Top 10 Most Creative Homeless Signs | for everyone |
SANDWICH SMILES | for everyone |
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INTER-RACIAL ROMANCE | for everyone |
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Mcdonalds baby changing station. | for everyone |
Mcdonalds baby changing station.-
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Natural Homemade Beauty tips and Secret | for everyone |
Natural Homemade Beauty tips and Secret
1. Mix a few drops of oil of rosemary with 30ml/2tbsp of olive oil and rub well into scalp at bedtime. Shampoo and rinse thoroughly in the morning. Natural ingredient such as herbs and essential oils can help you achieve beautifully conditioned hair.
2. If you have combination skin, take this tip from the beauty salons and use two masks - one suitable for oily skin and one for dry skin. Just apply each one to the relevant area that needs it.
3. Five ml (1 tea sp) of powdered skimmed milk mixed with a beaten egg white makes a toning and whitening face mask. Spread evenly on face and leave for 10 minutes.
4. If you use hypo allergenic makeup for your sensitive skin, remember to use hypo allergenic nail polish, too - you constantly touch your face with your hands and can easily trigger a reaction.
5. Rub a rind of lemon over your face, this will lessen grease and whiten your complexion.
6. If you are choosing a new fragrance, buy the weaker and cheaper eau de toilette first before splashing out on the stronger and more expensive perfume strength.
7. Keep lashes smooth and supple by brushing them with petroleum jelly before going to bed at night. Its also a good way to emphasize natural looking lashes in daytime.
8. Turn foundation into a tinted moisturizer by mixing a few drops of it with a little moisturizer on the back of your hand before applying. Its a perfect blend for summer.
1. Mix a few drops of oil of rosemary with 30ml/2tbsp of olive oil and rub well into scalp at bedtime. Shampoo and rinse thoroughly in the morning. Natural ingredient such as herbs and essential oils can help you achieve beautifully conditioned hair.
2. If you have combination skin, take this tip from the beauty salons and use two masks - one suitable for oily skin and one for dry skin. Just apply each one to the relevant area that needs it.
3. Five ml (1 tea sp) of powdered skimmed milk mixed with a beaten egg white makes a toning and whitening face mask. Spread evenly on face and leave for 10 minutes.
4. If you use hypo allergenic makeup for your sensitive skin, remember to use hypo allergenic nail polish, too - you constantly touch your face with your hands and can easily trigger a reaction.
5. Rub a rind of lemon over your face, this will lessen grease and whiten your complexion.
6. If you are choosing a new fragrance, buy the weaker and cheaper eau de toilette first before splashing out on the stronger and more expensive perfume strength.
7. Keep lashes smooth and supple by brushing them with petroleum jelly before going to bed at night. Its also a good way to emphasize natural looking lashes in daytime.
8. Turn foundation into a tinted moisturizer by mixing a few drops of it with a little moisturizer on the back of your hand before applying. Its a perfect blend for summer.
How to Improve your Self-Esteem | for everyone |
How to Improve your Self-Esteem
The term "self-esteem", one of the oldest concepts in psychology, first appeared as a coinage of American psychologist and philosopher William James in 1890.
It involves one's mental perception of one's qualities and not of one's physical features.
Most people's feelings and thoughts about themselves regularly change based on their daily experiences. How well you do in an exam, how your friends treat you, the ups and downs in a relationship, these can all have a temporary impact on your wellbeing.
Your self-esteem, however, is something more fundamental than the normal "ups and downs" associated with situational changes. For people with good levels of self-esteem, normal "ups and downs" may lead to temporary fluctuations in how they feel about themselves, but only to a limited extent. In contrast, for people with poor levels of self-esteem, these "ups and downs" can make all the difference in the world.
Our self-esteem develops and evolves throughout our lives as we build an image of ourselves through our experiences with different people and activities. Experiences during our childhood play a particularly vital role in the shaping of our basic self-esteem. When we were growing up, our successes (and failures) and how we were treated by the members of our immediate family, by our teachers and by our peers, all contributed to the creation of our basic self-esteem. If you were praised and given attention during your childhood these would contribute to having a healthy self-esteem, however if you were teased and harshly critisised during your childhood, these are factors that would lead to low self-esteem.
How can you improve you self-esteem?
You can start by accepting that you are not alone, thousands of people feel the same. Secondly, you can start believing that you are a wonderful and special person. Don't worry about making mistakes, we are all entitled to do so. Making mistakes is only human, and we all learn by them. Learn to respect yourself and you will be respected by others.
Many people with poor self-esteem often think that they're opinions don't count. Learn to stop these negative thoughts. If that's what you believe, you'll only encourage other people to believe that too. Instead start thinking of yourself as someone who's opinions and views are just as important as everybody else's.
One of the most important things you should be aware of is that the belief that you need to be different from how you are in order to be loved causes a great deal of misery. Unless you are happy within, you'll never be truly satisfied with what you do. Loving yourself unconditionally is the key to happiness. With improved self-esteem, your relationships will benefit, if you are single, why not boost your self-esteem with Adult Toys. But you don't have to be perfect: the most loved person in the world makes mistakes! You don't even have to do your best. You don't have to prove anything. You're all right because you're all right, and lovable exactly as you are.
The term "self-esteem", one of the oldest concepts in psychology, first appeared as a coinage of American psychologist and philosopher William James in 1890.
It involves one's mental perception of one's qualities and not of one's physical features.
Most people's feelings and thoughts about themselves regularly change based on their daily experiences. How well you do in an exam, how your friends treat you, the ups and downs in a relationship, these can all have a temporary impact on your wellbeing.
Your self-esteem, however, is something more fundamental than the normal "ups and downs" associated with situational changes. For people with good levels of self-esteem, normal "ups and downs" may lead to temporary fluctuations in how they feel about themselves, but only to a limited extent. In contrast, for people with poor levels of self-esteem, these "ups and downs" can make all the difference in the world.
Our self-esteem develops and evolves throughout our lives as we build an image of ourselves through our experiences with different people and activities. Experiences during our childhood play a particularly vital role in the shaping of our basic self-esteem. When we were growing up, our successes (and failures) and how we were treated by the members of our immediate family, by our teachers and by our peers, all contributed to the creation of our basic self-esteem. If you were praised and given attention during your childhood these would contribute to having a healthy self-esteem, however if you were teased and harshly critisised during your childhood, these are factors that would lead to low self-esteem.
How can you improve you self-esteem?
You can start by accepting that you are not alone, thousands of people feel the same. Secondly, you can start believing that you are a wonderful and special person. Don't worry about making mistakes, we are all entitled to do so. Making mistakes is only human, and we all learn by them. Learn to respect yourself and you will be respected by others.
Many people with poor self-esteem often think that they're opinions don't count. Learn to stop these negative thoughts. If that's what you believe, you'll only encourage other people to believe that too. Instead start thinking of yourself as someone who's opinions and views are just as important as everybody else's.
One of the most important things you should be aware of is that the belief that you need to be different from how you are in order to be loved causes a great deal of misery. Unless you are happy within, you'll never be truly satisfied with what you do. Loving yourself unconditionally is the key to happiness. With improved self-esteem, your relationships will benefit, if you are single, why not boost your self-esteem with Adult Toys. But you don't have to be perfect: the most loved person in the world makes mistakes! You don't even have to do your best. You don't have to prove anything. You're all right because you're all right, and lovable exactly as you are.
Marketing and Marketing Professionals | for everyone |
Marketing and Marketing Professionals
Marketing and sales are two different things and one should not be confused for the other.
Marketing covers various aspects of business including advertising, public relations, sales, and promotions.
Marketing will involve all the activities related to getting your product or service into the market, promoting it through advertisements, influencing customer behavior, and encouraging and increasing sales to increase profits of the business. Sales refer to the actual transaction of handing over the product/service to the customer for a price.
Marketing strategies have evolved many times over since the introduction of the guerrilla concept over 20 years ago by Jay Conrad Levinson. What was radical and revolutionary has become routine and out dated. Creativity is the name of the game and the aim is to send the message across to the customer - one way or the other.
A well placed marketing strategy and a detailed plan are essential for survival of companies in the competitive market environment. Those companies that are product centric and insensitive to the needs, desires and expectations of their customers are on the path to destruction. It is important for the company to know and exceed the perceived expectations of the customer as this is the key to success. It is necessary to pay attention to the customer lest he walks away and takes the business elsewhere.
Marketing is not an exercise that can be evaluated in definite terms. The returns are not tangible and apparent to the naked eye. Many managers opine that their staff waste scarce dollars on marketing plans that do not work. Little do they realize that this is an investment that comes back to you many times over. Not all campaigns are star performers. While some may yield mediocre returns, others may zoom past the expectations.
Because marketing can sometimes be seen as a vague term, some people who work outside of the industry have a view that it's "easy" and that anyone can do it. If you take this view then stop do not undertake marketing with out enlisting the help of a competent marketing agency or an independent consultant, who will oversee your marketing efforts.
The outside marketing agency or the professional marketing consultant will be able to focus on all the company's marketing requirements without being bothered by the aspects like internal company politics or employee relationships etc. These professionals are very aware of the strategies that work for various products and the strategies that will not work. For devising your marketing strategies you definitely should take assistance from these marketing professionals.
Marketing and sales are two different things and one should not be confused for the other.
Marketing covers various aspects of business including advertising, public relations, sales, and promotions.
Marketing will involve all the activities related to getting your product or service into the market, promoting it through advertisements, influencing customer behavior, and encouraging and increasing sales to increase profits of the business. Sales refer to the actual transaction of handing over the product/service to the customer for a price.
Marketing strategies have evolved many times over since the introduction of the guerrilla concept over 20 years ago by Jay Conrad Levinson. What was radical and revolutionary has become routine and out dated. Creativity is the name of the game and the aim is to send the message across to the customer - one way or the other.
A well placed marketing strategy and a detailed plan are essential for survival of companies in the competitive market environment. Those companies that are product centric and insensitive to the needs, desires and expectations of their customers are on the path to destruction. It is important for the company to know and exceed the perceived expectations of the customer as this is the key to success. It is necessary to pay attention to the customer lest he walks away and takes the business elsewhere.
Marketing is not an exercise that can be evaluated in definite terms. The returns are not tangible and apparent to the naked eye. Many managers opine that their staff waste scarce dollars on marketing plans that do not work. Little do they realize that this is an investment that comes back to you many times over. Not all campaigns are star performers. While some may yield mediocre returns, others may zoom past the expectations.
Because marketing can sometimes be seen as a vague term, some people who work outside of the industry have a view that it's "easy" and that anyone can do it. If you take this view then stop do not undertake marketing with out enlisting the help of a competent marketing agency or an independent consultant, who will oversee your marketing efforts.
The outside marketing agency or the professional marketing consultant will be able to focus on all the company's marketing requirements without being bothered by the aspects like internal company politics or employee relationships etc. These professionals are very aware of the strategies that work for various products and the strategies that will not work. For devising your marketing strategies you definitely should take assistance from these marketing professionals.
Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) has said, "One who recites it will receive ten good deeds for each particle of sand in the world." He has also said, "One who recites it each night or each Friday night, Allah will not expose him to any fear in the life of this world and will receive security from the horrors of the Day of Judgment."
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said that this Chapter was revealed as a whole escorted by seventy thousand angels praising and glorifying the Almighty in unison; so, whoever recites it will be blessed by those same seventy thousand angels for a full day and night. Imam al-Rida (as) is quoted as saying that those angels will keep blessing him till the Day of Judgment.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said, "One who recites it from its beginning till the verse saying, 'And thus do We make some oppressors befriend others on account of what they earned (6:129),' Allah will assign for him forty thousand angels to write for him (in his book of good deeds) the like of their own adoration till the Day of Resurrection."
According to the author of Al-Af ad wal Gharaib, one who does the same after having performed the fajr prayers, forty angels will descend for him, and it will be recorded for him the like of their adoration.
According to the author of Al-Waseet, if one does so upon waking up, Allah Almighty will assign for him a thousand angels to protect him and to record for him the like of their deeds (of adoration) till the Day of Judgment.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said, "One who recites it from its beginning till the verse saying, 'And thus do We make some oppressors befriend others on account of what they earned (6:129),' Allah will assign for him forty thousand angels to write for him (in his book of good deeds) the like of their own adoration till the Day of Resurrection."
According to the author of Al-Af ad wal Gharaib, one who does the same after having performed the fajr prayers, forty angels will descend for him, and it will be recorded for him the like of their adoration.
According to the author of Al-Waseet, if one does so upon waking up, Allah Almighty will assign for him a thousand angels to protect him and to record for him the like of their deeds (of adoration) till the Day of Judgment.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said, "Whoever recites Surat-al-Anbiya' will be tried by Allah an easy trial, and each and every Prophet mentioned in the Holy Qur'an will shake hands with him." Imam al-Sadiq (as) has said, "One who recites it out of his love for it will be in the company of the prophets in Paradise, and he will be highly respected in the life of this world."
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying, "If someone recites both Surat al-Anfal and Bara'ah together, I shall seek intercession for him and testify for him on the Day of Judgment that he is free from hypocrisy, and he will be granted of the rewards ten times as many as the number of hypocritical men and women in the world, and ten of his sins will be wiped out, and his status will be elevated by ten degrees, and the 'Arsh and those (angels) that bear it shall bless him as long as he lives."
Imam al-Sadiq (as) has said, "One who recites both of these chapters every month will not undergo any hypocrisy, and he will be as a true Shi'a of the Commander of the Faithful (as) and will be eating on the Day of Judgment of the tables of Paradise with them till Allah, the most Exalted One, is through with the Judgment."
Imam al-Sadiq (as) has said, "One who recites both of these chapters every month will not undergo any hypocrisy, and he will be as a true Shi'a of the Commander of the Faithful (as) and will be eating on the Day of Judgment of the tables of Paradise with them till Allah, the most Exalted One, is through with the Judgment."
Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) has said, "One who recites it will receive ten good deeds for the number of each and every believer and disbeliever." He (as) has also said, "One who recites both Surat al- Rum and al-'Ankabut during the twenty-third night of the month of Ramadan will, by Allah, be among the people of Paradise."
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying that if one recites this chapter, Allah, the most Exalted One, will install a protective veil between him and Iblis, and Adam (as) will seek intercession for him on the Day of Judgment.
Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) is quoted saying that one who reads it every month will be among those who shall have no fear on the Day of Judgment, nor shall they grieve; so, if he recites it every Friday, he will be among those who will not be tried on the Day of Judgment.
Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) is quoted saying that one who reads it every month will be among those who shall have no fear on the Day of Judgment, nor shall they grieve; so, if he recites it every Friday, he will be among those who will not be tried on the Day of Judgment.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted by Ubayy saying, "Whoever recites it will receive blessings from Allah and His mercy and will be granted the rewards due to one who camps for a full year, in the way of Allah, as a soldier on the borders of the Islamic domains to protect them, being constantly on vigil." Then the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) turned to the narrator, Ubayy, and said, "O Ubayy! Order the Muslims to learn it, for learning it is a blessing, while leaving it is a loss, and no magician can ever overpower it."
He (pbuh) is also quoted as saying that everything has a zenith, and the zenith of the Our'an isSurat al-Baqarah. "Which ayat (verse)," he (pbuh) was asked, "in it is the best, O Messenger of Allah?" He (pbuh) said, "Ayat al-Kursi [2:255]," he (pbuh) answered. And he (pbuh) entrusted the youngest among his companions, namely al-Harith ibn Zayd ibn al-Harithah, due to the fact that he knew Surat al-Baqarah by heart, to command an army to defend Islam.
He (pbuh) is also quoted as saying that everything has a zenith, and the zenith of the Our'an is
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying that whoever recites this Sura on a Friday night will be forgiven and will receive for each of its verses the rewards of one who sets a hundred thousand slaves free, and seventy thousand angels will seek forgiveness for him; and Allah will build a mansion for whoever recites it on Fridays. Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) has said that one who recites it during his obligatory and optional prayers will be resurrected among those who will be secure and Allah will shade him with the shade of His 'Arsh and will try him an easy trial and give him his book (of reckoning) in his right hand.
Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) is quoted as saying that whoever recites this Chapter will be as though he was present when the Prophet (pbuh) opened Mecca and was with him when he (pbuh) received the oath of allegiance under the tree. Imam al-Sadiq (as) has also said the following with regard to this Chapter: "Fortify with it your wealth, women, and whatever your right hands possess against harm."
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying that for one who recites this Chapter each day or each night, nobody in his family will be guilty of the sin of adultery, and when he dies, his soul will be escorted to his grave by seventy thousand angels who will pray and seek Allah's forgiveness for him till he is placed in his grave, and he will enter Paradise without a trial. Imam al-Kazim (as) has said, "Allah will never torment anyone who recites Surat al-Furqan every night, nor will He try him, and his residence will be in the highest level of Paradise."
Al-Tibrisi, in his exegesis Mujma'ul-Bayan fee Tafsir al-Qur'an, provides ten names for the first chapter of the Holy Qur'an, namely Surat al-Fatiha:
1) al-Fatiha, the one that opens, for it is like a gate: when opened, it leads one to the Book of Allah;
2) al-Hamd, the praise, for its verses are clearly praising the Almighty;
3) Ummul- Kitab, the mother of the Book, for its status is superior to all other chapters of the Holy Qur'an, or like the war standard: it is always in the forefront;
4) al-Sab', the seven verses, for it is comprised of seven verses and the only one whose verses are seven, and there is no room here to elaborate on the merits of the number 7 especially since most readers of this book are already aware of such merits;
5) al-Mathani, the oft-repeated Chapter, for no other Chapter of the Holy Qur'an is repeated as often as this one;
6) al-Kafiya, the chapter that suffices and that has no substitute; you simply cannot replace its recitation with that of any other chapter of the Holy Qur'an in the first two rek'ats of the prayers, whereas it can substitute others;
8) al-Asas, the basis or foundation or bed-rock, a connotation of its being the foundation upon which the Holy Qur'an stands just as the Basmala ("Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim") is the foundation of the Fatiha;
9) al- Shifa, the healing, due to the fact that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said that the Fatiha heals from all ailments except death; and
10) al-Salat, the prayers, or the basic requirement of the daily prayers, one without the recitation of which no prayer can be accepted, especially since the Prophet (pbuh) has quoted the Almighty saying,
"The prayers have been divided between Me and My servant: one half for Me, and one for him;" so when one recites it and says, " Alhamdulillahi Rabbil-'Alameen," the Almighty says, "My servant has praised Me." And when he says, ''Arrahmanir Raheem," the Almighty says, "My servant has praised Me." And when he says, "Maaliki YawmidDeen," Allah says, "My servant has exalted Me." And when he says, "Iyyaaka Na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta'een," Allah will say, 'This is a covenant between Me and My servant, and My servant shall be granted the fulfillment of his pleas." Then if he finishes reciting the Fatiha to the end, Allah will again confirm His promise by saying, 'This is for [the benefit of] My servant, and My servant will be granted the answer to his wishes.
2) al-Hamd, the praise, for its verses are clearly praising the Almighty;
3) Ummul- Kitab, the mother of the Book, for its status is superior to all other chapters of the Holy Qur'an, or like the war standard: it is always in the forefront;
4) al-Sab', the seven verses, for it is comprised of seven verses and the only one whose verses are seven, and there is no room here to elaborate on the merits of the number 7 especially since most readers of this book are already aware of such merits;
5) al-Mathani, the oft-repeated Chapter, for no other Chapter of the Holy Qur'an is repeated as often as this one;
6) al-Kafiya, the chapter that suffices and that has no substitute; you simply cannot replace its recitation with that of any other chapter of the Holy Qur'an in the first two rek'ats of the prayers, whereas it can substitute others;
8) al-Asas, the basis or foundation or bed-rock, a connotation of its being the foundation upon which the Holy Qur'an stands just as the Basmala ("Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim") is the foundation of the Fatiha;
9) al- Shifa, the healing, due to the fact that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said that the Fatiha heals from all ailments except death; and
10) al-Salat, the prayers, or the basic requirement of the daily prayers, one without the recitation of which no prayer can be accepted, especially since the Prophet (pbuh) has quoted the Almighty saying,
"The prayers have been divided between Me and My servant: one half for Me, and one for him;" so when one recites it and says, " Alhamdulillahi Rabbil-'Alameen," the Almighty says, "My servant has praised Me." And when he says, ''Arrahmanir Raheem," the Almighty says, "My servant has praised Me." And when he says, "Maaliki YawmidDeen," Allah says, "My servant has exalted Me." And when he says, "Iyyaaka Na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta'een," Allah will say, 'This is a covenant between Me and My servant, and My servant shall be granted the fulfillment of his pleas." Then if he finishes reciting the Fatiha to the end, Allah will again confirm His promise by saying, 'This is for [the benefit of] My servant, and My servant will be granted the answer to his wishes.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted by Abu Ali al-Fadl ibn al-Hassan ibn al-Fadl al-Tibrisi, may Allah have mercy on his soul, saying that one who recites al-Fatiha will be regarded by the Almighty as though he recited two-thirds of the Holy Qur'an and as though he gave by way of charity to each and every believing man and woman. "By the One in Whose hand my soul is," the Prophet (pbuh) continues, "Allah Almighty did not reveal in the Torah, the Gospel, or the Psalms any chapter like it; it is the Mother of the Book and al- Sab' al-Mathani (the oft-repeated seven verses), and it is divided between Allah and His servant, and His servant shall get whatever he asks; it is the best Sura in the Book of the most Exalted One, and it is a healing from every ailment except poison, which is death."
He (pbuh) is also quoted by al-Kaf'ami as saying, "He (Allah) bestowed it upon me as His blessing, making it equivalent to the Holy Qur'an, saying, 'And We have granted you al-Sab' al-Mathani and the Great Qur'an (Surat al-Hijr, verse 87).' lt is the most precious among the treasures of the 'Arsh."
Indeed, Allah, the most Sublime, has chosen Muhammad (pbuh) alone to be honored by it without doing so to any other Prophet or Messenger of His with the exception of Sulayman (Solomon), peace be upon him, who was granted the Basmala (see verse 30 of Surat al-Naml, Chapter of the Ant). One who recites it, being fully convinced of his following in the footsteps of Muhammad (pbuh) and his Progeny (as), adhering to its injunctions, believing in its outward and inward meanings, will be granted by Allah for each of its letters a blessing better than what all there is in the world of wealth and good things, and whoever listens to someone reciting it will receive one third of the rewards due to its reciter.
He (pbuh) is also quoted by al-Kaf'ami as saying, "He (Allah) bestowed it upon me as His blessing, making it equivalent to the Holy Qur'an, saying, 'And We have granted you al-Sab' al-Mathani and the Great Qur'an (Surat al-Hijr, verse 87).' lt is the most precious among the treasures of the 'Arsh."
Indeed, Allah, the most Sublime, has chosen Muhammad (pbuh) alone to be honored by it without doing so to any other Prophet or Messenger of His with the exception of Sulayman (Solomon), peace be upon him, who was granted the Basmala (see verse 30 of Surat al-Naml, Chapter of the Ant). One who recites it, being fully convinced of his following in the footsteps of Muhammad (pbuh) and his Progeny (as), adhering to its injunctions, believing in its outward and inward meanings, will be granted by Allah for each of its letters a blessing better than what all there is in the world of wealth and good things, and whoever listens to someone reciting it will receive one third of the rewards due to its reciter.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying that anyone who recites it will be granted as many rewards as the number of those who performed the pilgrimage and the 'umra. Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq is quoted as saying that whoever recites it every three days will perform the pilgrimage to the House of Allah during that year, and if he dies on his way, he will enter Paradise .
Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) has said, "One who recites it will receive ten good deeds for each particle of sand in the world." He has also said, "One who recites it each night or each Friday night, Allah will not expose him to any fear in the life of this world and will receive security from the horrors of the Day of Judgment."
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying that one who recites it will be given for each of its verses security on the bridge over hell, and whoever recites it on Friday will be blessed by Allah and His angels all day long till sunset. He (pbuh) is also quoted saying, "Memorize Surat al-Baqarah and Surat Aali' Imran, for they are like two fragrant flowers, and they will shade the one who learns them by heart on the Day of Judgment like two douds..." to shade those who used to recite them quite often from the intense heat of that Day.
Absolute necessity of Ista-aaza in permissible affairs | for everyone |
Absolute necessity of Ista-aaza in permissible affairs
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In permissible (mustaheb), or day-to-day, affairs like eating food, drinking water or wearing the clothes, Ista-aaza is mandated. For example, at the time of wearing the clothes one should say Allahumma astarurati wa la tajal alshaitan lahu naseeba ( O Allah keep my private parts hidden and save them from the interference of Shaitan) In every situation, however lowly and futile, or elevated and likeable, one should seek protection from the Satan. While entering into the mosque, one should do the Ista-aaza lest the persistent Satan chases you even at that threshold! Even while going to a washroom it is required to do the Ista-aaza as follows: Allahumma inni a-oozu beka min al khabeesil khabs ar rijs al khabs ash sahaitan ir rajeem ( O Allah I seek Your Protection from the accursed Satan and the defiled impurities) |
The Importance of Ista-aaza | for everyone |
The Importance of Ista-aaza in the Quran & the Traditions
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The topic that has received the maximum attention in the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Prophet (a.s.) and his Vicegerents(a.s.) is Ista-aazaor seeking Allah's help to protect one against the maneuverings of the Satan. This is done by saying the words aa oozu billahi mi ash shaitan ir rajeem. But it is necessary that one should seek this protection from the depths of one's heart. That is true Ista-aaza
To highlight the importance of Ista-aaza, Allah says in the Holy Book: Fa iza qarat al Quran fa ista az billahi min al Shaitan ir rajeem ( When you commence reciting the Quran, seek protection from Allah against the accursed Satan) During a prayer, it is mandated, that after saying the takbirat al ehraam(Allah o Akbar) one should say the Ista-aaza in a low tone. The commentators are of opinion that the Ista-aaza in this situation has to be in a low tone because it will be like the person wishing to keep himself hidden and at the same time escape from the machinations of the enemy (the Satan)! The pointer is towards the fact that the supplicant should seek protection against his mortal enemy who is waiting for an opportunity to overpower him. |
The learned get sustenance from Ghaib | for everyone |
The learned get sustenance from Ghaib
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Someone might raise an objection that why the people of learning don't stir out in search of livelihood? The truth is that the nature of work of a seeker of knowledge (Talib e Ilm) is different from that of other people. It may not be possible that a person wants to train himself in jurisprudence and does other trades for a livelihood. He has to spend all his time in seeking knowledge on the matters of the Faith. Allah arranges their sustenance from--- min hais au yahtasib--- a place about which there is no inkling! Therefore, it has been narrated that excepting the seeker of knowledge, Allah has provided livelihood for all the creatures from the material resources of the world. |
Idle youth is an enemy of Allah | for everyone |
Idle youth is an enemy of Allah
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There are some people who, on hearing that one must put Trust on Allah, wrongly think that they need not make any efforts because Allah will provide their sustenance. They are absolutely wrong. They must work in obedience to Allah's injunction for earning a fair living and not only in obedience to the instructions given at the place of work. Whatever work a true Muslim does is only in Obedience to Allah. He knows the Prophet (a.s)'s exhortation, " An idle youth is Allah's enemy" Therefore he goes out in search of his livelihood. |
A shop without goods on Allah's support | for everyone |
A shop without goods on Allah's support
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This is the reason that when the toilers stir out of their homes in search of work, they say, " O Sustainer! We strive for earning the day's square meals. You must give abundance!" These words reflect the spirit ofTauheed. It is said that in Medina a person came to Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) and complained of penury. The Imam said that when he reached home in Koofa, he should take a shop on rent and sit there. The man said, " I have no money to invest on goods!" The Imam replied, " Do whatever you are asked to do!" The man complied, rented a shop and started sitting there every day. After a few days a person came to him with some goods and asked him to sell them on the basis of a pre determined commission. The owner of the goods said that he was leaving the goods in the shop on consignment basis of sell-and-pay! Another person came with some more goods and there was a flow of suppliers of goods to the shop. Buyers too started flocking the shop. The affairs of the person took a turn towards prosperity! |
Shami Kebab
Ingredients :
½ kg. mince meat
¼ tsp. ground garlic
¼ tsp. red chilli powder
2 tbsps. Split gram peas
¼ tsp. ground ginger
2 eggs
1 small onion
2 green chillies
A few coriander leaves
Enough yoghurt to mix to a creamy consistency with the chopped onions, green chillies and coriander leaves.
Add salt to taste
Method :
Boil together meat, split gram and the spices till the meat and the gram are tender and no water remains. Let the mixture cool then pass through a mincing machine to blend all ingredients together into a paste. Divide the meat paste into portions. Hollow out each portion and put in a little of the filling. Pat into flat round cakes, dip in beaten egg
Ingredients :
½ kg. mince meat
¼ tsp. ground garlic
¼ tsp. red chilli powder
2 tbsps. Split gram peas
¼ tsp. ground ginger
2 eggs
1 small onion
2 green chillies
A few coriander leaves
Enough yoghurt to mix to a creamy consistency with the chopped onions, green chillies and coriander leaves.
Add salt to taste
Method :
Boil together meat, split gram and the spices till the meat and the gram are tender and no water remains. Let the mixture cool then pass through a mincing machine to blend all ingredients together into a paste. Divide the meat paste into portions. Hollow out each portion and put in a little of the filling. Pat into flat round cakes, dip in beaten egg
and shallow fry in oil until deep brown.
Chinese Garlic Chicken
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (about 1 lb.)
1 egg white
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
4 green onions
1 teaspoon minced gingerroot
3 teaspoons minced fresh garlic (about 6 medium cloves)
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
Hot cooked rice
1 teaspoon crushed chili paste or more to taste
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
2 teaspoons rice vinegar
1 Tablespoon water
2 Tablespoons soy sauce
Place chicken breasts in freezer for 1 to 2 hours or until very firm but not frozen solid. Slice crosswise into thin shreds. In small bowl, lightly beat egg white, then mix in 1 TBS corn starch , stirring until cornstarch is dissolved. Add chicken and mix well to coat all pieces. Let stand at room temperature 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, slice green onions on the diagonal into very thin slices. Mince gingerroot and garlic. Combine Sauce ingredients, mixing well.
Heat wok or frying pan, add oil, and stir-fry chicken until no longer pink. Remove chicken with a slotted spoon. Add onions, ginger and garlic to wok and stir-fry about 30 seconds, until ginger and garlic are fragrant but not brown. Return chicken to wok, re-stir sauce ingredients and add to wok. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is well combined, hot and bubbly and thickens slightly. Turn off heat and splash with about 1 tsp of dark sesame oil.
Serve over rice.
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (about 1 lb.)
1 egg white
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
4 green onions
1 teaspoon minced gingerroot
3 teaspoons minced fresh garlic (about 6 medium cloves)
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
Hot cooked rice
1 teaspoon crushed chili paste or more to taste
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
2 teaspoons rice vinegar
1 Tablespoon water
2 Tablespoons soy sauce
Place chicken breasts in freezer for 1 to 2 hours or until very firm but not frozen solid. Slice crosswise into thin shreds. In small bowl, lightly beat egg white, then mix in 1 TBS corn starch , stirring until cornstarch is dissolved. Add chicken and mix well to coat all pieces. Let stand at room temperature 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, slice green onions on the diagonal into very thin slices. Mince gingerroot and garlic. Combine Sauce ingredients, mixing well.
Heat wok or frying pan, add oil, and stir-fry chicken until no longer pink. Remove chicken with a slotted spoon. Add onions, ginger and garlic to wok and stir-fry about 30 seconds, until ginger and garlic are fragrant but not brown. Return chicken to wok, re-stir sauce ingredients and add to wok. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is well combined, hot and bubbly and thickens slightly. Turn off heat and splash with about 1 tsp of dark sesame oil.
Serve over rice.
Achar Gosht
Ingredients :
250g mutton
1 1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp turmeric
15g mustard seeds
10g onion seeds
15g fenugreek seeds
2 tsp ginger-garlic paste
1 tsp dry mango powder
75g oil
2 lemons
Salt to taste
Method :
Heat oil in a pan, add mutton pieces, salt, ginger-garlic paste and cook until all the water evaporates.
Take half of mustard seeds and fenugreek seeds, blend them to a fine powder, and add to the mutton pieces.
Also add dry mango powder, garam masala to the pieces and remove from heat.
Heat little oil in another pan, fry remaining fenugreek seeds, mustard seeds, onion seeds and 1/2 tsp chili powder. Add this to the above mutton pieces.
Add lemon juice to the pieces to increase the flavor.
Serve with plain rice.
Ingredients :
250g mutton
1 1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp turmeric
15g mustard seeds
10g onion seeds
15g fenugreek seeds
2 tsp ginger-garlic paste
1 tsp dry mango powder
75g oil
2 lemons
Salt to taste
Method :
Heat oil in a pan, add mutton pieces, salt, ginger-garlic paste and cook until all the water evaporates.
Take half of mustard seeds and fenugreek seeds, blend them to a fine powder, and add to the mutton pieces.
Also add dry mango powder, garam masala to the pieces and remove from heat.
Heat little oil in another pan, fry remaining fenugreek seeds, mustard seeds, onion seeds and 1/2 tsp chili powder. Add this to the above mutton pieces.
Add lemon juice to the pieces to increase the flavor.
Serve with plain rice.
Ingredients :
Wheat grains -1/2 kg (crushed and soaked in water for 1 1/2 hour)
Mutton one & a half kg
Gram lentils -1 cup (soaked and boiled)
Onions -3 (medium size, thinly sliced)
Ginger and garlic paste -2 tbsp
Garam masala -1 tsp (ground)
Red chilli powder -2 tbsp
Coriander powder -1 1/2 tbsp
Turmeric powder -1 tsp
Salt to taste
Ghee- 1 1/2 cups
Soda -1 pinch
Seasoning & Garnish
Fresh mint leaves -1 bunch (finely chopped)
Fresh coriander -1 bunch (finely chopped)
Green chillies (finely chopped)
White cumin -1 tsp (roasted and ground)
Garam masala -1 tsp (ground)
Ginger -2 (medium size pieces finely chopped)
Onion -1 (large sized, thinly sliced)
Lemons -4 (cut into quarters)
Ghee -2 cups
Method :
Heat Ghee in a pan. And put meat in the pan; add garlic, garam masala, red chilli powder, coriander powder, turmeric and salt. Cook on medium heat. In separate pan boil wheat grains with lots of water, add salt. When the grains become tender and mushy add pinch of soda in it and cook further for 15 -20 minutes.
Now mix the wheat grains with the meat and mix well. Stir continuously so that both are mixed properly. Now grind the lentils in a food processor. Make it into a thick paste by adding 2 cups of water while processing it. Pour the lentil paste into the meat and wheat mixture and stir to mix well. Place the pan on a heavy griddle (tava) on low heat and cook for 30 -40 minutes. Fry the sliced onion in ghee and drain on absorbent paper.
When the Haleem is cooked, sprinkle fried onions, garam masala, fresh mint and coriander leaves. Also garnish with cumin and ginger. Keep a little of the seasoning seperate and serve with Haleem.
Ingredients :
Wheat grains -1/2 kg (crushed and soaked in water for 1 1/2 hour)
Mutton one & a half kg
Gram lentils -1 cup (soaked and boiled)
Onions -3 (medium size, thinly sliced)
Ginger and garlic paste -2 tbsp
Garam masala -1 tsp (ground)
Red chilli powder -2 tbsp
Coriander powder -1 1/2 tbsp
Turmeric powder -1 tsp
Salt to taste
Ghee- 1 1/2 cups
Soda -1 pinch
Seasoning & Garnish
Fresh mint leaves -1 bunch (finely chopped)
Fresh coriander -1 bunch (finely chopped)
Green chillies (finely chopped)
White cumin -1 tsp (roasted and ground)
Garam masala -1 tsp (ground)
Ginger -2 (medium size pieces finely chopped)
Onion -1 (large sized, thinly sliced)
Lemons -4 (cut into quarters)
Ghee -2 cups
Method :
Heat Ghee in a pan. And put meat in the pan; add garlic, garam masala, red chilli powder, coriander powder, turmeric and salt. Cook on medium heat. In separate pan boil wheat grains with lots of water, add salt. When the grains become tender and mushy add pinch of soda in it and cook further for 15 -20 minutes.
Now mix the wheat grains with the meat and mix well. Stir continuously so that both are mixed properly. Now grind the lentils in a food processor. Make it into a thick paste by adding 2 cups of water while processing it. Pour the lentil paste into the meat and wheat mixture and stir to mix well. Place the pan on a heavy griddle (tava) on low heat and cook for 30 -40 minutes. Fry the sliced onion in ghee and drain on absorbent paper.
When the Haleem is cooked, sprinkle fried onions, garam masala, fresh mint and coriander leaves. Also garnish with cumin and ginger. Keep a little of the seasoning seperate and serve with Haleem.
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What Types of Food Cause Acne? | for everyone |
What Types of Food Cause Acne?
The embarrassing condition of acne has been blamed on a wide variety of causes throughout the ages. Many people unjustly blame individuals with acne-prone skin of being dirty or failing to wash their faces properly. This is obviously far from the truth as acne can strike anyone, regardless of their personal hygiene habits. Others believe that eating large amounts of chocolate will ensure an acne breakout. This is also not the case, but research has linked acne to choices a person’s diet. We are going to discuss some types of foods that cause acne.
The old adage, “you are what you eat” cannot be truer than when it comes to common causes of acne. Often individuals who do not consume a healthy diet or whose diet lacks the proper amount of critical vitamins and minerals suffer from acne problems.
Remember, your body must be healthy before your skin can be healthy, so strive to eat a well balanced diet, and dedicate yourself to an active lifestyle in order to enjoy unblemished, smooth, and glowing skin.
Foods that Cause Acne
Junk Foods
Fatty foods create blood sugar instability by making the levels rush up and then plummet just as fast, leading to severe hormonal reactions and consequently, acne. Fatty foods also slow down the flow of nutrients and o2 to your body cells which aggravates acne.
Processed carbohydrates and sugar are also contributors. Commonly, food that’s “white” has had almost all its nutritional value removed away and the body requires those vitamins and minerals to function and to give you a clear complexion. These types of foods also raise blood sugar as fatty foods do. Sugar aggravates acne because there are harmful bacteria found in the stomach live off of it and produce toxic elements. Artificial sweeteners are a whole lot worse as they also include damaging substances.
Coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks give you that sometimes needed energy boost but play havoc with your skin. Caffeine has been proven to be an acne trigger by making the adrenalin glands secretes hormones that give you the buzz. These hormones, essentially stress your system terribly, affecting not just your skin but additionally your health. Caffeine also interferes with normal sleep patterns and prevents the attainting of “deep sleep” during which the body engages in repair and detoxification.
Natural Baddies
Not many people are aware that the human body is not designed to digest cow’s (or any other animals’) milk. Everyone is allergic to milk, but the difference lies as to whether the effect is noticeable. The digestive system lacks the required enzymes to break down milk, and the immune system creates a reaction that can lead to oxidative stress and inflammation, therefore acne.
Further more, homogenized, and pasteurized milk cover the lining of the small intestine with a mucous layer which prevents assimilation of much required nutrients. Milk producing cows may be fed antibiotics and hormones to boost output and these damaging chemical compounds get into your system whenever you consume milk, or eat other dairy food like cheese, ice-cream which are also fatty.
Be wary of animal proteins that are highly acidic and provide conditions that allow growth of acne causing bacteria. Additionally, processed meat has sodium nitrite and also sulfur which are all damaging to your body and ultimately impair your skin’s health.
Eating too much Fat can Cause Acne
Eating too much fat is perhaps the biggest reason behind blood sugar problems. With blood sugar problems I mean your blood sugar levels ’swing’ too much. They rise too high and drop too low. This ’swinging’ causes a cascading hormonal reaction that leads to: increased sebum production and blocked pores.
Fat has another nasty effect. Too much of it in the bloodstream slows down nutrient and oxygen transport to cells. In effect your cells won’t get the nutrients and oxygen they need when you eat too much fat. This can also aggravate acne.
Chocolate-chip cookies made with cottonseed and/or soybean oil, the problem ingredient being the cottonseed oil or soybean oil, not the chocolate.
The embarrassing condition of acne has been blamed on a wide variety of causes throughout the ages. Many people unjustly blame individuals with acne-prone skin of being dirty or failing to wash their faces properly. This is obviously far from the truth as acne can strike anyone, regardless of their personal hygiene habits. Others believe that eating large amounts of chocolate will ensure an acne breakout. This is also not the case, but research has linked acne to choices a person’s diet. We are going to discuss some types of foods that cause acne.
The old adage, “you are what you eat” cannot be truer than when it comes to common causes of acne. Often individuals who do not consume a healthy diet or whose diet lacks the proper amount of critical vitamins and minerals suffer from acne problems.
Remember, your body must be healthy before your skin can be healthy, so strive to eat a well balanced diet, and dedicate yourself to an active lifestyle in order to enjoy unblemished, smooth, and glowing skin.
Foods that Cause Acne
Junk Foods
Fatty foods create blood sugar instability by making the levels rush up and then plummet just as fast, leading to severe hormonal reactions and consequently, acne. Fatty foods also slow down the flow of nutrients and o2 to your body cells which aggravates acne.
Processed carbohydrates and sugar are also contributors. Commonly, food that’s “white” has had almost all its nutritional value removed away and the body requires those vitamins and minerals to function and to give you a clear complexion. These types of foods also raise blood sugar as fatty foods do. Sugar aggravates acne because there are harmful bacteria found in the stomach live off of it and produce toxic elements. Artificial sweeteners are a whole lot worse as they also include damaging substances.
Coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks give you that sometimes needed energy boost but play havoc with your skin. Caffeine has been proven to be an acne trigger by making the adrenalin glands secretes hormones that give you the buzz. These hormones, essentially stress your system terribly, affecting not just your skin but additionally your health. Caffeine also interferes with normal sleep patterns and prevents the attainting of “deep sleep” during which the body engages in repair and detoxification.
Natural Baddies
Not many people are aware that the human body is not designed to digest cow’s (or any other animals’) milk. Everyone is allergic to milk, but the difference lies as to whether the effect is noticeable. The digestive system lacks the required enzymes to break down milk, and the immune system creates a reaction that can lead to oxidative stress and inflammation, therefore acne.
Further more, homogenized, and pasteurized milk cover the lining of the small intestine with a mucous layer which prevents assimilation of much required nutrients. Milk producing cows may be fed antibiotics and hormones to boost output and these damaging chemical compounds get into your system whenever you consume milk, or eat other dairy food like cheese, ice-cream which are also fatty.
Be wary of animal proteins that are highly acidic and provide conditions that allow growth of acne causing bacteria. Additionally, processed meat has sodium nitrite and also sulfur which are all damaging to your body and ultimately impair your skin’s health.
Eating too much Fat can Cause Acne
Eating too much fat is perhaps the biggest reason behind blood sugar problems. With blood sugar problems I mean your blood sugar levels ’swing’ too much. They rise too high and drop too low. This ’swinging’ causes a cascading hormonal reaction that leads to: increased sebum production and blocked pores.
Fat has another nasty effect. Too much of it in the bloodstream slows down nutrient and oxygen transport to cells. In effect your cells won’t get the nutrients and oxygen they need when you eat too much fat. This can also aggravate acne.
Chocolate-chip cookies made with cottonseed and/or soybean oil, the problem ingredient being the cottonseed oil or soybean oil, not the chocolate.
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