The Qualities of a faithful believer | for everyone |
The Qualities of a faithful believer
(Sermon (87 of Nahjul Balagha) by Hazrat Ali (a.s)
O' creatures of Allah!
The most beloved of Allah is he
- Whom Allah has given power (to act) against his passions, so that his inner side is (submerged in) grief and the outer side is covered with fear.
- The lamp of guidance is burning in his heart.
- He has provided entertainment for the day that is to befall him. He regards what is distant to be near him and takes the hard to be light.
- He looks at and perceives; he remembers (Allah) and enhances (the tempo of his) actions.
- He drinks sweet water to whose source his way has been made easy. So he drinks to satisfaction and takes the level path.
- He has put off the clothes of desires and got rid of worries except one worry peculiar to him.
- He is safe from misguidance and the company of people who follow their passions.
- He has become the key to the doors of guidance, and the lock for the doors of destruction.
- He has seen his way and is walking on it. He knows his pillar (of guidance) and has crossed over his deep water. He has caught hold of the most reliable supports and the strongest ropes. He is on that level of conviction, which is like the brightness of the sun.
- He has set himself for Allah, the Glorified, for performance of the most sublime acts of facing all that befalls him and taking every step needed for it.
- He is the lamp in darkness. He is the dispeller of all blindness, key to the obscure, remover of complexities, and a guide in vast deserts.
- When he speaks he makes you understand whereas when he remains silent then it is safe to do so.
- He did everything only for Allah and so Allah also made him His own. Consequently, he is like the mines of His faith and as a stump in His earth.
- He has enjoined upon himself (to follow) justice. The first step of his justice is the rejection of desires from his heart.
- He describes right and acts according to it.
- There is no good, which he has not aimed at, nor any likely place (of virtue) of the Qur'an. Therefore the Qur'an is his guide and leader. He gets down when the Qur'an puts down his weight and he settles where the Qur'an settles him down.
Ramadan in holy cities of Mashhad, Qom | for everyone |
By: Sheikh M Khurasani
HOLY CITY OF MASHHAD, Iran: The holy fasting month of Ramadan is being observed reverently in the holy cities of Mashhad and Qom.
Special sittings of recitation of holy Quran are held day and night in the holy compounds of the sacred shrines of Hazret Imam Reza (a.s.) and Hazret Fatimeh Masumeh (a.s.).
Also, grand tables of Iftaar are also staged in the shrines compounds.
Special sittings of recitation of holy Quran are held day and night in the holy compounds of the sacred shrines of Hazret Imam Reza (a.s.) and Hazret Fatimeh Masumeh (a.s.).
Also, grand tables of Iftaar are also staged in the shrines compounds.

Ramadan nights in great Kufa mosque | for everyone |
By: Ismail Zabeeh
KUFA, Iraq: Kufa Mosque is one of the four significant mosques in Islam i.e. Al-Haraam Mosque (Kaabah), Prophet Mosque and Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Since the beginning of the fasting month of Ramadan, Kufa mosque has been receiving hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from inside and outside the country to observe the holy nights of this holy month.
Mo’minin (believers) sit Etakaf here while with the end of the first ten days of Ramadan, number of pilgrims further increases as during the second ten days of Ramadan falls the striking anniversary (Dharbah) of Al-Imam Ali b. Abi Talib (AS).

Pilgrims continue to recite holy Quran and supplications here, offer prayers, sit etakaf, attend Majalis Al-Husseiniyah and Shariah gatherings in shape of scholarly circles.
TAQWA | for everyone |
Taqwa as Immunity
The Nahj al-Balaghah stresses that taqwa is for man a shield and a shelter, not a chain or a prison. There are many who do not distinguish between immunity and restraint, between security and confinement, and promptly advocate the destruction of the sanctuary of taqwa in the name of freedom and liberation from bonds and restraint.
That which is common between a sanctuary and a prison is the existence of a barrier. Whereas the walls of a sanctuary avert dangers, the walls of a prison hinder the inmates from realizing their inner capacities and from benefiting from the bounties of life. Ali (a) clarifies the difference between the two, where he says:
Let it be known to you, O servants of God, that taqwa is a formidable fortress, whereas impiety and corruption is a weak and indefensible enclosure that does not safeguard its people, and does not offer any protection to those who take refuge in it. Indeed, it is only with taqwa that the tentacles of sins and misdeeds can be severed. [5]
Ali (a), in this sublime advice, compares sins and evil deeds which are afflictions of the human soul to poisonous insects and reptiles, and suggests that the faculty of taqwa is an effective defence against them. In some of his discourses, he makes it clear that taqwa not only does not entail restraint and restriction or is an impediment to freedom, but on the other hand it is the source and fountainhead of all true freedoms. In sermon 230, he says:
Taqwa is the key to guidance, the provision for the next world, the freedom from every kind of slavery, and the deliverance from every form of destruction.
The message is clear. Taqwa gives man spiritual freedom and liberates him from the chains of slavery and servitude to lusts and passions. It releases him from the bonds of envy, lust, and anger, and this expurgates society from all kinds of social bondages and servitudes. Men who are not slaves of comfort, money, power, and glory, never surrender to the various forms of bondage which plague the human society.
The Nahj al-Balaghah deals with the theme of taqwa and its various effects in many of its passages; but we don't consider it necessary to discuss all of them here. Our main objective here is to discover the meaning of taqwa from the point of view of the Nahj al-Balaghah, so as to unearth the reason for so much emphasis that this book places on this concept.
Of the many effects of taqwa that have been pointed out, two are more important than the rest: firstly, the development of insight and clarity of vision; secondly, the capacity to solve problems and to weather difficulties and crises.
Moreover, a discussion of these effects of taqwa here will take us beyond our present aim which is to clarify the true meaning of taqwa. It will not be out of place to call attention to certain profound remarks of the Nahj al-Balaghah about the reciprocal relationship between the human being and taqwa.
Hazrat Ali A.S now opened up the horrible event that was going to happen. As the month of Ramazan approached , He counted the days and foretold the details of His martyrdom to His followers and all who listened to His sermons. During this holy month Hazrat Ali A.S used to break His fast with His sons and daughters.The night before Imam Ali A.S was mortally injured, He was invited to the house of Janabe Umme-Kulsoom and this night He informed His daughter of the day of shahadat when He said:" The moment comes closer when I will depart from this world." On hearing these heart-rending words , she began to cry. But Hazrat Ameer-ul-Momeneen A.S consoled her saying:” My dear daughter do not cry or weep. No one can escape death. This night I had a vision when the Noble Messenger S.A.W appeared in my dream and said:” You are done with all your responsibilities. It is time for you to join me.”
The history writers have written that on the night before the struck of the sword was the night when Hazrat Ali A.S spend it in only praying. From time to time He used to go out in the courtyard and raised His head to view the sky and said:” My master, the Noble Messenger S.A.W was indeed telling the truth when He foretold me that I was about to be martyred.” It is written that when the time of the morning prayer had come , Hazrat Ali A.S was ready to go to the mosque. As He stepped forward suddenly the ducks surrounded the holy Imam and started to make a loud noise. It looked like they tried to prevent the Imam from going to the mosque as they feared that something evil was going to happen. Someone tried to keep them back but the holy Imam commanded to let go them and said:” Do not harm them they are all crying in my grief.”
Our Holy Imam A.S was mortally injured but in the positon of prostration He said : "Fuzto-Be-Rabbil-Kaaba" (By the Lord of Kaaba, I have succeeded.) Now all witnessed the truth of the prophecy of the Holy Prophet S.A.W.....
At the moment of the strike of the sword our holy Imam offering the sajdah expressed His success as He said: “ By the Lord of Kaaba , I have succeeded.” The walls of the mosque of Kufa were trembling , the earth quaked , thundering and lightening was heard and Jibraeel-e-Ameen announced that the Leader of the Faithfuls have been martyred. The companions of the holy Imam were shaked and troubled and I can’t imagine the shock of the the holy sons of Imam Ali A.S as they witnessed their holy father covered with blood.
Imam Hasan A.S continued to lead the prayers and next to Him His holy Father offered the rest of the prayer according to the circumstances. When Hazrat Ali A.S was ready He commanded His sons and his lovers to take Him home but as the house of Imam Ali A.S came closer He ordered that they who didn’t belong to His family should retire and when He was asked why the holy Imam said:
” I am wounded and injured , when my daughters will see me in this condition they will cry and wail. Their voice will be heard by the na-mehram and this I can not allow. Therefore I command the rest of you to leave me and do not approach further.” Allah-o-Akbar , how thoughtfully said by the holy Imam but would He knew that later His daughter would be taken as captives unveiled and brought among the crowds of Shaam and Kufa. Hazrat Ali A.S was taken home and when Janabe Zainab and Janabe Umme-Kulthoom saw their father in this horrible condition they were so much hurt that they fell unconscious.
Imam Ali A.S was laid on the bed and His condition became weaker and weaker. For three days our Holy Imam Ali A.S suffered the pain but even in such state He was ready to consult or advise His followers. A healer recommended Imam Hasan and Imam Husain A.S that a bowl of milk should be given to their father. But when they brought this bowl of milk the Holy Imam asked if His killer was given something to drink. When they answered no , the injured Imam drank a little from this bowl and sent the rest to His killer.
Hazrat Ali A.S was lying fatally wounded but was still thoughtful of His enemy. As the days passed the condition of holy Imam became more delicate. The healer recommended Imam Hasan and Imam Husain A.S that :” Your father will not survive this strike. The moment have come that He will departure from this world. You may now ask Him to open up His last wishes.” Hearing these words the holy sons were attacked with a mjor grief. On the last moments , Imam Ali A.S lying on His deathbed gathered His sons and commanded all of His sons to always obey Imam Hasan and Imam Husain A.S . The holy family of Hazrat Ali A.S were crying , weeping , wailing and lamenting as the holy Imam continued with His will. When Hazrat Abbas A.S was brought forward to His holy father , the Imam said:
” O’Husain , Abbas is your humble servant and will stay by your side in Karbala.” At last Imam Ali A.S declared His son , Imam Hasan A.S as the next Imam of His followers and ordered them to love Him and obey His every command
The history writers have written that on the night before the struck of the sword was the night when Hazrat Ali A.S spend it in only praying. From time to time He used to go out in the courtyard and raised His head to view the sky and said:” My master, the Noble Messenger S.A.W was indeed telling the truth when He foretold me that I was about to be martyred.” It is written that when the time of the morning prayer had come , Hazrat Ali A.S was ready to go to the mosque. As He stepped forward suddenly the ducks surrounded the holy Imam and started to make a loud noise. It looked like they tried to prevent the Imam from going to the mosque as they feared that something evil was going to happen. Someone tried to keep them back but the holy Imam commanded to let go them and said:” Do not harm them they are all crying in my grief.”
Thereby Hazrat Ali A.S left His house and approached the mosque of Kufa. The Azaan was called out by the holy Imam and all were prepared to perform the prayer of Fajr. Hazrat Ameer-ul-Momeneen A.S approached the niche to lead the prayer. When He performed the first sajdah the devil made his move and this was the horrible moment when the wretch Ibne-Muljim struck the head of the holy Imam with the sword that was dipped in poison for a whole month. Suddenly a voice from the sky called out:”
Our Holy Imam A.S was mortally injured but in the positon of prostration He said : "Fuzto-Be-Rabbil-Kaaba" (By the Lord of Kaaba, I have succeeded.) Now all witnessed the truth of the prophecy of the Holy Prophet S.A.W.....
The shias faced a major loss , when their master became the target of the evil. Ibne-Muljim fulfilled his devil plan to assassin the first holy Imam. The strike of the poisoned sword fell on the head where Hazrat Ali A.S had been wounded previously in the battle of Khandaq. But this time the holy Imam was alone , mortally injured and during the battle of Khandaq the Imam had the Noble Messenger S.A.W by His side who took care of the wound.
At the moment of the strike of the sword our holy Imam offering the sajdah expressed His success as He said: “ By the Lord of Kaaba , I have succeeded.” The walls of the mosque of Kufa were trembling , the earth quaked , thundering and lightening was heard and Jibraeel-e-Ameen announced that the Leader of the Faithfuls have been martyred. The companions of the holy Imam were shaked and troubled and I can’t imagine the shock of the the holy sons of Imam Ali A.S as they witnessed their holy father covered with blood.
Imam Hasan A.S continued to lead the prayers and next to Him His holy Father offered the rest of the prayer according to the circumstances. When Hazrat Ali A.S was ready He commanded His sons and his lovers to take Him home but as the house of Imam Ali A.S came closer He ordered that they who didn’t belong to His family should retire and when He was asked why the holy Imam said:
” I am wounded and injured , when my daughters will see me in this condition they will cry and wail. Their voice will be heard by the na-mehram and this I can not allow. Therefore I command the rest of you to leave me and do not approach further.” Allah-o-Akbar , how thoughtfully said by the holy Imam but would He knew that later His daughter would be taken as captives unveiled and brought among the crowds of Shaam and Kufa. Hazrat Ali A.S was taken home and when Janabe Zainab and Janabe Umme-Kulthoom saw their father in this horrible condition they were so much hurt that they fell unconscious.
Imam Ali A.S was laid on the bed and His condition became weaker and weaker. For three days our Holy Imam Ali A.S suffered the pain but even in such state He was ready to consult or advise His followers. A healer recommended Imam Hasan and Imam Husain A.S that a bowl of milk should be given to their father. But when they brought this bowl of milk the Holy Imam asked if His killer was given something to drink. When they answered no , the injured Imam drank a little from this bowl and sent the rest to His killer.
Hazrat Ali A.S was lying fatally wounded but was still thoughtful of His enemy. As the days passed the condition of holy Imam became more delicate. The healer recommended Imam Hasan and Imam Husain A.S that :” Your father will not survive this strike. The moment have come that He will departure from this world. You may now ask Him to open up His last wishes.” Hearing these words the holy sons were attacked with a mjor grief. On the last moments , Imam Ali A.S lying on His deathbed gathered His sons and commanded all of His sons to always obey Imam Hasan and Imam Husain A.S . The holy family of Hazrat Ali A.S were crying , weeping , wailing and lamenting as the holy Imam continued with His will. When Hazrat Abbas A.S was brought forward to His holy father , the Imam said:
” O’Husain , Abbas is your humble servant and will stay by your side in Karbala.” At last Imam Ali A.S declared His son , Imam Hasan A.S as the next Imam of His followers and ordered them to love Him and obey His every command
Hazrat Sajjad (as) and the Sahifa-e-Sajjadia | for everyone |
When the Imam got stuck in a tight corner and was virtually besieged he was obliged to state his objects and motive in the form of the prayers. These prayers have been compiled in the shape of a book named "Sahifa-e-Sajjadia." This is an ocean of topics and objects of science, mathematics, physics, astronomy, social and political sciences and ethics. Obviously and apparently this is a book of prayers.
But, in fact, this is the expression of fact, pains, and difficulties. We present here a few sentences of it as a specimen.
1. Oh God! I take asylum and refuge with you from the revolt, and rebellious (attitude) refractoriness, of the anger and jealousy and the scarcity of patience, and extravagance and intemperance in life.
Oh God! Keep me alive till my life is led in your service and obedience and when it becomes the pasture and meadow of Satan, take me towards yourself and take my life.
2. Oh sons! Respect you father and mother because if the father was not there you would not have come into existence. Look at the mother that she looks after you with all of her existence (energies). She is not afraid of it that she herself remains hungry and feeds you. She herself remains cloth less (without dress) and covers (dresses) you. She remains in the sun and places you in the Shadow. You cannot thank her. This is God who has the power of thanking her (giving her the reward).
3. Watch over and attend your child because his good or bad (virtues) are related and connected to you and you are responsible for his training and guidance.
4. Be kind to your brother and sister because he/she is your hand (helper) and your power. Help him against the enemy and be his well wisher.
5. Respect your teacher and be polite in his assembly (session) and listen carefully to his words. Do not talk loudly before him. If somebody questions him about something do not reply before he does although you may know the answer to that (question).
6. Respect your neighbor and help and assist him. If you happen to observe a fault or sin of him do hide it and when he slips (commits sin) admonish him.
7. Be just in your conduct and behavior with friend and love him as he loves you.
If he makes up his mind to commit a sin stop him from that and always be a blessing for him, not a torment for him.
Oh God! Keep me alive till my life is led in your service and obedience and when it becomes the pasture and meadow of Satan, take me towards yourself and take my life.
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: "Those people from amongst my ummah, who memorize forty Hadiths (traditions) pertaining to those issues of religion, which they are in need of, Allah shall resurrect them on the Day of Judgment as jurisprudents and scholars." (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 2, pg. 156; Al-Ikhtasaas, pg.2)
Hadith No. 01
Why the name 'Ramadhan'?
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: "Surely, the month of Ramadhan has been named so because it scorches away the sins." Kanz al-Ummal, H: 23688
Hadith No. 02
Ramadhan: The Name of God
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: Say not, "This is Ramadhan" and "Ramadhan has departed" and "Ramadhan has arrived" for surely, Ramadhan is one of the names of Allah, The Mighty, the Glorious, who neither arrives nor departs. Surely, arrives and departs that, which is ephemeral, Instead say: "The month of Ramadhan". Al-Kafi, 4, pg. 70
Hadith No. 03
Ramadhan: The Month of Revelation of the Holy Quran
Imam Reza (A.S.) has said: If one asks, "Why is it that the fasts were made obligatory exclusively in the month of Ramadhan and not in the other months?
it would be said, "(this is) because the month of Ramadhan is the month in which Allah, the Exalted, had revealed the Holy Quran."
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 18, pg. 190
Hadith No. 04
Reward for Recitation of the Holy Quran during Ramadhan
Imam Reza (A.S.) has said: "Someone who recites one verse from the Book of Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, in the month of Ramadhan, is like one who has recited the entire Holy Quran in the other months." Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 344
Hadith No. 05
Reward of the Month of Ramadhan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) was asked: O' Prophet of Allah! Which of the two months possesses a greater reward, Rajab or the month of Ramadhan? The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) replied: Nothing can be compared to the month of Ramadhan in terms of reward. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 97, pg. 49
Hadith No. 06
Ramadhan: The Month of God
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: Shabaan is my month and the month of Ramadhan is the month of Allah, The Exalted, and it is the springtime for the poor.
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 97, pg. 68
Hadith No. 07
Ramadhan: The Chosen Month
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: Surely, Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, has chosen from amongst the months (and granted preference to), the months of Rajab, Shaaban and the month of Ramadhan. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 27, pg. 53
Hadith No. 08
Ramadhan: The Great Month
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: Surely, the month of Ramadhan is a great month. Allah multiplies in it the good deeds, erases in it the sins and elevates in it the ranks. Wasail al-Shia'h, vol. 10, pg. 312
Hadith No. 09
Ramadhan: The Chief of the Months
Imam Ali (A.S.) said: The month of Ramadhan has approached you. It is the chief of all months and the beginning of the year. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 42, pg. 193
Hadith No. 10
Ramadhan: The Beginning of the Year
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: If the month of Ramadhan remains safe and sound (with respect to sins), the (entire) year shall remain so (too); the month of Ramadhan is the beginning of the year. Wasail al-Shia'h vol.10, pg. 311
Hadith No. 11
Ramadhan: The Month of Mercy
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: It (Ramadhan) is the month, whose beginning is mercy, its middle, forgiveness and its end, emancipation from the fire (of hell).
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 342
Hadith No. 12
Excellence of the Month of Ramadhan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: O' People! Surely, the month of God has approached you. This month that, in the eyes of Allah, is the most virtuous of the months. Its days are the best of the days and its nights, the best of the nights and its moments, the best of the moments. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 96, pg. 356
Hadith No. 13
Ramadhan: The Best of the Months
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: The best of the months is the month of God - the month of Ramadhan - and the heart of the month of Ramadhan is the Night of Qadr (Lailatul Qadr).
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. pg. 386
Hadith No. 14
The Night of Qadr
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: O' People! Surely, a great and blessed month has enveloped you. A month, in which there is a night, deeds in which are better than of a thousand months. Bihar al-Anwar, vol.96, pg. 342
Hadith No. 15
Gift of Allah's Month
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: Your breath in it glorification (of Allah) and your sleep in it worship (of Allah). Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 96, pg. 356
Hadith No. 16
Fasts of the Month of Ramadan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: The month of Ramadhan is the month in which Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, has made fasting obligatory upon you. So one, who fasts in this month in a state of belief and with the intention of recompense, shall become free of his sins just as he was on the day when his mother gave him birth. Tahdheeb al-Ahkam, vol. 4, pg. 152
Hadith No. 17
Ramadhan: The Month of Spiritual Striving
In his testament to his sons, Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: When the month of Ramadhan arrives, exert yourselves, for surely it is in this month that livelihood is distributed, the hour of death is ordained and the arriving for Hajj is decreed. In it is a night, deeds in which are better than deeds in a thousand months. Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 66
Hadith No. 18
Ramadhan: The Month of Good Deeds
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: This month of yours (Ramadhan) is unlike the other months. Surely, when it approaches you, it does so with blessings and mercy and when it turns away from you, it does so with forgiveness of sins. This is a month in which good deeds are multiplied and of goodness accepted. Wasail al-Shia'h, vol. 10, pg. 312
Hadith No. 19
Ramadhan: The Blessed Month
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: Surely, the month of Ramadhan, the blessed month, has come to you. The month, whose fasts Allah has made obligatory upon you. In it, the doors of Paradise are opened up and the Satan's fettered, and in it is the Night of Qadr, which is more virtuous than a thousand months. Tahdheeb al-Ahkam, vol. 4, pg. 152
Hadith No. 20
The Month of Ramadhan and Seeking Forgiveness
Imam Ali (A.S.) said: It is incumbent upon you to seek forgiveness and supplicate excessively in the month of Ramadhan. As for the supplication, by means of it the calamities are warded off from you, and as for the seeking of forgiveness, it erases away your sins. Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 88
Hadith No. 21
Opening of the doors of Paradise
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: In it (the month of Ramadhan) the doors of Hell are closed and the doors of Paradise opened.
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 96, pg. 363
Hadith No. 22
The Month of Ramadhan and Itikaf
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny), initially observed the Itikaf (spiritual retreat) during the first ten days of the month of Ramadhan. Later, he observed it during the middle ten days of the holy month and finally, he observed it during the last 10 days of the month and then continued to do so in the last ten days (for as long as he was alive). Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 16, pg. 274
Hadith No. 23
The Month of Ramadhan and Divine Books
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: The Torah was revealed on the sixth day of the month of Ramadhan, the Bible, on the twelfth night of the month, the Psalms on the eighteenth night of the month and the Quran on the Night of Qadr.
Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 157
Hadith No. 24
The Best Deed of the Month of Ramadhan
During the course of a sermon of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) about the virtues of the month of Ramadhan. Imam Ali (A.S.) says: I stood up and asked: O' Prophet of Allah! What is the best deed for this month? The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) replied: O' Abul-Hasan! The best deed for this month is abstinence from that which is forbidden by Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 42, pg. 190
Hadith No. 25
Losers of the Month of Ramadhan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: One who perceives the month of Ramadhan and (does not strive in it and hence) is not forgiven, Allah distances him from Himself. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 74, pg. 74
Hadith No. 26
Imam Sajjad (A.S.) and the Month of Ramadhan
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: With the advent of the month of Ramadhan, Imam Ali Ibn al-Hussain (A.S.) would cease to speak about anything except dua, tasbeeh (glorification of Allah), isteghfar (seeking forgiveness) and takbeer (saying 'Allahu Akbar'). Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 88
Hadith No. 27
Fridays of the Month of Ramadhan
Imam Baqir (A.S.) has said: Surely, the Fridays of the month of Ramadhan possess an excellence over the Fridays of the other months, just as the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) possesses an excellence over the other prophets. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 69, pg. 376
Hadith No. 28
Seven Excellences of Ramadhan Fasting
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has stated: There is no Mu'min, who fasts for a day in the month of Ramadhan with the intention of attaining its rewards, except that Allah, The Exalted, grants him seven excellences:
1. The forbidden food that had entered into his body melts away.
2. He moves closer to the Mercy of Allah, The Exalted.
3. Allah expiates his sins.
4. Allah reduces for him the agony of death.
5. Allah protects him from the hunger and thirst of the Day of Judgment.
6. He is granted pardon from the fire (of Hell).
7. Allah provides him the good and pleasant food of Paradise.
Mustadrak al-Wasaail al-Shia'h, vol. 7, pg. 395
Hadith No. 29
Ramadhan: The Month of Patience
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: And it (the month of Ramadhan) is the month of patience, and surely, the reward of patience is Paradise.
Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 66
Hadith No. 30
Giving Charity
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: Allah shall ward off 70 kinds of calamities from one who gives charity in the month of Ramadhan. Wasaail al-Shia'h, vol. 9, pg. 404
Hadith No. 31
Reward of an Obligatory Act
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has stated: (The rewards of) one, who performs in it (the month of Ramadhan) a single act from amongst the obligatory (wajib) acts of Allah, would be like (that of) one, who has performed seventy obligatory acts in the other months. Wasaail al-Shia'h, vol. 10, pg. 307
Hadith No. 32
Night of Decree
Imam Baqir (A.S.) said: In the Night of Qadr is decreed every thing - pleasant and unpleasant, obedience and disobedience, birth and death, and livelihood - which would occur during the course of that year, till the next Night of Qadr.
Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 157
Hadith No. 33
Increase Prayers in the Month of Ramadhan
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: With the advent of the month of Ramadhan, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) would increase his Prayers (Salaat); I also increase mine and so, (you) increase yours (too). Tahdheeb al-Akhaam, vol. 3, pg. 60
Hadith No. 34
Eating of sahari
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: Eat your 'sahari' (the morning meal before the start of a fast) even if it is (mere) mouthfuls of water, for the blessings of Allah are upon those who eat the sahur. Tahdheeb al-Akhaam, vol. 4, pg. 198
Hadith No. 35
Hunger and Thirst of the Day of Judgment
Imam Ali (A.S.) said: Bring to mind, by means of your hunger and thirst in it (the month of Ramadhan), the hunger and thirst of the Day of Judgment.
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 356
Hadith No. 36
The Call of Allah
Abdullah Ibn al-Abbas Ibn Abd al-Muttalib reports that he heard the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) say: Every night, in the month of Ramadhan, Allah, The Blessed and The Exalted, calls out three times: Is there one, who seeks from Me, so that I grant him his wish? Is there one, who turns to me in repentance so that I turn to him (in Mercy)? Is there one, who seeks forgiveness from Me so that I forgive him? Mustadrak al-Wasaail, vol. 7, pg. 429
Hadith No. 37
Ghusl (ablution) on Night of Qadr
Imam Musa Ibn Jafar (A.S.) said: One, who performs the ghusl on the Night of Qadr and remains awake in it (engaged in worship), shall have all his sins forgiven. Wasaail al-Shia'h, vol. 10, pg. 358
Hadith No. 38
Shield of a Believing Servant
Allah, The Mighty and The Glorious has said: The fasts are the shield of the believing servants on the Day of Judgment, just as your weapons shield you in this world. Wasaail al-Shia'h, vol.10, pg. 403
Hadith No. 39
Iftaar for Mu'min
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: One who provides iftaar to a Mu'min in the month of Ramadhan, shall be granted the reward of liberating a slave (in the path of Allah) and shall have all his previous sins forgiven. And if he did not possess the means to present anything except milk mixed with water, or a drink of sweet water and a date, Allah would grant him this reward. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 317
Hadith No. 40
Farewell to the Month of Ramadhan
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) prayed: O' God! Ordain not this month of Ramadhan to be the last one for my fasts. But should you ordain it to be so, then make me blessed and leave me not deprived (of Your mercy). Badaabi Az Quran, pg. 398
The Miracles | for everyone |
The Miracles
WE BELIEVE that the unity of acts put the emphasis upon this fact that:- the great miracles that Were performed by the prophets were all with the permission of Allah as we read in the Book about the miracles of JESUS CHRIST:
"And remember when Allah said to JESUS; O, JESUS the son of Mary! Recount my favors to you and your mother. I strengthened you with the HOLY SPIRIT, So that you spoke to the people in childhood and in maturity. I taught you the book and wisdom. The law and the Gospel. And when you made out of clay the figure of a bird and by my permission you breathed into it and it became a (REAL) bird! And with my permission you healed the borne blinds and lepers. You raised the dead by my leave. I restrained the children ofIsrael from (HARMING) you when you showed them the clear signs, and the unbelievers among them said," This is nothing but evident magic."
When Solomon decided to have the throne of Bilqis transported to his court, so as to alter it to a basis of faith and religion of unity, a large powerful JINN, and one of his ministers volunteered to bring the throne Thus:-
"One who had knowledge of the book said," I will bring it to you in a twinkle of an eye!"
Then when Solomon saw the throne placed in front of him, he said," This is by the Grace of My Lord, so as to test me if I am grateful or not.
And he who thanks; thanks for the benefit of his own soul, and my Lord is free of all needs."
Characteristics of Imam Ali (A.S) | for everyone |
Characteristics of Imam Ali (A.S)
His specialities are so many and famous, well authenticated and reported by traditions, the chain of authority is avoided and some extracts are derived from Kitab al Irshad referred earlier.
On many occasions the Holy Prophet had prayed for him. When he sent Ali to Yemen in Ramadan 10 A.H. he blessed Ali with the following prayer: "Oh Allah put truth on his tongue, and enlighten his heart with the light of guidance." Then he himself put turban on his head and gave the black standard.
On one occasion the Holy Prophet said to Ali, "You pertain to me and I pertain to you," He also said, "When I am patron of anyone, Ali is his patron also." Once the Holy Prophet said, "Only a hypocrite does not love Ali and a believer does not hate him."
According to a Hadith the Holy Prophet said to Ali, "You have a resemblance to Jesus whom the Jews hated so much that they slandered his mother and whom Christians loved so much that they placed him in a position not rightly his. Ali afterwards said, "Two (types of) people will perish on my account, one who loves me so excessively that he praises me for what I do not possess, and one who hates me so much that he will be impelled by his hatred to slander me."
(a) Among these is the account that Prophet (pbuh) gathered his own family members and tribal kin together at the beginning of his mission for Islam. He showed them the faith and sought their help against the people of unbelief and enmity, and guaranteed for them, if they did that, favor and honor in this world and a reward in heaven. None of them answered him except the Commander of the fiathful, Ali b. Abi Talib (A.S.). Because of that he granted him the achievement of brotherhood (with himself), the office of helping him, of being his nominated trustee, his inheritor, and his successor, and announced that his going to heaven is inevitable. Ibid. p. 29-30
(b) Prophet, may God bless him and his family, ordered the emigration after the council of Quraysh had decided to kill him and he,peace be on him,would not have been to defeat their plans by leaving Makka. For he, peace be upon him, wanted to keep his departure secret and keep the reports about him hidden from them so that he could carry out his departure in safety from them. He told this news to the Commander of the faithful who kept it secret and slept on his bed .The Commander of the faithful, peace be on him dedicated his life to God, the exalted, devouted it to God, the Exalted, in obedience and exchanged it for His Prophet, the blessings and peace of God be on him and his family.
(c) The Commander of the Faithful fulfilled the Prophet's (pbuh) Obligations in Mecca.
(d). The prophet, may God bless him and his family, sent Khalid b. Walid to Banu Jadhima to summon them to Islam and he did not send him to make war (on them). He disobeyed his order, renounced his treaty, rebelled against his religion and killed people who had embrassed Islam. He betrayed their protected status when they were people who had accepted the faith. The Commande of the Faithful was sent to undo the unjust, to conciliate the people and to draw out their hatred and compensate them for their lives and material. The Commander of the faithful did justice to them.
(e) He kept the mission of conquest of Macca as secret, and intercepted the messenger of Quraysh, a lady, who was carrying the information regarding movement of of army of Islam. The lady first lied to al Zubayr b. Awwam who believed her denial of carrying any letter but when the Commander of the faithful, drew his sword and threatened her to kill, she took off her veil and took letter from her. The Commander of the faithful took and and showed to the Prophet, may God bless him and his family.
(f) The Prophet, may God bless him and his family, gave the standard to Sa'd b. Ubada on the day of the conquest of Macca and ordered him to carry it in front of him into Mecca. Sa'd took it and began to declare : "Today is the day of slaughter, the day of capturing (any) daughter".
"Haven't you heard what Sa'd b. Ubada is saying"? some of the people asked the Prophet, may God bless him and his family. "We are afraid that today will (simply mean) to him, attacking Quraysh. "The Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family ordered the Commander of the faithful to take standard from Ubada and to enter with it.
(g) Another fact which is agreed by historians (biographers ahl-al sira) is that the Prophet, may God bless him and his family, sent Khalid b. Walid to the people of Yemen to call them to Islam. He stayed with the people for six months, including a group of Muslims, calling them (to Islam) but not one of them responded. That depressed the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family.He summoned the Commander of the faithful, peace be upon him, and ordered him to send back Khalid and those who were with him. However, he told him that if anyone of those who had been with Khalid wanted to stay, he should let him. [Al-Bara reported :] I was one of those who followed him. When we came to the first people among the Yemeni's and the news reached the people (generally), they gathered before him. Ali b.Abi Talib, peace be on him, prayed the dawn prayer with us, then advanced in front of us. He praised and glorified God. Then he read the letter of the Apostle of God. The whole of Hamdan became Muslim in one day.
(h) The exalted rank of carrying the standard is considered highly (in such a disarray) as could not be hidden from those with discrement. Then the standard was given to another man after that. However, he was put to flight in the same way as the first man had been before. In that there was fear for Islam and its position after two men (carrying its standard) had not been succeeded in capturing the Fort of Qumuss (Khaiber). That troubled the Apostle of God, peace be upon him and his family, and made public the disobedience to him and bad attitude towards him. So he said in a public announcement "Tomorrow, I shall give the standard to no one but to the hero of attack who never flees, who loves God and the Apostle, and whom God and the Apostle love. Allah will give us the victory through him.
He, peace be upon him, went to the battle field accepted the challenge of Marhab the great Jew fighter killed him in one go and conquered the fort of Qumuss.
( i) Lastly he could abrogate the alliance with the polytheists through it. When he had traveled far away, Gabriel, peace be on him descended to the Prophet, may God bless him and his family. He told him : "God recites His greetings to you and says to you that the act of renunciation should not be performed for you except by yourself or a man (related) to you.
[EXTRACTED FROM KITAB Al IRSHAD (SHAIKH MUFEED, Translated by, I.K. Howard, pp.29-43.â€
Tips For Taking Medicine | for everyone |
Tips For Taking Medicine
Have you ever had a problem with your medicines? You are not alone. There are so many things to keep track of. For example, you may have asked yourself: • When exactly should I take my medicine? • Is it safe to take my vitamins when I am taking a prescription medicine? • Now that I feel better, can I stop taking my medicine?
Let's face it. Medicine is prescribed to help you. But it can hurt you if you take too much or mix medicines that don't go together. Many people are harmed each year, some seriously, because of taking the wrong medicine or not taking the right medicines correctly.
Your Health Care Team
You can help get the best results by being a partner with your health care team. Your health care team includes:
• Doctors, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, or other professionals who prescribe your medicine for you or are in charge of your care.
• Nurses who help with your care at home, a doctor's office, or a hospital.
• Pharmacists who fill your prescription and are available to answer questions about your medicines.
Four Ways To Play It Safe With Medicines
1. Give Your Health Care Team Important Information
Be a partner with your health care team. Tell them about:
• All the medicines, vitamins, herbals, and dietary supplements you're already taking. This includes:
_ Prescription medicines.
_ Medicines you can buy without a prescription, such as aspirin, antacids, laxatives, and cough medicine.
_ Vitamins and dietary supplements, such as St. John's Wort or gingko biloba
Also be sure to tell your health care team:
• If you have medicine allergies or if you have had problems when taking a medicine before.
• About any other doctors or health care professionals who have prescribed medicine for you or suggested that you take a vitamin or herbal supplement.
• If you are pregnant, may get pregnant, or are nursing a baby.
• About any other illness or medical condition you have, like diabetes or high blood pressure.
• If cost is a concern, there may be another medicine that costs less and will work the same.
2. Get the Facts About Your Medicine
Be InformedAsk questions about every new prescription medicine. Get the answers you need from your health care team before you take your medicine.
Read the Prescription
If your doctor writes your prescription by hand, make sure you can read it. If you can't read your doctor's handwriting, your pharmacist might not be able to either. If your doctor submits your prescription to the pharmacy electronically, ask for a copy of the prescription.
Know What Your Medicine Is For
Ask your doctor to write down on the prescription what the medicine is used for...not just "take once a day" but "take once a day for high blood pressure."
Ask QuestionsIf you have other questions or concerns:
• Talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
• Write questions down ahead of time and bring them to your appointment.
By taking the time to ask questions now, you may be preventing problems later.
Tips!• Write your questions down ahead of time. Keep a list of questions you want to ask your health care team. Take the list with you to your appointment.
• Take notes when you get information from your health care team.
• Bring a friend or family member with you when you visit the doctor. Talking over what to do with someone you trust can help you make better decisions.
• Try to use the same pharmacy to buy all of your medicines so your prescription records will all be in one place.
• Read and save the patient information that comes with your medicine. It's often stapled to the bag from the pharmacy.
• Keep a list of all the medicines, vitamins, and dietary supplements you take. Be sure to add new medicines to the list when you start taking something new or when you change your dose. Show the list to your doctor and pharmacist.)
• Make a copy of your list. Keep one copy and give the other to a friend or loved one.
3. Stay With Your Treatment Plan
I want to make sure all my medicines are OK. So once a year I call my pharmacist and make an appointment for her to check everything I'm taking. I put all my medicines and vitamins in a bag. I even put in nonprescription medicines like antacids, pain relievers, and laxatives.
Now that you have the right medicine, you'll want to carry out the treatment plan. But that's not always easy. The medicines may cause side effects. Or you may feel better and want to stop before finishing your medicines.
• Take all the antibiotics you were prescribed. If you are taking an antibiotic to fight an infection, it is very important to take all of your medicine for as many days as your doctor prescribed, even if you feel better.
• Ask your doctor if your prescription needs to be refilled. If you are taking medicine for high blood pressure or to lower your cholesterol, you may be using your medicine for a long time.
• If you are having side effects or other concerns, tell your doctor. You may be able to take a different amount or type of medicine.
• Your medicine was prescribed only for you. Never give your prescription medicine to somebody else or take prescription medicine that wasn't prescribed for you, even if you have the same medical condition.
• Ask whether you need blood tests, x-rays, or other lab tests to find out if the medicine is working, to find out if it's causing any problems, and to see if you need a different medicine. Ask your doctor to tell you what the tests showed.
What Products Can Help Me Keep Track of My Medicines?
Many products can help remind you to take your medicine on time and keep track of the doses you take. There are containers you can fill with your pills for each day of the week, calendars to check off, and even products that fit on top of a pill bottle. Ask your pharmacist for help finding the right product for you.
You can get help:
• At work, there may be a nurse on site.
• At school, a school nurse may be able to help your child take medicines on time and safely.
• At home, a visiting nurse may be able to help you.
Friends and FamilyFriends and family can help by:
• Going with you to the doctor. Ask them to take notes about your medicines and other parts of your treatment plan.
• Picking up your medicine at the pharmacy. Have them show the pharmacist your list of medicines, vitamins, and supplements. They should ask, "Will this new medicine work safely with the other medicines?"
• Calling regularly to remind you to take your medicine on time. If you are having any problems, let them know.
• Keeping a record of what medicine you take so you won't take it twice.
4. Keep a Record of Your Medicines.
Allah Azzawajal's Blessings- | for everyone |
Allah Azzawajal's Blessings- Give A Count
If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep ... you are richer than 75% of this world.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace ... you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.
If you woke up this morning with more health than illness ... you are more Blessed than the million who will not survive this week.
If you have never experienced the danger of battle,the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of are ahead of 500 million people in the world.
If you can pray in a Mosque without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death ... you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.
If your parents are still alive and still married ... you are very rare.
If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are Truly Thankful... you are Blessed because the majority can, but most do not.
If you can read this message, you just received a double Blessing in that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore, you are more Blessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read this message at all.
Have a good day, count your Blessings to Thank ALLAH Azzawajal , and pass this along to remind everyone else how Blessed we all are. Alhumdulillah!
Indeed, His Creations are The Best, as He Is The Best of all Creators.

"O Children of Abdul Muttalib! Do not shed the blood of Muslims under the banner: 'The Imam has been assassinated!' Only the assassin should be condemned to death.
If I die of this stroke of his, kill him with one similar stroke. Do not mutilate him! I have heard the Prophet, peace be upon him, say: 'Mutilate not even a rabid dog.'"
"My advice to you is to be conscious of Allah and steadfast in your religion."
"Do not yearn for the world, and do not be seduced by it. Do not resent anything you have missed in it."
"Proclaim the truth; work for the next world. Oppose the oppressor and support the oppressed."
"Fear Allah in matters concerning orphans. Attend to their nutrition and do not forget their interests in the middle of yours.
"Remain attached to the Quran. Nobody should surpass you in being intent on it, or more sincere in implementing it.
Fear Allah in relation to your prayers. It is the pillar of your religion.
Fear Allah in relation to His House; do not abandon it as long as you live. If you should do that you would abandon your dignity."
"Persist in Jihad in the cause of Allah with your money, your souls, and your tongue."
"Maintain communication and exchange of opinion among yourselves. Beware of disunity and enmity. Do not desist from promoting good deeds and cautioning against bad ones. Should you do that, the worst among you would be your leaders, and you will call upon Allah without response."
"O Children of Abdul Muttalib! Do not shed the blood of Muslims under the banner: 'The Imam has been assassinated!' Only the assassin should be condemned to death.
"I advise you, and all my children, my relatives, and whosoever receives this message, to be conscious of Allah, to remove your differences, and to strengthen your ties. I heard your grandfather, peace be upon him, say: 'Reconciliation of your differences is more worthy than all prayers and all fasting."
Hadees -The Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) | for everyone |
The Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) describes the Qur’an as follows: “Then Allah(Glorified and Exalted is He) revealed to him (the Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny)) the Book.
• It is a light whose radiance shall not be extinguished;
• A lamp whose flame shall not die;
• An ocean whose depth shall not be fathomed;
• A path which shall not lead astray;
• A blaze whose brilliance shall not be darkened;
• A criterion whose evidence shall not be suppressed;
• An elucidation whose cornerstones shall not be demolished;
• A cure with which there is no fear of ailments;
• A power whose supporters cannot be defeated;
• A truth whose helpers will not be forsaken.
• Thus, it is the source of faith and its prosperity;
• It is the fountain-head of knowledge and its vastness;
• The meadow of justice and its flowing streams;
• The support of Islam and its foundation;
• The valleys of the truth and its fields;
• An ocean that shall not be drained by those who draw upon it;
• A spring that shall not be exhausted by those who draw from it;
• A watering place that shall not be depleted by those who come to it;
• A station whose road the travelers do not miss;
• A signpost which the wayfarers will always see;
• The hilltops that cannot be bypassed by those who seek them.
• Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) has made it the quencher of the thirst of scholars,
• A vernal season for the hearts of the jurists,
• A destination for the path of the righteous,
• A cure after which there is no malady,
• A light which does not alternate with darkness,
• A rope whose knots are firm,
• A stronghold whose peak is impregnable.
• It is power for whoever cultivates it,
• Peace for whoever dwells on it,
• A guidance for whoever follows it,
• A laudable act for whoever embraces it,
• An argument for whoever speaks for it,
• A witness for whoever fights for it,
• A sharp instrument for whoever bases his arguments on it,
• A support for whoever supports it,
• A means of deliverance for whoever employs it,
• A sign for the discriminating, a shelter for whoever seeks healing,
• A source of knowledge for whoever has sense,
• And the best narrative for its transmitters,
• And a means for the one who sits in judgment.”

In His Name, the Lord of the Ka'baa
The GrandSon Of Hazrat Ali (a.s) Imam Ali Ibn ul Husain (a.s) has said that
'' My Grand Father Hazrat Ali Ibn-e-Abi Talib (a.s) has not been killed by the enemies but Of His Justice.''
The tragic days of the 19th and 21st of Ramazaan have once again approached us, the days when the enemies of Allah murdered the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, the Brother of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustufa (S), the Son of the Ka'ba, Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib(A), the first Imam of the Muslims.
From His Martyrdom, we can learn many lessons, as we can learn much from the life of This Great Personality, and it is necessary for us, as believers, as followers of the line of the true Islam, to learn about these Personalities to be able to use them as Role Models who we aspire to be like.
It is well known, that the words that Ali (A) uttered when the poisened sword struck His head while HE was in Prayer, were the now famous: "Fuzto WA Rabbil Ka'bah" - meaning - "By The Lord of the Ka'bah, I have Succeeded"
Here is a Man, who has just been struck by a poisened sword, and the words HE utters are those of thanks, those of someone thankful to His Lord that he has succeeded in achieving martyrdom.? Subhanallah. ? It is necessary for us to reflect on this.
From this statement, we can see clearly that the aim that we should be striving for is very simple, that every thing we do, our actions, our prayers, our intentions, should all be for the sake of Allah (s.w.t) , for the Lord of the Worlds.? Nothing else should cloud our judgement.
With the Shahadat of Hazrat Ali (A), the Muslim Ummah was orphaned, tragically, by a psychotic fanatic, Abdur Rahman ibn Muljim, the cursed murderer of Hazrat Ali (A).? But look at the justice of Hazrat Ali (A), even after HE was struck on the 19th of Ramazaan, and his companions wanted to exact revenge from the killer, Hazrat Ali (A), stopped them, HE told them wait, he is thirsty give him some milk.?
Hazrat Ali (A) then told His companions, that if I should die, then put this man to death in the same way as he has killed ME , by only one strike of the sword, and if he doesn't die by one strike of sword leave him alive but strike him only one sword instead of my death no more, no less.?
When Hazrat Ali (A) attained the lofty position of Martyrdom on the 21st of Ramazaan, the killer, ibn Muljim, was given the justice of Hazrat Ali (A) and sent to Hell where no doubt he will and is accounting for his actions, and their motivations.
We, as followers of the true Islam of Hazrat Muhammad Mustufa (S), the revolutionary Islam of Hazrat Muhammad Mustufa (S), the Islam that liberates the oppressed minds and frees the mournful souls, the Islam that combats all forms of injustice, be they internal or external, local or foreign, individual or collective. The priority that Hazrat Ali (A) had throughout His life, was the implementation of the Justice of Allah (S.W.T) upon the earth, and the pleasure of Allah in everything. And the purpose of killing Hazrat Ali (A) is only His justice because Hazrat Ali (A) never compromised on Justice and Quraan.
Rabbana Taqabbal Minna Innaka Anta-S-Samee- ul-Aleem.
Please recite Surah-e-Fatiha for Esaal-e-sawaab of all Marhoomeen Momineen & Mominaat who has passed away as well as for the safety of health & Emaan (faith) & tofiqaat-e-khair (ability of doing good deeds) of all Alive & presence Momineen & Mominaat (who will come till Qiyama).

HADEES | for everyone |
Imam Hasan Al Askari (`a) has said:
There are two merits above which nothing is higher,
belief in Allah and the benefitting of brothers.[3]
It is narrated that the Prophet (saww) has said:
Give alms and cure your sick person by it, because alms can surely remove your bad fortunes and ailments; and it causes prolongation of your lifetimes and increases your reward.
1. To talk about Allah's blessing is an expression of gratitude, and not doing so is an act of disbelief. The one who is not thankful for the few blessings will not be thankful for the many. And the one who is not thankful to the people will not be thankful to Allah. Unity is a blessing and division is a punishment.
2. A hypocrite has three distinguishing signs, when he talks he lies, when he promises he breaks it and when he is entrusted with something, he betrays such trust.
3. Avoid the seven great destructive sins. These are to join partners in worship with Allah, to practice sorcery, to kill without justification a living being whose life has been declared sacred by Allah, to practice usury, to misappropriate the property of an orphan, to flee from the battlefield at the time of fighting and to slander chaste and innocent believing women.
4. Wish for others what you wish for yourself.
5. Allah Most High loves a servant of His who is lenient when he sells, lenient when he buys, lenient when he pays his debt and lenient when he demands the payment of a debt due to him.
6. When a person dies, all his deeds cease except for these three: Perpetual charity, a beneficial knowledge, and a child who invokes Allah for him.
7. When any of you sees someone who is superior to him in riches and beauty, then he should look at another one who is inferior to him.
8. The people most prone to trials with afflictions are the prophets and then the most pious and then the next in piety and so on. A man is tried according to the strength of his belief. If his belief is firm, his trial will be harder, and if his belief is weak, he is tried accordingly. A servant of Allah will go on being tried with afflictions until he walks on earth free of sins. Utter good words spread the greatings of peace
Utter good words, spread the greeting of peace, be kind to your blood relations and pray at night while others sleep
There are many Hadees which recommend Dua (supplication). Here we present a few examples extracted from the book ‘Oddatol Daee’. The Asset of Supplicant by Sheikh Ahmad ibn Fahd Helli.
1. Hassan ibn Sdair says: “I asked Immam Mohammad ib ali al- Baqer (a.s.) which prayer is more virtuous? The Immam (a.s.) said: “Nothing is more praiseworthy to Allah than a servant’s request and no one is more detested than one who refrains from obeying Allah and asking something from Him”.
2. Zarareh quotes Immam Muhammed ibn Ali al-Baqer (a.s.) as saying: “Allah says: those who refrain from worshipping Me will enter the Hell with disgrace. Prayer, here, means Dua which is the best form of prayers.”
3. Zareh says” I asked Immam (a.s.) further about the meaning of the Quranic verse: “Surely Ibrahim was very tender-hearted, and Forbearing:” The Immam (a.s.) said: “tender-hearted here means on Who frequently recites Dua
3. Ibn Ghadiah quotes Immam Ja’far ibn Mohmmed al-Sadeq (a.s.) as:
Saying “ Immam Ali (a.s.) says: “ The most praiseworthy deed on the earth is Dua, the best form of prayer is chastity. An Immam Ali (a.s.) was an example as a man of abundant Dua.
4 Imam (a.s.) said “ Dua brings answer with it in the same way that Cloud brings rain”.
5 The Immam (a.s.) also asked “Can you distinguish between long-term and short-term affliction? The Immam (a.s.) replied “No” but further added that “whenever one of you were inspired with Dua, know that the affliction will not last long”
6. The Immam (a.s.) further stated that : “ The affliction of a believer
Who succeeds in Dua will be soon removed whereas the affliction of a believer who stops Dua will last long. Therefore whenever an affliction befalls you, supplicate to Allah “.
7. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) says” “Seek help from Allah when in need, seek refuge with Him during afflictions, supplicate, and call upon Him, for Dua is the gist of prayer. No believer calls upon Allah (swt) unless his call is answered in the following ways:
Either his request is granted in this world or he will receive it in the Hereafter, or his sins will be concealed to the extent of his Dua, provided he has not asked for a sinful act.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) asked: “Shall I introduce to you the most miser, the most sluggish, the most stealing person, the most oppressing and the most weak person”.
He replied: “The most miser person is one who visits a muslim but does not say Salam to him. The most sluggish person is one who is in good health but does not praise Allah with his lips and tongue during leisure times. The most stealing person is one who does not peform his prayer perfectly. Such prayer is twisted and thrown at his fact like an old piece of cloth. The most wrong doing person is one before who my name is said, but he does not send Allah’s greeting to me. The weakest person is one who has forgotten Dua”.
8. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “The best prayer is Dua. When
Allah inspires someone with Dua, He opens the door of Mercy to him. A man of Dua will never become wretched.
The Immam (a.s.) was asked: “Two worshippers begin their prayer at the same time. One of them recites more verses from the Holy Qur’an and the other has more Dua. They complete their prayers at the same time. Which is more virtuous? The Immam (a.s.) said: “Both are good and virtuous”. But still the person wanted to know which one is better. The Immam (a.s.) said: “ Dua is better. Have you heard Allah (swt) saying: Call upon Me; I will answer you. I will make enter into the Hell with disgrace those who refrain from worshipping Me. By Allah Dua is as prayer. By Allah dua is as the most profound prayer:
Immam (a.s.) also said: Allah inspired Adam (a.s.) saying: “I have collected everything from you in four words. He said: “My Lord! What are those four words”? Allah said: The first is due to Me, the second is due to you, the third is between you and Me, and the fourth is between you and people”. Adam (a.s.) said: “My Lord, make them clear for me: “Allah said “What is due to Me, is your being a servant of Me. What is due to you is that I will reward your deeds with you what you badly need. And what concerns you and Me is that you recite Dua and I will answer you. As for what concerns you and people, wish for others what you wish for yourself.”
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: Two persons whose deeds were the same entered paradise. But one of the two sees the other superior. Hence, he asked Allah (swt) My Lord! We have done the same deeds. What is his superior position for? Allah (swt) said: “He requested from Me but you did not.” The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “Request from Allah as much as you can for your request is not great for Allah.” He further stated that “Request from Allah so that He will grant it. Allah bestows blessings upon a group of His servants in return for their deeds and to another group in return for their sincere Duas. Then He will gather both groups in Paradise . The first group will say: “Our Lord! We were men of good deeds and You granted our requests but how about these people? Allah (swt) will say: These are My servants. I gave you your rewards fully. These people too requested from Me and I have them a share of My abundant Grace and Mercy. I will give to anyone I wish.”
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