The Realm Of Barzakh Has Encircled This World | for everyone |
The Realm Of Barzakh Has Encircled This World
If it is said to a baby in the womb is told that there is a very vast world beyond you present station which is nothing in comparison with that one he is unable to understand or comprehend it. Similarly, we who are able now to see only through the physical eyes cannot comprehend the other world which is hidden from our eyes. Almighty God says in the Holy Quran: Fa Laa…Ya'Maloon (Surah Sajdah: 17) meaning: No body knows which things have been provided for him which can cool their eyes.
This is the reward of the good deeds done by them in the world. We only know that as the trust informer (s.a.w.s.) has informed us of it we testify to it. The realm of Barzakh has encircled and covered our present physical and material world just as this world has covered the world in womb. No other example is more explanatory.
If it is said to a baby in the womb is told that there is a very vast world beyond you present station which is nothing in comparison with that one he is unable to understand or comprehend it. Similarly, we who are able now to see only through the physical eyes cannot comprehend the other world which is hidden from our eyes. Almighty God says in the Holy Quran: Fa Laa…Ya'Maloon (Surah Sajdah: 17) meaning: No body knows which things have been provided for him which can cool their eyes.
This is the reward of the good deeds done by them in the world. We only know that as the trust informer (s.a.w.s.) has informed us of it we testify to it. The realm of Barzakh has encircled and covered our present physical and material world just as this world has covered the world in womb. No other example is more explanatory.
Souls (Spirits) Are Friendly With One Another And Please One Another | for everyone |
Souls Are Friendly With One Another And Please One Another
Asbag bin Nabatah says: I saw my leader Amirul Momineen (a.s.) standing at the gate of Kufa looking towards the desert. It appeared that he was busy talking with some one but there was no one. I also stood up. After a long time I felt tired. So I sat down and got up again after a while. But Ali (a.s) was still busy talking. I went a step forward and asked: O Amirul Momineen! Who is it you are talking with? He said: This talk of mine was to please the spirits of the faithful. I asked: Which faithful.
No one from those who have passed away is present here. He said: Yes, they are present here I again asked: They are present here physical or in spirit? He replied: Their spirits. Had you been able to do so, you could have seen how they gather at a place, talk mutually and please one another remembering the gifts and bounties of God.
Asbag bin Nabatah says: I saw my leader Amirul Momineen (a.s.) standing at the gate of Kufa looking towards the desert. It appeared that he was busy talking with some one but there was no one. I also stood up. After a long time I felt tired. So I sat down and got up again after a while. But Ali (a.s) was still busy talking. I went a step forward and asked: O Amirul Momineen! Who is it you are talking with? He said: This talk of mine was to please the spirits of the faithful. I asked: Which faithful.
No one from those who have passed away is present here. He said: Yes, they are present here I again asked: They are present here physical or in spirit? He replied: Their spirits. Had you been able to do so, you could have seen how they gather at a place, talk mutually and please one another remembering the gifts and bounties of God.
MOTHER | for everyone |
Real Mothers don't eat quiche;
They don't have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils
Are probably in the sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors,
Filthy ovens and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried play dough
Doesn't come out of carpets.
Real Mothers don't want to know what
The vacuum just sucked up.
Real Mothers sometimes ask 'Why me?
And get their answer when a little
Voice says, 'Because I love you best.'
Real Mothers know that a child's growth
Is not measured by height or years or grade...
It is marked by the progression of Mummy to Mum to Mother...
The Images of Mother
4 YEARS OF AGE - My Mummy can do anything!8 YEARS OF AGE - My Mum knows a lot! A whole lot!12 YEARS OF AGE - My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.14 YEARS OF AGE - Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either.16 YEARS OF AGE - Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.18 YEARS OF AGE - That old woman? She's way out of date!25 YEARS OF AGE - Well, she might know a little bit about it!35 YEARS OF AGE - Before we decide, let's get Mum's opinion.45 YEARS OF AGE - Wonder what Mum would have thought about it?75 YEARS OF AGE - Wish I could talk it over with Mum.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,
the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart,
The place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole,
But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows,
and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows!
SLANDER | for everyone |
One of the greatest and most dangerous and in the meantime most popular corruptions of tongue is slander. Slander indicates mentioning hidden weak points and faults of the others so that if they hear, they will be disturbed. These points are either concerned with religious, moral, spiritual and social aspects, or with corporeal aspects, including face, body's limbs, corporal powers, and actions and behaviors, or his attachments, such as wife, child, and or his clothing, house, etc.
The most important motives for slander
There are several motives for slander:
1- Malice and revenge: as there is no easier and simpler way than slander and damaging a person's reputation and character for extinguishing flames of spite and revenge, blazing in the heart of some people.
2- Envy: as the envious person always wishes for end of blessings of the envied one, when he can not achieve his purpose, for compensating it, he tries to damage the envied person's reputation and credit through slander and revealing his weak points, and relieves the fire of his envy in this way.
3- Acquitting oneself from a committed sin: in other words one tries to simplify or justify his action through mentioning the faults of others.
4- Mockery and deride: of course mockery and deriding others has several motives, and after rooting of its factors in man's entity, one of the ways of realization of this goal is slander.
5- Recreation and amusement: there are a lot of people who engage in mentioning weak points and faults of the others only for recreation and amusement or warming circles and meetings, because no other sin is sweeter than slander for people. It should be also noted that people not only enjoy recreation and amusement, but also enjoy causing others to laugh and making them to recreation.
6- Excitation of curiosity instinct: this instinct which is one of the most powerful man's instincts, invites man to urge the others for slander and revealing weak points of different individuals, and perhaps the sweetness of slander for some people originates from the false satiation of this instinct. Such people enjoy knowing mysteries and faults of others and searching and curiosity about them, and therefore make the others to slander with more eager and enthusiasm.
Of course, taking into account these factors can be an effective help to us for treatment of slander and identifying its senses. It should be also notified that in most cases, these factors do not show off themselves simply and naturally in man's existence because his conscience and mental personality does not allow. So they change its appearance and slander about people in the form of compassion or forbid of wrong and or giving lesson to others, and suppose that they have done a sacred action, while the main motive is one of the above factors, and man's spirit changes its appearance for deceiving conscience and escaping its stress and torment, and on the contrary, it is proved that such slander is more dangerous than its other types and treating it, is more difficult.
Dangers of slander
Now, we mention the importance of this sin in view of Quran and traditions of Prophet S.A. and Prophet's Household A.S., and then will analyze the individual and social vices that it will cause. Although most people do not respect this vital issue, the original Islamic resources have put an extra emphasis on it. The most vigorous interpretations are seen in the Holy Quran and traditions concerning slander, and we have selected following ten cases among them, and perhaps these ten parts are adequate for realizing the importance of this sin in view of Islam.
1- Slander in view of Holy Quran
Holy Quran has considered slander as an inhuman action, and has introduced it as eating flesh of a dead brother. Obviously, anthropophagi in such a way is the most repulsive action which may be done by a person, and this interpretation is exclusively mentioned for this sin. Of course, the reason of this assimilation is clear. Because in Islam's view, a Moslem brother's reputation and prestige is respectable as his blood, as it is mentioned in the Prophetic tradition:
Everything of a Moslem is forbidden for another Moslem: his blood, wealth and reputation.(1) And there is no doubt that slander lowers the reputation of a Moslem brother, and damages his honor. It is noteworthy that in Holy Quran suspicion, spying, and slander are respectively forbidden where it says: O believers eschew much suspicion; some suspicion is a sin. And do not spy, neither backbite one another; would any of you like to eat the flesh of his brother dead? You would abominate it. And fear you God; assuredly God turns, and He is All-compassionate.(2) And this interpretation may indicate that first a man is involved in suspicion, and suspicion leads him to spying, and spying too ends in revealing hidden faults of individuals and this is the source of slander.
2- Slander is not compatible with belief
As it is stipulated in Barae tradition: Barae says: Prophet S.A. spoke for us, and so loudly that even the girls in the houses too heard. He said: O the group who has believed by tongue, but not by heart! Do not slander about a Moslem, and do not spy their secret affairs, the one who is curious for the secret affairs of his religious brothers, God shall reveal his own secret affairs and scandalizes him inside his own house.(3) The point of non-compatibility of slander with the spirit of belief may indicate that the first sign of belief is observing the right of a believer, and this is in contradiction with slander.
3- Slander is considered as spreading obscenity
Imam Sadegh A.S. said:
One who says what he has seen and heard about a believer, is among those that God has told about them: those who like the vices to spread among believers, there shall be a painful chastisement for them.(4) The point of this issue is also clear, because considering that in most cases faults are included among religious faults, revealing hidden faults of people may cause the others to take impertinence and insolence for performing sin and disobedience, and consequently spreading obscenity.
4- The corruption of slander is more severe than adultery
In the famous tradition of Jaber and Abou Saeid Khadri, it is narrated from Prophet S.A.: Slander is worse than adultery.(5) The reason mentioned under this tradition for its severity is that an adulterer may be forgiven by God through repentance (because adultery is the Right of God), but the repentance of slanderer without satisfaction of the other party, will not be accepted (because it is the Right of People). There may be another point in addition to above aspect as the reason for intensity of slander comparing with adultery, that is slander ruins the basis of unity, compassion, intimacy and good opinion in the society, and damages the society severely in this way,–as will be discussed later, but adultery does not have such influence despite of its significance.
5- Slander hinders acceptance of deeds and prayers
It is mentioned in Moaze tradition that sometimes deeds of servants shine as the sun's rays, and ascend to the heaven, but they are returned and beaten to the face of their owners, and an angel says: My Lord has instructed me to prevent reaching the goods deeds of slanderers towards My Lord. This point may indicate that as it is inferred from different traditions, in general, deeds of those who are indebted to people will not be accepted by God, and as we know slander is a sort of transgression to people's rights and damaging the capital of their reputation.
6- Slander is not compatible with Islamic brotherhood
It is narrated from Prophet S.A.: Do not envy and spite each other and do not slander about each other, and O, God's servants be brother with each other.(6) It is understood from the last phrase that opposite point of envy, enmity and slander is God's servitude and Islamic brotherhood. It goes without saying that the first sign of brotherhood is kindness and intimacy, which could never be compatible with slander. And pointing to those two great faults in the tradition may be for being among the causes of slander, because envy usually is the source of enmity and spite, and they too in their turn are the sources of slander.
7- Slander destroys good deeds
This sense is mentioned in different traditions. In a tradition from Imam Sadegh A.S. is narrated: Slander is forbidden for each Moslem, and surely slander destroys good deeds as the fire destroys wood.(7) And it is narrated in a tradition from Prophet S.A.: One, who is indebted to his religious brother in respect to reputation or wealth, should seek his forgiveness, before that day in which there is not any Drachma and Dinar. In that day, it will be deducted from his good deeds, and if he does not have any good deed, the sins of other party will be added to his sins.(8)
Slander destroys good deeds probably because it destroys one of the greatest spiritual capitals of the one who is slandered about, that is his reputation, honor and social prestige, and since compensation of this "Right of People" is often impossible through material ways, thus Great God compensates it through spiritual affairs: He transfers goods deeds of the slanderer to the book of deeds of the slandered, and if he does not have any good deed, God transfers sins of the slandered to the book of deeds of the slanderer, and it is compensated to the same degree that reputation of that person is damaged through transfer of good deeds and sins.
8- Slander devaluates worships and services
It is realized from some traditions that slander is one of the factors invalidating ritual ablution and fasting. God's Prophet S.A. says: Waiting in the mosque for prayer is worship, until a ritual impurity is not performed; it was questioned: what is ritual impurity? He said: slander!(9) And somewhere else he says:
One, who slanders about a Moslem, his fasting and ritual ablution are broken.(10) Its point may indicate that worship creates a condition of proximity to God and spiritual luminosity in man, and when he stains his tongue to slander after ritual ablution or when fasting, that spirituality is significantly decreased, and that individual falls down from the degree of proximity to God. In the above tradition, this sense is interpreted as "violator" (breaker).
9- Slander excludes man from God's protection and includes him in Satan's protection
As it is narrated from Imam Sadegh A.S. in the tradition of Mofzal Ebne Omar:
One who narrates with the purpose of backbiting and dishonoring a believer to be reproached before people, God shall evict him from His protection to Satan's protection, and Satan too does not accept him.(11) Of course, this tradition is not merely concerned with slander. Rather, slander is one of its senses, because the purpose of slander in all individuals is destroying character of the other party and caviling at him, even indirectly. But exclusion from God's protection according to the Quranic verses indicates that God, who leads and supervises believers and guides them from darkness into the light(12), will not lead such people anymore. Because protector means guide and leader as well as helper and assistant, as we read:
They have no protectors to help them, apart from God.(13) And it is also mentioned in the sense of savior from humiliation as we read: Who has not any associate in the Kingdom, nor any protector (savior) out of humbleness.(14) And it also means forgiver of sins as: (Thou art our Protector; so forgive us and have mercy on us, for Thou art the best forgivers.(15) Therefore, slanderers are deprived from all of these divine graces for being evicted from God's protection and entering Satan's protection. And the phrase "Satan too does not accept him" may indicate that Satan can not undertake the responsibility of their protection and supervision, and thereby leaves them alone!
10- A part of ill effects of slander remains even after repentance!
It is stated in the traditions of Islamic leaders: God inspired to Moses, son of Emran, that if the slanderer repents, he will be the last one entering paradise, and otherwise, he will be the first one entering the fire.(16) The point of this tradition may represent that slander has both "Right of God" and "Right of People" aspects, and its "Right of People" aspect is more than other rights of people, because slander destroys the capital of people's reputation, the capital which in contrary with material capitals is often irrecoverable, and this causes the slanderer to be saved posterior than the others. On this account, in some traditions, dishonoring a Moslem is considered as the highest usury as Ense narrates from Prophet S.A.: The most critical usury is dishonoring a Moslem.(17)
Social and individual vices of slander
Ill- effects of slander in social view:
Slander causes great vices in social view: 1- When slander is spread in the society, it destroys one of the greatest social capitals which is the spirit of brotherhood, unity and intimacy, and ruins the foundations of good opinion and public confidence which is the first requisite of social cooperation. As outspread of slander causes the people to become aware of hidden weak points of each other, and since most of people are not free from any weak point, knowing them spreads suspicion in the society, and this pessimism and suspicion annihilates the spirit of cooperation and collaboration, and the society will be deprived from all of its concerned blessings, and practically individuals are subjected to "social seclusion". The previously described tradition;
may refer to this point.
2- In the most cases, slander causes provoking the fire of sedition and spread of enmity and spite among the individuals, because hidden faults of individuals may be correlated with others' rights, and or at least be a pretext for adventurers to venge and damage reputation of each other, and this results in enmity, or intensifies it.
3- Slander lowers individuals' personality and respect and thereby their fear and avoidance of sin is decreased, because most people do not perform inadmissible deeds for maintaining their honor and prestige, and or otherwise perform them privacy. When their faults and sins are revealed through slander, there is no reason any more for caring and fearing of it, and in this way, slander will be an effective factor for decrease of "social considerations" and spread of corruption.
4- Slander will be also accompanied with irrecoverable losses in economical view for the society, because credit of individuals and confidence of people on each other is more effective than social financial capitals in improvement of the society, and lacking them, activity of common capitals will be significantly reduced, and will become stagnant or semi-stagnant.
Ill -Effects of slander in individual view
However, in individual aspect, slander is an explicit injustice and transgression to the rights of others, and the same moral and humanistic faults created in an individual due to injustice to another person are realized through slander. Moreover, since slander originates from a series of ill favored moral motives, its repetition strengthens and supports those condemned attributes in man. In this way, slander both lowers the individual in view of humanistic values, and also weakens and destroys social foundations. So the previous traditions and holy verses clearly represent these realities.
Limits and types of slander
1- Types of slander
Although, at the beginning it seems that slander is the same mentioning hidden faults of others by tongue, but considering its main criterion, it is clarified that slander is an extensive and general concept in view of ethics, including expressing this sense by any means, such as saying, writing, referring and or imitation. As it is narrated in a tradition: a woman came to Prophet S.A. When she went, Ayesheh referred to her little height by her hand. The Prophet S.A. said: You slandered about her.(18)
And it is mentioned in another tradition that Ayesheh imitated a woman, and the Prophet S.A. prohibited her.(19) It is deduced hereby that when criticizing the thoughts of others in the writings, it should be discussed in such a way to avoid slander. When caviling and criticizing the speech of someone, there are often interpretations which are clear senses of slander, disapprobation, mockery, insultation and or humiliation, for example when it is told that phrase is "null by necessity" or "funny" or "childish" or "unwisely", unless its owner is not clear and or humiliating and slandering about him is permitted. On the other hand, sometimes a man says a speech figuratively, but there are some evidences that the other party understands. This too is among the senses of slander. For example when it is said: Today I was in the meeting, and someone told so, while the listener knows in which meeting he has been.
2- Slanders mixed with another sin
Sometimes this indecent deed is mixed with other indecent deeds, and loses completely its shape, and or appears as a righteous deed. For instance, sometimes for escaping slander, the people say "I fear to explain for being a slander" or even say "Regretfully, Divine Law has closed our tongue", or "Divine Law does not allow, otherwise I would say a lot of things"! Such people not only implicitly commit slander, but also for leaving the matter ambiguously, provoke the addressee's suspicion on everything in respect to the other person, and in fact they show the matter greater and more significant than what it really is. In addition, they have committed hypocrisy too, and so have mixed dangerously two ill favored deeds.
Or when they utter as sympathy, "that poor person slipped and committed that sin, God may forgive him"! In this case too, hypocrisy and slander are mixed together. Or when the one making display of himself says: "Thanks to God, I have not affected to wine, drugs, like that person. Really, if God does not protect man, it will be very difficult. The trap is hard, unless God helps." And thereby, he commits slander, hypocrisy and self admiration once and all together! Or when he says: "I have told these to him too and or will say!" And in this way, he closes the way of correction, and makes his slander more emphasized and severe with this suppositious argument.
3- Slander has a "Right of People" aspect
If slander is interpreted as we referred at the beginning, its "Right of People" aspect will be obviously clear, because: First: it lowers respect, personality and reputation of the said person, and surely these are not less valuable than properties in view of intellect and religion. Second: it is inferred from similitude of slander to eating a faithful brother's flesh in the Chambers sura that slander is a sense of "injustice". Third: it is referred to in several traditions like the one already mentioned in respect to "annihilation of good deeds and transfer of evils", and the well known tradition: The slanderer is not forgiven unless the slandered person forgives him.(20) And the Prophetic tradition:
The atonement of slander is asking pardon of God for the slandered person.(21) And there are traditions, which assume stopping slander as a believer's rights. Anyway, slander is a clear sense of injustice and without consent of the other party, the slanderer will not be forgiven. And we conclude herein that undoubtedly atonement of slander is not merely asking pardon of God and repentance. Yes, should there is not any way for asking consent and forgiveness, and or no damage is practically made to the prestige and reputation of slandered person, asking pardon of God may be sufficient.
Exceptions of slander
The jurists and ethics scholars agree that there are some cases in which slander is permitted, but they have some dissidence in specifying those cases. This dissidence is sometimes in mentioning the examples and senses, without any difference in the basis of matter, but sometimes it has a spiritual and real aspect. However, it is concluded from different proofs and documents that slander is permitted in two cases:
a- When there is a more important interest, in which slander, while observing the subject – is permitted and there are various senses for it: 1- In case of consultation, for example when someone wants to transact or participate or marry with the other, and is questioning us. Obviously, it is permitted to reveal hidden faults of the other party as far as they are concerned with the said affair, and relieve the one who seeks consult from the possible risks.
2- In case of forbid of wrong
3- In case of averting innovation of an innovator
4- In case of warning a Moslem about the risk and loss which is awaiting him (though without any consultation)
5- Petition and removal of injustice and restoring right
And in general all cases in which the interest of revealing one's hidden fault is more than its vice in view of religion. The reason for exception of these subjects is clear, because it relies on a clear intellectual reason that is the "principle of important and more important". Moreover, some points are referred to in the verses and traditions in this respect (including petition, removal of injustice, and averting innovation of an innovator).
But the remarkable point in view of ethics is being careful that most often deviations and errors are caused through exceptions and misuse or mistake and negligence in determination of their limits and boundaries. Because no one agrees to violate regulations and commit sins explicitly and clearly, but most people achieve their purposes through pretence to using notes and exceptions, even in most cases, man deceives his conscience in this way, and for getting rid of punishment of conscience, and not hurting his inward and natural character, seeks refuge from these notes and exceptions.
And this is one of the contradictory cases of unaware and aware conscience and conquest of the former over the latter. So, the advantage of slander should be carefully assessed in these cases while taking into account all features and aspects, and free from any love and hatred and other spites, and then one can deduce its excellence over vice of explicit slander, and do not stain himself to the dangerous slanders under the pretext of available permit. b- The cases in which slander is permitted without any special advantage, and it is solely restricted to those notorious for debauchery, but although some have included petition in this part, as it was referred, it is one of the cases of existence of more important legal advantage, that is restoring right and preventing injustice of cruel person and supporting right of the oppressed. In addition to the reason of intellect, there are several traditions narrated by Shiite and Sunnite as the reason for exception of this issue, like: There are three persons who do not have any respect: one who has innovatory desires, unjust governor, and one who commits sin publicly.(22) And the same is mentioned in some narrations as follows:
2- And also it is narrated from Prophet S.A. in a tradition:(23) There is no slander for the sinner.(24)
3- And also it is narrated from Prophet S.A. in another tradition:
One who lays aside the veil of modesty, there is no slander for him.(25)
4- There are several traditions in respect to Justice in Vassaelo Shiite. For example, it is narrated from Imam Sadegh A.S.: Whosoever is not unjust in transaction with people, and do not lie them in speech, and do not violate them in promise, is among those whose slander is forbidden, his personality is perfect, and his justice is manifest, and brotherhood with him is obligatory.(26) Who is notorious for debauchery and why slandering about him is permitted? There are several subjects here, which should be explained:
a- Is exception of a notorious person a topical exclusion (that is one who affects a vice, naturally is not disturbed for mentioning it in his absence. Moreover, it is not a hidden and privacy affair being regarded as slander) or slandering about a notorious person is one of the slander types, and has been excluded as so called "appropriation"?
b- Is permit for slandering about notorious one restricted to the sins which he performs publicly, or it is permitted in all cases?
c- If someone is notorious in one place, and non-notorious and private in somewhere else, is slandering about him permitted in the second place too or not?
d- Is in the permit for slandering about notorious person, existence of conditions for bid to good and forbid of wrong necessary?
The reply to all of these questions depends on understanding the main point and reason for exclusion of this issue from slander's forbiddance. It is inferred from above traditions that a notorious individual basically does not have any respect (the respect which is the hindrance for slander's permit).
In other words, such people (and cruel and innovator people) are not respectable in view of social personality, and their desecration is not forbidden, and therefore, giving up slander and preserving their reputation is not necessary. If we deduce so from above traditions,– as the phrase
لا غِيبَةَ لَهُ و لا حُرْمَةَ لَهُ
, and such like prove, the reply to above questions is clarified, and it does not need more explanation, because based on rational and traditional proof, slander does not include such persons. But it should be noted that apparently the notorious is one who has completely laid aside the veil of modesty, and is rude and fearless against all sins, and it does not include all of those who perform a sin publicly for any reason. Thus, it is possible to slander about such persons only in respect to the case for which they are notorious.
The most important motives for slander
There are several motives for slander:
1- Malice and revenge: as there is no easier and simpler way than slander and damaging a person's reputation and character for extinguishing flames of spite and revenge, blazing in the heart of some people.
2- Envy: as the envious person always wishes for end of blessings of the envied one, when he can not achieve his purpose, for compensating it, he tries to damage the envied person's reputation and credit through slander and revealing his weak points, and relieves the fire of his envy in this way.
3- Acquitting oneself from a committed sin: in other words one tries to simplify or justify his action through mentioning the faults of others.
4- Mockery and deride: of course mockery and deriding others has several motives, and after rooting of its factors in man's entity, one of the ways of realization of this goal is slander.
5- Recreation and amusement: there are a lot of people who engage in mentioning weak points and faults of the others only for recreation and amusement or warming circles and meetings, because no other sin is sweeter than slander for people. It should be also noted that people not only enjoy recreation and amusement, but also enjoy causing others to laugh and making them to recreation.
6- Excitation of curiosity instinct: this instinct which is one of the most powerful man's instincts, invites man to urge the others for slander and revealing weak points of different individuals, and perhaps the sweetness of slander for some people originates from the false satiation of this instinct. Such people enjoy knowing mysteries and faults of others and searching and curiosity about them, and therefore make the others to slander with more eager and enthusiasm.
Of course, taking into account these factors can be an effective help to us for treatment of slander and identifying its senses. It should be also notified that in most cases, these factors do not show off themselves simply and naturally in man's existence because his conscience and mental personality does not allow. So they change its appearance and slander about people in the form of compassion or forbid of wrong and or giving lesson to others, and suppose that they have done a sacred action, while the main motive is one of the above factors, and man's spirit changes its appearance for deceiving conscience and escaping its stress and torment, and on the contrary, it is proved that such slander is more dangerous than its other types and treating it, is more difficult.
Dangers of slander
Now, we mention the importance of this sin in view of Quran and traditions of Prophet S.A. and Prophet's Household A.S., and then will analyze the individual and social vices that it will cause. Although most people do not respect this vital issue, the original Islamic resources have put an extra emphasis on it. The most vigorous interpretations are seen in the Holy Quran and traditions concerning slander, and we have selected following ten cases among them, and perhaps these ten parts are adequate for realizing the importance of this sin in view of Islam.
1- Slander in view of Holy Quran
Holy Quran has considered slander as an inhuman action, and has introduced it as eating flesh of a dead brother. Obviously, anthropophagi in such a way is the most repulsive action which may be done by a person, and this interpretation is exclusively mentioned for this sin. Of course, the reason of this assimilation is clear. Because in Islam's view, a Moslem brother's reputation and prestige is respectable as his blood, as it is mentioned in the Prophetic tradition:
Everything of a Moslem is forbidden for another Moslem: his blood, wealth and reputation.(1) And there is no doubt that slander lowers the reputation of a Moslem brother, and damages his honor. It is noteworthy that in Holy Quran suspicion, spying, and slander are respectively forbidden where it says: O believers eschew much suspicion; some suspicion is a sin. And do not spy, neither backbite one another; would any of you like to eat the flesh of his brother dead? You would abominate it. And fear you God; assuredly God turns, and He is All-compassionate.(2) And this interpretation may indicate that first a man is involved in suspicion, and suspicion leads him to spying, and spying too ends in revealing hidden faults of individuals and this is the source of slander.
2- Slander is not compatible with belief
As it is stipulated in Barae tradition: Barae says: Prophet S.A. spoke for us, and so loudly that even the girls in the houses too heard. He said: O the group who has believed by tongue, but not by heart! Do not slander about a Moslem, and do not spy their secret affairs, the one who is curious for the secret affairs of his religious brothers, God shall reveal his own secret affairs and scandalizes him inside his own house.(3) The point of non-compatibility of slander with the spirit of belief may indicate that the first sign of belief is observing the right of a believer, and this is in contradiction with slander.
3- Slander is considered as spreading obscenity
Imam Sadegh A.S. said:
One who says what he has seen and heard about a believer, is among those that God has told about them: those who like the vices to spread among believers, there shall be a painful chastisement for them.(4) The point of this issue is also clear, because considering that in most cases faults are included among religious faults, revealing hidden faults of people may cause the others to take impertinence and insolence for performing sin and disobedience, and consequently spreading obscenity.
4- The corruption of slander is more severe than adultery
In the famous tradition of Jaber and Abou Saeid Khadri, it is narrated from Prophet S.A.: Slander is worse than adultery.(5) The reason mentioned under this tradition for its severity is that an adulterer may be forgiven by God through repentance (because adultery is the Right of God), but the repentance of slanderer without satisfaction of the other party, will not be accepted (because it is the Right of People). There may be another point in addition to above aspect as the reason for intensity of slander comparing with adultery, that is slander ruins the basis of unity, compassion, intimacy and good opinion in the society, and damages the society severely in this way,–as will be discussed later, but adultery does not have such influence despite of its significance.
5- Slander hinders acceptance of deeds and prayers
It is mentioned in Moaze tradition that sometimes deeds of servants shine as the sun's rays, and ascend to the heaven, but they are returned and beaten to the face of their owners, and an angel says: My Lord has instructed me to prevent reaching the goods deeds of slanderers towards My Lord. This point may indicate that as it is inferred from different traditions, in general, deeds of those who are indebted to people will not be accepted by God, and as we know slander is a sort of transgression to people's rights and damaging the capital of their reputation.
6- Slander is not compatible with Islamic brotherhood
It is narrated from Prophet S.A.: Do not envy and spite each other and do not slander about each other, and O, God's servants be brother with each other.(6) It is understood from the last phrase that opposite point of envy, enmity and slander is God's servitude and Islamic brotherhood. It goes without saying that the first sign of brotherhood is kindness and intimacy, which could never be compatible with slander. And pointing to those two great faults in the tradition may be for being among the causes of slander, because envy usually is the source of enmity and spite, and they too in their turn are the sources of slander.
7- Slander destroys good deeds
This sense is mentioned in different traditions. In a tradition from Imam Sadegh A.S. is narrated: Slander is forbidden for each Moslem, and surely slander destroys good deeds as the fire destroys wood.(7) And it is narrated in a tradition from Prophet S.A.: One, who is indebted to his religious brother in respect to reputation or wealth, should seek his forgiveness, before that day in which there is not any Drachma and Dinar. In that day, it will be deducted from his good deeds, and if he does not have any good deed, the sins of other party will be added to his sins.(8)
Slander destroys good deeds probably because it destroys one of the greatest spiritual capitals of the one who is slandered about, that is his reputation, honor and social prestige, and since compensation of this "Right of People" is often impossible through material ways, thus Great God compensates it through spiritual affairs: He transfers goods deeds of the slanderer to the book of deeds of the slandered, and if he does not have any good deed, God transfers sins of the slandered to the book of deeds of the slanderer, and it is compensated to the same degree that reputation of that person is damaged through transfer of good deeds and sins.
8- Slander devaluates worships and services
It is realized from some traditions that slander is one of the factors invalidating ritual ablution and fasting. God's Prophet S.A. says: Waiting in the mosque for prayer is worship, until a ritual impurity is not performed; it was questioned: what is ritual impurity? He said: slander!(9) And somewhere else he says:
One, who slanders about a Moslem, his fasting and ritual ablution are broken.(10) Its point may indicate that worship creates a condition of proximity to God and spiritual luminosity in man, and when he stains his tongue to slander after ritual ablution or when fasting, that spirituality is significantly decreased, and that individual falls down from the degree of proximity to God. In the above tradition, this sense is interpreted as "violator" (breaker).
9- Slander excludes man from God's protection and includes him in Satan's protection
As it is narrated from Imam Sadegh A.S. in the tradition of Mofzal Ebne Omar:
One who narrates with the purpose of backbiting and dishonoring a believer to be reproached before people, God shall evict him from His protection to Satan's protection, and Satan too does not accept him.(11) Of course, this tradition is not merely concerned with slander. Rather, slander is one of its senses, because the purpose of slander in all individuals is destroying character of the other party and caviling at him, even indirectly. But exclusion from God's protection according to the Quranic verses indicates that God, who leads and supervises believers and guides them from darkness into the light(12), will not lead such people anymore. Because protector means guide and leader as well as helper and assistant, as we read:
They have no protectors to help them, apart from God.(13) And it is also mentioned in the sense of savior from humiliation as we read: Who has not any associate in the Kingdom, nor any protector (savior) out of humbleness.(14) And it also means forgiver of sins as: (Thou art our Protector; so forgive us and have mercy on us, for Thou art the best forgivers.(15) Therefore, slanderers are deprived from all of these divine graces for being evicted from God's protection and entering Satan's protection. And the phrase "Satan too does not accept him" may indicate that Satan can not undertake the responsibility of their protection and supervision, and thereby leaves them alone!
10- A part of ill effects of slander remains even after repentance!
It is stated in the traditions of Islamic leaders: God inspired to Moses, son of Emran, that if the slanderer repents, he will be the last one entering paradise, and otherwise, he will be the first one entering the fire.(16) The point of this tradition may represent that slander has both "Right of God" and "Right of People" aspects, and its "Right of People" aspect is more than other rights of people, because slander destroys the capital of people's reputation, the capital which in contrary with material capitals is often irrecoverable, and this causes the slanderer to be saved posterior than the others. On this account, in some traditions, dishonoring a Moslem is considered as the highest usury as Ense narrates from Prophet S.A.: The most critical usury is dishonoring a Moslem.(17)
Social and individual vices of slander
Ill- effects of slander in social view:
Slander causes great vices in social view: 1- When slander is spread in the society, it destroys one of the greatest social capitals which is the spirit of brotherhood, unity and intimacy, and ruins the foundations of good opinion and public confidence which is the first requisite of social cooperation. As outspread of slander causes the people to become aware of hidden weak points of each other, and since most of people are not free from any weak point, knowing them spreads suspicion in the society, and this pessimism and suspicion annihilates the spirit of cooperation and collaboration, and the society will be deprived from all of its concerned blessings, and practically individuals are subjected to "social seclusion". The previously described tradition;
may refer to this point.
2- In the most cases, slander causes provoking the fire of sedition and spread of enmity and spite among the individuals, because hidden faults of individuals may be correlated with others' rights, and or at least be a pretext for adventurers to venge and damage reputation of each other, and this results in enmity, or intensifies it.
3- Slander lowers individuals' personality and respect and thereby their fear and avoidance of sin is decreased, because most people do not perform inadmissible deeds for maintaining their honor and prestige, and or otherwise perform them privacy. When their faults and sins are revealed through slander, there is no reason any more for caring and fearing of it, and in this way, slander will be an effective factor for decrease of "social considerations" and spread of corruption.
4- Slander will be also accompanied with irrecoverable losses in economical view for the society, because credit of individuals and confidence of people on each other is more effective than social financial capitals in improvement of the society, and lacking them, activity of common capitals will be significantly reduced, and will become stagnant or semi-stagnant.
Ill -Effects of slander in individual view
However, in individual aspect, slander is an explicit injustice and transgression to the rights of others, and the same moral and humanistic faults created in an individual due to injustice to another person are realized through slander. Moreover, since slander originates from a series of ill favored moral motives, its repetition strengthens and supports those condemned attributes in man. In this way, slander both lowers the individual in view of humanistic values, and also weakens and destroys social foundations. So the previous traditions and holy verses clearly represent these realities.
Limits and types of slander
1- Types of slander
Although, at the beginning it seems that slander is the same mentioning hidden faults of others by tongue, but considering its main criterion, it is clarified that slander is an extensive and general concept in view of ethics, including expressing this sense by any means, such as saying, writing, referring and or imitation. As it is narrated in a tradition: a woman came to Prophet S.A. When she went, Ayesheh referred to her little height by her hand. The Prophet S.A. said: You slandered about her.(18)
And it is mentioned in another tradition that Ayesheh imitated a woman, and the Prophet S.A. prohibited her.(19) It is deduced hereby that when criticizing the thoughts of others in the writings, it should be discussed in such a way to avoid slander. When caviling and criticizing the speech of someone, there are often interpretations which are clear senses of slander, disapprobation, mockery, insultation and or humiliation, for example when it is told that phrase is "null by necessity" or "funny" or "childish" or "unwisely", unless its owner is not clear and or humiliating and slandering about him is permitted. On the other hand, sometimes a man says a speech figuratively, but there are some evidences that the other party understands. This too is among the senses of slander. For example when it is said: Today I was in the meeting, and someone told so, while the listener knows in which meeting he has been.
2- Slanders mixed with another sin
Sometimes this indecent deed is mixed with other indecent deeds, and loses completely its shape, and or appears as a righteous deed. For instance, sometimes for escaping slander, the people say "I fear to explain for being a slander" or even say "Regretfully, Divine Law has closed our tongue", or "Divine Law does not allow, otherwise I would say a lot of things"! Such people not only implicitly commit slander, but also for leaving the matter ambiguously, provoke the addressee's suspicion on everything in respect to the other person, and in fact they show the matter greater and more significant than what it really is. In addition, they have committed hypocrisy too, and so have mixed dangerously two ill favored deeds.
Or when they utter as sympathy, "that poor person slipped and committed that sin, God may forgive him"! In this case too, hypocrisy and slander are mixed together. Or when the one making display of himself says: "Thanks to God, I have not affected to wine, drugs, like that person. Really, if God does not protect man, it will be very difficult. The trap is hard, unless God helps." And thereby, he commits slander, hypocrisy and self admiration once and all together! Or when he says: "I have told these to him too and or will say!" And in this way, he closes the way of correction, and makes his slander more emphasized and severe with this suppositious argument.
3- Slander has a "Right of People" aspect
If slander is interpreted as we referred at the beginning, its "Right of People" aspect will be obviously clear, because: First: it lowers respect, personality and reputation of the said person, and surely these are not less valuable than properties in view of intellect and religion. Second: it is inferred from similitude of slander to eating a faithful brother's flesh in the Chambers sura that slander is a sense of "injustice". Third: it is referred to in several traditions like the one already mentioned in respect to "annihilation of good deeds and transfer of evils", and the well known tradition: The slanderer is not forgiven unless the slandered person forgives him.(20) And the Prophetic tradition:
The atonement of slander is asking pardon of God for the slandered person.(21) And there are traditions, which assume stopping slander as a believer's rights. Anyway, slander is a clear sense of injustice and without consent of the other party, the slanderer will not be forgiven. And we conclude herein that undoubtedly atonement of slander is not merely asking pardon of God and repentance. Yes, should there is not any way for asking consent and forgiveness, and or no damage is practically made to the prestige and reputation of slandered person, asking pardon of God may be sufficient.
Exceptions of slander
The jurists and ethics scholars agree that there are some cases in which slander is permitted, but they have some dissidence in specifying those cases. This dissidence is sometimes in mentioning the examples and senses, without any difference in the basis of matter, but sometimes it has a spiritual and real aspect. However, it is concluded from different proofs and documents that slander is permitted in two cases:
a- When there is a more important interest, in which slander, while observing the subject – is permitted and there are various senses for it: 1- In case of consultation, for example when someone wants to transact or participate or marry with the other, and is questioning us. Obviously, it is permitted to reveal hidden faults of the other party as far as they are concerned with the said affair, and relieve the one who seeks consult from the possible risks.
2- In case of forbid of wrong
3- In case of averting innovation of an innovator
4- In case of warning a Moslem about the risk and loss which is awaiting him (though without any consultation)
5- Petition and removal of injustice and restoring right
And in general all cases in which the interest of revealing one's hidden fault is more than its vice in view of religion. The reason for exception of these subjects is clear, because it relies on a clear intellectual reason that is the "principle of important and more important". Moreover, some points are referred to in the verses and traditions in this respect (including petition, removal of injustice, and averting innovation of an innovator).
But the remarkable point in view of ethics is being careful that most often deviations and errors are caused through exceptions and misuse or mistake and negligence in determination of their limits and boundaries. Because no one agrees to violate regulations and commit sins explicitly and clearly, but most people achieve their purposes through pretence to using notes and exceptions, even in most cases, man deceives his conscience in this way, and for getting rid of punishment of conscience, and not hurting his inward and natural character, seeks refuge from these notes and exceptions.
And this is one of the contradictory cases of unaware and aware conscience and conquest of the former over the latter. So, the advantage of slander should be carefully assessed in these cases while taking into account all features and aspects, and free from any love and hatred and other spites, and then one can deduce its excellence over vice of explicit slander, and do not stain himself to the dangerous slanders under the pretext of available permit. b- The cases in which slander is permitted without any special advantage, and it is solely restricted to those notorious for debauchery, but although some have included petition in this part, as it was referred, it is one of the cases of existence of more important legal advantage, that is restoring right and preventing injustice of cruel person and supporting right of the oppressed. In addition to the reason of intellect, there are several traditions narrated by Shiite and Sunnite as the reason for exception of this issue, like: There are three persons who do not have any respect: one who has innovatory desires, unjust governor, and one who commits sin publicly.(22) And the same is mentioned in some narrations as follows:
2- And also it is narrated from Prophet S.A. in a tradition:(23) There is no slander for the sinner.(24)
3- And also it is narrated from Prophet S.A. in another tradition:
One who lays aside the veil of modesty, there is no slander for him.(25)
4- There are several traditions in respect to Justice in Vassaelo Shiite. For example, it is narrated from Imam Sadegh A.S.: Whosoever is not unjust in transaction with people, and do not lie them in speech, and do not violate them in promise, is among those whose slander is forbidden, his personality is perfect, and his justice is manifest, and brotherhood with him is obligatory.(26) Who is notorious for debauchery and why slandering about him is permitted? There are several subjects here, which should be explained:
a- Is exception of a notorious person a topical exclusion (that is one who affects a vice, naturally is not disturbed for mentioning it in his absence. Moreover, it is not a hidden and privacy affair being regarded as slander) or slandering about a notorious person is one of the slander types, and has been excluded as so called "appropriation"?
b- Is permit for slandering about notorious one restricted to the sins which he performs publicly, or it is permitted in all cases?
c- If someone is notorious in one place, and non-notorious and private in somewhere else, is slandering about him permitted in the second place too or not?
d- Is in the permit for slandering about notorious person, existence of conditions for bid to good and forbid of wrong necessary?
The reply to all of these questions depends on understanding the main point and reason for exclusion of this issue from slander's forbiddance. It is inferred from above traditions that a notorious individual basically does not have any respect (the respect which is the hindrance for slander's permit).
In other words, such people (and cruel and innovator people) are not respectable in view of social personality, and their desecration is not forbidden, and therefore, giving up slander and preserving their reputation is not necessary. If we deduce so from above traditions,– as the phrase
لا غِيبَةَ لَهُ و لا حُرْمَةَ لَهُ
, and such like prove, the reply to above questions is clarified, and it does not need more explanation, because based on rational and traditional proof, slander does not include such persons. But it should be noted that apparently the notorious is one who has completely laid aside the veil of modesty, and is rude and fearless against all sins, and it does not include all of those who perform a sin publicly for any reason. Thus, it is possible to slander about such persons only in respect to the case for which they are notorious.
Signs: Last Days | for everyone |
Signs: Last Days | |||||
Below you will find the excerpt from Day of Judgement by Moulana Sayyid Saeed Athtar Rizvi, 1978. (Moulana's source is Bihar-ul-Anwar, Vol. III). The hadith is a conversation between Holy Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W. and the great Salman-e-Farsi R.A. Make sure to take mental notes on how many of these signs we have now seen in the world; some to such an extent that we take them for granted these days. Abdullah bin Abbas said that after completing the last pilgrimage (in the 10th year of Hijrah), the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. stood before the door of the Kaaba, keeping the latch of the door in his hand, and said to his companions: "Should I not tell you of the sings of the Day of Resurrection?" Salman-e-Farsi was the nearest of all there and he replied: "Surely, O Messenger of Allah." The Holy Prophet said: "Verily, amongst the Signs of the Hour is that people will neglect prayer, and will follow their own views (and desires will supersede the commandments of Allah S.W.T., they will follow only those rules which will appeal to them, and will leave other rules), and will incline towards their preferences, and will respect the wealth people (forgetting the Islamic criterion of honour, i.e. piety), and will sell the religion for worldly benefits, at that time the heart and the soul of the believer will melt (from grief) as salt melts in water, because he will see the unlawful things and will not be able to change them." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the rulers will be tyrants, the ministers transgressors, and the trustees embezzlers." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, verily at that time the evil will become virtue and the virtue will become evil, the embezzlers will be trusted, and the trustworthy people will be thought untrustworthy, and the liars will be vouchsafed, and the truthful one will be considered a liar." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time women will be rulers and the concubines will be consulted, and the children will sit upon the pulpit ‘mimber’ (could mean disrespect for the mimber or such people will ascend the pulpit who will not deserve such honour), and the lie will be considered cleverness, and zakat (charity) will be disliked as fines, and the booty of war will be squandered as personal property (or in present days’ context, public property will be squandered as personal property), and man will be tyrant to this parents and will be generous to his friend, and at that time comets will appear." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the woman will become a partner of her husband in trade, and the rain will be very hot (Climate Change?), and virtuous people will remain sorrowful, and the poor person will be dishonored, and that time, the markets will come nearer (telephones/Internet), then they will say, ‘I did not sell anything’ and they will say, ‘ did not get any profit.’(greed and discontent?) Thus, you will see none who is not complaining against Allah." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life. "Oh Salman, and then it will happen that heir rulers will be such people that if they talked, they would kill them. And if they remained silent, they would confiscate their wealth, would put their honour under their feet and would shed their blood - and the people’s hearts will be full with fear, and you will not find anyone but that he would be afraid, fearful, awed and in terror." "Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, verily at that time some things will be brought from the East and some things from the West, and my Ummat (Muslims) will be dyed in them. The woe be unto the weaker people of my Ummat from them, and woe be unto those from Allah. They will not have mercy upon the little ones, and will not respect the old ones. The bodies will be human beings, and their heats will be full of Satans." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time men are contented with men, and women with women, and will challenge over the boys as they have for the girls in their family! Men make themselves look like women and women like men; women will ride on the saddle and will show off, and Allah will send his curse upon them." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time they will decorate the mosques as they do to the temples of the Christians and the Jews, and will decorate the Qur'an (without acting accordingly). The Minarets will be long and the people praying will be a lot, but in their hearts they are enemies and the tongues will differ. Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the males of my ummah will be wearing gold and silk clothing and will make clothes out of leopard/cheetah skin." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who has hold of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time adultery will be performed openly, trading will be performed with backbiting and bribe, and people will put religion down and think only of worldly affairs." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life" "Oh Salman, at that time divorce will be common and punishment will not be according to Allah's will in Islamic laws. But they must know that they are the ones who suffer, not Allah." Salman asked, "is this possible oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the singer women, music instrument, and playing music will appear, and the wicked of my ummah will go for them (will follow them)." Salman asked. "is this possible oh prophet of Allah? He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the wealthy people in my ummah will go to hajj for pleasure, the middle class people in my ummah will go to hajj for trading, and the poor in my ummah will go to hajj for show off. At that time there will be people who learn the Quran not for Allah's sake. They treat that like playing instrument. There will be people who learn the religious knowledge not for Allah's sake. And the number of illegitimate children will increase. And people recite Quran in a musical way. People will race each other over the worldly material." Salman asked, "does this happen oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, this will happen when the veil of venerate will be torn apart (honors will be defiled), sins will be common, the bad will take authority over the good, lies will be plentiful, obstinacy(disputes) will be open, the number of poor will increase, and people will pride oneself because of clothing. There will be unseasonable rain, the instruments of music and gamble will be considered interesting, and will dislike amr-e-bil ma’roof (enjoining the good) and nahie-anil monkar (forbidding the evil) so much as that the true Momin (believer) at this time will be considered at the lowest degree of all amongst the ummah, the Quran reciter will backbite one another. Those are the people who will be called unclean and filthy in the kingdom of heavens." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time, the rich will not be afraid (of anything) except to the poor so much so that a beggar will continue begging between two Fridays and will not find anyone putting anything in his hands." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time will talk ‘Ruuwaibidhah’." Salman asked: "And what is Ruwaibidhah? O Messenger of Allah, my father and mother be sacrificed for you." Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. said, "Such persons will talk about public affairs who had not talked in such matter before. Then in a short time, chaos will appear upon the earth, and every nation will think that chaos was only in their land (but it will cover the whole world)." "They will remain in that condition as long as Allah would wish them to remain. Then the Earth will throw out the pieces of its heart - gold, silver, and other minerals - (then the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. pointed towards the pillars, and said), "like these in size, but on that day neither gold nor silver will be of any benefit to anyone. And this is the meaning of the words of Allah ‘So surely did come its (i.e. Qiyamat’s) SIGNS’."
(Bihar-ul-Anwar, Vol. III).
HADEES | for everyone |
Imam Ali (a.s) says: The tongue of the wise man is behind his heart, and the heart of the fool is behind his tongue.
- Imam Baqir (a.s) The Exalted Glorious God likes , among his believer slaves , the slave who makes supplication a lot ; so make supplication at dawn till
Exercises for Kids at Home: Tips and Ideas | for everyone |
Exercises for Kids at Home: Tips and Ideas
Kids are the most energetic of them all. Or so was the case until recently. With the advancements of digital technology and all those different variety of video gaming consoles available, children are drawn strongly towards these life like formats of gaming and thus these video games keeps them glued to their computer screens or any monitor that they use for the game. Gone are the days when kids used to stay outdoors all day long and explore every nook and corner of the surroundings with games that involved group activities running around hiding and seeking to name a few. These days’ children are wooed into television and the internet where there is no dearth to the games that can be played and these games generally take an hour to complete. What is worse is that even after they complete the children get so addicted to them that they play them over and over again.
Such a lethargic lifestyle that characterizes sitting for hours in front of the video game and eating junk and unhealthy foods while doing so leads to obesity in children. Kids in the developed nations are facing excessive-weight problems thus leading to the augmentation of lifestyle diseases in this raw age. This is not just true for the filthy rich but also true for the families belonging to the middle-class. As concerned parents it is our duty to keep our children’s health in check and make sure that they are not only eating right but also gaining a good overall body exercise. It is an alarming situation and must have a fast approach towards making necessary amendments for a healthier future for your children. Kids can enjoy exercises at home without any expensive exercise equipment.
You do not need a personal trainer for your kids since it is not rocket science. In fact it is tougher for a trainer than you to make your kid exercise since kids tend to want entertainment in whatever they do. Exercising with trainers might bring results but it sure would not be seen as something that is fun to do. It is only you who understands your child and with some of the handy tips that I am going to talk about you can make sure that your kids are having fun while simultaneously exercising their body.
* Choose the right place at home which is both spacious and probably outdoors since open space ambiance adds that extra energy in you.
* Dance is a good form of toning your body which is both fun and highly effective. There are many children who love to dance and if you have got their favorite music you could fabricate certain steps that involve movement of the whole body and teach them to your kids.
* Allot a time aside for exercise according to your kid’s convenience since it would be no fun if you ask him/her to exercise when his favorite cartoon is telecasted on television.
* You may choose certain exercising clothes in your kid’s favorite color or take them for its shopping and let them choose what they want. They would love to exercise just so that they get to wear their favorite exercise outfit.
* Include music even for other exercises if not for dance.
* You could interest your kids in yoga
* You could also include funny exercises in between that would entertain them.
* You could check out the websites for some superhero moves and turn them into exercises and name them after the superhero that would very well appeal your little ones.
* Include exercises that could well serve as a sport and have a score that gets the kids into a competing mode while not realizing that he is working out his body for his betterment.
Kids are the most energetic of them all. Or so was the case until recently. With the advancements of digital technology and all those different variety of video gaming consoles available, children are drawn strongly towards these life like formats of gaming and thus these video games keeps them glued to their computer screens or any monitor that they use for the game. Gone are the days when kids used to stay outdoors all day long and explore every nook and corner of the surroundings with games that involved group activities running around hiding and seeking to name a few. These days’ children are wooed into television and the internet where there is no dearth to the games that can be played and these games generally take an hour to complete. What is worse is that even after they complete the children get so addicted to them that they play them over and over again.
Such a lethargic lifestyle that characterizes sitting for hours in front of the video game and eating junk and unhealthy foods while doing so leads to obesity in children. Kids in the developed nations are facing excessive-weight problems thus leading to the augmentation of lifestyle diseases in this raw age. This is not just true for the filthy rich but also true for the families belonging to the middle-class. As concerned parents it is our duty to keep our children’s health in check and make sure that they are not only eating right but also gaining a good overall body exercise. It is an alarming situation and must have a fast approach towards making necessary amendments for a healthier future for your children. Kids can enjoy exercises at home without any expensive exercise equipment.
You do not need a personal trainer for your kids since it is not rocket science. In fact it is tougher for a trainer than you to make your kid exercise since kids tend to want entertainment in whatever they do. Exercising with trainers might bring results but it sure would not be seen as something that is fun to do. It is only you who understands your child and with some of the handy tips that I am going to talk about you can make sure that your kids are having fun while simultaneously exercising their body.
* Choose the right place at home which is both spacious and probably outdoors since open space ambiance adds that extra energy in you.
* Dance is a good form of toning your body which is both fun and highly effective. There are many children who love to dance and if you have got their favorite music you could fabricate certain steps that involve movement of the whole body and teach them to your kids.
* Allot a time aside for exercise according to your kid’s convenience since it would be no fun if you ask him/her to exercise when his favorite cartoon is telecasted on television.
* You may choose certain exercising clothes in your kid’s favorite color or take them for its shopping and let them choose what they want. They would love to exercise just so that they get to wear their favorite exercise outfit.
* Include music even for other exercises if not for dance.
* You could interest your kids in yoga
* You could also include funny exercises in between that would entertain them.
* You could check out the websites for some superhero moves and turn them into exercises and name them after the superhero that would very well appeal your little ones.
* Include exercises that could well serve as a sport and have a score that gets the kids into a competing mode while not realizing that he is working out his body for his betterment.
How to Choose the Right Foundation for Your Skin Type | for everyone |
How to Choose the Right Foundation for Your Skin Type
A woman should first remember that foundation makeup is just that – the layer upon which all her other makeup will rest.
How good her foundation makeup looks will determine how the rest of her cosmetics look, so she should keep in mind that foundation makeup is not meant to change the skin’s color. It is meant to match the color as closely as possible.
Now that we have thanked whomever we had to thank for foundation, lets get to how we would go about buying and choosing the perfect foundation.Here are some helpful tips:
Keep Skin Color In Mind
Choose your foundation according to your skin color. Whether your face is milky white, of chocolate color or you have a wheat-ish complexion, you need to explore a foundation that matches your skin tone. Whether your skin is pale or tanned, you need to know your exact skin tone before you scour the souk. In almost all the stores, you will find sample foundations or testers. Rather than under your wrists, apply the tester on your neck or face, to match it with your skin tone.
Buy As Per Your Skin Type
Check your skin type i.e. whether your skin falls under oily, dry or normal skin type and choose the foundation accordingly. Go for oil-free, water-based foundation with no or very less mineral oil, if you have oily skin. The creamier ones will work if you have dry skin. Then, there are foundations available specifically for the normal skin as well. Moreover, buy your foundation from a reputed brand only. Along with that, also decide on what type of look you would like to get, while buying the foundation.
Remember The Weather
If you live in a hotter climate, go with the foundation that is sweat-proof and has high SPF, to protect your skin from UV rays. In any case, it is always good to go with sunscreen-laden foundation, whatever be the climate you live in. In addition, there are different kinds of foundation available in the market, such as sheer foundation, liquid and compact foundation. If you live in a warmer climate, go for sheer foundation. It is also a good choice for day use as well, since it allows the natural tone of your skin to shine and gives the non-sticky feel. Liquid foundation works well in winters.
Ease Of Use & Application Time
Women who want their foundation to stay long and be easy to apply can go for liquid foundation. A light touch of a liquid foundation is enough for a woman without much skin problems. Powder foundation is the best for women who don’t have much time to devote to make up. Whatever be the type of foundation you use, make sure that it suits your skin tone and type.
Consider Skin Condition & Age Factor
If you have fine lines on your face, don’t go for a liquid foundation, as it creates crease on the face, if not applied properly. Middle-aged women should go for powder foundation. However, if you have dry skin, it will be best for you to use it with a base. In addition, it is best for a middle-aged woman to go for foundations as close as the skin tone as possible.
* Test all new products on a patch of your skin before using on your face to make sure they do not cause an allergic reaction.
* Ask a beauty representative for recommendations if you’re having trouble deciding what you need. She will be able to notice things about your skin color that you will not see.
A woman should first remember that foundation makeup is just that – the layer upon which all her other makeup will rest.
How good her foundation makeup looks will determine how the rest of her cosmetics look, so she should keep in mind that foundation makeup is not meant to change the skin’s color. It is meant to match the color as closely as possible.
Now that we have thanked whomever we had to thank for foundation, lets get to how we would go about buying and choosing the perfect foundation.Here are some helpful tips:
Keep Skin Color In Mind
Choose your foundation according to your skin color. Whether your face is milky white, of chocolate color or you have a wheat-ish complexion, you need to explore a foundation that matches your skin tone. Whether your skin is pale or tanned, you need to know your exact skin tone before you scour the souk. In almost all the stores, you will find sample foundations or testers. Rather than under your wrists, apply the tester on your neck or face, to match it with your skin tone.
Buy As Per Your Skin Type
Check your skin type i.e. whether your skin falls under oily, dry or normal skin type and choose the foundation accordingly. Go for oil-free, water-based foundation with no or very less mineral oil, if you have oily skin. The creamier ones will work if you have dry skin. Then, there are foundations available specifically for the normal skin as well. Moreover, buy your foundation from a reputed brand only. Along with that, also decide on what type of look you would like to get, while buying the foundation.
Remember The Weather
If you live in a hotter climate, go with the foundation that is sweat-proof and has high SPF, to protect your skin from UV rays. In any case, it is always good to go with sunscreen-laden foundation, whatever be the climate you live in. In addition, there are different kinds of foundation available in the market, such as sheer foundation, liquid and compact foundation. If you live in a warmer climate, go for sheer foundation. It is also a good choice for day use as well, since it allows the natural tone of your skin to shine and gives the non-sticky feel. Liquid foundation works well in winters.
Ease Of Use & Application Time
Women who want their foundation to stay long and be easy to apply can go for liquid foundation. A light touch of a liquid foundation is enough for a woman without much skin problems. Powder foundation is the best for women who don’t have much time to devote to make up. Whatever be the type of foundation you use, make sure that it suits your skin tone and type.
Consider Skin Condition & Age Factor
If you have fine lines on your face, don’t go for a liquid foundation, as it creates crease on the face, if not applied properly. Middle-aged women should go for powder foundation. However, if you have dry skin, it will be best for you to use it with a base. In addition, it is best for a middle-aged woman to go for foundations as close as the skin tone as possible.
* Test all new products on a patch of your skin before using on your face to make sure they do not cause an allergic reaction.
* Ask a beauty representative for recommendations if you’re having trouble deciding what you need. She will be able to notice things about your skin color that you will not see.
SARDARJI- JOKE | for everyone |
Oye sardarji tusi great ho..................
Each Friday night after work, Sardar ji would fire up his outdoor grill and cook a tandoori chicken and some meat kebabs. But, all of his neighbors were strict Catholics ... And since it was Lent, they were forbidden from eating chicken and meat on a Friday.
The aroma from the grilled meats was causing such a problem for the Catholic faithful that they finally talked to their Priest. The Priest came to visit Sardar ji and suggested that he become a Catholic. After several classes and much study, Sardar ji attended Mass... And as the priest sprinkled holy water over him, he said, You were born a Sikh, and raised as a Sikh, but from now, you are a Catholic."
Sardar ji's neighbors were greatly relieved, until Friday night arrived.
The wonderful aroma of tandoori chicken and meat kebabs filled the neighborhood. The Priest was called immediately by the neighbors and, as he rushed into Sardar ji's backyard, clutching a rosary and prepared to scold him, he stopped and watched in amazement.
There stood Sardar ji, holding a small bottle of holy water which he carefully sprinkled over the grilling meats and chanted: "Oye, you were born a chicken, and you were born a lamb, you were raised as a chicken and you were raised as a lamb but now onwards you are a potato and you are a tomato..
The aroma from the grilled meats was causing such a problem for the Catholic faithful that they finally talked to their Priest. The Priest came to visit Sardar ji and suggested that he become a Catholic. After several classes and much study, Sardar ji attended Mass... And as the priest sprinkled holy water over him, he said, You were born a Sikh, and raised as a Sikh, but from now, you are a Catholic."
Sardar ji's neighbors were greatly relieved, until Friday night arrived.
The wonderful aroma of tandoori chicken and meat kebabs filled the neighborhood. The Priest was called immediately by the neighbors and, as he rushed into Sardar ji's backyard, clutching a rosary and prepared to scold him, he stopped and watched in amazement.
There stood Sardar ji, holding a small bottle of holy water which he carefully sprinkled over the grilling meats and chanted: "Oye, you were born a chicken, and you were born a lamb, you were raised as a chicken and you were raised as a lamb but now onwards you are a potato and you are a tomato..
It was a Sports Stadium. | for everyone |
It was a Sports Stadium.
Eight Children were standing on the track to participate in a running event.
* Ready! * Steady! * Bang !!!
With the sound of Toy pistol,
All eight girls started running.
Hardly had they covered ten to fifteen steps,
when one of the smaller girls slipped and fell down,
Due to bruises and pain she started crying.
When the other seven girls heard the little girl cry they stopped running, stood for a while and turned back.
Seeing the girl on the track they all ran to help.
One among them bent down, picked her up and kissed her gently
And enquired as to how she was..
They then lifted the fallen girl pacifying her.
Two of them held her firmly while all seven joined hands together and walked together towards the winning post........ ..
There was pin drop silence at the spectator's stand.
Officials were shocked.
Slow claps multiplied to thousands as the spectators stood up in appreciation.
Many eyes were filled with tears
And perhaps even God's!
YES.!! This happened in Hyderabad [INDIA], recently!
The sport was conducted by
National Institute of Mental Health.
All these special girls had come to participate in this event
They were spastic children.
Yes, they were Mentally Challenged.
What did they teach the WORLD.?
Equality among all.??
Successful people help others who are
slow in learning
So that they are not left far behind.
This is really a great message... Spread it.!
We never do this because we have brains !!!!And we are too busy to think about others!!!
Eight Children were standing on the track to participate in a running event.
* Ready! * Steady! * Bang !!!
With the sound of Toy pistol,
All eight girls started running.
Hardly had they covered ten to fifteen steps,
when one of the smaller girls slipped and fell down,
Due to bruises and pain she started crying.
When the other seven girls heard the little girl cry they stopped running, stood for a while and turned back.
Seeing the girl on the track they all ran to help.
One among them bent down, picked her up and kissed her gently
And enquired as to how she was..
They then lifted the fallen girl pacifying her.
Two of them held her firmly while all seven joined hands together and walked together towards the winning post........ ..
There was pin drop silence at the spectator's stand.
Officials were shocked.
Slow claps multiplied to thousands as the spectators stood up in appreciation.
Many eyes were filled with tears
And perhaps even God's!
YES.!! This happened in Hyderabad [INDIA], recently!
The sport was conducted by
National Institute of Mental Health.
All these special girls had come to participate in this event
They were spastic children.
Yes, they were Mentally Challenged.
What did they teach the WORLD.?
Equality among all.??
Successful people help others who are
slow in learning
So that they are not left far behind.
This is really a great message... Spread it.!
We never do this because we have brains !!!!And we are too busy to think about others!!!
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
[DRAFT] chicken in orange sauce | for everyone |
- 1/4 cup water
- 1/4 cup sake, or chicken broth
- 1/4 cup orange juice
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- 2 teaspoons cornstarch
- 1 teaspoon grated fresh orange peel
- 2 teaspoons chili puree with garlic
- 3/4 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, cut into 1-inch pieces
- 1 package (16 ounces) chopped vegetables for stir-fry or chop suey (about 5 cups)
- 3 green onions, cut into 1-inch pieces
- 4 cups hot cooked rice
- 1Mix water, sake, orange juice, soy sauce, cornstarch, orange peel and chili puree.
- 2Spray wok or 12-inch skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Heat over high heat until hot. Add chicken; stir-fry about 3 minutes or until no longer pink in center. Add vegetables and onions; stir-fry about 3 minutes or until crisp-tender.
- 3Stir in sake mixture. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 1 minute. Serve with rice.
Bibi Sakina (A.S)- ON HER BIRTH DAY 20TH MAHE RAJAB | for everyone |
Bibi Sakina (A.S)- ON HER BIRTH DAY 20TH MAHE RAJAB | for everyone |
Bibi Sakina (A.S)
Bibi Sakina was one of the daughters of Imaam Hussain. She was a vivacious child, full of love and happiness. Everyone loved Sakina. She was also a very religious girl. She enjoyed reading the Holy Quran and never missed her prayers. From the age of two she took great care to make sure that her head and face were properly covered when in public.
Sakina was Imam Hussain"s most beloved child. Our Imam was often heard to say, "A house without Sakina would not be worth living in!" She always had a sweet and cheerful smile and a very friendly nature. Other children sought her company as much as the grown ups did. She was very generous and always shared whatever she had with others.
There was a special bond between Hazrat Abbas and Sakina. He loved her more than he did his own children. IfSakina requested for anything, Abbas would not rest until he satisfied her request. There was nothing that Abbas would not do to make Sakina happy.
During the journey from Madina to Mecca and then Mecca to Kerbala, Abbas was often seen riding up to the mehmil in which Sakina sat to make sure that she had everything she wanted. Sakina loved her uncle just as much. While in Madina she would, several times a day, visit the house in which Hazrat Abbas lived with his family and his mother, Ummul Baneen.
Like any other four-five year old when Sakina went to bed at night she wanted to spend some time with her father. Imam Hussain would tell her stories of the prophets and of the battles fought by her grand-father Ali. She would rest her head on her father"s chest and Hussain would not move from her until she fell asleep. Audio Munqabat Library - SHADMAN RAZA - VOL 2010 | for everyone |
Weight Loss Surgery Information and Advice | for everyone |
Weight Loss Surgery Information and Advice
If you’re very overweight and can’t lose pounds with a healthy diet and exercise, surgery might be an option for you. The surgery is usually for men who are at least 100 pounds overweight and women who are at least 80 pounds overweight. If you are somewhat less overweight, surgery still might be an option if you also have diabetes, heart disease or sleep apnea.
Heavy weight people suffer mentally and physically. They hesitate to mix with people and hence, create a separate environment for themselves. They also suffer from various type of physical problem and life becomes a hell for them. To reduce excess weight, many obese people perform various types of physical exercises like brisk walking, yoga, swimming but those things hardly affect their body. Some even goes for heavy dieting. Today, obesity is a hard core disease and it is spreading like a wild fire. Medical science had made rapid progress and finds an effective solution in the form of weight loss surgery or Bariatric surgery to fight against the problem.
Weight loss surgery is performed in many major hospitals in India and Pakistan. This operation successfully removes the excess weight from the body. With the upcoming of this weight loss surgery, obese patient need not have to panic on the issue. This operation is really a blessing for them.
An obese person suffers from hypertension, insomnia, gallbladder disease, liver disease, degenerative disc disease, heart disease, infertility, arthritis in weight bearing joints and gastroesophageal reflux diseases. There are various forms of Bariatric surgery. Lap band, gastric bypass surgery and body lift are some of the forms. Obesity is a growing epidemic around the world and Bariatric surgery is a blessing. The operation involves low risk, smaller scars and faster recovery. It is very beneficent in comparison to traditional large incision gastric bypass surgery. The operation involves less risk factor.
Weight loss surgery removes the excess fat from the body of an obese patient. Once a person undergoes this treatment, he has to take very best care of his diet. He needs to follow a very strict diet. Maintaining a proper diet can help them to recover soon. Liquid foods, fresh fruits and cooked vegetables are most preferable. They can intake pureed food also. In obese patients, doctor needs to operate complications like anastomotic leakage, anastomotic stricture, dumping syndrome etc. After the operation, patients suffer from various side effects. They mostly suffer from depression. The patients commonly die from heart failure.
With weight loss surgery, an obese patient can lead a normal life. He can feel himself one among the others. Cost is a very important factor for this type of surgery. Before the operation, a patient has to undergo various types of tests. This surgery is not performed on the person suffering from cardiac problem, diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. The surgery is carried out successfully in countries like US, Europe, Australia. Today, India, Brazil and Mexico have also joined in the race. This surgery helps the obese patients to enjoy every flavor of life and enjoy life to the fullest.
If you’re very overweight and can’t lose pounds with a healthy diet and exercise, surgery might be an option for you. The surgery is usually for men who are at least 100 pounds overweight and women who are at least 80 pounds overweight. If you are somewhat less overweight, surgery still might be an option if you also have diabetes, heart disease or sleep apnea.
Heavy weight people suffer mentally and physically. They hesitate to mix with people and hence, create a separate environment for themselves. They also suffer from various type of physical problem and life becomes a hell for them. To reduce excess weight, many obese people perform various types of physical exercises like brisk walking, yoga, swimming but those things hardly affect their body. Some even goes for heavy dieting. Today, obesity is a hard core disease and it is spreading like a wild fire. Medical science had made rapid progress and finds an effective solution in the form of weight loss surgery or Bariatric surgery to fight against the problem.
Weight loss surgery is performed in many major hospitals in India and Pakistan. This operation successfully removes the excess weight from the body. With the upcoming of this weight loss surgery, obese patient need not have to panic on the issue. This operation is really a blessing for them.
An obese person suffers from hypertension, insomnia, gallbladder disease, liver disease, degenerative disc disease, heart disease, infertility, arthritis in weight bearing joints and gastroesophageal reflux diseases. There are various forms of Bariatric surgery. Lap band, gastric bypass surgery and body lift are some of the forms. Obesity is a growing epidemic around the world and Bariatric surgery is a blessing. The operation involves low risk, smaller scars and faster recovery. It is very beneficent in comparison to traditional large incision gastric bypass surgery. The operation involves less risk factor.
Weight loss surgery removes the excess fat from the body of an obese patient. Once a person undergoes this treatment, he has to take very best care of his diet. He needs to follow a very strict diet. Maintaining a proper diet can help them to recover soon. Liquid foods, fresh fruits and cooked vegetables are most preferable. They can intake pureed food also. In obese patients, doctor needs to operate complications like anastomotic leakage, anastomotic stricture, dumping syndrome etc. After the operation, patients suffer from various side effects. They mostly suffer from depression. The patients commonly die from heart failure.
With weight loss surgery, an obese patient can lead a normal life. He can feel himself one among the others. Cost is a very important factor for this type of surgery. Before the operation, a patient has to undergo various types of tests. This surgery is not performed on the person suffering from cardiac problem, diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. The surgery is carried out successfully in countries like US, Europe, Australia. Today, India, Brazil and Mexico have also joined in the race. This surgery helps the obese patients to enjoy every flavor of life and enjoy life to the fullest.
Tips to help you to control your high blood pressure
Make sure your blood pressure is under 140/90 mm Hg
If your systolic pressure is over 140, ask your doctor what you can do to lower it. If you have diabetes it is even more important to maintain your blood pressure at an acceptable level, which reduces long-term complications associated with this disease process. You should be receiving regular monitoring and advice from you GP/diabetic practitioner.
Aim for a healthy weight
Ideally try not to gain extra weight in the first place, if you have then try to lose the weight slowly, at about half to one pound a week until you reach a healthy target. This can be easier to achieve if you include exercise as well to burn off those unwanted calories and tone your body as you lose the weight.
If you are overweight or obese, carrying this extra weight increases your risk of high blood pressure because the heart has to work very hard to keep blood circulating efficiently.
Exercise - be active every day!
Even the simplest exercise will help; you can walk, dance, use the stairs, play sports, or do any activity you enjoy. For instance: get off the bus one or two stops early; park your car at the other end of the car park and walk; walk or cycle to the corner shop.
Being physically active is one of the most important steps you can take to prevent or control high blood pressure and will help you keep your weight down. It will also help to reduce your risk of heart disease and enhances overall wellbeing. All you need to do is 30 minutes of moderate level activity preferably every day of the week - you can even divide the 30 minutes into shorter 10 minute periods if you are not used to regular exercise.
Exercise does not have to be strenuous; you should start slowly and build up the amount of exercise that you do.
It is not advisable, however, to lift heavy weights or to take on certain strenuous activities if exercise has not been gradually and appropriately introduced. If you are worried that your health could be adversely affected by exercise, i.e. you have a heart complaint; make sure that you are reviewed by your GP.
Look at what you are eating. Does it contain a lot of sodium?
It is suggested that no more than 2.4 grams of sodium should be consumed per day. Read the labels and be aware of hidden sodium, which is known to increase blood pressure. Try not to add salt to your meals.
Eat more fruit and vegetables
Eating more fiber should help to stop you feeling hungry and less likely to pick at sweets, chocolate and crisps etc.
Stop/reduce smoking - smoking causes the blood to thicken
Not only does this make you more at risk of developing a dangerous blood clot but it makes the heart work harder in order to 'push' the blood around the system to provide oxygen and other important components.
Reduce your stress levels
Take time out for yourself each day to do something you like to do without feeling guilty. If there are any problems worrying you try talking them over with a friend, or someone you trust, this is often all that is needed to make you feel better. Also remember if you wear a smile, it will rub off on others. Try it and see!
Watch your alcohol intake
Keep the amount of units you consume to a minimum, as your body works hard to flush it out of your system and this will have an effect on your blood pressure (plus it will increase your weight).
It is recommended that men limit themselves to no more than one or two drinks per day and women should have no more than one drink per day.
Take medication correctly
If you have been prescribed medication from your GP to control your blood pressure, make sure that you take the medication correctly and visit your GP regularly for your blood pressure to be monitored effectively.
ILLUSION - | for everyone |
How is diabetes diagnosed? | for everyone |
How is diabetes diagnosed?
The fasting blood glucose (sugar) test is the preferred way to diagnose diabetes. It is easy to perform and convenient. After the person has fasted overnight (at least 8 hours), a single sample of blood is drawn and sent to the laboratory for analysis.
This can also be done accurately in a doctor's office using a glucose meter.
* Normal fasting plasma glucose levels are less than 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl).
* Fasting plasma glucose levels of more than 126 mg/dl on two or more tests on different days indicate diabetes.
* A random blood glucose test can also be used to diagnose diabetes. A blood glucose level of 200 mg/dl or higher indicates diabetes.
When fasting blood glucose stays above 100mg/dl, but in the range of 100-126mg/dl, this is known as impaired fasting glucose (IFG). While patients with IFG do not have the diagnosis of diabetes, this condition carries with it its own risks and concerns, and is addressed elsewhere.
The oral glucose tolerance test
Though not routinely used anymore, the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is a gold standard for making the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. It is still commonly used for diagnosing gestational diabetes and in conditions of pre-diabetes, such as polycystic ovary syndrome. With an oral glucose tolerance test, the person fasts overnight (at least eight but not more than 16 hours). Then first, the fasting plasma glucose is tested. After this test, the person receives 75 grams of glucose (100 grams for pregnant women). There are several methods employed by obstetricians to do this test, but the one described here is standard. Usually, the glucose is in a sweet-tasting liquid that the person drinks. Blood samples are taken at specific intervals to measure the blood glucose.
For the test to give reliable results:
# the person must be in good health (not have any other illnesses, not even a cold).
# the person should be normally active (not lying down, for example, as an inpatient in a hospital), and
# the person should not be taking medicines that could affect the blood glucose.
# For three days before the test, the person should have eaten a diet high in carbohydrates (200-300 grams per day).
# The morning of the test, the person should not smoke or drink coffee.
The classic oral glucose tolerance test measures blood glucose levels five times over a period of three hours. Some physicians simply get a baseline blood sample followed by a sample two hours after drinking the glucose solution. In a person without diabetes, the glucose levels rise and then fall quickly. In someone with diabetes, glucose levels rise higher than normal and fail to come back down as fast.
People with glucose levels between normal and diabetic have impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). People with impaired glucose tolerance do not have diabetes, but are at high risk for progressing to diabetes. Each year, 1%-5% of people whose test results show impaired glucose tolerance actually eventually develop diabetes. Weight loss and exercise may help people with impaired glucose tolerance return their glucose levels to normal. In addition, some physicians advocate the use of medications, such as metformin (Glucophage), to help prevent/delay the onset of overt diabetes.
Recent studies have shown that impaired glucose tolerance itself may be a risk factor for the development of heart disease. In the medical community, most physicians are now understanding that impaired glucose tolerance is nor simply a precursor of diabetes, but is its own clinical disease entity that requires treatment and monitoring.
Evaluating the results of the oral glucose tolerance test
* Normal response: A person is said to have a normal response when the 2-hour glucose level is less than 140 mg/dl, and all values between 0 and 2 hours are less than 200 mg/dl.
* Impaired glucose tolerance: A person is said to have impaired glucose tolerance when the fasting plasma glucose is less than 126 mg/dl and the 2-hour glucose level is between 140 and 199 mg/dl.
* Diabetes: A person has diabetes when two diagnostic tests done on different days show that the blood glucose level is high.
* Gestational diabetes: A woman has gestational diabetes when she has any two of the following: a 100g OGTT, a fasting plasma glucose of more than 95 mg/dl, a 1-hour glucose level of more than 180 mg/dl, a 2-hour glucose level of more than 155 mg/dl, or a 3-hour glucose level of more than 140 mg/dl.
Dua’a: Dua’a For all night Ibadat | for everyone |
Dua’a: Dua’a For all night Ibadat
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Whoever recites the following verses of Surah the Family of Imran (190 – 194) every night then he gets the reward of the whole night’s Ibadat.
Verily, in the creations of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and day, there are signs for men who posses wisdom. (3: 190)
Those who remember Allah standing, and sitting and reclining on their sides and think (seriously) in the creation of the heaven and the earth; saying “O’ Our Lord! Thou hast not created (all) this in vain! Glory be to Thee! Save us then from the chastisement of the fire.” (3:191)
O’ Our Lord! Whomsoever Thou causeth to enter the (Hell) fire, surely Thou hast put him to disgrace; there is not, for the unjust, any of the helpers. (3: 192)
O’ Our Lord! We have indeed heard the voice of a Crier (Prophet), calling (us) unto faith, saying “Believe in your Lord!” and we did believe. Our Lord! Therefore “forgive us then our sins and remove away from us our evil deeds, and cause us to die with the virtuous ones.” (3: 193)
O’ Our Lord! And give us what Thou hast promise us through Thy messengers, and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection: Verily. Thou breakest not Thy Promise. (3: 194)
Dua’a: Dua’a For safety from enemy | for everyone |
Dua’a: Dua’a For safety from enemy
Hazrat Imam Musa Kadhim (a.s) says, “Any oppressed who recites the following Dua’a for vengeance, Insha Allah revenge will be taken from the oppressor.”
O’ my Rescuer in my difficulties; O’ my Helper in my afflictions; Guard me with the eye that slept not, and suffice me with the pillar of Might which cannot be reached; O’ the Master of great artifice, and O’ the Purchaser of the honor before whom all Thy creation is low and humble; Send the blessings on Muhammad and (holy) progeny of Muhammad. Help me against the oppressor and take my revenge from him.
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