WHOLE NIGHT OF IBADAT...... | for everyone |
There are many hadiths from the infallible and pure Ahlul Bayt (AS) concerning urging the "presence of heart". It suffices to translate some texts of those narratives: The Messenger of Allah (SA) is quoted to have said: "Worship Allah as if you see Him. If you do not see Him, He does see you." [73]
He further said: "Whoever performs a 2-rak'at salat without paying attention to any worldly matter, Allah, the Exalted, will forgive him his sins. [77]In another hadith he said: "A salat, half of it may be accepted, or one-third, or a quarter, or one-fifth, or even one-tenth. Another salat may be folded, like an old dress, and be thrown back at the face of its owner". "No part of the salat is yours except that part which you perform with an attentive heart." [78]
Imam al-Baqir (AS) has quoted the Messenger of Allah (SA) as saying: "When a believing servant stands for the salat, Allah, the Exalted, looks at him (or he said: He turns to him) until he finishes, and mercy shadows over his head, the angels surround him from all sides up to the horizon of the heaven, and Allah assigns an angel to stand at his head, saying: '0 musalli, if you know who is looking at you, and to whom you are supplicating, you will look to nowhere, nor will you leave your position.'" [79]
Imam as Sadiq (AS) is quoted to have said: "Eagerness and fear will not get together in a heart unless Paradise is his. So, when you perform your salat, turn with your heart to Allah, the Glorified, the Almighty, because there would be no believing servant who would turn with his heart to Allah, the Exalted, during the salat and invocation, unless Allah would turn to him the hearts of the believers, and with their love He would back him and lead him to Paradise." [80]
It is narrated that Imams al-Baqir and as Sadiq (AS) said: "Nothing of your salat is yours except that which you did with an attentive heart. So, if one performed it completely mistaken, or neglected its disciplines, it would be folded and thrown back at its owner's face." [81]
Imam Baqirul 'Ulum ( the cleaver of knowledge) (AS) is quoted to have said: "of a servant's salat ascends half, one-third, one-fourth or one-fifth to his account. That is, of his salat will not ascend except that part which is performed with an attentive heart. We have been commanded to perform the nafilah so as to make up for the shortcomings of the obligatory salats." [82]
Imam as Sadiq (AS) is quoted to have said: " when you wear the ihram for the salat (i.e. when you prepared for the salat), pay attention to it, because when you pay attention to it, Allah will pay attention to you. If you do not care for it, Allah will not care for you. So, sometimes, does not ascend of the salat except one-third, one-fourth or one-sixth, according to the amount of attention the musalli pays to it. Allah grants nothing to the negligent." [83]
The Messenger of Allah (SA) is quoted to have said to Abu Dharr: "Two moderate rak'ats of salat with contemplation are better than worshipping a whole night with a negligent heart." [84] The hadiths on this are many, but those which have been related are enough for those whose hearts are awake and attentive.
The Messenger of Allah (SA) was quoted to have said: "Two of my Ummah stand for the salat, and, although their ruku' and sujud are the same, the difference between the two salats is like that which is between the earth and the sky." [75]He also said: "Is the person who turns his face in the salat not afraid that it may turn into the face of an ass?" [76]
He further said: "Whoever performs a 2-rak'at salat without paying attention to any worldly matter, Allah, the Exalted, will forgive him his sins. [77]In another hadith he said: "A salat, half of it may be accepted, or one-third, or a quarter, or one-fifth, or even one-tenth. Another salat may be folded, like an old dress, and be thrown back at the face of its owner". "No part of the salat is yours except that part which you perform with an attentive heart." [78]
Imam al-Baqir (AS) has quoted the Messenger of Allah (SA) as saying: "When a believing servant stands for the salat, Allah, the Exalted, looks at him (or he said: He turns to him) until he finishes, and mercy shadows over his head, the angels surround him from all sides up to the horizon of the heaven, and Allah assigns an angel to stand at his head, saying: '0 musalli, if you know who is looking at you, and to whom you are supplicating, you will look to nowhere, nor will you leave your position.'" [79]
Imam as Sadiq (AS) is quoted to have said: "Eagerness and fear will not get together in a heart unless Paradise is his. So, when you perform your salat, turn with your heart to Allah, the Glorified, the Almighty, because there would be no believing servant who would turn with his heart to Allah, the Exalted, during the salat and invocation, unless Allah would turn to him the hearts of the believers, and with their love He would back him and lead him to Paradise." [80]
It is narrated that Imams al-Baqir and as Sadiq (AS) said: "Nothing of your salat is yours except that which you did with an attentive heart. So, if one performed it completely mistaken, or neglected its disciplines, it would be folded and thrown back at its owner's face." [81]
Imam Baqirul 'Ulum ( the cleaver of knowledge) (AS) is quoted to have said: "of a servant's salat ascends half, one-third, one-fourth or one-fifth to his account. That is, of his salat will not ascend except that part which is performed with an attentive heart. We have been commanded to perform the nafilah so as to make up for the shortcomings of the obligatory salats." [82]
Imam as Sadiq (AS) is quoted to have said: " when you wear the ihram for the salat (i.e. when you prepared for the salat), pay attention to it, because when you pay attention to it, Allah will pay attention to you. If you do not care for it, Allah will not care for you. So, sometimes, does not ascend of the salat except one-third, one-fourth or one-sixth, according to the amount of attention the musalli pays to it. Allah grants nothing to the negligent." [83]
The Messenger of Allah (SA) is quoted to have said to Abu Dharr: "Two moderate rak'ats of salat with contemplation are better than worshipping a whole night with a negligent heart." [84] The hadiths on this are many, but those which have been related are enough for those whose hearts are awake and attentive.
KINDS OF CHARITY | for everyone |
Kinds of charity
Charity is classified into five categories:
1- Charity on wealth which was discussed.
2- Charity on position is when a man of position intercedes for saving believers.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: “The best charity is the charity of tongue. It was said: O Messenger of Allah, what is the charity of tongue? The Holy Prophet said: It is intercession through which you can set a captive free, prevent bloodshed, help your believing brother, and expel evil from him.”
If you treat believing brother fairly with regard to wealth and honor, these two will be safeguarded.
3- Charity on wisdom is counsellorship. In this relation, the holy Prophet said: “Show the right way to your believing brother with your knowledge and protect him with your advice, for both are charity.”
4- The charity on tongue is when one can put out the fire of differences and make peace among them. in verse 114 of the Quranic Chapter, the women (Nisa), God says:
“There is no good in most of their secret counsels except (in his) who enjoins charity or goodness or reconciliation between people.....”
5- The charity on knowledge is through is dissemination among those who are entitled to it. In this relation, the Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:
“One kind of charity is that one should learn and then teach to people what he has learnt.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) also said: “The charity on knowledge is to teach it to one who does not know it.”
It has been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):“Every thing is subject to charity and the charity on knowledge is to one who is entitled to it.”
Increase your sustenance through alms-giving. | for everyone |
Whenever Imam Zeinul Abideen (A.S.) gave alms, he would kiss his own hands. When they asked him the reason, he said: “Before alms is put in the hand of needy man, it is placed in God’s hand.”
Imam Ali (A.S.) has said: “When you give alms to a needy man, the alms giver should kiss his hand, for God receives the alms before it is put in the hand of the needy man, since God is the Receiver of the alms.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: “Alms given by a believer is put in the hand of God before it is put in the needy man’s hand.”
Then the Holy Prophet recited verse 104 of the Quranic chapter Tawbah (Repentance):
“Do they not know that Allah accepts repentance from His servants and takes the alms and that Allah is the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful?”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has been quoted as saying: “God says: For every good deed I have appointed a deputy to receive it save alms which I Myself receive immediately. A man or a woman may give one or half date as alms but I will make it big as a colt grows into a horse and young camel grows into a camel so as to meet Me on the Day of Judgment while one or half date has become as big as Ohud Mountain.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has said: “Increase your sustenance through alms-giving.”
Imam Ali (A.S.) has said: “When you give alms to a needy man, the alms giver should kiss his hand, for God receives the alms before it is put in the hand of the needy man, since God is the Receiver of the alms.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: “Alms given by a believer is put in the hand of God before it is put in the needy man’s hand.”
Then the Holy Prophet recited verse 104 of the Quranic chapter Tawbah (Repentance):
“Do they not know that Allah accepts repentance from His servants and takes the alms and that Allah is the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful?”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has been quoted as saying: “God says: For every good deed I have appointed a deputy to receive it save alms which I Myself receive immediately. A man or a woman may give one or half date as alms but I will make it big as a colt grows into a horse and young camel grows into a camel so as to meet Me on the Day of Judgment while one or half date has become as big as Ohud Mountain.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has said: “Increase your sustenance through alms-giving.”
SINS AND INTERCESSION | for everyone |
Imam Kazim (a.s) said: “O' Abu Ahmad! Any believer who commits a sin will become sorry, and God's Prophet (a.s) said being sorry itself is a form of repentance. He also said: “Whoever is pleased with his good deeds and is unhappy with his bad deeds is a believer. Whoever is not sorry about his sins is not a believer. There will be no intercession for him since he is an oppressor. God the Almighty said: “No intimate friend nor intercessor will the wrong-doers have, who could be listened to.”[The Holy Quran: Mu-min 40:18]
Then he asked: “O' grandson of the Prophet! How can someone who does not repent for committing a sin be not considered a believer?” Imam Kazim (a.s) said: “O' Abu Ahmad! There is no one that knows if he commits a major crime he will be punished, and does not feel sorry when he commits it. Once he feels sorry, this is considered to be repentance, and thus he deserves intercession. But if he does not become sorry, he is considered to be one who insists on committing sins. Such a person will never be forgiven since as a result of the sins that he has committed, he is no longer a believer. If he believed in the punishment he would have repented.
God's Prophet (a.s) said: "Major sins are eliminated by repentance, and minor sins turn into major sins by insisting on committing sins." God the Almighty said: "And they offer no intercession except for those who are acceptable."[The Holy Quran: Anbyaa 21:28]
They will not intercede on behalf of those whose religion is not accepted by God. Religion consists of confessing to recompense for good and bad deeds. Whoever has a religion that is accepted by God will be sorry for committing sins since he is aware of the punishment in the Hereafter."
Then he asked: “O' grandson of the Prophet! How can someone who does not repent for committing a sin be not considered a believer?” Imam Kazim (a.s) said: “O' Abu Ahmad! There is no one that knows if he commits a major crime he will be punished, and does not feel sorry when he commits it. Once he feels sorry, this is considered to be repentance, and thus he deserves intercession. But if he does not become sorry, he is considered to be one who insists on committing sins. Such a person will never be forgiven since as a result of the sins that he has committed, he is no longer a believer. If he believed in the punishment he would have repented.
God's Prophet (a.s) said: "Major sins are eliminated by repentance, and minor sins turn into major sins by insisting on committing sins." God the Almighty said: "And they offer no intercession except for those who are acceptable."[The Holy Quran: Anbyaa 21:28]
They will not intercede on behalf of those whose religion is not accepted by God. Religion consists of confessing to recompense for good and bad deeds. Whoever has a religion that is accepted by God will be sorry for committing sins since he is aware of the punishment in the Hereafter."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “O' Abu Abdullah! Knowledge does not depend on learning. It is a light which God shines in the heart of whomever God the Almighty wants to guide. If you want knowledge, first create real servitude in yourself. Then acquire knowledge to practice, and ask God for understanding so that God makes you understand.” He asked Imam Sadiq (a.s): “What constitutes true servitude?” Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Three things constitute true servitude. First you should not consider what God has granted you to be in your own possession, since servants are not owners and they consider all property to belong to God and spend it in whatever way God orders. Second a servant should spend all his time doing what God has ordered and forbidding what He has forbidden. Therefore once a servant considers what God has bestowed on him not to be his own property, he can make donations easily; and when he leaves the management of all his affairs to the Real Manager, then withstanding the hardships of this world will be easier for him. Also when a servant accepts to do what God has decreed, and forbids what God has forbidden, then he will never quarrel with the people or be haughty. Whenever God grants these three characteristics to a servant, then he will look down upon this world, Satan and the people, and will not try to collect wealth in order to keep up with the Joneses. He will not demand honor and status from the people. He will not waste his time. This is the first rank of the God-fearing ones, as the Almighty God said: “That Home of the Hereafter we shall give to those who intend not high-handedness or mischief on earth, and the End is (best) for the righteous.” [The Holy Quran: Qasas 28:83] He asked the Imam (a.s): “Please give me some advice.” Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “I will advise you on nine issues. These are meant for those who are trotting on God's path. I ask God to help you act upon them. Three of them are about abstinence, the next three are about patience, and the last three are about knowledge. Remember them and do not take them lightly.” He got ready to hear them. Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Regarding the self, first do not eat what you do not like since that will cause you to become stupid. Second do not eat unless you are hungry, and only eat what is legitimate. Start eating in the Name of God, and remember that God's Prophet (a.s) said: “A man never fills any dish worse than he fills his own stomach.”
So if you have to eat, allow one-third of your stomach's space for food, another one-third for water, and the last one-third for air.” The three issues regarding patience are: If someone tells you that if you say anything, you will be answered back ten-fold, tell him that you will not say anything even if he says ten things to you. Second if someone swears at you just say that you will ask God to forgive you if he is telling the truth, and you will ask God to forgive him if he is telling a lie. Third if someone threatens you, advise him and pray for him. And now hear the last three issues regarding knowledge. First ask those who possess knowledge about what you do not know. Never ask them any questions in order to test them or blame them. Avoid acting according to your own viewpoints. Be cautious when doing things that you think require caution. Do not issue religious decrees as quickly as you escape from a lion. Do not let others use your neck as a bridge to climb over you.” Then Imam Sadiq (a.s) asked him to leave, and not disturb him since he was busy doing his prayers and he did not want to waste time.
So if you have to eat, allow one-third of your stomach's space for food, another one-third for water, and the last one-third for air.” The three issues regarding patience are: If someone tells you that if you say anything, you will be answered back ten-fold, tell him that you will not say anything even if he says ten things to you. Second if someone swears at you just say that you will ask God to forgive you if he is telling the truth, and you will ask God to forgive him if he is telling a lie. Third if someone threatens you, advise him and pray for him. And now hear the last three issues regarding knowledge. First ask those who possess knowledge about what you do not know. Never ask them any questions in order to test them or blame them. Avoid acting according to your own viewpoints. Be cautious when doing things that you think require caution. Do not issue religious decrees as quickly as you escape from a lion. Do not let others use your neck as a bridge to climb over you.” Then Imam Sadiq (a.s) asked him to leave, and not disturb him since he was busy doing his prayers and he did not want to waste time.
HADEES ON DUA-3 | for everyone |
Ibne Ammar says: I said to Imam Sadeq (A.S.): Two worshippers begin their prayer at the same time. One of them recites more verses from the Holy Quran and the other has more Dua. They complete their prayer at the same time. Which one is more virtuous?
The Imam (A.S.) said: “Both are good and virtuous.”
I said I know both are good but I would like to know which one is better?
He said: “Dua is better. Have you not heard God saying: Call upon Me; I will answer you. I will make enter into the Hell with disgrace those who refrain from worshipping Me. By God, Dua is as prayer. By God Dua is as the most profound prayer.”
Yaqub Ibn Shuaib says I heard Imam Sadeq (A.S.) saying: “God inspired Adam saying: I have collected everything for you in four words. He said: My Lord! What are those four words? God said: The first is due to Me, the second is due to you, the third is between you and Me, and the fourth is between you and people.
Adam (A.S.) said: My Lord, Make them clear for me . God said: What is due to Me, is your being a servant of Me and not associate anything with Me.
What is due to you is that I will reward your deeds with what you badly need.
And what concerns you and Me is that you recite Dua and I will answer you. As for what concerns you and people, wish for others what you wish for yourself.
Muhammad Ibn Hasan Saffar in his book of supplications quotes the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) as saying: “Two persons whose deeds were the same entered paradise. But one of the two sees the other superior. Hence, he says: My Lord! We have done the same deeds. What is his superior position for? God said: He requested from Me but you did not. Then the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) said:
The Imam (A.S.) said: “Both are good and virtuous.”
I said I know both are good but I would like to know which one is better?
He said: “Dua is better. Have you not heard God saying: Call upon Me; I will answer you. I will make enter into the Hell with disgrace those who refrain from worshipping Me. By God, Dua is as prayer. By God Dua is as the most profound prayer.”
Yaqub Ibn Shuaib says I heard Imam Sadeq (A.S.) saying: “God inspired Adam saying: I have collected everything for you in four words. He said: My Lord! What are those four words? God said: The first is due to Me, the second is due to you, the third is between you and Me, and the fourth is between you and people.
Adam (A.S.) said: My Lord, Make them clear for me . God said: What is due to Me, is your being a servant of Me and not associate anything with Me.
What is due to you is that I will reward your deeds with what you badly need.
And what concerns you and Me is that you recite Dua and I will answer you. As for what concerns you and people, wish for others what you wish for yourself.
Muhammad Ibn Hasan Saffar in his book of supplications quotes the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) as saying: “Two persons whose deeds were the same entered paradise. But one of the two sees the other superior. Hence, he says: My Lord! We have done the same deeds. What is his superior position for? God said: He requested from Me but you did not. Then the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) said:
Request from God as much as you can, for your request is not great for God.”
The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) has been quoted as saying: “Request from God so that He will grant it. God bestows blessings upon a group of His servants in return for their deeds and to another group in return for their sincere Dua. Then He will gather both groups in paradise. The first group will say: Our Lord! We were men of good deeds and You granted our requests but how about these people? God will say: These are My servants. I gave you your rewards fully. These people too requested from Me and I gave them a share of My abundant Grace and Mercy. I will give to anyone I wish.”
HADEES ON DUA-2 | for everyone |
Abdullah Ibne Meymoon Ghaddah quotes Imam Sadeq (A.S.) as saying: “Dua brings answer with it in the same way that cloud brings rain.”
Hesham Ibn Salem quoting Imam Sadeq (A.S.) says: “Can you distinguish between long-term and short-term affliction? They said no. He said whenever one of you was inspired with Dua, know that the affliction will not last long.”
Abu Valad has quoted Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.) as saying: “The affliction of a believer who succeeds in Dua will be soon removed whereas the affliction of a believer who stops Dua will last long. Therefore whenever an affliction befalls you, supplicate to God.”
The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) has been quoted as saying: “Seek help from God when in need, seek refuge with Him during afflictions, supplicate, and call upon Him, for Dua is the gist of prayer. No believer calls upon God unless his call is answered in the following ways:
-Either his request is granted in this world
-Or he will receive it in the Hereafter
-Or his sins will be concealed to the extent of his Dua, providing that he has not asked for a sinful act.”
The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) also says: “The weakest person is one who forgets Dua and the most mean person is one who is miser in greeting others.”
Shall I introduce to you the most miser, the most sluggish, the most stealing person, the most oppressing and the most weak person? They said: Yea, O Messenger of Allah. He said: The most miser person is one who visits a Muslim but does not say Salam to him. The most sluggish person is one who is in good health but does not praise God with his lips and tongue during leisure times. The most stealing person is one who does not perform his prayer perfectly. Such prayer is twisted and thrown at his face like an old piece of cloth. The most wrong doing person is one before whom my name is said, but he does not send Allah’s greeting to me. The weakest person is one who has forgotten Dua.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) of God has been quoted as saying: “The best prayer is Dua. When God inspires someone with Dua, He opens the door of Mercy to him. A man of Dua will never become wretched.”
Hesham Ibn Salem quoting Imam Sadeq (A.S.) says: “Can you distinguish between long-term and short-term affliction? They said no. He said whenever one of you was inspired with Dua, know that the affliction will not last long.”
Abu Valad has quoted Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.) as saying: “The affliction of a believer who succeeds in Dua will be soon removed whereas the affliction of a believer who stops Dua will last long. Therefore whenever an affliction befalls you, supplicate to God.”
The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) has been quoted as saying: “Seek help from God when in need, seek refuge with Him during afflictions, supplicate, and call upon Him, for Dua is the gist of prayer. No believer calls upon God unless his call is answered in the following ways:
-Either his request is granted in this world
-Or he will receive it in the Hereafter
-Or his sins will be concealed to the extent of his Dua, providing that he has not asked for a sinful act.”
The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) also says: “The weakest person is one who forgets Dua and the most mean person is one who is miser in greeting others.”
Shall I introduce to you the most miser, the most sluggish, the most stealing person, the most oppressing and the most weak person? They said: Yea, O Messenger of Allah. He said: The most miser person is one who visits a Muslim but does not say Salam to him. The most sluggish person is one who is in good health but does not praise God with his lips and tongue during leisure times. The most stealing person is one who does not perform his prayer perfectly. Such prayer is twisted and thrown at his face like an old piece of cloth. The most wrong doing person is one before whom my name is said, but he does not send Allah’s greeting to me. The weakest person is one who has forgotten Dua.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) of God has been quoted as saying: “The best prayer is Dua. When God inspires someone with Dua, He opens the door of Mercy to him. A man of Dua will never become wretched.”
HADEES ON DUA | for everyone |
Hanan Ibn Sodair says: I asked Imam Baqer (A.S.) which prayer is more virtuous? The Imam said:
“Nothing is more praiseworthy to God than a servant’s requests and no one is more detested than one who refrains from obeying God and asking something from Him.”
Zararah quotes Imam Baqer (A.S.) as saying:“God says: those who refrain from worshipping Me will enter the Hell with disgrace. Prayer, here, means Dua which is the best form of prayer.”
Zararah says I asked Imam Baqer (A.S.) about the meaning of the Quranic verse:
“Surely Ibrahim was very tender-hearted, forbearing.” The Imam said tender hearted, here means one who frequently recites Dua.
Ibn Ghaddah quotes Imam Sadeq (A.S.) as saying:
“Imam Ali says: The most praiseworthy deed on the earth to God is Dua, the best from of prayer is chastity.
Then Imam Sadeq said Imam Ali was a man of abundant Dua.
Quoting his father, Obeid Ibn Zararah narrates that Imam Sadeq (A.S.) said:
“Dua is the same prayer that has been mentioned in the Quranic verse those who refrain from obeying Me.... call upon God and do not say the die is cast.”
Quoting his father, Obeid Ibn Zararah narrates that Imam Sadeq (A.S.) said:
“Dua is the same prayer that has been mentioned in the Quranic verse those who refrain from obeying Me.... call upon God and do not say the die is cast.”
Khadija bint Khuwaylid, the wife of the Prophet, is truly known as a noble lady; she was, in the modern terminology, the First Lady of Islam.
During the Meccan phase of Islam's movement, Khadija was the main pillar of support for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). She was the first one to declare her faith in Islam. Her declaration of faith was a great testimony of the Prophet's character: a wife knows her husband's outer as well as inner character. By being the first to accept person to accept Islam, Khadija demonstrated that she believed in the truthfulness of Muhammad as the Messenger of God.
The initial years of Islam's mission were very trying; the Prophet faced severe opposition from the people of Mecca. In face of this rejection, Khadija provided the moral support and boasted the morale of the Prophet. According to Muslims historians, he even used to consult and discuss with her the issues related to the Islamic movement.
Khadija whole-heartedly supported the Prophet's cause by placing her wealth at his disposal. Almighty God has praised that by addressing the Prophet: "Did We not find you in need and made your free of need?" (93:8) It was through Khadija's wealth that the Almighty made the Prophet self-sufficient in his financial needs.
Although Khadija came from a very affluent background, she did not shy from sacrificing her wealth for the cause of Islam. Not only that, she even willingly went through the difficulties of three years of social/economic embargo imposed upon Prophet Muhammad and his family, the Banu Hashim. The hardship of these three years eventually resulted in her death.
It is to her credit that the Prophet of Islam did not marry another woman as long as Khadija was alive; she was the only wife who bore children for him. The name of Prophet continued through Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet and Khadija.

During the Meccan phase of Islam's movement, Khadija was the main pillar of support for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). She was the first one to declare her faith in Islam. Her declaration of faith was a great testimony of the Prophet's character: a wife knows her husband's outer as well as inner character. By being the first to accept person to accept Islam, Khadija demonstrated that she believed in the truthfulness of Muhammad as the Messenger of God.
The initial years of Islam's mission were very trying; the Prophet faced severe opposition from the people of Mecca. In face of this rejection, Khadija provided the moral support and boasted the morale of the Prophet. According to Muslims historians, he even used to consult and discuss with her the issues related to the Islamic movement.
Khadija whole-heartedly supported the Prophet's cause by placing her wealth at his disposal. Almighty God has praised that by addressing the Prophet: "Did We not find you in need and made your free of need?" (93:8) It was through Khadija's wealth that the Almighty made the Prophet self-sufficient in his financial needs.
Although Khadija came from a very affluent background, she did not shy from sacrificing her wealth for the cause of Islam. Not only that, she even willingly went through the difficulties of three years of social/economic embargo imposed upon Prophet Muhammad and his family, the Banu Hashim. The hardship of these three years eventually resulted in her death.
It is to her credit that the Prophet of Islam did not marry another woman as long as Khadija was alive; she was the only wife who bore children for him. The name of Prophet continued through Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet and Khadija.
Status of Woman in Islam | for everyone |
HADEES ON CHARITY | for everyone |
Many Ahadith also talk about the benefit of helping others:
- Charity keeps away from its givers, the heat of the grave, and on the Day of Judgement, the believer will be in the shade of his charity. Holy Prophet (s)
- Allah smiles at the person who stretches out his hand to give charity, and whoever Allah smiles at is forgiven. Holy Prophet (s)
- Guard yourselves from the fire (through charity) even if by a date, for surely Allah will raise it (cause it to grow), just as one of you raises his foal . . . until it becomes greater than a huge mountain. Holy Propeht (s)
The Qur'an also describes the spending of money in the Cause of God as a profitable trade that benefits its owner on the Day of Resurrection:
Being Grateful to the Almighty
Just as fasting teaches us to sympathize with the poor and the needy, it also teaches us to be grateful for all the blessings of the Almighty we enjoy. The food and wholesome drinks so abundantly available are great blessings of God. Because we have them everyday, we do not realize their importance. But when we are forced to restrain ourselves while fasting, we understand the importance of having enough to eat and satisfy the pangs of hunger.
The Holy Qur'an says:
O you who believe! Shall I lead you to commerce that saves you from a grievous Penalty? You should believe in God and His Apostle, and should strive (your utmost) in the cause of God, with your property and your lives. That will be best for you, if you but knew (61: 10 11).Many Ahadith also talk about the benefit of helping others:
- Charity keeps away from its givers, the heat of the grave, and on the Day of Judgement, the believer will be in the shade of his charity. Holy Prophet (s)
- Allah smiles at the person who stretches out his hand to give charity, and whoever Allah smiles at is forgiven. Holy Prophet (s)
- Guard yourselves from the fire (through charity) even if by a date, for surely Allah will raise it (cause it to grow), just as one of you raises his foal . . . until it becomes greater than a huge mountain. Holy Propeht (s)
Being Grateful to the Almighty
Just as fasting teaches us to sympathize with the poor and the needy, it also teaches us to be grateful for all the blessings of the Almighty we enjoy. The food and wholesome drinks so abundantly available are great blessings of God. Because we have them everyday, we do not realize their importance. But when we are forced to restrain ourselves while fasting, we understand the importance of having enough to eat and satisfy the pangs of hunger.
The Holy Qur'an says:
And whoever is grateful, he is grateful for his own soul, and whoever is ungrateful, then surely My Lord is Self-sufficient, Honored. (27:40)Nay! But serve Allah alone, and be among the thankful ones. (39:66)The following Ahadith also talk about the importance of being grateful:
- The first of your obligations to Allah is to thank His favors, and seek His pleasure. Imam Ali (a)
- Every breath you take requires thanks, in fact a thousand thanks, and more. Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq (a)
- No-one knows a favor except the one who thanks, and no-one thanks a favor except the one who knows. Imam Hasan al-Askari (a)
- Choose a country that has recently undergone a tragedy (war, earthquake, hurricane etc.). What happened to the people there? Imagine you were living there. Write a short essay on how you would feel if you had to go through the misery there.
- Read the following paragraph from the book Risalatul Huqooq by Imam Zaynul Abidin (a): The right of charity is that you know that it is a storing way with your Lord, and a deposit for which you will have no need of witnesses. If you deposit it in secret, you will be more confident of it than if you deposit it in public. You should know that it repels affliction and illnesses from you in this world and it will repel the fire from you in the next world. Explain this in your own words. According to this paragraph, what is the best way of giving charity? What three benefits of charity does Imam mention? Now write down the points Imam makes in this paragraph.
- Read the translation of Dua no. 44 from Saheefa as-Sajjadiyyah. What does Imam say about charity in the month of Ramadhan.
Castor Oil For Arthritis Pain Relief | for everyone |
Castor Oil For Arthritis Pain Relief
Castor oil is used as treatment of arthritis since Edgar Cayce promoted its use. He was the pioneer of castor oil packs that cured the diseases such as constipation, arthritis, ovarian cysts and urinary problems. Dating back to the ancient Egyptian era, castor oil has a long history of medical treatment. Castor oil was extracted from the castor bean in those times and used internally as a laxative. It results in amazing relief from various diseases when applied topically. In this article learn uses of castor oil for arthritis pain relief.
Castor oil is made up of 90 percent fatty acid, which is responsible for the castor oil healing abilities. Arthritis is a situation typified by inflammation of the joints, pain and swelling associated with joint stiffness and degeneration. The word arthritis comes from two Greek words, ‘athron’ means joints and ‘itis’ means inflammation. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (get more details about Rheumatoid Arthritis: Medication & its Side Effects) and ankylosing spondylitis (Back Exercises for Ankylosing Spondylitis) are different types of arthritis. The main characteristic of arthritis is inflammation. Castor oil is measured to be most effective in the management of any form of Arthritis, according to Ayurveda. To boost circulation and to promote removal and healing of the tissues and organs below the skin, castor oil pack is placed on the skin.
Uses of Castor Oil for Arthritis Pain Relief
Materials Needed
* Castor oil
* Hot water bottle or electric blanket
* Three layers of natural, uncolored wool or flannel cotton large enough to cover the area being treated
* Plastic wrap large enough to cover the cloth
* First of all soak the cotton with castor oil. It should be soaked but not drenched.
* Then place the pack on the area being treated, such as lower right abdomen.
* Cover the pack with plastic wrap and place a hot water bottle above the pack.
* Leave the pack for 30-60 minutes.
* Use the castor oil pack 3-7 days per week.
Other uses:
* Every morning have two cloves of garlic before brushing the teeth. If the pungent taste of the clove cannot tolerate then roast them in castor oil till they are golden in color.
* Fry half teaspoon of gandharva haritaki in castor oil then drink it with warm water.
* Drink one cup of ginger tea with two teaspoons of castor oil before going to bed in order to get some relief from joint ailments.
* Boil two tablespoons of castor oil and mix with a glass of fresh orange juice. To reduce the ailing symptoms of arthritis this should be taken daily in empty stomach.
* For immediate relief make a paste of castor oil and put it in on the inflamed joints.
* Mix two table spoons of Castor Oil with warm water and drink it in the morning.
* Apply slightly heated castor oil to the affected area. Apply the oil and massage the skin gently in an up and down strokes. After the massaging, keep the area open or wrap it with a cotton cloth to keep the region moist.
* For arthritis pain and inflammation tropical application is suggested at night.
* Eggplant is also helpful in curing arthritis. Bake one or two eggplant, mash them and fry the pulp in castor oil. Add spices, such as cumin, coriander, turmeric, garlic and salt and cook for a few seconds. Have this, once a day, for about two to three months.
* Before going to bed, drink 2 spoons of Castor oil, 1 spoon Honey and ¼ cup warm water.
* An overdose of castor oil can result in nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal cramping and pain.
* Do not use the pack during heavy menstrual period.
* Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use castor oil.
* Do not apply it to ruptured skin.
* Avoid contact with fabric that could become stained.
Castor oil is used as treatment of arthritis since Edgar Cayce promoted its use. He was the pioneer of castor oil packs that cured the diseases such as constipation, arthritis, ovarian cysts and urinary problems. Dating back to the ancient Egyptian era, castor oil has a long history of medical treatment. Castor oil was extracted from the castor bean in those times and used internally as a laxative. It results in amazing relief from various diseases when applied topically. In this article learn uses of castor oil for arthritis pain relief.
Castor oil is made up of 90 percent fatty acid, which is responsible for the castor oil healing abilities. Arthritis is a situation typified by inflammation of the joints, pain and swelling associated with joint stiffness and degeneration. The word arthritis comes from two Greek words, ‘athron’ means joints and ‘itis’ means inflammation. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (get more details about Rheumatoid Arthritis: Medication & its Side Effects) and ankylosing spondylitis (Back Exercises for Ankylosing Spondylitis) are different types of arthritis. The main characteristic of arthritis is inflammation. Castor oil is measured to be most effective in the management of any form of Arthritis, according to Ayurveda. To boost circulation and to promote removal and healing of the tissues and organs below the skin, castor oil pack is placed on the skin.
Uses of Castor Oil for Arthritis Pain Relief
Materials Needed
* Castor oil
* Hot water bottle or electric blanket
* Three layers of natural, uncolored wool or flannel cotton large enough to cover the area being treated
* Plastic wrap large enough to cover the cloth
* First of all soak the cotton with castor oil. It should be soaked but not drenched.
* Then place the pack on the area being treated, such as lower right abdomen.
* Cover the pack with plastic wrap and place a hot water bottle above the pack.
* Leave the pack for 30-60 minutes.
* Use the castor oil pack 3-7 days per week.
Other uses:
* Every morning have two cloves of garlic before brushing the teeth. If the pungent taste of the clove cannot tolerate then roast them in castor oil till they are golden in color.
* Fry half teaspoon of gandharva haritaki in castor oil then drink it with warm water.
* Drink one cup of ginger tea with two teaspoons of castor oil before going to bed in order to get some relief from joint ailments.
* Boil two tablespoons of castor oil and mix with a glass of fresh orange juice. To reduce the ailing symptoms of arthritis this should be taken daily in empty stomach.
* For immediate relief make a paste of castor oil and put it in on the inflamed joints.
* Mix two table spoons of Castor Oil with warm water and drink it in the morning.
* Apply slightly heated castor oil to the affected area. Apply the oil and massage the skin gently in an up and down strokes. After the massaging, keep the area open or wrap it with a cotton cloth to keep the region moist.
* For arthritis pain and inflammation tropical application is suggested at night.
* Eggplant is also helpful in curing arthritis. Bake one or two eggplant, mash them and fry the pulp in castor oil. Add spices, such as cumin, coriander, turmeric, garlic and salt and cook for a few seconds. Have this, once a day, for about two to three months.
* Before going to bed, drink 2 spoons of Castor oil, 1 spoon Honey and ¼ cup warm water.
* An overdose of castor oil can result in nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal cramping and pain.
* Do not use the pack during heavy menstrual period.
* Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use castor oil.
* Do not apply it to ruptured skin.
* Avoid contact with fabric that could become stained.
How to Apply Makeup to Achieve a Natural Look – Perfect Way | for everyone |
How to Apply Makeup to Achieve a Natural Look – Perfect Way
Most women want to know how to achieve the natural make up look. Not only is it a favorite of ours, but it’s also a look that men admire most on women. It is a look that enhances our natural beauty without changing our physical features. Applying make up in a perfect way is also a talent. Make up should be applied in such a way that you look beautiful as well as natural.
To ensure you achieve the natural look you are aiming for, its best to make sure your face has a clean surface. It should be cleansed, toned as well as moisturized. Remember, you’ll get much better natural looking results when applying make-up on a clean face.
Did you know 9 out of 10 people have dark circles in their eyes? If you are one of them here’s a tip, take your favorite concealer and apply it gently on the dark circle using your ring ringer. Make sure you blend in the concealer in a rolling motion to make it look natural. Its best to use your ring finger because we need to be delicate to our under eyes as for this area is one of the most delicate on our face. Some people however, might prefer using a brush or sponge though but you should use whatever tools works best for you.Our under eyes, are not the only areas on our face that may need to be concealed. Using a sponge or a brush gently concentrate and conceal areas on our face that may be red. They could be blemishes or even just redness which could occur around the nose as well as mouth. Blending is best done in a circular motion and we do this to even out our skin tone.
Evenly coat your foundation brush with a mineral based foundation. To get the best and the most natural look, you need to choose the foundation color which best suits your skin tone. Starting at the center of your face, blend in the foundation evenly using a circular motion. Don’t forget to include your jaw line and neck.
Setting Powder:
It is best to try different mineral powders and decide which work best on your skin ensuring that it is very natural looking and will not clog your pores.
Eye shadow:
The eyes are the “popping” point on the face. Most like to enhance them with bold, vibrant colors. However, when sticking with the natural look, it is best to have the eyes kept pretty and simple. Soft colors dusted over your lid, from lash line to brows. Eye shadows with a touch of shimmer will also add that extra glow to your eyes.
There are quite a few you can choose from. You can either use eyeliner in pencil, powder, or liquid form. If you want a naturally clean look, line only the top part of your eyelids. Make sure you evenly line both your eyes.
Before applying any mascara, be sure you curl your lashes first. When you’ve done that, take your mascara and evenly coat both your lashes. Wait a few minutes to let them dry, then re apply. There are different types of mascara brands. But if you want something that holds the curl very well, I suggest a waterproof mascara since it contains more wax.
Is a great way to achieve that natural looking glow. To apply blush properly, find the apples of your cheeks by smiling. Hold that smile and apply your blush. Make sure you blend it gently on your cheeks; also along the jaw line and the forehead as well for that all natural glow. You can also use a shimmer blush to add a little extra glow.
Most women want to know how to achieve the natural make up look. Not only is it a favorite of ours, but it’s also a look that men admire most on women. It is a look that enhances our natural beauty without changing our physical features. Applying make up in a perfect way is also a talent. Make up should be applied in such a way that you look beautiful as well as natural.
To ensure you achieve the natural look you are aiming for, its best to make sure your face has a clean surface. It should be cleansed, toned as well as moisturized. Remember, you’ll get much better natural looking results when applying make-up on a clean face.
Did you know 9 out of 10 people have dark circles in their eyes? If you are one of them here’s a tip, take your favorite concealer and apply it gently on the dark circle using your ring ringer. Make sure you blend in the concealer in a rolling motion to make it look natural. Its best to use your ring finger because we need to be delicate to our under eyes as for this area is one of the most delicate on our face. Some people however, might prefer using a brush or sponge though but you should use whatever tools works best for you.Our under eyes, are not the only areas on our face that may need to be concealed. Using a sponge or a brush gently concentrate and conceal areas on our face that may be red. They could be blemishes or even just redness which could occur around the nose as well as mouth. Blending is best done in a circular motion and we do this to even out our skin tone.
Evenly coat your foundation brush with a mineral based foundation. To get the best and the most natural look, you need to choose the foundation color which best suits your skin tone. Starting at the center of your face, blend in the foundation evenly using a circular motion. Don’t forget to include your jaw line and neck.
Setting Powder:
It is best to try different mineral powders and decide which work best on your skin ensuring that it is very natural looking and will not clog your pores.
Eye shadow:
The eyes are the “popping” point on the face. Most like to enhance them with bold, vibrant colors. However, when sticking with the natural look, it is best to have the eyes kept pretty and simple. Soft colors dusted over your lid, from lash line to brows. Eye shadows with a touch of shimmer will also add that extra glow to your eyes.
There are quite a few you can choose from. You can either use eyeliner in pencil, powder, or liquid form. If you want a naturally clean look, line only the top part of your eyelids. Make sure you evenly line both your eyes.
Before applying any mascara, be sure you curl your lashes first. When you’ve done that, take your mascara and evenly coat both your lashes. Wait a few minutes to let them dry, then re apply. There are different types of mascara brands. But if you want something that holds the curl very well, I suggest a waterproof mascara since it contains more wax.
Is a great way to achieve that natural looking glow. To apply blush properly, find the apples of your cheeks by smiling. Hold that smile and apply your blush. Make sure you blend it gently on your cheeks; also along the jaw line and the forehead as well for that all natural glow. You can also use a shimmer blush to add a little extra glow.
Applying for Small Business Loans Successfully | for everyone |
Applying for Small Business Loans Successfully
Most start ups soon feel the need for extra money to expand, advertise, and generally reach a size where the return on investment is good. Once the initial investment corpus earmarked by the entrepreneur is used up, they turn their thoughts to small business loans. However, successfully applying for a small business loan is no easy task. Bankers and lenders look for certain qualities in the entrepreneur and their business before they decide to grant the loan. If the borrower is aware of what the lender expects, then the borrower can prepare their application accordingly.
When asking for small business financing, it is up to the borrower to sell their idea to the banker. As bankers consider small business loans risky, they are not usually willing to grant such loans. However, if the entrepreneur persists with a well prepared business plan that clearly outlines the strategies for taking the business forward and shows how the repayment will be made, bankers are much more willing to give a fair hearing.
When applying for small business credit, you need to ensure that you are putting in at least 25 to 50 per cent of the money needed. This will convince the creditor that you are serious about your business. The papers you prepare for your potential creditors should clearly show that you have invested your personal funds in the business.
Small merchants and those running restaurants can also apply for a merchant cash advance. One advantage of this kind of financing is that you can use the funds at your discretion. You need not tell the bank how you are going to spend the money or on what heads. You can use the funds to pay staff or redo the premises. Of course, you need to establish a clear method of repayment and a strict schedule to repay the loan. Small business loans of this kind are relatively easier to obtain.
One way of obtaining a lower rate of interest from small business lending institutions is to approach the Small Business Administration for help. If this institution underwrites your loan, the risk to your lender is reduced. You will then be in a position to ask for a lower rate of interest on your loan. By reducing your interest outgo, you will be able to garner better profits from your business.
Yet another way of ensuring that you get the loan is to offer collateral. In the event that you need a business credit line to expand your business or spend on advertising and marketing, you should offer the lender some collateral. If your business owns property or machinery, use it as collateral, that is, pledge it to raise the cash you need. Again, this reduces the risk to the lender, helping you to ask for a lower rate of interest as well.
When bankers look at an application for small business loans, they will primarily be looking at the business viability, the business assets, and the personal credit rating of the entrepreneur. If you want to obtain the loan, your presentation to the banker should cover these points. You need to show that the business plan is sound and will generate sufficient revenues to repay the loan on time. You also need to show that your credit rating is good, as the banker is ultimately lending the money on your word.
Most start ups soon feel the need for extra money to expand, advertise, and generally reach a size where the return on investment is good. Once the initial investment corpus earmarked by the entrepreneur is used up, they turn their thoughts to small business loans. However, successfully applying for a small business loan is no easy task. Bankers and lenders look for certain qualities in the entrepreneur and their business before they decide to grant the loan. If the borrower is aware of what the lender expects, then the borrower can prepare their application accordingly.
When asking for small business financing, it is up to the borrower to sell their idea to the banker. As bankers consider small business loans risky, they are not usually willing to grant such loans. However, if the entrepreneur persists with a well prepared business plan that clearly outlines the strategies for taking the business forward and shows how the repayment will be made, bankers are much more willing to give a fair hearing.
When applying for small business credit, you need to ensure that you are putting in at least 25 to 50 per cent of the money needed. This will convince the creditor that you are serious about your business. The papers you prepare for your potential creditors should clearly show that you have invested your personal funds in the business.
Small merchants and those running restaurants can also apply for a merchant cash advance. One advantage of this kind of financing is that you can use the funds at your discretion. You need not tell the bank how you are going to spend the money or on what heads. You can use the funds to pay staff or redo the premises. Of course, you need to establish a clear method of repayment and a strict schedule to repay the loan. Small business loans of this kind are relatively easier to obtain.
One way of obtaining a lower rate of interest from small business lending institutions is to approach the Small Business Administration for help. If this institution underwrites your loan, the risk to your lender is reduced. You will then be in a position to ask for a lower rate of interest on your loan. By reducing your interest outgo, you will be able to garner better profits from your business.
Yet another way of ensuring that you get the loan is to offer collateral. In the event that you need a business credit line to expand your business or spend on advertising and marketing, you should offer the lender some collateral. If your business owns property or machinery, use it as collateral, that is, pledge it to raise the cash you need. Again, this reduces the risk to the lender, helping you to ask for a lower rate of interest as well.
When bankers look at an application for small business loans, they will primarily be looking at the business viability, the business assets, and the personal credit rating of the entrepreneur. If you want to obtain the loan, your presentation to the banker should cover these points. You need to show that the business plan is sound and will generate sufficient revenues to repay the loan on time. You also need to show that your credit rating is good, as the banker is ultimately lending the money on your word.
The World's Most Powerful Way to Make Money Online Really Quickly | for everyone |
The World's Most Powerful Way to Make Money Online Really Quickly
Many people today find that affiliate marketing will make it possible for you to make money online quick with this powerful business model. hasn't been that long ago that to make money as a sales rep would require you work either for a company or as an independent contractor.
Here is exactly how affiliate marketing has risen to become the world's most powerful way for anyone to do this!
Anyone can join an affiliate marketing program for free which is the key to this working for the average person. In marketing affiliate products on the Internet your success is strictly based on your own efforts.
Therefore to make more money you must increase the number of visitors coming to your website or affiliate website. This requires Internet marketing skills on your part however learning them is something anyone of average intelligence can do.
There are on the internet today, literally millions of affiliate programs. You want to be cautious in the affiliate programs that you increase the odds of making more money as an affiliate marketer.
One way you can protect yourself to a certain extent is to join an affiliate network. The network serves as a middleman for both affiliate marketers and affiliate merchants. This is ensured by the fact that you are dealing with quality affiliate companies to represent.
You can find affiliate product to sell in almost any niche. This has spawned a whole new industry known as niche affiliate marketing. By targeting a segment of a larger market you increase the chances for your own success by limiting the number of competitors you are working against.
Promoting your affiliate products and having your own website is important. If you really want to make money online quick having your own site that you can add and remove products to his extremely helpful. You allow yourself to be different than the other affiliate marketers all promoting the same site by not promoting the replicated affiliate site.
Because there are so many different affiliate merchants you can represent the commission structure can vary greatly from one to the other. Although this is not the primary determining factor you should base joining a company on understanding your commission rate is important. If two programs are basically equal, and one offers more money to you, obviously that is something to consider.
Affiliate marketing, in summary, has become the world's most powerful way to make money online really quick. Because everything is provided for you it allows you to join their programs for free and quickly began making money on the Internet.
Many people today find that affiliate marketing will make it possible for you to make money online quick with this powerful business model. hasn't been that long ago that to make money as a sales rep would require you work either for a company or as an independent contractor.
Here is exactly how affiliate marketing has risen to become the world's most powerful way for anyone to do this!
Anyone can join an affiliate marketing program for free which is the key to this working for the average person. In marketing affiliate products on the Internet your success is strictly based on your own efforts.
Therefore to make more money you must increase the number of visitors coming to your website or affiliate website. This requires Internet marketing skills on your part however learning them is something anyone of average intelligence can do.
There are on the internet today, literally millions of affiliate programs. You want to be cautious in the affiliate programs that you increase the odds of making more money as an affiliate marketer.
One way you can protect yourself to a certain extent is to join an affiliate network. The network serves as a middleman for both affiliate marketers and affiliate merchants. This is ensured by the fact that you are dealing with quality affiliate companies to represent.
You can find affiliate product to sell in almost any niche. This has spawned a whole new industry known as niche affiliate marketing. By targeting a segment of a larger market you increase the chances for your own success by limiting the number of competitors you are working against.
Promoting your affiliate products and having your own website is important. If you really want to make money online quick having your own site that you can add and remove products to his extremely helpful. You allow yourself to be different than the other affiliate marketers all promoting the same site by not promoting the replicated affiliate site.
Because there are so many different affiliate merchants you can represent the commission structure can vary greatly from one to the other. Although this is not the primary determining factor you should base joining a company on understanding your commission rate is important. If two programs are basically equal, and one offers more money to you, obviously that is something to consider.
Affiliate marketing, in summary, has become the world's most powerful way to make money online really quick. Because everything is provided for you it allows you to join their programs for free and quickly began making money on the Internet.
Make Money Online in This Economic Climate | for everyone |
Make Money Online in This Economic Climate
How to make money online is a question more and more people are asking thanks in no small part to the vagaries of the current economic climate. More and more people either find themselves out of work or on reduced hours and are looking for ways to replace or supplement their income.
The biggest problem with this for any newcomer to the internet marketing world is the huge range of options, guides and gurus telling them exactly how it should be done, and promising untold riches at the push of a button. The simple truth is there is no easy push button way to make money online, like anything you have to work for it.
For the last 18 months I have been teaching students and even some big money clients a different approach to online marketing, and it is the mindset of the approach that is even more important than the actual methods. Now for the most part I am getting paid to teach this approach, although I have been helping friends and some distant relatives too who had found themselves struggling financially.
So what is the "mindset" or approach? Its simple really cast the widest possible net you can or in other words "chuck as much as possible at the wall and more will stick" marketing approach! I heard John Reese talk about this back in 2007 and despite the wonderful speakers at the event it was the one thing that stuck with me, and it was worth attending just for that one little "trinket" What was it?
Again it was simple, to really succeed in online marketing you had to "own" as much of the internet as possible. So from that moment on I strove to do just that. Initially my "real estate" was a mixture of my own sites and blogs complemented by mass building web2.0 pages on sites like Squidoo, Hubpages etc. My own sites were a mixture of mini sites, based on a handful of profitable keywords, and autoblogs which were much bigger in scope and size.
This was a huge success and I was making a lot of money every month and continued to do so until early in 2009 when I noticed that although I was still making plenty of cash the actual return per individual site was dropping. In fact for the first time since I started this approach I was adding to my portfolio every month but my actual earnings were at a standstill.
Now many people would have probably thought well its ok I'm still making more than I expected or wanted so what does it matter but I love testing and especially experimenting so I trained up a couple of full time outsourcers to do what I had been doing and went to work figuring out what was going on.
After several attempts at making changes I finally found one that worked and worked well. I took my mini sites and added autoblogging methods too them. Now importantly I structured these blogs so that the emphasis was still on those initial five or six keyword articles and the automated content was basically just there as a way of driving customers to those money pages. Before I knew it these sites were earning more then they had when they were at their peak, happy happy joy joy!
Seeing this success I went back to the original autoblogs and incorporated the same mini site methodology into those and again it worked like gangbusters. So basically I crossed my mini sites with my autoblogs and got profit and now all my sites are built from scratch with this same concept! The real beauty is that because they are 90% automated, cranking them out is easier than ever, and yes everything is done by my outsourcers who are actually now full time staff.
Now going back to the wide net mentality, if I had never heard John Reese talk about this and had not gone out and taken action and built all those sites to start with I would have never have seen the trend downwards and not gone and figured out a way of changing it up again. If I had been concentrating on a handful of blogs and they would have started to drop, I probably would have thought it was just an anomaly because my test group was so small.
So in my personal opinion, and this does come from personal results and not supposition, or anything I read somewhere, the best way to make money online is to spread your net as wide as possible. In 2010 this really is very easy indeed with all the technology at our fingertips compared to 3 years ago when you had to build everything by hand.
So if you are new to online marketing go and put your foot in the water, not your toe, and build some blogs, the more the better. And if you are an intermediate or experienced marketer don't you think it is about time you spread your net, instead of fishing in one spot that could dry up any day with no warning? Go on you know it makes sense!
How to make money online is a question more and more people are asking thanks in no small part to the vagaries of the current economic climate. More and more people either find themselves out of work or on reduced hours and are looking for ways to replace or supplement their income.
The biggest problem with this for any newcomer to the internet marketing world is the huge range of options, guides and gurus telling them exactly how it should be done, and promising untold riches at the push of a button. The simple truth is there is no easy push button way to make money online, like anything you have to work for it.
For the last 18 months I have been teaching students and even some big money clients a different approach to online marketing, and it is the mindset of the approach that is even more important than the actual methods. Now for the most part I am getting paid to teach this approach, although I have been helping friends and some distant relatives too who had found themselves struggling financially.
So what is the "mindset" or approach? Its simple really cast the widest possible net you can or in other words "chuck as much as possible at the wall and more will stick" marketing approach! I heard John Reese talk about this back in 2007 and despite the wonderful speakers at the event it was the one thing that stuck with me, and it was worth attending just for that one little "trinket" What was it?
Again it was simple, to really succeed in online marketing you had to "own" as much of the internet as possible. So from that moment on I strove to do just that. Initially my "real estate" was a mixture of my own sites and blogs complemented by mass building web2.0 pages on sites like Squidoo, Hubpages etc. My own sites were a mixture of mini sites, based on a handful of profitable keywords, and autoblogs which were much bigger in scope and size.
This was a huge success and I was making a lot of money every month and continued to do so until early in 2009 when I noticed that although I was still making plenty of cash the actual return per individual site was dropping. In fact for the first time since I started this approach I was adding to my portfolio every month but my actual earnings were at a standstill.
Now many people would have probably thought well its ok I'm still making more than I expected or wanted so what does it matter but I love testing and especially experimenting so I trained up a couple of full time outsourcers to do what I had been doing and went to work figuring out what was going on.
After several attempts at making changes I finally found one that worked and worked well. I took my mini sites and added autoblogging methods too them. Now importantly I structured these blogs so that the emphasis was still on those initial five or six keyword articles and the automated content was basically just there as a way of driving customers to those money pages. Before I knew it these sites were earning more then they had when they were at their peak, happy happy joy joy!
Seeing this success I went back to the original autoblogs and incorporated the same mini site methodology into those and again it worked like gangbusters. So basically I crossed my mini sites with my autoblogs and got profit and now all my sites are built from scratch with this same concept! The real beauty is that because they are 90% automated, cranking them out is easier than ever, and yes everything is done by my outsourcers who are actually now full time staff.
Now going back to the wide net mentality, if I had never heard John Reese talk about this and had not gone out and taken action and built all those sites to start with I would have never have seen the trend downwards and not gone and figured out a way of changing it up again. If I had been concentrating on a handful of blogs and they would have started to drop, I probably would have thought it was just an anomaly because my test group was so small.
So in my personal opinion, and this does come from personal results and not supposition, or anything I read somewhere, the best way to make money online is to spread your net as wide as possible. In 2010 this really is very easy indeed with all the technology at our fingertips compared to 3 years ago when you had to build everything by hand.
So if you are new to online marketing go and put your foot in the water, not your toe, and build some blogs, the more the better. And if you are an intermediate or experienced marketer don't you think it is about time you spread your net, instead of fishing in one spot that could dry up any day with no warning? Go on you know it makes sense!
TO PONDER | for everyone |
1. Give Allah what's right, not what's left.
2. Man's way leads to a hopeless end. Allah's way leads to an endless hope.
3. A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.
4. He who kneels before Allah can stand before anyone.
2. Man's way leads to a hopeless end. Allah's way leads to an endless hope.
3. A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.
4. He who kneels before Allah can stand before anyone.
5. In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma, but never let
him be the full stop.
6. Don't put a question mark where Allah puts a full stop.
7. Are you wrinkled with burden? Come to the mosque for a face lift.
8. When praying, don't give Allah instructions, just report for duty
9. Don't wait for six strong men to take you to the mosque.
10. We don't change Allah's message His message changes us.
11. The mosque is prayer-conditioned.
12. When Allah ordains, He sustains.
13. Warning: Exposure to Allah may prevent burning.
14. Plan ahead It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.
15. Most people want to serve Allah, but only in an advisory position.
16. Suffering from truth decay? Brush up on your Qur'an.
17. Exercise daily Walk with Allah.
18. Never give the devil a ride He will always want to drive.
19. Nothing else ruins the truth like stretching it.
20. Compassion is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.
21. He, who angers you, controls you.
22. Worry is the darkroom in which negatives are developed.
23. Give Satan an inch and he will be a ruler.
24. Allah doesn't call the qualified He qualifies the called.
25. Read the Qur'an It will show you how simple life can be.
him be the full stop.
6. Don't put a question mark where Allah puts a full stop.
7. Are you wrinkled with burden? Come to the mosque for a face lift.
8. When praying, don't give Allah instructions, just report for duty
9. Don't wait for six strong men to take you to the mosque.
10. We don't change Allah's message His message changes us.
11. The mosque is prayer-conditioned.
12. When Allah ordains, He sustains.
13. Warning: Exposure to Allah may prevent burning.
14. Plan ahead It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.
15. Most people want to serve Allah, but only in an advisory position.
16. Suffering from truth decay? Brush up on your Qur'an.
17. Exercise daily Walk with Allah.
18. Never give the devil a ride He will always want to drive.
19. Nothing else ruins the truth like stretching it.
20. Compassion is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.
21. He, who angers you, controls you.
22. Worry is the darkroom in which negatives are developed.
23. Give Satan an inch and he will be a ruler.
24. Allah doesn't call the qualified He qualifies the called.
25. Read the Qur'an It will show you how simple life can be.
Online portals of Indian Govt for all range of information and service | for everyone |
Here are the online portals of Indian Govt for all range of information and service
- A single stop source of complete information:
* Indian government online - Very Informative*
* Birth Certificate <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=1>
* Caste Certificate <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=4>
* Tribe Certificate <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=8>
* Domicile Certificate <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=5>
* Driving Licence <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=6>
* Marriage Certificate <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=3>
* Death Certificate <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=2>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
* Indian government online - Very Informative*
* Birth Certificate <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=1>
* Caste Certificate <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=4>
* Tribe Certificate <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=8>
* Domicile Certificate <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=5>
* Driving Licence <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=6>
* Marriage Certificate <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=3>
* Death Certificate <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=2>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
Apply for:
* PAN Card <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=15>
* TAN Card <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=3>
* Ration Card <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=7>
* Passport <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=2>
* Inclusion of name in the Electoral Rolls <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=10>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
* PAN Card <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=15>
* TAN Card <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=3>
* Ration Card <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=7>
* Passport <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=2>
* Inclusion of name in the Electoral Rolls <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=10>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
* Land/Property <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=9>
* Vehicle <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=13>
* With State Employment Exchange <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=12>
* As Employer <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=17>
* Company <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=19>
* .IN Domain <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=18>
* GOV.IN <http://gov.in/><http://gov.in/>
* Land/Property <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=9>
* Vehicle <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=13>
* With State Employment Exchange <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ howdoi.php? service=12>
* As Employer <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=17>
* Company <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=19>
* .IN Domain <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=18>
* GOV.IN <http://gov.in/><http://gov.in/>
Domain <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=25>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
* Waiting list status for Central Government Housing <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=9>
* Status of Stolen Vehicles <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=1>
* Land Records <http://www.india. gov.in/landrecor ds/index. php>
* Causelist of Indian Courts <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=7>
* Court Judgements (JUDIS ) <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=24>
* Daily Court Orders/Case Status <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=21>
* Acts of Indian Parliament <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=13>
* Exam Results <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=16>
* Speed Post Status <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=10>
* Agricultural Market Prices Online <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=6>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
* Waiting list status for Central Government Housing <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=9>
* Status of Stolen Vehicles <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=1>
* Land Records <http://www.india. gov.in/landrecor ds/index. php>
* Causelist of Indian Courts <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=7>
* Court Judgements (JUDIS ) <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=24>
* Daily Court Orders/Case Status <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=21>
* Acts of Indian Parliament <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=13>
* Exam Results <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=16>
* Speed Post Status <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=10>
* Agricultural Market Prices Online <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=6>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
* Train Tickets Online <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=5>
* Air Tickets Online <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=4>
* Income Tax Returns <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=12>
* Complaint with Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=14>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
* Train Tickets Online <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=5>
* Air Tickets Online <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=4>
* Income Tax Returns <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=12>
* Complaint with Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=14>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
Contribute to:
* Prime Minister's Relief Fund <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=11>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
* Prime Minister's Relief Fund <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=11>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
* Send Letters Electronically <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=20>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
Recently Added Online Services
* Tamil Nadu: Online application of marriage certificate for persons having registered their marriages <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2691>
* Tamil Nadu: Online District wise soil Details of Tamil Nadu <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2693>
* Tamil Nadu: View Water shed Atlas of Tamil Nadu <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2694>
* Tamil Nadu: E-Pension District Treasury Tirunelveli <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2695>
* Meghalaya: Search Electoral Roll Online by Name (2008) <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2697>
* Meghalaya: Search Electoral Roll Online by EPIC number (2008) <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2698>
* Meghalaya: Search Electoral Roll Online by House number (2008) <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2699>
* Himachal Pradesh: Revised Pay and Arrears Calculator-Fifth Pay <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2702>
* Meghalaya: Search Electoral Roll Online by Part number (2008) <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2700>
* Andhra Pradesh: Online Motor Driving School Information <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2705>
Global Navigation
* Citizens <http://www.india. gov.in/citizen. php>
* Business (External website that opens in a new window) <http://business. gov.in/>
* Overseas <http://www.india. gov.in/overseas. php>
* Government <http://www.india. gov.in/govt. php>
* Know India <http://www.india. gov.in/knowindia .php>
* Sectors <http://www.india. gov.in/sector. php>
* Directories <http://www.india. gov.in/directori es.php>
* Documents <http://www.india. gov.in/documents .php>
* Forms <http://www.india. gov.in/forms/ forms.php>
* Acts <http://www.india. gov.in/govt/ acts.php>
* Rules <http://www.india. gov.in/govt/ rules.php>
* Schemes <http://www.india. gov.in/govt/ schemes.php>
* Tenders <http://www.india. gov.in/tenders. php>
* Home <http://www.india. gov.in/default. php>
* About the Portal <http://www.india. gov.in/aboutthep ortal.php>
* Site Map <http://www.india. gov.in/sitemap. php>
* Link to Us <http://www.india. gov.in/linktous. php>
* Suggest to a Friend <http://www.india. gov.in/suggest/ suggest.php>
* Help <http://www.india. gov.in/help. php>
* Terms of Use <http://www.india. gov.in/termscond tions.php>
* Feedback <http://www.india. gov.in/feedback. php>
* Contact Us <http://www.india. gov.in/contactus .php>
* Accessibility Statement <http://www.india. gov.in/accessibi litystatement. php>
* Send Letters Electronically <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ otherservice_ details.php? service=20>
* Search More - How do I <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ advancedsearch. php>
Recently Added Online Services
* Tamil Nadu: Online application of marriage certificate for persons having registered their marriages <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2691>
* Tamil Nadu: Online District wise soil Details of Tamil Nadu <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2693>
* Tamil Nadu: View Water shed Atlas of Tamil Nadu <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2694>
* Tamil Nadu: E-Pension District Treasury Tirunelveli <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2695>
* Meghalaya: Search Electoral Roll Online by Name (2008) <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2697>
* Meghalaya: Search Electoral Roll Online by EPIC number (2008) <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2698>
* Meghalaya: Search Electoral Roll Online by House number (2008) <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2699>
* Himachal Pradesh: Revised Pay and Arrears Calculator-Fifth Pay <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2702>
* Meghalaya: Search Electoral Roll Online by Part number (2008) <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2700>
* Andhra Pradesh: Online Motor Driving School Information <http://www.india. gov.in/howdo/ onlineservice_ detail.php? service=2705>
Global Navigation
* Citizens <http://www.india. gov.in/citizen. php>
* Business (External website that opens in a new window) <http://business. gov.in/>
* Overseas <http://www.india. gov.in/overseas. php>
* Government <http://www.india. gov.in/govt. php>
* Know India <http://www.india. gov.in/knowindia .php>
* Sectors <http://www.india. gov.in/sector. php>
* Directories <http://www.india. gov.in/directori es.php>
* Documents <http://www.india. gov.in/documents .php>
* Forms <http://www.india. gov.in/forms/ forms.php>
* Acts <http://www.india. gov.in/govt/ acts.php>
* Rules <http://www.india. gov.in/govt/ rules.php>
* Schemes <http://www.india. gov.in/govt/ schemes.php>
* Tenders <http://www.india. gov.in/tenders. php>
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PRINCIPLES OF LIFE | for everyone |
- No point using limited life to chase unlimited money.
- No point earning so much money you cannot live to spend it .
- Money is not yours until you spend it.
- When you are young, you use your health to chase your wealth ;when you are old, you use your wealth to buy back your health . Difference is that, it is too late .
- How happy a man is, is not how much he has but how little he needs .
- No point working so hard to provide for the people you have no time to spend with
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