadhim (a.s): When praying for well being in your worldly affairs, pray through the wasilah of the 7th Imam.
Imam Ridha (a.s): When departing on a journey, pray for your health, safe trip and safe return through the wasilah of the 8th Imam.
Imam Jawaad (a.s): When praying for your livelihood and abundance in sustenance, pray through the wasilah of the 9th Imam.
Imam Haadi (a.s): ask for the acceptance of your Nawafil Prayers, and to be kind to your brothers in Islam for the pleasure of Allah, through the 10th Imam.
Imam Hassan Al Askeri (a.s): when praying for your Akhirat (The next world) use the wasilah of the 11th Imam.
Imam Hujjah (a.s): When praying for any of your religious or worldly affairs or problems, and when you think there is no solution to a problem, call upon the Imam of our time, Imam Mahdi (atf).
O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient.
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ، فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
"When Allah takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better."
"When Allah takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better."
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
World's Youngest CEO - Suhas Gopinath - Globals Inc. | for everyone |
Bangalore boy Suhas Gopinath launched Globals Inc at 14. Today, his firm is a 60-member strong with all of them aged 17 to 22 years.
It was Catch-22 with a heartbreaking twist. Even before the first faint stubble had darkened his chin, Suhas Gopinath bagged a major outsourcing project that many others would have given their right hand for. But only to be told that the law said he was too young to sign on the dotted line.
That’s the story of this 17-year-old Bangalore boy wanting to be another Bill Gates. He had launched his own firm at the ripe old age of 14 years. Today, his firm, Globals Inc, is 60-member strong with representatives in the US, the UK, Canada and India—all of them aged 17 to 22 years. None of the members have had any formal computer education. Incidentally, Globals’ young CEO had originally wanted to be a veterinarian, until he was in Class IX and the cyber bug bit him.
‘‘I had no knowledge of the Internet. But when I was browsing the Internet in a cyber cafe I stumbled on a source code of a web site. I was fascinated and thought long and hard. I soon launched my own website, www.coolhindustan.com,’’ says Gopinath, fingering his navy blue blazer and battling a pronounced stammer, at the Bangalore IT.COM 2003 venue. That had happened when he had still not crossed 14 years.
A week later, recognition came when Network Solutions Inc, owned by Nasdaq-listed New York-based Verisign Inc gave him the certificate of a professional web developer. He was invited to Network Solutions headquarters and even asked to maintain their web site. Now hold your breath: ‘‘I declined because I was not interested in serving a US company.’’
Gopinath says it was the attachment to his family and the ambition to start his own organisation that brought him back to India.
Having passed Class XII in computer science, his veterinarian dream has faded off, but he loves spending his free time with Bushy, his pet dog. ‘‘I don’t have girlfriends,’’ the tiny CEO tells you with a straight face. Globals Inc took shape initially with only four members, and Network Solutions helped him to incorporate the company in the US. ‘‘I was told that in India, you need to pay sales tax and also have an infrastructure before you can register a firm. But all our members work from home or from a cyber cafe,’’ he says.
Gopinath’s company is into web-based and software solutions, mobile and e-commerce solutions—besides making web sites for corporates, advertisers and educational institutions. But Gopinath doesn’t get carried away with the pricing part. ‘‘We even have a client in Frankfurt for whom we made a corporate website. In the last two years, we have been able to generate a revenue of Rs 30,000 to Rs 40,000. We charge only Rs 200-Rs 300 for making a website,’’ he says.
Gopinath had never thought of himself and his team as being far too young in their highly competitive domain, until a Singapore-based business process outsourcing (BPO) company, SingT Inc, approached them. ‘‘They wanted to outsource their projects to us. Everything fell into place, until the moment I found that the law wouldn’t allow me to sign the contract because I was not 18 yet.’’
Not that it has been too much of a dampener. He is now waiting to have the necessary infrastructure in place so that he can incorporate his company in India. ‘‘At any cost, ours will be a purely Indian company.’’
Not just that. Globals Inc has approached the University of Michigan for building a message board that can be a forum for students. ‘‘We also approached the Karnataka Government for projects, but they said the Government projects are given out only to big companies. But we too will be a CMM Level 5 company soon,’’ says a confident Gopinath, straightening his blazer.
Gopinath has already put the management structure in place. There is a chief operating officer, chief information officer, chief technology officer and vice-president (Human Resources)—all teenagers. But with only a modest Rs 40,000 revenue to be shared among the members yet, the firm has not yet thought of a chief financial officer. ‘‘Members who use cyber cafes are given some extra money to cover that charges,’’ adds Gopinath.
The boy CEO has now applied to Stanford University and is eagerly waiting for the result. But he has not let go his entrepreneurial spirit. ‘‘If I get into Stanford, I will get business from the US too,’’ he enthuses. His ambition is to found another Microsoft. ‘‘Initially, when my mom used to scold me, I used to give her Bill Gates’s example. He is my role model.’’
Joining Globals Inc is simple, provided you are in the 17-22 year age group. ‘‘The membership is free of cost. Once you fill up the form and enter your skill set, we will assign a project. And you become a part of our family,’’ he says.
For, this 17-year-old believes that academic skill sets are not the end. ‘‘We need more of personal skill sets to achieve goals,’’ he qjavascript:void(0)uips sagely.
World's Youngest CEO Interview Video - Suhas Gopinath - Globals Inc.
It was Catch-22 with a heartbreaking twist. Even before the first faint stubble had darkened his chin, Suhas Gopinath bagged a major outsourcing project that many others would have given their right hand for. But only to be told that the law said he was too young to sign on the dotted line.
That’s the story of this 17-year-old Bangalore boy wanting to be another Bill Gates. He had launched his own firm at the ripe old age of 14 years. Today, his firm, Globals Inc, is 60-member strong with representatives in the US, the UK, Canada and India—all of them aged 17 to 22 years. None of the members have had any formal computer education. Incidentally, Globals’ young CEO had originally wanted to be a veterinarian, until he was in Class IX and the cyber bug bit him.
‘‘I had no knowledge of the Internet. But when I was browsing the Internet in a cyber cafe I stumbled on a source code of a web site. I was fascinated and thought long and hard. I soon launched my own website, www.coolhindustan.com,’’ says Gopinath, fingering his navy blue blazer and battling a pronounced stammer, at the Bangalore IT.COM 2003 venue. That had happened when he had still not crossed 14 years.
A week later, recognition came when Network Solutions Inc, owned by Nasdaq-listed New York-based Verisign Inc gave him the certificate of a professional web developer. He was invited to Network Solutions headquarters and even asked to maintain their web site. Now hold your breath: ‘‘I declined because I was not interested in serving a US company.’’
Gopinath says it was the attachment to his family and the ambition to start his own organisation that brought him back to India.
Having passed Class XII in computer science, his veterinarian dream has faded off, but he loves spending his free time with Bushy, his pet dog. ‘‘I don’t have girlfriends,’’ the tiny CEO tells you with a straight face. Globals Inc took shape initially with only four members, and Network Solutions helped him to incorporate the company in the US. ‘‘I was told that in India, you need to pay sales tax and also have an infrastructure before you can register a firm. But all our members work from home or from a cyber cafe,’’ he says.

Gopinath had never thought of himself and his team as being far too young in their highly competitive domain, until a Singapore-based business process outsourcing (BPO) company, SingT Inc, approached them. ‘‘They wanted to outsource their projects to us. Everything fell into place, until the moment I found that the law wouldn’t allow me to sign the contract because I was not 18 yet.’’
Not that it has been too much of a dampener. He is now waiting to have the necessary infrastructure in place so that he can incorporate his company in India. ‘‘At any cost, ours will be a purely Indian company.’’
Not just that. Globals Inc has approached the University of Michigan for building a message board that can be a forum for students. ‘‘We also approached the Karnataka Government for projects, but they said the Government projects are given out only to big companies. But we too will be a CMM Level 5 company soon,’’ says a confident Gopinath, straightening his blazer.
Gopinath has already put the management structure in place. There is a chief operating officer, chief information officer, chief technology officer and vice-president (Human Resources)—all teenagers. But with only a modest Rs 40,000 revenue to be shared among the members yet, the firm has not yet thought of a chief financial officer. ‘‘Members who use cyber cafes are given some extra money to cover that charges,’’ adds Gopinath.
The boy CEO has now applied to Stanford University and is eagerly waiting for the result. But he has not let go his entrepreneurial spirit. ‘‘If I get into Stanford, I will get business from the US too,’’ he enthuses. His ambition is to found another Microsoft. ‘‘Initially, when my mom used to scold me, I used to give her Bill Gates’s example. He is my role model.’’
Joining Globals Inc is simple, provided you are in the 17-22 year age group. ‘‘The membership is free of cost. Once you fill up the form and enter your skill set, we will assign a project. And you become a part of our family,’’ he says.
For, this 17-year-old believes that academic skill sets are not the end. ‘‘We need more of personal skill sets to achieve goals,’’ he qjavascript:void(0)uips sagely.
World's Youngest CEO Interview Video - Suhas Gopinath - Globals Inc.
FORTY HADEES ON HAJJ | for everyone |
1 - Importance of Hajj.
Imam ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) has said, “By Allah, by Allah, keep the House of your Lord in mind. Do not disregard it as long as you remain (alive) because surely if it is ignored, then He shall not look towards you (with His Mercy).”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 16
2 - The Hajj and Focusing on Allah
It has been narrated from Abi Ja’far [Imam Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali] al-Baqir (peace be upon him) that in regards to the words of Allah, the Glorious and High:
“So then hasten towards Allah, surely I (Muhammad) am a plain warner to you from Him.” (Suratul Dhariyat (51), Verse 50)
The Imam said, “Struggle towards Allah (perform the Hajj).”
Ma’aniul Akhbar, Page 222
3 - The Talbiyyah and the Sacrifice
It has been narrated from ‘Ali [Ibn Abi Talib] (peace be upon him) that he said, “Jibra’il descended to the Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) and said to him, ‘O’ Muhammad! Command your companions al-’Ajj and al-Thalj. The ‘Ajj is to raise your voice in pronouncing the Talbiyyah (Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk) out loud, while the Thalj is to slaughter an animal (on the day of ‘Eid).”
Ma’aniul Akhbar, Page 224
It has been narrated by Mu’awiyah Ibn ‘Ammar that he said, “I asked Aba ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) in regards to the day of the major Hajj (Hajj al-Akbar) and he said, ‘This is the day of the sacrifice (‘Eidul Qurban), while the minor Hajj (Hajj al-Asghar) is the ‘Umrah.”
Ma’aniul Akhbar, Page 295
It has been narrated from al-Ridha [Imam ‘Ali Ibn Musa] (peace be upon him) that he said, “I have not seen a single thing which makes a person free from want (financially secure) quicker, nor which is more effective in removing poverty, than continuously performing the Hajj (year after year).”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 74, Page 318
It has been narrated form Abi ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) that he said, “A person who dies while proceeding towards Makkah or while returning back (from Makkah) will be protected from the great distress of the Day of Resurrection.”
Maladhul Akhyar, Volume 7, Page 223
It has been narrated from Abi ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) that he said, “Those who perform the Hajj and the ‘Umrah are the guests of Allah. If they ask Him for something, He will grant it to them; if they call upon Him then He will answer them; if they intercede (for others), their intercession will be accepted; if they remain quiet, then He will begin to speak to them; for every dirham which they spend (in their trip to the Hajj), they will receive one million dirhams in return.”
Maladhul Akhyar, Volume 7, Page 223
It has been narrated from Himad Ibn ‘Isa that he said, “I asked Aba ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) on how to prepare for the (wearing of the) Ihram? The Imam replied, ‘(One should prepare for wearing the Ihram) by cutting the nails, trimming the moustache and shaving the pubic hair.”
Maladhul Akhyar, Volume 7, Page 307
It has been narrated from al-Baqir [Imam Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali] (peace be upon him) that: “As long as a person is looking at the Ka’bah, good deeds will be written (in his record) and one’s evil deeds will be erased until one turns away one’s glance (from the Ka’bah).”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 65
It has been narrated from Abi ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) that, “Hajj is of two types: Hajj for the sake of Allah and Hajj for the sake of people. A person who performs Hajj for Allah, surely his reward will be with Allah - Paradise; and a person who performs Hajj for people, surely his reward will be with people (to give him) on the Day of Resurrection.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 24
As-Sadiq [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad] (peace be upon him) was asked, “Why is it discouraged to fast on the days of Tashriq (11th, 12th, and 13th of Dhul Hijjah)?” The Imam (peace be upon him) replied, “Since people are visiting Allah and are His guests (during these days), it is not advisable that a guest should fast in the presence of the One whom he is visiting.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 34
It has been narrated from as-Sadiq [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad] (peace be upon him) who said, “There is no path from the paths of Allah which is greater than Hajj, except when a person comes out with his sword and strives in the way of Allah until he is martyred.” Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 49
13 - Reward for the Tawaf
The Noble Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said, “A person who circumambulates this House (the Ka’bah) seven times and performs the two Rak’at Salat (of Tawaaf) in the best form possible will have his sins forgiven.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 49
Abu Ja’far [Imam Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir] (peace be upon him) has said, “The Hajr (Hajrul Aswad – the Black Stone) is like the pledge (of Allah) and rubbing the hand over it is like making a pledge of allegiance (to Allah).” Whenever the Imam (peace be upon him) would rub his hand over the Hajrul Aswad he used to say:
“O’ Allah! I have fulfilled my trust and have renewed my pledge so that it (the Hajr al-Aswad) can bear witness that surely I have fulfilled my responsibility.”
It has been narrated from Abi ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) who said, “As long as the Ka’bah is standing, the religion (of al-Islam) will remain standing.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96 Page 57
It has been narrated that Abi Ja’far [Imam Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir] (peace be upon him) was asked, “Why is it (the Ka’bah) named Baitul ‘Atiq (the Emancipated House)?” The Imam replied: “Because this house is free and emancipated from people and was never under the ownership of anyone.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 59
It has been narrated from Abi ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) who said, “Surely Allah, the Noble and Grand, has made three things sacred and there is nothing else equivalent to them: His Book (the Qur’an) which is His Command and Divine Light; His House (The Ka’bah) which He has made as the focal point (Qiblah) and He will not accept from anyone facing any other direction; and the family of your Prophet.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 60
It has been narrated from ‘Ali [Ibn Abi Talib] (peace be upon him) who said, “If I were to possess two valleys flowing with gold and silver, I would not donate a single thing to the Ka’bah because it would reach the (unworthy) people who maintain the Ka’bah – and not to the poor and deserving people.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 67
It has been narrated from ‘Abdullah Ibn Sanan from Abi ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) that he asked, “What is the meaning of His words:
{And whosoever enters into it (the Haram), does so in safety.}
Does this refer to the Ka’bah or the entire Sanctuary (Haram)?”
The Imam (peace be upon him) replied, “A person who enters into the Sanctuary (Haram) seeking protection, shall remain protected; whoever from amongst the true believers enters into the Sanctuary (Haram) seeking protection from the wrath of Allah shall be protected from it; and whichever wild and domestic animal or bird enters into the Sanctuary (Haram) will be protected from being disturbed and bothered until it leaves the Sanctuary (Haram).”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 74
The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said, “Surely Allah has chosen four cities from amongst all others, just as He, the Noble and Grand has said (in the Noble Qur’an):
“I swear by ‘the fig’ and ‘the olive’ and the ‘Mountain of Sinai ’ and by this protected city.”
‘The fig’ is the city of Madinah ; ‘The olive’ is the city of Baitul Maqdas (in Jerusalem ); ‘The Mountain of Sinai’ is Kufah; and the protected city is Makkah.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 77
Abu Ja’far [Imam Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir] (peace be upon him) has said, “Allah, the Noble and Grand shall not accept the Hajj or ‘Umrah of a person who performs them using haraam wealth.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 120
It has been narrated form Abi Ja’far [Imam Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir] (peace be upon him) that he said, “It does not matter if one visits this House if he does not possess three traits: Cautiousness (Wara’) which prevents him from sinning; forbearance which helps him rule over his anger; and good interaction with those who are with him.”
Al-Khisal, Volume 1, Page 97; Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 121
It has been narrated from Abi Ja’far [Imam Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir] (peace be upon him) that he said, “The following things are not necessary for women to perform in the Hajj: women do not have to pronounce the Talbiyyah (Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk) out loud; nor do they have to perform the Harwalah (act of briefly running) between the mountains of al-Safa and al-Marwah; the rubbing of the hand on the Hajral Aswad; entering into the Ka’bah; and the shaving of the head; instead, they only cut some of their hair.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 189
It has been narrated from Abi ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) that he said, “For Allah, the Noble and Grand, there are 120 parts of Mercy around the Ka’bah. From these, sixty are for those performing the tawaaf around the Ka’bah; forty are for those performing the prayers; and twenty are for those just looking (at the Ka’bah).”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 202
Abu ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) said, “Isma’il buried his mother (Hajrah) in the (area) of the Hijr and then built a semi-circle shaped wall over it so that people would not step upon her grave.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 204
It has been narrated from Abi ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) who said, “It is recommended that a person does the tawaaf of the Ka’bah three hundred and sixty times - the number of days in a year and if one is unable to do so, then one should perform the tawaaf as much as possible.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 204
The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said, “Perform the tawaaf of the House and rub your hand over the Corner which has the Hajr al-Aswad because this is the right hand of Allah on His Earth which He shakes with His creations.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 202
Al-Baqir [Imam Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali] (peace be upon him) has said, “Salat inside Masjidul Haraam is greater than 100,000 Salat performed in any other Masjid.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 241
The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said, “The water of Zamzam is a cure for whatever (ailment) it is taken for.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 245
It has been narrated from al-Ridha [Imam ‘Ali Ibn Musa] (peace be upon him): “Surely my father, Abu Ja’far (peace be upon him) used to say, ‘There is not a single righteous person or sinner who makes a sojourn at the Mountains of ‘Arafat and calls upon Allah there, except that Allah answers his call. For a righteous person (his call is answered) in regards to the needs and necessities of the life of this temporal world and the next life; while a sinner (is answered) in regards to the affairs of the temporal world (only).”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 251
The Noble Messenger (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said, “The greatest sin of a person who goes to ‘Arafat and then leaves is to think that he has not been forgiven of his sins.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 248
It has been narrated from Abi ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) in regards to the stoning of the Shaitan that he said, “For every stone that a pilgrim throws, a major sin, which would have led to his destruction, is averted from him.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 273
It has been narrated from ‘Ali Ibn Ja’far from his brother Musa [Ibn Ja’far al-Kadhim] (peace be upon him) that he said, “I asked (my brother) in regards to the philosophy of the stoning of the pillar and why this was enacted.” He replied to me, “Because Iblis, the despised, appeared to Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in the place where the pillar is and Ibrahim (peace be upon him) threw stones at him and thus, this act became a Sunnah (practice) in the Hajj.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 273
In a tradition, ‘Ali ibnil Husain [Imam Zainul ‘Aabidin] (peace be upon him) has said, “When a person performing the Hajj slaughters an animal, it saves him from the fire of hell.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 288
It has been narrated from Abi Ja’far [Imam Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir] (peace be upon him) from his father [Imam ‘Ali ibnil Husain Zainul ‘Aabidin (peace be upon him)] that he said, “al-Hasan and al-Husain used to ask that their hair (shaved on the ‘Eid day in Hajj) be buried in Mina.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 302
It has been narrated from Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) that he said, “A person seeing (visiting) my grave deserves my intercession. And a person who visits me after my death is like a person who visited me during my lifetime.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 334
It has been narrated from Ibrahim Ibn Mahmud that he said, “I saw al-Ridha [Imam ‘Ali Ibn Musa] (peace be upon him) bid farewell to the House and when he intended to make his way out from the Masjid, he fell into prostration (Sajdah), stood up, faced the Ka’bah and then said:
“O’ Allah! I have reinforced my belief that there is no entity worthy of worship except Allah.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 370
It has been narrated from Abi Ja’far [Imam Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir] (peace be upon him) that: “People have been commanded to come and perform the tawaaf around these rocks (the Ka’bah) and then come to us (the Ahlul Bait) and declare their submission and offer their help to us.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 374
It has been narrated from Abi ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja’far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) that: “A person who meets one who has returned from Hajj and shakes his hand (welcomes him back) is like a person who rubbed his hand on the Hajrul Aswad.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 384
.The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said, “Walimah is only in five occasions: in the ‘Urs, Khurs, ‘Idhar, Wikar and the Rikaz – ‘Urs is when a person gets married; and Khurs is when a child is born; and ‘Idhar is on the circumcision of a baby boy; and Wikar is when a person purchases a house; and Rikaz is when a person returns from Hajj.”
Biharul Anwar, Volume 96, Page 384
Things to do to Save Your Marriage: Stop Your Divorce | for everyone |
Things to do to Save Your Marriage: Stop Your Divorce
In the present day, it is somewhat obvious that marriage problems are on the increase. At times even the best of marriages can go through a traumatic phase, with more and more couples splitting up owing to a difficult relationship.
However as divorce adversely affects the emotional, personal and social life of both the partners, it’s best to do something positive to get to the bottom of marriage problems before they become too overwhelming. Doing nothing and hoping that things will work out simply won’t cut it.
If you or your spouse fall into negative patterns in the way you relate to one another, you are not just in a rut, you are hurting one another and your marriage. You can’t compromise or negotiate these behaviors away. You can’t rationalize the behaviors as this is “just the way I am.” In order to save your marriage, these harmful behaviors must stop.
When you exchanged vows, you promised your spouse that you would stay with them “until death do you part.” So what happened to get you to the point that you are considering divorce? If you can remember what made you fall in love in the first place, you can learn how to save your marriage by following these simple tips.
First of all Try to Keep Calm:
In the sad event it should ever happen to your marriage, even though it’s difficult not to, try not to get too downhearted. Simply sit down and begin to think seriously about how you can save the marriage.
Whenever conditions in your marriage seem to be getting worse it’s time to calmly tell yourself you need to take steps to save the marriage, starting right now, not tomorrow, before your marriage goes downhill any further.
See a Marriage Counselor:
If the situation feels too out of your control. A marriage counselor will provide neutral feedback on your relationship and won’t judge you. A good listener will help you figure out what to do more often than constant advice from people.
If you and your partner can commit to seeing a marriage counselor together, you have a better chance of staying together as the message you give is clear- although times are rough, you both value the relationship enough to work through it.
Bossy Partner:
If an overbearing partner is a major cause of conflict in your marriage that can be a difficult problem to cure without professional help. These types of people have deep-seated emotional issues that are difficult to overcome and counseling of some sort is often the only way for them to change their behavior.
Communication is Crucial:
Good interaction is an essential feature in an healthy marriage, if you don’t talk to each other then you will gradually drift apart emotionally. You must be able to disclose all your problems and feelings with your partner and in return you must also listen to your partner’s point of view and understand it.
Once you have recognized the causes of your marriage problems, you can then look for real solutions.
Learn to Forgive:
People are far from perfect. Life is short, and holding grudges about the past is pointless. If your partner has wronged you let him or her know, but never make your partner feel bad about it afterward. This will bring up negative emotions that serve no purpose. If you have wronged your partner, apologies and mean it.
Show Your Appreciation for Your Partner:
Every one likes to know they are appreciated. It’s the little things that count. Saying ‘thank you’, complimenting your partner. Think of the qualities your partner has that you genuinely value and when your partner shows one of these (hopefully many…) qualities, make him or her feel good about it.
Other Options:
If, despite all your hard work to save the marriage yourself, the problems are ongoing, you can consider other options. You may talk with your family or friends and seek their advice and support. If you feel self conscious discussing your marriage concerns with people that are close to you, you can go for marriage counseling to improve your communication skills.
Marriage counselling can provide an outlet where couples can openly discuss their feelings and help to clear up any misconceptions that have built up in the marriage.
Don’t Try to Change You Partner:
You can’t. You both can compromise and alter your behavior out of consideration for your partner, but you can’t change who your partner is.
Will You Succeed?
It can be difficult to keep any troubled relationship alive; it needs a lot of effort and a lot of fortitude and tolerance. Realize that saving a troubled marriage is not going to be easy but if you are single minded then why not make an effort before it gets too late? At least you can say you made an effort to save the marriage.
Allah states in the Holy Qur’an:
“And if you fear a breach between the two, then appoint a judge from his people and a judge from her people; if they both desire agreement, Allah will effect harmony between them; surely Allah is Knowing, Aware (4:35).”Imam Sadiq (AS) stated: ‘Get married but, do not divorce, because a divorce would tremble the ‘Arsh (empyrean) of Allah’.”259
“lmäm Sädiq (AS) also stated: ‘Allah likes the house which is inhabited in the wake of marriage and dislikes the house which is abandoned in the wake of divorce. .There is nothing more detestable to Allah than a divorce’
Islam discourages divorce and disliked by Allah (s.t.), the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), and the Holy Imams (a.s.) - so consult an Alim for guidance before such unpleasant steps are taken
The scars from a divorce can take a long time to fade.
Wedding Invitations: Helpful Information | for everyone |
Wedding Invitations: Helpful Information
Choosing your wedding invitations can be downright overwhelming. Thousands of choices are available in the invitation books of stationers for you to review. The first impression your guests have of your wedding is formed by the wedding invitations you choose. Wedding invitations should reflect the personalities of the bride and groom and also the style of event you are planning.
Traditionally formal wedding invitations were always on ecru, ivory or white card (depending on the color of your dress) and engraved with black or dark-gray ink. This is still the most popular choice for a formal wedding, but today there are a tremendous variety of invitations available to suit your style, the level of formality you desire, and your budget.
Formal, semi formal, romantic, funky, kitsch, or relaxed the style is really up to the bride, groom and any relatives that are helping to pay for the wedding. Invitations today can include textured paper, in multiple colors, embedded flowers, recycled paper, gilt edges, photographs, and an endless variety of creative options to suit your wedding theme.
The place you choose to hold your wedding, be it a garden, hotel, beach or church will of course greatly influence your choice of invitations.
It is best to start planning even a simple wedding at least a year in advance and preferably a year and a half. As soon as you decide on your guest list and on the style of wedding you want, you should be ready to choose a professional supplier. You may want to obtain as many free brochures and information packs from suppliers in your area. You will want to choose a supplier who will not charge you for draft copies of your invitations. You also should insure that your supplier will not expect you to pay for a whole new order if you find you need more stationery than had originally been arranged.
A common mistake when ordering wedding stationery is when the bride and groom assume that because they are inviting 50 guests that they need 50 invitations. This is not the case. You need to remember that couples can be invited on the same invitations and so can children under the age of sixteen. For a wedding of 50 you should start with 25 invitations and then add on about ten to fifteen extras to cover any extra people you may have forgotten or mistakes made on the envelopes. You should also keep at least one invitation as a memento.
Do not forget to send invitations to your parents and wedding party. If you want to use place cards, you will want to remember to order place cards for every guest including your parents and bridal party. Be sure to check with your reception venue, as place cards are sometimes included with the overall reception cost. It is advisable to mail an invitation to yourself just to see how long it takes to arrive and what condition it arrives in.
If you need Order of Service cards for a church ceremony, be sure to add extra ones for the choirboys and the Vicar. You will need one Order of Service for each and every guest.
Aside from the invitations you will also need envelopes, reply cards, thank you cards and you may need Order of Service leaflets, menus, place cards, serviettes, book matches, wedding scrolls, gift registry cards, and seating plans. In order to save time, and money, it is advisable to order all your stationery at once from the same supplier. This will also help ensure consistency of design.
It is preferable to order all of your invitations at the same time, leaving ample time to have them printed and addressed. You will need to send them out two to three months in advance. Remember to gather and bring all the information you will need to create your wedding invitation. You need the date, time place of wedding and reception, names of parents and the full name of the bride and groom including middle names.
Formal wedding invitations are traditionally engraved which is the most expensive option. Engraving produces textured raised letters and in black or gray ink is ideal for formal weddings with large budgets. Thermography is a less expensive popular alternative to engraving that provides almost the same look. For a smaller guest list Calligraphy can be used, either computerized or by hand. If you want to use colored ink and/or highly textured paper then you will need to use offset printing.
Wedding convention dictates that you must write out the addresses for all your invitations by hand so be sure to order extra envelopes for the inevitable mistakes. If you wish you can hire a calligrapher to do this.
Engraved, embossed and calligraphed stationery are likely to be at the high end of the price range. Most professional wedding stationery suppliers provide a wide selection of local, imported and their own exclusive designs in a wide range of styles, colors and prices so that there is something to suit every budget.
The wording of your invitation is obviously important but today family relationships are much more complicated than in the past, and this may be causing you some anxiety.
Don’t worry. If you have chosen a good supplier they should be able to advise you. It may well be your first wedding but they have seen it all and can help you work out appropriate wording for any situation.
Most wedding invitations include the names of the hosts, which may be your parents, yourselves or both, your own names, and the date, time and location, and reception. You should also add RSVP cards and details. The trend these days is for the bride and groom to choose more creative and personal wording than the traditional formal wording of the past.
Thank You Cards
As soon as you start receiving gifts you need to start writing your thank you notes. You may want to order thank you cards along with your wedding stationery so that they match your wedding invitation. Thank you notes should specifically mention the gift, and how the bride and groom intend to use it. Thank you notes can be brief, but should be very personal. You should try to finish them no later than three weeks after the wedding. Everyone who gives you a gift should receive a thank you note.
The Mailing
Before mailing invitations you must proofread very carefully. Check and double-check the wording of all your wedding stationery. Have a friend check them over for you also.
To ensure your guests receive their invitations and are able to respond in sufficient time, mail them four to six weeks before the event. Invitations being mailed overseas should be mailed eight weeks in advance.
Remember your invitations do not have to cost a fortune to look gorgeous and delight your guests. All you need is a professional supplier and printer who has the knowledge and experience to help you choose stationery that fits in with the level of formality, style and theme of the wedding of your dreams.
Keep Your Skin Protected During This Winter: Skin Care Tips | for everyone |
Keep Your Skin Protected During This Winter: Skin Care Tips
Winter is coming and the frost is nipping your nose and face. We must not forget about winter skin care. Winter takes its special toll on your skin, which may still be recuperating from the fiery assaults of summertime. Stressed from long hot moisture-barren days, the drying effects of chlorine water, too much time outdoors in the sizzling summer sun, and the dehydrating effects of air conditioning, leaves your skin ready to hibernate for the winter. Instead of getting a much deserved rest and rejuvenation, winter works our skin overtime as it prepares for the demanding task of defending itself against the woes of winter weather. The chilling cold in the air from the sudden change of seasons can leave your skin.
Winter is coming and the frost is nipping your nose and face. We must not forget about winter skin care. Winter takes its special toll on your skin, which may still be recuperating from the fiery assaults of summertime. Stressed from long hot moisture-barren days, the drying effects of chlorine water, too much time outdoors in the sizzling summer sun, and the dehydrating effects of air conditioning, leaves your skin ready to hibernate for the winter. Instead of getting a much deserved rest and rejuvenation, winter works our skin overtime as it prepares for the demanding task of defending itself against the woes of winter weather. The chilling cold in the air from the sudden change of seasons can leave your skin
Any moisturising you do will be all but futile if you don’t wrap up before you step out. Most of the damage to your hands and face is done by constant fluctuations in temperatures and moisture – stepping out of the dry air of an air – conditioned building and into a cold rainy street will dry out your skin rapidly. Gloves will protect your hands from drying out excessively and becoming chapped, which can hurt and can take a long time to heal.
Moisturisation is your second major defence against dry, flaky skin. Don’t simply buy the cheapest vitamin E cream you can as soon as the leaves change colour – the moisturiser you choose will depend entirely on your needs, and your skin type. Below are tips to help the most common skin types.
Oily or Combination Skin
These skin types often have problems with flaky skin during the winter, but find that regular moisturisers feel too greasy. Shea or cocoa butter is fantastic as an intense overnight treatment to relive any dry skin, and then a light exfoliant in the morning will rid the pores of any excess oil or debris.
A great tip for daytime moisturiation for oily skin is to use aloe gel. It is highly effective at relieving any tightness or stinging from dry skin, but will not leave a residue. You can find aloe gel at most health food or natural supplies shops.
Normal Skin
Although this skin type rarely has any serious problems, it is important to remember that over the winter it needs extra care. Switch to a gentle face wash that won’t strip the skin of its natural oils, and then moisturise using a cream that incorporates a UV filter.
It’s easy to forget that the sun is still harsh on the skin during the winter, especially if there is snow or ice on the ground creating a glare. Protect against the UV rays, and you will also be protecting against premature ageing and wrinkles.
Dry or Damaged Skin
Dry skin can be very difficult to care for, and skin conditions such as Eczema and Psoriasis can flare up in cold or abnormally-heated environments. Invest in some heavy-duty moisturising cream to apply every day, especially in any problem areas, and make it a priority to wrap up as much as you can before venturing outside.
Gentle exfoliation is the key to ridding yourself of any troublesome flaky patches, and if you have sensitive skin, or would just rather know what you were using, it is relatively simple to make your own scrubs from ingredients you have at home. Here are just a few recipes to whip up in your kitchen.
Essential Everyday Items
Keep these handy helpers on you at all times, and you’ll never be caught with dry hands or chapped lips again.
* A decent lip balm with added SPF protection.
* Hand and Nail cream (To prevent chapping and split nails).
* A hat (the cold can be awful to your hair too – and don’t forget your ears!).
* Eye – area moisturiser.
A Final Warning
Don’t ignore problem or dry skin in the hope that it will fix itself. You may find yourself battling with more skin problems than you can deal with further down the line.
Don’t assume that the most expensive cream makes it better quality, or better for your skin type. Shop around, and if you can, venture to a department store and ask for samples from different cosmetic brands. You may find that the one that works for you may be marketed as a “budget” cream.
Don’t forget that what you eat will ultimately affect your healthy glow. Too many late nights and parties can make your skin dull and blemished, and eating too much fast food will create oily, problem skin. It’s best to take everything in moderation, and if needs be, take a vitamin supplement to boost your body’s defenses. A healthy body means healthier more radiant winter skin.
All these tips are for advice only. If you are allergic or are often susceptible to adverse reactions from beauty treatments, please consult a skincare professional before trying them out.
Successful Small Business Marketing Plan | for everyone |
Successful Small Business Marketing Plan
Small business marketing is all about determining the needs of your target market and then providing solutions to meet those needs.
These 7 steps are aimed at entrepreneurs starting a small business and those who want to create a successful small business marketing plan for an existing business.
Most small business promotions focus on how great their products and services are. Instead, you should educate your target market consistently and start building a relationship that will establish your credibility and trust. It is important to develop a marketing mindset. "Think Marketing" your products and services all of the time. It is very important to consistently market your products and services. Don’t fall into the trap of stop and go marketing. Some small business owners only market when sales are down.
You can’t have a successful small business without having a successful small business marketing plan. Effective small business marketing is the way to growth and profits.
If you’re a small business owner or you want to know how to start a small business in the future, this simple 7-step plan will help you understand your business and your target market.
How to Start a Small Business Marketing Plan: 7 Steps
Begin the process by answering these questions:
1) Who -- Who specifically is your target market? Who is your ideal client? What research can you do to find out more about your target market?
2) What -- What products and services do your ideal clients want and need? What does your product and service do for your ideal client? What problems does your product solve for your customer? What are the solutions that your ideal client is looking for? What is your area of specialty that will differentiate you in the marketplace? What are the industry trends? What type of message will your ideal client likely respond to? What are you ultimately selling? For example: Are you selling eye glasses or are you selling vision? What is your unique mix of products and services? What is your pricing strategy?
3) Where -- Where is your ideal client? Where is your customer located geographically? Where will you position yourself so they can easily find you? Where are the best places to get your marketing message to them? Will you speak to groups, hold seminars, or write a blog, newsletters or articles?
4) When -- How frequently does your target market need to hear your marketing message? When are they most likely to buy your products and services?
5) Why -- Why are you in business? Why do customers or clients buy from you? Why should they choose your product or service over your competition?
6) How -- How does your customer buy your product or service? How are you going to reach potential buyers for your services and products? How will you communicate your marketing message? How will you provide customers or clients with the information they need to make their buying decision?
7) Marketing Mindset – Practice mastering a Marketing Mindset and you will be on the path to a profitable small business.
With these 7 steps, you can take action towards starting a small business marketing plan that targets new customers. "Marketing is about testing and evaluating your return on investment. But it’s primarily about helping people get what they want." Master these small business marketing steps and you will be on the path to more profit and success as a business owner.
To choose a friend, one must assess his real worth. One must bear in mind that temperaments and personalities are associated with one, relationships with others.
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, "Every Muslim should try to select the best companion for the life span. A companion could be a friend from the same gender. If the companion is to be from the other gender, then that companion should be a spouse to live together within the confines of rules and regulations."
Our beloved Prophet (s.a.w) encouraged us to select a good friend with whom to share our feelings. He said, "Don't take a companion unless he is a believer; and don't let your food be eaten except by a godly person. "
Also, one must take a friend for who he or she is as an individual, and not force them to conform with one's warp and ideas, so long as everything remains within the boundaries of Islam.
Muslims are advised by the Prophet (s.a.w) to select a good friend to associate with, and to have him as a social companion in life. By selecting a good companion, to be a friend, a Muslim enriches his/her life.
Prophet (s.a.w) said, "The similitude of a good companion is like an owner of musk; if you don't get anything, you will get the smell of it. The similitude of a bad companion is like the blacksmith's bellows; if you are not affected by its black dirt, you will be touched by its smoke."
Islam approves associating with individuals who have violated moral and social laws for the purpose of helping them through beneficial guidance. Friends of the right path father and discuss what is beneficial, but not vain. Friends love the souls and smells of their friends. Friends sympathies with their friends and they comfort each other. Friends exert each other toward piety and righteous deeds.
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, "Fear Allah and help each other for the sake of Allah. Have mercy upon each other. Visit each other and remember our matter and keep it alive."
However, one who keeps company for the sake of helping a friend, would have fulfilled the rights of companionship in the worthiest manner. It is reported, "When someone observes a friend taking a wrong and sinful course and, while possessing the capacity to restrain him, does not do so out of indifference, he has actually betrayed his friend."
Today, in this world of ignorance and personal desires, there are few who keep their friendship. Hence, everyone should be careful in choosing friends, and study the character of those with whom they wish to develop terms of friendship.
By Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Musawi Lari
There are friends who remain true and trustful under all circumstances and there are friends who remain with you only desiring the good. Islam urges to have cordial relations with others and to avoid corruption and the harmful effects of the company of the wicked and the mischievous, strictly forbidding every kind of contact and intimacy with them.
The first kind of friend are very few, and their friendship is like a mirror to you. In deed, we must be fair to our friends, and must want for them that which we want for ourselves. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, "A true believer is a mirror to his brother. He prevents him from any harm." Friends wish well for their friends, and feel a strong grief when they see them in any kind of distress or suffering. They work hard by all means, by their wealth and their hands to restore the rights of their friends, and give them all the help they need. They keep the secrets of their friends. This kind of friendship is the basic necessity of social life.
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, "A person follows the ways and conducts of his friends." On the other hand, one encounters fools, avaricious, people cowards, and liars. The fool wants to help others, but cause more harm to them despite good intentions. The avaricious one takes but does not give back to anyone. The coward flees at the smallest danger, abandoning everyone. And the liar does not benefit others, brings animosity and resentment, and causes serious damage to others. Also, the liar is not trusted even if he/she is telling the truth.
It is reported, "As for a liar, life with him can never be pleasant for you. He carries tales from you to others and from others to you. If he gives you a true report, a false one follows it. His reputation is slurred. So much so that when he says something true, nobody believes him. Due to the enmity which he entertains in his heart for people, he estranges them from one another and creates malice in their hearts. Be careful and do your duty to Allah." These kinds of individuals might call themselves as your friends, but they do more ill-service to you as well as to the society and in the long run.
It is adviced, "Avoid the company of the vicious, because your character would pick up their degenerate and deviant qualities without your knowing it. "The Glorious Qur'an says,"O woe is me! Would that I had not taken such a one as my friend." 25:28
There are many characterizes of true friends: their heart and face should be alike, they should be honest with their friends and show them both the good and the bad side: wealth and children should not change them; they should help whenever able to do so, and they should not leave their friends during difficulties.
The first kind of friend are very few, and their friendship is like a mirror to you. In deed, we must be fair to our friends, and must want for them that which we want for ourselves. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, "A true believer is a mirror to his brother. He prevents him from any harm." Friends wish well for their friends, and feel a strong grief when they see them in any kind of distress or suffering. They work hard by all means, by their wealth and their hands to restore the rights of their friends, and give them all the help they need. They keep the secrets of their friends. This kind of friendship is the basic necessity of social life.
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, "A person follows the ways and conducts of his friends." On the other hand, one encounters fools, avaricious, people cowards, and liars. The fool wants to help others, but cause more harm to them despite good intentions. The avaricious one takes but does not give back to anyone. The coward flees at the smallest danger, abandoning everyone. And the liar does not benefit others, brings animosity and resentment, and causes serious damage to others. Also, the liar is not trusted even if he/she is telling the truth.
It is reported, "As for a liar, life with him can never be pleasant for you. He carries tales from you to others and from others to you. If he gives you a true report, a false one follows it. His reputation is slurred. So much so that when he says something true, nobody believes him. Due to the enmity which he entertains in his heart for people, he estranges them from one another and creates malice in their hearts. Be careful and do your duty to Allah." These kinds of individuals might call themselves as your friends, but they do more ill-service to you as well as to the society and in the long run.
It is adviced, "Avoid the company of the vicious, because your character would pick up their degenerate and deviant qualities without your knowing it. "The Glorious Qur'an says,"O woe is me! Would that I had not taken such a one as my friend." 25:28
There are many characterizes of true friends: their heart and face should be alike, they should be honest with their friends and show them both the good and the bad side: wealth and children should not change them; they should help whenever able to do so, and they should not leave their friends during difficulties.
By Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Musawi Lari
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