Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Jun 25, '10 11:07 AM
for everyone
RasoolAllah (saw) also said,
“One who disobeys Allah in the wilayat of Ali (asws)
will always remain in the fires of hell.”
RasoolAllah (saw) said,
“Doubting regarding Ali (asws) is kufr (disbelief) against Allah."

(Madinatul Moajiz First Edition page no. 359)
Jun 25, '10 11:04 AM
for everyone
RasoolAllah (saw) said,
“Doubting regarding Ali (asws) is kufr (disbelief) against Allah."

(Madinatul Moajiz First Edition page no. 359)
“Allah said to Me, ‘One who recognizes Ali (asws) is pure and joyous. One
who denies Ali (asws) is accursed. I swear by My Honor, I will throw
anyone into the hellfire who disobeys Him (Ali asws), even if it is one who has obeyed Me (Allah). I will enter one into the heavens that has disobeyed Me (Allah) but has obeyed Him (Ali asws).”
Jun 25, '10 11:03 AM
for everyone
RasoolAllah (saw) said,
“Allah says ‘I made namaz (prayer) wajib (compulsory), but there is a concession for those who are traveling. I made fasting wajib (compulsory) except for those who are traveling. I made hajj wajib, except for those without means. I made zakat (poor tax)wajib but only on those who have wealth. I made the love of Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as) as an absolute wajib (compulsory) upon all of creation in the heavens and on the earth,
and there is no exception in the love of Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).”
Madinatul Moajiz First Edition page no. 368-369
Jun 25, '10 10:58 AM
for everyone
“Allah said to Me, ‘One who recognizes Ali (asws) is pure and joyous. One
who denies Ali (asws) is accursed. I swear by My Honor, I will throw
anyone into the hellfire who disobeys Him (Ali asws), even if it is one who has obeyed Me (Allah). I will enter one into the heavens that has disobeyed Me (Allah) but has obeyed Him (Ali asws).”
Jun 25, '10 10:55 AM
for everyone
“Nabuwiat Muttaliqa (absolute prophet hood) is for RasoolAllah (saw) and
Wilayat e Muttaliqa (absolute wilayat) is for Ali (asws).”
Najul Israr First Edition page no 39
RasoolAllah (saw) says,
“Ali (asws) is My Wali and Wali of those who I am wali, and no one has any right to share in authority with Him.”

Maani ul Akbar page no 105 hadith 4
Jun 25, '10 10:48 AM
for everyone
Abu Hamza Thumali narrates,
“I asked Imam Abu Jafar (as) regarding this ayah,
“I swear by the heaven full of paths” (51:7)
Imam (as) said,
“Heaven is RasoolAllah (saw) and the paths are Ameerul Momineen (asws) and His Ahlul Bayt (as).”

(Tafseer e Furat pg 441)
Jun 25, '10 10:26 AM
for everyone
That day when Fatima binte Asad (sa) conceived Moula Ali (asws) the whole earth shook and a severe earthquake occurred. When the people saw these happenings, they took their idols and put them on the mountain of Abu Qais. These idols started throwing themselves upon the rocks.

These false gods of Quraish fell down on the earth and shattered into
many pieces. Hz. Abi Talib (as) climbed to the top of the mountain and spoke to the people in a loud voice. 
He said, “O’People! Neither Allah brought any wrath on this night nor has any new creation been conceived. If you did not obey Him and do not accept the allegiance of His wilayat or if you do not witness to His imamate, then you will not ever be removed from the trouble you find yourself in now. Bring full belief on Him (Moula Ali asws).”

(Manaqib ibn Shahr Ashoob First Edition page no. 321)
RasoolAllah (saw) said,

“Beautify your gatherings with the rememberance of
Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as)”.

(Basharitul Mustafa pg 112)


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying that whoever recites this Chapter will be in the companiony of Luqman (as) on the Day of Judgment, and he will be rewarded with ten good deeds for everyone who enjoins what is right and forbids what is wrong. He (as) has also said, "Whoever recites it during the night, Allah Almighty will assign thirty angels to protect him from Iblis and his hosts till the morning, and if he recites it during the day, they will protect him from Iblis and his hosts till the night."


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said that anyone who recites this Chapter will be granted rewards as many as the number of those who believed in Zakariyya (as) and those who did not. Imam al-Sadiq has said that if one recites it quite often, he will not die before he, his wealth, and his offspring will be blessed by it, and on the Day of Judgment, he will be among the supporters of Jesus, peace be upon him, and he will be granted in the hereafter what Solomon (as) was granted in the life of this world.


Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) is also quoted as saying that if one recites this Sura, it will be incumbent upon the Almighty, the Praised One, to let him drink of the rivers of Paradise, and that doubt will never enter his mind with regard to his creed.


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has said the following about this Chapter: "Whoever reads it, Allah will make the agony of death easy for him," and also, "Whoever recites it quite often in his obligatory and optional prayers will receive an increase from Allah Ta'ala in his sustenance, and He will give him his book on his right hand and will try him with an easy trial."


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said, "On the Day of Judgment, each and every prophet will greet and be the companion of anyone who recites Surat Saba'." Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) has said that whoever recites both Hamd Chapters on the eve of a Friday will remain protected by Allah, and so will his wealth, during his day, and he will not suffer anything evil and will be granted of the best of the life of this world and the life hereafter, so much so that no heart can ever desire more no matter how hard to satisfy it may be.


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is cited as saying that one who recites Surat Taha will be granted rewards equivalent to what the Muhajirun and Ansar will be granted, that the people of Paradise recite only two chapters of the Holy Qur'an: Ya-Sin and Ta-Ha, and that Allah Almighty created both of these Chapters two thousand years before creating Adam (as). "Never cease reciting it," Imam al-Sadiq (as) used to say, "for Allah, the most Exalted One, loves it and loves those who recite it. Whoever recites it will be given his book (of reckoning) in his right hand, and he will not be asked about his deeds and will be granted of the rewards that with which he will be pleased."


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said, "Anyone who enters a cemetery and recites Surat Ya-Sin will have then decreased their [the dead's] suffering and will receive good deeds equalling the number of those buried therein." He (pbuh) has also said that in the Torah it is described as the Chapter that crowns the one who recites it with the best of the life of this world and the life hereafter, and it wards off from him the trials of this life and the torment of the life to come. Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) is quoted saying that whoever recites this Chapter seeking the Pleasure of Allah will be forgiven and will be granted of the rewards as though he had recited the entire text of the Holy Qur'an twelve times. He (as) has also said, "For everything there is a heart, and the heart of the Qur'an is Chapter Ya-Sin; so, whoever recites it during the day will be protected and sustained till the night."


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying that one who recites this chapter will be given ten good deeds for each and everyone who believed in prophet Younus (as) as well as for those who disbelieved in him and who were drowned with Pharaoh. Imam al-Sadiq (as) is quoted saying that whoever recites it once a month will not be among the ignorant ones and will instead be on the Day of Judgment among those near to the Almighty.


About this chapter, Imam al-Sadiq (as) is quoted as saying, "Let your slaves memorize it, for whoever teaches it to his slaves and those whose right hand possesses will die an easy death, and he will be empowered to the extent that he will envy no other Muslim at all." The Imam (as) is also quoted as saying that whoever recites it every day or every night will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment with beauty similar to that of Yousuf, peace be upon him, and he will not be affected by the great terror of the Day of Judgment and will be among the best of Allah's servants.
Jun 25, '10 10:10 AM
for everyone
Data Recovery Tools: Which One To Use? 

Data recovery tools are widely available so that you can successfully recover your own files. That's not just marketing talk: I've experienced it first-hand.

Just know that if you have accidentally erased an important file and thought it might be gone for good, a variety of data recovery tools are out there ready to recover your data.

If you have gone through the experience of needing data recovery tools before, you know how important it is to establish a system for backing up. That's my only lecture to you. You can now pass go to download data recovery tools. However if this is your first time, you first need to spend three more minutes to get an overview of what to do.

The recovery products dilemma

There are a number of different data recovery tools available right now to restore data are software programs. But there are so many different products available that finding just one or two can seem a little overwhelming. In an effort to make more money, lots of vendors will separate their software into several utilities to make more money. Often all this does is make a lot of consumers confused.

Use your own data recovery tools

This might seem obvious to you, but many computer users forget all about using the data recovery tools that are already available on their computers. The Trash Bin on your desktop may have a secondary copy that can be reused. Try searching for any copy throughout you entire computer through the search function.

Start with the Trash Bin. Click on the icon and begin searching through all of the trashed files. If you find what you need, double click the file and you will see the restore button. The Search function can help locate missing files. It is located in different places according to the operating system you are using.

At the bottom of the computer screen in Windows look for the magnifying glass within the start icon. When you open it, directions instructing you on how to proceed will appear to the left. It's been a while since I've done it for Mac but they have a pretty similar data recovery module.

Trying professional tools

After you have tried the above mentioned recovery options and still get no results, then it is time to move on professional data recovery tools. You may be glad to find out that there are some free data recovery tools available. However, many of these programs are not all that powerful, so you may need to try quite a few of them. Searching for these free programs can take some time too. So take this in to consideration.

If you want to get your data back quickly without trying out a bunch of different methods that may not work, start looking for data recovery tools online that have dollar signs next to them. The data recovery tools that cost are more powerful than free utilities. And all data recovery tools allow you to try them out first before purchasing, so that you can make sure they actually work.

All data recovery tools have limits. They cannot promise recovery 100 percent of the time, so there is a chance they may not work. Your next option is to contact an experienced data recovery company. A professional service is more expensive than using data recovery tools on your own, but they can get back your data.
Jun 24, '10 3:52 PM
for everyone
Blessed Money: Simplicity in Islam or Simplicity of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)
At the request of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) went to buy a shirt for him. Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) went to the market and bought a shirt for twelve Dirhams. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked.
"For how many Dirhams did you buy it?"
"For twelve Dirhams."
"I didn't like it, I want a cheaper one. Would the shopkeeper take it back?"
"I don't know, O Messenger of Allah (saw)."
"Please go and see if he agrees to take it back."

Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) took the shirt to the shopkeeper and said to him: "Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) wants a cheaper shirt; would you agree to take it back and give back the money?"
The shopkeeper agreed to do so and he gave the money back to Hadrat Ali Murtada (as). Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) took the money to Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). After this, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) went to the market together. While on the way, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) saw a slave girl, who was crying. He went to her and asked:
"Why are you crying?"
My master gave me four Dirhams to buy things from the market. I don't know where that money got lost. Now, I don't have the courage to go home.
Out of twelve Dirhams, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) gave four Dirhams to the slave girl and said: "Buy whatever you had to buy and go back home."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), himself, went to the market and after buying a shirt for four Dirhams, he put it on.
While coming back from the market, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) saw an undressed man. He (saw) quickly took off his shirt and gave it to him. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) again went to the shop and bought another shirt for four Dirhams. He put it on. On his way, he again saw the same slave girl, who was sitting scared and troubled. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked:
"Why didn't you go home?"
"O Messenger of Allah (saw), it's too late for me and I am scared that they might beat me and ask as to why I took so long."
"Tell me the address of your house and come with me, so that I might request that no one should say anything to you." Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) took the slave girl with him. As soon as they reached near the house, the slave girl said: "This is the house." With a loud voice, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
"My salaam to you, the inhabitants of this house."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) didn't get any reply; so he (saw) again said, Salaam. But still he got no reply. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said Salaam for the third time and then everyone replied saying: "Assalamu Alaikum ya Rasool Allah."
"Why didn't you people respond me for the first time? Did you not hear my voice?"
"Yes! After hearing your voice for the first time itself, we came to know that it was you."
"Then what was the reason for the delay in response?"
"O Messenger of Allah (saw), we loved to hear your voice (Salaam) again and again. Your Salaam is virtuous, peace and blessing for us."
"Your slave girl has taken long in coming back. Hence, I have come to request that you don't punish her."
"O the Messenger of Allah (saw)! By the blessing of your gracious coming over to our place, we have set this slave girl free." Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Thanks a million to Allah (SWT). How blessed these twelve Dirhams were; with which two undressed persons got dressed as well as a slave girl got free."
Distribution of Three Hundred Gold Coins by Hadrat Ali Murtada (as)
Ibn Abbas narrates: "Once, three hundred gold coins were gifted to Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) which he in turn gifted to the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (as). As Imam Ali (as) took them, he declared: "By Allah (SWT)! I shall surely give this amount in charity in a manner such that it shall be accepted by Allah (SWT)."
Later, Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) narrates: "That night, after having offered the Isha prayer, I picked up one hundred gold coins and came out of the mosque. As I did so, I happened to encounter a woman and so handed over the money to her." In the morning the people were found to be talking amongst themselves, saying: "Last night Imam Ali bin Abu Talib (as) gave a hundred gold coins in charity to an adulteress." I was greatly distressed to hear this.
The following night, after the Isha prayer, I picked up another hundred gold coins and came out of the mosque saying to myself: "By Allah (SWT)! Tonight I shall give this in charity such that Allah (SWT) shall accept this act from me. As I emerged from the mosque, I found myself face to face with a man and handed over the money to him." At daybreak the talk amongst the inhabitants of Madinah was: "Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) has given a hundred gold coins to a thief, and I became immensely despondent."
The third night I picked up another hundred gold coins and said to myself: "By Allah (SWT)! I shall surely give these hundred gold coins in charity to such a person, that Allah (SWT) shall accept my charity. After the Isha prayer, coming out of the mosque, I ran into a man and handed him the money. In the morning, the people of Madinah were found saying: "Last night Imam Ali bin Abu Talib (as) gave a hundred gold coins to a rich and wealthy person." I was extremely pained to hear this and so, approaching Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), I informed him of the incidents that had taken place.
Having heard me, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "O' Ali! Angel Gabriel (Jabra'il) says: "Allah (SWT), the Exalted, has accepted your charities and considers them to be pure. (As for) the hundred gold coins that you had given to the immoral lady on the first night - returning home she turned to Allah (SWT) in repentance over her past misdeeds and mended her ways. She has set aside the gold coins as her capital and is on the lookout for a husband.
The hundred gold coins of the second night had reached a thief who, upon reaching home, repented over his wrongdoings and utilized the amount for engaging in trade. The hundred gold coins of the third night had reached the hands of a wealthy person, who had not been paying his Zakat (Alms) for years. Reaching home he began to censure himself saying: "How lowly and base can you be? While you have been violating Allah's ruling and not been paying the obligatory Zakat for several years, Ali Ibn Abi Talib, despite not possessing anything, has given you a hundred gold coins." Having rebuked himself, he then calculated his unpaid Zakat of several years and disbursed it." It was due to this act on the part of Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) that Allah (SWT) revealed the following verse in his excellence: "Men whom neither merchandise nor selling diverts from the remembrance of Allah and the keeping up of prayer and the giving of poor-rate; they fear a day in which the hearts and eyes shall turn about." (Noble Qur'an, 24:37)
Jun 24, '10 3:39 PM
for everyone
Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) and Sustenance (Rizq): 
Lawfully (Halaal) or unlawfully (Haram)
Allah expands the sustenance for whomsoever He desires and straitens it for whomsoever He desires. (Noble Qur'an, 13:26)
One day Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) went to a Mosque (Masjid) to say his Prayers (Salat). Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) asked a man standing nearby to look after his Horse. When Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) came out, he had two dirhams in his hand which he (as) intended to give to that man as reward. But that man was nowhere to be seen. Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) came to the Horse and found that his rein was missing.
Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) went to the market to buy another rein. Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) went to a shop where he (as) found the exact rein that had gone missing. Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) recognized the rein as it was his own and asked the shopkeeper the price of that rein.
Shopkeeper: A man had just been to my shop and sold this rein to me for two dirhams. You can have it for the same price.
Hadrat Ali Murtada (as): Showing him the two dirhams that he was holding in his hands and said, "This man did me a favour of looking after my Horse. So, I decided to give him two dirhams in return. He could not wait to get this lawfully. Instead he robbed and sold it you. He still got the same amount of money and not a penny more! His anxiety did not increase his wages at all and made him a criminal into the bargain."
Sometimes people become so greedy that in order to obtain their sustenance, they would do anything. What they fail to understand is that Allah (SWT) has already destined their sustenance (Rizq). Now whether he earns it lawfully (Halaal) or unlawfully (Haram), begs or steals or gambles, he is not going to get anything more.
The only difference is that if you earn lawfully, you will have to give account to Allah (SWT) and if you earn it unlawfully, there is a punishment for it.
Amount received by Hadrat Ali Murtada (as): Miracle of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as)
It has been recorded in "Arbaeen" "Fazael-e-Shazaan" and "Tuhfatul Izhaar" the following incident related by Ibrahim Bin Mehram, who said: One of my neighbors in Kufa was a man named Abu Ja'far, who was very good-natured. Anytime a Sayyed would approach and request something from him, he would give. If they could pay, he would take the price of the things and if not, he would ask his servant to write: "This amount has been received by Hadrat Ali Murtada (as)."
He lived in such a manner till he found himself poor and destitute. He would sit in his house and open his book of accounts and if he found someone indebted to him, he would send someone to recover from that person. And when he would find the person to have died, he would draw a line over it.
During this period, once he was sitting near the door of his house examining that book, a Nasibi [enemy of Ahlul Bayt (as)] taunted him by saying: "What did your biggest creditor Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) do for you?" Abu Ja'far felt grieved and went inside the house.
That night, he saw in his dream, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), Imam Hasan (as) and Imam Hussain (as). The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked them "Where is your father?" Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) replied, "Here I am" and came from behind. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) asked: "What happened that you do not pay this man's dues? Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) replied. "O Messenger of Allah! This is his due which I've brought with me". The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Give it to him". Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) gave a pouch to Abu Ja'far. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Take it and do not deny anyone from his sons (Sayyed) who ask you something that you possess. Return such that destitution will not touch you again".
Abu Ja'far said: "I woke up such that the pouch was in my hand and I woke up my wife and asked her to light the lamps. I found 1000 Ashrafis (Gold Coins) in that pouch". My wife said: "Fear Allah, should poverty force you to deceive some traders and usurp their money". I said: "By Allah, the matter is such and such. When I opened my book of accounts I saw that the total amount that I had given on behalf of Hadrat Ali Murtada (as) was 1000 Ashrafis, neither less nor more".
Jun 24, '10 3:34 PM
for everyone
Name of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as)
At the time of the birth of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) his father Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib and his cousin, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), were out of Makkah, his mother Fatima bint Asad gave him the names of Asad and Haider; when his father Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib returned he called him Zayd. But when Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) came back to the city he gave him the name of Ali, saying that it was the name decreed for him from Allah (SWT).
Kunyah of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as)
Among various Kunyah (agnomen), the most famous were Abul Hasan, Abul Hasnayn and Abul Sibtain. Kunyah usually applied for a parent, it is the way of calling him or her by the name of his or her oldest son (such as saying "father of so-and-so" or "mother of so-and-so"), or it may be applied out of respect, a tradition usually followed in Arab countries, and it is applied as a prefix to one's name.
Alqaab (Titles) of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as)
Among various titles, the most famous were:
  • Al-Murtaza (Murtadha) - The Chosen one of Allah
  • Amir al-Muminin (Ameerul Momineen) - The Commander of the Faithful
  • Imamul Muttaqeen - The Guide of the Pious and God fearing people
  • Mozhar al-Ajaaib (Mazharul Ajaib) - The Manifest of wonders
  • Madeenatul Ilm - The Gateway of the City of Knowledge
  • Saiyyidul Ausiya - The Chief of deputies of the Holy Prophet
  • Imamul Auliya - The Guide of the Saints
  • Asadullahul Ghaleb - The Ever Triumphant Lion of Allah
  • Lisaanullah - The Tongue of Allah
  • Yadullah - The Hand of Allah
  • Wajhullah - The Face of Allah
  • Nafse Rasulullah - The Soul of the Holy Prophet
  • Valiullah - The Friend of Allah
  • Siddeequl Akbar - The Greatest Truthful
  • Farooqul Aazam - The Greatest Distinguisher (between the truth and the falsehood)
  • Abu Turab - The Father of the Soil/Earth
  • Faateh-e-Khaiber - The Conqueror of Khaiber
  • Abul Aimmah - The Father of the Holy Imams
  • Akhu Rasulullah - The Brother of the Holy Prophet
  • Abul Eetam - The Father of orphans and the helpless
  • Haidar-e-Karrar - The Charging Lion
  • Safdar - Piercing lines, fighter
Birth (Wiladat) of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) and Birthplace of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as)
The birth (Wiladat) of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) took place under unique circumstances inside the Holy Kaaba at Makkah on the 13thRajab (30th Amul Feel / Year of the Elephant) about 600 AD i.e. 23 years before Hijra(Migration).  The age of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) at the birth of Imam Ali (as) was almost 30 years. It is considered unique because no prophet or saint has ever been born in a Holy sanctuary. Fatima bint Asad, the expectant mother of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) was praying outside the Holy Kaaba when she suddenly felt the labor pains and prayed to Allah (SWT) saying "O Allah! I believe in You and in the messengers and the scriptures You have sent. I believe in what has been said by my grandfather, Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) who built the ancient house (Holy Kaaba). So, for the sake of the builder of this House, and for the sake of the child in my womb, I implore You to make my labor easy." Just then the wall of the Holy sanctuary opened miraculously. As she stepped in, the wall closed behind her. Shortly after that she gave birth to her baby.
The striking contrast behind Fatima Binte Asad, the mother of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) and the period of pregnancy and delivery and that of Maryam bint Imran, the mother of Prophet Isa/Jesus (as) are indeed very interesting. Yes, this one example shows us the greatness of Fatima bint Asad, her child and their lofty rank in the sight of Allah (SWT)!
The Noble Qur'an relates that when Mariam bint Imbran was facing the pains of labour, she first decided to retreat to the house of worship. She was however 'forced' out of there and was told that the House of God is not a place to deliver a child! Therefore, she turned towards the east and secluded herself in the desert to give birth. However, when we research the Ahadith, we see that when Fatima bint Asad was about to deliver and had gone to the Holy Kaaba to perform the Tawaf (circumambulate) and complain to Allah (SWT) about her pains and make supplication for ease, the Holy Kaaba actually split open, welcoming her inside! For a period of three days, she remained in this holy sanctuary, only coming out after the birth of her son, Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as)!
To understand the significance and importance of the place of birth of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as), it is essential to know a little of the history of the Holy Kaaba.
The first House of God was rebuilt and renovated at the command of Allah (SWT) by the Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) assisted by his worthy successor, his son Ishmael (Ismail), under the supervision and guidance of the angel Gabriel (Jibril).
The verses of the Noble Qur'an say:
And remember Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House (With this prayer): "Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: For Thou art the All-Hearing, the All-knowing. "Our Lord! Make of us Muslims, bowing to Thy (Will), and of our progeny a people Muslim, bowing to Thy (will); and show us our place for the celebration of (due) rites; and turn unto us (in Mercy); for Thou art the Oft-Returning, Most Merciful. (2:127-128)
And when We made the House a pilgrimage for men and a (place of) security, and: Appoint for yourselves a place of prayer on the standing-place of Abraham. And We enjoined Abraham and Ishmael saying: Purify My House for those who visit (it) and those who abide (in it) for devotion and those who bow down (and) those who prostrate themselves. (2:125)
These verses clearly depict the purpose of the Holy Kaaba, namely that it was to be a place of worship, that it was pure and sacred.
And it was to this sacred place, the Holy Kaaba, that Providence led Fatima bint Asad, the mother of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as). She felt weighed down by intense pain when Imam Ali was due to be born. She knelt to pray, and when she raised her head from her Prostration, the wall of the Holy Kaaba split as if by a miracle, to admit her within, and the portion of the wall returned to its normal position. The Holy Kaaba was sealed with Fatima bint Asad inside. Had it not been the Will of God, such a thing could never have happened. This crack is still there to this day on the wall of the Holy Kaaba.
Some people, including Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, Holy Prophet Muhammad's (saw) uncle witnessed this miracle, who had been near the Holy Kaaba and started telling other people. The news spread like wildfire all over Makkah. The keys of the Holy Kaaba were brought to unlock the door, but all efforts ended in failure.
On the fourth day of this happening, with awe, the wonderstruck crowds surrounding the Holy Kaaba witnessed the lock of the door falling of its own accord, and to their surprise, Fatima bint Asad emerged radiant from the sacred premises, cheerfully holding her newborn babe with his eyes close in her arms.
Yet another surprise awaited them that Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was waiting to receive her and her newly born child, because Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) had been away when all this happened. When Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) came back from his trip, went to the Holy Kaaba and the first face the little Imam Ali (as) saw in this world was the smiling face of the Holy Prophet of Islam whom he greeted thus:
"Assalamo alaika ya Rasoolallah" (Peace be upon thee O Prophet of Allah). Thus it is an undisputed fact that Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) was born a Muslim and his first words testified to the Prophethood of Muhammad (saw). Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) lovingly took him into his arms. Imam Ali's first bath after his birth was given by Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), with a prediction that this child would give him his last bath. This prophecy was fulfilled on the death of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). Then Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) recited the Adhan and Eqamah in the ears of the baby.
Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) accepted no other food than the moisture of Holy Prophet Muhammad's (saw) tongue, which he sucked for several days after his birth. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) fondled him in his lap in his infancy, and chewed his food and fed Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) on it. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) often made Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) sleep by his side, and Imam Ali (as) enjoyed the warmth of Holy Prophet Muhammad's (saw) body and inhaled the holy fragrance of his breath.
Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) has been described as having been found like a priceless pearl in the shell of the Holy Kaaba, or a sword in the sheath of Allah's House, or as a lamp found in Allah's Abode shedding Light all around.
The sanctified birth of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as), as that of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was foretold in the Scriptures, when God said to Abraham, who asked for a blessing on Ishmael; "And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold I have blessed him and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly, twelve princes shall be beget, and I will make him a great nation." (Genesis 17:20)
The felicitous Prophecy in Genesis 17:20 about the advent of a Prophet is said to point to the appearance of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and to Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) as the first of the twelve princes who are none other than the Twelve Imams.
Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb's (as) birth in the Holy Kaaba is unique, for this is the only known occasion on which a child was born within the precincts of the Holy place ever since its foundation thousands of years ago.
When the lovers of Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (as) go for Hajj and Umrah pilgrimade), they always remember his birth in the Holy Kaaba and whilst making the Tawaf (the Ritual Circling of the Holy Kaaba), they feel proud and happy that Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb's (as) name is linked with the House of God, and at every circuit they look towards the wall which had split in two to allow Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb's (as) mother to enter the Sacred Premises. This particular place is known as 'MUSTAJAR', and here a special ritual is highly recommended.
The entire body with the cheek and the stomach are to be brought into full contact with the wall and in this position; the worshipper with palms open should seek forgiveness and ask Allah (SWT) for his righteous desires and for the removal of difficulties. The following supplication should be recited: "Ya Allah! This House is your House and this person is your slave and this place (Mustajar) is that place from where forgiveness of sins and safety from the fire of Hell are obtained."
Jun 24, '10 12:57 PM
for everyone
Al Ameer (ruler)
RasoolAllah (saw) said,
“O’Ali (asws)! You are to Me as Hibbatullah was to Adam (as). Saam was to Nuh (as), Ishaq was to Ibrahim (as) and Haroon was to Musa (as) except there will be no prophet after Me.
O’Ali (asws)! You are My successor and My caliph. One who denies Your successorship and caliphate is not from Me and You. I will be his enemy on the Day of Judgment.
O’Ali (asws)! You are the greatest in My ummah. You are the most knowledgeable, most wise, most brave, and most generous.
O’Ali (asws)! You are Imam and Ameer after Me. You are the authority after Me. There is no one like You in My ummah.”

(Amali al Sudooq)
Awal min yakhasam (First who will stand on the day of judgement)
Qais bin Sa’ad bin Ibadah narrates I heard Ameerul Momineen (asws) saying;
“On the day of judgment I will be the first to stand and speak with Allah.”

(Amali ul Tulsi First Edition pg 83)

Jun 24, '10 12:44 PM
for everyone
Ayat hub al Rasool (saw)  (Sign of the Love of RasoolAllah (saw))
Amar asked RasoolAllah (saw), “What is the sign of Your love”?
RasoolAllah (saw) put His hand on the shoulder of Moula Ali (asws) and said, “His love. One who loves Ali (asws) loves Us. One who is the enemy of Ali (asws) is Our enemy”.

(Al Manaqib Second Edition pg 5)


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