Osteoporosis | for everyone |
How Can I Prevent Osteoporosis?

Young women in particular need to be aware of their risk for developing osteoporosis and take steps early to slow its progress and prevent complications. Plentiful physical activity during the preteen and teen years increases bone mass and greatly reduce the risk of osteoporosis in adulthood. If you eat a diet adequate in calcium and vitamin D and exercise regularly early in life and then continue with these healthy habits, you may be able to delay or avoid osteoporosis.
• Eat a nutritious diet that includes adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D. Both are necessary for building healthy, strong bones. The recommended daily calcium intake for adults age 19 to 50 is 1,000 mg per day. Men and women age 50 and older need 1,200 mg of calcium each day. The recommended daily intake for vitamin D is 5 ug (200 IU) for adults age 19 to 50, 10 ug (400 IU) for adults age 51 to 70, and 15 ug (600 IU) for adults age 71 and older. The best source of vitamin D is exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D is vital for calcium absorption in bones and to improve muscle strength. It may reduce an older person's risk of falling by 22%. 11 If you are not getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet, take supplements.

• Get regular exercise. Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, stair climbing, dancing, or lifting weights, keep bones healthy by working the muscles and bones against gravity.
• Don't smoke. Smoking puts you at a higher risk for developing osteoporosis and increases the rate of bone thinning once it starts.
Once osteoporosis develops, getting enough calcium and vitamin D, along with other healthy habits, can slow the process and reduce the chances of bones breaking. It's common for a person's diet to supply only half the calcium the bones need, so you probably need to take supplements. Studies show that taking calcium plus vitamin D significantly reduces hip fractures and other fractures in women who have gone through menopause. Vitamin D is vital for calcium absorption in bones and to improve muscle strength. It may reduce an older person's risk of falling by 22%.
After the age of about 30, bone thinning is a natural process and cannot be stopped completely. Whether you develop osteoporosis depends on the thickness of your bones early in life, as well as your health, diet, and physical activity later in life. The thicker your bones, the less likely the bones are to become thin enough to break

Young women in particular need to be aware of their risk for developing osteoporosis and take steps early to slow its progress and prevent complications. Plentiful physical activity during the preteen and teen years increases bone mass and greatly reduce the risk of osteoporosis in adulthood. If you eat a diet adequate in calcium and vitamin D and exercise regularly early in life and then continue with these healthy habits, you may be able to delay or avoid osteoporosis.
• Eat a nutritious diet that includes adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D. Both are necessary for building healthy, strong bones. The recommended daily calcium intake for adults age 19 to 50 is 1,000 mg per day. Men and women age 50 and older need 1,200 mg of calcium each day. The recommended daily intake for vitamin D is 5 ug (200 IU) for adults age 19 to 50, 10 ug (400 IU) for adults age 51 to 70, and 15 ug (600 IU) for adults age 71 and older. The best source of vitamin D is exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D is vital for calcium absorption in bones and to improve muscle strength. It may reduce an older person's risk of falling by 22%. 11 If you are not getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet, take supplements.

• Get regular exercise. Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, stair climbing, dancing, or lifting weights, keep bones healthy by working the muscles and bones against gravity.
• Don't smoke. Smoking puts you at a higher risk for developing osteoporosis and increases the rate of bone thinning once it starts.
Once osteoporosis develops, getting enough calcium and vitamin D, along with other healthy habits, can slow the process and reduce the chances of bones breaking. It's common for a person's diet to supply only half the calcium the bones need, so you probably need to take supplements. Studies show that taking calcium plus vitamin D significantly reduces hip fractures and other fractures in women who have gone through menopause. Vitamin D is vital for calcium absorption in bones and to improve muscle strength. It may reduce an older person's risk of falling by 22%.
SWEAT AND ODORS.... | for everyone |
In spite of all this, axilla and feet sweat smell. Shoe odour often makes heads turn. Sweat also does not allow a dear one to get near. This becomes a sensitive issue causing a lot of embarrassment where the sufferer could not (sometimes) realise the offensive odour as he/she lives with it.
Skin is an air-tight and water-proof covering, but it can drip sweat. Some think sweat is dirty, waste water which should be eliminated in compulsion. Some think of sweat as a natural body shower/scent. Some think sweat can cause sexual attraction. But most people feel it is an unpleasant sensation and wish to stay free of sweat to feel more comfortable and fragrant.
Is otherwise termed as perspiration. Everyone sweats, knowingly or unknowingly i.e. in the way of insensible or perceptible. The insensible sweat accounts approximately 300 ml/day and is felt as just moisture. The perceptible perspiration accounts for more than a liter or depends upon the exertion or works even up to 4 liters a day. The insensible sweat will be more in the palms, soles, neck folds and in other skin folds.
Science reveals that sweating is a process of maintaining body temperature by way of external cooling. It also maintains fluid and electrolyte balance in our body. Sweat constitutes mostly water with a little urea and salts. Sweat pH will usually be alkaline but may vary with acid secretion.
Our body can modify sweat process depending upon the requirement. During fever, the sweat process is arrested by the nervous system to increase body temperature to fight against infection. Likewise, with raised BP, sweat process and urination process will be more to reduce BP.
During exercise, anxiety or in a fearful state, sweat will be more to combat the increasing temperature caused due to increased metabolism. If there is a problem with sweating in a hot climate, heat stroke may result with amplified BP, pulse and suffocation. Some people may suffer from congenital absence of sweat glands. They suffer with heat.
Excessive sweating in medical terminology is termed ashyperhidrosis. Usually, it is seen in the under arms, on the forehead, hands and feet. Absence or reduced sweating is termed as anhidrosis. Increased sweating often causes discomfort and irritability with disturbance in work/lack of concentration.
In addition, increased sweating can cause great exhaustion and let out a foul smell. Likewise, decreased sweating causes dryness of the body with restlessness and discomfort.
Sweat glands ?
Sweat glands are coiled, long, corkscrew-like structures present in the subcutaneous tissue adjacent to the hair follicles. It opens to the outer skin through a duct. There are nearly 2-3 million sweat glands distributed all over the body except in the nipples, lips, nail beds and penis. Injured skin usually results in scar formation which are usually devoid of sweat glands and hair follicles. Sympathetic nervous system supplies nerves to sweat glands and controls its sweating.
There are two types of sweat glands present in our body. They are:
• Eccrine glands - are smaller, most commonly distributed all over the body to regulate the body temperature. They are concentrated more on the forehead, palms and soles. Usually, the secretion of these types of glands will not have any smell/offensiveness as it is diluted and tehre is an absence of fatty acids in the secretions. The only place where it smells bad is the feet. This is also because of bacterial action on persistent dampness and not due to the secretion.
• Apocrine glands ? are bigger and present only in certain places i.e. groin, axilla, areola, anus, etc. Its secretions usually contains fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. which has its own peculiar odour and tinge. It becomes more offensive only with bacterial invasion. This type of glands secretes more after puberty and responds more with hormonal changes.
Reason for sweat odour
Sweat when it dries up or evaporates, doesn?t produce any smell, i.e. sweat by itself does not have an odour, since it is sterile in formation. Smell/odour will be more only when there is difficulty in evaporation and there exists a favourable circumstance for bacterial action. The intensity of sweat and its smell varies from person to person and varies from places to places in the same person according to emotion, environment, exercise, food, heredity, diseases, etc. The skinfolds usually cause and maintain dampness. Bacteria or fungus or yeast harbour well in damp places and break down fatty acids and proteins in the sweat to cause the characteristic odour. Most often, body odour is caused due to sweat in axilla and groin by bacteria.
Incidences ?
Offensive sweating commonly occurs in every person irrespective of age and sex. But the intensity of sweating may vary depending upon races, weather, environment, nature of work, food, exercise, emotion, etc.
Usually, temperate hot climates causes more sweat than cold ones. Likewise, black people sweat more than the whites due to increased existence of sweat glands to combat heat.
Hereditary - in many cases sweating is found to be inherited.
Psychological• Anxiety
• Fear
Physiological or normal
• Strenuous exercises or starvation - ketone breath due to mobilisation of protein and protein metabolism
• Aromatic or spicy foods which increases body metabolism
• Habits of smoking, chewing tobacco and drinking
• Food habits - spicy foods, protein rich diets, garlic, onion, etc.
Pathological or abnormal
• Diabetic coma - acetone breath due to keto-acidosis
• Renal failure - ureamic breath
• Liver failure or in severe jaundice - fetor hepaticus
• Hormonal changes (thyroid, adrenal & ovary problems) can cause foetid odour.
• Nervous disorders - Parkinson- disease, sympthathetic nerve affection, paralysis.
• Medicines - used for fever, vomiting, fits, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, psychological complaints often cause fetid odour.
Diagnosis ?
The tests often required are:
• Blood investigations to rule out diabetes, infection, allergies, metabolic disorders
• Urine investigations to rule out diabetes, bile salts, ketone bodies, etc.
• While diagnosing the problem, age, sex, health status (physical and mental), environment, clothes, smell of sweat should be considered before advice/treatment, i.e. Suspect
• Menopause in a middle age lady flushing
• Tuberculosis and cancer when there are night sweats often
• A yeast infection when there is sweat smell of beer
• Diabetes when sweat smells sweetish or acetone like or fruity
• Liver or kidney disorder when sweat smell like ammonia
Prevention & management
Usually to prevent the discomfort arising from sweat and its odour, care must be taken to:
• Dry it fast
• Cut down the sweat process
• Maintain cleanliness
• Destroy bacteria / fungus / yeast
Do• Maintain personal hygeine, cleanliness
• Drink plenty of water and juices
• Have good shower twice daily
• Wear cotton under garments, socks
• Wear loose dresses which allows good aeration
• Clean and dry the shoe everytime before wear
• Wash sweat/sweating area at least twice daily
• Trim hair in the sweaty areas
• Tight fitting clothes/synthetic clothes/shoes
• Spicy foods, onion and garlic
• Using clothes/socks for more than a day in temperate climates
• Congested/crowded places
• Coffee, alcohol, smoking and chewing tobacco
• Preservative-added tinned foods/drinks
• Stress and strain
• Unnecessary medications
Complications ?
Excessive sweat/body sweat odour can reflect in societal mingling, self-esteem, love and sex.
Also, one should beware that systemic illnesses like liver disorders, kidney disorders, diabetes, etc., can cause its own specific odours while complicating the disease.
General treatment ?
Normally, no one goes for treatment regarding sweat, unless the sweat and its odour affects them severely.
For masking the odour, people use soaps, talcum powders, deodorants and perfumes that are only temporary management. Other than these masks, some use washing solutions which contains hydrogen peroxide for cleansing the sweat area. Doctors may advice anti-perspirants/topical applications (for obliterating ducts with salt/gel formation) after ruling out thyroid, heart, diabetic problems and hormonal imbalances. These topical applications work give only temporary relief. Rarely, if increased sweat (in palms/soles) disturbs the sufferer more in regard to work, surgical resection of sympathetic nerves will be performed as a last resort.
Homeopathic approach ?
Sweat is one of the most important general symptoms which affect one as a whole, compared to other localised symptoms. Homeopathy always gives importance to the general symptom more than to any particular disease symptoms. Even though sweat process can be altered with air-conditioner and rest, when it is corrected to normal with Homeopathy treatment the body will feel lasting comfort and well-being.
Homeopathy medicines will not arrest the sweating process altogether, since it may often cause other discomfort in the course of treatment or afterwards. Also, one should beware that sweat suppressed in one area will reflect in increased sweating in another area. If it is suppressed altogether, the kidney will be affected due to increased work load. Homeopathy treatment aims at regaining the normal sweat process rather than stopping it. Homeopathy acts neurologically to attain normalcy against increased sweating to absence of sweat with dryness.
Regarding odour, treatment differs from person to person depending upon the secretions, odour, bacteria, cause and the person's nature. Homeopathy can also correct/reduce odour by making quality secretions. Deodorants and perfumes can only mask the odour temporarily, but symptomatic Homeopathic management can make one perfect once and for all. The congenital absence of sweat glands and increased existence of sweat glands cannot be corrected by medicines. It may need surgical intervention.
Homeopathy can show its best results in complaints of sweat in patches, sweat on only one side, sweat only on the forehead or sweat only in the occipital. These types of symptoms are treated as peculiar and characteristic symptoms in Homeopathy for individual patients and for selecting the apt drug.
Skin is an air-tight and water-proof covering, but it can drip sweat. Some think sweat is dirty, waste water which should be eliminated in compulsion. Some think of sweat as a natural body shower/scent. Some think sweat can cause sexual attraction. But most people feel it is an unpleasant sensation and wish to stay free of sweat to feel more comfortable and fragrant.
Is otherwise termed as perspiration. Everyone sweats, knowingly or unknowingly i.e. in the way of insensible or perceptible. The insensible sweat accounts approximately 300 ml/day and is felt as just moisture. The perceptible perspiration accounts for more than a liter or depends upon the exertion or works even up to 4 liters a day. The insensible sweat will be more in the palms, soles, neck folds and in other skin folds.
Science reveals that sweating is a process of maintaining body temperature by way of external cooling. It also maintains fluid and electrolyte balance in our body. Sweat constitutes mostly water with a little urea and salts. Sweat pH will usually be alkaline but may vary with acid secretion.
Our body can modify sweat process depending upon the requirement. During fever, the sweat process is arrested by the nervous system to increase body temperature to fight against infection. Likewise, with raised BP, sweat process and urination process will be more to reduce BP.
During exercise, anxiety or in a fearful state, sweat will be more to combat the increasing temperature caused due to increased metabolism. If there is a problem with sweating in a hot climate, heat stroke may result with amplified BP, pulse and suffocation. Some people may suffer from congenital absence of sweat glands. They suffer with heat.
Excessive sweating in medical terminology is termed ashyperhidrosis. Usually, it is seen in the under arms, on the forehead, hands and feet. Absence or reduced sweating is termed as anhidrosis. Increased sweating often causes discomfort and irritability with disturbance in work/lack of concentration.
In addition, increased sweating can cause great exhaustion and let out a foul smell. Likewise, decreased sweating causes dryness of the body with restlessness and discomfort.
Sweat glands ?
Sweat glands are coiled, long, corkscrew-like structures present in the subcutaneous tissue adjacent to the hair follicles. It opens to the outer skin through a duct. There are nearly 2-3 million sweat glands distributed all over the body except in the nipples, lips, nail beds and penis. Injured skin usually results in scar formation which are usually devoid of sweat glands and hair follicles. Sympathetic nervous system supplies nerves to sweat glands and controls its sweating.
There are two types of sweat glands present in our body. They are:
• Eccrine glands - are smaller, most commonly distributed all over the body to regulate the body temperature. They are concentrated more on the forehead, palms and soles. Usually, the secretion of these types of glands will not have any smell/offensiveness as it is diluted and tehre is an absence of fatty acids in the secretions. The only place where it smells bad is the feet. This is also because of bacterial action on persistent dampness and not due to the secretion.
• Apocrine glands ? are bigger and present only in certain places i.e. groin, axilla, areola, anus, etc. Its secretions usually contains fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. which has its own peculiar odour and tinge. It becomes more offensive only with bacterial invasion. This type of glands secretes more after puberty and responds more with hormonal changes.
Reason for sweat odour
Sweat when it dries up or evaporates, doesn?t produce any smell, i.e. sweat by itself does not have an odour, since it is sterile in formation. Smell/odour will be more only when there is difficulty in evaporation and there exists a favourable circumstance for bacterial action. The intensity of sweat and its smell varies from person to person and varies from places to places in the same person according to emotion, environment, exercise, food, heredity, diseases, etc. The skinfolds usually cause and maintain dampness. Bacteria or fungus or yeast harbour well in damp places and break down fatty acids and proteins in the sweat to cause the characteristic odour. Most often, body odour is caused due to sweat in axilla and groin by bacteria.
Incidences ?
Offensive sweating commonly occurs in every person irrespective of age and sex. But the intensity of sweating may vary depending upon races, weather, environment, nature of work, food, exercise, emotion, etc.
Usually, temperate hot climates causes more sweat than cold ones. Likewise, black people sweat more than the whites due to increased existence of sweat glands to combat heat.
Hereditary - in many cases sweating is found to be inherited.
Psychological• Anxiety
• Fear
Physiological or normal
• Strenuous exercises or starvation - ketone breath due to mobilisation of protein and protein metabolism
• Aromatic or spicy foods which increases body metabolism
• Habits of smoking, chewing tobacco and drinking
• Food habits - spicy foods, protein rich diets, garlic, onion, etc.
Pathological or abnormal
• Diabetic coma - acetone breath due to keto-acidosis
• Renal failure - ureamic breath
• Liver failure or in severe jaundice - fetor hepaticus
• Hormonal changes (thyroid, adrenal & ovary problems) can cause foetid odour.
• Nervous disorders - Parkinson- disease, sympthathetic nerve affection, paralysis.
• Medicines - used for fever, vomiting, fits, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, psychological complaints often cause fetid odour.
Diagnosis ?
The tests often required are:
• Blood investigations to rule out diabetes, infection, allergies, metabolic disorders
• Urine investigations to rule out diabetes, bile salts, ketone bodies, etc.
• While diagnosing the problem, age, sex, health status (physical and mental), environment, clothes, smell of sweat should be considered before advice/treatment, i.e. Suspect
• Menopause in a middle age lady flushing
• Tuberculosis and cancer when there are night sweats often
• A yeast infection when there is sweat smell of beer
• Diabetes when sweat smells sweetish or acetone like or fruity
• Liver or kidney disorder when sweat smell like ammonia
Prevention & management
Usually to prevent the discomfort arising from sweat and its odour, care must be taken to:
• Dry it fast
• Cut down the sweat process
• Maintain cleanliness
• Destroy bacteria / fungus / yeast
Do• Maintain personal hygeine, cleanliness
• Drink plenty of water and juices
• Have good shower twice daily
• Wear cotton under garments, socks
• Wear loose dresses which allows good aeration
• Clean and dry the shoe everytime before wear
• Wash sweat/sweating area at least twice daily
• Trim hair in the sweaty areas
• Tight fitting clothes/synthetic clothes/shoes
• Spicy foods, onion and garlic
• Using clothes/socks for more than a day in temperate climates
• Congested/crowded places
• Coffee, alcohol, smoking and chewing tobacco
• Preservative-added tinned foods/drinks
• Stress and strain
• Unnecessary medications
Complications ?
Excessive sweat/body sweat odour can reflect in societal mingling, self-esteem, love and sex.
Also, one should beware that systemic illnesses like liver disorders, kidney disorders, diabetes, etc., can cause its own specific odours while complicating the disease.
General treatment ?
Normally, no one goes for treatment regarding sweat, unless the sweat and its odour affects them severely.
For masking the odour, people use soaps, talcum powders, deodorants and perfumes that are only temporary management. Other than these masks, some use washing solutions which contains hydrogen peroxide for cleansing the sweat area. Doctors may advice anti-perspirants/topical applications (for obliterating ducts with salt/gel formation) after ruling out thyroid, heart, diabetic problems and hormonal imbalances. These topical applications work give only temporary relief. Rarely, if increased sweat (in palms/soles) disturbs the sufferer more in regard to work, surgical resection of sympathetic nerves will be performed as a last resort.
Homeopathic approach ?
Sweat is one of the most important general symptoms which affect one as a whole, compared to other localised symptoms. Homeopathy always gives importance to the general symptom more than to any particular disease symptoms. Even though sweat process can be altered with air-conditioner and rest, when it is corrected to normal with Homeopathy treatment the body will feel lasting comfort and well-being.
Homeopathy medicines will not arrest the sweating process altogether, since it may often cause other discomfort in the course of treatment or afterwards. Also, one should beware that sweat suppressed in one area will reflect in increased sweating in another area. If it is suppressed altogether, the kidney will be affected due to increased work load. Homeopathy treatment aims at regaining the normal sweat process rather than stopping it. Homeopathy acts neurologically to attain normalcy against increased sweating to absence of sweat with dryness.
Regarding odour, treatment differs from person to person depending upon the secretions, odour, bacteria, cause and the person's nature. Homeopathy can also correct/reduce odour by making quality secretions. Deodorants and perfumes can only mask the odour temporarily, but symptomatic Homeopathic management can make one perfect once and for all. The congenital absence of sweat glands and increased existence of sweat glands cannot be corrected by medicines. It may need surgical intervention.
Homeopathy can show its best results in complaints of sweat in patches, sweat on only one side, sweat only on the forehead or sweat only in the occipital. These types of symptoms are treated as peculiar and characteristic symptoms in Homeopathy for individual patients and for selecting the apt drug.
CHOCLATES..... | for everyone |
Politics, Media, and Interfaith Since 2002 | ||||
CHARITY OF IMAM HASSAN (A.S.) | for everyone |
The Charity and mercifulness of Imam Hassan (a.s.):
1. A person came to Imam Hassan (a.s.) and said "poverty and bad luck is torturing me. You are a family of chastity, purity and infallibility. Get me saved from this cruel enemy?" Hazrat Imam Hassan (a.s.) called his servant and said, "How much money do you have available?" He replied "five thousand Dinnars" He said, "Give all of this money to this man so that it may become the capital of his business and life and he may relieve himself off and get rid of poverty and resource less ness.
2. One day, Imam Hassan (a.s.) went to the house of God. In the very condition when he was busy praying he heard a man addressing his God and saying, "Oh God, I need ten thousand Dirhams to get it shaped as the capital of my life and you the merciful one give me this boon and blessing". The moment Imam Hassan (a.s.) returned back, he sent the said amount for him.
3. A poor and distressed man came to Imam Hassan (a.s.) and recited a rhyme meaning thereby, "I am left over with nothing, not even a single dirham. You can perceive my condition fully well and know it. I have nothing left with me to sell except my honor. I know you are the purchaser and buyer of it." The Imam Hassan (a.s.) at once called his servant and said, "Whatever money you have got with you, give it to this man."
The servant gave ten thousand Dirhams to him. Hazrat Imam Hassan (a.s.) asked the servant to make excuse as well, because, he did not possess more than that amount to be given out to him. He advised him to take that money and use it for his life and running the wheels of it and possibly getting rid of poverty and distress.
These few stories exhibit this fact that in the same way Imam Hassan (a.s.) was thoughtful and consider ant about the dooms day of the people, he was careful and considering about their Worldly affairs, for, the World is connected and patched up with the justice day. And the hunger and poverty stricken man cannot think about his dooms day. We must fully know that the Imam's helps and aids to the people as were not of the sort to encourage people about begging. Instead, these were extended in a manner to extend job and activity chances for them.
1. A person came to Imam Hassan (a.s.) and said "poverty and bad luck is torturing me. You are a family of chastity, purity and infallibility. Get me saved from this cruel enemy?" Hazrat Imam Hassan (a.s.) called his servant and said, "How much money do you have available?" He replied "five thousand Dinnars" He said, "Give all of this money to this man so that it may become the capital of his business and life and he may relieve himself off and get rid of poverty and resource less ness.
2. One day, Imam Hassan (a.s.) went to the house of God. In the very condition when he was busy praying he heard a man addressing his God and saying, "Oh God, I need ten thousand Dirhams to get it shaped as the capital of my life and you the merciful one give me this boon and blessing". The moment Imam Hassan (a.s.) returned back, he sent the said amount for him.
3. A poor and distressed man came to Imam Hassan (a.s.) and recited a rhyme meaning thereby, "I am left over with nothing, not even a single dirham. You can perceive my condition fully well and know it. I have nothing left with me to sell except my honor. I know you are the purchaser and buyer of it." The Imam Hassan (a.s.) at once called his servant and said, "Whatever money you have got with you, give it to this man."
The servant gave ten thousand Dirhams to him. Hazrat Imam Hassan (a.s.) asked the servant to make excuse as well, because, he did not possess more than that amount to be given out to him. He advised him to take that money and use it for his life and running the wheels of it and possibly getting rid of poverty and distress.
These few stories exhibit this fact that in the same way Imam Hassan (a.s.) was thoughtful and consider ant about the dooms day of the people, he was careful and considering about their Worldly affairs, for, the World is connected and patched up with the justice day. And the hunger and poverty stricken man cannot think about his dooms day. We must fully know that the Imam's helps and aids to the people as were not of the sort to encourage people about begging. Instead, these were extended in a manner to extend job and activity chances for them.
The Fortitude and Forbearance of Imam Hassan (a.s.) | for everyone |
The Fortitude and Forbearance of Imam Hassan (a.s.):
One day he was crossing a street riding a horse. On the way he came across a man who was one of the friends of "Muawiyah". When that man knew he was Imam Hassan (a.s.) he started using an un-respectful language. Imam Hassan (a.s.) stopped and listened to him and then facing him said, "I think you are a traveler and stranger and not a local person. You have been provoked by the enemies about us and their false words about us have made you cynical and pessimistic about us. If you have a need I may fulfill that need. If you are hungry, I will order to feed you. If you require a dress and clothes, I will order to dress you up. If you don't have residence to live in I will take you along with me to my house and extend hospitality and give you treatment. When that disrespectful person heard those words from the Imam (a.s.), he got very much ashamed and repented. He was so upset and uneasy about what he had done that he started weeping and apologized and said, "The words of your enemies had affected me. Before this (event) you and your father were the greatest enemies of mine among all the people. But now that I have witnessed this courtesy of yours, you are the most respectful and gracious to me among all the people.
I became aware that you are a family who has the capability of becoming the heirs of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Till the time I am living I will be a friend and devotee of you and would defend your right. So he did what he had said.
One day he was crossing a street riding a horse. On the way he came across a man who was one of the friends of "Muawiyah". When that man knew he was Imam Hassan (a.s.) he started using an un-respectful language. Imam Hassan (a.s.) stopped and listened to him and then facing him said, "I think you are a traveler and stranger and not a local person. You have been provoked by the enemies about us and their false words about us have made you cynical and pessimistic about us. If you have a need I may fulfill that need. If you are hungry, I will order to feed you. If you require a dress and clothes, I will order to dress you up. If you don't have residence to live in I will take you along with me to my house and extend hospitality and give you treatment. When that disrespectful person heard those words from the Imam (a.s.), he got very much ashamed and repented. He was so upset and uneasy about what he had done that he started weeping and apologized and said, "The words of your enemies had affected me. Before this (event) you and your father were the greatest enemies of mine among all the people. But now that I have witnessed this courtesy of yours, you are the most respectful and gracious to me among all the people.
I became aware that you are a family who has the capability of becoming the heirs of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Till the time I am living I will be a friend and devotee of you and would defend your right. So he did what he had said.
Awareness and Courtesy of Imam Hassan (a.s.):
One day, an old man was performing ablution. His ablution was futile and invalid. Imam Hassan (a.s.) ought to make him aware of his fault but how? If he said to him you are wrong possibly his heart might break and he got annoyed and did not accept it. He along with Imam Hussain (a.s.) decided to create a scene and ask the old man to make the judgment. Imam Hassan (a.s.) addressed Imam Hussain (a.s.) and said, "I perform a better ablution as compared to yours." Imam Hussain (a.s.) said "I perform it better than you do." Both of them approached the old man and said, "You come and see our ablution and decide who performs a better ablution." Both of them got busy with performing ablution and ended it in a correct and nice way. The old man understood what was the secret of their act and became aware that they meant him to find out his fault, in this way. So he said to them "The ablution performed by both of you is correct, I am an old man, who did not know how to perform the ablution correctly. You made me aware about my fault. I am much thankful to you."
Piety and Purity of Imam Hassan (a.s.):
Imam Hassan (a.s.) was the most pious, devout and ascetic worshiper and adorer of God. Whenever he went to Mecca for pilgrimage, he would go walking on foot. Whenever he performed ablution or stood for his prayers he saw himself in the court of God and his body started trembling he said, "The time has come for me to submit the deposit of God to Him."
When he came to mosque, he would raise his head, in the prayer place, towards the sky and say, "Oh God this is your guest standing in your court. Your defaulter servant has come towards you. And he hopes that you will forgive his bad deeds, by virtue of your kindness and forgiveness."
Birth and Childhood of Imam Hassan (a.s.): | for everyone |
Birth and Childhood of Imam Hassan (a.s.)
Imam Hassan (a.s.) had a great worth and status in the eyes of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Such as, one day he Prophet Muhammad (saw) was on the tribune, delivering a speech to the people, he heard the voice of his weeping. He came down from the tribune, went to calm him down, and then returned to his place. When the people asked him the reason for this act. He (saw) said, "Whenever I hear the voice of his weeping I get restless". The Prophet Muhammad (saw), having offered his prayer along with the people, would lift Imam Hassan (a.s.) into his lap and would say, "Whosoever loves me, must love this child as well". Sometimes, he (saw) lifted this child upon his shoulder and said, "It is hoped that God will purify this Ummah through him". Or he would say, "Whosoever loves Hassan (a.s.) and Hussain (a.s.) he loves me and whosoever nurses grudge and has enmity against them has enmity with me". "Hassan (a.s.) and Hussain (a.s.) are the two chiefs of the youths of the paradise". Then Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, Hassan (a.s.) and Hussain (a.s.) are the two earrings of the Empyrean, paradise of God takes pride and potentates due to them.
In the mid of the month of Ramadan, the 3rd year of Hijrah, a son was born in the small mud house of Hazrat Ali (a.s.). The Prophet Muhammad (saw), on behalf of Almighty God, named him Hassan. Imam Hassan (a.s.) was brought up in the lap of his father Hazrat Ali (a.s.) and mother Fatima Zahra (s.a.) and learnt lessons from the school of his grandfather Prophet Muhammad (saw).
Imam Hassan (a.s.) had a great worth and status in the eyes of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Such as, one day he Prophet Muhammad (saw) was on the tribune, delivering a speech to the people, he heard the voice of his weeping. He came down from the tribune, went to calm him down, and then returned to his place. When the people asked him the reason for this act. He (saw) said, "Whenever I hear the voice of his weeping I get restless". The Prophet Muhammad (saw), having offered his prayer along with the people, would lift Imam Hassan (a.s.) into his lap and would say, "Whosoever loves me, must love this child as well". Sometimes, he (saw) lifted this child upon his shoulder and said, "It is hoped that God will purify this Ummah through him". Or he would say, "Whosoever loves Hassan (a.s.) and Hussain (a.s.) he loves me and whosoever nurses grudge and has enmity against them has enmity with me". "Hassan (a.s.) and Hussain (a.s.) are the two chiefs of the youths of the paradise". Then Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, Hassan (a.s.) and Hussain (a.s.) are the two earrings of the Empyrean, paradise of God takes pride and potentates due to them.
Name: Al-Hasan Title: Al-Mujtaba
Designation: 2nd Imam Kunyat: Abul Muhammad
Father: Ali Ibne Abu Talib
Mother: Fatima Bint-e-Muhammad
Born: 15th Ramadan 3 AH (625 AD)WELL BEING SECRETS... | for everyone |
Happiness, wellbeing, contentment, harmony, enjoyment and peace don't all mean the same thing, but they all suggest self-esteem and a positive outlook on life.
Secrets of everyday wellbeing
Someone once said the secret of happiness is having someone to love, something to do and something to look forward to. There's probably some truth in this, although it doesn't mean you have to have an adoring spouse or partner, a high-powered job and a world cruise coming up to enjoy life.
The 'someone to love' could be a friend, relative or pet, and the 'something to do' and 'something to look forward to' could be just about anything you enjoy.
But even if you have those three 'somethings', there may be times when you don't feel very happy. Our mood can be affected by all sorts of things, including lifestyle, past experiences and genetic factors.
Scientists think that people who always seem to be in a good mood may simply have naturally higher levels of certain substances - endorphins (types of hormone) and the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin.
These are released by the brain and make us feel good when we're enjoying ourselves or when something pleasant happens.
Our state of mind is only partly influenced by the past or by physical factors. The rest is down to us - the way we think about things and how we manage different aspects of our lives. Most of us have much more influence over our feelings than we may think.
We can't always avoid negative thoughts, but one of the secrets of mental balance is being able to notice when you're 'choosing' or 'allowing yourself' to think negatively rather than positively, and keeping an eye on the way your lifestyle affects your mood.
The 'someone to love' could be a friend, relative or pet, and the 'something to do' and 'something to look forward to' could be just about anything you enjoy.
But even if you have those three 'somethings', there may be times when you don't feel very happy. Our mood can be affected by all sorts of things, including lifestyle, past experiences and genetic factors.
Scientists think that people who always seem to be in a good mood may simply have naturally higher levels of certain substances - endorphins (types of hormone) and the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin.
These are released by the brain and make us feel good when we're enjoying ourselves or when something pleasant happens.
Our state of mind is only partly influenced by the past or by physical factors. The rest is down to us - the way we think about things and how we manage different aspects of our lives. Most of us have much more influence over our feelings than we may think.
We can't always avoid negative thoughts, but one of the secrets of mental balance is being able to notice when you're 'choosing' or 'allowing yourself' to think negatively rather than positively, and keeping an eye on the way your lifestyle affects your mood.
Feel-good factors:• Relaxation
• The ability to express your feelings
• Aiming for achievable goals
• Time for the things you enjoy
• A healthy diet
• A sport or exercise you enjoy
• Work you find rewarding
• A comfortable balance between work and leisure
• Time to yourself, to do the things that interest you
• time for friends and family
Things to minimize:
• Too much stress
• Feelings of rage or frustration
• Expecting too much of yourself
• Negative thoughts and feelings
There's no instant recipe for a sense of wellbeing - but these are some of the main ingredients.
One important ingredient in wellbeing is self-esteem. Definitions vary, but all agree that high self-esteem means we appreciate ourselves and our own worth. More specifically, this means we have a positive attitude, are confident of our abilities and see ourselves as competent and in control of our lives.
One important ingredient in wellbeing is self-esteem. Definitions vary, but all agree that high self-esteem means we appreciate ourselves and our own worth. More specifically, this means we have a positive attitude, are confident of our abilities and see ourselves as competent and in control of our lives.
Low self-esteem can mean we feel helpless, powerless and even depressed.
Our self-esteem has huge implications for our life paths: our history of self-esteem begins as children and continues throughout our lives, affecting all our decisions.
Our self-esteem has huge implications for our life paths: our history of self-esteem begins as children and continues throughout our lives, affecting all our decisions.
Rejections, disappointments and failure are part of life and even our best efforts aren't always successful, but high self-esteem can help us get through the bad patches.
BE HAPPY AND LOVE ONESELF | for everyone |
How to Be Happy and Love Oneself Even When Being Put Down
Being happy and loving oneself can be hard enough as it is, not to mention if you're in a situation where others are putting you down. It is important to keep your head up and to be confident in yourself no matter what others may be saying about you.
Step1Focus on all of the positive things in your life and less on others' negative remarks. Remembering all that you have to be thankful for will help you to be happy in the face of adversity. Step2
Make a list of all of your positive attributes, and read the list every day or several times a day. In order to love yourself more and to stop paying attention to others' negative comments, you need to recognize your strengths and start believing in yourself. Step3
Stand up for yourself without putting the other person down. It's never easy to be the bigger person and walk away from a situation where people are putting you down, but if you sink to their level, you will only feel worse about yourself in the end. Step4
Surround yourself with friends and family who love you and accept you for who you are. Step5
Talk to a close friend, family member or a counselor about your feelings so that they can help you to gain perspective on the situation. Receiving emotional support is key to loving oneself and feeling happy.
Make a list of all of your positive attributes, and read the list every day or several times a day. In order to love yourself more and to stop paying attention to others' negative comments, you need to recognize your strengths and start believing in yourself. Step3
Stand up for yourself without putting the other person down. It's never easy to be the bigger person and walk away from a situation where people are putting you down, but if you sink to their level, you will only feel worse about yourself in the end. Step4
Surround yourself with friends and family who love you and accept you for who you are. Step5
Talk to a close friend, family member or a counselor about your feelings so that they can help you to gain perspective on the situation. Receiving emotional support is key to loving oneself and feeling happy.
SIGNS OF RETURN | for everyone |
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said, "I swear by Allah that your Imam will go into an occultation for a number of years … [during that period] the eyes of the true believers shall be filled with tears [due to being separated from him]." (Bihar al-Anwar) Every believer yearns for the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam and thus we seek out signs of his imminent return.
Although both the signs of the Day of Judgment and the signs of the Reappearance are generally fused together in Islamic writings, some books have listed signs specific to the Reappearance alone. Of the many signs, some may or may not occur, while other signs must occur before the Imam returns. Amongst the general signs are pessimism, cruelty, oppression, and anarchy among the people, while some of the more specific ones are listed below:
Signs in the Skies
- Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said, "Two signs will come before the one who will arise - there will be an eclipse of the sun in the middle of the month of Ramadan and an eclipse of the moon at the end of it. These are signs which have not occurred since Adam came down." (Kitab al-Irshad)
- The sun will rise from the West and the vast skies will become red. (Al-Yawaqeet wal-Jawahir)
- A distinctly sparkling star will rise from the East. In Eqdud-Durar it is said two stars will rise, while traditions in Fusul al-Muhimma state it will be a single star that will break into two.
Signs on Earth
- A fire will break out in the East that will last between three to seven days.
- A flood will occur in the roads of Kura after the River Euphrates will split.
- Not only will a "black wind" blow throughout Baghdad, but an earthquake will also take place there. The earthquake will affect only a specific section of Baghdad, causing it to collapse.
- The Awaited Savior's noble grandfather, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said, "Before the one who will arise, there will be red death and white death; there will be locusts, at their usual time and at their unusual time, like the colors of blood. As for red death, that is (from) the sword, while white death is (from) plague."
- Agriculture will be at a low and there will be heavy rains (some sources say it will rain approximately 20 consecutive times). In reference to both occurrences, Imam as-Sadiq said, "Before (the coming of) the one who will rise, there will be a year of abundant rain in which the fruits and the dates on the palms will be destroyed. But do not complain of that." (Kitab al-Irshad)
Signs of the Ummah
- Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) said, "The hour (of the end of the world) will not arise until the Mahdi from my descendants comes forth. The Mahdi will not come forth until sixty liars come forward, each of them declaring to be a prophet."
- Imam as-Sadiq said, "The one who will arise will not come forth until twelve of the Bani Hashim come forth before him, all of them summoning men to themselves [claiming the Imamat for themselves]."
- The Turks and Romans will argue amongst themselves.
- The Arabs will gain more power.
- Armies will make their way towards places such as Syria, Egypt, Khorasan, and Hira. (Kitab al-Irshad)
The Rising of Sufyani
The rising of Sufyani is mentioned in numerous traditions. Known as Uthman bin Anbasa, the Syrian descendant of Yazid will fight against the supporters of Allah's Proof. (Islam: Faith, Practice & History) He will have an army of thousands which will spread cruelty wherever it travels. (Eqdud-Durar)
At one point, some of Sufyani's army will sink into the ground. This place will be known as Baidah and will be located either between Makkah and Madina, or in Madina itself. (Sharh Nahjul Balagha)
The Rising of Khurasani
In Khurasan, Iran, a descendant of Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) will come to power and establish an Islamic government. He and a group of courageous Muslims will initially defeat Sufyani's army in Iraq. However, the tide will turn and Sufyani will gain the upper hand, forcing the Khurasani Hasani to retreat towards Makkah where he will remain until he can join the Twelfth Imam after his reappearance. (Al-Mahdi)
The Killing of Nafs-e-Zakiyya
Nafs-e-Zakiyya means "Pure Soul". Imam al-Baqir said, "There will be no longer than fifteen nights between the killing of the pure soul and the appearance of the one who will rise." (Kitab al-Irshad) The same book details that a pure soul will be killed on the outskirts of Kufa with 70 righteous men.
Upon the death of Nafs-e-Zakiyya, a voice will resonate from the skies declaring, "Be aware that your ruler is the Mahdi who shall fill the earth with truth and justice." (Eqdud-Durar)
The Crucial Call
Abu Hamza ath-Thumali once asked Imam al-Baqir, "Is the revolt of the Sufyani one of the things which must happen?" The Imam replied, "Yes. The call is one of the things which must happen, as is the rising of the sun from the west one of the things which must happen. The dispute of the Abbasids over the state is also one of them, and the killing of the pure soul. The appearance of the one who will arise from the family of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his family, is another of the things which must happen." Upon being asked about the call, the Imam elaborated, "There will be a call from the sky at the beginning of the day: 'Indeed the truth is with Ali and his Shia.' Then at the end of the day Shaytan will call from the Earth, 'Indeed the truth is with Uthman and his supporters.' At that the false one will feel doubt." (Kitab al-Irshad)
The call from the sky will be heard by everyone, but not all will reply. We need to reach such a strong point in our faith that when the time comes, we will be able to answer our Imam's call with utmost sincerity and conviction.
While we have some knowledge about the signs of our Imam's reappearance, not all of these are guaranteed to occur. We should not wait solely for the occurrence of these signs; rather we should be waiting for the Reappearance, which means using our brief life in this world to prepare for his arrival.
The Commander of the Faithful once said, "Await the relief and do not despair from the mercy of Allah, because indeed the most beloved of actions with Allah, the Noble and Grand, is awaiting the relief." (Bihar al-Anwar) Before the signs take place, we must ask ourselves: Are we using our time wisely as we await our Imam? Are we making efforts to improve ourselves to the extent that we may be worthy of helping the Master of our Age, whenever it will be that he graces us with his presence?
Are we ready for his arrival?
Telling the Truth
Avoiding unwanted telephone calls ("Tell them I'm not home!") and trying to obtain undeserved discounts from inexperienced young staff at the local butcher ("Yeah, yeah, your boss knows me, he always gives me a 25 percent discount!") is, well, dishonest and un-Islamic. Small lies, big lies, and even white lies should be avoided at all times. As good believers, we should always be telling the truth!
Praying on Time
One of the major inconveniences of our favorite TV shows it that they are always broadcast at Maghribtime. Despite having seen every episode half a dozen times over the span of our childhood, we can't help but gamble every time over whom we love more: Allah or Homer Simpson? And for those of us who are smart enough to know that our Creator's importance is greater than Matt Groening's creation, the Morning Prayer is a whole other battle. I'm not too sure why most of us "don't have the energy" forFajr, because even at 4 in the morning, the minute someone plugs in the PS3 or suggests a movie marathon, it's as though we've consumed a dozen energy drinks and three shots of espresso. Narrations reveal that Fajr is the most beneficial of the daily prayers; however, Satan whispers otherwise.
Minding Our Language
I understand that the recommended daily Ziyarat Ashura recitation summons an amazing adrenaline rush upon cursing the tyrants; however, extending this "curse allowance" to regular use of profanities in everyday life is certainly uncalled for! These days most Muhammads and Hussains and Zainabs and Fatimas seem to be partaking in the who-can-swear-the-most competitions with the non-Muslims. If anyone feels as though this statement is grossly unfair, please find proof by visiting the local Islamic school during lunch time.
Refraining from Backbiting
To those individuals who feel compelled to commit Gheebat, justifying it as "a collective attempt to rectify faltering individuals" by informing each and every person of someone else's shortcomings and not-so-ethical behavior, we quote the Holy Qur'an: "And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother?" (49:12) Either everyone these days is practicing cannibalism on their own free will, or we have run out of new and interesting meats to try. I'm not too sure about your brother's, but mine's flesh certainly does not seem too appetizing.
Paying Religious Dues
The only difference between shortchanging the IRS and shortchanging on Khums is that the former will land you in jail, whereas the latter will put you in hell. Ideally we would like to avoid both, but if we had to choose one, we would definitely take jail time over hell time. And we sincerely hope our fellow brothers and sisters have the same preference. One way to avoid hell time is to pay our religious dues on time and share our wealth with the poor. We assure you the benefits are countless. The most appealing (second only to earning Allah's pleasure, of course) benefit of taking your wealth and giving it to the poor? You get to feel like Robin Hood!
Observing Proper Hijab
Although it's usually the intelligence of beings possessing the Y chromosome which is questioned, sometimes we can't help but think it's the double X which has a few loose screws. Why exactly a Hijabi woman would intentionally falter when it comes to observing proper Hijab is beyond our understanding. If you've got the headscarf and "modest dress" going on, than we're yet to fully comprehend the benefit of exposing those pink toenails and wrists for the sake of showing off our gladiator sandals and fake Gucci watches. Please book an appointment with X-Men character Dust for a few Hijab pointers. (The Niqab is optional.) For God's sake, sisters, cover up everything that's not for the world to see, and that means not just your hair!
Avoiding Inappropriate Movies and Television Programs
Either I've remained completely oblivious about the MPAA merging with the Islamic seminary in Qom, or Muslims are mistaking the bold large print of "Rated R for coarse language and nudity" with "This movie is suitable for viewing by Muslims." My dear brother, we are aware that the Imam of Our Time (may Allah hasten his reappearance) is always present among us. Keep that in mind the next time you watch a movie with girls in bikinis in it. And sisters, being a girl doesn't justify your obsession for those romance films which lead to those secret collages and shrines with topless pictures of Edward Cullen making out with Bella. Sorry to break this to you, brothers and sisters, but your husbands and wives will not look like those Photoshopped movie stars, so it's best to stop drooling over them now.
Sporting a Beard
According to several traditions, a shaved face was commonly sported by the munafiqeen of Islam, such as Muawiya and Yazid. Today, however, it is a common sight to see the followers of the bearded nobles, Prophet Muhammad and his Progeny (peace be upon them), resembling the followers of the enemies of Islam. I've never seen South Korean soldiers dress up like the North Korean soldiers, so I'm not too sure what is going on with a growing number of brothers today. Instead of desperately chasing Fiqhi loopholes to justify shaving the beard, just ask yourself one question: WWAD? (What Would [Imam] Ali Do?)
Keeping Proper Friends
We all love to be the best friends possible, but that shouldn't be at the expense of us not being the best Muslim friends possible! Many a times we find it hard to control that energetic spirit within which chants Amr Bil Maroof, and in an attempt to show our friends the Right Path, we decide to do whatever it takes to "fit in" and subsequently let our own faith slip. As a wise person once said, "A man is known by the friends he keeps." Surely hanging with friends who have a tendency to engage in haram activities cannot help us do more halal and less haram. If anyone thinks otherwise, the Prophet of Allah responded to your objection already: "A good friend is one whose presence should always remind you of your Lord."
Making Up Missed Prayers and Fasts
It's great fun to fall sick in Ramadan, because while everyone else is fasting, you're one of the lucky few who can eat! Victory! But for those of us who don't like being in debt to our bank or credit cards, maybe it's a wise idea to be debt-free in the eyes of Allah as well. Fasting on days other than in Ramadan does seem excruciating, but perhaps some of us should have thought about this before we decided to forego our Islamic duties for minor excuses. And if you're among the lucky few who do not have any missed fasts, take account and find out if you have any prayers from the past (that were missed or performed incorrectly) that must be made up.
WHY DO I ....... | for everyone |
Why Do I Feel Tired When I Fast?
When we are fasting, our blood sugar level drops because it is being depleted, however it is not being replaced as the body is not receiving any sugar back in through food. The brain consequently tells us to sit down and relax so that we do not continue using up what little sugar and energy remains in our blood. The body is able to use up the stored fat, but since it is not used to receiving energy from here, it just slows itself down.
Why Do I Get Cranky and Dizzy When I Fast?
The brain's main source of energy is glucose, the body's form of sugar. When the blood sugar level drops to around 65 or below (depending on each person), the brain begins to react differently, resulting in mood swings and causing us to make thoughtless and irrational decisions. We may perform worse on exams and be slower to respond to questions. This all results from the brain being deprived of the food it requires to function at its optimal level. For the same reason, as the nervous system slows down we may become dizzy, weak and even a little shaky.
Surah al-Fath (The Victory) 48
There are 29 verses in this surah and it was revealed in Madinah. It is narrated that the Holy Prophet (SAWW) said, ‘Whoever recites this surah (al-Fath), it will be as if he was with me when Makkah was conquered and he has pledged allegiance to me.’ When this surah was revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAWW), he said, ‘Such verses have been revealed to me that are dearer to me than this entire world.’
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS) said that those who recite this surah will be counted from among the sincere and true servants of Allah (SWT) and will gain a honourable status in Jannah. In times of war or unrest, keeping this surah in one’s possession is a means of protection and safety.Drinking water in which this surah has been dissolved cures any heart problems and protects those who are travelling.
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiva)
HOW DO WE SLEEP !!! | for everyone |
Whether we are among those who love to sleep at the most opportune moment or those sleep-deprived individuals who desire nothing more than for the head to hit the pillow, perhaps the last thing on our minds is a checklist before sleeping, FOR sleeping! Yet for something we spend roughly one-third of our lives doing, and with no guarantee of waking up the next morning, it is a good idea to give it some thought. Let us understand the etiquette of sleeping from the holy perspective given through the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them), and make worthwhile adjustments in our sleeping habits as we strive to align each and every aspect of our lives with their teachings.
The narrations in this article are taken from Allama Muhammad Baqir Majlisi's book Tahdhib ul-Islam, as well as from duas.org.
Time of Sleeping
Allama Muhammad Baqir Majlisi mentions in his book Tahdhib al-Islam, that it is undesirable to sleep between true dawn (when the time for Fajr salat sets in) and sunsrise, between Maghrib and Isha, and after Asr prayer. In fact, it is narrated from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) that sleeping during the morning hours is inauspicious and lessens livelihood. However, it is recommended to have a short nap before Dhuhr prayers during summer.
There are numerous other traditions which discourage sleeping in the early hours of the day. For those of us who stay up late and consequently cannot help but sleep through these early hours, the obvious solution is to get into the habit of sleeping on time! The following narration related from the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) will surely be a good source of motivation to do so – he has told us we should remain awake during the night only in three cases: for Salatul Layl (the Night Prayer), for the recitation of the Holy Qur'an and for studying, and for a newly-married bride who arrives in her husband's house.
Position of Sleeping
Numerous traditions have related that it is recommended to sleep on the right side while facing theQibla and keeping the right hand placed under the right cheek. Sleeping on the left side or lying on the stomach is Makruh and thus should be avoided.
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) narrates that there are four ways of sleeping: Prophets sleep with their eyes open, awaiting revelations from Allah; believers sleep reclining on the right side, facing the Qiblah; worldly kings and princes sleep reclining on the left side; and Satan and those who follow him sleep on their stomachs.
It follows from another tradition that Imam Ali advised that sleeping on one's stomach is so undesirable that if one sees a person sleeping in such a position, he should be woken up and not allowed to sleep this way.
Performing Wudhu
Imam Sadiq has said that a person who performs Wudhu before getting into bed, his bed becomes as good as a mosque. If he forgets to perform Wudhu and remembers it later on, he may perform Tayyamum on the sheet with which he is covering himself. If then, after performing Wudhu orTayammum, he sleeps while doing Dhikr, his sleep will be as good as prayer.
This tradition reflects Salman al-Farsi's response to the Holy Prophet when he asked who among his companions fasts all year round, spends the entire nights in prayers, and completes the Holy Qur'an every day. All but Salman al-Farsi remained quiet, who replied: "I fast for three days in every month, and Allah says for every virtuous deed, the reward is multiplied ten times: thus my fasts each month are equal to 30 fasts. I recite Surah Tawheed three times daily, and I heard the Holy Prophet say that whoever recites Surah Tawheed once gets the reward of reciting one third of the Qur'an, and whoever recites it three times gets the reward for reciting the entire Quran. As for spending the entire night in prayers, I have heard from the Holy Prophet that sleeping in a state of Wudhu is equal to standing up the entire night in prayers."
Subhan'Allah, from the simple act of performing Wudhu before going to sleep, we can be blessed with the reward of an additional seven (or more or less) hours worth of prayers each day!
Accounting Our Deeds
According to narrations, the person who goes to sleep without accounting for his/her daily deeds is not among the followers of the Ahlul Bayt! The Imams have highly encouraged us to reflect on our deeds before going to sleep and particularly remember the sins we may have committed during the day. It is especially important to ask Allah for forgiveness of our sins, because we never know if we will even awaken from our sleep the next morning. Keeping that thought in mind, and with the help of Allah and a little bit of will power, we can hopefully refrain from committing those undesirable deeds in the future.
Duas before Sleeping
The Prophet once told Lady Fatima (peace be upon her) to recite the entire Qur'an, perform one Hajj and one Umrah, make all the believers pleased with her, and receive the intercession of all the Prophets before going to bed every single night. When she asked how such a feat could be accomplished, he taught her that reciting Sura Tawheed three times would be equivalent to the reward of reciting the whole Qur'an, reciting Tasbehaat Arba three times would equal the reward of one Hajj and one Umrah, asking for the forgiveness of the believers will make all of them pleased with her, and sending peace and blessings upon the Prophets would guarantee her their intercession on the Day of Judgment!
Imam Sadiq has said, "One who starts the night with the Tasbih of Lady Fatima (recites it before going to sleep) will be counted among those men and women who remember Allah much."
Other recommendations include:
These are only a few of the many recommended supplications to be recited before sleeping. A more comprehensive list can be found here.
Several traditions also narrate that the Holy Prophet has said, "Sweep the beds at the time of sleeping, so that any harmful insects settled in it may be thrown away and you may remain safe from harm." It is a good idea to sweep your pillow also!
The Holy Prophet also advised that at the time of sleeping, hands should not be greasy or smeared with food, or else Satan will over sway and may cause the person to become mad. It is further advised to brush one's teeth, go to the bathroom, and to cleanse oneself from sweat and unpleasant odors before sleeping.
Disadvantages of Excessive Sleeping
Imam Sadiq said that there are three things to which Allah bears enmity: excessive and unnecessary sleeping, laughing without a proper cause, and eating when the stomach is full. He also said that the first disobedience of Allah which people committed lies in the following six things: love of the world, love of kingdom, love of women, love of food, love of ease, and love of sleep.
It is also narrated from Imam Baqir in a Hadith al-Qudsi that Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) prayed to Allah: "O Allah, who among the people do you bear enmity most?" He was replied, "O Musa, that man who sleeps from night till morning like a dead man and spends the whole day in rubbish matters."
The narrations in this article are taken from Allama Muhammad Baqir Majlisi's book Tahdhib ul-Islam, as well as from duas.org.
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