HOLY QURAN READING...... | for everyone |
Salaam Alaikum All,
Ramadhan Mubarak
Thank you all very much for the unexpected tremendous positive response. We have participants from all over the Globe – USA, UK, GERMANY, CANADA, TANZANIA, and AUSTRALIA. We have assigned all siparas for ‘First Reading’ and have started the second, we have just passed the one third mark of the second one. Anyone out there who would like to read additional siparas, or know someone who does not have email, please share the information with them and contact me .
There are 3 important points to remember:
1. Intention (niyat) for the recitation should be For the blessing of (your intended Marhumeens) plus the ‘Marhumeens of all those who are participating in this project’.
2. Assigned siparas must be read and completed in the Month of Ramadhan
3. This project is not supposed to replace the regular Mahe Ramadhan ‘DARSA’ – group recitation in the Masjids; it’s to encourage us all to keep reading the Quran. Please do keep up your DARSA attendance. Most of us tend to complete one whole Quran recitation in the Month of Ramadhan, and WISH to do another for our Marhumeens, but many times this is not accomplished, so this is an alternative.
If you get a duplicate of this message please accept my apologies. For those who did not get one before, it’s not too late to start your Sipara.
Perhaps we can make this an annual event project and may be…..an ongoing one all year round??? Let me have your feedback.
Thank you again
Let’s remember to pray for each other.
Mariam Remtulla-Jiwa
30 for the price of one!!!!!!!
Would you be interested to participate in a collective ‘Quran reading’ in the Month of Ramadhan….for the blessing of our Marhumeens. ???????????
This is how it works….you recite one sipara, and the blessing of 30 siparas goes to your intended Marhumeens (from your mothers’ or father’s or in-laws side etc) You can do it at your own convenience, time and place. You can be anywhere and in any part of the world to participate.
· INTENTION: For the blessing of your intended Marhumeens plus the Marhumeens of all those who are participating in this project.
· To be read and completed in the Month of Ramadhan
If you know someone who may like to participate but does not have email address, please share the information with them and contact me . The more we get the more benefits to our Marhumeens. ……….so please share.
If you are able to and willing, please email back.
I will assign the siparas when I hear from you……..
Thank you
Mariam Remtulla-Jiwa
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave | Dearborn | MI | 48126

Bismillah Hir Rahmanir Rahim
“If you set apart for Allah a goodly portion, He will double it for you and forgive you; and Allah is the Multiplier (of rewards), Forbearing” (Holy Qura’n 64-17)
Mahe Ramadhan Appeal
All praise and glory to the Almighty Allah (swt), who, out of his love and wisdom, created the Holy Month of Ramadhan, a month filled with blessings, love and forgiveness for the mankind.
As much as the Almighty Allah has created the Holy Month of Ramadhan for us to acquire closeness to Him, it is our duty and entirely our own will on how to take the advantage of such a holy month.
Islam is one of the most misunderstood religion. The print and electronic media, which is mostly controlled by the enemies of Islam, has presented Islam as the religion that advocates and encourages Terrorism. The greatest challenge as well as opportunity before the Shiite's today, in this era of MEDIA, is to promote the teachings of Ahlul bayt (as). Whatever role we have been playing in the propagation of Islam would have been impossible without the goodwill and co-operation of the Community. By the grace of Allah (swt), we have among us institutions and individuals who have extended their helping hands to enable us to sustain our programmes. I say 'Jazakallah' to them and pray to Allah (swt) to reward them abundantly for their good deeds.
Alhamdollilah, Allah (swt) gave us tawfiqaat to successfully convey the message of Islam through our various activities during the past 19 years. Enclosed herewith is the report, which gives you an overview of our numerous activities. Any report however detailed, cannot convey the extensiveness and impact of such a work as Tableegh. The work of Tableegh is endless. It is demanding in terms of human and material resources.
We are into the blessed month of Ramadan and it deserves a stronger affirmation of our faith in Islam and its beneficial teachings for humankind. Let us strive harder in this righteous struggle to present the proper picture of Islam and promote peace and harmony, which Islam seeks to establish, amongst the peoples of the world.
Give us a helping hand; in whichever way you can, by supporting the committed and professionally managed organization - World Islamic Network.
We earnestly invite you to contribute generously to support World Islamic Network’s activities in the form of Sahem Imam / Donations.
Was salaam
Zaheer Abbas Merchant
(PRO – Mobile: 00919819682520)
Email: winislam@hotmail.com
Activities of World Islamic Network
Publication Department: WIN has published 90 different titles, which are distributed FREE of charge around the globe. So far we have distributed more than 600,000 books FREE to Muslims as well as non-Muslims. Many of these books have been re-printed more than Eight to Ten times, and few of them were translated from Arabic to English. WIN has a membership of over 30,000 active members all over the world including U.K., U.S.A., South Africa, Mauritius, Syria, Nigeria, Japan, U.A.E., Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Germany, Russia, Greece, Australia, South Korea and New Zealand and other countries.
Spreading the Message of Imam Hussein (as) through other Medias: To commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (a.s.), a unique way was adopted to spread the message of Islam and teachings of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) during the ten days of Moharram. We used media in a novel way such as putting up Mobile Hoarding (through Van/Trains), Hoardings (through Banners on various BEST Bus stops, and lamp posts), distribution of Leaflets, Water pouches, as well as advertisements in various news papers. We have received lots of queries through emails/phone calls for books on Imam Hussein (a.s.). This year we were in the 8th year of this campaign.
WIN TV (24x7): (First Shia Islamic Channel for Mumbai, Thane & Navi Mumbai, Pune, Nasik & Aurangabad ):WIN TV (24x7) was launched in June 2006 with the aim of propagating the teachings of Ahlul bayt (as) to people of other communities and as well as our community . We are receiving an over-whelming response from our viewers. We cover more than 5 million houses. WIN TV is available on IN DIGITAL SETUP BOX, HATHWAY SET BOX, and DIGI CABLE SETUP BOX & SEVEN STAR SETUP BOX. Watch LIVE WIN TV on internet http://www.winislam.com/wintv.html
WIN TV (24x7) future plans: (a) To start a Satellite Channel for India (b) To tie up with other Major Broadcasting Network in India (c) Produce more Content & Software (d) Setup a Digital Studio.
Khadija – tul – Kubra Ladies Library & Reading Room: More than 5000 books on various subjects in English, Urdu, Hindi, Arabic & Persian languages are housed in this library.
CD’s & DVD’s Library: It stocks the best collection of more than 7000 titles of, CDs & DVDs on Islam. These include lectures, majalis, tafseer of the Quran, interviews, documentaries, debates, marsiyas, films and many more.
WIN Academy (Coaching Classes for Std. VIII, IX, & X): We live in a very competitive age. A very high percentage of marks are required to secure admission in a reputed college and opt for the course of your choice. With a view to fulfilling the needs of the student community, World Islamic Network (WIN) – a premiere organization in the field of Islamic studies has launched WIN Academy.
We have an IJAAZA to collect half million dollars (20 million rupees) Sahme Imam from Grand Ayatollah Sayed Ali Seestani Sahab
Volume IV, Year 2010 - Issue #32 | ||
Natural Homemade Beauty Recipes Using Tea | for everyone |
Natural Homemade Beauty Recipes Using Tea
Natural Homemade Not only is tea beneficial to drink, it’s also beneficial for your skin. I’m fighting the urge to say it’s “beau-tea”.
Here’s a few natural homemade beauty recipes to treat all kinds of skin issues, including minor cuts and scrapes, treat sunburns, refresh puffy and fatigued eyes, and soak tired feet, all using the power or tea!
First things first:
Brew 1/2 cup of unscented black or green tea (leaves or bags) in 1 quart of boiling water for at least 10 minutes. Strain the leaves and set aside. Cool the liquid and refrigerate. This solution will keep in the refrigerator for approximately 10 days.
For Minor Cuts & Scrapes:
* Apply the cold tea with a cotton ball onto minor cuts or abrasions. Leave the cotton pad on the affected area for at least 5 minutes. Repeat, and do not wash off. You can repeat up to four times a day.
For Sunburns:
* Apply a piece of cotton cloth that’s been soaked in the cold tea to the sunburned area. Leave on for about 15 minutes, or until the burned areas begins to cool. You can repeat this treatment up to four times a day.
For Puffy & Fatigued Eyes:
* Soak cotton balls in the cold tea and lay them on your eyes. Keep the pads on your lids for about 10 minutes. You can also refrigerate your used tea bags and lay them on your eyes.
For Tired Feet:
* Soak your feet in the cold tea brew for about 15 minutes. This is a great way to treat your feet after a long day of standing, walking, or running. You can also try soaking your feet in a concentrated Peppermint Herbal tea brew for an aromatic soak.
For Your Face:
* Mix one teaspoon of fine cornmeal with cooled chamomile tea to form a gentle scrub. Let dry, then gently rub off. Not for sensitive skin.
* Make an exfoliating paste using chamomile tea and powdered milk. Rub on skin, let dry, and then rub off before washing.
* Rinse your face with tea. Tea acts as an astringent, so it works well on pimples. Do not wash off.
For Your Hair:
* In a small saucepan, warm (do not boil) 1/2 cup olive oil, 2 teaspoons fresh ground lavender, and the dry contents of 2 peppermint tea bags. Massage into scalp over damp hair. Cover hair with shower cap to keep heat in. Sit in the sun, if possible, for 20-25 minutes. Shampoo and rinse hair. Repeat this treatment once a month to nourish and strengthen hair.
* Use black tea as a hair rinse to darken hair and add shine.
* Use Chamomile herbal tea to bring out highlights in hair.
so Drink Tea each day ..............n also invite ur 4nds on tea so that u can also share wid them those tips .............
have Good Tea Time ...........
Natural Homemade Not only is tea beneficial to drink, it’s also beneficial for your skin. I’m fighting the urge to say it’s “beau-tea”.
Here’s a few natural homemade beauty recipes to treat all kinds of skin issues, including minor cuts and scrapes, treat sunburns, refresh puffy and fatigued eyes, and soak tired feet, all using the power or tea!
First things first:
Brew 1/2 cup of unscented black or green tea (leaves or bags) in 1 quart of boiling water for at least 10 minutes. Strain the leaves and set aside. Cool the liquid and refrigerate. This solution will keep in the refrigerator for approximately 10 days.
For Minor Cuts & Scrapes:
* Apply the cold tea with a cotton ball onto minor cuts or abrasions. Leave the cotton pad on the affected area for at least 5 minutes. Repeat, and do not wash off. You can repeat up to four times a day.
For Sunburns:
* Apply a piece of cotton cloth that’s been soaked in the cold tea to the sunburned area. Leave on for about 15 minutes, or until the burned areas begins to cool. You can repeat this treatment up to four times a day.
For Puffy & Fatigued Eyes:
* Soak cotton balls in the cold tea and lay them on your eyes. Keep the pads on your lids for about 10 minutes. You can also refrigerate your used tea bags and lay them on your eyes.
For Tired Feet:
* Soak your feet in the cold tea brew for about 15 minutes. This is a great way to treat your feet after a long day of standing, walking, or running. You can also try soaking your feet in a concentrated Peppermint Herbal tea brew for an aromatic soak.
For Your Face:
* Mix one teaspoon of fine cornmeal with cooled chamomile tea to form a gentle scrub. Let dry, then gently rub off. Not for sensitive skin.
* Make an exfoliating paste using chamomile tea and powdered milk. Rub on skin, let dry, and then rub off before washing.
* Rinse your face with tea. Tea acts as an astringent, so it works well on pimples. Do not wash off.
For Your Hair:
* In a small saucepan, warm (do not boil) 1/2 cup olive oil, 2 teaspoons fresh ground lavender, and the dry contents of 2 peppermint tea bags. Massage into scalp over damp hair. Cover hair with shower cap to keep heat in. Sit in the sun, if possible, for 20-25 minutes. Shampoo and rinse hair. Repeat this treatment once a month to nourish and strengthen hair.
* Use black tea as a hair rinse to darken hair and add shine.
* Use Chamomile herbal tea to bring out highlights in hair.
so Drink Tea each day ..............n also invite ur 4nds on tea so that u can also share wid them those tips .............
have Good Tea Time ...........
Useful Methods of Diabetes Cure and Treatment | for everyone |
Useful Methods of Diabetes Cure and Treatment
Treatment for Diabetes
In this article we are going to discuss about the proper way on implementing treatment for diabetes. Though there are more diabetes types, in this article we will only cover treatment of diabetes type 1 and type 2. This is due to the reason that those two are the most common found diabetes types in our society. Let’s get into more details on this subject.
Treatment for Type 1 diabetes – The body of people having Type 1 diabetes is unable to produce the right amount of insulin that the body needs. People having Type 1 diabetes will need to take insulin injections everyday.
Sometimes insulin will be available in certain forms that can be inhaled and they will not have to be injected. The insulin will have to be taken everyday.
There are different varieties of insulin that are used to treat people having Type 1 diabetes. The kind of insulin that is required will depend on how much time is required for the insulin to work inside the body. Using certain types of insulin can also cause some side effects.
People having Type 1 diabetes will have to keep checking their blood sugar levels many times during the day. They will have to inject insulin in the body using a syringe, pump or a pen.
They should also follow a strict diet chart that will help in maintaining the blood sugar levels in the body. The timing of each meal is also important. If any meal is skipped or even taken later than the normal time, it will cause the blood sugar levels to drop.
The blood sugar levels will also drop if he eats too little or does too much exercise or has even taken more insulin than is required. He might feel giddy, start sweating or even feel sleepy. He can drink some fresh fruit juice or have some dry fruits or any other food that is rich in glucose in order to bring his blood sugar levels back to normal.
Treatment for Type 2 diabetes – Type 2 diabetes normally occurs in people who have a sedentary lifestyle which consist of no exercise and a very irregular diet pattern. The first step in treating diabetes is following a proper diet chart along with regular exercise.
This will help in keeping the blood sugar levels stable up to a certain extent. But this alone will not be enough. Certain medicines will have to be taken orally to maintain the blood sugar levels normally. Sometimes a combination of drugs will be required. These drug combinations will sometimes be available in the form of a single tablet. Some people have to take oral medication as well as insulin injections in order to keep the blood sugar levels stable.
Every person having type 2 diabetes will have a different combination of medicines that have been prescribed by the doctor. Many people will have to take medicines as well as insulin injections to keep their diabetes under control while some just need to control their diet properly and also follow a rigorous exercise routine. But anyone having diabetes should make sure that they check their blood sugar levels everyday. They should take special care of their eating habits.
Treatment for Diabetes
In this article we are going to discuss about the proper way on implementing treatment for diabetes. Though there are more diabetes types, in this article we will only cover treatment of diabetes type 1 and type 2. This is due to the reason that those two are the most common found diabetes types in our society. Let’s get into more details on this subject.
Treatment for Type 1 diabetes – The body of people having Type 1 diabetes is unable to produce the right amount of insulin that the body needs. People having Type 1 diabetes will need to take insulin injections everyday.
Sometimes insulin will be available in certain forms that can be inhaled and they will not have to be injected. The insulin will have to be taken everyday.
There are different varieties of insulin that are used to treat people having Type 1 diabetes. The kind of insulin that is required will depend on how much time is required for the insulin to work inside the body. Using certain types of insulin can also cause some side effects.
People having Type 1 diabetes will have to keep checking their blood sugar levels many times during the day. They will have to inject insulin in the body using a syringe, pump or a pen.
They should also follow a strict diet chart that will help in maintaining the blood sugar levels in the body. The timing of each meal is also important. If any meal is skipped or even taken later than the normal time, it will cause the blood sugar levels to drop.
The blood sugar levels will also drop if he eats too little or does too much exercise or has even taken more insulin than is required. He might feel giddy, start sweating or even feel sleepy. He can drink some fresh fruit juice or have some dry fruits or any other food that is rich in glucose in order to bring his blood sugar levels back to normal.
Treatment for Type 2 diabetes – Type 2 diabetes normally occurs in people who have a sedentary lifestyle which consist of no exercise and a very irregular diet pattern. The first step in treating diabetes is following a proper diet chart along with regular exercise.
This will help in keeping the blood sugar levels stable up to a certain extent. But this alone will not be enough. Certain medicines will have to be taken orally to maintain the blood sugar levels normally. Sometimes a combination of drugs will be required. These drug combinations will sometimes be available in the form of a single tablet. Some people have to take oral medication as well as insulin injections in order to keep the blood sugar levels stable.
Every person having type 2 diabetes will have a different combination of medicines that have been prescribed by the doctor. Many people will have to take medicines as well as insulin injections to keep their diabetes under control while some just need to control their diet properly and also follow a rigorous exercise routine. But anyone having diabetes should make sure that they check their blood sugar levels everyday. They should take special care of their eating habits.
Bleaching Cream for Black Skin | for everyone |
Bleaching Cream for Black Skin
What is the best bleaching cream for black skin? Nowhere related to racism but fair skin complexion is the most sought after dream for many. It is the reason why there are so many skin whitening and skin bleaching products available in the market. The skin lightening or skin bleaching methods are obsessively used for enhancing one's complexion and in order to make the skin fairer. Hence, using bleaching cream for black skin and olive skin is a common practice nowadays. Looking at the distant goal to enhance one's skin tone, people madly follow the trend without even considering the good and bad effects of such cosmetics and skin care products. It is the reason why I am here to let you know about some of the useful skin bleaching creams and a few tips on choosing the best skin whitening creams.
Choosing a Bleaching Cream for Black Skin
At first, understand the fact that black or olive skin tone is as stunning or more, than fair skin tone. Hence, you need to avoid using skin creams as much as possible. However, if you are too determined to use them, then make sure that the creams that you are using are made of using a combination or some healthy and herbal skin whitening products. As we all know, melanin is the name of the skin pigmentation that decides the darkness of your skin color. The skin bleaching cream for black skin, targets melanin production and provides a fairly lighter skin tone. It is also important to run a thorough search on the skin bleaching cream ingredients like hydroquinone (not more than 2%), in order to check their side effects on your skin. You can consult one of your friends who have tried any such products. You can also try her/his product for a week and see if it is working for you and then only opt for the same product.
Best Bleaching Cream for Black Skin
There are thousands of black skin bleaching products that you can try, in order to lighten your skin tone. People with naturally black skin as well as those who got black skin due to reasons like an accident, acne scars, burns and cuts, can also try these skin creams, after prior consultation with a dermatologist. There is a huge rage regarding glutathione creams for skin whitening, however, there is not much evidence regarding the effectiveness of such products. Here are some of the best bleaching creams for black skin.
Ambi Fade Cream
This cream is found to be effective in lightening the dark spots on body and for providing an even skin tone throughout the body. Some of the prime ingredients of this skin whitening cream include vitamin E, hydroquinone and alpha hydroxy acids. Children under 12 years of age are restricted from using such bleaching creams for black skin.
Avon Anew Luminosity Ultra
This cream promises fairer and brighter skin in 14 days. It works great on the target areas and is an excellent skin bleaching cream since it is also low in cost. It works great on black skin and people with partial dark skin can also benefit from using it.
Reviva Labs Fade Cream
This is marketed as a day fade cream and is effective for fading dark skin problem areas. This cream consists of Kojic acid, which is a good skin bleaching agent. This is one of the most popular natural skin bleaching cream used for black skin.
Palmers Skin Success Eventone Fade Milk
This cream comes with vitamin E, hydroquinone and alpha hydroxy acid and it is a good bleaching cream for black skin due to sun exposure, dry skin, pregnancy or any skin trauma. Children under 12 years of age should not use such creams.
The Body Shop Blemish Fade Night Lotion
This skin bleaching/skin lightening cream comes with tea tree extract and hence it is one of the herbal skin bleaching creams that are available in the market. It clears and avoids skin blemishes and offers a lighter skin tone with clearer complexion.
Some other brands of bleaching cream for black skin include Nandinola skin discoloration fade cream, Esoterica daytime fade cream, clear essence advance complex fade gel, fade-out leg treatment cream with vitamin K, etc. Skin bleaching creams for black skin need to be applied as per the directions. You also need to avoid and reduce sun exposure for better and long lasting results of such products. Lastly, if you don't know, melanin is the pigment, that protects the skin from potentially harmful ultra violet rays of the sun. Since the skin bleaching creams target melanin production, they can cause skin disorders like skin cancer and other harmful side effects in the long run.
You can rather opt for skin whitening home remedies and some of the natural skin lightener products, to be on the safer side. This was all that I had to tell you about skin bleaching cream for black skin. As I mentioned above, you always need to consult a dermatologist prior to using such skin care products. It is the best thing that you can do to stay healthy and beautiful! Take care!
What is the best bleaching cream for black skin? Nowhere related to racism but fair skin complexion is the most sought after dream for many. It is the reason why there are so many skin whitening and skin bleaching products available in the market. The skin lightening or skin bleaching methods are obsessively used for enhancing one's complexion and in order to make the skin fairer. Hence, using bleaching cream for black skin and olive skin is a common practice nowadays. Looking at the distant goal to enhance one's skin tone, people madly follow the trend without even considering the good and bad effects of such cosmetics and skin care products. It is the reason why I am here to let you know about some of the useful skin bleaching creams and a few tips on choosing the best skin whitening creams.
Choosing a Bleaching Cream for Black Skin
At first, understand the fact that black or olive skin tone is as stunning or more, than fair skin tone. Hence, you need to avoid using skin creams as much as possible. However, if you are too determined to use them, then make sure that the creams that you are using are made of using a combination or some healthy and herbal skin whitening products. As we all know, melanin is the name of the skin pigmentation that decides the darkness of your skin color. The skin bleaching cream for black skin, targets melanin production and provides a fairly lighter skin tone. It is also important to run a thorough search on the skin bleaching cream ingredients like hydroquinone (not more than 2%), in order to check their side effects on your skin. You can consult one of your friends who have tried any such products. You can also try her/his product for a week and see if it is working for you and then only opt for the same product.
Best Bleaching Cream for Black Skin
There are thousands of black skin bleaching products that you can try, in order to lighten your skin tone. People with naturally black skin as well as those who got black skin due to reasons like an accident, acne scars, burns and cuts, can also try these skin creams, after prior consultation with a dermatologist. There is a huge rage regarding glutathione creams for skin whitening, however, there is not much evidence regarding the effectiveness of such products. Here are some of the best bleaching creams for black skin.
Ambi Fade Cream
This cream is found to be effective in lightening the dark spots on body and for providing an even skin tone throughout the body. Some of the prime ingredients of this skin whitening cream include vitamin E, hydroquinone and alpha hydroxy acids. Children under 12 years of age are restricted from using such bleaching creams for black skin.
Avon Anew Luminosity Ultra
This cream promises fairer and brighter skin in 14 days. It works great on the target areas and is an excellent skin bleaching cream since it is also low in cost. It works great on black skin and people with partial dark skin can also benefit from using it.
Reviva Labs Fade Cream
This is marketed as a day fade cream and is effective for fading dark skin problem areas. This cream consists of Kojic acid, which is a good skin bleaching agent. This is one of the most popular natural skin bleaching cream used for black skin.
Palmers Skin Success Eventone Fade Milk
This cream comes with vitamin E, hydroquinone and alpha hydroxy acid and it is a good bleaching cream for black skin due to sun exposure, dry skin, pregnancy or any skin trauma. Children under 12 years of age should not use such creams.
The Body Shop Blemish Fade Night Lotion
This skin bleaching/skin lightening cream comes with tea tree extract and hence it is one of the herbal skin bleaching creams that are available in the market. It clears and avoids skin blemishes and offers a lighter skin tone with clearer complexion.
Some other brands of bleaching cream for black skin include Nandinola skin discoloration fade cream, Esoterica daytime fade cream, clear essence advance complex fade gel, fade-out leg treatment cream with vitamin K, etc. Skin bleaching creams for black skin need to be applied as per the directions. You also need to avoid and reduce sun exposure for better and long lasting results of such products. Lastly, if you don't know, melanin is the pigment, that protects the skin from potentially harmful ultra violet rays of the sun. Since the skin bleaching creams target melanin production, they can cause skin disorders like skin cancer and other harmful side effects in the long run.
You can rather opt for skin whitening home remedies and some of the natural skin lightener products, to be on the safer side. This was all that I had to tell you about skin bleaching cream for black skin. As I mentioned above, you always need to consult a dermatologist prior to using such skin care products. It is the best thing that you can do to stay healthy and beautiful! Take care!
(contents not verified)
Does Fish Oil Raise Cholesterol Levels? | for everyone |
Fish oil has been shown in epidemiological and clinical trials to reduce the incidence of heart disease by lowering cholesterol. Large-scale epidemiological studies suggest that individuals at risk for coronary heart disease benefit from the consumption of fish oil, as it is high in omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids, or fish oil, are polyunsaturated fats found in fish, fish oil, and in the form of supplements. They typically consist of a combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids that include DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Polyunsaturated fats, especially EPA and DHA, have a reputation for being heart-friendly fats because they do not promote atherosclerosis associated with causing heart disease.
In recent years, many people have taken fish oil capsules to reduce their risk of coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Fish oil lowers triglycerides but does not help lower cholesterol. But for people who have had a recent heart attack, a small amount of fish oil capsules may reduce the risk of death from CAD.
Some people with high triglycerides may take a prescription omega-3 fatty acids medicine (such as Lovaza). This medicine is a highly concentrated form of omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil. This medicine is used along with diet and lifestyle changes for high triglycerides. This medicine may raise LDL cholesterol levels slightly. So if you take Lovaza, your doctor may closely watch your cholesterol levels.
Fish oil capsules that you can buy without a prescription can have significant side effects. Because of these side effects, most doctors recommend eating 2 or 3 servings of fish a week rather than taking fish oil capsules. The side effects of fish oil capsules include:
* Large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids (the main type of fatty acid in fish oil) can greatly reduce the ability of the blood to clot normally.
* Fish oil can cause nausea, diarrhea, belching, and a fishy taste in the mouth.
* Taking large amounts of fish oil greatly increases the number of calories in the diet. Some suggested doses add more than 200 calories a day.
* Some studies suggest that taking large doses of fish oil can actually harm your immune system.
Omega-3 fatty acids, or fish oil, are polyunsaturated fats found in fish, fish oil, and in the form of supplements. They typically consist of a combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids that include DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Polyunsaturated fats, especially EPA and DHA, have a reputation for being heart-friendly fats because they do not promote atherosclerosis associated with causing heart disease.
In recent years, many people have taken fish oil capsules to reduce their risk of coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Fish oil lowers triglycerides but does not help lower cholesterol. But for people who have had a recent heart attack, a small amount of fish oil capsules may reduce the risk of death from CAD.
Some people with high triglycerides may take a prescription omega-3 fatty acids medicine (such as Lovaza). This medicine is a highly concentrated form of omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil. This medicine is used along with diet and lifestyle changes for high triglycerides. This medicine may raise LDL cholesterol levels slightly. So if you take Lovaza, your doctor may closely watch your cholesterol levels.
Fish oil capsules that you can buy without a prescription can have significant side effects. Because of these side effects, most doctors recommend eating 2 or 3 servings of fish a week rather than taking fish oil capsules. The side effects of fish oil capsules include:
* Large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids (the main type of fatty acid in fish oil) can greatly reduce the ability of the blood to clot normally.
* Fish oil can cause nausea, diarrhea, belching, and a fishy taste in the mouth.
* Taking large amounts of fish oil greatly increases the number of calories in the diet. Some suggested doses add more than 200 calories a day.
* Some studies suggest that taking large doses of fish oil can actually harm your immune system.
Learning the Different Causes of Diabetes (Blood Sugar) | for everyone |
Learning the Different Causes of Diabetes (Blood Sugar)
Insufficient production of insulin (either absolutely or relative to the body’s needs), production of defective insulin (which is uncommon), or the inability of cells to use insulin properly and efficiently leads to hyperglycemia and diabetes.
This latter condition affects mostly the cells of muscle and fat tissues, and results in a condition known as “insulin resistance.” This is the primary problem in type 2 diabetes.
The absolute lack of insulin, usually secondary to a destructive process affecting the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas, is the main disorder in type 1 diabetes.
In type 2 diabetes, there also is a steady decline of beta cells that adds to the process of elevated blood sugars. Essentially, if someone is resistant to insulin, the body can, to some degree, increase production of insulin and overcome the level of resistance. After time, if production decreases and insulin cannot be released as vigorously, hyperglycemia develops.
Glucose is a simple sugar found in food. Glucose is an essential nutrient that provides energy for the proper functioning of the body cells. Carbohydrates are broken down in the small intestine and the glucose in digested food is then absorbed by the intestinal cells into the bloodstream, and is carried by the bloodstream to all the cells in the body where it is utilized. However, glucose cannot enter the cells alone and needs insulin to aid in its transport into the cells.
Without insulin, the cells become starved of glucose energy despite the presence of abundant glucose in the bloodstream. In certain types of diabetes, the cells’ inability to utilize glucose gives rise to the ironic situation of “starvation in the midst of plenty”. The abundant, unutilized glucose is wastefully excreted in the urine.
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by specialized cells (beta cells) of the pancreas. (The pancreas is a deep-seated organ in the abdomen located behind the stomach.) In addition to helping glucose enter the cells, insulin is also important in tightly regulating the level of glucose in the blood.
After a meal, the blood glucose level rises. In response to the increased glucose level, the pancreas normally releases more insulin into the bloodstream to help glucose enter the cells and lower blood glucose levels after a meal. When the blood glucose levels are lowered, the insulin release from the pancreas is turned down. It is important to note that even in the fasting state there is a low steady release of insulin than fluctuates a bit and helps to maintain a steady blood sugar level during fasting.
In normal individuals, such a regulatory system helps to keep blood glucose levels in a tightly controlled range. As outlined above, in patients with diabetes, the insulin is either absent, relatively insufficient for the body’s needs, or not used properly by the body. All of these factors cause elevated levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia).
Insufficient production of insulin (either absolutely or relative to the body’s needs), production of defective insulin (which is uncommon), or the inability of cells to use insulin properly and efficiently leads to hyperglycemia and diabetes.
This latter condition affects mostly the cells of muscle and fat tissues, and results in a condition known as “insulin resistance.” This is the primary problem in type 2 diabetes.
The absolute lack of insulin, usually secondary to a destructive process affecting the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas, is the main disorder in type 1 diabetes.
In type 2 diabetes, there also is a steady decline of beta cells that adds to the process of elevated blood sugars. Essentially, if someone is resistant to insulin, the body can, to some degree, increase production of insulin and overcome the level of resistance. After time, if production decreases and insulin cannot be released as vigorously, hyperglycemia develops.
Glucose is a simple sugar found in food. Glucose is an essential nutrient that provides energy for the proper functioning of the body cells. Carbohydrates are broken down in the small intestine and the glucose in digested food is then absorbed by the intestinal cells into the bloodstream, and is carried by the bloodstream to all the cells in the body where it is utilized. However, glucose cannot enter the cells alone and needs insulin to aid in its transport into the cells.
Without insulin, the cells become starved of glucose energy despite the presence of abundant glucose in the bloodstream. In certain types of diabetes, the cells’ inability to utilize glucose gives rise to the ironic situation of “starvation in the midst of plenty”. The abundant, unutilized glucose is wastefully excreted in the urine.
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by specialized cells (beta cells) of the pancreas. (The pancreas is a deep-seated organ in the abdomen located behind the stomach.) In addition to helping glucose enter the cells, insulin is also important in tightly regulating the level of glucose in the blood.
After a meal, the blood glucose level rises. In response to the increased glucose level, the pancreas normally releases more insulin into the bloodstream to help glucose enter the cells and lower blood glucose levels after a meal. When the blood glucose levels are lowered, the insulin release from the pancreas is turned down. It is important to note that even in the fasting state there is a low steady release of insulin than fluctuates a bit and helps to maintain a steady blood sugar level during fasting.
In normal individuals, such a regulatory system helps to keep blood glucose levels in a tightly controlled range. As outlined above, in patients with diabetes, the insulin is either absent, relatively insufficient for the body’s needs, or not used properly by the body. All of these factors cause elevated levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia).
How to Get Rid of Pimples on Oily Skin | for everyone |
How to Get Rid of Pimples on Oily Skin
An oily face is a matter of concern not only for teenagers and young adults, but also for those people who are in the pre-menopausal phase of their life.
Oily skin and its related consequences such as acne and pimples can be quite embarrassing for the affected person and the ugly scars and blemishes on the skin can even lower the person’s self-esteem.
The sebaceous glands are over active. Skin that feels great when you take off for work in the morning but feels greasy by lunch; these are all too familiar scenarios for those of us with oily skin.
As your skin is oily, which is more prone to pimples, treatment for both pimples and oily skin should be done simultaneously for best results.
Eat Fewer Oily Foods
Your skin already is producing an abundance of oils, so it is best to avoid fats, fried foods and anything that will make your already sensitive skin more prone to flare ups.
Drink More Water
Water assists your body in flushing out toxins from your system, and well hydrated skin is healthy skin. Drinking more water and few glasses of soda, coffee, and alcohol has many health benefits for the rest of your body too.
Mint Masks
Try wearing a mask of crushed fresh mint leaves. Mint contains menthol which is a natural pain reliever. Crush the mint leaves into a thick paste and spread evenly over the skin. Leave on for ten minutes and then rinse with cool water. The menthol in the mask will also work to relieve the inflammation around the acne making the appearance less noticeable.
Lemon and Rosewater Astringent
Mix equal parts of rosewater and lemon juice to make an astringent solution. Astringents, while they sting a bit when applied, tend to dry the excess oils on the surface of the skin and help to heal pimples. Leave the mixture on your face for 15-30 minutes and then rinse with cool water. Lemon juice is a natural acid, so be careful to keep this mixture away from your eyes.
Cucumber and Oatmeal Masks
Cucumber and oatmeal masks tend to have a soothing natural exfoliating property that helps to gently cleanse the pores and lift excess oils off the surface of the skin. To make the mask, puree ¼ of a cucumber and set aside. Prepare one serving of oatmeal as directed and mix in 3 Tablespoons of honey. Mix in the cucumber and set aside to cool. Wash your face with mild soap and pat dry. When the mixture is cool, apply evenly to your face and allow it to sit on your face for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water and pat dry.
Orange Peels and Water
A paste of crushed orange peels mixed along with water can be applied to your oily face and can be rinsed off with luke warm water after 20 to 30 minutes for effective pimples treatment.
An oily face is a matter of concern not only for teenagers and young adults, but also for those people who are in the pre-menopausal phase of their life.
Oily skin and its related consequences such as acne and pimples can be quite embarrassing for the affected person and the ugly scars and blemishes on the skin can even lower the person’s self-esteem.
The sebaceous glands are over active. Skin that feels great when you take off for work in the morning but feels greasy by lunch; these are all too familiar scenarios for those of us with oily skin.
As your skin is oily, which is more prone to pimples, treatment for both pimples and oily skin should be done simultaneously for best results.
Eat Fewer Oily Foods
Your skin already is producing an abundance of oils, so it is best to avoid fats, fried foods and anything that will make your already sensitive skin more prone to flare ups.
Drink More Water
Water assists your body in flushing out toxins from your system, and well hydrated skin is healthy skin. Drinking more water and few glasses of soda, coffee, and alcohol has many health benefits for the rest of your body too.
Mint Masks
Try wearing a mask of crushed fresh mint leaves. Mint contains menthol which is a natural pain reliever. Crush the mint leaves into a thick paste and spread evenly over the skin. Leave on for ten minutes and then rinse with cool water. The menthol in the mask will also work to relieve the inflammation around the acne making the appearance less noticeable.
Lemon and Rosewater Astringent
Mix equal parts of rosewater and lemon juice to make an astringent solution. Astringents, while they sting a bit when applied, tend to dry the excess oils on the surface of the skin and help to heal pimples. Leave the mixture on your face for 15-30 minutes and then rinse with cool water. Lemon juice is a natural acid, so be careful to keep this mixture away from your eyes.
Cucumber and Oatmeal Masks
Cucumber and oatmeal masks tend to have a soothing natural exfoliating property that helps to gently cleanse the pores and lift excess oils off the surface of the skin. To make the mask, puree ¼ of a cucumber and set aside. Prepare one serving of oatmeal as directed and mix in 3 Tablespoons of honey. Mix in the cucumber and set aside to cool. Wash your face with mild soap and pat dry. When the mixture is cool, apply evenly to your face and allow it to sit on your face for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water and pat dry.
Orange Peels and Water
A paste of crushed orange peels mixed along with water can be applied to your oily face and can be rinsed off with luke warm water after 20 to 30 minutes for effective pimples treatment.
Most Powerful Tips on Internet Business Marketing | for everyone |
Most Powerful Tips on Internet Business Marketing
If you own a business and still haven’t used one of the most powerful media, for your business marketing then its time you gave it a shot. The Internet is the medium with perhaps the widest reach across the globe, and hence if you aim to market your business on a global level, then you have to make use of the Internet facility for sure. Internet is an effective medium for business marketing and provides a wide range of platforms on the worldwide web for you to display and market your products and services.
Basics of Internet Business Marketing
First of all you need to know about all the platforms that the Internet provides you to market and promote your business. If you thought that creating a website is the only thing that you need to do to use the internet for business marketing, then it is time you refresh your Internet business marketing basics. Internet marketing includes the following platforms:
* Business Marketing Website
* Business Marketing Blogs
* Business Press Releases
* Business Networking
* Business Marketing Research
* Business Email Marketing
* Business Advertising
Business marketing on the internet makes use of each and every opportunity to communicate with the audience which could be either potential or existing customers and investors. Let us know more about how you can utilize each of these marketing platforms to the fullest.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Effective Use of Your Website
Your website is a reflection of your business, and hence make sure you have a clean and simple website with concise and quality content. The key to having a great website starts from the url itself, which is the name of your website. Pick a url that will attract attention and yet will not sound like a hoax. A well designed website will obviously and advantage, but is not a prerequisite, you can get your basics right and still be successful over the Internet. This is the age where everyone is looking for simple and straight things, if you complicate your website too much and add unnecessary embellishments, it will definitely be a turn off for the visitors. Use an appropriate color scheme and graphics for your website. Marketing is all about building relation and enhancing communication with your audience. Give all the details about your business, starting from the history, the achievements and benchmarks and current credentials and clientèle. It is always wise to categorize the information in separate tabs, which gives a clear and systematic look to the website.
Do not make your website look boring with the use of extensive text, always use interesting graphics and photographs to illustrate the text messages and bring harmony to the website. Add detailed information about all the achievements and successful business projects undertaken and completed so far. Always provide a feedback option wherein people who are interested can revert back to you with their queries. Provide links to other related web pages like your recent press releases, your blog sites etc to pique the interest of the readers. Try and conduct various polls and contests on your websites and announce prizes for the winners. Increased readership often translates into increased profits and hence acts as a major boost to the business.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Business Blogs
Most of the people would question the need of a blog in of an official website. Why do you need a blog for business marketing? The answer is the enhanced interactivity that blogs provide, their informal appeal and their rising popularity on the web. Blogs have emerged as a very successful communication medium with the number of bloggers increasing day by day. The blogging community is expanding day by day and has a huge influence on the Internet. Having a website is not enough, you need to go a step further and have your own business blog to enhance the marketing. In case you have your partners on the web, do not forget to link your blogs together to increase readership. Blogs can not only help you to keep updating daily news snippets and information about your business but also serve as an excellent medium for people to contribute to your blog and share their views about your products and services.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Press Releases
Press releases are short succinct pieces of information that allow the readers to know the latest developments and achievements of your business. Press releases are touted as effective Public Relations tools and hence also play a major role in business marketing. There exist several websites that allow you a platform to share your information and publish it on the Internet. Social news aggregators or article directories are the best platforms to publish your press releases and create publicity for your business. There exist paid and free varieties of such websites. Depending on your requirement and capacity, you can select a site for publishing your press releases.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Business Networking
Business networking is an inseparable element of business marketing. At the end of the day, every businessman knows that the success of the business does not depend on the number of customers. You need more investors, you need franchisees for expansion of the business and the Internet is a great place to meet people from the same field and interact with them. There exist several platforms for businessmen to interact with each other and discuss their business prospects and other related issues. Networking websites also offer a great way to forge new business partnerships and business deals. The most important factor of online business networking is the fact that small scale as well as large-scale business owners can be reached on a common platform.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Advertising
Have you ever noticed the small or the pop-up advertisements on the Internet? The Internet is a large advertising platform for all sorts of businessmen. There exist all sorts of advertising options, but pick the ones that are authentic and effective. Avoid using pop-up ads since they are an annoyance to the Internet users and are often blocked by pop-up blockers used by a majority of people. There exist several facilities like Google Adsense, which make sure your advertisements are featured on relevant web pages and websites.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Online Research
The Internet is home to a wide range of people with different age groups, genders, people with different profession, different lifestyles and different buying habits and preferences. This is a place where any businessman can access any target group that he thinks is suitable for his/her products and services. Online research and surveys of target audience with respect to their shopping preferences and requirements are easily possible on the Internet. There also exist various research and survey websites that will carry out the research for you at a fixed minimum price. Online research helps you to fathom the customer requirements and accordingly plan your marketing strategies in future. It also allows you to know your strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities by results of comparison between your products and other competitors. Online research also enables generation of useful mailing lists that includes contacts of people who could genuinely be interested in your products and services.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Email Marketing
After websites and blogs, email is the best marketing tool over the Internet. Unlike websites and blogs, an email provides a communication mode that is more personalized. However before undertaking mass email marketing it is advisable to conduct the online research and surveys to generate relevant mailing lists. Also while sending the marketing emails, care should be taken about the content of the mail. It should not appear as a spammy email that is truly an annoyance to the reader. In case you have mailing lists that include people who have done business with you it is better to make a reference to your past transaction which will make the email seem more authentic and prevent the reader from ignoring your mails. Do not keep on bombarding the readers with repeated mails. Send relevant mails at regular intervals to generate a positive response.
If you own a business and still haven’t used one of the most powerful media, for your business marketing then its time you gave it a shot. The Internet is the medium with perhaps the widest reach across the globe, and hence if you aim to market your business on a global level, then you have to make use of the Internet facility for sure. Internet is an effective medium for business marketing and provides a wide range of platforms on the worldwide web for you to display and market your products and services.
Basics of Internet Business Marketing
First of all you need to know about all the platforms that the Internet provides you to market and promote your business. If you thought that creating a website is the only thing that you need to do to use the internet for business marketing, then it is time you refresh your Internet business marketing basics. Internet marketing includes the following platforms:
* Business Marketing Website
* Business Marketing Blogs
* Business Press Releases
* Business Networking
* Business Marketing Research
* Business Email Marketing
* Business Advertising
Business marketing on the internet makes use of each and every opportunity to communicate with the audience which could be either potential or existing customers and investors. Let us know more about how you can utilize each of these marketing platforms to the fullest.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Effective Use of Your Website
Your website is a reflection of your business, and hence make sure you have a clean and simple website with concise and quality content. The key to having a great website starts from the url itself, which is the name of your website. Pick a url that will attract attention and yet will not sound like a hoax. A well designed website will obviously and advantage, but is not a prerequisite, you can get your basics right and still be successful over the Internet. This is the age where everyone is looking for simple and straight things, if you complicate your website too much and add unnecessary embellishments, it will definitely be a turn off for the visitors. Use an appropriate color scheme and graphics for your website. Marketing is all about building relation and enhancing communication with your audience. Give all the details about your business, starting from the history, the achievements and benchmarks and current credentials and clientèle. It is always wise to categorize the information in separate tabs, which gives a clear and systematic look to the website.
Do not make your website look boring with the use of extensive text, always use interesting graphics and photographs to illustrate the text messages and bring harmony to the website. Add detailed information about all the achievements and successful business projects undertaken and completed so far. Always provide a feedback option wherein people who are interested can revert back to you with their queries. Provide links to other related web pages like your recent press releases, your blog sites etc to pique the interest of the readers. Try and conduct various polls and contests on your websites and announce prizes for the winners. Increased readership often translates into increased profits and hence acts as a major boost to the business.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Business Blogs
Most of the people would question the need of a blog in of an official website. Why do you need a blog for business marketing? The answer is the enhanced interactivity that blogs provide, their informal appeal and their rising popularity on the web. Blogs have emerged as a very successful communication medium with the number of bloggers increasing day by day. The blogging community is expanding day by day and has a huge influence on the Internet. Having a website is not enough, you need to go a step further and have your own business blog to enhance the marketing. In case you have your partners on the web, do not forget to link your blogs together to increase readership. Blogs can not only help you to keep updating daily news snippets and information about your business but also serve as an excellent medium for people to contribute to your blog and share their views about your products and services.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Press Releases
Press releases are short succinct pieces of information that allow the readers to know the latest developments and achievements of your business. Press releases are touted as effective Public Relations tools and hence also play a major role in business marketing. There exist several websites that allow you a platform to share your information and publish it on the Internet. Social news aggregators or article directories are the best platforms to publish your press releases and create publicity for your business. There exist paid and free varieties of such websites. Depending on your requirement and capacity, you can select a site for publishing your press releases.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Business Networking
Business networking is an inseparable element of business marketing. At the end of the day, every businessman knows that the success of the business does not depend on the number of customers. You need more investors, you need franchisees for expansion of the business and the Internet is a great place to meet people from the same field and interact with them. There exist several platforms for businessmen to interact with each other and discuss their business prospects and other related issues. Networking websites also offer a great way to forge new business partnerships and business deals. The most important factor of online business networking is the fact that small scale as well as large-scale business owners can be reached on a common platform.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Advertising
Have you ever noticed the small or the pop-up advertisements on the Internet? The Internet is a large advertising platform for all sorts of businessmen. There exist all sorts of advertising options, but pick the ones that are authentic and effective. Avoid using pop-up ads since they are an annoyance to the Internet users and are often blocked by pop-up blockers used by a majority of people. There exist several facilities like Google Adsense, which make sure your advertisements are featured on relevant web pages and websites.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Online Research
The Internet is home to a wide range of people with different age groups, genders, people with different profession, different lifestyles and different buying habits and preferences. This is a place where any businessman can access any target group that he thinks is suitable for his/her products and services. Online research and surveys of target audience with respect to their shopping preferences and requirements are easily possible on the Internet. There also exist various research and survey websites that will carry out the research for you at a fixed minimum price. Online research helps you to fathom the customer requirements and accordingly plan your marketing strategies in future. It also allows you to know your strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities by results of comparison between your products and other competitors. Online research also enables generation of useful mailing lists that includes contacts of people who could genuinely be interested in your products and services.
Tips on Internet Business Marketing: Email Marketing
After websites and blogs, email is the best marketing tool over the Internet. Unlike websites and blogs, an email provides a communication mode that is more personalized. However before undertaking mass email marketing it is advisable to conduct the online research and surveys to generate relevant mailing lists. Also while sending the marketing emails, care should be taken about the content of the mail. It should not appear as a spammy email that is truly an annoyance to the reader. In case you have mailing lists that include people who have done business with you it is better to make a reference to your past transaction which will make the email seem more authentic and prevent the reader from ignoring your mails. Do not keep on bombarding the readers with repeated mails. Send relevant mails at regular intervals to generate a positive response.

Sayed Mohamed Shah Musavi from the family of Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) requires your urgent help who has become homeless as his house in Kashmir sinked 12 ft under ground and has no place to stay.
Syed Mohamed Shah Musavi has a family of four young daughters and a son has been facing severe problems of being homeless.
A request to our Momineens to help this Sayed at his time of his needs thru KHUMS MONEY for which you will be highly rewarded by Allah (s.t.) for the generous act. NO SADKA MONEY only KHUMS.

To help the family of Ahuly Bayt (a.s.) has more greater sawab for which our beloved Bibi Fatema Zehra (a.s.) will be highly pleased.
Thank you for your time and attention
Please contact me at this site abbasalam.multiply.com or at my email address abbasalamdar@yahoo.com
Photographs of the state of his house is being attached
Tolerance and Forgiveness: the Keys to Success | for everyone |
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Top 10 Foods for Healthy Hair | for everyone |
Top 10 Foods for Healthy Hair
Food No. 1: Salmon or one/two tablespoons of ground flax seed, both loaded with omega-3 fatty acid, needed to support scalp health.
Food No. 2: Dark Green Vegetables are high in iron and calcium.
Food No. 3: Beans provide plentiful protein to promote hair growth, but ample iron, zinc, and biotin.
Food No. 4: Nuts, especially Brazil nuts are one of nature's best sources of selenium, an important mineral for the health of your scalp.
Food No. 5: Poultry has high quality protein they provide will help give you the healthy hair you crave.
Food No. 6: Eggs are high in protein and also contain biotin and vitamin B-12, which are important beauty nutrients.
Food No. 7: Whole Grains have a healthy dose of zinc, iron, and B vitamins.
Food No. 8: Oysters are high in zinc -- a powerful antioxidant.
Food No. 9: Low-Fat Dairy Products are great sources of calcium, an important mineral for hair growth. They also contain whey and casein, two high-quality protein sources.
Food No. 10: Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, which promotes a healthy scalp along with good vision.
Food No. 1: Salmon or one/two tablespoons of ground flax seed, both loaded with omega-3 fatty acid, needed to support scalp health.
Food No. 2: Dark Green Vegetables are high in iron and calcium.
Food No. 3: Beans provide plentiful protein to promote hair growth, but ample iron, zinc, and biotin.
Food No. 4: Nuts, especially Brazil nuts are one of nature's best sources of selenium, an important mineral for the health of your scalp.
Food No. 5: Poultry has high quality protein they provide will help give you the healthy hair you crave.
Food No. 6: Eggs are high in protein and also contain biotin and vitamin B-12, which are important beauty nutrients.
Food No. 7: Whole Grains have a healthy dose of zinc, iron, and B vitamins.
Food No. 8: Oysters are high in zinc -- a powerful antioxidant.
Food No. 9: Low-Fat Dairy Products are great sources of calcium, an important mineral for hair growth. They also contain whey and casein, two high-quality protein sources.
Food No. 10: Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, which promotes a healthy scalp along with good vision.
Pineapple Juice Benefits | for everyone |
Pineapple Juice Benefits
Pineapple juice has always been a favorite drink among people. Let us see what some of the pineapple juice benefits are:
Tangy-sweet, ridgy crystals and the sinfully rich yellow color! The perfect blend of the tropics and a holiday, wouldn’t you say? I can just see you now – A sun kissed beach and you with a tall glass of chilled pineapple juice, a bright pink drink umbrella and a pineapple wedge adorning the glass. And all that made possible because of a single glass of pineapple juice. Now let’s get one thing straight, you don’t really need a holiday to enjoy a tall glass of pineapple juice, you can do it any which way. In fact, the magic of the pineapple juice is such that it plays magic. You could just close your eyes and sit sipping a glass and voila! You’ll see yourself on a holiday! OK, so the ethereal feel we are done with. Now let’s look at some pineapple juice benefits, shall we? Because of course there are those. Read more on pineapple nutrition facts.
Benefits of Pineapple Juice
There are numerous pineapple juice health benefits for the taking. Pineapple juice tastes good, we know, but it would taste even better if you knew the pineapple juice benefits that came with it and the favor you were doing to your body. So here goes, these are some of the pineapple juice benefits:
Rich in Antioxidants
The pineapple fruit belongs to the bromelain family which is a highly nutritious, protein digesting enzyme. It is also a rich source of vitamin C. Both bromelain and vitamin C are rich in antioxidants which help the body fight against free radicals and help in the overall healing of the body.
Packed with Nutrients
Pineapple health benefits include the fact that it is loaded with potassium, calcium, fiber, vitamin C and magnesium (among others). Thus it is packed with varied nutrients that are needed for our health. It is also beneficial for all age groups.
Promotes Bone Health
Magnesium that is present in the pineapple juice helps in building of bones and connective tissue. So also, pineapple juice being an excellent source of calcium helps in the strengthening of bones. It therefore promotes and maintains bone health.
Aids Digestive System Functioning
As mentioned earlier, pineapple juice contains bromelain which is responsible for breaking down the protein in our bodies. This helps with effective digestion and is therefore important for the digestive health. In addition to that, pineapple juice also contains fiber which is extremely important to induce regular bowel movements. It is also said that pineapple juice helps with eradicating intestinal worms. Pineapple juice benefits also include the fact that it is a natural diuretic. Which means that it helps to get rid of the excess buildup of toxins and wastes from the kidney and liver.
Improves Immunity
Pineapple juice strengthens the immune system greatly. Being rich in vitamin C, it helps in preventing the onset of common coughs and colds, sore throats and even severe conditions like bronchitis, thus maintaining a healthy respiratory system.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Pineapple juice also has anti-inflammatory properties so that it helps to heal infections and wounds better.
Other Benefits
* It has minimal quantities of fat, sodium and no cholesterol. In that way it is an extremely healthy choice to make for people who are trying to focus on a healthy diet for some weight loss, or maintain an ideal weight.
* It helps in the smooth functioning of the heart by reducing the occurrence of blood clots in the blood stream.
* It also has vitamin B1 which is important for converting blood sugar into raw energy.
* Pineapple juice benefits those people who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. It reduces swellings and pains that are a part of arthritis.
Pineapple juice has always been a favorite drink among people. Let us see what some of the pineapple juice benefits are:
Tangy-sweet, ridgy crystals and the sinfully rich yellow color! The perfect blend of the tropics and a holiday, wouldn’t you say? I can just see you now – A sun kissed beach and you with a tall glass of chilled pineapple juice, a bright pink drink umbrella and a pineapple wedge adorning the glass. And all that made possible because of a single glass of pineapple juice. Now let’s get one thing straight, you don’t really need a holiday to enjoy a tall glass of pineapple juice, you can do it any which way. In fact, the magic of the pineapple juice is such that it plays magic. You could just close your eyes and sit sipping a glass and voila! You’ll see yourself on a holiday! OK, so the ethereal feel we are done with. Now let’s look at some pineapple juice benefits, shall we? Because of course there are those. Read more on pineapple nutrition facts.
Benefits of Pineapple Juice
There are numerous pineapple juice health benefits for the taking. Pineapple juice tastes good, we know, but it would taste even better if you knew the pineapple juice benefits that came with it and the favor you were doing to your body. So here goes, these are some of the pineapple juice benefits:
Rich in Antioxidants
The pineapple fruit belongs to the bromelain family which is a highly nutritious, protein digesting enzyme. It is also a rich source of vitamin C. Both bromelain and vitamin C are rich in antioxidants which help the body fight against free radicals and help in the overall healing of the body.
Packed with Nutrients
Pineapple health benefits include the fact that it is loaded with potassium, calcium, fiber, vitamin C and magnesium (among others). Thus it is packed with varied nutrients that are needed for our health. It is also beneficial for all age groups.
Promotes Bone Health
Magnesium that is present in the pineapple juice helps in building of bones and connective tissue. So also, pineapple juice being an excellent source of calcium helps in the strengthening of bones. It therefore promotes and maintains bone health.
Aids Digestive System Functioning
As mentioned earlier, pineapple juice contains bromelain which is responsible for breaking down the protein in our bodies. This helps with effective digestion and is therefore important for the digestive health. In addition to that, pineapple juice also contains fiber which is extremely important to induce regular bowel movements. It is also said that pineapple juice helps with eradicating intestinal worms. Pineapple juice benefits also include the fact that it is a natural diuretic. Which means that it helps to get rid of the excess buildup of toxins and wastes from the kidney and liver.
Improves Immunity
Pineapple juice strengthens the immune system greatly. Being rich in vitamin C, it helps in preventing the onset of common coughs and colds, sore throats and even severe conditions like bronchitis, thus maintaining a healthy respiratory system.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Pineapple juice also has anti-inflammatory properties so that it helps to heal infections and wounds better.
Other Benefits
* It has minimal quantities of fat, sodium and no cholesterol. In that way it is an extremely healthy choice to make for people who are trying to focus on a healthy diet for some weight loss, or maintain an ideal weight.
* It helps in the smooth functioning of the heart by reducing the occurrence of blood clots in the blood stream.
* It also has vitamin B1 which is important for converting blood sugar into raw energy.
* Pineapple juice benefits those people who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. It reduces swellings and pains that are a part of arthritis.
What Causes and Risk Factors Involved in High Blood Cholesterol Levels | for everyone |
What Causes and Risk Factors Involved in High Blood Cholesterol
The tendency to build up high cholesterol may run in families, but excessively high levels are usually the result of a poor diet high in saturated fats and calories, combined with little or no exercise.
In some cases, an elevated cholesterol level may be associated with an undiagnosed medical condition, such as hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) or diabetes.
Causes and Risk Factors Involves in High Blood Cholesterol
Variety of factors including heredity, diet, and lifestyle can lead to high cholesterol level in the body. Heredity, age and sex related causes of high cholesterol can not be controlled but you can control your eating habits and physical activities.
Mental Stress
Several studies have suggested that stress increases blood cholesterol levels over the long term. One way that stress may do this is by affecting your habits. Such as, when some people are under stress, they comfort themselves by eating fatty foods and the saturated fat and cholesterol in these foods contribute to higher levels of blood cholesterol.
LDL (bad) cholesterol level may be modestly increased by excess body weight. Weight loss may lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels.
Alcohol Use
Drinking of alcohol in moderate (1-2 drinks daily) increases HDL (good) cholesterol but does not lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Also, it is not confirmed that alcohol reduces the risk of heart disease. Too much alcohol intake can damage the liver and heart muscle, lead to high blood pressure, and increase triglyceride levels. Due to such risks, alcoholic beverages should not be used as a way to prevent heart disease.
Age and Sex
Generally, women have lower total cholesterol levels before menopause than men of the same age. On aging blood cholesterol levels rise until about 60-65 years of age in both women and men. After about age 50 years, women often have higher total cholesterol levels than men of the same age.
Familial hypercholesterolemia is a hereditary form of high cholesterol that may lead to early heart disease. Genes may manipulate how the body metabolizes LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Physical Activity / Exercise
Regular physical activity may lower triglycerides in the body and increase HDL cholesterol levels.
The tendency to build up high cholesterol may run in families, but excessively high levels are usually the result of a poor diet high in saturated fats and calories, combined with little or no exercise.
In some cases, an elevated cholesterol level may be associated with an undiagnosed medical condition, such as hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) or diabetes.
Causes and Risk Factors Involves in High Blood Cholesterol
Variety of factors including heredity, diet, and lifestyle can lead to high cholesterol level in the body. Heredity, age and sex related causes of high cholesterol can not be controlled but you can control your eating habits and physical activities.
Mental Stress
Several studies have suggested that stress increases blood cholesterol levels over the long term. One way that stress may do this is by affecting your habits. Such as, when some people are under stress, they comfort themselves by eating fatty foods and the saturated fat and cholesterol in these foods contribute to higher levels of blood cholesterol.
LDL (bad) cholesterol level may be modestly increased by excess body weight. Weight loss may lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels.
Alcohol Use
Drinking of alcohol in moderate (1-2 drinks daily) increases HDL (good) cholesterol but does not lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Also, it is not confirmed that alcohol reduces the risk of heart disease. Too much alcohol intake can damage the liver and heart muscle, lead to high blood pressure, and increase triglyceride levels. Due to such risks, alcoholic beverages should not be used as a way to prevent heart disease.
Age and Sex
Generally, women have lower total cholesterol levels before menopause than men of the same age. On aging blood cholesterol levels rise until about 60-65 years of age in both women and men. After about age 50 years, women often have higher total cholesterol levels than men of the same age.
Familial hypercholesterolemia is a hereditary form of high cholesterol that may lead to early heart disease. Genes may manipulate how the body metabolizes LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Physical Activity / Exercise
Regular physical activity may lower triglycerides in the body and increase HDL cholesterol levels.
What is Diabetes – Basics Overview | for everyone |
What is Diabetes – Basics Overview
Almost everyone knows someone who has diabetes. An estimated 23.6 million people in the United States—7.8 percent of the population—have diabetes, a serious, lifelong condition. Of those, 17.9 million have been diagnosed, and 5.7 million have not yet been diagnosed. About 1.6 million people ages 20 or older were diagnosed with diabetes.
Diabetes is a disease wherein the body fails to manufacture or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone the body uses to convert starches, sugar, and other food products into energy for the body to use to allow it to function properly. The four major types of diabetes are Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and pre-diabetes.
World-wide, diabetes affects huge numbers of people. In the United States alone, over 6% of the population — roughly 18 million people — are diabetic. While the exact causes remain a mystery, researchers have discovered certain symptoms. These symptoms include extreme thirst and hunger, frequent urination, blurred vision, weight loss, fatigue, and irritability.
For people with Type 1 diabetes, insulin must be taken every day. A diabetic will generally administer the insulin shot using a syringe or have someone else administer the shot for him. This type is more common in Caucasians and in people who live in colder climates.
Type 2 diabetes can often be controlled by monitoring the food one eats and by partaking in regular physical exercise. Some Type 2 diabetics may also need to take insulin shots or pills to regulate their blood sugar levels. Obesity is a major factor in acquiring Type 2 diabetes. If a person has an unhealthy diet of fatty food and exercises infrequently, he may be walking a path that will lead directly to this disease.
Pregnant women who become diabetic during their pregnancy have what is called gestational diabetes. This form of the disease affects approximately 4% of all pregnant women in the United States. Women who become diabetics during their pregnancy are likely to have a family history of diabetes. Obesity again may play a factor.
Pre-diabetes is simply a term for an individual who has blood glucose levels higher than normal. People with this condition are not quite at diabetic levels, but are more likely to develop the disease.
Though children of diabetics will not necessarily inherit the disease from their parents, research has shown that these children are more likely to get the disease than children of non-diabetics. Type 1 is also less common in people who were breastfed as infants.
Diabetes is a serious disease which can lead to heart problems, strokes, loss of limbs due to poor circulation, and death. Research continues to indicate that regular exercise and a healthy diet are two factors which can help people avoid this condition, as well as allow diabetics to have functional lives. Anyone who experiences some of the symptoms of diabetes should seek a doctor’s advice. Unfortunately, millions of people across the globe have diabetes, but it goes undetected because they ignore the symptoms and do not seek medical attention.
Almost everyone knows someone who has diabetes. An estimated 23.6 million people in the United States—7.8 percent of the population—have diabetes, a serious, lifelong condition. Of those, 17.9 million have been diagnosed, and 5.7 million have not yet been diagnosed. About 1.6 million people ages 20 or older were diagnosed with diabetes.
Diabetes is a disease wherein the body fails to manufacture or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone the body uses to convert starches, sugar, and other food products into energy for the body to use to allow it to function properly. The four major types of diabetes are Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and pre-diabetes.
World-wide, diabetes affects huge numbers of people. In the United States alone, over 6% of the population — roughly 18 million people — are diabetic. While the exact causes remain a mystery, researchers have discovered certain symptoms. These symptoms include extreme thirst and hunger, frequent urination, blurred vision, weight loss, fatigue, and irritability.
For people with Type 1 diabetes, insulin must be taken every day. A diabetic will generally administer the insulin shot using a syringe or have someone else administer the shot for him. This type is more common in Caucasians and in people who live in colder climates.
Type 2 diabetes can often be controlled by monitoring the food one eats and by partaking in regular physical exercise. Some Type 2 diabetics may also need to take insulin shots or pills to regulate their blood sugar levels. Obesity is a major factor in acquiring Type 2 diabetes. If a person has an unhealthy diet of fatty food and exercises infrequently, he may be walking a path that will lead directly to this disease.
Pregnant women who become diabetic during their pregnancy have what is called gestational diabetes. This form of the disease affects approximately 4% of all pregnant women in the United States. Women who become diabetics during their pregnancy are likely to have a family history of diabetes. Obesity again may play a factor.
Pre-diabetes is simply a term for an individual who has blood glucose levels higher than normal. People with this condition are not quite at diabetic levels, but are more likely to develop the disease.
Though children of diabetics will not necessarily inherit the disease from their parents, research has shown that these children are more likely to get the disease than children of non-diabetics. Type 1 is also less common in people who were breastfed as infants.
Diabetes is a serious disease which can lead to heart problems, strokes, loss of limbs due to poor circulation, and death. Research continues to indicate that regular exercise and a healthy diet are two factors which can help people avoid this condition, as well as allow diabetics to have functional lives. Anyone who experiences some of the symptoms of diabetes should seek a doctor’s advice. Unfortunately, millions of people across the globe have diabetes, but it goes undetected because they ignore the symptoms and do not seek medical attention.
Volume IV, Year 2010 - Issue #28 | |
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