Why Follow the Family of the Prophet (s)? | for everyone |
Why Follow the Family of the Prophet (s)?
Verily Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O People of the House (Ahl al-Bayt) and to purify you a thorough purifying. [Verse of Purification from Qur’an 33:33]
Prophet Muhammad (s) was asked by his Companions:
“How should we invoke blessings for you?” … He said:
“Say: ‘O Allah! Send Your blessings on Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad, as You sent Your blessings on Abraham and on the Family of Abraham, for You are the Most Praiseworthy, the Most Glorious.’”[Sahih al-Bukhari, volume 4, book 55, number 589]
The Shi'ah believe that the twin legacy of Prophet Muhammad (s) is the Qur'an and the Ahl al-Bayt (specific members of his family). The Ahl al-Bayt are the source for the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet (s). Only by obtaining instruction from both these sources can a Muslim hope to attain true guidance.
Prophet Muhammad’s Legacy
“I am about to answer the call (of death). Verily, I leave behind two precious things (thaqalayn) amongst you: the Book of Allah and my Ahl al-Bayt. Verily, the two will never separate until they come back to me by the side of the Pond.”
This authentic hadith from the Prophet Muhammad (s) is narrated by over 30 of his Companions and recorded by a large number of Sunni scholars. Some of the famous sources for this hadith include:
q Al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, al-Mustadrak `ala al-Sahihayn ( Beirut ), volume 3, pages 109-110, 148, and 533). He expressly states that the tradition is sahih in accordance with the criteria of al-Bukhari and Muslim; al-Dhahabi has confirmed his judgment
q Muslim, al-Sahih, (English translation) , book 031, numbers 5920-3
q al-Tirmidhi, al-Sahih, volume 5, pages 621-2, numbers 3786 and 3788; volume 2, page 219
q al-Nasa'i, Khasa'is’Ali ibn Abi Talib, hadith number 79
q Ahmad b. Hanbal, al-Musnad, volume 3, pages 14, 17, 26; volume 3, page 26, 59; volume 4, page 371; volume 5, pages 181-2, 189-190
q Ibn al'Athir, Jami` al'usul, volume 1, page 277
q Ibn Kathir, al-Bidayah wa alnihayah, volume 5, page 209. He quotes al-Dhahabi and declares this hadith to be sahih.
q Ibn Kathir, Tafsir al-Qur’an al-‘Azim , volume 6, page 199
q Nasir al-Din al-Albani, Silsilat al-Ahadith al-Sahiha ( Kuwait : al-Dar al-Salafiyya) , volume 4, pages 355-8. He lists many chains of narration that he considers reliable.
There are many more sources for this hadith than it is possible to list here.
Didn't the Prophet (s) say “I leave behind the Book of God and my Sunnah” ?
This is a popular misconception. The fact is that there is no reliable basis for this statement attributed to the Prophet’s (s) Final Sermon. It is completely absent from any of the six Sihah books!!
The version in Malik’s Muwatta’, Ibn Hisham’s Sirat Rasul Allah, and from him in al-Tabari’s Ta’rikh, all suffer from incomplete chains of narration with several links in the chain missing! The other versions that have a full chain of narration (isnad) - of which there are very few - all contain narrators that are unanimously considered to be highly unreliable by leading Sunni scholars of rijal. These remarkable facts can be confirmed by those interested in research by referring to the relevant books.
Clearly, no one is suggesting that the Sunnah of the Prophet (s) should not be followed. As stated before, the Prophet (s) wished for the Muslims to refer to his Ahl al-Bayt as a reliable, pure and inerrant source for his Sunnah.
What is so special about the Family of the Prophet (s)?
When the verse
"(O Muhammad) Say, 'I do not ask for any reward for this (bringing of Allah's message) except the love for the nearkinship.'" (42:23)
was revealed, the Muslims asked the Prophet: "Who are these near kin of yours whose love is obligatory upon us?" He replied, "'Ali, Fatima , and their two sons."
q al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, al-Mustadrak `ala al-Sahihayn, volume 2, page 444
q al-Qastallani, Irshad al-Sari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, volume 7, page 331
q al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur, volume 6, pages 6-7
q al-Alusi al-Baghdadi, Ruh al-Ma’ani, volume 25, pages 31-2
The position of truthfulness and virtue of the Ahl al-Bayt was further confirmed by the Qur’an during the disputationwith the Christians of Najran. When the verse was revealed
"But whoever disputes with you in this matter after what has come to you of knowledge, then say: come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and our near people and your near people, then let us be earnest in prayer, and pray for the curse of Allah on the liars." (3:61),
the Prophet (s) called ‘Ali, Fatima , al-Hasan and al-Husayn and said: ‘O Allah, these are my Family (Ahli)’.
q Muslim, al-Sahih, (English translation) , book 31, number 5915
q al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, al-Mustadrak `ala al-Sahihayn, volume 3, page 150. He states that it is sahih in accordance with the criteria of al-Bukhari and Muslim
q Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani, Fath al-Bari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, volume 7, page 60
q al-Tirmidhi, al-Sahih, kitab al-manaqib, volume 5, page 596
q Ahmad b. Hanbal, al-Musnad, volume 1, page 185
q al-Suyuti, History of Khalifas Who Took The Right Way , ( London , 1995), page 176
Isn't it enough to show respect towards the Ahl al-Bayt?
Is it sufficient to just show respect towards the Qur’an?
Surely the Muslims have no choice but to follow it, as a source of Divine guidance, in all their affairs. The Prophet Muhammad (s) left two things as legacy to the Muslims, and promised that they will never separate from each other until the Day of Judgement. By twinning the Ahl al-Bayt with the Qur’an, the Prophet (s) was telling us to not only show respect towards them, but also to take explanations of Islamic doctrine, practices, hadith and tafsir from them.
“Behold! My Ahl al-Bayt are like the Ark of Noah. Whoever embarked on it was saved, and whoever turned away from it perished”
q al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, al-Mustadrak `ala al-Sahihayn, volume 3, p. 151 and volume 2, page 343. He states that it is sahih in accordance with the criteria of Muslim
q al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur, volume 1, pages 71-72
q Ibn Hajar al-Makki, al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqa, page 140. He states that this tradition has come down through many chains of narration that strengthen each other.
Who are included in the Ahl al-Bayt ?
It has been shown that the Family of the Prophet (s) – interchangeably referred to as the Ahl al-Bayt, ‘Itrah and Aal - included his daughter Fatima al-Zahra’, her husband Imam ‘Ali, and their children Imams al-Hasan and al-Husayn (‘a). The members of this Family of five, with the Prophet Muhammad (s) at its head, were the ones alive at the time the Qur’anic verses regarding their virtue were being revealed to the Prophet (s). However, nine other Imams from the descendants of Imam al-Husayn (‘a) are also in this chosen Family, the final one being Imam al-Mahdi (‘a). The Prophet (s) said:
"I and ‘Ali and al-Hasan and al-Husayn and nine of the descendants of al-Husayn are the purified ones and the inerrant." [al-Juwayni, Fara'id al-Simtayn, ( Beirut , 1978), page 160. Note that al-Juwayni’s greatness as a scholar of hadith has been attested by al-Dhahabi in Tadhkirat al-Huffaz, volume 4, page 298, and also by Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani in al-Durar al-Kaminah, volume 1, page 67]
"I am the chief of the Prophets and ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib is the chief of successors, and after me my successors shall be twelve, the first of them being ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib and the last of them being al-Mahdi." [al-Juwayni, Fara'id al-Simtayn, page 160]
"Al-Mahdi is one of us Ahl al-Bayt" and "al-Mahdi will be of my family, of the descendants of Fatima " [Ibn Majah, al-Sunan, volume 2, page 519, numbers 4085-6; Abu Dawud, al-Sunan, volume 2, page 207]
What about the Wives of the Prophet (s)?
The verse of purification "Verily Allah only desires to ... " was revealed to the Prophet (s) in the house of his wife Umm Salama (may Allah be pleased with her); the Prophet called al-Hasan, al-Husayn, Fatima and ‘Ali, and hegathered them together and covered them with the mantle. Then he said, "O Allah, these are my Ahl al-Bayt, so keep away every impurity from the Ahl al-Bayt, and purify them with a perfect purification." Umm Salama said, "Am I with them, O Apostle of Allah?" The Prophet (s) said, "You stay in your place, and you are virtuous."
q al-Tirmidhi, al-Sahih, volume 5, pages 351 and 663
q al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, al-Mustadrak `ala al-Sahihayn, volume 2, page 416. He states that it is sahih in accordance with the criteria of al-Bukhari
q al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur, volume 5, page 197
The beginning of verse 33:33 and subsequent statements are addressed to the wives of the Prophet (s) as is evident from the feminine pronouns used. However, in the verse of purification, the gender changes to the masculine or mixed gender. This also shows that it was an independent revelation addressed to different individuals.
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Hajj H. Rajabali - Muharram 1432 2010 | The Awaited One Foundation | for everyone |
COINS OF INDIA | for everyone |
Subject: Please fast on the first of Muharram to get ANY hajaat fulfilled-as per hadith of the 8th Imam(AS) + aamaal for the 1st of Muharram
"Surely there exists in the hearts of the mo'mineen, with respect to the martyrdom of
Husayn [a], a heat that never subsides" - The Holy Prophet [s] Mustadrak al-Wasail, vol.10, pg.318
Assalaamun 'alaykum,
As we approach the Month of Muharram, the lovers of the Ahlul-bayt [a] prepare to send condolences to Sayyida Fatima Zahra [a] for the tragedies that befell Imam Husayn [a], his family, and his companions on theDay of Ashura and the events that followed Ashura.
Mothers are preparing the black clothing for their children, homes and religious centers prepare for the Majaalis of Aza, and the Zuwwar are getting set to travel to Kerbala. Mo'mineen from all walks of life will participate, for this is the Aza of Aba-Abdillah [a]! The institution of Aza is the lifeblood of the Shia; which is revived each Muharram. Ulema worldwide will deliver sermons and majaalis to convey the mission, purpose, and message of Imam Husayn [a]. What follows after the lectures is the outpouring of emotion that is unparalleled in history for anyone else. But it is with this grief, the matam, the distribution of water, and the Aza rituals, that the message of Ashura is passed on from generation to generation.
Today, Kerbala is the name of Jannah on earth for it is the resting place of the Imam [a] who gave up everything in the way of Allah [swt]. Ashura is that fine line which distinguishes haqq from batil. Ashura not only exposes the oppression on the Ahlul-bayt [a] after the death of the Holy Prophet [s], it also defines the mission of Imam al-Hujjah [a], and our responsibilities as his followers.
What better way to prepare for Muharram than to understand the following hadith from Imam 'Ali bin Musa al-Ridha [a]:
Husayn [a], a heat that never subsides" - The Holy Prophet [s] Mustadrak al-Wasail, vol.10, pg.318
Assalaamun 'alaykum,
As we approach the Month of Muharram, the lovers of the Ahlul-bayt [a] prepare to send condolences to Sayyida Fatima Zahra [a] for the tragedies that befell Imam Husayn [a], his family, and his companions on theDay of Ashura and the events that followed Ashura.
Mothers are preparing the black clothing for their children, homes and religious centers prepare for the Majaalis of Aza, and the Zuwwar are getting set to travel to Kerbala. Mo'mineen from all walks of life will participate, for this is the Aza of Aba-Abdillah [a]! The institution of Aza is the lifeblood of the Shia; which is revived each Muharram. Ulema worldwide will deliver sermons and majaalis to convey the mission, purpose, and message of Imam Husayn [a]. What follows after the lectures is the outpouring of emotion that is unparalleled in history for anyone else. But it is with this grief, the matam, the distribution of water, and the Aza rituals, that the message of Ashura is passed on from generation to generation.
Today, Kerbala is the name of Jannah on earth for it is the resting place of the Imam [a] who gave up everything in the way of Allah [swt]. Ashura is that fine line which distinguishes haqq from batil. Ashura not only exposes the oppression on the Ahlul-bayt [a] after the death of the Holy Prophet [s], it also defines the mission of Imam al-Hujjah [a], and our responsibilities as his followers.
What better way to prepare for Muharram than to understand the following hadith from Imam 'Ali bin Musa al-Ridha [a]:
Muhammad ibn Ali Majiluwayh - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of his father, on the authority of al-Rayyan ibn Shabib":
“I went to see Al-Ridha [a] on the first day of the month of Muharram.
The Imam [a] said, ‘O Son of Shabib! Are you fasting?’ I answered, ‘No.’
The Imam [a] said, ‘Today is the day on which Zakariya prayed to his Lord - the Honorable the Exalted,‘There did Zakariya pray to his Lord, saying, ‘O my Lord! Grant unto me from Thee a progeny that is pure: for Thou art He that heareth prayer!’’ [Holy Qur’an, 3:38]
“I went to see Al-Ridha [a] on the first day of the month of Muharram.
The Imam [a] said, ‘O Son of Shabib! Are you fasting?’ I answered, ‘No.’
The Imam [a] said, ‘Today is the day on which Zakariya prayed to his Lord - the Honorable the Exalted,‘There did Zakariya pray to his Lord, saying, ‘O my Lord! Grant unto me from Thee a progeny that is pure: for Thou art He that heareth prayer!’’ [Holy Qur’an, 3:38]
And God fulfilled his prayer and ordered the angels to call Zakariya ‘While he was standing in prayer in the chamber, the angels called unto him, ‘(Allah) doth give thee glad tidings of Yahya, witnessing the truth of a Word from Allah, and (be besides) noble, chaste, and a Prophet, of the (goodly) company of the righteous.’’[Holy Qur’an, 3:39]
Therefore, just as God fulfilled the prayers of Zakariya, the Honorable the Exalted God will fulfill the prayers of whoever fasts on this day, and asks God for something.’
Therefore, just as God fulfilled the prayers of Zakariya, the Honorable the Exalted God will fulfill the prayers of whoever fasts on this day, and asks God for something.’
Imam al-Ridha [a] said, “O Son of Shabib! Muharram is a month in which even the people of the former age of ignorance forbade oppression and bloodshed due to its sanctity. However, this nation did not honor the sanctity of this month nor did they honor the sanctity of their Prophet [s]. In this month, they killed the Prophet’s progeny, enslaved his women, and plundered his belongings. May Allah never forgive them for these crimes.
O Son of Shabib! If you wish to cry for anything or anyone, cry for al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali [a] for he was slaughtered like a sheep. Eighteen members from his family who were unparalleled on earth were also killed along with him. Certainly, the seven heavens and earths cried because of the murder of al-Husayn [a]. Four thousand Angels descended on earth to aid him, but (when they were allowed to reach there) they found him martyred. So they remained at his grave, disheveled and dusty, and will remain there until the rising of al-Qa’im (Imam al-Mahdi [a]), whereupon they will aid him. Their slogan will be, ‘Vengeance for the blood of al-Husayn.’ O Son of Shabib! My father related to me from his father, who related from his grandfather that when my grandfather Imam al-Husayn [a] was martyred, the sky rained blood and red sands.
O Son of Shabib! When you weep over the afflictions of al-Husayn [a] so that tears flow from your eyes onto your cheeks, Allah will forgive all your sins, big or small, few or numerous. O Son of Shabib! If you wish to meet Allah, the mighty and the majestic, free of sin, then perform the Ziyarat of al-Husayn [a].
O Son of Shabib! If it pleases you to abide in the palaces of Paradise in company of the Prophet [s] and his family, then invoke Allah’s curse upon the murderers of Imam al-Husayn [a]. O Son of Shabib! If you wish to earn the reward of those who were martyred with al-Husayn [a], then whenever you remember him, say, ‘If only I had been with them so that I would have attained the great felicity.’
O Son of Shabib! If you desire to be with us in the highest degree of Paradise, then grieve in our sorrows and rejoice in our happiness. Remain attached to our love, for even if a person loves a stone, Allah shall resurrect him with it on the Day of Judgment.”
Uyun Akhbar al-Ridha [a], Part 1, Chapter 28: No. 53, Hadith 58; Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 44, p.285, Hadith 23.
Uyun Akhbar al-Ridha [a], Part 1, Chapter 28: No. 53, Hadith 58; Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 44, p.285, Hadith 23.
1st Muharram
This is a month of grief for the progeny of the Holy Prophet (as)
Eve of the first :-a) 2 Rakat Salat with Sura Fatihah & 11 times Sura Ikhlass in each rakat. b)Another 2rakat salat ;first Rakat Sura Fatihah and Sura An-aam .Second rakat Sura Fatihah & Sura Yasin
Fasting is highly recommended for the first of this month as reported by Rayyan bin Shabib from Imam Ridha (as)
Have a Ghusl /bath, for cure/protection from illness .Recite the following Dua on the water to be used:-
Subh'anallahi maal-al mizaan Subh'anallahi muntahal h'ilm Subh'anallahi mublaghar riz'aa Subhanallahi zinatal a'rsh
Glory be to Allah the Supreme balance ,Glory be to Allah the Ultimate in gentleness, Glory be to Allah the Goal of devotedness, Glory be to Allah the splendour of the Arsh
Subh'anallahi maal-al mizaan Subh'anallahi muntahal h'ilm Subh'anallahi mublaghar riz'aa Subhanallahi zinatal a'rsh
Glory be to Allah the Supreme balance ,Glory be to Allah the Ultimate in gentleness, Glory be to Allah the Goal of devotedness, Glory be to Allah the splendour of the Arsh
It is reported from Imam Ridha (as) that the Prophet used to recite a 2 Rakat Salaat & lift his hands & recite the following Dua 3 times :- Pdf
In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
My Allah, Thou art the eternal God, this is the beginning of another new year; I, therefore, request Thee, in this hour, to keep off Satan (Shaytan), to give me control over my "self" inclined to sin and deviation, so that it brings me near Thee,
O Compassionate! O the Owner of majesty and kindness! O Supporter of him who has no supporter! O Provider of him who has no provision! O He who watches over him who has no protection! O He who comes to help him who has no hope of help! O Reliance for him who has no one to lean upon! O Treasure of him who has nothing in the purse! O He who knows well how to put to test and trial! O the Ultimate Hope! O the Strength of the weak! O the Rescuer of the drowning! O He who saves from destruction! O He who bestows bounties! O He who shows courtesy and treats with benevolence! O he who treats with kindness and generosity! O He who does favours!
Thou art he before whom prostrate in adoration the blackness of the night and the brightness of the day, the moonlight of the moon, the sunlight of the sun, the ripple of the water, the trunks of the trees! O Allah, There is no associate with Thee!
O Allah make us generous, good and high-minded, more than that which they can imagine or speculate, cover and escort us with that which they know not, and do not (even) associate us with that which they say. Sufficient is Allah (for me), there is no god save He, on Him I rely, and He is the Lord of the Great Arsh.
We believe that all is from our Lord, and do not say (this) save those who have sincere hearts and intelligent minds. Our Lord! Cause not our hearts to stray after Thou has guided us, and bestow upon us mercy from Thy Presence. Verily Thou art the Bestower.
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Allaahumma antal ilaahul qadeem wa haad'ihi sanatun jadeedatun fa-as-aluka feehal i's'mata minash shayt'aan wal quwwata a'laa haad'ihin nafsil ammaarati bis sooo - i wal ishtighaal bimaa yuqarribunee ilayka yaa kareem yaa d'al jalaali wal ikraam yaa i'maada man laa i'maada lahoo yaa d'akheerata man laa d'akheerata lahoo yaa h'irza man laa h'irza lahoo Yaa ghiyaatha man laa ghiyaatha lahoo yaa sanada man laa sanada lahoo yaa kanza man laa kanza lahoo yaa h'asanal balaaa-i yaa a'z'eemar rajaaa-i yaa i'zzaz"z"u-a'faaa-i yaa munqid'al gharqaa yaa munjiyal halkaa yaa mun-i'mu yaa mujmilu yaa mufz"ilu yaa muh'sinu antallad'ee sajada laka sawaadul layliwa noorun nahaar wa z"aw-ul qamar wa shu-a'a-u'sh shams wa dawiyyul maaa-i wa h'afeefush shajar yaa allaahu laa shareeka laka allaahummaj-a'lnaa khayran mimmaa yaz'unnoon Waghfirlanaa ma'a laa yaa'-lamoon wa laa tu-aakhid'naa bimaa yaqooloon h'asbiyallaahu laa ilaaha illaa huw a'layhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul a'rshil a'z'eem aamannaa bihee kullun min i'ndi rabbinaa wa maa yad'd'akkaru illaa ulul albaab rabbanaa laa tuzigh quloobanaa baa'-da id' hadaytanaa wa hab lanaa mil ladunka rah'mah innaka antal wahhaab
Recite the Begining of the Month Salaat 2 Rakat Sura Fatihah & 30 times Sura Ikhlass ,Second rakat Sura Fatihah & Sura Qadr30 itmes then recite this dua
i)There is not a moving creature in the earth but the sustenance thereof depends on Allah. He knows its habitation and its repository. All is in the clear (manifest) Book.
ii)If Allah touch you with affliction, there is none that can relieve therefrom save He; and if He desires good for your, there is none who can repel His favour. He satiates whom He wills of His bondmen. He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.
iii)Allah will guarantee, after hardship, ease. That which Allah wills (will come to pass)! There is no power save in Allah! Allah is sufficient for us! Most Excellent is He in whom we trust! I confide my cause unto Allah. Verily Allah is Seer of (His) servants.
here is no god save Thee. Be Thou glorified. Verily I have been a wrongdoer. My Lord! Whatever good Thou sends down for me, I am needy, My Lord! Leave me not alone (Childless), though Thou art the Best of inheritors.
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Wa maa mindaabbatin' filarz"i Illaa a'lallaahi rizquhaa wa yaa'-lamu mustaqarrahaa wa mustawda-a'haa: Kullun fee kitaabim mubeen Wa in'y Yamsas-kallaahu bi-z"urrin falaa kaashifa lahooo illaa huw: wa in'yyuridka bi-khayrin'falaa raaadda li-faz"lih: yus'eebu bihee man'y yashaaa-u min i'baadih: wa huwal ghafoorur rah'eem Sayaj-a'lullaahu baa'-da u'srin'y yusraa maa shaaa-allaah laa quwwata illaa billaah h'asbunallaahu wa nia'-mal wakeel wa ufawwiz"u amree ilallaah: innallaaha bas'eerum bil i'baad laaa ilaaha illaaa anta subh'aanaka innee kun'tu minaz'z'aalimeen rabbi innee limaa anzaltal ilayya min khayrin' faqeer rabbi laa tad'arnee fardan'wwa an'ta khayrul waaritheen
"Anyone (of the believers) who recites poetry about al-Husayn [a] and cries and makes another
one cry, Paradise will be written for both of them. Anyone (of the believers) in whose presence
al-Husayn [a] is mentioned, and tears come to his eyes even to the extent of a wing of a fly,
his reward is with Allah, and Allah will not be pleased with anything less than Paradise for him"
- Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq [a] Bihar al-Anwar Vol. 44, pg. 288
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America | for everyone |
Subject: The New Crescent of The Month of Muharram 1432
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I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave. | Dearborn | MI | 48126
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)

Moonsighting Report (Muharram,1432 AH) | for everyone |
Subject: Moonsighting Report (Muharram,1432 AH)
Subject: Moonsighting Report (Muharram,1432 AH)
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NASIMCO | 300 John Street | P.O. Box 87629 | Thornhill, Ontario | L3T 7R3 | Canada
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)

Humor | for everyone |
Here's an excellent lesson in punctuation!
An English professor wrote the words: "A woman without her man is nothing" on the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly..
Males wrote: "A woman, without her man, is nothing."Are you ready for this............?.
. Any guess what the females wrote ?
: "A woman: without her, man is nothing."
ETV URDU -MOHARRAM 2011 PROGRAMME | for everyone |
SADA-E-KARBALA : ETV Urdu India Programme (Muharram 2011 - 1431 a.h.)
MUHARRAM SPL.PROGRAMME (Telecast Time 10.30 PM to 12 PM)
7/8th Dec to 17/18th Dec 2010 (Depend on Moon Sighting)
DATE (Moharram wise)
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Moulana Wasi Hasan Khan
ANJUMAN Yadgar-e-Hussaini
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Moulana Mohd Ashfaq
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Moulana Hamidul Hasan
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Moulana Kalbe Sadiq
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Moulana Mirza Athar
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Moulana Kalbe Jawaad
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Khursheed Akbar
Moulana Raza Agha
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Moulana Afroz Mujtaba
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Moulana Matloob Mehdi
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Moulana Ali Rizwan
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Moulana Mohsin Taqvi
HADEES | for everyone |
HADEES OF THE HOLY PROPHET (S.A.W.S.) -2 | for everyone |
1 - Hypocrites are characterized by three features: telling lies, reneging on promises, breaching of trust.
2 - The most hateful thing to Allah among those lawful ones is divorce.
3 - Oh, Adam’s descendant! If you have a healthy body and a peaceful mind, and can afford your livelihood for one day , don’t worry about anything else!
4 - Oh, Adam’s descendant! You have within your reach whatever meets your needs, whereas you are seeking things that develop disobedience in you, you do not choose contentment, and nothing, however abundant, can satisfy you.
5 - Avoid the curse of the opressed, since they seek adjudication from Allah and He will never let them down & deny them their rights.
6 - Refrain from using unlawfully obtained construction materials in your building, for they will ruin it.
7 - Fear the believer’s insight, for in seeing things, he is assisted by the light of Allah.
8 - He who grants a respite to his debtor or cancels his debt will be in heaven on the Day of Judgement.
9 - Fear the curse of the oppressed for it spreads up as the flames of fire.
10 - God punishes man for two sins in this world: injustice and ungratefulness towards parents.
11 - Whoever from among you is more valiant to take solemn oath is nearer to the Hell.
12 - Be moderately wordly minded; since everybody shall receive whatever is apportioned to him by fate.
13 - To God, the best act is timely prayer, then right conduct towards parents, then struggle in the way of God.
14 - To God, the most popular servants are unknown pious ones.
15 - To God. The best act is the one which is more lasting, however scanty that might be.
HADEES OF THE HOLY PROPHET (S.A.W.S.) | for everyone |
1. A true believer is he in who people trust more than in their lives and property.
2. A true believer is alert, exact and prudent.
3. One hour of deep reflection is better than sixty years of worship.
4. Your belly is the den of all diseases and abstention therefore the best cure
5. The best rapprochement between two parties is the reconciliation between a husband and a wife.
6. Anyone who acts precipitously without insight and knowledge breaks more than what he makes.
7. All the offsprings of Adam are sinners and the best among them are the penitent.
8. A believer can have any quality except treason and mendacity.
9. Live like guests in this world. Take mosques as your houses. Let your hearts get used to tenderness, reflect and cry in abundance. Don’t let your desires lead you astray. You make buildings you never reside in and provide all kinds of food you never eat and entertain hopes you never realize.
10. How can God bless a nation that doesn't take the right of the oppressed from the oppressors?
11. It is far better for a man to give a dirham as alms during his life than giving hundreds at the time of death.
12. Encourage people to do good deeds and discourage them from doing bad ones , lest the unscrupulous among you hold you in sway and the prayers of true believers lose efficacy .
13. One of the best deeds is making a believer happy. It means paying his debt and meeting his needs and removing whatever hardships that exist.
14. There are tithes for everything and tithes for owning a house is a guest room.
15. There is a key to everything and the key to heaven can be obtained by loving and caring the deprived and the needy.
16. Those who pester Muslims on their course of life deserve imprecation.
17. If a man owns two valleys of gold, he will still wish for the third one; nothing can fill the human mouth better than dust.
18. If faith existed in Pleiades Iranians would find access to it.
19. If knowledge were suspended from Pleiades Iranians would reach it.
HADEES | for everyone |
Immoral Friends
Imam Sadiq [A.S] said: "He who seeks the company of those who insult the lovers of Allah has surely disobeyed Him, the Sublime."
Usul-i-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 379
Imam Sadiq [A.S] said: "When you are informed of a fellow companion committing an evil action, then go to him and tell him: 'O so and so! Either refrain from committing this sin or keep away from us'; then, avoid him unless he does so."
Wasa'il-ush-Shi'ah, vol. 16, p. 146
Imam Amir-ul-Mu'mineen Ali [A.S] said: "O' Kumayl! Say what is just in any condition. Be friends with the righteous and avoid the evil doers, stay away from the hypocrites and do not accompany the treacherous."
Mustadrak-ul-Wasa'il, vol. 12, p. 197
Serving People
The Holy Prophet [A.S] said: "He who decreases a grief out of the grieves of this world for his Muslim brother, Allah will decrease for him a grief out of the grieves of the Hereafter."
Shahab-ul-Akhbar, p. 194
Imam Husayn [A.S] said: "Verily, the procession of people's needs towards you is from among the blessings of Allah upon you. Therefore, grieve ye not because of these blessings."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 74, p. 318
Imam Ali (A.S) asked Meesam: "What is your name"? "Saalim", he replied.
Imam Ali (A.S) said: "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has told me that the Iranians call you Meesam." Meesam was astonished because no one knew his real name. So, he said: "Allah and His prophet are truthful." Since that day, Meesam had not left Imam Ali (A.S).
Meesam-e-Tammar was a man of high character and a true lover of Allah , Prophet Muhammad (PBHU) and his Ahlul Bayt (A.S). He lived a simple life. Two things grew in his heart: faith in Islam and love for Imam Ali (A.S). Imam Ali (A.S) taught him that Islam was the only way to freedom.
Once Imam Ali (A.S) told him that he (Meesam) would be hanged on account of love for his master. He also gave the address and told him that he would be hanged in a farm next to the house of Amr ibn Huraith. The tree on which he would be hanged was the smallest of the ten trees existing in the farm at that time. Meesam was also informed that his tongue would be cut out because he would not stop praising his master [Imam Ali (A.S)].
After getting this information, it is recorded in history that, Meesam-e-Tammar used to go to the palm-tree until it was cut down, and then he looked after its trunks pointed out by Imam Ali (A.S), clean the place and water the trunk and offer prayers saying, "Oh tree! You are for me and I am for you. Meesam-e-Tammar had visited the palm-tree for more than twenty years.
Meesam-e-Tammar would go to Amr ibn Huraith and say, "I will be your neigbour, thus fulfill the rights of neighborhood well." Amr ibn Huraith would not understand his meaning and would ask, "Do you intend buying the house of Ibne Mas’ood or Ibne Hakeem"? Meesam kept silent. Amr ibn Huraith was puzzled. He wondered: What does Meesam mean?
Months and years passed by, Imam Ali (A.S) was martyred then Imam Hassan (A.S) was martyred and Meesam-e-Tammar kept waiting for the time. Finally came 60 AH when Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad was appointed Governor of Kufa, Iraq. Meesam-e-Tammar then went to Makkah to perform Hajj pilgrimage and there after returned to Kufa, Iraq.
One day Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad, the Governor of the place, called him and asked him in the Court, "Oh Meesam! Inform me where your God is?" Meesam immediately replied. "He is in quest of an opportunity to punish the transgressors." Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad then asked him about his connection with Imam Ali (A.S). Meesam replied that Imam Ali (A.S) was his master and that he loved him. Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad then asked him. "Did your master tell you anything about your end?" Meesam-e-Tammar replied, "Yes, he informed me that I would be hanged and that my tongue would be cut." Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad sent a roar of laughter and said, "I will see that your master did not tell you the truth (Naus billah). I will see that his prophecy is belied."
Meesam-e-Tammar said, "My master’s words are true because he got that information from Allah. Prophet Muhammad (saw) was informed by Gabriel (Jibril) and Gabriel came with the message of Allah." O Commander of the faithful! By Allah (SWT)! I shall never disassociate myself from you. Meesam-e-Tammar . Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad ordered Meesam to be jailed. Meesam, al-Mukhtar al-Thaqafy, and Abdullah bin al-Harith were in the same prison. Imam Hussein (A.S) died a martyr for Islam. The prisoners felt pain for him. Al-Mukhtar said to his two friends: "Be ready to meet Allah ! After Imam Hussein’s killing, Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad will kill the Imam Hussein’s (A.S) supporters." Abdullah bin al-Harith said: "Yes, he will kill us sooner or later." Meesam said: "No, he won’t kill you. My master, Imam Ali (A.S) has told me that you (al-Mukhtar) will get revenge of Imam Hussein’s killers. And you will kick Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad’s head with your foot." Then Meesam said to Abdullah bin al-Harith: "You’ll rule Basra."
When Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad called for al-Mukhtar to be killed, a message arrived from Yazid ordering him to free al-Mukhtar. He released him and ordered Meesam to be crucified. Meesam-e-Tammar was brought to the same tree to be hanged as pointed out by Imam Ali (A.S). Meesam began singing the praises of his master, and about a thousand people gathered to see Meesam being hanged. Amr ibn Huraith saw Meesam. Amr ibn Huraith remembered Meesam’s words: "I’ll be you neighbour. Treat me kindly." So, Amr ibn Huraith ordered one of his daughters to sweep the ground around the palm trunk. He also ordered her to splash it with water. A person looked at Meesam and said: "Disown Ali to save your soul." Meesam said with a smile. "By Allah, this palm trunk has been created for me! And I’ve been created for it." Thus, the people knew the secret of Meesam’s visit to the palm-tree throughout the long years.
Even after being hanged, the tongue of Meesam went on singing the praises of Imam Ali (A.S). Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad was informed about this and the tyrant ordered that the tongue of Meesam is cut and thus the prophecy of Imam Ali (A.S) came true and Meesam-e-Tammar died after his tongue was cut out.Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon.
Imam Ali's Letter to Malik Ashtar -5 To Keep On Your Establishment.... | for everyone |
Keep an eye on your establishment and your scribes; and select the best among them for your confidential correspondence such among these as possess high character and deserve your full confidence, men who may not exploit their privileged position to go against you and who may not grow neglectful of their duties and who in the drafting of treaties may not succumb to external temptation and harm your interests, or fail to render you proper assistance and to save you from trouble, and who in carrying out their duties can realize their serious responsibilities, for he who does not realize his own responsibilities can hardly appraise the reprehensibilities of others.
Do not select men for such work merely on the strength of your first impressions of your affection or good faith; for as a matter of fact; the pretensions of a good many who are really devoid of honesty and good breeding may cheat even the intelligence of rulers.
Selection should be made after due probation which should be the test of righteousness. In making direct appointments from people, see to it that those selected possess influence with the people and who enjoy the reputation of being honest; for such selection is agreeable to God and the ruler.
For every department of administration, let there be a head, whom no trying task might cause worry and no pressure of work annoy.
And remember that every weakness of any one among your establishment and scribe which you may overlook will be written down against you in your scroll of deeds.
Imam Ali's Letter to Malik Ashtar -4 On Overseeing the Trade | for everyone |
Adopt useful schemes placed before those engaged in trade and industry and help them with wise counsels. Some of them live in towns, and some move from place to place with their wares and tools and earn their living by manual labor.
Trade and Industry are sources of profit to the State. While the general public is not inclined to bear the strain, those engaged in these professions take the trouble to collect commodities from far and near, from land and from across the sea, and from mountains and forests and naturally derive benefits.
It is this class of peace loving people from whom no disturbance need be feared. They love peace and order; indeed they are incapable of creating disorder. Visit every part of the country and establish personal contact with this class, and inquire into their condition.
But bear in mind that a good many of them are intensely greedy and are inured to bad dealings. They hoard grain and try to sell it at a high price; and this is most harmful to the public. It is a blot on the name of the ruler not to fight this evil. Prevent them from hoarding; for the Prophet of God -Peace be upon him - had prohibited it. And see to it that trade is carried on with the utmost ease, that the scales are evenly held and that prices are so fixed that neither the seller nor the buyer is put to a loss. And if inspite of your warning, should anyone go against your commands and commit the crime of hoarding, then deal him appropriately with severe punishment.
HADEES | for everyone |
Al-Sheikh Al-Sadooq through his chain of narrators, narrated from Imam Ali (a.s) that the Messenger of God (s.a.w) said:
The best of the just people are those who like for people what they like for themselves & dislike for people what they dislike for themselves.
Al-Sheikh Al-Sadooq through his chain of narrators, narrated from Imam Ali (a.s) that the Messenger of God (s.a.w) said:
The best of the courageous people are those who fight their desires.
The people with the least peace of mind are the jealous.
The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) said:
‘The love of Ali ibn Abi-Talib is a tree whose root is in Paradise and its branches are in this world. Whoever from my community clings into any of its branches, it will reach them to Paradise.
The hatred of Ali ibn Abi-Talib is a tree that its root is in hell and its branches are in this world. Whoever clings into any of its branches will enter into hell."
Beharul-Anwaar, vol.40 p.46
THE LOVERS OF IMAM HUSSAIN (A.S.) | for everyone |
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