For a Better Husband and Wife Relationship
Although many Muslims may right now be in failing marriages and on a fast track to divorce and its terrible consequences, there are many ways to put their marriage back on the right track if the husband and wife are sincere in their desire to reconcile. The following principles can be used by Muslims whose marriages are already in trouble or by Muslims who would like to avoid trouble in their marriage.
Examples of Negative Relationship of Husband & Wife
Many Muslim husbands and wives treat each other like adversaries rather than partners. The husband feels that he is the boss, and whatever he says goes. The wife feels that she must squeeze everything she can out of her husband. Some wives never show their husband that they are satisfied with anything he does or buys for them in order to trick him into doing and buying more. They make him feel like a failure if he does not give them the lifestyle that their friends and families enjoy. Some husbands speak very harshly to their wives, humiliate them, and even physically abuse them. Their wives have no voice or opinion in the family.
Marriage In The Eyes of Allah
It is very sad that this relationship which Allah (SWT) has established for the good has been made a source of contention, deception, trickery, tyranny, humiliation, and abuse. This is not the way marriage is supposed to be.
Allah (SWT) described marriage very differently in the Holy Quran: '. . . He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts) . . . " (Holy Quran 30:21, Yusuf Ali Translation).
Do not be a Tyrant
Regardless of whether or not Islam has made the husband the head of the household, Muslims are not supposed to be dictators and tyrants. We are taught to treat our wives well. The Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) was reported to have said:
‘'The most perfect Muslim in the matter of faith is one who has excellent behaviour; and the best among you are those who behave best towards their wives".
Be Partners in the Decision Making Process.
Follow the principle of "Shura," and make decisions as a family. There will be much more harmony in the family when decisions are not imposed and everyone feels that they had some part in making them.
Never be Abusive
Never be emotionally, mentally, or physically abusive to your spouse. The Prophet (SAWW) never mistreated his wives. He is reported to have said: 'How could they beat their women in daytime as slaves and then sleep with them in the night?"
Be Careful of Your Words
Be very careful what you say when you are upset. Sometimes you will say things that you would never say when you were not angry. If you are angry, wait until you calm down before continuing the conversation.
Show Affection
Show affection for your mate. Be kind, gentle, and loving.
Be Your Spouse's Friend
Show interest in your mate's life. Too often, we live in the same house but know nothing about each other's lives. It would be great if the husband and wife could work together for the same cause or on the same project. They could perhaps establish a husband/wife prison ministry, take care of orphans in their home, or lead an Islamic weekend class.
Show Appreciation
Show appreciation for what your spouse does for the family. Never make your husband feel that he is not doing good enough for the family or that you are not satisfied with his work or his efforts, unless, of course, he is truly lazy and not even trying to provide for the family. The Prophet (SAWW) was reported to have said: 'On the Day of Judgment, God will not look upon the woman who has been ungrateful to her husband.' Show your wife that you appreciate her. If she takes care of the house and the children, don't take it for granted. It is hard work, and no one likes to feel unappreciated.
Work Together in the House
The Prophet (SAWW) is known to have helped his wives in the house. And if the Prophet (SAWW) was not above doing housework, modern Muslim husbands shouldn't feel that they are.
Communication is Important
Communication, Communication, Communication! This is the big word in counselling. And it should be. Husbands and wives need to talk to each other. It is better to deal with problems early and honestly than to let them pile up until an explosion occurs.
Forget Past Problems
Don't bring up past problems once they have been solved.
Live Simply
Don't be jealous of those who seem to be living a more luxurious life than your family. The "rizq" is from Allah (SWT). In order to develop the quality of contentment, look at those people who have less than you, not those who have more. Thank Allah (SWT) for the many blessings in your life.
Give Your Spouse Time Alone
If your mate doesn't want to be with you all the time, it doesn't mean he or she doesn't love you. People need to be alone for various reasons. Sometimes they want to read, to think about their problems, or just to relax. Don't make them feel that they are committing a sin.
Admit Your Mistakes
When you make a mistake, admit it. When your mate makes a mistake, excuse him or her easily. If possible, never go to sleep angry with each other.
Physical Relationship is Important
Be available to your mate sexually, and don't let your sexual relationship be characterized by selfishness. The Prophet (SAWW) was reported to have said: "It is not appropriate that you fall upon your wives like a beast but you must send a message of love beforehand."
Have Meals Together
Try to eat together as a family when possible. Show the cook and the dishwasher, whether it is the husband or the wife, appreciation for his or her efforts. The Prophet (SAWW) did not complain about food that was put before him.
Be Mindful of Your discussion Topics
Never discuss with others things about your marriage that your spouse wouldn't like you to discuss, unless there is an Islamic reason to do so. Some husbands and wives, believe it or not, complain to others about their mate's physical appearance. This is a recipe for disaster. Information about your intimate relations should be kept between you and your spouse.
Many of us treat our spouses in ways that we would never treat others. With others, we try to be polite, kind, and patient. With our spouses, we often do not show these courtesies. Of course, we are usually with our spouses at our worst times --- when we are tired and frustrated after a hard day. After a bad day at the office, husbands usually come home angry and on edge. The wife has probably also had a hard day with the children and the housework. Wives and husbands should discuss this potential time bomb so that if they are short-tempered with each other during these times, they will understand the reasons rather than automatically thinking that their spouse no longer loves them.
Good Marriage Requirements
Good marriages require patience, kindness, humility, sacrifice, empathy, love, understanding, forgiveness, and hard work. Following these principles should help any marriage to improve. The essence of them all can be summed up in one sentence: Always treat your spouse the way you would like to be treated. If you follow this rule, your marriage will have a much greater chance for success. If you discard this rule, failure is just around the corner. from the book of Aytullah Abraheem Ameeni (Topic of Marriage ) Dar Salaam Newsletter)
Top Ten Excuses for Not Wearing Hijab
The Islamic Hijaab
Among the pictures that point to the distance of society from the right path and that make clear the level of its deviation and separation from it is the open spread of women not just uncovering their faces but enhancing and making a display of their beauty.
We find that this is manifested regretfully, in Islamic (Muslim) society despite that Islamic clothing is also widespread. So then, what are the reasons that have led to this digression?
We put this question to a varied group of women from whom we derived ten major excuses and upon examination and scrutiny, the frailty of the excuses became evident to us. Stay with us dear Muslim sister in these few lines so that we can know through them the reasons for turning away from the hijaab and then discuss each.
Excuse One: I'm not yet convinced (of the necessity) of hijaab.
We then ask this sister two questions.
1: Is she truly convinced of the correctness of the religion of Islam?
The natural answer is: Yes she is convinced for she responds "Laa ilaaha illallah!" (There is no god but Allah), meaning she is convinced of the aqeedah, and then she says: "Muhammadun rasoolullah!" (Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah), meaning by that that she is convinced of its legislation or law (Sharee'ah). Therefore, she is convinced of Islam as a belief system and a law by which one governs and rules their life.
2: Is the hijaab then a part of Islamic Law (Sharee'ah) and an obligation?
If this sister is honest and sincere in her intention and has looked into the issue as one who truly wants to know the truth her answer could only be: Yes. For Allah ta'aala, Whose deity (Uloohiyyah) she believes in has commanded wearing hijaab in His Book (Al-Qur'an) and the noble Prophet (alayhe salaat wa salaam) whose message she believes in has commanded wearing the hijaab in his Sunnah. In summary: If this sister is convinced of Islam, how then can she not be convinced of its orders?
Excuse Two: I am convinced of Islamic dress but my mother prevents me from wearing it and if I disobey her I will go to the Fire.
The one who has answered this excuse is the most noble of Allah's creation, the messenger of Allah (SAWS) in concise and comprehensive words of wisdom: "There is no obedience to the created in the disobedience of Allah." [Ahmad]
The status of parents in Islam, especially the mother, is a high and elevated one. Indeed Allah ta'aala has combined it with the greatest of matters, worshipping Him and His Tawheed, in many aayaat. He stated:
"Worship Allah and join none with Him and do good to parents." [Soorah An-Nisaa 4: 36]. Obedience to parents is not limited except in one aspect, and that is if they order to disobedience of Allah. Allah said:"But if they strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not." [Soorah Luqmaan 31: 15]
The lack of obedience to them in sinfulness does not prevent being good to them and kind treatment of them. Allah said afterward in the same aayah: But behave with them world kindly. In summary: How can you obey your mother and disobey Allah Who created you and your mother?
Excuse Three: My position does not allow me to substitute my dress for Islamic dress.
This sister is either one or the other of two types: She is sincere and honest, or she is a slippery liar who desires to make a showy display of her "hijaab" clamoring with colors to be "in line with the times" and expensive". We will begin with an answer to the honest and sincere sister. Are you unaware my dear sister that it is not permissible for the Muslim woman to leave her home in any instance unless her clothing meets the conditions of Islamic hijaab (Hijaab shar'ee) and it is a duty of every Muslim woman to know what they are? If you have taken the time and effort to learn so many matters of this world how then can you be neglectful of learning those matters which will save you from the punishment of Allah and His anger death!!? Does Allah not say?
"Ask the people of remembrance (i.e. knowledgeable scholars) if you do not know." [Soorah An-Nahl 16: 43]
Learn therefore, the requirements of proper hijaab. If you must go out, then do not do so without the correct hijaab, seeking the pleasure of Allah and the degradation of Shaitaan. That is because the corruption brought about by your going out adorned and "beautified" is far greater than the matter which you deem necessary to go out for.
My dear sister if you are really truthful in your intention and correctly determined you will find a thousands hands of good assisting you and Allah will make the matter easy for you! Is He not the One Who says:
"And whoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty) and He will provide him from sources he never could imagine." [Soorah At-Talaaq 65:2-3]
With regards to the slippery' one we say: Honour and position is something determined by Allah ta'aala and it is not due to embellishment of clothing and show of colors and keeping up with the trendsetters. It is rather due to obedience to Allah and His Messenger (SAWS) and holding to the pure law of Allah and correct Islamic hijaab. Listen to the words of Allah: "Indeed, the most honourable amongst you are those who are the most pious." [Soorah Al-Hujraat 49: 35]. In summary: Do things in the way of seeking Allah's pleasure and entering His Jannah and give less value to the high priced and costly objects and wealth of this word.
Excuse Four: It is so very hot in my country and I can't stand it. How could I take it if I wore the hijaab?
Allah gives an example by saying: "Say: The Fire of hell is more intense in heat if they only understand." [Soorah At-Taubah 9:81]. How can you compare the heat of your land to the heat of the Hellfire? Know, my sister, that Shaitaan as trapped you in one of his feeble ropes to drag you from the heat of this world to the heat of the Hellfire. Free yourself from his net and view the heat of the sun as a favor and not an affliction especially in that it reminds you of the intensity of the punishment of Allah which is many times greater than the heat you now feel. Return to the order of Allah and sacrifice this worldly comfort in the way of following the path of salvation from the Hellfire about which Allah says: "They will neither feel coolness nor have any drink except that of boiling water and the discharge of dirty wounds." [Soorah An-Naba' 78: 24-25]. In summary: The Jannah is surrounded by hardships and toil, while Hellfire is surrounded by temptations, lusts and desires.
Excuse Five: I'm afraid that if I wear the hijaab I will put it off at another time because I have seen so many others do so!!
To her I say: If everyone was to apply your logic then they would have left the Deen in its entirety! They would have left off salaat because some would be afraid of leaving it later. They would have left fasting in Ramadan because so many are afraid of not doing it lateretc. Haven't you seen how Shaitaan has trapped you in his snare again and blocked you from guidance?
Allah ta'aala loves continuous obedience even if it be small or recommended. How about something that is an absolute obligation like wearing hijaab?! The Prophet (SAWS) said: "The most beloved deed with Allah is the consistent one though it belittle." Why haven't you sought out the causes leading those people to leave of the hijaab so that you can avoid them and work to keep away from them? Why haven't you sought out reasons and causes to affirm truth and guidance until you can hold firm to them?
Other cause to put one upon guidance and truth is adherence to the laws of Islam and one of them is indeed wearing the hijaab. Allah said: "If they had done what they were told, it would have been better for them and would have strengthened their faith." [Soorah Al-Baqarah 2: 66]. In summary: If you hold tight to the causes of guidance and taste the sweetness of faith you will not neglect the orders of Allah after having held to them.
Excuse Six: If I wear the hijaab then nobody will marry me, so I'm going to leave it off until then.
Any husband, who desires that you be uncovered and adorned in public in defiance of and in disobedience to Allah, is not a worthy husband in the first place. He is a husband who has no feeling to protect what Allah has made inviolable, most notably yourself, and he will not help you in any way to enter Al-Jannah or escape from the Hellfire. A home which is founded upon disobedience to Allah and provocation of His anger is fitting that He decrees misery and hardship for it in this life and in the Hereafter. As Allah stated: "But whosoever, turns away from My reminder (i.e. neither believes in the Qur'an nor acts upon its teachings) verily for him is a life of hardship and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection." [Soorah TaHa 20: 124]
Marriage is a favor and blessing from Allah to whom He give whom He wills. How many women who wear hijaab (mutahajibah) are in fact married while many who don't aren't? If you were to say that my being made-up and uncovered is a means to reach a pure end, namely marriage', a pure goal or end is not attained through impure and corrupt means in Islam. If the goal is honourable then it must necessarily be achieved by pure and clean method. We say the rule in Islam is: the means are according to the rules of the intended goals. In summary: There is no blessing in a marriage established upon sinfulness and corruption.
Excuse Seven: I don't wear hijaab based on what Allah says: "And proclaim the grace of your Rabb" [Soorah Ad-Dhuhaa 93: 11]. How can I cover what Allah has blessed me with of silky soft hair and captivating beauty?!
So this sister of ours adheres to the Book of Allah and its commands as long as they coincide with her personal desires and understanding! She leaves behind those matters when they don't please her. If this was not the case, then why doesn't she follow the aayah: "And do not show off their adornment except only that which is apparent" [Soorah An-Noor 24: 31] and the statement of Allah: "Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies." [Soorah Al-Ahzab 33:59]
With this statement my sister you have now made a Shari'ah (law) for yourself of what Allah ta'aala has strictly forbidden, namely beautification (at-tabarruj) and uncovering (as-sufoor), and the reason: Your lack of wanting to adhere to the order. The greatest blessing or favor that Allah has bestowed upon us is that of Iman (faith) and hidaayah (guidance) and among them is the Islamic hijaab. Why then do you not manifest and talk about this greatest of blessings given to you? In summary: Is there a greater blessing and favor upon the woman than guidance and hijaab?
Excuse Eight: I know that hijaab is obligatory (waajib), but I will wear it when Allah guidance me to do so.
We ask this sister on what plans or steps she will undertake until she accepts this divine guidance? We know that Allah has in His wisdom made a cause or means for everything. That is why the sick take medicine to regain health, and the traveller rides a vehicle or an animal to reach his destination, and other limitless examples.
Has this sister of ours seriously endeavored to seek true guidance and exerted the proper means to get it such as: Supplicating Allah sincerely as He stated: "Guide us to the Straight Path." [Soorah Al-Faatihaa 1: 6]; Keeping company with the righteous good sisters for they are among the best to assist her to guidance and to continue to point her to it until Allah guides her and increases her guidance and inspires her to further guidance and taqwaa. She would then adhere to the orders of Allah and wear the hijaab that the believing women are commanded to wear.
In summary: If this sister was really serious about seeking guidance she would have exerted herself by the proper means to get it.
Excuse Nine: It's not time for that yet. I'm still too young for wearing hijaab. I'll do it when I get older and after I make Hajj (Pilgrimage to Macca)!
The Angel of Death my sister is visiting and waiting at your door for the order of Allah ta'aala to open it on you at any moment in your life. Allah said:"When their term comes, neither can they delay it nor can they advance it an hour (or a moment)." [Soorah Al-An'aam 7:34]
Death my sister doesn't discriminate between the young or the old and it may come while you are in this state of great sinfulness disobedience, fighting against the Lord of Honour with your uncovering and shameless adornment. My sister, you should race to obedience along with those others who race to answer the call of Allah tabaaraka wa ta'aala: "Race with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise the width whereof is as the width of the heavens and the earth." [Soorah Al-hadeed 57:21]
Sister, don't forget Allah or He will forget you by turning His mercy away from you in this life and the next. You are forgetting your own soul by not fulfilling the right or your souls to obey Allah and proper worship of Him. Allah stated about the hypocrites (Al-Munaafiqoon): "And be not like those who forgot Allah and He caused them to forget their own selves." [Soorah Al-Hashr 59: 19]
My sister wear the hijaab in your young age in opposition to the sinful deed because Allah is intense in punishment and will ask you on the Day of Resurrection about your youth and every moment of your life. In summary: Stop presuming some future expectation in your life will indeed occur!! How can you guarantee your own life until tomorrow?
Excuse Ten: I'm afraid that if I wear Islamic clothing that I'll be labeled as belonging to some group or another and I hate partisanship.
My sisters in Islam, there are only two parties in Islam, and they are both mentioned by Allah Almighty in His Noble Book. The first party is the party of Allah (Hizbullah) that He gives victory to because of their obedience to His commands and staying away from what He has forbidden. The second party is the party of the accursed Shaitaan (hizbush-Shaitan) which disobeys the Most Merciful and increase corruption in the earth. When you hold tight to and adhere to the commands of Allah, and among them is wearing the hijaab you then become a part of the successful party of Allah. when you beautify and display your charms you are riding in the boat of Shaitaan and his friends and partners from among the hypocrites and the disbelievers and none worse could there be as friends.
In Conclusion
Your body is on display in the market of Shaitan seducting the hearts of men. The hairstyles, the tight clothing showing every detail of your figure, the short dresses showing off your legs and feet, the showy, decorative and fragrant clothing all angers the Merciful and pleases the Shaitaan. Every day that passes while you are in this condition, distances you further from Allah and brings you closer to Shaitaan. Each day curses and anger are directed toward you from the heavens until you repent. Every day brings you closer to the grave and the Angel of Death is ready to capture your soul."Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Hellfire and admitted to Al-Jannah is indeed successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing)." [Soorah Aale Imraan 3:185]
Get on the train of repentance my sister, before it passes by your station. Deeply consider my sister, what is happening today before tomorrow comes. Think about it, my sister Now, before it is too late
Islam in 60 SecondsVolume IV, Year 2010 - Issue #24 | ||||
Importance of Early Marriage in Islam | for everyone |
The institution of marriage has been given tremendous importance in Islam. Generally, in the terms of jurisprudence it is highly recommended, but in many cases due to extraordinary circumstances, it becomes obligatory and a religious duty. For instance, marriage becoming obligatory when there is a chance of adultery or any other similar sin.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: 'The best people of my Ummat are those who get married and have chosen their wives and the worst people of my nation are those who have kept away from marriage and are passing their lives as bachelors.'
(Mustadrakul Wasail by Muhaddith Noori, Vol 2, Pg 531).
As one matures physically, sexual desires develop in the individual and gradually both girls and boys start getting attracted to each other, which slowly develops into some sort of psychological pressure. This natural and undirected emotion gradually seeks solace in whatever form possible. Unfortunately more often than not, it results in the youngsters deviating from the right path and indulging in some unwanted and undesired habits. Before becoming victims of ill-directed lust, it is better for them to get married and settle down. Therefore, the leaders of Islam have advised their followers to follow this most important Sunnah. As the Holy Prohet (s.a.w.s.) states:
'O youths, whosoever among you can marry, he should do so because marriage protects your eyes (from indulging in sin by looking lustfully at others in privacy.'
(Makaarimul Akhlaq).
Imam Sadiq (a.s) narrates that one day the Holy Prophet (PBUH) went on the pulpit and said,
'O people, Gabriel has brought unto me a divine command stating that girls are like fruits from a tree. If they are not plucked in time then they get rotten by the rays of the sun and a slight blow of the wind will result in their falling down from the tree. Similarly, when girls attain maturity, then like other women they develop emotions related to sex and there is no cure for it except her husband. If they are not married, prevention of character corruption becomes a remote possibility because after all they are human beings and no human is free from vice.'
(Furoo-e-Kafi, Vol 5, Pg 337).
In yet another tradition from Mustadrakul Wasail is narrated that:
'When a youngster marries early in his youth, Shaytaan (Satan) cries out of desperation and says, Alas! This person has protected one third of his religion, now he will protect the remaining two thirds also.'
Imam Sadiq (a.s) narrates from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that he said: 'Those believers, who marry, protect half of their religion from danger.'
Imam Sadiq (as) said: 'Two Rakat of a married person is better than seventy Rakat of an unmarried one.'
(Wasailush Shia, Vol 5, Pg 1)
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) once said: 'Whoever marries, protects half of his religion, then for the remaining half he must only fear God.'
(La'alil Akhbar).
The sixth Imam, Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: 'A sleeping married man is better than a fasting unmarried man.'
(La'alil Akhbar).
The Messenger of Islam (PBUH) said: 'Do not marry a woman for the following four reasons: Wealth, beauty, ancestry and lust. It is obligatory upon you to marry a woman on account of her religion.'
(Jaame ul Akhbar).
In another tradition, the Messenger of Islam (PBUH) has prohibited his followers from marrying a beautiful woman from a disgraceful background.
(Bihar ul Anwar, Vol 23, Pg 54).
To get a good, modest and chaste spouse is among the good fortunes of a person according to the leaders of Islam and is also considered as one of the sources by which the religion of a person can be protected. They have conveyed this message quite often that the worship of a married person is much more significant and important before Allah than that of a bachelor or a spinster.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: 'Among the good fortunes of a man is to have a good wife.'
(Furoo-e-Kafi, Vol. 5, Pg. 327)
Merits of Hazrat Fatimah"s Tasbih (Part 2) | for everyone |
Reciting the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a.) before sleeping
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) says: “One who recites the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) at the time of going to bed, he will be accounted amongst those who have remembered Allah a lot.” (Wasaaelush Shia Vol 4, Pg. 1026)
In the book ‘Wasaaelush Shia’ there is a tradition from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) which says that at the time of going to bed, Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) and then Maoozatain (Surah Falaq and Surah Naas) and Ayatul Kursi should be recited.
Teaching the recitation of Tasbih to the children
In this connection, Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) says:
“O Abu Haroon! We order our children to recite the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) in the same manner as we order them for the performance of Namaz” (Al-Kafi, Kitabus Salaat, Pg. 343)
Reciting Tasbih made out of the Turbah of grave of Imam Hussein (a.s):
It is better that the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) be made of the pure Turbah (soil) of the grave of Imam Hussein (a.s)
It has been narrated from Imame Zaman (a.s): “ One who just holds the Tasbih made out of the soil of the grave of Imam Hussein (a.s) and does not do any dhikr, even then for him will be written the reward of having recited the Azkaar” (Wasaaelush Shia Vol 4, Pg. 1033)
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) says:
“One dhikr or Isteghfaar recited on the Tasbih made out of the soil of the grave of Imam Hussein (a.s) is equal to 70 such dhikr recited on any other thing.” (Wasaaelush Shia Vol 4, Pg. 1033)
Some noteworthy points:
1. One of the conditions of worship, rather the most important of them all, is being attentive in its performance. This is specially so in the recitation of Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a).
2. There should be continuity in the recitation of the Tasbih without any interruptions. This has been the practice of our holy Imams (a.s) (Al- Kaafi, Kitaabus Salaat, Pg. 343)
1. In case one has a doubt regarding the number of Azkaar that he has recited, then he should start again. This is according to a tradition from Imam Sadiq (a.s) (Al- Kaafi, Kitaabus Salaat, Pg. 342)
Thus, by the grace of Allah and the blessings of Imam Mahdi (a.s), we have come to realize the importance of reciting Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) and its merits. We pray to Allah to grant us the Taufeeq that we may be regular in its recitation.
Hazrat Fatima's(as) Position before God | for everyone |
Allama Majlisi has related in his magnum opus Bihar Al-Anwar, vol. 43, p. 24 that Prophet Muhammad said: "Fatima is the leader of the women of the worlds from the first to the last. When she stands in the prayer niche, twenty thousand angels greet her and address her like they addressed Mary. They say, 'O Fatima, verily God has chosen you and purified you and has chosen you above the women of the worlds.' And they are from the close angels."
In the same book, it is related that Prophet Muhammad was asked if Fatima is the leader of the women of this world. He replied:
"Mary, daughter of Imran, is the leader of the women of this world, my daughter Fatima is the leader of the women of all the worlds."
Once it is understood that Fatima has such a place in the universe, we will also realize that we must struggle day and night to learn about this great lady. We must learn who she was and how she lived. Then we must emulate her lifestyle, whether we are male or female. In reality, her status and lifestyle are so lofty that Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance) has even said:
"In the daughter of the Messenger of God is a great example for me to emulate." (Lisan Al-Mizan, vol. 3, p. 180)
We must not overlook that the savior of the world, the one who will fill the earth with justice and equity and wipeout injustice and oppression, the one who will realize the efforts of all the prophets and their successors, the one who will establish God's government and religion on the face of the earth, meaning Imam Mahdi, even takes lessons from Fatima. Thus, can we afford to ignore or forget her?
Having said that, we will mention some of her virtues from reliable traditions.
Fatima's Position before God
"Verily, God becomes angered when Fatima is angered, and He is pleased when Fatima is pleased." (Bihar Al-Anwar, vol. 43, p. 54)
The more we think about this statement, the more Lady Fatima's position becomes clear to us. This tradition has a world of meaning, and everyone can take from it in accordance to his/her ability and understanding. We will discuss two points in regards to it:
1. Human beings are naturally inclined towards position and rank. Unfortunately, most people believe that one can attain this goal through wealth and power. Therefore, they endeavor and use all of their God-given abilities and resources in order to attain more riches and more power because they foolishly believe that the more of these they have the higher status they will have. However, Islam has shown us that this path is the path of Satan.
True position and worth comes with serving and submitting to God. The more one submits to God's will, the more status he/she attains.
It can reach a point where the servant completely surrenders him/herself to God, and God submits all that is in the heavens and earth to him/her. There are even traditions that say that a true servant of God can reach such a status that whenever he/she says "Be!" to a thing, it becomes, just as God says "Be!", and it is. Lady Fatima had surrendered herself to God so much so that God's anger and pleasure are related to her anger and pleasure.
2. This position of Fatima is also used to defend the leadership (Wilayah) and right of Imam Ali (peace be upon her).
In reality, Fatima is the first defender of Wilayah.
Her defense of her husband and his God-given rights eventually led to her being attacked in her own home and being martyred as a result of her injuries. Her anger with her attackers and those who usurped her husband's rights led her to request her husband to bury her at night, so that those who angered her do not attend her funeral and pray over her body.
In doing so, Lady Fatima left an eternal question in the hearts of all truth seekers: why was the only remaining daughter of the Prophet of Islam buried at night and why is her grave unknown?
Allahu Akbar - 34 times, Alhamdulillah - 33 times and Subhanallah - 33 times.
This is what we call the Tasbih of Hazrat Fatimah (s.a).
The Tasbih of Hazrat Fatimah (s.a) is from the emphatically recommended acts of worship in the Islamic Shariat. It has immense significance in the eyes of the infallible Imams (a.s) and the Shiite jurists. It is a simple act of worship from the aspect of performance; however, its effect, reward and merit are abundant. This can be gauged from the fact that when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) wished to impart this act of worship to his daughter Hazrat Zahra (s.a), he declared,
‘O Fatimah! I have granted you something that is superior to a maidservant and to the world and everything in it.’ (Aasaar o Asraare Tasbih Zahra (s.a), Pg. 7)
In this context Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) informs, ‘Allah is not worshipped by anything more meritorious than the Tasbih of Fatima Zahra (s.a). Had there been any worship superior to it, most surely the Holy Prophet (PBUH) would have granted it to Hazrat Fatimah (s.a).’ (Wasaaelush Shea, Vol 4 Pg. 1024)
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) says about the dearness of this Tasbih in the eyes of the Imams of the Ahl-ul-bayt (a.s):
“Reciting Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) everyday after every Namaz is liked by me more than reciting one thousand rakats of (mustahab) namaz”. (Al-Kafi, Kitabus Salaat)
Reciting this Tasbih results in forgiveness of sins. In a tradition, Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) says:
“One, who recites the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) and then seeks forgiveness, will be forgiven”. (Wasaaelush Shia Vol 4, Pg. 1023)
It also results in driving Satan away and in the satisfaction of Allah as tradition from Imam Mohammad Baqir (a.s) says:“(Reciting Tasbih) drives away Satan and makes results in the satisfaction of Allah”. (Wasaaelush Shia Vol 4, Pg. 1023)
Reciting Tasbih regularly delivers the reciter from adversities in this world as well as the hereafter. One of the graceful effects of the regular recitation of the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) is that it delivers the reciter from adversities and hardships in this world as well as the hereafter. Thus one should not ignore its benefits and effects and should not be careless and lazy in its recitation
In this connection, Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) says to one of his companions:
“You do adhere to it and be regular about its recitation, for surely one who is steadfast upon its recitation will not encounter adversity.” (Al-Kafi, Kitabus Salaat, Pg. 343)
How to recite Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a):
According to a tradition from Imam Jafar Sadiq, one should recite Allaho Akbar 34 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times and Subhaanallah 33 times. (Behaarul Anwaar Vol 85, Pg. 334)
Reciting Tasbih immediately after Namaz
Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) should be recited immediately on completion of Namaz. This entails that as soon as the reciter has finished the Namaz, he should remain seated in the same position of Tashahud without moving his feet and doing any other thing, immediately he should commence the recitation of the Tasbih. The reciting of Tasbih immediately on completion of Namaz has a special excellence, which is not there otherwise.
The above statement can be evidenced by the following tradition of Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) wherein he states:
“One who recites the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) before even moving his feet, Allah will forgive him.” (At-Tahzeeb of Shaikh Toosi (r.a), Vol 2, Pg. 105)
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) has said: “One who recites the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) after a wajib namaz before he stretches out his legs (i.e. he recites the Tasbih while he is in the posture of Tashahud) , then Jannat (Paradise) becomes wajib upon him” (Falaahus Saael by Ibne Taaoos (r.a.), Pg. 165)
Another tradition from Imam Sadiq (a.s) says: “One who glorifies Allah after the obligatory prayer through the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a.), and then follows it up by saying ‘Laa elaaha illallaho’, Allah will forgive his sins.” (Al-Kafi, Kitabus Salaat, Pg. 342)
Verse 255 of Surah-e-Baqarah (chapter: The cow) in holy Qur’an is called Ayatul Kursi: "Allah! is besides whom there is no God, the Everliving, the self-subsisting by whom all subsist; slumber does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; who is he that can intercede with Him but by his permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they can not comprehend anything out of His knowledge except what He pleases, His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both tires Him not, and He is the Most High, the Great.
The benefits Ayatul Kursi are:
1. Holy prophet (PBUH) said: whoever recites the first 4 ayats of Surah-e-Baqarah (chapter: The cow), then Ayatul Kursi and then the last 3 ayats of Surah-e-Baqarah, will not be inflicted with any kind of difficulty in his wealth or himself, Satan will not come near him and he will not forget the Qur’an.
2. Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: Qur’an is a great word, and Surah-e-Baqarah is the leader of the Qur’an and Ayatul Kursi is the leader of Surah-e-Baqarah. In Ayatul Kursi there are 50 words and for each word there are 50 blessings and good in it.
3. One who recites Ayatul Kursi every morning will be in the protection,
safety of Allah until the night.
4. If one ties this to ones wealth or children, they will be safe from Satan.
5. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said: These things increase ones memory: sweets, meat of an animal which is slaughtered in Islamic manner near the neck, Lentils, cold bread and recitation of Ayatul Kursi.
6. For those of our dear ones who have passed away, recitation of Ayatul Kursi and giving it as Hadiyeh to them, gives them light (noor) in the grave.
7. Frequent recitation makes ones own death easy.
8. When leaving home, if one recites it once, the Almighty has one group of Angels to come and protect you. If recited twice, 2 groups of Angels are assigned to do this. If recited 3 times Allah tells the Angels not to worry as the Almighty himself takes care of him.
9. The Holy Prophet has said: If one recites Ayatul Kursi before going to sleep, Allah will send an Angel to come and look after you and protect.
10. When one is alone in the house, recitation of Ayatul Kursi and asking Allah for help will make you remain calm and you will not fear.
11. The Holy Prophet has said: When leaving home, if one recites Ayatul Kursi, then Allah will send 70,000 Angels to do Istighfaar for him until he returns home, and upon his return Poverty will be removed from him.
12. If one recites this after performing Wudhoo, the 5th Imam Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) has said: Allah will give him a reward of 40 years of Ibadaat, and his position will be raised in the Heavens 40 times (levels).
13. One who recites it after every prayer, their salat will be accepted, and they will remain in the safety of the Almighty and He will protect them.
14. Allah told Prophet Musa (a.s): If one recites it after every salat, the Almighty will make his heart a thankful one (Shakireen) will give him a reward of the prophets, and his deeds will be like those of the truthful (Siddiqeen).
Check this out; very interesting findings of scientists of Qur’anic sciences might grasp your attention:
The scientists discovered some verses in the Holy Qur’an that mention one thing is equal to another, i.e. men are equal to women.
Although this makes sense grammatically, the astonishing fact is that the number of times the word man appears in the Qur’an is 24 and number of times the word woman appears is also 24, therefore not only is this phrase correct in the grammatical sense but also true mathematically, i.e. 24 = 24.
Upon further analysis of various verses, he discovered that this is consistent throughout the whole Qur’an, where it says one thing is like another. See below for astonishing result of the words mentioned number of times in Arabic Qur’an:
Dunya (one name for life) 115. Aakhirat (one name for the life after this world) 115
Malaika (Angels) 88. Shayteen (Satan) 88
Life 145.... Death 145
Benefit 50. Corrupt 50
People 50... Messengers 50
Eblees (king of devils) 11. Seek refuge from Eblees 11
Museebah (calamity) 75. Thanks 75
Spending (Sadaqah) 73. Satisfaction 73
People who are mislead 17. Dead people 17
Muslimeen 41. Jihad 41
Gold 8. Easy life 8
Magic 60. Fitnah (dissuasion, misleading) 60
Zakat (Taxes Muslims pay to the poor) 32. Barakah (Increasing or blessings of wealth) 32
Mind 49. Noor 49
Tongue 25. Sermon 25
Desire 8. Fear 8
Speaking publicly 18. Publicizing 18
Hardship 114.... Patience 114
Muhammad 4. Sharee'ah (Muhammad's teachings) 4
Man 24. Woman 24
And amazingly enough have a look how many times the following words appear:
Salah 5, Month 12, Day 365
Sea 32, Land 13
Sea + land = 32+13= 45
Sea = 32/45*100=71.11111111%
Land = 13/45*100 = 28.88888889%
Sea + land =100.00%
Modern science has only recently proven that the water covers 71.111% of the earth, while the land covers 28.889%.
Is this a coincidence?
There is no God but thou, glory be to thee; surely I am of those who make themselves To suffer loss. The Holy Qur’an (Surah 21, The Prophets, verse87).
THE SECRET OF NUMBER 40 | for everyone |
“Whoever dedicates himself to Allah for forty days, will find springs of wisdom sprout out of his heart and flow on his tongue.”
The fashioning of the clay of Prophet Adam (A.S.) was completed in forty mornings: And “I fashioned Adam’s clay with My Hands in forty days.” In this number [of days] he crossed a world from among the worlds of potentiality, and, according to a tradition, his body lay for forty years between Mecca and Madinah and the rains of divine mercy poured upon him so that in this number [of days] he became capable of receiving the Holy Spirit.
So for forty days Adam remained in prostration, weeping for the loss of paradise. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 5, p. 43
Adam wept for Habil for forty nights. Ikmal al-Din, p. 13.
* Regarding the flood of Nuh (A.S.) it is said: So for forty days water continued to pour from the heaven and to stream out from the earth.
* The duration of the promised meeting of Prophet Musa (A.S.) was completed in forty nights, and his people were delivered from their wanderings after forty years.
* Rasulullah (pbuh) rose for service after forty years.
* The period of the journey through the realm of this world, from the first manifestation of potentiality to the end of its completion in this world is forty years, as it has been narrated that the human being’s intellect attains maturity in forty years, everyone according to his capacity. He grows from the outset of his entry into this world until the age of thirty years, and thereafter for ten years his body is remains in a halted condition. And at forty years he completes his journey through the world of nature and commences the journey towards the world of the Hereafter. And it is for this reason that it has been said: One who reaches forty years and does not take up a staff has surely disobeyed. That is because the staff is a sign of a traveller and it is desirable for the traveller to carry a staff. And when forty years are over, it is the time for journey, and the taking up of the staff signifies preparation for the journey of the Hereafter and collecting oneself for departure (and whoever does not carry a staff is neglectful of the impending journey). Similarly, the body attains maturity at this age and so also does the status of goodness or wretchedness. When a man reaches forty years without ever repenting, Satan strokes his face with his hand and says, "May my father be your ransom, it is the face of one who will not prosper!" Safinat al-Bihar, vol. 1, p. 504; in Ihya’al -Ulum, vol. 3, p. 25
* “One who assists a blind man for forty steps becomes worthy of entering Janna,” Literally means someone who lacks eyesight, and its interpretation is someone who is blind due to the lack of inner sight, because the blind man lacking eyesight does not reach actuality from potentiality after completing forty steps, though he may come near it, and if left to himself he would return to his earlier state And the completion of spiritual excellence and the attainment of guidance is realized on completion of forty [steps] and in this respect results in worthiness for Janna.
When a man enters his fortieth year, it is said to him, "Now be careful, because (henceforth) you will not have any excuse.”. Saduq’s al-Khisal, p. 545
* From Imam Sadiq (A.S.): When a human being reaches 40 Allah reveals to his angels: "Indeed, I have made My abd come of age, so now be strict and severe with him and record and write down his every action, whether it is a minor one or a major one, and whether his works are abundant or sparse."
* When an abd reaches thirty? Three he comes of age, and when he reaches forty years, he attains to his ultimate maturity. Hence as he enters forty, one his powers are on decline, and it is befitting for one at fifty to consider himself like someone nearing his death.
* The Prophet (S.A.W.) has said: Persons of forty years are like a field ready for harvest. Jami al-akhbar, 76, p. 140
* Indeed, if one recites the Suratul Hamd forty times on water and pours it on someone suffering from fever, God shall cure him.
* Imam Baqir (A.S.) has said: “The Duas of someone who drinks wine are not accepted for forty days” al-Kafi, vol. 6, p. 401
* Rasulullah (pbuh) has said: “For forty days and nights, Allah does not accept the prayers and fasts of someone who backbites a Muslim man or woman unless that person pardons him.”
* “When a believer dies and forty men from among the believers attend his funeral and say, "O God, we know nothing about him except goodness, and You know him better than we do." Allah says, "Your testimony suffices Me, and I forgive him what I know of things that you do not know. Al-Khisal, p. 538, al-Saduq
* “If someone brings forward forty believers and does Dua, his Dua is answered.” ‘Uddat al-Dua, p. 128
* Imam Ali (A.S.) has narrated from Rasulullah (pbuh): "One who preserves for the sake of my ummah forty ahadith relating to their religious needs shall be raised by Allah as a learned scholar on the Day of Resurrection.
A man saw the Holy Prophet (PBUH) many a time in his dreams. Every time he requested the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to advise him what to do so that he might leave this world with his faith intact. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) in reply advised him to recite the following Dua’a every day.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
O’ Allah! O’ Allah! O’ Allah! The Security the Security the Security from the vanishment of the faith. O’ the Eternally Known! O’ the Eternally Obliging! And O’ the Guide of those gone astray, Thee alone do we worship and of Thee (only) do we seek help. May Allah’s blessings be upon His best creation Mohammed and all his (pure) progeny.
DUA FOR THE OPRESSED | for everyone |
Hazrat Imam Musa Kadhim (a.s) says, “Any oppressed who recites the following Dua’a for vengeance, Insha Allah revenge will be taken from the oppressor.”
O’ my Rescuer in my difficulties; O’ my Helper in my afflictions; Guard me with the eye that slept not, and suffice me with the pillar of Might which cannot be reached; O’ the Master of great artifice, and O’ the Purchaser of the honor before whom all Thy creation is low and humble; Send the blessings on Muhammad and (holy) progeny of Muhammad. Help me against the oppressor and take my revenge from him.
MAHE RAJAB- THE MONTH OF ALLAH (S.T.) | for everyone |
Rajab is the name of a stream in Paradise which is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey, and whosever fasts for a day in this month, he will drink from this stream.
Rajab is also called asabb , because in this month too much Mercy of Allah (s.t.) is poured on the Ummat.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said that the month of Rajab is for seeking forgiveness from Almighty Allah, because He is the most Merciful and most Beneficient. The Holy Prophet (sa.w.s.) further stated, that the month of Rajab is of great importance,. No other month has such a great significance. RAJAB IS THE MONTH OF ALLAH (S.T.), while Shabaan is mine and the month of Ramadhan is of my Ummat.
If any one fast a single day in this month of Rajab he will be nearer to the Almighty Allah and will be safe from His wrath, and one door of the Hell will be closed for him.
Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) said that if any one keeps a fast in the month of Rajab, then the distance of travelling of one year of Hell fire will be made less for him. One who fast for three days, Paradise will be compulsory for him.
This month has super abudant favours and benefits- Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said, that whoever observes fast for even one day in this month, Hell will be kept away from him at a distance one year’s journey a door of Hell will be closed for him, and whoever fasts for eight days, all the eight doors of the Paradise will be opened for him, whoever fasts for 15 days, would be awarded anything for which he asks and Allah (s.t.) would enhance His bouties as much.
Lailatul Raghaib & first Thursday of Rajab | for everyone |
Lailatul Raghaib & first Thursday of Rajab | for everyone |
Lailatul Raghaib & first Thursday of Rajab
As for the night of the first Friday of the month of Rajab or its first night, both known as the "Night of wishes" (laylat al-ragha'ib) during which is performed the salat al-ragha'ib.
It is related that the person who recites Surah-al Yaseen before going to bed & Namaaz -e -Lailatul Raghaib will be saved from the terror of the grave.
The first Friday night of Rajab is known as Lailatul Raghaib. Hazrat Muhammad (saws) used to fast on the first Thursday & between Maghrib & Isha recite 12 Rak’at namaz in six sets of 2 units.
In every Rak’at after surah al Hamd recite 3 times Surah al-Qadr & 12 times Surah an Ikhlaas. After salam
recite 70 times:
O Allah send blessings on Muhammad, the Ummi Prophet, and on his descendants.
Allahumma s’ale a’laa muh’ammadin nabiyyil ummi wa a’laa aaleh.
Then go into sajdah & recite 70 times:
Holy and most Holy is the Lord of the Angels and spirts.
subbuh’un quddoos rabbul malaaaekate war-rooh’
Then sit erect & say 70 times:
O Lord! Forgive, have mercy and be indulgent about that which Thou knows well, verily Thou art Sublime, Mighty.
rabbighfir war-ham watajaawaz a’mma ta’lamo innaka antal a’liyyul a’zeem.
Then go into sajdah & say 70 times:
Holy and most Holy is the Lord of the Angels and spirts.
subbooh’un quddoos rabbul malaaekate war-rooh’.
How To Perform The Prayer Fast on the first Thursday of Rajab
It is most important, however, that none of you should neglect the First Friday in Rajab, for it is the night that the angels call the Night of [the Granting of] Wishes [Lailat ar-Ragha'ib]. This is because, by the time the first third of the night has elapsed, there will not be a single angel still at large in the heavens, nor in any region of the earth bar one. They will all be gathered together in the Ka'ba and the area immediately surrounding it.
Allah (Exalted is He) will condescend to notice that they have assembled there, and He will say: "My angels, ask Me for whatever you wish!" Their response to this will be: "Our Lord, the request we wish to make is that You grant forgiveness to those who faithfully keep the fast in Rajab," whereupon Allah (Exalted is He) will tell them: "That I have already done!"
Mineral Makeup - Fastest Growing Trends | for everyone |
Mineral Makeup - Fastest Growing Trends
Mineral makeup is one of the fastest growing trends in the cosmetics industry in recent years. It's versatility, light-weight feel, ease of use, and non-comedogenic properties appeal to a new wave of cosmetic wearers who are demanding more natural choices for their skincare regime.
1. Start with clean dry skin, be sure to moisturize but make sure it has completely absorbed into skin.
2. Gently tap a small amount of minerals into the lid of the jar. Using a Kabuki or another buffer brush, swirl the brush around the lid until the crushed minerals are completely infused into the brush. Tap brush on the side of the lid to remove any excess powder. Be sure to keep the bristles slightly angled up while tapping.
3. Starting at the outide of your face lightly apply the foundation, working inward towards the eyes and nose. Press the bristles of the brush against the skin apply in a circular or downward motion. Re-apply (starting with step two) until you achieve the look and amount of coverage you desire. It takes a few moments for the minerals to warm up to your skin. Do Not Over Apply! You will achieve a more natural, flawless finish if you build up several light layers. Try several different application techniques to see what works best for you!
I prefer to apply in a circular motion around the forehead, eye area and the nose. And then switch to a downward motion on the lower half of the face as this helps keep the small fines hairs that we all have on our face from lifting and moving in different directions, this gives a smoother cleaner appearance.
Mineral Secrets offers Lip Liners that define lips with soft, subtle color for a professional look. These liners continuously enhance your pout all day.
* Good for sensitive skin. "Lots of women struggle with acne, allergies, dryness and clogged pores from unfriendly commercial makeup," Ranger says. "Mineral makeup lets you enhance skin care with positive beauty choices, not create more problems."
* Doesn't feel like a mask. For some women, traditional makeup, often heavier, can feel like a mask. Mineral makeup's texture is lighter and different. Even with more coverage, experts say you'll see a natural, translucent radiance and more of your skin, which can breathe.
Mineral makeup is one of the fastest growing trends in the cosmetics industry in recent years. It's versatility, light-weight feel, ease of use, and non-comedogenic properties appeal to a new wave of cosmetic wearers who are demanding more natural choices for their skincare regime.
1. Start with clean dry skin, be sure to moisturize but make sure it has completely absorbed into skin.
2. Gently tap a small amount of minerals into the lid of the jar. Using a Kabuki or another buffer brush, swirl the brush around the lid until the crushed minerals are completely infused into the brush. Tap brush on the side of the lid to remove any excess powder. Be sure to keep the bristles slightly angled up while tapping.
3. Starting at the outide of your face lightly apply the foundation, working inward towards the eyes and nose. Press the bristles of the brush against the skin apply in a circular or downward motion. Re-apply (starting with step two) until you achieve the look and amount of coverage you desire. It takes a few moments for the minerals to warm up to your skin. Do Not Over Apply! You will achieve a more natural, flawless finish if you build up several light layers. Try several different application techniques to see what works best for you!
I prefer to apply in a circular motion around the forehead, eye area and the nose. And then switch to a downward motion on the lower half of the face as this helps keep the small fines hairs that we all have on our face from lifting and moving in different directions, this gives a smoother cleaner appearance.
Mineral Secrets offers Lip Liners that define lips with soft, subtle color for a professional look. These liners continuously enhance your pout all day.
* Good for sensitive skin. "Lots of women struggle with acne, allergies, dryness and clogged pores from unfriendly commercial makeup," Ranger says. "Mineral makeup lets you enhance skin care with positive beauty choices, not create more problems."
* Doesn't feel like a mask. For some women, traditional makeup, often heavier, can feel like a mask. Mineral makeup's texture is lighter and different. Even with more coverage, experts say you'll see a natural, translucent radiance and more of your skin, which can breathe.
Acne Marks Removal Home Remedies | for everyone |
Acne Marks Removal Home Remedies
The unwanted marks and spots left by acne or pimples have now become such a common phenomena. There are many ways to get rid of these ugly spots and marks. But people who do not afford and who do not like to have any surgical treatment look for ways that do not have any side effects. While treating acne can be expensive, depending on the method you choose, acne or pimples scar treatments can be even more expensive and occasionally even discomforting or painful.
Natural home remedies are one of the many ways to get rid of the marks left by acne. Kitchen items are the cheapest and effective ingredients used to remove acne scars and marks.
How to Remove Acne or Pimples Marks: The most basic formula for removing scar marks whether with the use of medicines or chemical peels or laser treatment or with natural ingredient is always two pronged. You need to remove the outer damaged layer of skin while at the same time trying to help the cell generate healthy skin that is lying underneath.
The Best Acne or Pimples Marks Rremoving Home Remedies
Lemons: Lemon juice is very effective in lightening the dark spots caused by acne or pimples. First, cleanse the scar with water. Dab one teaspoon of lemon juice into a cotton ball and smooth it over the acne marks. Leave for ten minutes, then rinse. Use caution with lemon juice because it can make your skin photosensitive. So be certain to use a sunscreen on any area you treat with lemon juice prior to going out into the sun.
Soda: Baking soda is a very good exfoliant. It gently exfoliates your skin and leaves it smooth and silky. A version of baking soda is used in the microdermabrasion treatment. Therefore you can also give yourself a homemade microdermabrasion treatment by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with the two teaspoons of filtered water. Then gently rub the mixture on your acne scar for sixty seconds then rinse it off.
Olives: After exfoliating your skin with baking soda, massage a pea-sized amount of olive oil onto your face. Acne scaring can cause the skin to lose its elasticity and suppleness. The moisturizing nutrients in the olive oil will penetrate the skin to deeply moisturize the skin and soften the skin’s texture.
Fruits: In addition to eating fresh fruits to supply your skin with collagen building vitamin C, you can also smear them onto your face for gentle acid exfoliation. Just puree a forth a cup of pineapple and smooth it onto your face. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. Since the pineapples contains ascorbic acid, it will impart a brightening effect on the face, and help fade acne marks.
Water: It cannot be said enough. “Your skin needs water.” Especially when you want to promote the type of skin repair needed to heal acne scarring. Your skin needs water to keep the skin plump, to remove toxins, and the build new skin cells. Drink at least 80 ounces of filtered water a day to give your skin the quality and quantity of water it needs to reveal healthier, fresher skin.
When considering a skin expert or dermatologist, always request to see “before and after” photos to clearly understand what you can expect. Make sure you are offered photos of patients of different ages, skin tones and both sexes.
The unwanted marks and spots left by acne or pimples have now become such a common phenomena. There are many ways to get rid of these ugly spots and marks. But people who do not afford and who do not like to have any surgical treatment look for ways that do not have any side effects. While treating acne can be expensive, depending on the method you choose, acne or pimples scar treatments can be even more expensive and occasionally even discomforting or painful.
Natural home remedies are one of the many ways to get rid of the marks left by acne. Kitchen items are the cheapest and effective ingredients used to remove acne scars and marks.
How to Remove Acne or Pimples Marks: The most basic formula for removing scar marks whether with the use of medicines or chemical peels or laser treatment or with natural ingredient is always two pronged. You need to remove the outer damaged layer of skin while at the same time trying to help the cell generate healthy skin that is lying underneath.
The Best Acne or Pimples Marks Rremoving Home Remedies
Lemons: Lemon juice is very effective in lightening the dark spots caused by acne or pimples. First, cleanse the scar with water. Dab one teaspoon of lemon juice into a cotton ball and smooth it over the acne marks. Leave for ten minutes, then rinse. Use caution with lemon juice because it can make your skin photosensitive. So be certain to use a sunscreen on any area you treat with lemon juice prior to going out into the sun.
Soda: Baking soda is a very good exfoliant. It gently exfoliates your skin and leaves it smooth and silky. A version of baking soda is used in the microdermabrasion treatment. Therefore you can also give yourself a homemade microdermabrasion treatment by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with the two teaspoons of filtered water. Then gently rub the mixture on your acne scar for sixty seconds then rinse it off.
Olives: After exfoliating your skin with baking soda, massage a pea-sized amount of olive oil onto your face. Acne scaring can cause the skin to lose its elasticity and suppleness. The moisturizing nutrients in the olive oil will penetrate the skin to deeply moisturize the skin and soften the skin’s texture.
Fruits: In addition to eating fresh fruits to supply your skin with collagen building vitamin C, you can also smear them onto your face for gentle acid exfoliation. Just puree a forth a cup of pineapple and smooth it onto your face. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. Since the pineapples contains ascorbic acid, it will impart a brightening effect on the face, and help fade acne marks.
Water: It cannot be said enough. “Your skin needs water.” Especially when you want to promote the type of skin repair needed to heal acne scarring. Your skin needs water to keep the skin plump, to remove toxins, and the build new skin cells. Drink at least 80 ounces of filtered water a day to give your skin the quality and quantity of water it needs to reveal healthier, fresher skin.
When considering a skin expert or dermatologist, always request to see “before and after” photos to clearly understand what you can expect. Make sure you are offered photos of patients of different ages, skin tones and both sexes.
Makeup For Acne Prone Skin | for everyone |
Makeup For Acne Prone Skin
What is the Best Makeup for Acne Prone Skin?
Makeup for acne prone skin, we understand how chronic acne sufferers feel. Nothing seems worse than leaving the house with a blotchy, red, pimply face. You don’t want to go out in public or see anyone.
In fact, you may not even want to leave the bedroom and face the family. However, you can look your best and heal at the same time if you use makeup for acne prone skin.
Acne prone skin is a problem in every respect. You have to take care of it and supply it with all the treatment and prevention options. Apart from all the other problems, using makeup on acne skin is a big question. You have to be very careful while selecting and applying makeup on acne prone skin. The problem is trying to find the right one for your skin – one that will conceal your blemishes without irritating your skin further. We are here to help you.
Tips for Choosing Good Makeup for Acne Prone Skin
There are certain things that you should keep in mind while shopping for cosmetics if you have acne prone skin.
* Use only oil free makeup and avoid products that contain oil from petroleum like mineral oil.
* You might find sunscreens too oily, so use foundations that contain titanium oxide as it is a naturally occurring sun protector.
* Avoid cosmetics that contains ingredients like dimenthicone and bismuth oxychloride as they can clog pores of your skin and cause blemishes.
* Zinc oxide and Kaolin clay are very good oil absorbing and anti-inflammatory ingredients. So make sure that these products are present in your makeup.
* Avoid products that contain alcohol, as alcohol dries out the skin by stripping it of moisture. This in turn leads to excessive production of oil causing clogging of pores and pimples.
* You can also opt for mineral makeup for acne prone skin. Mineral makeup contain products like zinc oxide, titanium oxide, organic botanical extracts that have anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties. You might like to know more about liquid mineral makeup and mineral makeup for oily skin.
* For removing makeup it is important to use a gentle cleanser for acne prone skin. Make sure that you remove all traces of makeup from your skin before going to bed. More on natural facial cleansers.
By now, you must have got a fair idea about how to choose best makeup for acne prone skin. It is best to use an oil free moisturizer for acne prone skin in the morning. Do not pile on too much foundation to hide breakouts as this might harm you in the long run. You can use natural cleansers like tomato and cucumber juice to absorb oil and tighten the pores of your skin.
When choosing makeup for acne prone skin, ensure that it is oil free and “noncomedogenic” (ie, it won’t clog pores). Some makeups even contain small amounts of benzoyl-peroxide to combat acne. Just be careful if you are already putting acne treatment on under your makeup, as too much medication could dry out skin and end up further aggravating your pores.
What is the Best Makeup for Acne Prone Skin?
Makeup for acne prone skin, we understand how chronic acne sufferers feel. Nothing seems worse than leaving the house with a blotchy, red, pimply face. You don’t want to go out in public or see anyone.
In fact, you may not even want to leave the bedroom and face the family. However, you can look your best and heal at the same time if you use makeup for acne prone skin.
Acne prone skin is a problem in every respect. You have to take care of it and supply it with all the treatment and prevention options. Apart from all the other problems, using makeup on acne skin is a big question. You have to be very careful while selecting and applying makeup on acne prone skin. The problem is trying to find the right one for your skin – one that will conceal your blemishes without irritating your skin further. We are here to help you.
Tips for Choosing Good Makeup for Acne Prone Skin
There are certain things that you should keep in mind while shopping for cosmetics if you have acne prone skin.
* Use only oil free makeup and avoid products that contain oil from petroleum like mineral oil.
* You might find sunscreens too oily, so use foundations that contain titanium oxide as it is a naturally occurring sun protector.
* Avoid cosmetics that contains ingredients like dimenthicone and bismuth oxychloride as they can clog pores of your skin and cause blemishes.
* Zinc oxide and Kaolin clay are very good oil absorbing and anti-inflammatory ingredients. So make sure that these products are present in your makeup.
* Avoid products that contain alcohol, as alcohol dries out the skin by stripping it of moisture. This in turn leads to excessive production of oil causing clogging of pores and pimples.
* You can also opt for mineral makeup for acne prone skin. Mineral makeup contain products like zinc oxide, titanium oxide, organic botanical extracts that have anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties. You might like to know more about liquid mineral makeup and mineral makeup for oily skin.
* For removing makeup it is important to use a gentle cleanser for acne prone skin. Make sure that you remove all traces of makeup from your skin before going to bed. More on natural facial cleansers.
By now, you must have got a fair idea about how to choose best makeup for acne prone skin. It is best to use an oil free moisturizer for acne prone skin in the morning. Do not pile on too much foundation to hide breakouts as this might harm you in the long run. You can use natural cleansers like tomato and cucumber juice to absorb oil and tighten the pores of your skin.
When choosing makeup for acne prone skin, ensure that it is oil free and “noncomedogenic” (ie, it won’t clog pores). Some makeups even contain small amounts of benzoyl-peroxide to combat acne. Just be careful if you are already putting acne treatment on under your makeup, as too much medication could dry out skin and end up further aggravating your pores.
Steps To Clean Your Makeup-( Ladies Special) | for everyone |
Steps To Clean Your Makeup
1. Use a gentle, slightly diluted cream on a ball of cotton wool to clean up the entire face. This will take care of the foundation and powder.
2. Remove the lipstick next. Once the overall clean up has been done, begin on the lipstick. Usually, Vaseline will get off the toughest waterproof lipstick. Rub some on your lips and wipe off with a tissue.
3. Continue with the eyes. These are gentle areas and Clinique eye makeup remover would be the best solution. These are all just preliminaries to get off the separate areas of makeup.
4. Take off all the lotions and makeup removers that you have just used. Use a gentle foaming soap to wash your face and unclog the pores.
5. Pat your face dry and put on a light night lotion to combat skin dryness that can occur from the rigorous removal of the makeup and all the chemicals used on the skin.
* If you don’t have eye makeup remover, baby oil on a cotton ball works really well (just make sure to rinse the oil off afterwards to prevent break-outs)
* Always use a noncomedogenic moisturizer. They don’t clog pores.
* You may also use the HydraMitt which is a microfiber mitt that removes makeup in seconds by using warm water only. It’s also very gentle on your eyes and will not scratch your skin like your typical microfiber cloth.
* Do not start by washing your face, this dries out the skin and does not get off most of the makeup.
* Do Not over exfoliate the skin or use abrasive products. These can damage the skin and leave it looking dull and wrinkled.
1. Use a gentle, slightly diluted cream on a ball of cotton wool to clean up the entire face. This will take care of the foundation and powder.
2. Remove the lipstick next. Once the overall clean up has been done, begin on the lipstick. Usually, Vaseline will get off the toughest waterproof lipstick. Rub some on your lips and wipe off with a tissue.
3. Continue with the eyes. These are gentle areas and Clinique eye makeup remover would be the best solution. These are all just preliminaries to get off the separate areas of makeup.
4. Take off all the lotions and makeup removers that you have just used. Use a gentle foaming soap to wash your face and unclog the pores.
5. Pat your face dry and put on a light night lotion to combat skin dryness that can occur from the rigorous removal of the makeup and all the chemicals used on the skin.
* If you don’t have eye makeup remover, baby oil on a cotton ball works really well (just make sure to rinse the oil off afterwards to prevent break-outs)
* Always use a noncomedogenic moisturizer. They don’t clog pores.
* You may also use the HydraMitt which is a microfiber mitt that removes makeup in seconds by using warm water only. It’s also very gentle on your eyes and will not scratch your skin like your typical microfiber cloth.
* Do not start by washing your face, this dries out the skin and does not get off most of the makeup.
* Do Not over exfoliate the skin or use abrasive products. These can damage the skin and leave it looking dull and wrinkled.
How To Recover Deleted Photos? | for everyone |
How To Recover Deleted Photos?
With more and more users switching to digital photography, photo loss instances due to accidental deletion is becoming quite often.
Despite of the fact that data storage technology progress has gone exceptionally far in just few decades, users are frequently observed deleting their own photographs and regretting for them later.
But the news is that though you delete these photos from the media, but they actually seize to physically exist on the media till you overwrite it. Hence, there is always a good possibility that you can recover such deleted information. Image Recovery tools allow you to restore all lost and deleted photographs through just few simile steps, lets see how.
Following are few basic guidelines that you should follow to recover your deleted photos and other digital files:
The most important thing to mention that though your digital media retains all the deleted files, but doesn't secure them from complete erasure. They can be overwritten. So, do not store more pictures as this might overwrite the entire set of lost photos. The best option is to remove the media from the system or camera and keep it aside.
Search for the powerful Digital Image Recovery and download or install it on your system.
Connect your camera or affected media to it and follow the on-screen instructions given by the software. You will find that running the utility doesn't require any prior technical understanding and you can easily restore your deleted photos in just a couple of minutes.
Note: Almost all of the picture recovery utilities don't allow you restoring lost photos until you buy the full version of the product. If you are getting a demo version of the product that will let you only view the results and not actually save them on your media.
Image Recovery software serve as the most excellent product to recover lost photos. These utilities meticulously analyze the structure of your digital media and examine the segments that have been marked as deleted. Once the software finds such segments, it applies high-end procedures to restore them in same state as they existed before deletion.
Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery is an easy to use recovery tools for lost photos with exceptionally realistic interface and recovery features. It is a non-destructive Digital Image Recovery utility that supports recovery for almost all cameras, hard drives, digital media cards, Flash cards and other media. The application is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems.
About the author:Andrew Watson has 6 Years of Experience in the Software Technology researching with Stellar Info. system Ltd which offers image recovery, image recovery software, digital picture recovery and digital image recovery.
With more and more users switching to digital photography, photo loss instances due to accidental deletion is becoming quite often.
Despite of the fact that data storage technology progress has gone exceptionally far in just few decades, users are frequently observed deleting their own photographs and regretting for them later.
But the news is that though you delete these photos from the media, but they actually seize to physically exist on the media till you overwrite it. Hence, there is always a good possibility that you can recover such deleted information. Image Recovery tools allow you to restore all lost and deleted photographs through just few simile steps, lets see how.
Following are few basic guidelines that you should follow to recover your deleted photos and other digital files:
The most important thing to mention that though your digital media retains all the deleted files, but doesn't secure them from complete erasure. They can be overwritten. So, do not store more pictures as this might overwrite the entire set of lost photos. The best option is to remove the media from the system or camera and keep it aside.
Search for the powerful Digital Image Recovery and download or install it on your system.
Connect your camera or affected media to it and follow the on-screen instructions given by the software. You will find that running the utility doesn't require any prior technical understanding and you can easily restore your deleted photos in just a couple of minutes.
Note: Almost all of the picture recovery utilities don't allow you restoring lost photos until you buy the full version of the product. If you are getting a demo version of the product that will let you only view the results and not actually save them on your media.
Image Recovery software serve as the most excellent product to recover lost photos. These utilities meticulously analyze the structure of your digital media and examine the segments that have been marked as deleted. Once the software finds such segments, it applies high-end procedures to restore them in same state as they existed before deletion.
Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery is an easy to use recovery tools for lost photos with exceptionally realistic interface and recovery features. It is a non-destructive Digital Image Recovery utility that supports recovery for almost all cameras, hard drives, digital media cards, Flash cards and other media. The application is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems.
About the author:Andrew Watson has 6 Years of Experience in the Software Technology researching with Stellar Info. system Ltd which offers image recovery, image recovery software, digital picture recovery and digital image recovery.
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