Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Muslim Shia Council

In The Name of Allah The Beneficent The Merciful

Announcement Regarding 
Crescent Sighting for Thil-Hijjah 1431 AH

Dear Believers in North America,
Assalamu Alaykum,
   The Crescent Moon Committee of the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America announces that based on reports of sighting the new crescent moon in many different localities at sunset November 7th, 2010, therefore Monday November 8th, 2010 will be the first day of Thil-Hijjah 1431 for North America.

   Based on that, the Day of Arafah, the 9th of Thul-Hijjah will be November 16th, 2010and the of Eid al-Adha is Wednesday November 17th, 2010.

   We ask the Almighty God to bring back the pilgrims safe from their journey, accept all their work and hasten the appearance of our 12th Holy Imam peace be upon him.

The Crescent Committee
  • Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, Toronto.
  • Sheikh Fadhil al-Sahlani, New York.
  • Sheikh Mohammed al-Ali al-Halabi
  • Sayyid Hassan al-Qazwini, Detroit.
  • Sheikh Sulaiman Abidi, Richmond.
  • Sayyid Nabi Raza Abedi, San Francisco.
  • Sheikh Ali Kadhum, Houston.
Important Events
  • 7th: Martyrdom of Imam al-Baqir peace be upon him
  • 9th: The Day of Arafah
  • 10th: The Day of Eid al-Adha
  • 15th: The Birth of Imam al-Hadi peace be upon him
  • 18th: The Day of Eid al-Ghadeer
  • 24th: The Day of Mobahala   
The "Crescent Moon Committee" was established at the 10th Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America in Detroit, October 2010.


Nov 7, '10 7:14 AM
for everyone
The first ten days of this month are full of significance and merit. The Holy Prophet (s) has said: There are no days when Allah is as pleased with good deeds as He is in these ten days [of Dhil-hajj].
       The following are the aamal for the first 10 days of Dhilhijja:
  1. Keep fast on the first 9 days (not on the 10th)
  2. In the nights of the first 10 days, between the Maghrib and Ishaa Salaats pray a 2 Rak—a’t Salaat as under:
    In every Rak—a’t, after the recitation of Soorah Al Faatih’ah, recite Soorah Al Ikhlaas and the following verse:

Nov 7, '10 7:08 AM
for everyone
1st ‐ Marriage of Imam Ali(a.s.) and Hazrat Fatima Zahra(s.a.) – (2 years before Hirja)
7th ‐ Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad Baqir(a.s.) – the 5th Holy Imam ‐ (114 A.H.)
9th ‐ Day of Arafat: Ziarat-e-Imam Hussain (as) on this Day | Ziarat-e-Jamia for this day
9th – Martyrdom of Hazarat Muslim ibn‐e‐Aqeel (a.s.) & Hazrat Hani ibn Urwah(a.s.) – (60 A.H.)
10th – Eid‐al‐Adha
10th – Hajj‐e‐Baitullah 
15th ‐ Birth of Imam Ali Naqi al‐Hadi(a.s.) – the 10th Holy Imam ‐ (214 A.H.) [Disputed date]
18th – Eid‐e‐Ghadeer – (10 A.H.)
23rd ‐ Martyrdom of Hazrat Meesam al‐Tammar(a.r.) – friend of Imam Ali(a.s.) – ( 60 A.H.)
24th ‐ Eid‐e‐Mubahila ‐ (10 A.H.)
24th ‐ Supplication Day and giving of alms with the ring by Imam Ali(a.s.)
25th – Imam Ali(a.s.) accepts to become the Caliph of Islam – (35 A.H.)
Nov 7, '10 6:56 AM
for everyone
Nikkah Kutbah of 
Hazrat Imam Ali Ibn e Abi Talib a.s with Hazrat Bibi Fatima tu Zhara a.s

Imam Ali (a.s) finally approached the Prophet (P.b.u.h) and asked for Fatima's hand in marriage.
The Messenger, who has absolute guardianship over all Muslim men and women, including his daughter, would not announce his agreement to the marriage without Fatima's consent.
By this action, He (P.b.u.h) made it clear that it is inevitable to obtain the daughter's permission for marriage, because she is the one who is to live with the man and share his life. Indeed,
 giving a girl in marriage to someone without her prior approval or permission is a clear
 violation of her honor, degradation of her personality, disruption of her soul and a practical
 declaration to her that she is like an animal who can be sold or given as a gift to anyone
 without the right to state her opinion.
  1. The Prophet left Ali waiting for the answer. The Prophet informed his daughter that Ali wished to marry her. Fatima did not need to ask about Ali's occupation, manners, age and other traits; because she knew all about his talents, excellent traits and long standing service to Islam. It is for this reason that the Prophet (P.b.u.h) only said to her:
  2. "Fatima, you know Ali Ibn Abu Talib's relationship to us, his devotion and faithfulness to Islam. I asked Allah to give you in marriage to the best of His creatures, and the most beloved to Him; and he (Ali) has declared his wish to marry you; what do you say?"
  3. Fatima did not reply, nor did she show a sign of rejection or resentment, so he (P.b.u.h) stood up and said:"Allah is the Greatest! Her silence is her approval."   The Prophet considered Fatima's silence as her consent and approval of the marriage; because a shy, virgin girl is not expected to declare her agreement openly. Yes, disagreement and rejection of marriage can be openly expressed by her. But shyness prevents a girl from declaring her wish to marry a man, but it does not stop her from rejecting it.
  4. The Prophet (P.b.u.h) went back to the waiting Ali and informed him of Fatima's approval of the marriage. He also inquired about the extent of his preparedness to fulfill the requirements needed for the wedding, because legally and traditionally there has to be a dowry. Specially in light of the fact that this marriage would be remembered and be of great influence to the future generations. Thus, it was important to observe every element and event which would play a part of this marriage-within the limits of simplicity and modesty.
  5. When Ali had sold his sword, he brought the money to the Prophet; who divided it into thirds: one-third was for household necessities, one-third was for perfumes and embellishments for the wedding, and the remaining one-third he gave to Um Salamah, who was to give it back to Ali to assist him in paying for food for the guests attending the ceremony.
  6. Naturally, Ali's marriage to Fatima Zahra (a.s) raised envy and enmity in the hearts of some men; especially those who were rejected by Fatima and her father when they had asked for her hand. So it was not strange to see some Quraishans come to the Prophet and say: "Surely you have taken a lowly dowry for Fatima from Ali."
  7. The Prophet replied: "It was not I who gave (Fatima to) Ali in marriage, rather Allah did so on the night of ascension near the Lotus tree (in the seventh Heaven)..."
  8. He then added: "Verily I am a man just like you, I many (from) your women and give you my (marriageable) women in marriage, save Fatima, for her marriage was revealed in Heaven."
  9. The Messenger of Allah (P.b.u.h) said: 'O Fatima, do you know why you have been given the name Fatima?' Ali (a.s) said: 'Why was she named (Fatima)?' He replied: 'Because she and her followers (Shiites) are protected from Hell."
  1. When Allah created Adam... (until he said) there was a brilliant girl from whom light was illuminating
    and on her head was a golden crown ornamented with diamonds; the like of whom Adam had never seen.
    Adam asked: 'My Lord who is this girl?'
    Allah said: 'Fatima Bint Muhammad.'
    Adam said: 'My Lord, who is her husband?'
    Allah said: 'O Gabriel, open the gate of the ruby palace;' when Gabriel did, Adam saw a dome of camphor
    and inside it was a golden bed equipped by a young man as beautiful as Yusef.'
    He then said: "This is her husband, Ali Ibn Abu Talib."
  2. Imam Al-Hassan Ibn Ali Al-Askari (a.s) reported that his Fathers quoted Jabir Ibn Abdullah as
    saying: "The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said: 'When Allah created Adam and Eve, they strutted
    through paradise and said: 'Who are better than we?' At that moment they noticed an image of a
    girl like they had never seen before; from this girl came an illuminating light so bright that
    it almost blinded the eyes.
    They said: 'O Lord, what is this?'
    He answered: 'This is the image of Fatima, the mistress of your women descendants. '
    Adam asked: 'What is this crown on her head?'
    Allah said: 'Her husband Ali.'
    Adam then asked: 'What are her two earrings?'
    Allah replied: 'Her (two) sons, they were ordained in My ever-existent knowledge two thousand
    years before I created you."
  3. Despite Fatima's modest marriage on Earth, Allah, the Exalted, bestowed her with an honorable gift. He (Glory be to Him) gave her in marriage to Ali Ibn Abu Talib, before the Messenger himself did so. This is not abnormal, for Allah had given women who are much lower than Fatima in marriage to the Prophet (p.b.u.h).
    Therefore, was it not possible for Fatima's wedding to have been celebrated in the exalted heavens, and attended by the nearest angels to Allah, the Exalted, as Prophetic traditions state?! Indeed, this is what happened in tribute to Fatima, her Father, her husband, and her future children who are the authorities of Allah on His creatures.
    The celebration took place in the fourth Heaven near Al-Bait Al-Ma'mour (the constantly attended house of Allah). It was a unique event the like of which the universe had never encountered before. Angels from all the Heavens gathered in the fourth Heaven and erected the Minbar of Honor, which is made of light. Then Allah, The Almighty, revealed to one of His angels, Rahil, to ascend the Minber and praise and glorify His names as He deserves. Rahil, who was the most eloquent of all angels, did what his Lord revealed to him and said: "Praise be to Allah, since sempiternity of the first (creatures); He who is ever-lasting (even) after the cessation of all beings; We praise Him for making us spiritual angels;, who are submitting to His God ship, and for making us grateful forr Him for His benevolence on us.
    He safeguarded us from craving for lusts; and
    made our only pleasure and enjoyment to glorify and exalt Him.
    He Who extended His Mercy (upon everything);
    and bestowed His benevolence (upon everyone).
    Exalted is His Name from the polytheism of polytheists of the dwellers of Earth, And
    Elevated by His Creatures from the fabrications of the atheists."
    Allah, The Omnipotent King chose the one who was bestowed with special Divine Honor, and the worshipper of His Greatness, for His worshipper, the Mistress of women and the daughter of the best of prophets, the Master of all messengers and the Imam of the pious; so He brought into relations the Prophet with a man from his kin. One who is his believing companion, and was prompt in answering his call-Ali, the devout, with Fatima the splendid and the daughter of the Messenger."
    Then Gabriel added the following words, which were from Allah, the Exalted:
     "Praise is My garment
    Greatness is My Magnificence
  4. All the creatures are My slaves men and women. I give Fatima, My Worshipper in marriage to Ali, My chosen worshipper. So bear witness O My angels."
  5. Reported that Jabir Ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "Um Ayman came to the Prophet (p.b.u.h) crying; the Prophet asked her why she was crying? She replied: 'A man from the Ansar just informed me that his daughter has just been married, and that sprinkled sweets and almonds on her. Thus, this reminded me that when Fatima married Ali, you did not sprinkle anything on her.'
  6. There-upon the Prophet said: "By Allah Who sent me with honor, and gifted me with the Messenger ship; when Allah gave Fatima to Ali in marriage, He ordered the nearest angels to surround the Throne-including Gabriel, Michael and Israfil. He also commanded birds to sing and ordered the tree of Tuba to sprinkle them with fresh pearls, white gems, green chrysolites and red rubies.'
  7. According to another tradition, he (p.b.u.h) said: "The marriage took place near the Lotus tree in the seventh Heaven, on the night of Ascension. (On that occasion) Allah revealed to the tree: Sprinkle all that you bear on them.' So it sprinkled them with gems, jewe1ry and corals."
  8. Then Allah commanded the Tree of Paradise to bear gems and jewelry; He then ordered it to sprinkle them over the angels. So whoever received more than the others on that day, will be proud of it until the Day of Resurrection."
Nov 7, '10 6:44 AM
for everyone

Someone asked Imam Baqir (A.S.): "Why Hajj has been named "The Hajj of God's House"? "Imam said: It means that the pilgrim has reached salvation.
Imam Ali ibn Hussain Zainul Abedin (A.S.) says: Perform Hajj and Umrah rituals in order to be safe and sound, to make it better living for your family and make a better life.
Imam Ali ibn Hussain Zainul Abedin (A.S.) says: Pilgrim of God's House will be forgiven, and he is entitled to go to heaven and his family and  possessions will be safe and immune.
The Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) stated: Everyone who wants the world and the hereafter should perform hajj rituals.
Abdullah Ibn Fazl says: "I said to Imam Sadiq (A.S.) that I have too many debts, I have a big family and I can't afford the Hajj costs. Teach me a prayer. Imam stated: Say after each obligatory prayer: "May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad (S.A.W.) and his progeny, and pay my debts in this world and the hereafter."
I said to him, "I know what the worldly debts are but what are the debts of the hereafter?"
He said: "Hajj". The prophet of God (S.A.W.) looked at the strings of camels taking Hajis to the pilgrimage of God's House and said: They don't take steps unless it is taken as a good deed, they don't take steps unless it vanishes a sin of them. And when they finish their ceremony of Hajj, they will be told: "You have made a building, don't destroy it. Your sins are forgiven. From now on, do good deeds."
Imam Baqir (A.S.) said : Everyone completing a recitation of the Holy Quran in Makkah won't die unless he sees the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his own place in the Heaven.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: The best ways to pray God include silence and going to His House.
Imam Baqir (A.S.) said: God does not accept the Hajj and Umrah whose costs have been paid for through illegal means property. (Religiously prohibited).
It's been narrated from Isaac Ibn Ammar that Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: O Isaac, everyone who circumambulates God's House one time, God writes down 1000 good deeds for him, vanishes 1000 of his sins, gives him 1000 rewards, plants 1000 trees fro him in Paradise, gives him mercifully the recompense for delivering 1000 slaves. When he reaches "Moltazem", 8 doors of Heaven open and he is told: "Enter whichever door you wish".
Isaac said: "I said to Imam that all of those are for a person who just circumambulates God's House"?
Imam stated: "Yes. Wouldn't I teach you a bigger recompense?
"I said: "Please, teach me.
"He said: "Everyone who does something for his faithful brothers, God will give him the recompense of 10 circumambulations."
Imam Baqir (A.S.) said: One prayer in the Masjid-al-Haram is 100000 times more valuable than one prayer in any other mosques.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: The most favorable place for prayer to God Almighty is Saay. (That is a holy place in Makkah). Because there every stubborn and proud person becomes meek.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said to Ibn-Abi-Yafour: Pray very much in the Prophet's mosque, for praying in this mosque is equal to same 1000 prayers in other mosques, except Masjid-al-Haram that same prayers in this mosque is equal to same 1000 prayers in the Prophet's mosque.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: Someone who visits a Hajj pilgrim and shakes hands with him, it is as if he has touched the Hajar-ol-Asvad.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says regarding " Ramye- Jamarat " : With every stone that a Haji throws at Jamarat, a big fatal sin is vanished from his soul.
Imam Ali ibn Hussain (A.S.) says: When Haji sacrifices in the desert of Mina (that is a place near Makkah) , his sacrifices will be the price of his freedom from the fire of the Resurrection Day.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: As one of you perform Hajj and finish it with the pilgrimage to Madinah, that pilgrimage is the sign of Hajj's completion.
Imam Sajjad (A.S.) says: A person, who accepts responsibility for the family and financial matters of a Haji, has the same reward as a Haji has himself. It is even as if he has performed Hajj himself.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: Religion will be living so long as Kaaba is living.
Imam Baqir (A.S.) says: Respect people who had performed Hajj and Umrah, because you are obliged to respect them.
The Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) has been quoted a saying: What is meant by obligatory prayers; Hajj rituals and other rituals is to remember God, so what is the use of verbal praise whelming your mind, you don't think of the greatness of Allah.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: People who do Hajj and Umrah are justified to God. God will grant them whatever they have asked. If they pray he will accept, if they intercede, He will accept and if they remain silent, He himself begins to give them generously His favor and He grants them and instead of each dirham, He will grant them thousands of dirhams.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: Hajis who return from God's House appear in three categories: One group are those who are free from fire of Hell. One group who are purified of their sins as if they are born again. The third group are the people who come back with the guarantee of their families and properties, and this is the least a Haji enjoys.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: When you decide to go to Hajj, free your heart from anything that may keep you away from God.
The Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) says: In 4 occasions the doors of sky are opened and prayers will be accepted ; on the occasion of coincidence of the rows of fighters in the cause of God, when it rains and in the time of getting up for saying prayers and at the time of looking at the great Kaaba.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: As long as a person is looking at Kaaba he will receive rewards and his sins are forgiven.
Imam Baqir (A.S.) says: There are three things that are headed by God. His book, which is His order and light. His House which is the Qiblah (that is the direction to which Muslims turn in praying) and He just accepts full attention to this direction and the Etrat (that is the household of the Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) ).
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: God has provided 120 types of blessings around Kaaba, 60 of these blessings will be given to circumambulators, 40 of them will be given to prayers and 20 of these blessings will be for people who look at Kaaba. Regarding settlement in Arafat Imam Baqir (A.S.) says: None of good and wicked people would settle on the Arafat's mountain unless God accepts their prayers ; the chaste benediction for the mundane and afterlife matters will be accepted but the wicked prayers will be accepted just for their mundane matters.
A man asked Imam Sadiq (A.S.) in Masjid- ul- Haram: Who commits the greatest sins?
Imam said: "Someone who settles in Arafat and Mashar, and he does the ceremony of Saay between the mountains of Safa and Marveh, and circumambulates around the God's House, then he prays at the back of the Maghame Ibrahim (A.S.) but doubts whether God forgives him or not. This person commits the greatest sin.
Imam Hussain ibn Ali (A.S.) says: Shake hands with Hajis and the people whom have performed the Hajj rituals and Umrah and salute them before they make sin.
Muhammad ibn Sannan has been quoted a saying that once Imam Reza (A.S.) wrote to him, " The reason why Mina (A place near Makkah) was named Mina is that Gabriel (A great angel) said to the Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) in this place: Ask God whatever you wish."
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: Haji will have the light and mien of Hajj as long as he has not committed a sin.
The Messenger of God (S.A.W.) says: O people perform Hajj rituals with full awareness and religion and don't come back from Hajj unless you decide to give up committing sins and repent instead.
The Messenger of God (S.A.W.) says: The reward of Hajj is Paradise and the atonement of any sin is Umrah.
The Messenger of God (S.A.W.) says: There are some kinds of sins that are just forgiven in Arafat.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says : Frequenting between Safa and Marwah is a means to underestimate a tyrants.
Imam Baqir (A.S.) says: Begin your Hajj from Makkah and finish it to us.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: Looking at Kaaba is an act of worship.
Imam Ali (A.S.) says: Don't abandon Hajj rituals because you will be punished.
The Prophet of God (S.A.W.) said to Imam Ali (A.S.): O Ali, someone who is able to do Hajj but he avoids doing it is a great sinner.
The Messenger of God (S.A.W.) said to Imam Ali (A.S.): O Ali, someone who postpones Hajj rituals until he dies, God will send him as Jewish or Christian in the Resurrection Day.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: If people abandon Hajj of this House, they will be immediately punished.
The Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) has been narrated a saying: the fighters in the way of God and the Hajis and those who do Umrah are guests invited by God.
The Holy Prophet of God (S.A.W.) has been quoted a saying: Hajj resembles Jihad (which is the Holy war in the way of God).
Narrated from the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) that he said: What a nice Jihad is Hajj.
Imam Ali (A.S.) says: Four heavenly places exists on earth: Masjid -ul- Haram, the mosque of the Prophet, the mosque of Bayt -al- Muqaddas and the mosque of Kufah.
The Holy Prophet of God (S.A.W.) says: Perform Hajj in order to be independent.
The Holy Messenger of God (S.A.W.) has been narrated a saying: Sustaining wealth for the journey of Hajj is like sustaining in the way of God and God will reward it 100 times more.
The Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) has been narrated a saying: If someone gives Eftar (which is a meal eaten after fasting) to any person fasting or sends a Muslim into Hajj, or mobilizes a fighter or accepts the responsibility of his family, he is entitled to equal spiritual reward.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: Entering Kaaba is like entering into God's Mercy.
The great Messenger of God (S.A.W.) has been narrated a saying: God forgives a Haji and whoever that he asks forgiveness for.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: God is the guarantor of someone going to Hajj. If God wants him to be alive, he will come back to his family and if God gets his life, he will enter the Paradise.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: When a Haji enters Makkah, God puts two angels for him to keep his prayer, Saay and circumambulation, When he stands in the Arafah, they beat on his right shoulder and say: " Don't worry for the past, see what you will be in future.
Imam Ali (A.S.) says: someone who goes to Hajj and Umrah, he is in fact going to God and God honors his guests and forgives them.
The great Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) has been narrated a saying: The fighters in the way of God and the people performing Hajj and Umrah are God's guests. God invites them and they accept and they ask God and God grants.
The great Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) has been narrated a saying: three groups go towards God: Fighters, people who perform Hajj and people who perform Umrah.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: One Hajj is better than the world and everything that is in it and an obligatory prayer is better than 1000 Hajjs.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: No act is better than the Hajj except for Jihad and martyrdom in the way of God.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: There is nothing better than Hajj but the daily prayer.
The great Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) has been narrated a saying: Paradise is the reward for an accepted Hajj.
The great Prophet of God (S.A.W.) was asked: "What is the best work? He said: "Faith in God, Jihad in the way of God and an accepted Hajj.
The great Messenger of God (S.A.W.) said: Hajj is a minor Jihad.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says : Saying an obligatory prayer is better than going to Hajj for 20 times and going to Hajj is better than a House, full of gold which is given away as donation and alms.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: One Hajj is better than releasing 70 slaves.
Imam Baqir (A.S.) says: Hajj and Umrah are two bazaars of the hereafter. The person who does Hajj and Umrah very often is the God's guest. If God keeps him alive, he is kept forgiven and if God gets his life, he will enter the Paradise.
Imam Reza (A.S.) says: Hajj and Umrah vanish sins and poverty as a furnace vanishes impurities of Iron.
Imam Baqir (A.S.) says: There are three things which their spiritual rewards include both afterlife and this world: Hajj; which vanishes poverty, alms; which removes poverty, and goodness; which makes life last longer.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says : A Haji never becomes poor.
The great Prophet of God (S.A.W.) says: Travel to have a healthy body and do Jihad to gain booty and go to Hajj to be independent.
The Prophet of God (S.A.W.) has been narrated a saying: Someone who wants to go to Hajj should hurry up.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: If someone can afford Hajj but he postpones it without any logical excuse until he dies, he has violated one of Islam's injunctions.
The great Prophet of God (S.A.W.) has been quoted a saying: Someone who doesn't perform his obligatory Hajj rituals without any severe illness or essential need or any other reasons until he dies, he has died as a Jewish or Christian.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says : No one will be deprived of Hajj rituals unless because of a sin, and this is under conditions when God forgives most sins.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said to Isa, the son of Abi Mansour: O Isa, if you can eat bread and salt and go to Hajj, do it.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: If someone performs Hajj twice, he will be in mercy and blessing as long as he is alive.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: Someone who goes to Hajj for three times, he never becomes poor.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: Someone who goes to Hajj for ten times, God will forgive all his sins.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: In every month of the year people can go to perform Umrah, but the best month is Rajab. (The 7th lunar month).
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: To God Makkah is the most favorite place.
Imam Ali ibn Hussain Zainul Abedin (A.S.) says: Feeding in Makkah is like fasting in other places and fasting one day in Makkah is equal to fasting one year in other places and walking in Makkah is a prayer itself.
Imam Baqir (A.S.) says: Someone who prostrates in Makkah is like the person who sheds his blood in the way of God.
The great Prophet of God (S.A.W.) has been narrated a saying: No days are like the first ten days of Zul-Hajjah (12th lunar month) when God likes people to pray in.
Narrated from the great Messenger of God (S.A.W.) a saying: Touching the Hajar al-Asvad (which is a holy black stone in Makkah) and Rokne Yamani will vanish all sins.
Imam Ali ibn Hussain Zainul Abedin (A.S.) says: When the night of Arafat and the first hours of the Mina day come, God presents his dearest Angels to the people standing in Arafat and Mina.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: When people rest in Mina, a proclaimer on behalf of God proclaims that, if you wish my satisfaction, I am satisfied.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: The major Hajj is day of sacrifice.
The Messenger of God (S.A.W.) says: Ramye Jamarat (that is part of Hajj rituals in which pilgrims throw stones at satans) will be rewarded in the resurrection day.
Imam Baqir (A.S.) says: If someone dies in one of these two sanctuaries (that is Makkah or Madinah), he will be appointed without any fear in the resurrection day.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: God likes serving food and sacrificing of sheep in Mina.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: When a faithful man shaves all his hair in Mina and buries it. In the resurrection day, every hair will recall its owner's name.
Imam Ali (A.S.) says: The Zamzam's water (which is a holy well near Kaaba) is the best water on earth.
The great Messenger of God (S.A.W.) has been narrated a saying: Someone who circumambulates God's house seven times and says two units of prayers in the back of Magham (which is a holy place in Kaaba) and drinks Zamzm's water, all his sins will be cleared.
The great Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) says: Drinking the Zamzam's water is a cure for every illness.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) says: Nothing but daily prayers is better than Hajj.
The great Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) says: When you finish Hajj rituals, you are so pure as if you have been born again.
Imam Ali (A.S.) has said in his will that: For the sake of God, For the sake of God, It's the right of your Lord's home to not be left alone until you live, because if it is left alone, you won't stand a chance against God's punishment.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.): No place is more favored by God except the place of running (Masaa) because there is where any selfish or cruel person will be humiliated and disrespected.
Imam Ali (A.S.) : Don't you see that the Glorious God ever since Adam's time till the end of the world has tested people with rocks that are useless as well as harmless, blind as well as deaf, and with all his respect, built them into a place where people gather round. Then, it was placed in the most rocky, plant less, and harrow canyon which was between the toughest mountains, hottest pebbles, and waterless springs that was very far from plains, somewhere no camel, horse, cow, or sheep could grow fat. If the Glorious God with all his respect were to place his home and the Hajj's ceremonial place somewhere else that was in the middle of gardens, springs, plains full of trees, fruit, and close houses and villages, and where fields full of wheat, gardens full of flowers, fine land and sure enough however simple the examination is, the reward will be little.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) in answer to Hesham the son of Hekam 's question about the reason of achieving the Hajj ceremony and circumambulating the Kaaba, replied: God created humans, and commanded them to obey the religion and what's best for them in this world and placed Hajj to join his people from the east and west of the world (and so that they get to know what each other are up to) and so that the merchants that take goods from town to town would profit. And so that leaders and the camel keepers would gain something as well. And also so that the God's Messenger's traces would be known and his words would not be forgotten. If every tribe or person were to settle in his / her own city or land, they would banish, and their cities would be destroyed, they would have a financial decrease, and everything would be kept silent, this is the true reason of Hajj.
Imam Baqir (A.S.): Hajj is peaceful for the soul.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.): I've never seen anything remove and replace poverty with wealth as fast as continuously going to the pilgrimage of God's home.
Imam Sajjad (A.S.): The right of Hajj for you is to know that through this you enter your God's bounders and you turn to him instead of sinning, and because of this your sorrow is accepted and you have achieved what God has asked you to do.
Imam Baqir (A.S.): Having complete Hajj is like meeting with the Imam.
Imam Kazim (A.S.): Following the verse: Whoever is blind in this world is also blind in the second world and even more mislead.
Imam Kazim (A.S.) commented: That's someone who postpones the required Hajj and keeps saying I'll go this year, I'll go next year until he / she finally dies, and we warp their body and keep eyes of people.
Abdur Rahman the son of Kosair: I went to Hajj with Imam Sadiq (A.S.) and on the way; his excellency went on a high mountain and looked at people from up there and said: There's so much commotion and so little Hajis.
Imam Baqir (A.S.):
Whoever comes to pilgrimage this house is not accepted if he/she doesn't have these three traits:
1. Self-restraint from sinning.
2. Forbearance to control his / her anger with.
3. Treating his / her companions properly.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.): If someone goes to the pilgrimage of God's home with religiously prohibited money, and says,"Oh my Lord, I 'm here (Labake) (In return) he'll /she'll hear: No, you are not here and no you are not worthy. And if someone goes to the pilgrimage of God's home with religiously legitimate money will hear: You are here and you are worthy.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said: Whoever goes to Hajj with religiously prohibited money, then says: I'm here, oh God, I'm here (Labake Allahomma Labake) God will answer: No, you are not here and no your Hajj should be of your own.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.): There are two kinds of Hajj: Doing the duties of Hajj for God and doing the duties of Hajj for people, whoever goes to Hajj for God, is rewarded with heaven, and whoever goes to Hajj because of people, on the Judgment Day, his / her reward will be given to those people.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.): Whoever dies on the way to Makkah or coming back from Makkah will be rid of fright, fear, and nervousness on the Judgment Day.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.): Whoever dies while wearing the pilgrimage's garb, will later rise saying I'm here (Labake) .
Imam Sadiq (A.S.): Regarding the verse (And whoever reaches there is safe) said, Any human that enters the Holy Shrine and turns to it is safe from God's anger and if any kind of animal or bird enters, they should not be annoyed or forced out until it has left the Shrine itself.
Imam Sadiq (A.S.): People lose their Imam but his Excellency is present in the Hajj ceremonies and sees people, but people don't see him

Nov 7, '10 3:53 AM
for everyone
Allah (swt) did not address His words about the hijab except to the believing women, Al-Mo'minat. In many cases in the Qur'an Allah refers to the "the believing women". Aisha , the wife of the prophet (pbuh), addressed some women from the tribe of Banu Tameem who came to visit her and had light clothes on them, they were improperly dressed: "If indeed you are believing women, then truly this is not the dress of the believing women, and if you are not believing women, then enjoy it."  
Nov 7, '10 3:51 AM
for everyone

Allah (subhana wa'atala) made the adherence to the hijab a manifestation for chastity and modesty. Allah says: 'O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) over their bodies (when outdoors). That is most convenient that they should be known and not molested.' (S33:59).

 In the above Ayaah there is an evidence that the recognition of the apparent beauty of the woman is harmful to her. When the cause of attraction ends, the  restriction is removed. This is illustrated in the case of elderly women who may have lost every aspect of attraction. Allah (swt) made it permissible for them to lay aside their outer garments and expose their faces and hands reminding, however, that is still better for them to keep their modesty. 

Nov 7, '10 3:47 AM
for everyone

The hijab is an act of obedience to Allah and to his prophet (pbuh), Allah says in the Qur'an: `It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His messenger have decreed a matter that they should have an option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, has indeed strayed in a plain error.' (S33:36). 

Allah also said: 'And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc) and not to show off their adornment except what must (ordinarily) appear thereof, that they should draw their veils over their Juyubihinna.'(S24:31).  
Nov 7, '10 2:08 AM
for everyone

One of the practical remedies of anger when it is provoked is to restrain it and calm it down in the earlier phase when one’s intellect is still in control.
  Imam al-Baqir (a) said “..whosoever is angry with someone let him sit down immediately if he is standing; for, indeed, doing so will repel from him the uncleanliness of Satan. And whoever gets angry with his family member, let him approach and (gently) touch him; for the feeling of family affiliation, when stimulated by touch, induces calmness.” [Al‑Kulayni,al‑Kafi, vol. 2, p 302, hadith # 2]

 Imam Ali (a) said “When a person gets angry, if he is standing, he should immediately lie down (sit down) on earth for a while as this removes the filth of Satan from him at that time." [Al-Rayshahri, Mizan al-Hikmah, hadith # 15059]

Advice to Cure Anger
A person with the habit of often getting angry should know that anger is the faculty that is granted by God Almighty for the sake of the preservation, continuity and survival of human species and for the discipline and order of the family system, protection of human rights and safeguarding Divine laws. If he acts contrary to this divine purpose and makes use of power of anger against the design of God, it will be a breach of trust that deserves severe punishment from Him. What an act of ignorance and injustice it is not to live up to Divine trust and to incur His Wrath! He should therefore seriously think about the moral vices and vicious deeds that are the outcome of anger, and try to remove their evil effects, each one of which is capable of afflicting a person till eternity, causing many problems in this world as well as punishment in the Hereafter.

Among the fundamental remedies of anger is to get rid of the factors responsible for its provocation. These factors include self‑love, which in turn causes love of wealth, glory, and honour, and the desire to impose one's will and expand one's domain of power on the creatures of God. These inherently excite the fire of anger, as the individual infatuated with them tends to hold them in high regard. When someone loves these things, he gets excited and angry if any one of his aspired goals is not achieved. Another factor that sometimes arouses anger is that it is imagined to be a merit and confused with bravery due to one’s ignorance. Anger is thus the product of spiritual weakness, insufficiency of faith, immoderation of character and soul.

A wise person thinks carefully of the evil consequences of anger and the benefits of restraint, thus making it incumbent upon himself to stamp out this fire from his heart with every possible effort. He clears from his heart the love of wealth, honour and the like that provoke his anger. If he resolves to act against his inner self and its worldly desires, with the help and blessings of God, his attachment becomes less intense and he gives lesser importance to them. His inner calm and contentment, caused by giving up the love of wealth, honour and the like, will not allow his self to act unjustly. Gradually, he will not lose the grip of self‑restraint at times when anger is provoked in his heart. Finally, he will achieve complete control over his anger. [Adapted from Al-Khumayni, Forty Hadith, chapter 7, ‘Ghadhab’]


 Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (a) said: “A mu’min (believer) is the person who when
angered, his anger doesn’t lead him away from that which is true...” [AKulayni, al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 186, hadith # 11]
Nov 7, '10 2:03 AM
for everyone
…Those who spend (freely) whether in prosperity or in adversity; who restrain their anger and pardon men; And Allah loves those who do good. (Qur'an, 3: 134)

Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (a) said: "Anger is the key (that opens the door) to all kinds of vices."  [Al‑Kulayni, al‑Kafi, vol. 2, p. 303, hadith # 3]

It is narrated from Imam al‑Sadiq (a) that he heard his father Imam al‑Baqir (a), as saying: "A bedouin came to the Prophet (s) and said: `I live in the desert. Teach me the essence of wisdom.' Thereupon the Prophet (s) said to him: `I command you not to get angry'. After repeating his question thrice (and hearing the same reply from the Prophet every time) the bedouin said to himself: `After this I will not ask any question, since the Apostle of God (s) does not command anything but good'." Imam al‑Sadiq (a) says: "My father used to say, `Is there any­thing more violent than anger? Verily, a man gets angry and kills someone whose blood has been forbidden by God, or slanders a married woman'."[Al‑Kulayni, al‑Kafi, vol. 2, p. 303, hadith # 4]
Nov 6, '10 9:09 AM
for everyone
Pretending Virtuousness (riya’)
... when they stand up to prayer they stand up sluggishly; they do it only to be seen of men and do not remember Allah except a little.(Qur'an, 4: 142)

Imam al‑Sadiq (a) said: “Riya’ in any of its forms amounts toshirk, (polytheism); verily, one who works for the people, his reward lies with them, and one who works for God, his reward lies with God.” [Al-Kulayni,  al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 402]

Imam al‑Sadiq (a) said that Amir al‑mu'minin Ali ibn Abi Talib (a) said: “There are three distinguishing features of one accustomed to riya': he expresses joy and cheerfulness when he is greeted by people; he becomes cheerless and sullen when alone; and he wishes to be praised for everything he does.” [Al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 295]

What is riya’ ?
Riya' means to falsely make oneself appear to be virtuous, good natured or a true believer before people for the sake of earning their respect and admiration, or for the purpose of gaining a good reputation among them. It differs from hypocrisy (nifaq) in that a hypocrite feigns integrity, uprightness, virtue, honesty and piety without sincere intention of acquiring these traits for the sake of God, while a person with riya acquires these good traits for the sake of pleasing God, however, he later performs good actions for the sake of gaining respect and good reputation among people.
Nov 6, '10 9:05 AM
for everyone
The Cure of ‘Asabiyyah

‘Asabiyyah is a dangerous condition for an individual and society. One must ponder seriously about its consequences in this world and hereafter. If you love or hate someone, or support or are against a group of individuals or a nation, think what has motivated you for it.

If it is other than promoting truth and justice or help of oppressed or preventing aggression and tyranny, than give up your support of the people you are associated with. It will be certainly difficult for you to take a bold step and give up love, friendship, and affinity of your relatives, friends and colleagues. Your decision to give up blind ‘asabiyyah will not only save you from the fire of hell, but also motivate others to do the same.


The Prophet (s) said: "One who calls towards ‘asabiyyah is not from us, one who fights for ‘asabiyyah is not from us and the one who dies on  ‘asabiyyah is not from us.”[Mizan al Hikmah, hadith # 13035]
Nov 6, '10 9:03 AM
for everyone
Praiseworthy ‘Asabiyyah

The defense of truth and upholding justice, the efforts to disseminate and to posit something that is true, are either not`asabiyyah, or, if they are, represent a commendable kind of it. The criterion lies in the distinct aims and purposes, and the extent to which it involves selfish and diabolical ends or serves just and godly purposes.

Thus, when a man supports his kinsmen and friends, if he does so purely for the sake of upholding justice and defeating injustice, this kind of `asabiyyah is commendable and praiseworthy; because supporting justice and truth is among the most sublime of human qualities, being one of the attributes of the prophets (a) of God and His awliya' (friends).One should support the party that is on the side of truth and justice, even though it may consist of one's enemies. Such a person is a defender and lover of truth; he will be counted among the champions of human sublimity, a rightful citizen of the ideal human society, one whose presence exerts a reforming influence on the evil tendencies of society.

The Prophet (s) said: “Best among you is the person who defends his tribe till they do not commit a sin.” [Abu Dawood, Sunan, hadith # 5130]

   Imam ‘Ali (a) said: “If it becomes unavoidable for you to be among those who practice ‘asabiyyah, then do ‘asabiyyah to uphold the truth and support of the oppressed.” [Al-Amidi, Ghurar ul-Hikam wa Durar ul-Kalim, hadith # 3738]

Nov 6, '10 8:59 AM
for everyone
What is and what is not ‘Asabiyyah
 It is reported that when Prophet (s) was asked: “O Prophet of God! What is ‘asabiyyah ?”, He (s) replied: “That you support your nation (or tribe) in  oppression.” [Abu Dawood, Sunan, hadith # 5119]
 Imam ‘Ali bin al-Husayn (a) was asked about ‘asabiyyah. He (a) replied: “‘Asabiyyah that makes a person sinful is that he takes the worst actions of his nation (or tribe) to be better than the best actions of his opponent tribe. It is not ‘asabiyyah to love one’s nation. However, if one helps his nation in committing oppression than it is ‘asabiyyah.” [Al‑Kulayni, al‑Kafi, vol. 2, bab al ‘asabiyyah, p. 308, hadith # 7]

The Evils of `Asabiyyah

If one’s heart is covered with the dust of self‑love and the love of the kindred and improper and blind `asabiyyah, the light of faith will not shine in it.

Al‑Imam al‑Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: "Whosoever practices `asabiyyah (against someone), God shall wrap around him (`asabahu) a fold (`isabah)of Fire." [Al‑Kulayni, al‑Kafi, vol. 2, bab al ‘asabiyyah, p. 308, hadith # 4]

 It is reported from al-Imam al‑Sadiq (a) that the Prophet (s)said:"The one who exerts `asabiyyah or the one on whose behalf it is exerted, the tie of faith is taken off his neck." [Al‑Kulayni, al‑Kafi, vol. 2, bab al ‘asabiyyah, p. 308, hadith # 2]. That is, such a person is deprived of faith and abandoned from the fold of faithful in the eyes of God. As to the person in whose interest`asabiyyah is exerted, he is also included in the hadith due to his compliance to the behaviour of the one exerting`asabiyyah on his behalfand hence made to share his lot jointly.

‘Asabiyyah against a nation or group may lead one to commit several moral vices such as backbiting, slandering, and heinous crimes such oppression, murder, massacres, and the like.

Nov 6, '10 8:54 AM
for everyone
Prejudice (`asabiyyah)
O people! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. The noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the best in conduct…(Qur'an, 49:13)

Imam Ja’far al‑Sadiq (a) reported from the Prophet (s) who said: "Whoso ever possesses in his heart 'asabiyyah (prejudice in any of its forms such as tribalism, racism, nationalism) even to the extent of a mustard seed, God will raise him on the Day of Resurrection with the (pagan) Bedouins of theJahiliyyah (the pre‑Islamic era).” [Al‑Kulayni, al‑Kafi, vol. 2,bab al ‘asabiyah, p. 308, hadith # 3]

`Asabiyyah isan inner psychic trait that is manifested in patronizing or defending one's kindred or those with whom one has some kind of affinity or relation, whether it be creed and religious ideology, soil or home, language or colour. This affinity may also be due to similarity of profession or the relationship of teacher and pupil, or something else. It is a moral vice that appears to take the form of defense of truth or religion, but in reality it is aimed at extending one's own influence or that of one's co‑religionist(s), relative(s), friend(s), or member(s) of group.
Kazmain Shrine

   Holy  Kazmain Shrine

Eleventh Infallible Description:
Name: MuhammadTitle: At-Taqi, Al-Jawad
Designation: 9th ImamKunyat: Abu Ja'far
Father: Ali Ibne MusaMother: Khaizuran Khatoon
Born: 10th Rajab 195 AH (811 AD)Died: 29th Dhul-Qida 220AH(835AD)
Martyred: Poisoned by Mu'tasinBuried: Kazmain, Bagdad
Lived: 25 years

Eleventh Infallible Sayings:
  • As a man asked him for an advice, Imam al-Jawad (A.S.) said: Put your head on steadfastness, embrace poverty, reject the lusts, oppose your passions, and know that you cannot be out of Allah's sight. Consider how you should behave, then.
  • Allah revealed to one of His prophets: Your asceticism will give you comfort. Your devotion to Me will endear you to Me. But, did you antagonize My enemies and cherish My disciples?
  • It was related that highway robbers stole the large amounts of cloth that belonged to Imam al-Jawad (A.S.). The head of the caravan sent the Imam a message in which he informed him of that news. The Holy Imam (A.S.) answered him: Our souls and riches are within the pleasant gifts and the deposited loans of Allah Who makes us enjoy some of them pleasantly and delightedly and seizes whatever He wills with rewards and merits. He whosever intolerance overcomes his steadfastness will waste his rewards. Allah protect us against so.
  • He who detested a matter that he witnessed is as same as those who were absent from it, and he who was absent from a matter that he loved is, as same as those who witnessed it.
  • He whoever listens to a caller is serving him. If the caller was Allah's representative, he is then serving Allah. If the caller was the Shaitan's representative, he is then serving the Shaitan.
  • Dawud-bin-al-Qasim related: I asked Imam al-Jawad(A.S.) about the meaning of 'Samad'. He said: Everything that lacks navel is 'Samad'. I said that people claim that 'Samad' is everything that lacks interior. Imam al-Jawad(A.S.) commented: Everything that lacks interior lacks navel.
  • Abu-Hashim al-Ja'fari related: On the wedding day of Imam al-Jawad (A.S.) and Ummul-Fadhl, daughter of Al-Ma'mun. I said: O master, the blessing of this day is clearly great for us. The Holy Imam (A.S.) replied: O Abu-Hashim, Allah's blessings in this day have been great for us. "Yes, master," I said, "What should I say about the day?" Imam al-Jawad (A.S.) answered: Say only good things about the day so that you will be given from these good things. "Master," I said, "I will follow this instruction completely." Imam al-Jawad (A.S.) said: You will be guided to the right and you will see only the good if you adhere to this instruction.
  • Imam al-Jawad(A.S.) wrote to one of his disciples: We are only ladling from this world. He whose belief and religion are the same as his acquaintance will surely accompany the acquaintance everywhere. The life to come is surely the remaining abode.
  • A cameleer who took Imam al-Jawad (A.S.) from Medina to Al-Kufa asked for more money after the Imam had given him four hundred dinars. The Holy Imam (A.S.) said: How strange this is! Do you not know that Allah's increasing gifts will be stopped when the servants stop showing Him gratitude?
  • To show a matter before preparing for it properly is spoiling it.
  • "Toba" depends upon four things: sincere regrets, verbal "istighfar", deeds and determination never to repeat the sin.
  • To show a matter before preparing for it properly is spoiling it.
  • Don't pretend to be Allah's servant and be His enemy in privacy.
  • To show a matter before preparing for it properly is spoiling it.
  • Sincerity is the best of all worships.

  • Relying on Allah is the price of every valuable thing and the ladder to every treasured thing.

  • Love is attracted due to three traits: being just in social dealings, assisting others in hardships and having a pure heart.
  • To show a matter before preparing for it properly is spoiling it.
  • Four things are required to do anything: health, independence, knowledge and divine assistance.

  • Three deeds are performed by the believers: following the wajibaat, abstaining from sins, and not neglecting the religion.

Nov 6, '10 8:01 AM
for everyone
On this occasion of sorrow and mourning in the household of the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), I extend my condolences to the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), his Ahl-e-Bait(a.s.), Imam-e-Zamana(a.s.) and to all Momineen and Mominaat.

In keeping with the normal practice among the followers of the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) and his Ahl-e-Bait(a.s.), please offer nazrana and special prayers on this occassion and recite the Ziarat of the 9th Imam.

Here I present a summary of the life sketch of Imam Mohammad

His Parents & Birth
He was the only son of the eighth Imam Ali Riza (a.s.) The Prophet (sawaw) had said:
"My father be sacrificed on the mother of the 9th Imam who will be a pure and pious Nubian."

Imam Musa Kadhim (a.s.) had told one of his companions that his daughter-in-law (Sabika) would be one of the most pious of women and to give her his salaams. She came from the same tribe as the Prophet's(sawaw) wife - Maria Kubtiya who bore the Prophet his son Ibrahim (who died in infancy).

Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s.) was born when his father was 45 years old. Till then Imam Ali Riza (a.s.) had constantly been taunted that he had no children. When the 9th Imam was born, a brother of Imam AliRiza(a.s.) was angry because he would lose out in inheriting the Imam's property and in his jealousy spread a rumor that Imam Ali Riza(a.s.) was not the father. He was eventually proven wrong by a person who could tell parentage.

The 9th Imam was 5 years old when his father was called to Baghdad by Mamun Rashid to be his 'heir apparent'. When Imam Ali Riza (a.s.) was leaving he saw his son putting sand in his hair. He asked why and the young Imam replied that this was what an orphan did. Imam Riza(a.s.) was fully aware of the treacherous character of the ruling king and was sure that he would not return to Medina. So before his departure from Medina he declared his son Muhammad al-Jawad(a.s.) as his successor , and imparted to him all his stores of Divine knowledge and spiritual genius.

Imam Ali Riza(a.s.) was poisoned on 17th Safar 203 AH and with effect from the same date Imam Muhammad al-Jawad(a.s.) was commissioned by Allah(swt) to hold the responsibility of Imamate . At the tender age of eight there was no apself chance or means of the young Imam reaching great heights of knowledge and practical achievements. But after a few days he is known not only to have debated with his contemporary scholars on subjects pertaining to fiqh ( Islamic jurisprudence ) , hadith ( tradition ) , tafsir ( Qur'anic exegesis ) , etc . and outwitted them , but also to exhort their admiration and acknowledgment of his learning and superiority . Right from then the world realized that he possessed Divine knowledge and that the knowledge commanded by the Holy Imam was not acquired , but granted by Allah.

His titles, life & works
The ruler of the time, Mamun Rashid, thought that as all the rulers before him had oppressed the Imams and their schemes had backfired that he would try to bribe the Imams. He tried to make the 8th Imam his heir apparent and give him power and wealth but that also backfired.

He now tried to use power and wealth with the 9th Imam again but from a much younger age thinking that he would be able to influence him.
His main purpose was also to make sure that the 12th Imam (whom he knew would bring justice to the world) would be from his progeny and therefore intended to give his daughter Ummul Fadhl to the Imam for a wife. Mamun still continued oppressing the family and followers of the Ahlul-bayt (a.s.).

Mamun called the young Imam (a.s.) to Baghdad from Madina and offered his daughter. This infuriated his family (Banu Abbas). To prove to them the excellence of Imam even at a young age he arranged a meeting between Imam and the most learned of men at that time - Yahya bin Athkam.

It was a grand occasion with some 900 other scholars present. Imam
(a.s.) was first asked by Yahya:
What is the compensation (kaffara) for a person in Ehraam who hunted and killed his prey?"

Imam replied that there were many more details required before he could answer the question:
Did the Muhrim (one in Ehraam) hunt in the haram or outside?
Did the Muhrim know Sharia or not? Did he hunt intentionally or not?
Did he hunt for the first time or was this one of many times?
Was he free or a slave? Was his prey a bird or an animal?
Was it big or small?
Had he hunted by day or by night?
Was he baligh or not?
Was he repentant or not?
Was his ehraam for Hajj or Umra?

Yahya was stunned. He looked down and started sweating. Mamun asked the young Imam(a.s.) to answer the question, which he did, and then Imam(a.s.) asked Yayha a question which he could not answer. Then Ma'mun addressed the audience thus : ``Did I not say that the Imam comes of a family which has been chosen by Allah as the repository of knowledge and learning ? Is there any one in the world who can match even the children of this family ?'' All of them shouted , ``Undoubtedly there is no one parallel to Muhammad ibn `Ali al - Jawad .'' In the same assembly Mamun wedded his daughter Ummul Fadl to the Imam(a.s.) and liberally distributed charity and gifts among his subjects as a mark of rejoicing . Imam (a.s.) read his own Nikah (the khutba of which is used today) with the Mehr of 500 dirhams. Imam(a.s.) wrote a letter to Mamun that he would also give Ummul Fadhl Mehr from the wealth of Aakhira. This was in the form of 10 duas which were for fulfilling any hajaat (desires) [Chain of narrators upto Prophet - Jibrail - Allah]* . Thus his title Al-Jawad (the generous one).

* These duas are found in Mafatihul Jinaan (pg 447 - In margin)

Imam(a.s.) lived for a year in Baghdad with Ummul Fadhl. She was very disobedient to Imam(a.s.). When she found out that Imam(a.s.) had another wife (from the progeny of Ammar-e-Yasir(a.r.)) and that there was also children she was jealous and angry realizing that her father's plan had failed. She complained to her father who also realized that his plan, to keep the 12th Imam in his progeny, had failed. He was enraged and in his rage he drank heavily and went to the 9th Imam's(a.s.) house and attacked the Imam(a.s.) with a sword.
Both Ummul Fadhl and a servant saw the attack and believed that the Imam(a.s.) was dead. Mamun, on waking next morning, realized the consequences of his attack and was thinking of arranging the disposal of Imam's(a.s.) body when he saw Imam(a.s.) well without even a scratch on him. He was confused and asked Imam(a.s.) who showed him an amulet which is called Hirze Jawad. Imam(a.s.) told him it was from his grand mother Bibi Fatima Zahra (s.a.) and kept the wearer safe from all except the angel of death. Mamun asked Imam(a.s.) for it and
Imam(a.s.) gave him one.

Now Mamun was scared and tried a new tactic. He tried to deviate Imam(a.s.) by sending him beautiful girls and musicians. When he realised nothing was working he let Imam(a.s.) return to Madina.

Imam(a.s.) used this time to prepare the masails of Taqleed and Ijtihaad in preparation for the 12th Imam(a.s.) knowing that both the 10th and the 11th Imams(a.s.) would spend most of their lives in prison. He also prepared the people of Madina teaching true Islam knowing that this would be the last time they would be able to receive guidance directly from an Imam(a.s.) for a long time.

Ummul Fadhl continuously complained of Imam(a.s.) to her father who sent her letters back.

Mamun died in 218 a.h. and was succeeded by his brother Mo'tasam Billah. He openly announced that all Shias were non-Muslims. He said it was required for people to kill and prosecute Shias, and to destroy property belonging to Shias.

Ummul Fadhl now started complaining to her uncle who was sympathetic to her. Mo'tasam called the Imam(a.s.) to Baghdad. He asked him to pass judgement of how to punish a thief. Imam(a.s.) said only fingers could be cut as the palms were for Allah (as in Qur'an - it is one of the wajib parts to touch the ground during sajda). As this decision was contrary to the decision of the other 'Ulema' it strengthened the position of the Shias. The other 'Ulema' complained to Mo'tasam.

Martyrdom & Burial
With instigation from both the 'Ulema' and Ummul Fadhl, Mo'tasam sent poison which Ummul Fadhl put in Imam's(a.s.) drink and gave it to him.
Imam(a.s.) died on 29th Dhulqa'ada at the age of 25 years and is buried near his grandfather in Kadhmain. His son the 10th Imam, Imam Ali Naqi(a.s.) gave him ghusl and kafan.

Summary of Imam's Work
It is he who prepared and wrote books for the “masail” of Ijtihaad and Taqleed which were essential to prepare believers for the ghaibat of the 12th Imam.

With the Grace and Blessing from the Almighty we have published books - Volume 1 & 2 books with bookmarks in loving memory of our beloved father,
Late Aliraza Mohamedhusein Mulla Nanji of Nairobi, Kenya.

'O You Who Believe"  " Ya Ayyuhal-ladhina Aamanu...."

It has Reflections and Tafsir 89 verses from the Holy Qur'an.  Indeed the book is of great benefits of guidance and advice, especially for the Believers!

Explanation in the book are by our best Mufasireen:

Allama Taba'taba'i

S.V. Mir Amded Ali and Aqa Mahdi Puya

Ayatullah Sayyid Kamal Faqih Imani and a group of Muslim Scholars

For Canada / USA / UK / UAE / AFRICA:

Volume 1 w/ bookmark are now available in Edmonton, Toronto, Kitchener, USA, India & Dubai.

Volume 1 & 2 w/ bookmark will be available soon in UK, Africa.  You may place your order on line or inquire at the nearest contact listed below.

                        Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Association of Edmonton.
                                     Contact:  Br. Mahmood Mavani - / Br. Zuher Dhalla (Librarian)
                                                            Sis Kaniz Aliraza Mavani - or call 780-461-5416 / 780-721-0335 

                        ISIJ - Tabligh Bookstore (Bathurst) 

                        Islamic Humanitarian Services

                        Br. Hussein Sheriff  -

                        Br. Jameel Kermalli (the compiler of the book)  -

                        Stanmore Tabligh Bookstore, London.

                        Br. Mohamed Nanji -

Africa (Kenya):
                        Br. Manzoor Kanani -,  Ramzan Nanji - ,  Onali Nanji -

                        Br. Riyaz Merchant - Gazelle Printers -

For Canada and USA: Volume 2 & a bookmark along with the book will be launched Inshalla* in January 2011

Please find attached flyer for further information.

Visit our website and place your order online:    

ALL proceeds from the sale of the book will go towards helping the needy in Africa in projects like digging of wells, educating the children, assisting the widows and orphans and similar scheme.

Thank you for your support 

Please recite a Surah-al-Fatiha for all the Marhumeen

With duas
Kaniz Aliraza Mavani
Onali Aliraza Nanji
Mohamed Aliraza Nanji
(sent by sis Mariam R.Jiwa)
Nov 6, '10 7:31 AM
for everyone

You will be pleasantly surprised to know that I have been CLEARED OF MY DIABETES,let me give u a brief history of how this transpired.

My sister Dr. Nirmala Ganla- MD. Gynaecology & Obstetrician has a hospital at Yerwada, Pune, where one of her patients mentioned to her how someone she knew had been cleared of diabetes by taking ONE SINGLE DOSE of UNANI medicine from someone who dispenses the same at a place called DURG - CHATTISGARH STATE.

She got the details and forwarded the same to me, basically knowing the fact that i would always give a fair chance to any alternative medicine as I'm quite headstrong and somewhat having my own views about the side effects of Allopathic medication in the long run.

Went and had the medication on 22-07-2012 and as instructed stopped my allopathy medication, touch wood, to date have not have had to take a single dose again. I was on Metlong tablets 1500 mg. per day.


ON 21-08-2010 Fasting 100 PP 106
0n 22-09-2010 Fasting 92 PP 106
ON 23-10-2010 Fasting 98 PP NOT DONE. 

I have been having my sweetmeats, my regular quota of RUM, and generally having all SEE FOOD i.e. eating whatever i see.

I am forwarding the address of the place from where the medication has to be had. Unfortunately, the patient has to go there to have his dose as the dose is determined by the size of the palm.

the address " SHAIKH ISMAIL
TEL. NO. 098261-16991
094241-07655 (CALL EITHER NUMBER BETWEEN 1800 & 2200hrs)

The patient is required to go empty stomach for the medication - no tea, coffee, etc before having the dose. Register the day before for an early timing, registration charges as of today -Rs. 30/-, the medication is administered with milk and water,once you have the same you are NOT supposed to consume anything for 4 (FOUR) hrs. After that you can safe go back to your normal diet of drinks & meals.The cost of the medication today is Rs. 121/-.


The dietary restriction advice by them is NO "BRINJAL, MANGO, & TAMARIND IN ANY FORM" for a period of 2 (TWO) months.

The place is about 2/3 kms. from the Railway station, cycle rickshaw costs about Rs. 15/- and auto rickshaw about Rs. 40/-. The hotel I stayed at was about 300 mts from the dispensing area.

HOTEL DETAILS : HOTEL SHEELA - 0788-2322261/65. room charges Rs. 500/- to Rs. 800/- per person.

Forward to whomsoever you desire,you shall only be blessed. You may give my phone no. 09822060951 to whom-so-ever would like to clarify further about this miracle that i am experiencing.

 (sent by bro Najmuddin)
Nov 6, '10 7:20 AM
for everyone
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Volume 4, Issue 40 | November 1 - November 7, 2010

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Peace and Blessing upon the Prophet, his Holy Household, and his Respectable Companions

Volume 4, Issue 40 of Islamic Insights is now out!
The responsibility of maintaining a just society lies upon us all.
This is ironic and disappointing - somewhere, sometime back, our community decided we are going to boycott Israeli products and companies that support the Zionist regime, thereby placing economic pressure on the companies and following in the spirit of the compelling boycott of the South African Apartheid regime which began in the 1960s and achieved its purpose in the 1990s. How is it that any God-conscious Muslim can boycott Coca Cola, Starbucks, and IBM for supporting Israel, yet continue to shop at WalMart, which has engaged in the most dehumanizing labor practices towards impoverished women and children and purchased grain produced by Archer Daniels Midland, which has pushed millions of Indians into utter poverty and forced tens of thousands of farmers into suicide?
Are You Ready To Enter The Grave?
If you consider death to be near, you will be more compassionate, kind, thankful and generous towards other people. You will be careful to show your love and respect, realizing that you may never meet or talk to someone again. You will be more likely to let petty arguments fade, because you do not want to die with such arguments left open. Your priorities about what you strive for will change. Acquiring wealth and material things will seem unimportant if you realize that you may have only a few hours or days of life left. Instead, relationships and worship will be much more precious to you.
Shaikh Hamid Waqar
Saudi Arabia did not only provide financial aid to the southern fighters in the civil war of 1994, but they sent many generals into Yemen to fight alongside Ali Salim al-Beidh's forces. This was a bloody war and, at the lowest count, 200 000 Yemen citizens were either killed or injured. This is but a taste of Saudi Arabia's desire to control Yemen. There are more examples but mentioning all of them would be outside the scope of this brief article.
Tom Tancredo
Pantano shot and killed two unarmed Iraqi detainees using 60 rounds of ammunition during his military service in Iraq, and narrowly was cleared of murder charges. His attitude towards Muslims and Islam isn't positive, either. He is vehemently opposed to the Park 51 Islamic Center and said that "This mosque at Ground Zero will serve as a big Trojan trophy; and we are welcoming it?" He has also received the endorsement of blogger Pamela Geller, well known for her Islamophobia and for leading the fight against Park 51.
Pack right!
Presenting yourself well is a sign of respect and a form of devotion to the Holy Masoomeen (peace be upon them), and just because someone is modest doesn't mean it is acceptable to wear wrinkled clothing and be in an un-groomed state if one can help it. Apart from your arrival in Karbala and while you are wearing Ehram during Hajj, Islam always recommends taking care of one's appearance when visiting holy places.
Changing leaves...changing souls?
During this time of the year as we plan on vaccinating our bodies, plan for the school season, and plan for our winter breaks, let us also think and plan ahead for the most important stage in our lives that we will soon embark upon - the Hereafter! The only thing that separates us from this permanent stage is death, which will be followed by an eternal life. In the words of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny): "Truly smart is the person who controls his desires and prepares for life after death." The quality of the next life will depend on our deeds today and what we have to offer in this life. We are reminded that this world is a place of deeds and not a place of reckoning, while the next life is the time where we will either reap the fruits of our actions or face the punishment and consequences of what we committed. As Allah says in Qur'an, "The life of this world is but comfort of illusion." (3:185)
Restoring sanity or reinforcing apathy?
On Thursday night's show, I saw that a Muslim was chosen to go in The Daily Show van to accompany Jason Jones and John Oliver to the rally. But again, like a typical liberal, you give the Muslims that you like a chance to speak. And I'm sure that your intentions are somehow based in a genuine want for prejudice against Muslims to stop, but quite frankly, I don't appreciate the image that you give of Muslims. They're not the Muslims that exist at large, but the Muslims that you want to exist. And I know that as a typical liberal, you're trying to present this image of the non-scary, "moderate" Muslims, the "normal" ones who mean no harm and love America.
Never stay silent in the face of falsehood!
I looked around the auditorium in which this event took place, and I found a man in an army suit, another proudly wearing his yarmulke, and many white Americans aged 50 and older. There were almost no young students in the room, or people of color. Initially I thought to myself, "This is exactly the kind of crowd that needs to hear both sides of the story." But then Esman continued: "Education in the arts helps us to build our imagination, it helps people to think abstractly, the whole idea of compassion...when you read poetry you are taught to interpret it. This is something that is not taught in the Middle East and in Muslim countries."
Yahya Naqvi
Battle to block out id, ego, superego
Mistakes harm us wherever we go
As aimless fish in the stream go
Cruising, unwilling to move turbo
Under pressure, a free-throw
Like the arrogant pharaoh, we boast
Honestly, what do we know?
Expect the unexpected...
It's amazing how seven out of the top 10 teams are all new teams, and three of those teams hadn't even broken the top 25 last season. Teams like Auburn and Missouri have really turned in on as of late, putting up big numbers and beating most teams handedly. Michigan St., another team that wasn't ranking last season, had seen its way to the 5th stop, but recently suffered a heartbreaking loss to the Iowa Hawkeyes, although it had sure handedly beat some very talented teams this season. Again, teams that usually play such inspiring football have been tearing up the scene with big plays down the field and great defense.
Islamic Insights, a publication of The Awaited One Foundation, was founded by a group of young active Muslims in February of 2007 out of concern that there was a need for a holistic news and lifestyle publication inspired by the ideals of the Quran and AhlulBayt.

The core principle driving Islamic Insights has been a desire to transcend rivalries and prejudices within the broader North American community. For this reason, the publication has always sought to keep an open hand extended to all organizations, activists, clergy members, and religious authorities, but at the same time maintain independence.

Publisher - Bilal Hussein Dabaja

Editor - Arsalan Rizvi
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