Thawaab of being present at gatherings where Allah(SWT) is remembered | for everyone |
“Passing over gatherings where God is remembered, angels stop, weep together with them and say amen to their Dua. When they ascend the heavens, God says: O My angels! Where have you been? Though He knows better. They say: We attended a gathering of “Zikr” and saw men who were praising and glorifying You and feared Your Fire. Here God says: O My angels! Keep the Fire away from them. I take you witness that I have forgiven them and keep them safe from what they feared. The angels say: O Lord! Among them there was one who did not remember You. God says: I forgave him too, for he was present in the gathering. Never will become wretched, a man who sits with those who remember God.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:“Shall I teach you five words which are light on tongue and heavy on the scales, words which will please God and drive away the Satan, words which are among treasures of heaven, words coming from beneath the Throne and among the righteous deeds? They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah!
The Holy Prophet said: Say: Glory be to Allah, and praise is due to Allah, there is no god but Allah and God is the Greatest, there is neither might nor power but with Allah, the Great, the Exalted. Then he said five times: Excellent are these words which make your scales of good deeds heavy.”
"Subhanallahi, walhamdulillahi, wala ilaha illallahu wallahu akber wala hawla wala quwwata illa billahil aliyyil azeem"
Recite the above as often as possible, especially at the time of sunset.
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Fw: Taqwa (piety) in the Holy Qur'an......... | for everyone |
Piety and its Results
Imam Sadeq (AS) was asked to give his opinion of piety.

The Imam said:“Piety means to attend a place where God has ordered and to be absent from where God has forbidden.”
Piety is praised by every one, for it brings honor and dignity to human beings. It has been highly praised in the Holy QURAN too:
*“And certainly We enjoined those who were given the Book before you and We enjoin you too that you should be careful of your duty to Allah.”

The Holy QURAN is replete with praise of piety and it has enumerated certain qualities for it as follow:

“And if you are patient and guard against evil, surely this is one of the affairs which should be determined upon.” (Verse 186, Alay Imran)
2- Protection against enemies:*

“And if you are patient and guard yourselves their scheme will not injure you in anyway.” (Verse 120, Alay Imran)
3- Support and assistance:
“.....Allah is with those who guard against evil.” (Verse 194, Baqarah)

“.....Allah is with those who guard against evil.” (Verse 194, Baqarah)
4- Right state of deeds:
“O you who believe! be careful of your duty to Allah and speak the right word. He will put your deeds into a right state.” (Verse 70-71, Ahzab)

“O you who believe! be careful of your duty to Allah and speak the right word. He will put your deeds into a right state.” (Verse 70-71, Ahzab)
5- Forgiveness of sins (faults):*

“.... forgive you your faults” (Verse 71, Ahzab)
6- God’s love: *

“Surely Allah loves those who are careful on their duty.” (Verse 4, Tobah)
7- Acceptance of deeds:*

“Allah only accepts from those who guard against evil.” (Verse 27, Maidah)
8- Honor and nobleness:*

“Surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful of his duty.” (Verse 13, Hujurat)
9- Good tidings upon death:*

“Now surely the friends of Allah, they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve. Those who believe and guard against evil.” (Verse 63-64, Yunus)
10- Deliverance from Fire:

“And We will deliver those who guarded against evil.” (Verse 72, Marium)
11- Abiding in Paradise:

“It is prepared for those who guard against evil.” (Verse 133, Alay Imran)
12. Easing of reckoning:*

“And nought of the reckoning of their deeds shall be against those who guard against evil.” (Verse 69, Anam)
13- Deliverance from hardships and lawful daily food:

“And whoever is careful of his duty to Allah, He will make for him an outlet. And give him sustenance from whence he thinks not; and whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him, surely Allah attains His purpose; Allah indeed has appointed
a measure for everything.” (Verse 2-3, Talaq)
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Whoever wishes to make the scales of his deeds heavy-Pray Surah al Saffaat | for everyone |
Imam Baqir (AS) has said: “Whoever wishes to make the scales of his deeds heavy, should say when rising up:
سُوۡرَةُ الصَّافات
سُبۡحَـٰنَ رَبِّكَ رَبِّ ٱلۡعِزَّةِ عَمَّا يَصِفُونَ (١٨٠) وَسَلَـٰمٌ عَلَى ٱلۡمُرۡسَلِينَ (١٨١) وَٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ (١٨٢)
Glorified be thy Lord, the Lord of Majesty, from that which they attribute (unto Him) (180)
And peace be unto those sent (to warn). (181) And praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds! (182)
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
NOW AND HEREAFTER | for everyone |
Imam Ali (as) wrote to Salman al-Farsi (ra) : To continue, surely, the likeness of this world is that of a snake: it is soft to touch, and deadly poisonous. The ignorant child is distracted by it, and the one with understanding and intellect is cautious of it. So turn away from what fascinates you in it, for how little of it stays with you.
I am making a connection which no one has made before me: Islam is submission, and submission is certainty, and certainty is the affirmation of the truth, and affirmation of the truth is acknowledgement, and acknowledgement is performance of what is obligatory, and performance of what is obligatory is appropriate action.
I am amazed at the heart of man: It possesses the substance of wisdom as well as the opposites contrary to it ... for if hope arises in it, it is brought low by covetousness: and if covetousness is aroused in it, greed destroys it. If despair possesses it, self piety kills it: and if it is seized by anger, this is intensified by rage. If it is blessed with contentment, then it forgets to be careful; and if it is filled with fear, then it becomes preoccupied with being cautious. If it feels secure , then it is overcome by vain hopes; and if it is given wealth, then its independence makes it extravagant. If want strikes it, then it is smitten by anxiety. If it is weakened by hunger, then it gives way to exhaustion; and if it goes too far in satisfying its appetites, then its inner becomes clogged up. So all its shortcomings are harmful to it, and all its excesses corrupt it.
There are four things that make the heart die: wrong action followed by wrong action, playing around with foolish people, spending a lot of time with women, and sitting with the dead. Then they asked Imam Ali: "And who are the dead, O Commander of the believers?" He replied: "Every slave who follows his desires."
Surely want is a trial, and having sickness of the body is more difficult to bear than indigence, and having a sickness of the heart is more difficult to bear than having a sickness of the body. Surely being very wealthy is a blessing, and having a healthy body is better than being very wealthy, and having awe of Allah in your heart is better than having a healthy body.
Surely hearts have desires, and they turn towards, and they turn away ... so approach them by means of what they desire and what they turn towards, for surely if the heart is forced to do some thing against its will, it goes blind.
Disagreement between people - How to over come | for everyone |
Disagreement between people is somewhat natural because each of them thinks independently and consciously. However, if this independence does not submit to moral teachings, it gets to what you now see in your house, which is similar to a jungle or a zoo. It is too natural that this state makes you live on your nerves and causes failure to all, you being one of them.
The reason often is because of:
1. The lack of a religious atmosphere in the house, such as recitation of the Qur'an, supplications, religious meetings, and reading Islamic and historical books
2. Carelessness of parents to plant love and spirit of cooperation in their children
3. The feeling of children that there is no justice or fairness in dealing with them (by parents)
4. Excessive interference in their affairs which makes them accustomed to laziness and dependence, whereas children should be taught to be self-confident to solve their problems and to achieve their needs
5. Wishing and looking forward to what is not possible except by hard toils
6. Narrowness of the house and the lack of requirements that are common between the members of the family
The way to deliverance is in the following steps:
1. A strained person should relax.
2. He should be away from the place of disagreement or quarrel when it is beginning.
3. He should associate with good neighbors, make friends with good persons, and visit them from time to time.
4. He should go for lawful amusement and spend some time in watching beautiful scenes of nature.
5. He should mention Allah, recite the Qur'an and supplications, and read good books.
6. He should read some comic books when feeling tired or exhausted, because how often it is that a quarrel melts away because of a joke or a laugh.
is somewhat natural because each of them thinks independently and consciously. However, if this independence does not submit to moral teachings, it gets to what you now see in your house, which is similar to a jungle or a zoo. It is too natural that this state makes you live on your nerves and causes failure to all, you being one of them.
The reason often is because of:
1. The lack of a religious atmosphere in the house, such as recitation of the Qur'an, supplications, religious meetings, and reading Islamic and historical books
2. Carelessness of parents to plant love and spirit of cooperation in their children
3. The feeling of children that there is no justice or fairness in dealing with them (by parents)
4. Excessive interference in their affairs which makes them accustomed to laziness and dependence, whereas children should be taught to be self-confident to solve their problems and to achieve their needs
5. Wishing and looking forward to what is not possible except by hard toils
6. Narrowness of the house and the lack of requirements that are common between the members of the family
The way to deliverance is in the following steps:
1. A strained person should relax.
2. He should be away from the place of disagreement or quarrel when it is beginning.
3. He should associate with good neighbors, make friends with good persons, and visit them from time to time.
4. He should go for lawful amusement and spend some time in watching beautiful scenes of nature.
5. He should mention Allah, recite the Qur'an and supplications, and read good books.
6. He should read some comic books when feeling tired or exhausted, because how often it is that a quarrel melts away because of a joke or a laugh.
TO KEEP ONESELF FROM SINS | for everyone |
A man came to Imam Hussain (a.s.) and said, "I frequently disobey Allah and cannot prevent myself from sins; therefore, please, give me an advice O son of the Prophet so that I may keep away from sins."
Imam: "Do five things and then commit sins as much as you want."
Sinner: "Please tell me what those five things are."
Imam: "(1) Do not eat from the provisions of Allah, and then do whatever you like."
Sinner: "Then what will I be able to eat because whatever there is in his universe is from Allah!"
Imam: "(2) Then leave the earth of Allah, and then do whatever you like."
Sinner: "O Imam, this is even more difficult than the first! If I leave the earth, then where would I live-all belongs to Allah."
Imam: "(3) Then find a place where Allah cannot see you, and then do whatever you like."
Sinner: "But, O Imam, nothing is hidden from Allah."
Imam: (4) Then do one thing, when the angel of death comes to you, keep him away from yourself, and then do whatever you like. And if you cannot do that, then lastly, (5) do not enter the Hell when God sends you into it. If you can do that, then go and commit whatever sins you like."
Sinner: "That's it, O son of the Prophet! From today, Allah will not find me in a situation which He dislikes."
Imam: "Do five things and then commit sins as much as you want."
Sinner: "Please tell me what those five things are."
Imam: "(1) Do not eat from the provisions of Allah, and then do whatever you like."
Sinner: "Then what will I be able to eat because whatever there is in his universe is from Allah!"
Imam: "(2) Then leave the earth of Allah, and then do whatever you like."
Sinner: "O Imam, this is even more difficult than the first! If I leave the earth, then where would I live-all belongs to Allah."
Imam: "(3) Then find a place where Allah cannot see you, and then do whatever you like."
Sinner: "But, O Imam, nothing is hidden from Allah."
Imam: (4) Then do one thing, when the angel of death comes to you, keep him away from yourself, and then do whatever you like. And if you cannot do that, then lastly, (5) do not enter the Hell when God sends you into it. If you can do that, then go and commit whatever sins you like."
Sinner: "That's it, O son of the Prophet! From today, Allah will not find me in a situation which He dislikes."
How miserable those who die and leave their sins after them - 4th IMAM (A.S.) | for everyone |
You are not living in a permanent abode; you are in a temporary house that you will leave soon. How does a man stay after the departure of his matches? Blessed be those who are fearful of this world.
How miserable those who die and leave their sins after them are! Beware; you have been told. Take the initiative; you have been respited. You are dealing with Him Who is never ignorant. He who counts your deeds is never remiss. Supply yourself (with the necessary provisions); the long journey is approaching you. Correct your guilt; it has been inflicted by a cureless malady. Do not think that I wanted only to censure, reproach, and dishonor you. I only wanted Allah to revive the opinions that you have missed and give you back your religious affairs that you have lost. This is because I remembered Allah's saying: Keep on reminding them. This benefits the believers. (Holy Qur'an 51:55)
Fear Allah as much as possible, listen, and obey. Fear Allah and learn lessons from the examples that Allah cite. I am sure that most of you were fagged by the consequences of your acts of disobedience to Allah before you could beware of them. Moreover, they (these acts of disobedience to Allah) injured the religion of most of you before you detest them.
You should have heard Allah censuring and belittling them as He says: Know that the worldly life is only a game, a temporary attraction, a means of boastfulness among yourselves and a place for multiplying your wealth and children. It is like the rain, which produces plants that are attractive to the unbelievers. These plants flourish, turn yellow, and then become crushed bits of straw. In the life hereafter there will be severe torment or forgiveness and mercy from Allah. The worldly life is only an illusion. Compete with one another to achieve forgiveness from your Lord and to reach Paradise, which is as vast as the heavens and the earth, and is prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messenger. This is the blessing of Allah and He grants it to whomever He wants. The blessings of Allah are great. (Holy Qur'an 57:20-1)
Believers, have fear of Allah. A soul must see what is has done for the future. Have fear of Allah for He is All-aware of what you do. Do not be like those who forget about Allah. He will make them forget themselves. These are the sinful people. (Holy Qur'an 59:18-9)
O servants of Allah, fear Allah, ponder over Him, and work for that for which you have been created. Allah has definitely not created you out of play and He will not leave you vainly after He has introduced Himself to you, sent His messengers, and revealed His Book in which He has presented the legal and illegal matters in addition to His arguments and examples. Fear Allah Who has claimed against you (thoroughly). He said: Have We not given him two eyes, a tongue, and two lips? Have We not shown him the ways of good and evil? (Holy Qur'an 90:8-10)
This is Allah's claim against you. Do your best in the field of fearing Allah as long as all power belongs to Him and all entrustment is to Him. Allah bless Muhammad(S.A.W.) the prophet and his family.
Believers, have fear of Allah. A soul must see what is has done for the future. Have fear of Allah for He is All-aware of what you do. Do not be like those who forget about Allah. He will make them forget themselves. These are the sinful people. (Holy Qur'an 59:18-9)
O servants of Allah, fear Allah, ponder over Him, and work for that for which you have been created. Allah has definitely not created you out of play and He will not leave you vainly after He has introduced Himself to you, sent His messengers, and revealed His Book in which He has presented the legal and illegal matters in addition to His arguments and examples. Fear Allah Who has claimed against you (thoroughly). He said: Have We not given him two eyes, a tongue, and two lips? Have We not shown him the ways of good and evil? (Holy Qur'an 90:8-10)
This is Allah's claim against you. Do your best in the field of fearing Allah as long as all power belongs to Him and all entrustment is to Him. Allah bless Muhammad(S.A.W.) the prophet and his family.
The True Savings Account is With God | for everyone |
The True Savings Account is With God
All of us say that God is Kareem (Bountiful and Generous). Quite true. But if we really consider Him bountiful then why do we not regard Him so in the worldly (material) matters. (Why do we make so much strenuous efforts in the worldly affairs, especially in the matter of sustenance)? This shows that what we say is not based on a real conviction. We are not truly convinced (beyond any doubt) that God is Bountiful (Kareem).
If you, really and factually want to make arrangements for your future (after death) then you should open your 'Saving Accounts' with God. These prayers and expresses for the poor (sadaqaat/khairaat/charity) are your savings which are being credited to your account with God and the Generous God protects it in a better way and also gives its better reward on the Day of Resurrection and even in this world also.
Wa Maa ... Ajraa (Surah Muzzammil: 73, V: 20)
Translation: And whatever good deed you will present to God (for you) you will get its better reward with God.
The Lord of the Universe has, in the Holy Quran, told His Prophet (s.a.w.s.): Warn My servants about the events of future (Hereafter). Now all of us know very well that all of us have to face a Day which will be full of hardships and dangers and anxieties.
"To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return". (Sura-Al-Baqarah 2:156)
ALLAH (S.W.T) Says in the Holy QURAN,
* انا للہ وانا الیہ راجعون
Marhuma Sakinabai Munawer Ali Rashid Okera on
Tuesday 07 September 2010 - 25 Mahe Ramadhan 1431AH
We regret to inform you of the sad demise of Marhuma Sakinabai Munawer Ali Rashid Okera who passed away in London today.
Salaatul Mayyit will take place after Salaatul Zohrain and burial will take place at Carpenders Park Cemetery at 3pm.
Mu'mineen are requested to recite Salaatul Wahshat/Hadiyya-Mayyit tonight after Maghribain prayers. Al Fateha
May Allah(s.w.t) forgive the marhuma, shower His blessings on her, elevate her in Jannah under the blessings of 14 Masoomeens (A.S.) and give patience to the grieved family. Ilaahi aameen.
You all are requested to offer *Surah-e-Fateha, *Dua-e-Magferath and *Namaz-e-Hadeeya for the marhoom.
May Allah (s.w..t) grant departed soul an elevated position amongst the servants of Ahlul-Bayt (A.S).
Lets all pray for her and for her soul to rest in peace.
Iranians blast Israel in Quds declaration | for everyone |
Iranians blast Israel in Quds declaration

Iranians alongside other people around the world marked the International Quds Day on the last Friday of Ramadan, September 3, 2010.
In a declaration issued at the end of the rallies on the International Quds Day, Iranians have condemned Israel's continued occupation of Palestine.
The Iranian nation alongside other people around the world marked the International Quds Day on the last Friday of Ramadan in massive rallies to show support and sympathy for Palestinians.
In the declaration, Iranians expressed their full support for the Palestinian nation, Palestinian resistance movements and Intifada.
Iranians reiterated that the freedom of Palestine is a worthy aim of the Islamic Revolution and the policy of the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini.
The declaration also warns the European powers and the “compromising governments in the region” to learn from the fates of the criminal regimes throughout history and do their best to make sure true peace is fulfilled and the will of the Palestinians is realized.
Iranians also condemned the silence of some Islamic countries regarding the occupation of Palestinian territories and Israeli atrocities, and demanded they take “practical steps” and stop their dual policies as well as their practical support for Israel.
The declaration also hailed Iran's success in launching its first nuclear power plant in Bushehr, despite “hostile attempts by the global arrogance and the criminal Zionism,” and condemned any schemes that would violate Iran's rights to a peaceful nuclear energy program.
With recent US and Israeli threats of attacks on the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iranians cautioned against any such moves, stressing that the nation's response would be quick, determined, and with a wide-ranging scope that goes far beyond the region.
The declaration was issued following massive rallies in support of Palestinian resistance against Israel.
Initiated by the late founder of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini, the International Quds Day marks the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims throughout the globe are urged to hold rallies in support of the Palestinian resistance against what Imam Khomeini commonly referred to as "the illegitimate Israeli regime occupying Palestine."
MORE ON COWS - TO KEEP U UPDATE | for everyone |
You have two cows- A PHRASE | for everyone |
"You have two cows" jokes originated as a parody of the typical examples used in introductory-level economics course material. They featured a farmer in a moneyless society who uses the cattle he owns to trade with his neighbors. A typical example is: "You have two cows; you want chickens; you set out to find another farmer who has chickens and wants a cow". These examples were meant to show the limitations of the barter system, leading to the eventual introduction of currency and money.
The "two cows" parodies, however, place the cow-owner in a full-fledged economic system where cows are used as a metaphor for all currency, capital, and property. The intent of these jokes is usually to point out flaws and absurdities in those systems, although non-political jokes have been derived from them.
Jokes of this type attracted the attention of a scholar as early as 1944. An article in The Modern Language Journal discusses the classical ones, such as:[6]
- Socialism: You have two cows. You give one to your neighbor.
- Communism: You have two cows. You give them to the Government, and the Government then gives you some milk.
- Capitalism: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
- Naziism: You have two cows. The Government shoots you and takes the cows.
Bill Sherk mentions that such lists circulated throughout the country since around 1936 under the title "Parable of the Isms".[7] A column in The Chicago Daily Tribune in 1938 attributes a version involving socialism, communism, fascism and New Dealism to an address by Silas Strawn to the Economic Club of Chicago on November 29, 1935.[8]
Notable usages
Jokes of this genre formed the base of a monologue by comedian Pat Paulsen on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour in the late 1960s. This material was later used as an element of his satirical US presidential campaign in 1968, and was included on his 1968 comedy album Pat Paulsen for President.[9]
Richard M. Steers and Luciara Nardon in their book about global economy use the "two cows" metaphor to illustrate the concept of cultural differences. They write that jokes of this kind:[10]
- Russian company: You have two cows. You drink some vodka and count them again. You have five cows. The Russian Mafia shows up and takes however many cows you have.
- Californian company: You have a million cows. Most of them are illegals.
These are considered funny because they are realistic caricatures of various cultures, and the pervasiveness of such jokes stems from the significant cultural differences. They further say that others argue that such jokes present cultural stereotypes and must be viewed with caution.
whats UP - THINK ABOUT IT - A NICE ONE | for everyone |
Think about it.
LOOKING AT OTHERS-II | for everyone |
Non-Muslim Women
32 – Rule: It is not a problem to look at those parts of the body that are not normally covered by non-Mahram women who are not Muslims (whether they be from the Ahl al-Kitab, or Kuffar), with the condition that it is not done with the intention of lust. However, according to Ihtiyat Wajib, a man is not allowed to look at those parts of the body that are normally covered.
It is not a problem to look at the hair, face, head and hands of the women of the Ahl al-Kitab and Kuffar as long as it is not done with the intention of lust and one does not fear that he will commit a haram act. According to Ihtiyat Wajib, one must not look at other than what is listed above.
It is permissible to look at those parts of the body that are not normally covered by women who are Ahl al-Zhimmah [2], rather even those women who from the time of birth have been categorized as being Kafir, as long as it is without the intention of lust and one does not fear that he will fall into sin.
It is only permissible to look at the face and hands of a non-Muslim woman, and according to Ihtiyat Wajib, one must refrain from looking at other than these two parts of her body.
Looking at the bodies of women who are “common place”, who if were commanded or requested to observe the hijab would not listen, is not a problem, with the condition that the look is done without the intention of lust and no fear of falling into a haram act – and in this ruling, there is no difference between Kuffar or other women (such as Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc…). Also, there is no difference between the hands, face and other parts of the body that they do not usually cover.
Note: In the event that the non-Mahram is a non-Muslim and her covering is less than women like her would wear, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not allowed to look at her. For example, those women who in order to sexually excite others, wear a specific type of clothing. Therefore, it is not a problem to look at the hair, hands, and feet up to the knees or any other place that non-Muslim women usually do not cover.
33 – Rule: According to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not allowed to look at the private parts of a Kafir.
34 – Rule: If one knows or fears that in the event that he will look at non-Mahram who are non-Muslims they will fall into sin or corruption, then they must not look at them.ABGKLMST
Men Looking at Children
Men Looking at Children
35 – Rule: In the event that the child is a boy, it is not a problem to look at his body, until he becomes Mumayyiz, with the condition that it is not with the intention of lust. However, after he reaches the age of Mumayyiz, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not permissible to look at his private parts.
Therefore: Fathers must be cautious in not looking at the private parts of their sons who have become Mumayyiz, whether it be in the shower, or any other place.
In fact, it is haram to look at the private parts of a boy who is Mumayyiz but has not yet reached to the of bulugh, even if it is not with the intention of lust.
36 – Question: What is considered to be the age of Mumayyiz?
Answer: The age at which a child understands good and bad, about the relations between men and women.
Answer: The age at which a child understands good and bad.
Answer: This is the age at which a child is aware of the relationships, which take place between men and women.
Answer: The age at which a child, who has not yet become baligh understands good and bad. Also, there is the possibility that his or her looking at the body of a non-Mahram may lead to sexual excitement.
37 – Rule: In the event that the child is a girl and a Mahram - such as one’s daughter, sister, brother’s daughter or sister’s daughter, etc… then to look at her body until she reaches the age of Mumayyiz is not a problem; and after she becomes Mumayyiz then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, one must not look at her private parts.
It is haram to look at the private parts of a girl who is Mumayyiz, but has not yet reached the age of bulugh, even if it is done without the intention of lust.
38 – Rule: In the event that the girl is a non-Mahram and Mumayyiz, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, a man must not look at those parts f her body that girls of that age normally cover.
Question: It has been mentioned in rule 2447 in the Taudhiul Masail that it is allowed to look at the body of a non-Baligh girl as long as it is not done with lust, etc… but in that same book on page 578, it has been mentioned that one can only look at those parts that are not normally covered. Which of these (two rulings) is correct, thus which one should be acted upon?
Answer: You can refer to ruling 25 in the section on Marriage in the book Tahrir al-Wasilah of Ayatullah Khumayni for more information.
Therefore: Therefore, there is no difference between the ruling of Ayatullah Araki and Ayatullah Khumayni (as was stated above).
Answer: According to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not allowed for a man to look at the body and hair of a girl, who has not yet finished 9 years, but can understand between good and bad (Mumayyiz), even if it is done without the intention of deriving pleasure.
Answer: It is not a problem to look at the face, hands and hair of a girl who is not baligh, as long as it is not with the intention of deriving pleasure and it does not lead one to sexual excitement, and by looking, one does not fear that he will fall into a haram act.
Answer: It is haram to look at the body of a non-Mahram girl who has not yet reached 9 years of age, however, she understands between good and bad. Also, it is haram to look at her, if that look normally may stimulate or arouse sexual desires, and similarly (it is haram) to look at her hair, whether it is with the intention of lust or without. In addition, it is also haram to look at her face and hands if it is with the intention of lust and furthermore, looking at her without the intention of lust even, is not free from doubt. (This ruling comes under Ihtiyat Wajib).
Answer: It is not a problem to look at the body of a girl who is not baligh with the condition that it is not done with the intention of deriving pleasure - with the exception of her private parts, whose ruling was already mentioned. Although according to Ihtiyat Mustahab, it is better that those parts that girls (of her age) would usually cover with clothing should not be looked at either.
Answer: It is not allowed to look at the private parts of a child who is Mumayyiz, except in the case of necessity.
Therefore: It is not a problem to look at the hair, hands, the feet up to the knees, neck and face of a girl who is not baligh, and who is a non-Mahram, with the condition that it is not done with the intention of lust.Rule – 39: According to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not permissible to look at the rest of the body of a girl, for example the shin, stomach, private parts, chest, etc ...
A Mumayyiz girl who is not baligh has the same ruling as that of a baligh woman whose ruling has already been mentioned (it is haram to look at her body, and according to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not permitted to look at her face and hands either, as was previously mentioned in detail).
LOOKING AT OTHERS | for everyone |
بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم
قُل لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَغُضُّوا مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِمْ وَيَحْفَظُوا فُرُوجَهُمْ ذَلِكَ أَزْكَى لَهُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا يَصْنَعُونَ A30B وَقُل لِّلْمُؤْمِنَاتِ يَغْضُضْنَ مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِنَّ….
“(O’ Prophet Say to the believing men that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts - that is purer for them; surely Allah is aware of what they do. And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks…”
Al-Qur’an · Surah al-Nur · Ayat 30-31
اَلْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِي لاَ يَبْلُغُ مِدْحَتَهَ الْقَائِلُونَ وَ لا يُحْصِي نَعْماَئَهُ الْعَادُّونَ وَ لاَ يُؤَدِّي حَقَّهُ الْمُجْتَهِدُونَ الَّذِي لَيْسَ لِصَفَّتِهِ حَدٌّ مَحْدَودٌ وَ
لاَ نَعْتٌ مَوْجُودٌ وَ الصَّلاَةُ وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلى مَوْلاَنَا وَ مُقْتَدَانَا أَبِي الْقَاسِمِ مُحَمُّدٍ وَ عَلى أَهْلِ الْبِيْتِهِ الْطَيِّبِينَ الطَّاهِرِينَ لاَ سِيَّمَا بَقِيَّةُ اللهِ فِي الأَرْضِيِينَ وَ لَعْنَةُ اللهِ عَلى أَعْدَائِهِمْ أَجْمَعِينَ إِلى قِياَمِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ
Men Looking at Other Men
1 – Rule : Men are permitted to look at the entire body of other men except the private parts, with the condition that it is not done with the intention of lust or seeking sexual pleasure.
Therefore: It is haram to look at any part of the body of another man, even the face and arms, if it is done with the intention of lust or seeking sexual pleasure. Similarly, it is also not permitted for men to look at the private parts of other men who are baligh, either with or without the intention of lust.
Note: The meaning of “intention of lust” or “seeking of sexual pleasure” is the fear of falling into sin or corruption.
2 – Rule : If a man fears that if he looks at the body of another man, he is liable to commit a sin, then he is not permitted to look at that man’s body.
3 – Question: What is meant by the private parts?
Answer: For men, the private parts include the anus, penis and testicles. For women, the private parts include the vagina and anus.
Therefore: The back part of the leg (thighs) are not counted as the private parts, and therefore it is permissible to look at them, however according to Ihtiyat Mustahab it is better to refrain from looking at them (as well).
4 – Question: In lakes, ponds, public showers, or on the banks of rivers… men wear something in which the skin of their body is not showing, however the form and shape of their private parts are completely showing – is it permissible to look at them?
Answer: What is meant by the covering of the body is that the skin of the body should not be visible, and in the event that one is not led into committing a sin, then looking (at such a man) is not a problem.
If in this action there is fear of falling into corruption or committing a sin, then it is not permissible.
5 – Rule: Fathers are not permitted to look at the private parts of their sons who are baligh, whether it be in the shower or anywhere else. Also, according to Ihtiyat Wajib, the father is not permitted to look at his son’s private parts even before the son has become baligh during the time when he is Mumayyiz.
It is haram to look at the private parts of a child who has reached to the age of Mumayyiz.
6 – Rule: It is haram for a doctor to look at the private parts of another man, except in the case of necessity.
Therefore: It is not permissible for a man to refer to a doctor for birth control (vasectomy) so as to prevent his wife from becoming pregnant. However, it is not a problem to have such an operation performed in the event that it is not permanent (the operation can be reversed), but since such operations necessitate the need for someone else to look at the private parts, thus it is haram. However if there is a procedure which can be performed such that it does not involve the doctor looking at the private parts, then it is not a problem. Also, if one’s wife is a doctor and she can perform the operation, then it is permissible.
Men Looking at Mahram Women
Men Looking at Mahram Women
7 – Rule: Men are permitted to look at the entire body of their Maharim, with the exception of their private parts, with the condition that this looking is not done with the intention of lust and there is no fear of falling into corruption. (One’s wife is an exception to this rule).
Therefore: Men are not permitted to look at the private parts of their daughter, mother, sister or any other Maharim women, even if it is done without the intention of lust or falling into sin. Similarly, according to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not permissible to look at the private parts of a Mumayyiz child who is not yet baligh.
8 – Rule: According to Ihtiyat Mustahab, men should refrain from looking at the area from the navel down to the knees of their Maharim.
Men and women who are Mahram to each another are permitted to look at the complete body of one other, with the exception of the private parts, with the condition that the looking is without the intention of lust.B
Men Looking at Non-Mahram Women
Men Looking at Non-Mahram Women
Non-Mahram women are divided into two categories: Muslims and non-Muslims. As for those who are Muslims, they are further divided into those who correctly observe their hijab, and those who do not observe it.
1. Muslim women who observe the proper Islamic hijab.
9 – Rule: If a Muslim woman is properly observing her hijab, then it is not a problem for a man to look at her face and hands, as long as the following conditions are met:
1. Her face and hands have no decorations (zinat) on them.
2. The looking is done without the intention of lust or falling into sin or corruption.
According to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not permissible to look at even the face and hands of a non-Mahram woman, whether she has any zinat on them or not.
In every way, if the non-Mahram is a Muslim woman who observes the proper Islamic hijab; or even if she does not observe the proper Islamic hijab, but if she was told about hijab she would observe it, then to look at her face and hands without the intention of lust and falling into sin is not a problem. However, according to Ihtiyat Mustahab, it is better not to look at her face and hands.
If the zinat on the face and hands consists of an ordinary ring, the removal of facial hair or applying Surma, even if these things are common among old women, then it is not wajib for the women to cover them, and also, it is not a problem for the man to look at them as long as this look is not with the intention of lust.
Therefore: Men are not permitted to look at the face and hands of women who do not observe proper hijab; for example, those women who have an amount of hair showing, have short sleeves on, or those women who have not covered their arms, wrists or hands.
10 – Rule: It is haram for a man to look at the hands of a non-Mahram woman who has a ring, bangles or bracelet on, long fingernails, nail polish applied, or who has beautified herself in any other way – whether the non-Mahram is a close relative or a non-family member.
In the event that the non-Mahram woman is wearing an ordinary type of ring on her hand, then it is not a problem to look at her hand. However, in all other instances, if she has any other type of zinat on her hands, then it is not permissible to look at this.
Note: Shop owners whose products are usually of the type that mostly only women use, for example, jewelry or clothing accessories; and those shops that sell cosmetic items and items for beauty and skin care, etc… are most susceptible to falling into this sin (mentioned in rule 10), and more than others, must be careful in observing the correct Islamic rules and regulations.
11 – Question: In public and other schools, there are some practicing Muslim men, who teach Muslim girls. Naturally, it is necessary for the teacher to write something on the board, and as it is normal, the girls look at the hands and face of the teacher without the intention of lust and sexual pleasure. Is this type of looking permissible?
Answer: It is not a problem for women to look at the face and hands and other parts of the body that men normally do not cover, as long as it is not with the intention of lust or fear of falling into sin.
Answer: According to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is haram for a woman to look at the body of a non-Mahram man. However, the permissibility for a woman to look at the parts of the body of a non-Mahram man that are commonly left open, for example, the head, etc… is not free from doubt, unless this type of looking leads or helps one in committing a sin.
12 – Question: Is it permissible for a man to look at the face and hands of a non-Mahram woman who is in the Taqlid of a Marja‘ who says that it is permissible to keep these open?
Answer: There is no connection between the permissibility of keeping the hands and face open and looking at these parts.
13 – Rule: It is not permissible to look at a non-Mahram woman who has any kind of beauty on her, even if it is something such as a woman trying on some clothing, a ring, a bracelet, a belt, or anything else to see if it fits.
If the zinat on the face and hands consists of an ordinary ring, or the removal of facial hair or applying Surma, even if these are common among old women, then it is not a problem for a man to look at these parts as long as it is done without the intention of lust. However, as for other types of zinat, for example, bracelets and bangles, these must be covered from non-Mahram men and in addition to this, non-Mahram men are not allowed to look at such things either.
14 – Question: Is it permissible to look at the sole, top, heel of the foot or the calf of a non-Mahram Muslim woman if she has not covered it properly, and if it is without the intention of lust?
Answer: No, it is not allowed, and with the exception of the face and hands, a man is not permitted to look at any other part the body of a non-Mahram woman.
Answer: It is haram to look at the body of a non-Mahram woman in any way, and according to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not permissible to look at her face and hands either.
Answer: In the event that the woman is among one of those who observes her proper Islamic hijab, or if she was told about the hijab, she would follow it, then it is not permissible to look at those parts, otherwise it is not a problem.
Answer: According to Ihtiyat, it is not allowed to look at the feet (top and the bottom of the feet up to the ankle)
15 – Rule: If a man fears that in the event that he looks at a non-Mahram woman he will fall into sin, then he must not look at her.
He must not look at her.
He must not look at her.
16 – Rule: It is haram to look at a non-Mahram woman with the intention of lust. or to bring about sexual pleasure, even it may be her face and hands, or the shape of her body.
General Rules
General Rules
17 – Rule: It is haram to look at anyone or anything with the intention of lust or with the fear that one will fall into sin (with the exception of one’s spouse), even if one is looking at a Mahram. This rule applies to looking at a woman, man, animal, inanimate object, photo, film, statue, or any other thing. It is also haram to look at one’s own body in the mirror or in anything else with the intention of bringing about sexual pleasure.
Question: Is it haram to look at anything that would bring about sexual pleasure even if it may be a person looking at his own body?
Answer: In itself, it is not haram for a person to look at his own body to bring about sexual pleasure.
18 – Rule: A doctor is not one’s Mahram and therefore, except for in the case of a necessity, he is not permitted to look at the body of a non-Mahram woman.
19 – Rule: If a doctor is compelled to look at a part of the body of a non-Mahram woman, they he must suffice to look at only that part of the body (that is for treatment), and it is not permitted to look at more than that. Also, if it is possible, then the examination or testing must be performed over the clothing.
20 – Rule: Men are not permitted to give an injection to non-Mahram women since this act necessitates looking or touching the body of the woman, even if the injection is given into the vein. However, in the case of necessity where there is no Mahram available to give the injection, then it is not a problem.
21 – Question: Does looking at the inside parts of the body, such as the liver, intestines, etc… have the same ruling as looking at the outside of the body?
Answer: Apparently, as for the prohibition in the looking and touching of the body parts, there is no difference between the outside and the inside body parts, however, just as has been mentioned in the book al-‘Urwatul Wuthqa in rule 45 in the section of looking - looking at a tooth, for example, once it has been taken out of the mouth is permissible.L
22 – Rule: In the following instances, it is haram for a woman to go to a non-Mahram man in the event that she is able to go to a female general physician, or a specialist who is a woman, who is at the same level of knowledge as that of a man for:
The taking of X-rays, taking blood for testing, ultrasound, or any other medical work, in which it is necessary to look at the body of the woman.
However with the exception of those situations in which it is permitted (for the man) to look at the body of the non-Mahram woman. (These were explained in the section on ‘looking’.)
23 – Question: In the markets, ordinary places, or in people’s houses, sometimes the eyes unintentionally fall on a non-Mahram woman that either have beautified themselves, or have not properly observed their hijab. What is the rule for looking at them in these circumstances?
Answer: That which is haram is to look, not simply having the eyes fall on someone. Therefore, that which one sees unintentionally is not a problem, however, without delay one must turn away so as to not fall into the category of looking.
24 – Rule: It is haram for one to go to a place with the intention that his eyes may fall on a non-Mahram woman who is not in hijab.
Going to such a place is not a problem, but one must not look at the non-Mahram women.
Therefore: If a person passes by a certain spot at a special time in order to look at non-Mahram women, or goes to a place to fulfill a task where there are a lot of non-Mahram women, or goes to a specific place such as on a bus, recreational area for sports, or exercise, or chooses to go to any area in which there are a lot of non-Mahram there, with the main aim to look at non-Mahram women, etc… then in summary, it is not permissible for a man to perform any action in order to have his eyes fall on non-Mahram women, and thus, it is necessary for one to refrain from these things.
25 – Rule: It is haram for a man to go to a place in the event that he knows that non-Mahram woman are not in hijab, or do not observe proper hijab, such that he goes there with the intention of looking at them. AGKT
Going to such a place is not a problem, but one must not look at the non-Mahram women.
Going to such a place is not a problem, but one must not look at the non-Mahram women.
Therefore: It is haram to go on the roof of the house, or to look out the window with the aim of looking at a non-Mahram woman. It is also haram to enter a room, kitchen, or any other place in which one knows that non-Mahram women are present with the aim of looking at them. Likewise, it is haram to look through the crack of a door, window or from the side of the curtains to peek inside a room or any other place such as these, with the aim of looking at non-Mahram women, even if it is just for one moment.
26 – Rule: It is not a problem to go to those shopping centers in which women who live in the villages or in the country side visit, and who are not accustomed to wearing the complete or proper hijab, even if one knows that he will look at them. Business transactions with them also are not a problem.
According to what is apparent, it is permitted to look at those women - without the intention of lust - who live in the country side and places other than this (for example, those women who live in the city and who do not observe the proper hijab), who are not in the habit of covering properly - with the condition that there is no fear of committing a haram act. Therefore, associating with them, business transactions and other dealings with them are permitted as well.
In the event that one is certain that he will not intentionally look at them, then it is not a problem.
It is not a problem to look at “common place” women (those who do not observe hijab whatsoever, or the proper hijab) whom, if told to observe the hijab would not comply with the condition that it is done without the intention of lust and one does not fear that he will fall into a haram act. In this ruling, there is no difference between non-Muslim Women and others (Muslims or those living in the Village, etc…). Also, there is no difference in the hands, face and other parts of the body, which they normally do not cover.
27 – Rule: It is not a problem to look at the hands up to the elbows, an amount of hair on the head, the feet up to the knees and the area under the chin and the neck of an elderly woman who is a non-Mahram.
It is not a problem to look at the body of an old woman as long as it is not with the intention of lust.
Rather, apparently, it is not a problem to look at all of their hair.
28 – Rule: As for those people whom it is not permissible to look at, it does not make any difference if one looks at them from behind a glass, in a mirror, through the reflection of water or any other thing that reflects their image. (Meaning even in these ways, it is not permissible to look at them).
29 – Question: Is it permissible for a man to look at a woman who is very ugly, without the intention of lust? (In the event thatt she is not observing her proper Islamic hijab)?
Answer: According to Ihtiyat Wajib, he must not look at her, because if she is not an old woman, then a man can not be certain that his look at her would not be a lustful one.
30 – Rule: It is haram to look at the body of a non-Mahram woman, whether tha woman knows that you are looking at her or not; whether she is blind or can see; whether she is a non-Mahram family member, such as one’s brother’s wife, the wife of one’s paternal uncle, a female cousin, etc… or she is an outsider (the ruling of looking at the face and hands has already been mentioned). Even if this looking is done without the intention of lust, it is still haram.
According to Ihtiyat Wajib, one must also refrain from looking at the face and hands of a non-Mahram woman.
31 – Rule: Women of the Ahl as-Sunnah have the same ruling as (other) Muslim women.
HADEES OF THE HOLY PROPHET (S.A.W.S.) contd | for everyone |
1. Anyone who seeks abundant sustenance and a long life should help his relatives.
3. A person who starts his day with intent to remain pious, if unknowingly commits a sin will be forgiven by God.
4. A true believer neither scorns nor curses, he doesn’t back bite either. Neither he is foul - mouthed.
5. Anyone constrained to associate with a person over a considerable period of time and doesn’t conduct himself well and waits for an opportunity to get rid of him, is not a wise man.
6. The best are not those who renounce the world altogether to gain the world hereafter, and neither those who lose the world hereafter to gain this world. You should gain both, and this world is a medium for gaining the next world .Do not be a burden upon others.
7. Nothing surpasses good conduct in the scale of good deeds.
10. He who impersonates non-Muslims is not one of us.
11. Whoever deceives a Muslim or acts contrary to his interest or deludes him is not one of us.
12. A believer is always a source of benefit; if you accompany him you gain, if you seek his counsel you gain, and if you become his partner you benefit. Whatever he does is beneficial.
13. Don’t dole out to the needy what you hate to eat yourself.
14. Don’t wonder at what a person does till you get to know the consequences
15. Never be absorbed by the Islamic aspect of a person till you get to know the depths of thoughts and faith.
16. The fear of people shouldn’t prevent you from doing what is ethically upright.
17. Don’t choke your hearts with gluttony and inebriation, lest your heart that resembles a farm dies due to inundation.
18. Whatever you take easy becomes easy.
19. A man should not sit in seclusion with a woman. The third person in this case turns out to be the devil.
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