DOUBTS AND CONFUSION | for everyone |
Doubt and confusion means being unable to extract truth and to reject the untruth and these defects too are considered dangerous for man. But the initial doubt, in the opinion of Martyr Mutahhari (r.a.), is not only not undesirable but is also desirable because it is a means of finding the fact. What has been censured is to continue in doubt, not the doubt itself.
He it is Who created you from clay, then He decreed a term; and there is a term named with Him; still you doubt. And among men is he who serves Allah standing on the verge, so that if good befalls him he is satisfied therewith, but if a trial afflict him he turns back headlong; he loses this world as well as the hereafter; that is a manifest loss. The believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Apostle then they doubt not and struggle hard with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah; they are the truthful ones.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has reportedly said: The best deed in the sight of God is Faith in which there is no doubt. Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s.) has said: Really those who are in doubt and sin are in hell these two are not from us and they do not come toward us. Hazrat Sadiq (a.s.), while explaining the verse In this way the Lord Almighty puts impurity on these who do not believe says here impurity means doubtfulness.
From these verses we conclude that doubtfulness is very condemnable and it is not compatible with Faith is God and in the Hereafter. Of course, doubt is different from Vaswasaa (enticement) which sometimes is created by satan in the heart of man. So we read in a narration; Someone asked Imam Moosa bin Ja’far (a.s.): and in another instance said: A man asked the Imam: I feel big enticements in my heart. The Imam replied: Say: laa ilaaha illallah or laa hula walaa quwwata illa billah.
Remedy for removing doubtfulness and ignorance
The way of removing this dangerous disease is the tearing apart the veils of ignorance and doubts and implanting Faith and certainty in heart. That is why the scholars of Islam have said that certainty is the opposite of compound ignorance and confusion and doubt. For this reason certainty is considered the best of human virtues. In the Holy Quran also Yaqueen (Certainty) is mentioned as one of the virtues of the Muttaqueen Pious, Mumineen Faithful and Muhsineen Benevolent.
Surah Baqarah: 2, Surah Naml: 3, Luqman: 4.
And we made of them Imams to guide by our command when they were patient, and they were certain of our communications. Nay! if you had known with a certain knowledge, You should most certainly have seen the hell; Then you shall most certainly see it with the eye of certainty.
THE HARDENING OF HEART | for everyone |
The people in a society can be divided into two kind one group is moderate who except the truth and the another of those whose hearts are full of hardness and Harshness. In this matter the Holy Quran says:
What! is he whose heart Allah has opened for Islam so that he is in a light from his Lord like the hard-hearted? Nay, woe to those whose hearts are hard against the remembrance of Allah; those are in clear error. Has not the time yet come for those who believe that their hearts should be humble for the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the truth? And that they should not be like those who were given the Book before, but the time became prolonged to them, so their hearts hardened, and most of them are transgressors.
But on account of their breaking their covenant We cursed them and made their hearts hard; they altered the words from their places and they neglected a portion of what they were reminded of; and you shall always discover treachery in them excepting a few… Does God become the cause of someone being hard-hearted?
The answer is certainly in the negative because, in many cases, it is due to their wrong deeds that people deprive themselves of the mercy and guidance of God. In fact, their misdeeds become a fountainhead of mental deviation and demoralisation which renders them unable to save themselves from their ill effects and they are never inclined to accept the truth as the Holy Quran explains:
And We reveal of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers, and it adds only to the perdition of the unjust. This is because the unjust oppressors who usually oppress their own selves adopt a wrong meaning effect from the Holy Quran, that is, as a result of their denial, unbelief, oppression and hypocrisy the essence of their being turns into a totally different being and hence they get up to fight with the light of the truth where ever they find it. This fight with truth adds to the dirt and uncleanness of their hearts and strengthens their inclination toward rebellion.
However, the reason why Allah says that He caused the aforesaid misguidance or hard-heartedness or some other evils is that the effect of every cause is as per the Divine wish. This does not negate the freedom and choice of action granted to man because the concerned cause has been provided by man himself. They see what is bound to be seen in a valley wherein they desired to walk.
Signs of Hard-heartedness
In a hadith mentioning Almighty’s Allah’s revelation to Moosa (a.s.) we see: O Moosa ! Do not lengthen they ambitions in this world that may harden your heart. The one whose heart hardens gets away from Me.
And this hard-heartedness resulting from lengthy ambitions and consequent sins becomes even harder than stone as mentioned in the Holy Quran: Then your hearts hardened after that, so that they were like rocks, rather worse in hardness; and surely there are some rocks from which streams burst forth, and surely there are some of them which split asunder so water issues out of them, and surely there are some of them which fall down for fear of Allah, and Allah is not at all heedless of what you do.
This verse was sent down by God about Bani Israel’s hard-heartedness. They had observed all the miracles from Moosa (a.s.). Their hearts were so stony that no admonition affected their hearts!
ANGER | for everyone |
The state of anger is one of the most dangerous states that overtake man and if he is unable to control himself in this condition he is likely to become almost a lunatic whereby he fails to check himself. Consequently he commits such serious deeds that can put him to a life long shamefulness and restlessness. Islamic traditions have censured this state of mind. We suffice here with the following few: Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said: Anger destroys the heart of a wise man.
And he also said: One who is unable to control his anger also fails to maintain his wisdom.
He is a so reported to have said: Anger is the key of every evil.
Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s.) is reported to have said: Furious behaviour is a kind of madness because a furious man feels ashamed and if he does not become ashamed it shows that his madness has become deep rooted.
Imam Baqir (a.s.) said: Verily an angry man does not become pleased until he enters fire. That is, he does indecent works in a fit of anger. Sometimes he commits murder or puts false allegation on a faithful man thereby inviting Gods anger.
Perhaps that is why the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has said: Anger spoils faith just as vinegar spoils honey. It is likely that here the reader may be inclined to ask if anger is so much condemned in the philosophy of Islam then why at all God Almighty has created such an instinct in man’s nature?
In reply it must be said that anger in itself, like all other natural instincts in their selves, like passion, desire, self-respect … is not only not condemned in Islam but is also considered desirable in some situations. But what has been censured in Islam is inability to control instincts one of which is also anger. So also the taking of undue benefit from conditions like being angry, for the sake of worldly affairs material things. Scholars of the science of morals also have expressed their view about anger. They have divided anger in three categories:
A: Tafreet in anger meaning the hearts being totally empty of the instinct of anger.
B: Ifraat in anger, meaning the instinct of anger is so intense it may deprive man of intelligence and religion. C: Etedall in anger means moderation wherein man is able to benefit from this power in appropriate situations when it becomes essential to become angry. So also he is able to control his anger when it is inappropriate to be angry. This is a desirable state concerning which Allah says to His Prophet (s.a.w.s.): O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them.
And doubtlessly, harshness and unyieldingness are the signs of the faculty of anger.
In another verse He says: and let not pity for them detain you in the matter of obedience to Allah, if you believe in Allah and the last day. Further regarding the attribute of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says: Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah, and those with him are firm of heart against the unbelievers, compassionate among themselves…
And it is recorded from the Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s.): The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) did not ever become angry for this world, and whenever he became angry for the sake of truth, he never recognised anyone and never slackened his anger until he helped him who was truthful. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has also said: My best follower is the one who is furious for the sake of religion.
Summary: The reality of anger, the faculty that God has created in man’s nature is very praiseworthy. But man must control himself so as not to get out of what is truth. Amr bin Aas asked the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.): Should we note down whatever you says while you are calm and also when you are in anger? The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied: Do write. By the one who made me His Apostle nothing comes out of my mouth except what is true.
In other words, God Almighty has created in man what is needed for his development and perfection. But being benefited from it depends on the training that must be under the supervision of the divine guides. Otherwise man grows like grass, plunges into the sea of passions and desires thereby losing his precious faculties. Negative attitude grows in him. Therefore, if the above-mentioned condition is fulfilled he developed the positive aspects mentioned in the Holy Quran. The Quran says: Surely man is created of a hasty temperament; being greatly grieved when evil afflicts him, and niggardly when good befalls him, except those who pray.
Whatever sin is committed by us gets committed by us is either because we do not know its evil or we are yet unable to build our character. What can be done in order prevent this disease is as described below:
A: Hadiths or narrations or traditions regarding the evil of anger should be studied attentively to become aware of its dangerous consequences.
B: We must also study the traditions regarding patience and forbearance and keeping control over anger and think deeply about its results for example:
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has said: God has never loved an ignorant person and never humiliated a patient person.
Imam Baqir (a.s.) said: Whoever, despite being able to act with anger controls himself, God fills his heart with peace and faith. It can be gathered from this hadith that suppressing anger is extraordinarily effective in making man spiritually perfect and strong at heart. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said: There is no slave of God was controls his anger and God does not increase his honour in this world as well as in the Hereafter. In fact Allah has said: Successful are those who suppress their anger and forgive people and God befriends the good-doers. God gives this reward to them for suppression of anger. He loves them.
C: One should keep in mind the result of anger and that, sometimes, it is likely to end in enmities and quarrels and troubles thereby spoiling man’s personality.
D: It must also be remembered that if man is unable to control his anger, he must subsequently make excuse and will have to be ashamed of his deed and condemn himself.
Imam Baqir (a.s.) says: Feeling ashamed due to pardon is better and easier than the feeling of shame over chastisement and punishment That is to say, if you have forgiven a man who had oppressed you and thereafter you realised that it was not proper as that person did not get cautioned and so you felt ashamed. This feeling of shame is better and easier than in the case when you punish the oppressor and thereafter realise that it would have been better to forgive him. Hence some scholars have said: Keep away from anger, because surely your anger makes you dishonoured by requiring you to make excuse.
The narration reaching us through the Holy progeny of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) give us other rules also for suppressing anger. For example, when angry, man should sit down if he was standing or shed water on his face or try not to speak.
In summary, we should, in all conditions, especially in the state of anger and excitement, seek Allah’s shelter and pray to Him that by way of the blessings of His pure friends, He protects us from the evil of our own soul.
Hatred and animosity | for everyone |
Hatred and animosity
Hiqd (hatred) and Keeneh (animosity) are two sins of the soul which sprout from envy and anger. They have been censured in verses and narrations. Man, sometimes, cultivates hatred and animosity toward the Lord and sometimes toward His creation. Regarding the first kind the Holy Quran says: And they denied them unjustly and proudly while their soul had been convinced of them; consider, then how was the end of the mischief-makers. And when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter shrink, and when those besides Him are mentioned, lo! they are joyful.
That is the reward of the enemies of Allah — the fire; for them therein shall be the house of long abiding; a reward for their denying Our communications.
Whoever thinks that Allah will not assist him in this life and the hereafter, let him stretch a rope to the ceiling, then let him cut it off, then let him see if his struggle will take away that at which he is enraged. And in the matter of Hiqd and Keenah for the servants of God, the author of Majmaul Bayan says: Doubtlessly, anyone who considers a faithful his enemy because of the latters faith and who desires to harm him is a Al Kafir But if he has animosity for him due to something else then he is a Sinner.
In this connection the Holy Quran says: And those who come after them say: Our Lord! forgive us and those of our brethren who had precedence of us in faith, and do not allow any spite to remain in our hearts towards those who believe, our Lord! Surely Thou art Kind, Merciful. Narrations in Connection with Hiqd and Keenah The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: A believer is never hateful.
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) is recorded to have said: A faithful’s animosity or hatred is merely at the time of embroilment and when they get separated nothing remains in his heart but the hatred and animosity of an unbeliever is permanent. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has said: Keep away from animosity for others because enmity results in loneliness and in the exposition of man’s defects. Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s.) has said: Root out the evil from others heart by digging out the will from your own heart. That is, if you do not antagonise others will not antagonise you.
Islam has strongly recommended that if someone hurts you forgive him so that is this way animosity and hatred with be removed and difficulties coming in the way of the Islamic society will be rooted out and Muslims may be able to live peacefully and at ease with one another continuously. Of course it is necessary to remind that this recommendation is regarding the Muslims. Otherwise, in case of the disbelievers whose hearts are full of hatred and enmity for Muslims and who are always in await for a chance to hit the Muslims it is not practicable.
As the Holy Quran says: O you who believe! do not take for intimate friends from among others than your own people; they do not fall short of inflicting loss upon you; they love what distresses you; vehement hatred has already appeared from out of their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater still; indeed, We have made the communications clear to you, if you will understand. Lo! you are they who will love them while they do not love you, and you believe in the Book in the whole of it; and when they meet you they say: We believe, and when they are alone, they bite the ends of their fingers in rage against you. Say: Die in your rage; surely Allah knows what is in the breasts. If good befalls you, it grieves them, and if an evil afflicts you, they rejoice at it; and if you are patient and guard yourselves, their scheme will not injure you in any way; surely Allah comprehends what they do.
A warning to the faithful
Almighty Allah cautions the believers in this verse that they should recognise their enemies and should not tell them their secrets. but, alas, many believers in the Quran have neglected this Quranic warning and consequently are suffering all these calamities. Now what troubles the Muslims societies are now facing is only the result of neglecting the Divine commandments. Until the Muslim states and rulers do not come to their senses and do not obey the Quranic commandments bad days will always await them.
As we see today, it is only the consequence of this disregard for the Divine orders and due to distancing themselves from the Quranic directives, that they have thrown themselves in the laps of world imperialism and Zionism. So they have been deprived of their natural resources. Let us hope that the day will soon arrive when they will come to their senses and will know their real enemies, who are the very enemies of Allah. Then only they will get up to retrieve their rights.
Fabi-ayyi aala-i rabbikuma tukaththibaan SURAH REHMAN | for everyone |
All praise and thanks are due to Allaah Subhanahoo Wa Taãla, Lord of the Worlds and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad Sallallaahu Ãlayhi Wasallam, and Ale- Muhammad
Please read the fascinating facts and favours we take for granted.
Fabi-ayyi aala-i rabbikuma tukaththibaan
(So, Oh jinn and mankind) Which of the Favours of your Râbb (Lord) will you then deny?
(The Holy Qur'aan Surah Rahman 55:Ayah 13 )
(The Holy Qur'aan Surah Rahman 55:Ayah 13 )
Favours upon you
Our heart beats around 100,00 times every day.
Our blood is on a 60,000-mile journey.
Our eyes can distinguish up to one million colour surfaces and take in more information than the largest telescope known to man.
Our lungs inhale over two million litres of air every day, without even thinking. They are large enough to cover a tennis court.
Our hearing is so sensitive it can distinguish between hundreds of thousands of different sounds.
Our sense of touch is more refined than any device ever created.
Our brain is more complex than the most powerful computer and has over 100 billion nerve cells.
We give birth to 100 billion red cells every day.
When we touch something, we send a message to our brain at 124 mph.
We have over 600 muscles.
We exercise at least 30 muscles when we smile.
We are about 70 percent water.
We make one liter of saliva a day.
Our nose is our personal air-conditioning system:
It warms cold air, cools hot air and filters impurities.
In one square inch of our hand we have nine feet of blood vessels, 600 pain sensors, 9000 nerve endings, 36 heat sensors and 75 pressure sensors.
We have copper, zinc, cobalt, calcium, manganese, phosphates, nickel and silicon in our bodies.
Beating The Blues With Exercise | for everyone |
Beating The Blues With Exercise
Exercise as an antidote to depression and anxiety is not a new concept. In the 18th century Scotland, doctors in mental hospitals prescribed heavy farm chores as "the best medicine" for their patients and documented marked improvements in mood and behavior.
Now scientists are studying the link between exercise and mood changes at close range and coming up with some fascinating results.
One expert in the field says "exercise is clearly associated with mental-health benefits." And moderate exercisers show lowered blood-pressure levels and a resultant positive mood. The key is moderate exercise, performed a minimum of 30 minutes, three or four times a week. Brisk walking, swimming, lifting weights, and bicycling - all achieve good results.
People who exercise regularly, even at something as simple as walking or bicycling, are more flexible. They experience less stress on the muscles and joints when they do bend down the wrong way. Conditioned muscles recover faster, too. It's the couch potato who hauls himself erect one Saturday afternoon to rake the leaves or shovel snow who has trouble.
The big problem we all face these days is living a stressful life. All families seem to be too busy to sit down together and share the joys and pleasures of life. The little things that once mattered are no longer important and now there is a race for more money, more time and more material possessions.
By using simple relaxation techniques, exercising and making changes in our lifestyles, we can manage stress and take control of your lives! Once you have become aware of stress, it's time to relax! There are many techniques for relaxing (and no one method is better than another), but the most basic is deep breathing. One of the body's automatic reactions to stress is rapid, shallow breathing. Breathing slowly and deeply is one of the ways you can "turn off" your stress reaction and "turn on" your relaxation response.
Still another relaxation technique that can help you reduce stress is "clearing your mind." Since your stress response is a physical and emotional interaction, giving yourself a mental "break" can help relax your body as well. When you clear your mind, you try to concentrate on one pleasant thought, work, or image and let the rest of your worries slip away. A short and quiet walk can do wonders and just a walk around the block will clear your head and often give you a new spurt of energy.
Muscle and joint aches and pains are a common complaint for many of us, living as we do in a sedentary, high-stress society. The cliché warning us to "use it or lose it" isn't far off the mark. Our bodies pay the price for long hours slumped at our desks or nestled in a soft chair watching television. And if you think some of our aches and pains are just another consequence of aging, you're wrong - more often, it's a result of inactivity and weaker muscles.
Doctors now say that walking is one of the best exercises. It helps the total circulation of blood throughout the body, and thus has a direct effect on your overall feeling of health. There are things such a aerobics, jogging, swimming and many other exercises which will benefit a person both physically and mentally. Researchers agree that exercise helps to ease anxiety and lift spirits.
How Many Oceans are There in the World | for everyone |
How Many Oceans are There in the World
Oceans are the largest water bodies on our planet, which make up the major chunk of the marine biome. According to scientific data, they cover approximately 71 percent of the earth's surface area. If you happen to read old books, you may find that there are four oceans. Nevertheless, you will get a different information in the latest geography reports. So, exactly how many oceans are there in the world? Is it four or is there any new addition? More information on 'how many oceans in the world' is discussed in the following paragraphs.
How many Oceans in the World?
Previously, there were only four officially recognized oceans in the world. Later by the year 2000, a new ocean was named and declared by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). And this fifth ocean is called the Southern ocean. It extends from the southern part of the Pacific ocean, Atlantic ocean and Indian ocean. Discussed below is a brief explanation concerning how many oceans are there in the world and what are their names:
Pacific Ocean
Ever thought which is the deepest ocean in the world? Learn about Pacific ocean facts and you will come to know the basic information regarding this ocean. Marina trench, the deepest trench in the world, lies in this ocean. And the Challenger Deep of the Marina trench is the deepest part of the ocean. Not only it is the deepest of all, but it is also the largest ocean in the world, extending over a vast area of about 65.3 million square miles.
Atlantic Ocean
After the Pacific ocean, the next in the largest and deepest ocean list is the Atlantic ocean. Extending over an area of 41,100,000 square miles, it is estimated that 20 percent of the earth's surface area is occupied by the Atlantic ocean. The Puerto Rico trench in the Atlantic ocean is the deepest point, which measures to about 8,648 meters. It demarcates the boundary of America from Africa and Eurasia.
Indian Ocean
Recorded as the third largest ocean on the planet, the Indian ocean covers approximately 20 percent of the earth's water surface. Amongst the five oceans in oceanography, it is the only one named after a country. The Indian ocean is surrounded by India, Indochina, East Africa and Antarctic ocean. The deepest point of the Indian ocean is identified as the Java trench, with a depth of 7,125 meters.
Southern Ocean
Also known as the Antarctic ocean, it is newly added in the world's ocean list. As the name signifies, it surrounds the south portion of Antarctica continent. Dimension wise, it is the fourth largest ocean, which covers a greater area than the Arctic ocean. There is less information about the the deepest point of Southern ocean. However, it is claimed to be the South Sandwich trench, measuring a depth of approximately 7,235 meters.
Arctic Ocean
The smallest of the five oceans, the arctic ocean lies in the northern hemisphere. Depth wise also, Arctic ocean comes in the last, with its deepest point (Eurasia basin) recorded to be about 5,450 meters. In the boundary of Arctic ocean, lie North America and Eurasia. Situated in the polar region, part of the Arctic ocean remains covered by ice all the year round. Consequently, it is less salty as compared to other oceans.
MAULA ALI's (A.S.) - PRESENTATION 13TH MAHE RAJAB | for everyone |
Vastness of God’s Mercy and Pardon | for everyone |
Vastness of God’s Mercy and Pardon | |||||
Hope is the expectation of a dear thing the arrangements of which are already done, such as hope for the yield of a land after it was seeded, watered, and superintended. In case the arrangements of a thing are not done, hope for it will be foolhardiness, just like hope for the yield of a derelict land that was not superintended properly. Hope, furthermore, is the second wing with which, along with fear, the believers fly in the horizons of the obedience of God. Although fear and hope support each other in disciplining the believers, hope is sweeter and fresher than fear, because its source is trust in God and the assurance of the extent of His mercy. To obey out of hope is better than obeying out of fear. In view of that, good tidings of hope are carried through numerous texts from the Quran and Sunna: Warning against Despair “(Muhammad), tell my servants who have committed injustice to themselves, ‘Do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Allah certainly forgives all sins. He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.’ (39:53)" “…And do not despair of receiving comfort from Allah; only the unbelievers despair of receiving comfort from Him. (12:87)" The Prophet (s) said: “On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will gather the despondent of His mercy with their faces blackened. They will be given the name of ‘the despondent of Allah’s mercy.’" ( 1 ) Amir ul-Mu'minin (a) said to the man who was prevailed by despair of God’s mercy out of his many sins: “You, to despair of the mercy of Allah is the greatest sin that you have ever committed." ( 2 ) “Your Lord's mercy is completely overwhelming. (6:147)" “Your Lord, certainly, has forgiveness for the injustice of the people. (13:6)" “Allah does not forgive the sin of considering others equal to Him, but He may choose to forgive other sins. (4:48)" “When the faithful come to you, say to them, "Peace be upon you. Your Lord has decreed for Himself to be All-merciful. Anyone of you who commits a sin out of ignorance, then repents, and reforms himself will find that Allah is All-forgiving and All-merciful." (6:54)" Imam as-Sadiq (a) said: “On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will extend His mercy so vastly that even Eblis will expect himself to be included with that mercy." ( 3 ) “…On the Day of Resurrection, the guilty believers will be stopped before Allah Who will personally interrogate him. He will display before him his sins in details, and the believer will confess of them all. The Lord will then say: ‘In the worldly life, I covered these sins and, now, I will cover them for you.’ He then will order to change them into virtues. As the record of that believer will be shown to people, they will say, ‘How admirable this man is! He did not commit a single sin!’ This is the meaning of God’s saying: But only those who repent and believe and act righteously will have their sins replaced by virtue, (25:70)" ( 4 ) Favorable Judgment about God Imam as-Sadiq (a) said: “The last servant who will be sent to Hell will turn his face towards Allah. The Lord then will order the angels to bring him back. ‘Why did you turn your face, servant?’ the Lord will ask. ‘Lord,’ the servant will say, ‘I had no other idea about You.’ ‘What did you think of Me, servant?’ the Lord will ask. The servant will answer, ‘I thought You would forgive me and allow me to live in Your Paradise.’ The Lord then will say, ‘My angels, I swear by My power, majesty, favors, tests , and exaltation, this servant had never thought good about Me for a single hour of his lifetime. Had he done so, I would not have sent him to Hell. Nevertheless, I will regard the lie that he has just told as true and allow him to be in Paradise.’ Allah will live up to the servant who thinks well of Him: ‘This was how you considered your Lord, but He knows you better than you know yourselves. Thus, you are now lost (41:23).’" ( 5 ) Imam ar-Reza (a) said: “Have favorable judgment about Allah, for He says: I am as My servant thinks of Me, whether good or bad." ( 6 ) Intercession of the Prophet and the Imams for their Adherents The Prophet (s) said: “On the Day of Resurrection, we will be responsible for interrogating our adherents. Regarding the wrongdoings that are committed against Allah, we will issue a judgment about them and Allah will accept it for us. Regarding the wrong doings that are committed against people, we will interfere so that the wronged party will forgive for our sake. Regarding the wrongdoings that are committed against us, we are the worthiest of forgiveness." ( 7 ) “He who dies on the love for Mohammed’s family will be treated as shahid. He who dies on the love for Mohammed’s family will be forgiven. He who dies on the love for Mohammed’s family will be (regarded as) repentant. He who dies on the love for Mohammed’ s family will be perfectly faithful believer. He who dies on the love for Mohammed’s family will be given the good tidings of being in Paradise by the angel of death, first, and Munkar and Nakeer, second. He who dies on the love for Mohammed’s family will be carried in procession to Paradise like brides. He who dies on the love for Mohammed’s family will have two doors taking to Paradise opened from his grave. As for him who dies on the love for Mohammed’s family, Allah will make the angels of mercy vis it his grave regularly. He who dies on the love for Mohammed’s family will be regarded as follower of the Sunna and community of Muslims. But for him who dies on the hatred for Mohammed’s family, he will attend on the Day of Resurrection with the script, –written on his forehead-- ‘This one is excluded from the mercy of Allah." ( 8 ) The Prophet (s) once, came to his companions with bright face like the halo of the moon. When Abdurrahman ibn Awf asked him, the Prophet said: “I have just received the good tidings about my brother and cousin and about my daughter. I have just been told that Allah gave my daughter Fatima in marriage to Ali and ordered Ridwan; the doorkeeper of Paradise, to shake the Tree of Tuba, which carried sacraments as many as those who have love for my family. Under that tree, Allah has created angels of light and given each one of them one of these sacraments. When the Day of Resurrection will come and the angels will call at all the creatures, they will give each of those who have love for The The Ahl ul-Bayt one of these muniments that will be documents of acquittal from Hell. Hence, my brother and my daughter will set many men and women of my umma free from Hell." ( 9 ) • When God’s saying, “The righteously striving believers are the best of all creatures, (98:9)" was revealed, the Prophet (s) said to Ali: This is you and your Shia. ( 10 ) On the Day of Resurrection, you will be content and pleased, while your enemies will be angry and depressed. ( 11 ) Calamities and Diseases Cancel the Believers’ Sins The Prophet (s) said: “God says: By My power and majesty I swear, I will not make the servant upon whom I want to have mercy depart this world before I punish him for every sin that he committed. I will punish him by means of an ailment that inflicts him , poverty that befalls him, or a state of fear that controls him. If this is not enough, I will make him suffer the agonies of death." ( 12 ) “Depression and grief will not depart the believer before they eradicate all of his sins." ( 13 ) Imam as-Sadiq (a) said: “Mufaddal, beware of committing sins and warn our adherents against so. By God I swear, you are the most targeted by sins. You may suffer the persecution of the ruling authorities. This is because of your commitment of sins. You m ay be ailed. This is because of your commitment of sins. Your sustenance may be stopped. This is because of your commitment of sins. You may suffer the agonies of death so severely. This is also because of your commitment of sins." As the Imam noticed that al-Mufaddal was highly touched by these words, he (a) commented: “You suffer all the previous in order that you will not be interrogated about your sins on the Day of Resurrection, since the punishment for such sins befall you in this world." ( 14 ) “The believer may suffer troubles in sleep as a punishment for his commitment of sins. He also may suffer a physical defect as a punishment for his commitment of sins." ( 15 ) Reality of Hope Hope is meaningless unless reasons of its success are available. It is hence foolish to leave the courses of obedience and take in the courses of deviation and depend totally on hope. Such hope is surely void. It is noticeable that the great personalities, such as prophets, their successors, and the saints, spared no efforts in the fields of the obedience to God and devoted themselves to the acts of worship while they were the most favorable to God: As he was told that some people were engrossed in the acts of disobedience to God while they claim that they hope for the mercy of Him, Imam as-Sadiq (a) said: “They are liars. They are not our Shia. Those are the people whom are deceived by false hopes. He who hopes for something should work for it, and he who fears something should escape it." ( 16 ) Purpose of Hope and Fear Some people can be mended only by means of hope while others can be rectified by means of fear. The disobedient who have felt regret for their excessive sins but they have despaired of His pardon should be treated by means of hope for God’s immense mercy . Those who destroyed themselves because of excessive performance of acts of worship should also be treated by means of hope for God. On the other side, the sinful tyrants who are plunging in acts of disobedience to God and are deceived by false hope should be treated by means of fear of God as well as severe reproach and painful punishment. |
Ziyaarat of Faatimah Zahraa (A.S.) | for everyone |
Ziyaarat of Faatimah Zahraa (A.S.)
O the carefully examined, tried and measured by Him who created you,
and found you, in your test, cool and compact, steady and stable.
I tell the truth about you; calm and quiet, with self- control and composure (you)
put up with all that which your father and his "Wasi" (successor) came across,
blessings of Allah be on them.
I beseech you, (If I have stated the truth), to bind me together with the testimony, concerning both of
them, in order to give joy and satisfaction to my heart and soul.
So bear witness that truly I, by heart, made evident your, and your children's "wilayat"
(superintendent guardianship), blessings of Allah be on them all.
Hazrat Zahra Dua’a to seek noble moral qualities and good deeds | for everyone |
Hazrat Zahra Dua’a to seek noble moral qualities and good deeds
O Allah by Your knowledge of the unseen and Your power over creation give me life so long as You know that life is good for me and make me die when death is good for me.
O Allah, I ask You (to help me attain) sincere speech and fear of You in pleasure and in anger and moderation in wealth and in poverty.
And I ask You for favors that will not end for delight of the eyes that will not be cut off for satisfaction with the Decree for ease after death for your sight, and the desire to meet You without any harmful affliction nor any dark trial.
O Allah adorn us with the adornment of faith.
And make us guides who are guided, O Lord of the worlds.
Hazrat Fatimah’s (s.a) Dua’a - for Important Issues | for everyone |
Hazrat Fatimah’s (s.a) Dua’a - for Important Issues
For the sake of Yaseen, and the wise Qur’an
For the sake of Taha and the mighty Qur’an
O One who has power over the needs of those who ask
O One who knows what is in the hearts
O One who comforts the distressed
O One who relieves the grief-stricken
O One who has mercy on the old
O One who provides for the young child
O One who does not need any explanation
Bless Muhammad and his family
And do to me. . .
Money Making Ideas - How to Make Money From Home | for everyone |
Money Making Ideas - How to Make Money From Home
Though you have a business or a stable job, you might wonder how to go about making some extra money. If your job or routine does not allow you to step out for another job, then you can explore other money making ideas. You would definitely love to do something that can help you earn money at home and add it to your monthly earnings. But, how to make money from home is big question for many. Well, let me tell you that it is not at all impossible or difficult. Definitely, you need to take some efforts, be consistent in your work and you are sure to earn well. So here are answers to all your questions like how to make money from home and how to make money from home with no investment.
Ideas on How to Make Money From Home
Renting Your Property
There are many ways to make money from home, just by renting your house or a part of it. If you have a big house with 1-2 rooms which can be emptied, you can consider renting these to students. What's more, if you have a well designed and grand looking house, consider renting a part of it for a photo or film shoot. Magazines and television channels are searching for places to feature as backdrops for photo shoots, interviews, or filming, hence, it can help you earn handsomely. If you own a huge ground which is unused, you can rent it to colleges and companies for local sports tournaments which is one of the ways to earn money fast. Your parking lot can be another place which can fetch you a lot of money. There are many people searching for parking space for their vehicles. Publicize rightly and get hold of customers.
If you love writing, then how to make money from home is not a big deal. Just contact the stores printing and designing invitation cards and greeting cards. You cab get orders for writing the invitation wordings for various occasions and greeting messages as well. With writing, how to make money from home on the Internet is also an easy task. You can start your blog and monetize it. You can also take up freelance writing projects available online and work from home.
Earn from Hobbies
Are you interested in arts and crafts? You can simply earn from hobbies that make money. Make various crafts and start selling them. Initially concentrate on whatever you specialize in and later expand the variety. Arts and crafts is also the right answer to the question, how to make money from home for kids? You can set up a stall in your backyard and keep the items prepared by you for sale. Once your business is popular, you can get special orders on the phone and need not keep the stall.
Sell on Internet
Selling items on ebay is a much more popular way to make money from home. Apart from this, you can do many other things for making money online. There are plenty of websites on which you can buy and sell unwanted and used gear. Just check these out and unclutter your house. Clothes usually go waste just because they no longer fit your body. These can be one of items that you can sell on such websites and make extra money from home. Old books can also be sold through these type of websites.
Be a Tutor
If you are good at something, don't waste your skills. If you make the best food, start recipe classes at your home and you are sure to get a good a response from your friends and neighbors. Apart from this you can also take tuition and teach academic subjects to kids. Don't overload yourself, just start with the subjects in which you are extremely good.
So now that you know how to make money from home, just plan and get started. The extra money you earn can be invested for your future or used for your extra expenses. Once your business is popular, you can consider expanding it and start getting much more from it than you ever wondered. Of course, as I mentioned earlier, consistent efforts and providing a good output to your customers is very essential. All the best!
Though you have a business or a stable job, you might wonder how to go about making some extra money. If your job or routine does not allow you to step out for another job, then you can explore other money making ideas. You would definitely love to do something that can help you earn money at home and add it to your monthly earnings. But, how to make money from home is big question for many. Well, let me tell you that it is not at all impossible or difficult. Definitely, you need to take some efforts, be consistent in your work and you are sure to earn well. So here are answers to all your questions like how to make money from home and how to make money from home with no investment.
Ideas on How to Make Money From Home
Renting Your Property
There are many ways to make money from home, just by renting your house or a part of it. If you have a big house with 1-2 rooms which can be emptied, you can consider renting these to students. What's more, if you have a well designed and grand looking house, consider renting a part of it for a photo or film shoot. Magazines and television channels are searching for places to feature as backdrops for photo shoots, interviews, or filming, hence, it can help you earn handsomely. If you own a huge ground which is unused, you can rent it to colleges and companies for local sports tournaments which is one of the ways to earn money fast. Your parking lot can be another place which can fetch you a lot of money. There are many people searching for parking space for their vehicles. Publicize rightly and get hold of customers.
If you love writing, then how to make money from home is not a big deal. Just contact the stores printing and designing invitation cards and greeting cards. You cab get orders for writing the invitation wordings for various occasions and greeting messages as well. With writing, how to make money from home on the Internet is also an easy task. You can start your blog and monetize it. You can also take up freelance writing projects available online and work from home.
Earn from Hobbies
Are you interested in arts and crafts? You can simply earn from hobbies that make money. Make various crafts and start selling them. Initially concentrate on whatever you specialize in and later expand the variety. Arts and crafts is also the right answer to the question, how to make money from home for kids? You can set up a stall in your backyard and keep the items prepared by you for sale. Once your business is popular, you can get special orders on the phone and need not keep the stall.
Sell on Internet
Selling items on ebay is a much more popular way to make money from home. Apart from this, you can do many other things for making money online. There are plenty of websites on which you can buy and sell unwanted and used gear. Just check these out and unclutter your house. Clothes usually go waste just because they no longer fit your body. These can be one of items that you can sell on such websites and make extra money from home. Old books can also be sold through these type of websites.
Be a Tutor
If you are good at something, don't waste your skills. If you make the best food, start recipe classes at your home and you are sure to get a good a response from your friends and neighbors. Apart from this you can also take tuition and teach academic subjects to kids. Don't overload yourself, just start with the subjects in which you are extremely good.
So now that you know how to make money from home, just plan and get started. The extra money you earn can be invested for your future or used for your extra expenses. Once your business is popular, you can consider expanding it and start getting much more from it than you ever wondered. Of course, as I mentioned earlier, consistent efforts and providing a good output to your customers is very essential. All the best!
How to Find Work at Home Jobs | for everyone |
Jobs Tips - How to Find Work at Home Jobs
Today, there a lot of fiscal commitments to be met with and payments that needs to be 'out' in time. This has made residual or passive income the call of the hour.
The internet has made our lives a lot easier by allowing us to indulge in work at home jobs by just sitting in front of the computer. All you have to do is click away, and eliminate the need to stand in serpentine queues or the need to travel.
Look up the internet:
Every individual gets a chance to work from home with an internet connection. The internet service is available twenty four hours. This opportunity eliminates all the mundane tasks of rushing in the morning, attempting to beat the traffic and getting to work.
You are able to work from home with just a computer and an internet connection. There is no need to pick your uniform from the laundry on your way home, so that you can get back to work the next day. Work from home jobs are available to all individuals interested to work from the comfort of home.
Online writing is interesting:
One interesting segment of the work from home jobs is online writing. If you have good writing skills with a good command over English, you can write blogs or weblogs for a number of companies.
You can also become a freelance writer where you can write articles for a number of sites. Companies make use of your articles to generate traffic and since high quality articles need to be written, your skill has a market! This can be done from the comfort of your home.
Online writing has become one interesting work at home job opportunity, which many housewives as well as professionals have taken up seriously. It is not the hours you work, but the amount of work you are able to complete with this work at home job scope.
You are able to complete the tasks assigned whenever you are have leisure time at hand during the entire day.
Proof reading services are secretarial services which involve reading articles or manuscripts to mark correction, detect errors, convert spoken language into written or typewritten form etc. The job also involves input of certain text into certain devices.
Surveys are filled out for some sites, which is another way to work from home. In return for these jobs you are awarded points, which will help you earn cash at home.
You can also sell different stuff online sitting at home in order to make a living. All you need to have is the necessary skill, an internet connection and a computer. Be a freelance writer, set up a micro business at home, become a blogger and do just about anything to living.
Planning is the first step toward increasing your income at home. Find out ways of making the maximum profit out of these home based jobs. With a careful self evaluation, ensure that you are into the right business and that too for the right reasons.
Today, there a lot of fiscal commitments to be met with and payments that needs to be 'out' in time. This has made residual or passive income the call of the hour.
The internet has made our lives a lot easier by allowing us to indulge in work at home jobs by just sitting in front of the computer. All you have to do is click away, and eliminate the need to stand in serpentine queues or the need to travel.
Look up the internet:
Every individual gets a chance to work from home with an internet connection. The internet service is available twenty four hours. This opportunity eliminates all the mundane tasks of rushing in the morning, attempting to beat the traffic and getting to work.
You are able to work from home with just a computer and an internet connection. There is no need to pick your uniform from the laundry on your way home, so that you can get back to work the next day. Work from home jobs are available to all individuals interested to work from the comfort of home.
Online writing is interesting:
One interesting segment of the work from home jobs is online writing. If you have good writing skills with a good command over English, you can write blogs or weblogs for a number of companies.
You can also become a freelance writer where you can write articles for a number of sites. Companies make use of your articles to generate traffic and since high quality articles need to be written, your skill has a market! This can be done from the comfort of your home.
Online writing has become one interesting work at home job opportunity, which many housewives as well as professionals have taken up seriously. It is not the hours you work, but the amount of work you are able to complete with this work at home job scope.
You are able to complete the tasks assigned whenever you are have leisure time at hand during the entire day.
Proof reading services are secretarial services which involve reading articles or manuscripts to mark correction, detect errors, convert spoken language into written or typewritten form etc. The job also involves input of certain text into certain devices.
Surveys are filled out for some sites, which is another way to work from home. In return for these jobs you are awarded points, which will help you earn cash at home.
You can also sell different stuff online sitting at home in order to make a living. All you need to have is the necessary skill, an internet connection and a computer. Be a freelance writer, set up a micro business at home, become a blogger and do just about anything to living.
Planning is the first step toward increasing your income at home. Find out ways of making the maximum profit out of these home based jobs. With a careful self evaluation, ensure that you are into the right business and that too for the right reasons.
Condolences and Prayers on the passing of Sayyed Muhammed Hussain Fadlallah | for everyone |
Politics, Media, and Interfaith Since 2002 | ||||
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Daily Feasts Given By The Messengers (a.s.) | for everyone |
Daily Feasts Given By The Messengers (a.s.)
Greetings By Angels And The Honour Of Communicating With The Lord Of Universe
When the righteous people will reach their respective places in paradise. God Almighty will appoint one thousand angels for visiting them. They will give them greetings. There will be a palace for the Momin and that palace will have a thousand doors. There will be an angel at every door to salute the faithfuls.
Wal Malaaikatu…baab (Surah Ibid: 23-24)
The highest honour available to the faithful will be the honour of communicating with the Lord of the universe. There are many narrations in this respect. But what is mentioned by the Lord in Surah Ya Sin of the Holy Quran is sufficient that: Salaam…Raheem.
In tafseer Minhajus Sadiqeen a narration of Jabir bin Abdullah has been quoted according to which the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has said that the people of paradise will be drowing (fully enjoying) in the bounties of gardens when a Noor (Radiance) will suddenly flash on then giving out a voice As Salaam Alaikum Yaa Ahlal Jannah. Hence it is said that all those bounties which were available only to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) in the world, including having a word with the Almighty Lord, will be made available, to the people of paradise also in the Hereafter.
There are detailed narrations (traditions) about the divine lights in volume two of Biharul Anwar, one of them being Muqaam-e-Rizwan which is mentioned in the Holy Quran too: Yubash Shirhum…Rizwan. (Surah Taubah 9:21) as well as Wa Rizwan…Akbar. (Surah Ibid: 72).
Joining Of The Faithfuls With The Neighbours Of The Holy Prophet And The Members Of The Holy Progeny (a.s.)
Among all other bounties of paradise is the neighbourhood of Muhammad and Aale Muhammad (a.s.) and meeting with them. The Holy Prophet has said: O Ali! Your Shias will be sitting with bright faces on the pulpits of light and all of them will be my neighbours in paradise. Wa Sheea Taka…Jannah (Dua-e-Nudbah) Also among the said bounties is permanent dwelling in paradise. When the faithful will know that these highly precious bounties will never be retracted from them (nor will they be diminished) they will experience a wonderful delight in their hearts which is undescribable.
One of the spiritual bounties is that one will be meeting frequently with the messengers and the righteous and faithful persons. Almighty God says in the Holy Quran: Ala Sururim Mitaqaabileen (Surah Saffa'at 37: 44) meaning: They will be sitting on thrones facing one another happily.
Songs And Voices In Paradise
The bounties of various kinds which we see in this world and so also all the good tastes and feelings are but only an atom of what is available in the paradise. This applies to good sound and voice too. The best and perfect of it all is found in paradise only. If even a single song of paradise is made to be heard in this world the residents of this world will not be able to hear it and they will die. The voice of the Prophet Dawood (a.s.) is well known as called as Lahne Dawudi. Though it voiced was in this world none was able to bear it. When he was reciting Zaboor (Psalms) different kinds of animals used to gather around him and were fainting together and some even died.
Hazrat Dawood (a.s.) And The Singing Hoories Of Paradise
Describing the events of messengers (a.s.) Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says in one of his speeches in Nahjul Balagha: Wa Dawood… meaning: Hazrat Dawood will be holding Mazmir (musical instrument) in Paradise and he will be the reciter in paradise. It means that he will make the people of paradise hear his qiraat or recitation. Of course it will be a melodious song of paradise sand those in paradise will have the ability to hear it.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) is reported to have been quoted in Majmaul Bayan: The best of the songs of paradise will be those sung by the hoories for pleasing their husbands. Their voice will be so wonderfully pleasing that none before would have ever heard like it. But it will not be in the tune of musical instruments. But they will be based on the glorification and praising of the Lord of the universe Only One God.
Reward Of Discarding Singing In This World
It is mentioned in narrations that the birds of paradise will sing in the best of voices. People once asked Imam Sadiq (a.s): Will there be music and songs in the paradise? He replied: There is a tree in paradise. God will order the winds of paradise to move. It will make the tree give out various kinds of songs. The sounds will be such as never heard by anyone in this world from neither any singer or any musical instrument. Then the Hazrat said: This is the reward of discarding music and songs for fear of God in this world.
The bounties of various kinds which we see in this world and so also all the good tastes and feelings are but only an atom of what is available in the paradise. This applies to good sound and voice too. The best and perfect of it all is found in paradise only. If even a single song of paradise is made to be heard in this world the residents of this world will not be able to hear it and they will die. The voice of the Prophet Dawood (a.s.) is well known as called as Lahne Dawudi. Though it voiced was in this world none was able to bear it. When he was reciting Zaboor (Psalms) different kinds of animals used to gather around him and were fainting together and some even died.
Hazrat Dawood (a.s.) And The Singing Hoories Of Paradise
Describing the events of messengers (a.s.) Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says in one of his speeches in Nahjul Balagha: Wa Dawood… meaning: Hazrat Dawood will be holding Mazmir (musical instrument) in Paradise and he will be the reciter in paradise. It means that he will make the people of paradise hear his qiraat or recitation. Of course it will be a melodious song of paradise sand those in paradise will have the ability to hear it.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) is reported to have been quoted in Majmaul Bayan: The best of the songs of paradise will be those sung by the hoories for pleasing their husbands. Their voice will be so wonderfully pleasing that none before would have ever heard like it. But it will not be in the tune of musical instruments. But they will be based on the glorification and praising of the Lord of the universe Only One God.
Reward Of Discarding Singing In This World
It is mentioned in narrations that the birds of paradise will sing in the best of voices. People once asked Imam Sadiq (a.s): Will there be music and songs in the paradise? He replied: There is a tree in paradise. God will order the winds of paradise to move. It will make the tree give out various kinds of songs. The sounds will be such as never heard by anyone in this world from neither any singer or any musical instrument. Then the Hazrat said: This is the reward of discarding music and songs for fear of God in this world.
Paradise As Described by Amirul Momineen (a.s.) | for everyone |
Paradise Described By The Ebertruthful Amirul Momineen (a.s.)
Ali (a.s.) says in one of his sermons in Nahjul Balagha: ” (O Lord I believe You are pure and clean of all those things which are not be fitting Your greatness. You are the Creator of all the creation and You are, in the sight of Your creation, the Owner of all secrets (Maknoonaat) concerning nice taste. Accordingly You have created a place named Bihisht (paradise).
There in You have provided, for Your guests, all nicities of feasts and of dining and beautiful hoories and handsome lad servants and highly comfortable apartments, extremely pure and clean springs and rivers of tasty drinks and green fields and gardens and delicious fruits. Then You raised Your representative Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.s.) who goes on inviting people to the said paradise of lasting pleasures.
So (it was the ill luck of mankind that) they neither responded to the true caller towards Truth nor did they incline towards the things You called them to nor did they like what You desired them to like and long for. On the contrary, they remained stick to fraudlent and dead world as a result of which they became disgraced. They befriended one another on the basis of their connection with this valueless world. So whoever befriended this untrustworthy world and became mad after it, became totally blind, so blind that he does not understand what is a detriment and a loss for him. His heart became sick for what was beneficial to him and befitting to him. So he sees with weak and sickly eyes and hears with unhealthy ears.
Doubtlessly, worldly desires have made his heart and soul dead and destroyed his intelligence. He has become a slave of this world and also of every one who owns anything from the worldly wealth. (Nahjul Balagha).
Inspite of the fact that there are only two paths before us - no third alternative - man will either to go to Paradise or to hell - Now if one does not take and follow God's path He will not only be deprived of all the bounties mentioned by us above briefly, his dwelling place forever will also be only hell which is full of pains. Only an iota of its pain is and troubles is given below”
Ali (a.s.) says in one of his sermons in Nahjul Balagha: ” (O Lord I believe You are pure and clean of all those things which are not be fitting Your greatness. You are the Creator of all the creation and You are, in the sight of Your creation, the Owner of all secrets (Maknoonaat) concerning nice taste. Accordingly You have created a place named Bihisht (paradise).
There in You have provided, for Your guests, all nicities of feasts and of dining and beautiful hoories and handsome lad servants and highly comfortable apartments, extremely pure and clean springs and rivers of tasty drinks and green fields and gardens and delicious fruits. Then You raised Your representative Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.s.) who goes on inviting people to the said paradise of lasting pleasures.
So (it was the ill luck of mankind that) they neither responded to the true caller towards Truth nor did they incline towards the things You called them to nor did they like what You desired them to like and long for. On the contrary, they remained stick to fraudlent and dead world as a result of which they became disgraced. They befriended one another on the basis of their connection with this valueless world. So whoever befriended this untrustworthy world and became mad after it, became totally blind, so blind that he does not understand what is a detriment and a loss for him. His heart became sick for what was beneficial to him and befitting to him. So he sees with weak and sickly eyes and hears with unhealthy ears.
Doubtlessly, worldly desires have made his heart and soul dead and destroyed his intelligence. He has become a slave of this world and also of every one who owns anything from the worldly wealth. (Nahjul Balagha).
Inspite of the fact that there are only two paths before us - no third alternative - man will either to go to Paradise or to hell - Now if one does not take and follow God's path He will not only be deprived of all the bounties mentioned by us above briefly, his dwelling place forever will also be only hell which is full of pains. Only an iota of its pain is and troubles is given below”
Hadrat Khadija (S.A.), Mother of All True Believers | for everyone |
Hadrat Khadija (S.A.), Mother of All True Believers | |||||
"By God, the Almighty did not grant me a better wife than her. She believed in me when the people used to mock at me and she acknowledged me when the people denied me. She shared her wealth and property with me and she bore me children which I was not destined to have through other women." (Sahih Bukhari) These are not the emotional words of any ordinary husband lamenting the loss of a wife. These are, in fact the words of the Last Divine Messenger to mankind, who, as God vouches in the Holy Qur’an: “Does not speak out of desire. It is naught but revelation that is revealed.” (53:3,4) Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) did not express these words in the state of bereavement at the passing away of the faithful Khadija (SA), who for over 25 years was his one and only spouse. He said these years later when one of the many wives that he had taken in the last ten years of his life out of social necessity, dared to mock the memory of the Mother of all true Believers (Umm al-Momenin) and thought herself as a younger and better wife. (Those interested in the identity of that barren woman who was duly reprimanded by the Prophet for her insult to the memory of Hazrat Khadija (SA) should refer to authentic compilations of hadith including the one by the esteemed Sunni scholar Bukhari). A closer scrutiny of the Prophet’s tribute to his beloved wife reveals some interesting facts. It is a confirmation of the great sacrifices offered by Hazrat Khadija (SA) to the cause of Islam and Muslims. She was no ordinary Arab lady. As the daughter of the noble Khuwailed, she was linked five generations earlier to the same pedigree as the Prophet’s. She was respected in the pre-Islamic society of Arabia, not mere for her vast wealth that earned her the title of Malikat al-Arab (Queen of Arabia) but for her wisdom, knowledge, dignity, excellent temperament and above all chastity to the extent that she was acclaimed as Tahera (Spotlessly Pure). On hearing of the reputation of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) – who had not yet been commanded by God to announce his mission – as Sadeq (Truthful) and Ameen (Trustworthy), she entrusted him with management of her trade caravans. Impressed by the 25-year old youth’s honesty in discharging his duties, she proposed marriage to him, thereby setting a lasting precedent (as is evident in the Aqd formula for every Muslim marriage) that it is the woman who proposes and the man who accepts. The Prophet consulted his uncle and guardian Hazrat Abu Taleb (AS), and history bears witness that the latter along with his younger brother Hazrat Hamza (AS) and other chiefs of prominent Arab families assembled at the house of Hazrat Khadija (SA) to formally seal the marriage offer. The nuptials were solemnised with great rejoicing by Abu Taleb (AS) who recited the khutba on behalf of his nephew the groom. For the next quarter century they made the perfect husband and wife pair. Fifteen years after marriage when divine revelation dawned upon the husband the dedicated wife immediately believed in his mission as the Almighty’s Last Messenger to mankind and thereafter spent all her wealth in the propagation of Islam and protection of the neo Muslim community from persecution and poverty. Afif al-Kindi, who years later became a Muslim, says that on one of his visits to Mecca he accompanied Abbas ibn Abdul-Mutallib to the Ka’ba where an unfamiliar sight greeted him. He saw a man praying in what appeared to him a strange manner, while behind him stood a lady and a lad, earnestly emulating his acts of worship as he bent down in genuflexion (ruku’) and touched his forehead on the ground in prostration (sajda). He was told that the gentleman was (Prophet) Muhammad (SAWA), the lady was his wife Khadija (SA) and the lad was his cousin and ward, Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS). Afif was told: Besides these three there is no one in the world professing the new faith. The couple had several children including son Qasem, from whom the Prophet derived his agnomen (kunya) Abu’l-Qasem. But all died in infancy except the youngest daughter Fatema az-Zahra (SA), who was conceived after the Prophet’s return from Me’raj (ascension to the heavens in the twinkling of an eye) and his tasting of the fruits of paradise. That is one of the reasons God has referred to Hazrat Fatema (SA) as Kowsar (Spring of Perpetual Abundance) in the Holy Qur’an. Islam will forever remain indebted to the sacrifices of Hazrat Khadija (SA), who as part of her selfless jihad for faith, endured three years of socio-economic boycott imposed on the Muslims by the pagan Arabs led by Abu Jahl and Abu Sufyan. During those days of confinement to the mountain pass outside Mecca known as She’b Abi Taleb, she spent everything, up to her last dirham, for the sake of Islam, to protect and feed the persecuted neo-Muslim community. Often, her future son-in-law, Imam Ali (AS) would risk his life to procure the needed grains for the Muslims. When she passed away on 10th Ramadhan shortly after uplifting of the siege by the frustrated pagans, the wealthiest Lady of Arabia had no money left for even a shroud, let alone leaving any inheritance for her daughter Fatema (SA). She was shrouded in the cloak of her weeping husband and laid to rest in the Jannat al-Mu’alla Cemetery, which alas was desecrated and destroyed by the Saudi Arabian authorities in 1925. The sacrifices of Hazrat Khadija (SA) for Islam and her sufferings at the hands of ingrate Muslims (including the barren woman who dared to mock her memory in order to annoy the Prophet) do not end with her passing away. History bears witness that whenever Islam and Muslims were in danger it was the progeny of Khadija (SA) that rose to the rescue with Karbala being the crowning moment of the Great Sacrifice by her grandson Imam Husain (AS). The fact, that till this day in every corner of world, her direct descendants are known by their honourific epithet of Seyyed, is a lasting testimony to the only true Mother of all Believers. (By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz) |
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