Top 14 websites for students | for everyone |
If you want to a see a blank look on students’ faces, ask them about the Dewey Decimal library classification system. For better or for worse, the Internet has become the alternative to a library card catalog for browsing and locating resources. But how do you navigate that system, and how can you trust what you read on the web?
"Frankly, this is my main concern, along with stumbling onto inappropriate material," admits Bonnie Marks, a mother of two. "Just because someone publishes something on their home page, it doesn't make it gospel—many kids don't know this."
Learning how to find the information you need on the Internet, and how to evaluate and appropriately use the information you find, can be challenging for both parents and students. The following is a look at some of the most comprehensive—and reliable—educational websites a student can bookmark and use to research school projects and homework assignments.
Web literacy and general reference
All students—no matter what age—need help navigating and evaluating the ever-growing store of information available on the web. This University of Idaho site is an information literacy primer that will quickly turn any half-hearted or random searcher into a savvy Internet detective. It guides students through a series of modules that teach them how to distinguish different kinds of information on the Internet, search for and select research topics, search databases and other collections, locate and cite sources, and evaluate the sources they find.
A merger of the Internet Public Library and the Librarians' Internet Index, this site is a comprehensive source of "information you can trust." Thousands of volunteer library and information science professionals created and maintain the site’s reference collections—sets of links to websites on U. S. presidents, author biographies, museums, research and writing, literary criticism, and many more topics. The Ask an ipl2 Librarian reference service, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, provides individualized help finding authoritative, free online sources for specific topics.
Checking facts in Internet sources is one of the key ways to evaluate them, and, which stands for "reference desk," simplifies this essential step. Since 1995, has served as a one-click springboard to many of the web's top dictionaries, encyclopedias, calculators, atlases, news headlines, and search engines. The site also includes a handy Homework Helper section (under the Help and Advice column on the lower right of the page) that provides help in all subjects to students in every grade.
For younger students who are not quite ready to navigate Refdesk, Fact Monster from Information Please is the tool to use. The Reference Desk on this site features a layout that is designed for easy fact-finding and includes timelines and an almanac, atlas, dictionary, and encyclopedia, as well as a Homework Center. Students can also search by visually identified topics or by typing in keywords. Check out fun features such as Biographies of the Presidents, the Geography Hall of Fame, and the Tallest Buildings Slideshow.
Consider the Microsoft Download Center your ultimate file repository. It links to tens of thousands of downloadable free or shareware programs. These include updates, utilities, applications, and extras for Windows, Macintosh, and other platforms; Internet tools; security essentials; developer resources; mobile devices; and, of course, computer games. You can search for what you need alphabetically, by product family, by download category, or by typing in a keyword. The Microsoft Worldwide Downloads site enables you to download files in more than 80 different languages.
This site is the cool place for the technology leaders of the future. It offers student resources, helps students stay connected through its newsletters and technology clubs, and provides a career portal and Students-to-Business program. The links to scholarship competitions and to TechStudent—a site for website builders, designers, and software developers in training—encourage creativity and skill development. The Student Experience site also links to DreamSpark, which enables students not only to download professional software such as Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Server, Visual C++ Express Edition, and Robotics Developer Studio for free but provides free training for using these tools as well.
English and history
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Perfect for language studies, this handy website automatically converts text from one language into another, such as English to Simplified Chinese or French to English. You can type and paste up to 10,000 characters (about 1,800 words) into the search window and then select the desired language. Or cut and paste a web URL to convert the entire site.
As every parent and student knows, books that are required reading are not always available, or if they are, students may misplace their copy before they finish the assignment. Project Gutenberg to the rescue. This site enables you to download more than 30,000 free electronic books to read on your computer, iPhone, Kindle, Sony Reader, or other portable device in a variety of file formats. You can search by title and author or browse their collection of classic works, many of which are available in audio editions as well.
This site, sponsored by Fordham University and edited by Paul Halsall, provides older students with access to a collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts for educational use. It includes collections of primary sources in ancient, medieval, and modern history, as well as history of science, women's history, African history, and others.
The web's answer to those black- and yellow-striped Cliff Notes is, a reliable and free source for literary analysis of classic and contemporary books such as Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn and Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Notes from the Underground. The site offers character profiles, metaphor and theme analysis, and author biographies.
This website can be filed in the "where was this when I was a kid?" category. On this aptly named site, visitors can read every play or poem from the world's most celebrated writer and, more importantly, make some sense of his works with free analysis, Old English language translations, and famous quotes.
Math and science
This site provides help in a number of mathematics-related subjects, including basic grade-school math, calculus, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Practice exercises are automatically graded—and this free site also features a glossary, calculators, homework tips, math games, and lesson plans for teachers.
Science classes—including the ubiquitous science project—aren't as easy for some to grasp as they are for others. At Science Made Simple, elementary and middle school students can get detailed answers to many science questions, read current news articles related to science, get ideas on school projects, and take advantage of unit conversion tables. Users can also find out if their school's textbooks pass the test.
THE BRICK- A LESSON IN LIFE | for everyone |
The Brick!!! Read It.
Read this today and don't delete it if you are too busy!! You'll see.
A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down
when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver
then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against
"Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!" God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen or not.
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you a sunrise every morning Face it, friend - He is crazy about you!
Send this to every "beautiful person" you wish to bless.
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow,sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: "Those people from amongst my ummah, who memorize forty Hadiths (traditions) pertaining to those issues of religion, which they are in need of, Allah shall resurrect them on the Day of Judgment as jurisprudents and scholars." (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 2, pg. 156; Al-Ikhtasaas, pg.2)
Hadith No. 01
Why the name 'Ramadhan'?
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: "Surely, the month of Ramadhan has been named so because it scorches away the sins." Kanz al-Ummal, H: 23688
Hadith No. 02
Ramadhan: The Name of God
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: Say not, "This is Ramadhan" and "Ramadhan has departed" and "Ramadhan has arrived" for surely, Ramadhan is one of the names of Allah, The Mighty, the Glorious, who neither arrives nor departs. Surely, arrives and departs that, which is ephemeral, Instead say: "The month of Ramadhan"(Mahe Ramadhan). Al-Kafi, 4, pg. 70
Hadith No. 03
Ramadhan: The Month of Revelation of the Holy Quran
Imam Reza (A.S.) has said: If one asks, "Why is it that the fasts were made obligatory exclusively in the month of Ramadhan and not in the other months?
it would be said, "(this is) because the month of Ramadhan is the month in which Allah, the Exalted, had revealed the Holy Quran."
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 18, pg. 190
Hadith No. 04
Reward for Recitation of the Holy Quran during Ramadhan
Imam Reza (A.S.) has said: "Someone who recites one verse from the Book of Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, in the month of Ramadhan, is like one who has recited the entire Holy Quran in the other months." Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 344
Hadith No. 05
Reward of the Month of Ramadhan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) was asked: O' Prophet of Allah! Which of the two months possesses a greater reward, Rajab or the month of Ramadhan? The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) replied: Nothing can be compared to the month of Ramadhan in terms of reward. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 97, pg. 49
Hadith No. 06
Ramadhan: The Month of God
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: Shabaan is my month and the month of Ramadhan is the month of Allah, The Exalted, and it is the springtime for the poor.
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 97, pg. 68
Hadith No. 07
Ramadhan: The Chosen Month
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: Surely, Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, has chosen from amongst the months (and granted preference to), the months of Rajab, Shaaban and the month of Ramadhan. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 27, pg. 53
Hadith No. 08
Ramadhan: The Great Month
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: Surely, the month of Ramadhan is a great month. Allah multiplies in it the good deeds, erases in it the sins and elevates in it the ranks. Wasail al-Shia'h, vol. 10, pg. 312
Hadith No. 09
Ramadhan: The Chief of the Months
Imam Ali (A.S.) said: The month of Ramadhan has approached you. It is the chief of all months and the beginning of the year. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 42, pg. 193
Hadith No. 10
Ramadhan: The Beginning of the Year
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: If the month of Ramadhan remains safe and sound (with respect to sins), the (entire) year shall remain so (too); the month of Ramadhan is the beginning of the year. Wasail al-Shia'h vol.10, pg. 311
Hadith No. 11
Ramadhan: The Month of Mercy
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: It (Ramadhan) is the month, whose beginning is mercy, its middle, forgiveness and its end, emancipation from the fire (of hell).
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 342
Hadith No. 12
Excellence of the Month of Ramadhan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: O' People! Surely, the month of God has approached you. This month that, in the eyes of Allah, is the most virtuous of the months. Its days are the best of the days and its nights, the best of the nights and its moments, the best of the moments. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 96, pg. 356
Hadith No. 13
Ramadhan: The Best of the Months
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: The best of the months is the month of God - the month of Ramadhan - and the heart of the month of Ramadhan is the Night of Qadr (Lailatul Qadr).
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. pg. 386
Hadith No. 14
The Night of Qadr
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: O' People! Surely, a great and blessed month has enveloped you. A month, in which there is a night, deeds in which are better than of a thousand months. Bihar al-Anwar, vol.96, pg. 342
Hadith No. 15
Gift of Allah's Month
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: Your breath in it glorification (of Allah) and your sleep in it worship (of Allah). Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 96, pg. 356
Hadith No. 16
Fasts of the Month of Ramadan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: The month of Ramadhan is the month in which Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, has made fasting obligatory upon you. So one, who fasts in this month in a state of belief and with the intention of recompense, shall become free of his sins just as he was on the day when his mother gave him birth. Tahdheeb al-Ahkam, vol. 4, pg. 152
Hadith No. 17
Ramadhan: The Month of Spiritual Striving
In his testament to his sons, Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: When the month of Ramadhan arrives, exert yourselves, for surely it is in this month that livelihood is distributed, the hour of death is ordained and the arriving for Hajj is decreed. In it is a night, deeds in which are better than deeds in a thousand months. Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 66
Hadith No. 18
Ramadhan: The Month of Good Deeds
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: This month of yours (Ramadhan) is unlike the other months. Surely, when it approaches you, it does so with blessings and mercy and when it turns away from you, it does so with forgiveness of sins. This is a month in which good deeds are multiplied and of goodness accepted. Wasail al-Shia'h, vol. 10, pg. 312
Hadith No. 19
Ramadhan: The Blessed Month
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: Surely, the month of Ramadhan, the blessed month, has come to you. The month, whose fasts Allah has made obligatory upon you. In it, the doors of Paradise are opened up and the Satan's fettered, and in it is the Night of Qadr, which is more virtuous than a thousand months. Tahdheeb al-Ahkam, vol. 4, pg. 152
Hadith No. 20
The Month of Ramadhan and Seeking Forgiveness
Imam Ali (A.S.) said: It is incumbent upon you to seek forgiveness and supplicate excessively in the month of Ramadhan. As for the supplication, by means of it the calamities are warded off from you, and as for the seeking of forgiveness, it erases away your sins. Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 88
Hadith No. 21
Opening of the doors of Paradise
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: In it (the month of Ramadhan) the doors of Hell are closed and the doors of Paradise opened.
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 96, pg. 363
Hadith No. 22
The Month of Ramadhan and Itikaf
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny), initially observed the Itikaf (spiritual retreat) during the first ten days of the month of Ramadhan. Later, he observed it during the middle ten days of the holy month and finally, he observed it during the last 10 days of the month and then continued to do so in the last ten days (for as long as he was alive). Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 16, pg. 274
Hadith No. 23
The Month of Ramadhan and Divine Books
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: The Torah was revealed on the sixth day of the month of Ramadhan, the Bible, on the twelfth night of the month, the Psalms on the eighteenth night of the month and the Quran on the Night of Qadr.
Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 157
Hadith No. 24
The Best Deed of the Month of Ramadhan
During the course of a sermon of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) about the virtues of the month of Ramadhan. Imam Ali (A.S.) says: I stood up and asked: O' Prophet of Allah! What is the best deed for this month? The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) replied: O' Abul-Hasan! The best deed for this month is abstinence from that which is forbidden by Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 42, pg. 190
Hadith No. 25
Losers of the Month of Ramadhan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: One who perceives the month of Ramadhan and (does not strive in it and hence) is not forgiven, Allah distances him from Himself. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 74, pg. 74
Hadith No. 26
Imam Sajjad (A.S.) and the Month of Ramadhan
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: With the advent of the month of Ramadhan, Imam Ali Ibn al-Hussain (A.S.) would cease to speak about anything except dua, tasbeeh (glorification of Allah), isteghfar (seeking forgiveness) and takbeer (saying 'Allahu Akbar'). Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 88
Hadith No. 27
Fridays of the Month of Ramadhan
Imam Baqir (A.S.) has said: Surely, the Fridays of the month of Ramadhan possess an excellence over the Fridays of the other months, just as the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) possesses an excellence over the other prophets. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 69, pg. 376
Hadith No. 28
Seven Excellences of Ramadhan Fasting
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has stated: There is no Mu'min, who fasts for a day in the month of Ramadhan with the intention of attaining its rewards, except that Allah, The Exalted, grants him seven excellences:
1. The forbidden food that had entered into his body melts away.
2. He moves closer to the Mercy of Allah, The Exalted.
3. Allah expiates his sins.
4. Allah reduces for him the agony of death.
5. Allah protects him from the hunger and thirst of the Day of Judgment.
6. He is granted pardon from the fire (of Hell).
7. Allah provides him the good and pleasant food of Paradise.
Mustadrak al-Wasaail al-Shia'h, vol. 7, pg. 395
Hadith No. 29
Ramadhan: The Month of Patience
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: And it (the month of Ramadhan) is the month of patience, and surely, the reward of patience is Paradise.
Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 66
Hadith No. 30
Giving Charity
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: Allah shall ward off 70 kinds of calamities from one who gives charity in the month of Ramadhan. Wasaail al-Shia'h, vol. 9, pg. 404
Hadith No. 31
Reward of an Obligatory Act
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has stated: (The rewards of) one, who performs in it (the month of Ramadhan) a single act from amongst the obligatory (wajib) acts of Allah, would be like (that of) one, who has performed seventy obligatory acts in the other months. Wasaail al-Shia'h, vol. 10, pg. 307
Hadith No. 32
Night of Decree
Imam Baqir (A.S.) said: In the Night of Qadr is decreed every thing - pleasant and unpleasant, obedience and disobedience, birth and death, and livelihood - which would occur during the course of that year, till the next Night of Qadr.
Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 157
Hadith No. 33
Increase Prayers in the Month of Ramadhan
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: With the advent of the month of Ramadhan, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) would increase his Prayers (Salaat); I also increase mine and so, (you) increase yours (too). Tahdheeb al-Akhaam, vol. 3, pg. 60
Hadith No. 34
Eating of sahari
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: Eat your 'sahari' (the morning meal before the start of a fast) even if it is (mere) mouthfuls of water, for the blessings of Allah are upon those who eat the sahur. Tahdheeb al-Akhaam, vol. 4, pg. 198
Hadith No. 35
Hunger and Thirst of the Day of Judgment
Imam Ali (A.S.) said: Bring to mind, by means of your hunger and thirst in it (the month of Ramadhan), the hunger and thirst of the Day of Judgment.
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 356
Hadith No. 36
The Call of Allah
Abdullah Ibn al-Abbas Ibn Abd al-Muttalib reports that he heard the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) say: Every night, in the month of Ramadhan, Allah, The Blessed and The Exalted, calls out three times: Is there one, who seeks from Me, so that I grant him his wish? Is there one, who turns to me in repentance so that I turn to him (in Mercy)? Is there one, who seeks forgiveness from Me so that I forgive him? Mustadrak al-Wasaail, vol. 7, pg. 429
Hadith No. 37
Ghusl (ablution) on Night of Qadr
Imam Musa Ibn Jafar (A.S.) said: One, who performs the ghusl on the Night of Qadr and remains awake in it (engaged in worship), shall have all his sins forgiven. Wasaail al-Shia'h, vol. 10, pg. 358
Hadith No. 38
Shield of a Believing Servant
Allah, The Mighty and The Glorious has said: The fasts are the shield of the believing servants on the Day of Judgment, just as your weapons shield you in this world. Wasaail al-Shia'h, vol.10, pg. 403
Hadith No. 39
Iftaar for Mu'min
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: One who provides iftaar to a Mu'min in the month of Ramadhan, shall be granted the reward of liberating a slave (in the path of Allah) and shall have all his previous sins forgiven. And if he did not possess the means to present anything except milk mixed with water, or a drink of sweet water and a date, Allah would grant him this reward. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 317
Hadith No. 40
Farewell to the Month of Ramadhan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) prayed: O' God! Ordain not this month of Ramadhan to be the last one for my fasts. But should you ordain it to be so, then make me blessed and leave me not deprived (of Your mercy). Badaabi Az Quran, pg. 398
HE THE ALMIGHTY ALLAH (S.W.T.) says.......... | for everyone |
I wonder how a person can be happy, who is certain of death.
I wonder at a person who is certain of reckoning (Day of Judgment), but still accumulates wealth.
I wonder at a person who is certain of going into the grave, but still smiles without concern.
I wonder at a person who is certain of this world’s doom, but still has tranquility in living this world.
I wonder at a person who is certain of the Hereafter and its Bounties but he still rests.
I wonder at a person who is knowledgeable in his speech, and ignorant in his heart.
I wonder at a person who looks for faults in others, but is unaware of the same in themselves.
I wonder at a person who knows that Almighty Allah is aware of his actions, but still commits sins.
I wonder at a person who preaches to the people, but does not preach to his own soul,
I wonder at a person who knows that he/she will die alone, but am still totally engrossed with people who will not be able to help him/her.
Allah says: There is no god but Me. Thus Mohammed (s.a.w.a.) is My servant and My Messenger.
ON PARENT'S RIGHTS.... | for everyone |
Evil Consequences of Aaq-e-Waledain | for everyone |
Aaq-e-Waledain brings disgrace in the Hereafter, and goodness to parents brings honour and glory.
As Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said,
"Those who wish an easy death should do good to the relatives and be kind to parents. When one does this, Allah will make easy the agony of death. In this world he will not face difficulties and poverty."
(Safinatun Bihar)
(Safinatun Bihar)
The Material Effects of Aaq | for everyone |
The following traditions describe the evil repercussions of Aaq-e-Waledain in this life.
The last of the Prophets (s.a.w.s.) says:
"There are three kinds of sins which are punished in this world, rather than being given respite till Qiyamat. The first is Aaq-e-Waledain. The second, injustice upon men and third, thanklessness for favour."
Hazrat Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) stated,
"Secret charity cools down Divine anger while goodness to parents and benevolence to relatives, prolongs life."
"Secret charity cools down Divine anger while goodness to parents and benevolence to relatives, prolongs life."
(Behaarul Anwaar).
Another tradition says,
"Benevolence to parents and secret charity, ward off poverty, and both (these deeds) prolong life. Seventy types of death are kept away."
(Behaarul Anwaar)
(Behaarul Anwaar)
"Those who assure me that they will be benevolent to parents and do good to the relatives, I will give them excess of wealth and a long life and assure them of being close among our group."
(Mustadrakul Wasael)
Hazrat Imam Naqi (a.s.) said,
"The displeasing of parents causes decrease in sustenance and degradation (also follows)."
"The displeasing of parents causes decrease in sustenance and degradation (also follows)."
"Subhanallahi wal hamdulillahi wala ilaha illalahu walaahu akbar'... | for everyone |
“One day the Holy Prophet (SAW) said to his companions: If you heap up all your clothes, buildings and the living goods, do you think they will reach the sky? They said: No, O Messenger of Allah! The Holy Prophet said: Shall I introduce to you something whose root is in the earth and its branches in heavens? They said: Yes. The Holy Prophet said: Whenever you complete your prayer say thirty times: "Subhanallahi wal hamdulillahi wala ilaha illalahu walaahu akbar'............
the roots of which are in the earth and its branches are in heavens. It is these words that removes from man sorrows, collapsing of wall, fire, being drown in water, falling into well, being attacked by fierce animals, bad death, and tribulation which descend from heavens on the day. Those words are truly righteous deeds.”
the roots of which are in the earth and its branches are in heavens. It is these words that removes from man sorrows, collapsing of wall, fire, being drown in water, falling into well, being attacked by fierce animals, bad death, and tribulation which descend from heavens on the day. Those words are truly righteous deeds.”
Therefore, anyone of you who recites Dua should not pull it back without drawing it on his face.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Baqir (AS): “No man extends his hand towards God unless God is ashamed of returning it empty and puts some of His bounty and mercy -that amount which He wills -in it. Therefore, when one of you recite Dua do not pull back your hand without having drawn it on your face.”
KAABA THE CENTER OF THE EARTH- Excellent Pls See it and appreciate | for everyone |
Angels Pray for Those Who do Good to Their Parents | for everyone |
Amirul Momineen Ali (a.s.) says,
"Benevolence to parents is the greatest of the religious obligations."
"Benevolence to parents is the greatest of the religious obligations."
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says that Allah has two Angels one of whom says, "O Allah! Protect those who do good to the parents." The other Angel prays, "O Allah! Destroy those people by retribution, with whom their parents are angry." Needless to say, the prayers of the Angels are always accepted by Allah.
ALWAYS BE GRATEFUL | for everyone |
When God loves people He afflicts them. If they endure with fortitude, He chooses them. If they are grateful, He elects them. Some men and women are grateful to God for His wrathfulness and some for His graciousness. Both are good, for gratitude is the antidote for all occasions, changing wrath into grace. The wise and complete servant is grateful for harsh treatment, both publicly and in private, for with the voice of gratitude comes the inspiration to give more.
It is related that a certain Jew lived next door to one of the Companions. This Jew lived in an upper room, from which all kinds of dirt and filth, the piddle of his children, the water his clothes were washed in, fell into the Muslim’s apartment below. Yet the Muslim always thanked the Jew, and instructed his family to do the same. For eight years this continued, until the Muslim died. Then the Jew, while visiting the Muslim’s apartment, to condole with the family, saw all the filth and how it came from his upper room. He realized what had happened during the past years, and was filled with sorrow. He said to the Muslim’s household, “Why on earth didn’t you tell me? Why did you always thank me?” They replied, “Our father told us to always be grateful, and chided us if we ever gave up being grateful.” So the Jew became a believer.
The Recitation of The Holy Quran; Its Effect and Its Usefulness. | for everyone |
a) The best of the worships is the recitation of the (Holy) Quran. The traditions that have been narrated about reward and good deeds for the recitation of the Holy Quran is considered as the best of worships. It is important to mention that during the period of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw); the learning of the word and meaning of the Holy Quran was considered jointly. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) recommended the recitation of the Holy Quran along with understanding their meanings. The conduct of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) shows us that he would teach ten Ayats of the Holy Quran to his companions and till the time they would not learn and understand the practical rules and science of the ten Ayats, he would not commence the next ten Ayats. Thus, the reader of the Holy Quran was aware and well conversant of their meanings.
b) Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
"The Quran is the covenant and programs the Almighty for His creatures. It is deserving that every Muslim should look at this divinely testament every day and recite fifty Ayats from them every day."
c) Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
"One who recites ten Ayats of the (Holy) Quran during the night is from amongst the negligent and the heedless. One who recites fifty Ayats is from amongst the recites and commemorators. One who recites hundred Ayats is from amongst the humble and meek ones. One who recites two hundred Ayats will be counted from amongst the one who fears the Almighty and from amongst the special ones. One who recites three hundred Ayats will be from amongst the delivered and saved ones. And one who recites five hundred Ayats, he will be from amongst the jurisprudents."
d) Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) said:
"In the day of Resurrection, it will be said to the reciter of the Holy Quran (Qaari) that recite (The Holy Quran) and step above. Recite as you have recited in the (previous) world. Your status and position is up to the last Ayats that you have recited."
e) Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) said:
"One who recites the (Holy) Quran is like the one on whose heart has been inserted the Prophet hood except that "Wahi" (revelations) have not been revealed for him."
f) Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said to Salman Mohammadi:
"O Salman! Upon you be about the recitation of the (Holy) Quran. Its recitation is kaffarah (atonement) of sins."
g) Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
"One who recites the Holy Quran and he is a young believer, then his body and blood will be blended and mixed with it."
H) Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
"Surely, these hearts are rusts like rusted irons. Surely (the thing) which gives it luster and polish is the recitation of the (Holy) Quran."
DO NOT TRUST A DRUNKARD... | for everyone |
Isma`il, the eldest son of Imam Sadiq (as), had some money in his possession. When he learned that a person from the tribe of Quraish who was living in Madinah, was about to set out for Yemen, he decided to hand him some money so that he could purchase for him some merchandise for trade.
When Isma`il consulted his father, Imam Sadiq (as) about the issue, the Imam (as) inquired: “Does the man consume intoxicants?”
“People say so, but how do we know they speak the truth?” replied Isma`il.
The Imam (as) advised him, “It is not in your interest to give him the money.”
But Isma`il still gave his money to the person, who proceeded on his trip and in the course of it, embezzled the funds.
During the season of Hajj, both Imam Sadiq (as) and Isma`il went on pilgrimage. Isma`il was in the process of performing the Tawaf of the Ka'bah when the Imam (as) noticed that he was continually beseeching Allah to redeem his losses.
Manoeuvring himself through the crowd, the Imam (as) reached his son and placing his hand upon his shoulder, squeezed it lightly and said: “My Son! Do not seek anything from Allah needlessly, for you have no right upon Him. You should not have trusted the person in the first place. It is not upon others to rectify one's own wrongdoing.”
“The people used to say that he consumed intoxicants but I had not seen him consume it!” said Isma`il.
The Imam (as) advised him further: “Consider the talks of the believers to be correct and do not trust a drunkard; be wary of giving money to those who are foolish and weak of understanding just as has been stated in the Qur'an[11]). Who could be more foolish than a drunkard?
Suggestions and intermediation of a drunkard in issues related to marriage should not be accepted nor should one place trust in his possession for he is bound to misappropriate it. A person who relies on a drunkard has no right whatsoever upon Allah that he may seek from Him compensation for damages suffered by him.”[12]
Thawaab of being present at gatherings where Allah(SWT) is remembered | for everyone |
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“Passing over gatherings where God is remembered, angels stop, weep together with them and say amen to their Dua. When they ascend the heavens, God says: O My angels! Where have you been? Though He knows better. They say: We attended a gathering of “Zikr” and saw men who were praising and glorifying You and feared Your Fire. Here God says: O My angels! Keep the Fire away from them. I take you witness that I have forgiven them and keep them safe from what they feared. The angels say: O Lord! Among them there was one who did not remember You. God says: I forgave him too, for he was present in the gathering. Never will become wretched, a man who sits with those who remember God.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:“Shall I teach you five words which are light on tongue and heavy on the scales, words which will please God and drive away the Satan, words which are among treasures of heaven, words coming from beneath the Throne and among the righteous deeds? They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah!
The Holy Prophet said: Say: Glory be to Allah, and praise is due to Allah, there is no god but Allah and God is the Greatest, there is neither might nor power but with Allah, the Great, the Exalted. Then he said five times: Excellent are these words which make your scales of good deeds heavy.”
"Subhanallahi, walhamdulillahi, wala ilaha illallahu wallahu akber wala hawla wala quwwata illa billahil aliyyil azeem"
Recite the above as often as possible, especially at the time of sunset.
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I am amazed at the heart of man: It possesses the substance of wisdom as well as the opposites contrary to it ... for if hope arises in it, it is brought low by covetousness: and if covetousness is aroused in it, greed destroys it. If despair possesses it, self piety kills it: and if it is seized by anger, this is intensified by rage. If it is blessed with contentment, then it forgets to be careful; and if it is filled with fear, then it becomes preoccupied with being cautious. If it feels secure , then it is overcome by vain hopes; and if it is given wealth, then its independence makes it extravagant. If want strikes it, then it is smitten by anxiety. If it is weakened by hunger, then it gives way to exhaustion; and if it goes too far in satisfying its appetites, then its inner becomes clogged up. So all its shortcomings are harmful to it, and all its excesses corrupt it.
There are four things that make the heart die: wrong action followed by wrong action, playing around with foolish people, spending a lot of time with women, and sitting with the dead. Then they asked Imam Ali: "And who are the dead, O Commander of the believers?" He replied: "Every slave who follows his desires."
Surely want is a trial, and having sickness of the body is more difficult to bear than indigence, and having a sickness of the heart is more difficult to bear than having a sickness of the body. Surely being very wealthy is a blessing, and having a healthy body is better than being very wealthy, and having awe of Allah in your heart is better than having a healthy body.
Surely hearts have desires, and they turn towards, and they turn away ... so approach them by means of what they desire and what they turn towards, for surely if the heart is forced to do some thing against its will, it goes blind.
NOW AND HEREAFTER.......... | for everyone |
Imam Ali (as) wrote to Salman al-Farsi (ra) : To continue, surely, the likeness of this world is that of a snake: it is soft to touch, and deadly poisonous. The ignorant child is distracted by it, and the one with understanding and intellect is cautious of it. So turn away from what fascinates you in it, for how little of it stays with you.
I am making a connection which no one has made before me: Islam is submission, and submission is certainty, and certainty is the affirmation of the truth, and affirmation of the truth is acknowledgement, and acknowledgement is performance of what is obligatory, and performance of what is obligatory is appropriate action
Fwd: Mockery of Imam Hassan and Hussain (AS) ساخت سریال موهن درباره دو امام معصوم
(AS) خت سریال موهن درباره دو امام معصوم
PLEASE FORWARDThe news has arrived from Kuwait that over the next few days, that a TV seriel which makes offensive mockery of Imam Hassan and Hussain (AS) will begin. The offensive serial is called "Mavyh, Hassan and Hussein". It is to show that the Bani Umayyad had no problem with the Shite Imams (a). The order to make this serial was done by Saudi Arabis's MBC network and is to be released next month (Ramadhan).If you are against the making of this serial please vote at and support the Kuwaiti Shias. Yaa HAQدرباره دو امام معصوم
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiva)
اخبار رسیده از کشور کویت حاکی از آن است طی چند روز آینده ساخت سریالی توهین آمیز به امام حسن و حسین (ع) آغاز خواهد شد. نام این سریال توهین آمیز «معاویه، حسن و حسین» است.گفتنی است این سریال که به سفارش شبکه MBC وابسته به عربستان سعودی ساخته شده، قرار است در ماه رمضان آینده اکران شود. گفته می شود در این سریال توهین آمیز سعی شده علاوه بر اینکه چهره معاویه و اشتباهات او تبرئه شود، وی را چهره ای در سطح ائمه شیعه (ع) نشان دهند و قرار است در این سریال صلح امام حسن (ع) پر رنگ تر نشان داده شود تا نتیجه سریال این باشد که ائمه شیعه با خلفای بنی امیه مشکلی نداشتند. بر همین است گروهی از شیعیان این کشور در اقدامی خودجوش و داوطلبانه و با هدف جلوگیری از ساخت این سریال توهین آمیز، یک رفراندوم یا رأی گیری مجازی را راه اندازی کرده اند. در این رأی گیری شما کاربر عزیز نیز می توانید با وارد شدن به آدرس اینترنتی و انتخاب گزینه YES، به توقف ساخت این سریال رأی بدهیدOur Lord! Let not our hearts deviate from the truth after YOU have guided us,
and bestow upon us mercy from YOUR grace.
Verily YOU are the Giver of bounties without measure. (3:8)
Fear Allah as much as possible, listen, and obey. Fear Allah and learn lessons from the examples that Allah cite. I am sure that most of you were fagged by the consequences of your acts of disobedience to Allah before you could beware of them. Moreover, they (these acts of disobedience to Allah) injured the religion of most of you before you detest them.
You should have heard Allah censuring and belittling them as He says: Know that the worldly life is only a game, a temporary attraction, a means of boastfulness among yourselves and a place for multiplying your wealth and children. It is like the rain, which produces plants that are attractive to the unbelievers. These plants flourish, turn yellow, and then become crushed bits of straw. In the life hereafter there will be severe torment or forgiveness and mercy from Allah. The worldly life is only an illusion. Compete with one another to achieve forgiveness from your Lord and to reach Paradise, which is as vast as the heavens and the earth, and is prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messenger. This is the blessing of Allah and He grants it to whomever He wants. The blessings of Allah are great. (Holy Qur'an 57:20-1)
Believers, have fear of Allah. A soul must see what is has done for the future. Have fear of Allah for He is All-aware of what you do. Do not be like those who forget about Allah. He will make them forget themselves. These are the sinful people. (Holy Qur'an 59:18-9)
O servants of Allah, fear Allah, ponder over Him, and work for that for which you have been created. Allah has definitely not created you out of play and He will not leave you vainly after He has introduced Himself to you, sent His messengers, and revealed His Book in which He has presented the legal and illegal matters in addition to His arguments and examples. Fear Allah Who has claimed against you (thoroughly). He said: Have We not given him two eyes, a tongue, and two lips? Have We not shown him the ways of good and evil? (Holy Qur'an 90:8-10)
This is Allah's claim against you. Do your best in the field of fearing Allah as long as all power belongs to Him and all entrustment is to Him. Allah bless Muhammad(S.A.W.) the prophet and his family.
Believers, have fear of Allah. A soul must see what is has done for the future. Have fear of Allah for He is All-aware of what you do. Do not be like those who forget about Allah. He will make them forget themselves. These are the sinful people. (Holy Qur'an 59:18-9)
O servants of Allah, fear Allah, ponder over Him, and work for that for which you have been created. Allah has definitely not created you out of play and He will not leave you vainly after He has introduced Himself to you, sent His messengers, and revealed His Book in which He has presented the legal and illegal matters in addition to His arguments and examples. Fear Allah Who has claimed against you (thoroughly). He said: Have We not given him two eyes, a tongue, and two lips? Have We not shown him the ways of good and evil? (Holy Qur'an 90:8-10)
This is Allah's claim against you. Do your best in the field of fearing Allah as long as all power belongs to Him and all entrustment is to Him. Allah bless Muhammad(S.A.W.) the prophet and his family.
HOPE AND FEAR................ | for everyone |
Reality of Hope
Hope is meaningless unless reasons of its success are available. It is hence foolish to leave the courses of obedience and take in the courses of deviation and depend totally on hope. Such hope is surely void. It is noticeable that the great personalities, such as prophets, their successors, and the saints, spared no efforts in the fields of the obedience to God and devoted themselves to the acts of worship while they were the most favorable to God:
As he was told that some people were engrossed in the acts of disobedience to God while they claim that they hope for the mercy of Him, Imam as-Sadiq (a) said:
“They are liars. They are not our Shia. Those are the people whom are deceived by false hopes. He who hopes for something should work for it, and he who fears something should escape it." ( 16 )
Purpose of Hope and Fear
Some people can be mended only by means of hope while others can be rectified by means of fear. The disobedient who have felt regret for their excessive sins but they have despaired of His pardon should be treated by means of hope for God’s immense mercy . Those who destroyed themselves because of excessive performance of acts of worship should also be treated by means of hope for God. On the other side, the sinful tyrants who are plunging in acts of disobedience to God and are deceived by false hope should be treated by means of fear of God as well as severe reproach and painful punishment.
Hope is meaningless unless reasons of its success are available. It is hence foolish to leave the courses of obedience and take in the courses of deviation and depend totally on hope. Such hope is surely void. It is noticeable that the great personalities, such as prophets, their successors, and the saints, spared no efforts in the fields of the obedience to God and devoted themselves to the acts of worship while they were the most favorable to God:
As he was told that some people were engrossed in the acts of disobedience to God while they claim that they hope for the mercy of Him, Imam as-Sadiq (a) said:
“They are liars. They are not our Shia. Those are the people whom are deceived by false hopes. He who hopes for something should work for it, and he who fears something should escape it." ( 16 )
Purpose of Hope and Fear
Some people can be mended only by means of hope while others can be rectified by means of fear. The disobedient who have felt regret for their excessive sins but they have despaired of His pardon should be treated by means of hope for God’s immense mercy . Those who destroyed themselves because of excessive performance of acts of worship should also be treated by means of hope for God. On the other side, the sinful tyrants who are plunging in acts of disobedience to God and are deceived by false hope should be treated by means of fear of God as well as severe reproach and painful punishment.
Calamities and Diseases Cancel the Believers’ Sins
The Prophet (s) said: “God says: By My power and majesty I swear, I will not make the servant upon whom I want to have mercy depart this world before I punish him for every sin that he committed. I will punish him by means of an ailment that inflicts him , poverty that befalls him, or a state of fear that controls him. If this is not enough, I will make him suffer the agonies of death." ( 12 )
“Depression and grief will not depart the believer before they eradicate all of his sins." ( 13 )
Imam as-Sadiq (a) said: “Mufaddal, beware of committing sins and warn our adherents against so. By God I swear, you are the most targeted by sins. You may suffer the persecution of the ruling authorities. This is because of your commitment of sins. You m ay be ailed. This is because of your commitment of sins. Your sustenance may be stopped. This is because of your commitment of sins. You may suffer the agonies of death so severely. This is also because of your commitment of sins."
As the Imam noticed that al-Mufaddal was highly touched by these words, he (a) commented: “You suffer all the previous in order that you will not be interrogated about your sins on the Day of Resurrection, since the punishment for such sins befall you in this world." ( 14 ) “The believer may suffer troubles in sleep as a punishment for his commitment of sins. He also may suffer a physical defect as a punishment for his commitment of sins."(15 )
The Prophet (s) said: “God says: By My power and majesty I swear, I will not make the servant upon whom I want to have mercy depart this world before I punish him for every sin that he committed. I will punish him by means of an ailment that inflicts him , poverty that befalls him, or a state of fear that controls him. If this is not enough, I will make him suffer the agonies of death." ( 12 )
“Depression and grief will not depart the believer before they eradicate all of his sins." ( 13 )
Imam as-Sadiq (a) said: “Mufaddal, beware of committing sins and warn our adherents against so. By God I swear, you are the most targeted by sins. You may suffer the persecution of the ruling authorities. This is because of your commitment of sins. You m ay be ailed. This is because of your commitment of sins. Your sustenance may be stopped. This is because of your commitment of sins. You may suffer the agonies of death so severely. This is also because of your commitment of sins."
As the Imam noticed that al-Mufaddal was highly touched by these words, he (a) commented: “You suffer all the previous in order that you will not be interrogated about your sins on the Day of Resurrection, since the punishment for such sins befall you in this world." ( 14 ) “The believer may suffer troubles in sleep as a punishment for his commitment of sins. He also may suffer a physical defect as a punishment for his commitment of sins."(15 )
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