Dua'a: For safety from robbers | for everyone |
Dua'a: For safety from robbers
According to Imam Mousa Kadhim (a.s) a person who is afraid of robbers and wild animals in a journey should write the following Dua’a on the back of the horse and by the order of the Almighty God he will be safe from their mischief.
Neither you are afraid of being caught nor scared of the result.
Dua’a after every prayer | for everyone |
Dua’a after every prayer
Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) says, “Whoever recites the following Dua’a thrice after finishing the prayerand without having moved. Allah will pardon all his sins even if these be as many as the foams of the sea.
I seek forgiveness of Allah who, there is no deity other than him, the Ever-Living the Self-Subsistent, the Glorious and the Gracious. I turn unto Him (repentant).
Source: duas.org
While leaving house for special work/object/purposes | for everyone |
While leaving house for special work/object/purposes
A reliable tradition from Hazrat Ali (a.s) states that when a person enters his house he should offer salutation and if his house is not present he should say:
May there be peace on us from our God.
When one has to go out for some special work then one should go on Thursday morning and recite those verses from Aale Imran which are given below, also recite Ayatal Kursi, Inna Anzalna and surae Alhmad. Those verses are:
Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alteration of the night and the day, there are signs for men who possess wisdom.
Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and reclining on their sides and think (Seriously) in the creation of the heaven and the earth saying ‘O’ Our Lord! Thou hast not created (all) this in vain! Glory be to Thee! Save us then from the torment of the (Hell) fire’.
O’ our lord! whomsoever Thou causeth to enter the (hell) fire, surely Thou hast put him to disgrace; there is not, for the unjust, any of the helpers.
O’ Our Lord! We have indeed heard the voice of a Crier (Messenger), calling (us) unto faith, saying, “Believe ye in your Lord!” therefore “Forgive us then our sins and remove away from us our evil deeds and cause us to die with the virtuous ones”.
O’ Our Lord! and give us what Thou didst promise us through Thy Prophets, and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection; Verily, Thou breakest not Thy Promise”. (Quran 3: 190-194).
For offering thanks for the bounties bestowed by Allah | for everyone |
For offering thanks for the bounties bestowed by Allah
He who recites the following Dua’a seven times daily, it is as if he has thanked for the past and future bounties.
Source: duas.org
Dua’a For forgiveness, protection from great sins and sawab | for everyone |
Dua’a For forgiveness, protection from great sins and sawab for reciting Qur’an twelve times
Muhammad Kulaini (r.a) and Ibne Babviyat (r.a) have through reliable sources reported from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) that that he who recites this dua"a ten times every day will be granted the reward equal to that of forty-five thousand good actions, forty-five thousand of his sins will be expunged from his record, his rank in paradise will be raised by forty-five thousand degrees and this Dua’a will serve as an invincible fortress for him against mischievous and wicked rulers. The recitation of this Dua’a will also save him from committing major sins. Another source report that the recitation hereof will secure for the reciter the reward of reciting the whole of the Qur’an twelve times and that a beautiful house will be erected for him in Paradise.
I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah. He is alone and without any partner. He is (the only) Deity, Single, Peerless and Independent. He neither took a wife nor begot any child.
Source: duas.org
Dua’a: Dua’a For protection of self and wealth | for everyone |
Dua’a: Dua’a For protection of self and wealth
Sheikh Kulaini (a.r) in his Book ‘Kafi’ mentions that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said whoever recites the first four Verses of Suratul Baqara, The Holy Quran (Surah 2, The Cow, verses1, 2, 3, 4), Ayatul Kursi and two Verses after it (Surah 2, The Cow, verses 255,256, 257) and the last three Verses of Suratul Baqara (Surah 2, The Cow, verses 284,285,286), will not experience anything abominable in his body and property. The Devil will not come near him and he will not forget the Qur’an.
Alif Lam Mim
This is the Book, there is no doubt in it, (being the word of God) (it is) a guidance for the pious, (ones).
Who believe in the unseen, and establish the prayers and of what We have provided them with, they give (in the way of their Lord).
And who believe in that which hath been sent down unto thee (O’ Our Prophet Mohammed) and that which hath been sent down (unto the other Prophets) before thee, and of the hereafter they are sure. (2: 1 to 4)
Source: duas.org
What is Life? | for everyone |
What is Life?
Life is Love; adore it
Life is a struggle; face it
Life is a challenge; accept it
Life is a duty; perform it
Life is a game; play it
Life is a mystery; solve it
Life is a journey; complete it
Life is a promise: fulfill it
Life is a treasure; preserve it
Life is sacred; guard it
Life is noble; aim for it
Life is short; make the most of it
Life is chaste; keep it that way
Life is mortal; immortalize it with good deeds
Life is wealth; invest it in sacrifice
Life is a jewel; adore it with piety
Life is full of meanings; try to understand it.
Life is eventful; adapt to it
Life is fast; do not run after it
Life is precious; save it
Life is blissful; thank God for it
Life is a study; learn it
Life is Allah’s; protect it
Life is a fortune; do not gamble with it
Life is clean; do not let it get dirty
Life is superficial only if you make it so
Life could be saved with patience and hard work
Courtesy:Razia (Rani) Agha
How to Heal Sore Lips? | for everyone |
How to Heal Sore Lips?
Cold sore, dry lips are a common problem in many people in the winter. It is typically characterized by small, red blisters on or near the lips. Cold sore is a viral infection, caused by exposure to herpes simplex virus type 1. People who have cold sore experience the discomfort and disgrace of having a cold sore. Generally, it takes 8 to 10 days for a cold sore to heal on its own without treatment, the fact remains that the duration can seem like a lifetime to sufferers. By employing a few prevention tips and treatment options, everyone can decrease the healing time, and even reduce the number of outbreaks.
Sore lips are annoying and painful outbreaks which take weeks to clear up. Number of things can trigger cold sore outbreaks including hormones, greasy foods, over exposure to the sun, stress, over exposure to wind and cold, and illness. According to some estimation, the level of HSV-1 infection in the general population is 70 to 80 percent, with the majority of these probably picked up in childhood from contact with infected adults. Cold sore virus forms painful blisters or the sores on your skin, mostly on your lips and only after this they are infectious. So, avoid contact with the fluid and sore until it is healed.
Cold Sore Facts:
Each year, approximately 40 million people are affected by cold sores. Usually, cold sores appear around the mouth and on the lips.
Factors that can activate cold sores or fever blisters:
Basically, a cold sore is the result of a compromised immune system. However, some factors can also activate cold sores.
* Fever
* Hormonal changes
* Refined sugars
* Stress
* Over exposure to sunlight
* Fatigue
* Infections (i.e. colds)
Symptoms of cold sore:
* Oozing of lesion
* Eruption of lesion
* Tingling discomfort or itching
* Lesion dries and forms a thin yellowish scab
* Redness and swelling
Treatments of cold sore:
Several treatment options are available for the cold sore sufferers including prescription medications and over the counter (OTC) topical treatments. In order to avoid prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs that may have unpleasant side effects, many people with cold sores look for natural treatments.
Prescription medications:
Those individuals for whom over-the-counter treatments do not effectively manage the pain and discomfort of the lip sore, medications are prescribed for cold sore. Medications which are prescribed by doctors may promote healing and may shorten the life of the cold sore by up to 12 hours. When treatment is implemented at the onset of an outbreak, these medications are most effective.
Over the counter topical treatments:
There are three classes of OTC medications for cold sore treatment.
The first category fundamentally provides pain relief by working to lighten the burning and itching related with mouth sores. Pain relief occurs with these medications as a result of the numbing features of ingredients such as phenol, lidocaine, benzyl alcohol and camphor.
The second class of OTC drugs works to inhibit growth of sores that are beginning to form, and also promote healing. This category of drugs has antibacterial properties that prevent further infections from occurring.
The third and last category of OTC cold sore treatments has preventive effect and it blocks the virus’ ability to create cold sores. These treatments are moneyed in antiviral ingredients such as zinc, phenol, tannic acid and lysine.
Home remedies:
Several home remedies or natural remedies have been recommended to be useful in the management of cold sores.
* Aloe Vera juice is extremely effective and can be consumed as a drink or rubbed directly onto the sores. Aloe vera has moisturizing effect on the affected area and it may soften scabs making them less susceptible to cracking and bleeding. It can be very useful when blisters are just starting to develop because it can help to prevent them from getting larger.
* Tea tree oil is another good herbal remedy as it has an antiviral property. It will also help to alleviate the itching that can be caused by blisters. For the application of tea tree oil, drip a few drops of teat tree oil on a cotton swab or ball and apply directly to the affected areas as soon as you feel the initial tingling and on the blisters themselves when they develop.
* Lemon balm has also antiviral properties. You can either use an ointment that contains it (to be applied directly to the sore) or drink an infusion or tea that contains the herb. Lemon balm ointments can be applied to blisters throughout the day. If you drink lemon balm tea you can also use the tea leaves as a poultice for the application to blisters for one to two hours.
* For the smoothening of wax, heat it under the double boiler. Continue stirring the wax and add 2 tsp. of raw honey in it. For sore lips, raw honey is one of the best ingredients due to its moisturizing property and it promotes healing and kills bacteria.
* Melt 4 Tbsp. of beeswax on the top portion of a double boiler with constant stirring. Heat the wax slowly and never heat wax in a microwave or regular pan, as it is potentially flammable if exposed to direct heat. Use beeswax pellets, or chop the beeswax into small pieces for best results before beginning your lip healing balm.
* Apply ice to the affected area for a few minutes several times each day. A warm compress made from a tea bag is often soothing to cold sore sufferers when used 30 minutes per day.
* Build a strong foundation by starting a good multi-vitamin and mineral regimen before you do anything else. Avoid the one or two per day rip-offs.
* Be sure that you take as much as 2000 milligrams of calcium daily. This will help to keep your body pH in the alkaline range. The herpes virus cannot get traction unless stress causes your body to go acid.
* You can also apply garlic oil to the cold sore area. Garlic is amazingly strong medicine against nearly any pathogen. It actually penetrates the skin in just minutes. Crushed fresh garlic is the best for use. Also, you can use garlic oil from capsules. For this, you have to just cut the end off of the capsule and apply.
* It is also advisable to eat a diet which is rich in fruits and vegetables as they contain key vitamins, iron, and zinc, important building blocks for a healthy immune system.
The herpes virus that causes cold sores is contagious. To control the spread of virus, several vital steps are necessary as follows:
* Do not share personal hygiene items.
* Exercise proper hand washing techniques.
* Avoid direct skin-to-skin contact of the affected area or saliva with others.
* At last, avoid picking at the sores as this makes not only an open environment for bacterial infection, but also a means of transmitting the virus to other areas of the body including the eyes, nose, chin, and fingers.
Prevention of Cold Sores:
Prevention is better than cure. Here is some tips by which you can prevent the spread or outbreak of cold sores.
* Apply a moisturizing lip balm with UV protection when outdoors to protect against sun, wind, and dry cold air.
* Avoid coffee because some consider it can raise the frequency of cold sore outbreaks.
* Avoid sharing food, utensils, etc.
* Avoid touching the blisters or sores and definitely do not pinch, pick, or squeeze them.
* Infected individuals should wash their hands frequently to limit the chances of the virus being passed on to others. This is especially important if the sore is touched.
* Avoid the triggers that may be responsible for outbreaks such as stress, fatigue, facial sunburn, exposure to cold weather, and exposure to dry air environments.
* Do not use cosmetics on the affected areas because they may infuriate the cold sores.
* Acidic and salty foods will infuriate the sores and cause more pain. It is best not to consume these foods during an outbreak.
* Individuals with cold sore symptoms should keep away from other individuals to avoid spreading the virus. Skin contact activities such as kissing should be prohibited.
Cold sore, dry lips are a common problem in many people in the winter. It is typically characterized by small, red blisters on or near the lips. Cold sore is a viral infection, caused by exposure to herpes simplex virus type 1. People who have cold sore experience the discomfort and disgrace of having a cold sore. Generally, it takes 8 to 10 days for a cold sore to heal on its own without treatment, the fact remains that the duration can seem like a lifetime to sufferers. By employing a few prevention tips and treatment options, everyone can decrease the healing time, and even reduce the number of outbreaks.
Sore lips are annoying and painful outbreaks which take weeks to clear up. Number of things can trigger cold sore outbreaks including hormones, greasy foods, over exposure to the sun, stress, over exposure to wind and cold, and illness. According to some estimation, the level of HSV-1 infection in the general population is 70 to 80 percent, with the majority of these probably picked up in childhood from contact with infected adults. Cold sore virus forms painful blisters or the sores on your skin, mostly on your lips and only after this they are infectious. So, avoid contact with the fluid and sore until it is healed.
Cold Sore Facts:
Each year, approximately 40 million people are affected by cold sores. Usually, cold sores appear around the mouth and on the lips.
Factors that can activate cold sores or fever blisters:
Basically, a cold sore is the result of a compromised immune system. However, some factors can also activate cold sores.
* Fever
* Hormonal changes
* Refined sugars
* Stress
* Over exposure to sunlight
* Fatigue
* Infections (i.e. colds)
Symptoms of cold sore:
* Oozing of lesion
* Eruption of lesion
* Tingling discomfort or itching
* Lesion dries and forms a thin yellowish scab
* Redness and swelling
Treatments of cold sore:
Several treatment options are available for the cold sore sufferers including prescription medications and over the counter (OTC) topical treatments. In order to avoid prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs that may have unpleasant side effects, many people with cold sores look for natural treatments.
Prescription medications:
Those individuals for whom over-the-counter treatments do not effectively manage the pain and discomfort of the lip sore, medications are prescribed for cold sore. Medications which are prescribed by doctors may promote healing and may shorten the life of the cold sore by up to 12 hours. When treatment is implemented at the onset of an outbreak, these medications are most effective.
Over the counter topical treatments:
There are three classes of OTC medications for cold sore treatment.
The first category fundamentally provides pain relief by working to lighten the burning and itching related with mouth sores. Pain relief occurs with these medications as a result of the numbing features of ingredients such as phenol, lidocaine, benzyl alcohol and camphor.
The second class of OTC drugs works to inhibit growth of sores that are beginning to form, and also promote healing. This category of drugs has antibacterial properties that prevent further infections from occurring.
The third and last category of OTC cold sore treatments has preventive effect and it blocks the virus’ ability to create cold sores. These treatments are moneyed in antiviral ingredients such as zinc, phenol, tannic acid and lysine.
Home remedies:
Several home remedies or natural remedies have been recommended to be useful in the management of cold sores.
* Aloe Vera juice is extremely effective and can be consumed as a drink or rubbed directly onto the sores. Aloe vera has moisturizing effect on the affected area and it may soften scabs making them less susceptible to cracking and bleeding. It can be very useful when blisters are just starting to develop because it can help to prevent them from getting larger.
* Tea tree oil is another good herbal remedy as it has an antiviral property. It will also help to alleviate the itching that can be caused by blisters. For the application of tea tree oil, drip a few drops of teat tree oil on a cotton swab or ball and apply directly to the affected areas as soon as you feel the initial tingling and on the blisters themselves when they develop.
* Lemon balm has also antiviral properties. You can either use an ointment that contains it (to be applied directly to the sore) or drink an infusion or tea that contains the herb. Lemon balm ointments can be applied to blisters throughout the day. If you drink lemon balm tea you can also use the tea leaves as a poultice for the application to blisters for one to two hours.
* For the smoothening of wax, heat it under the double boiler. Continue stirring the wax and add 2 tsp. of raw honey in it. For sore lips, raw honey is one of the best ingredients due to its moisturizing property and it promotes healing and kills bacteria.
* Melt 4 Tbsp. of beeswax on the top portion of a double boiler with constant stirring. Heat the wax slowly and never heat wax in a microwave or regular pan, as it is potentially flammable if exposed to direct heat. Use beeswax pellets, or chop the beeswax into small pieces for best results before beginning your lip healing balm.
* Apply ice to the affected area for a few minutes several times each day. A warm compress made from a tea bag is often soothing to cold sore sufferers when used 30 minutes per day.
* Build a strong foundation by starting a good multi-vitamin and mineral regimen before you do anything else. Avoid the one or two per day rip-offs.
* Be sure that you take as much as 2000 milligrams of calcium daily. This will help to keep your body pH in the alkaline range. The herpes virus cannot get traction unless stress causes your body to go acid.
* You can also apply garlic oil to the cold sore area. Garlic is amazingly strong medicine against nearly any pathogen. It actually penetrates the skin in just minutes. Crushed fresh garlic is the best for use. Also, you can use garlic oil from capsules. For this, you have to just cut the end off of the capsule and apply.
* It is also advisable to eat a diet which is rich in fruits and vegetables as they contain key vitamins, iron, and zinc, important building blocks for a healthy immune system.
The herpes virus that causes cold sores is contagious. To control the spread of virus, several vital steps are necessary as follows:
* Do not share personal hygiene items.
* Exercise proper hand washing techniques.
* Avoid direct skin-to-skin contact of the affected area or saliva with others.
* At last, avoid picking at the sores as this makes not only an open environment for bacterial infection, but also a means of transmitting the virus to other areas of the body including the eyes, nose, chin, and fingers.
Prevention of Cold Sores:
Prevention is better than cure. Here is some tips by which you can prevent the spread or outbreak of cold sores.
* Apply a moisturizing lip balm with UV protection when outdoors to protect against sun, wind, and dry cold air.
* Avoid coffee because some consider it can raise the frequency of cold sore outbreaks.
* Avoid sharing food, utensils, etc.
* Avoid touching the blisters or sores and definitely do not pinch, pick, or squeeze them.
* Infected individuals should wash their hands frequently to limit the chances of the virus being passed on to others. This is especially important if the sore is touched.
* Avoid the triggers that may be responsible for outbreaks such as stress, fatigue, facial sunburn, exposure to cold weather, and exposure to dry air environments.
* Do not use cosmetics on the affected areas because they may infuriate the cold sores.
* Acidic and salty foods will infuriate the sores and cause more pain. It is best not to consume these foods during an outbreak.
* Individuals with cold sore symptoms should keep away from other individuals to avoid spreading the virus. Skin contact activities such as kissing should be prohibited.
Real Pics of Bibi Fatima House (In Medina Munawara) | for everyone |
YOUR KEY TO PROSPERITY | for everyone |
The Key to Prosperity
I. Introduction
The word "prosperity" has been defined in the Webster's dictionary as follows:
* The condition of being prosperous and having good fortune or financial success.
The word "prosperous" has been defined as:
* Having success, flourishing, well to do, and well off.
The Islamic way of life and the Islamic life-style are indeed the key to prosperity in this world and in the hereafter. The Islamic way of life is a way through which a person can live his daily life with happiness, peace, tranquility, and success in this world and in the hereafter.
Moreover, prosperity is for the individual in as much as it is for the family, the local society, other societies, government, and other governments as well.
II. Prosperity in the Qur'an
Islam has encouraged every person to strive well in order to be successful in this world and in the hereafter. The Qur'an speaks about "successful people" forty (40) times. The Qur'an talks about Al-Muflihoon by specifying their obligations, their actions, their deeds, and their good intentions. In Surah Al-Muminoon (Chapter of The Believers), Allah says the following:
"Successful indeed are the believers, who are humble in their prayers; and who keep aloof from what is vain;
And who are givers of poor-rate; and who guard their private parts, except before their mates or those whom their hands possess, for they surely are not blame able,
but whoever seeks to go beyond that, these are they that exceed the limits; and those who are keepers of their trusts and their covenants; and those who keep a guard on their prayers; these are they who are the heirs, who shall inherit the Paradise; they shall abide therein."
While in Surah Al-Baqara, Allah has explained more about the factors that make people prosperous and successful. The following are the starting verses of the Chapter:
"Alif Lam Mim.
This Book, there is no doubt in it, is a guidance to those who guard (against evil); those who believe in the unseen and keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them;
And who believe in that which was revealed before you and they are sure of the Hereafter; these are on a right course from their Lord and these it is that shall be successful." (2:1-5)
By going through these Verses of the Qur'an, one is able to identify certain activities, deeds and actions that lead to prosperity and success in this world and the Hereafter. They are:
1. Performing Prayer (Salat) with Pleasure
2. Paying charity
3. Belief in the Unseen
4. Belief in what Prophet Muhammad (SAW) received (the Qur'an)
5. Belief in what the previous Prophets received (Revelations)
6. Belief in the Day of Judgement
7. Refraining from meaningless conversations
8. Refraining from the haram: alcohol, gambling, etc.
9. Refraining from indulging in magic
10. Preserving morality, practicing modesty and chastity
11. Fulfilling on promises
12. Taking care of the trust given to them
13. Exercising patience at all times
14. Having Taqwa
15. Jihad for the love of Allah
16. Doing good and helping others
17. Performing Salat-e-Taubah
18. Speaking the truth and refraining from lies
19. Remembrance of Allah daily
20. Inviting people to the teachings of Allah
21. Instructing people to refrain from doing haram (Forbidden Acts)
22. Being a member of the Party of Allah (Hizbullah)
23. Abstaining from being stingy and miserly
24. Reciting and listening to the Qur'an daily
25. Abstaining from Zulm and Zaalimoon, that is, those who inflict injustice and harm to others
III. Prosperity / Success in the Hereafter
The most important task in an individual's life is to do something in this world so as to acquire success for the Hereafter. The following is a partial list of activities, deeds, actions and services that one can to do in order to be among the successful people on the Day of Judgment:
1. Good intention
2. Honesty and sincerity for the love of Allah
3. To do good for others
4. To be among the first in doing good
5. Sadaqa and charity
6. Sharing useful knowledge with others
7. Taking care of orphans
8. Preparing one to leave this world and to go to Allah
9. Trying to enlighten one's own grave before going there
10. Visiting cemeteries, hospitals, prisons, and refugee camps
11. Raising children properly, so as to make "Du'a Maghfirah" after
12. To be among the seven categories of people that Allah will take care of, and provide shade during the Day of Assembly and the Day of Judgment. These people are:
a) An Imam who is fairs and just
b) A person who lives with the obedience of Allah
c) A person who loves to visit mosques daily
d) A person who spends money so that his right hands doesn't allow the left hand to know how many doe he spends
e) When a beautiful woman with a high position invites a person to go astray, he refuses because he obeys in Allah
f) Two people, who get to know one another, become good friends and remain such, even after they depart to different parts of the world
g) A person who remembers Allah privately, and tears flow upon his face
IV. Extra Bonus
Those who wish to earn more rewards and blessings from Allah can do some extra activities, services, and sacrifices. Such groups of people will be given extra bonuses from Allah in this world and in the Hereafter. Their credits of rewards will be much more than others. Their lives should be devoted for the love of Allah, and theSunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Some of these activities would be as the followings:
1. Praying Salat Tahajjud
2. Praying Salat Haajah
3. Praying Salat Istikharah
4. Praying extra Salat such as Sunnat al-Wadoo, Sunnat Tahiyat al-Masjid, and Salat Tasbeeh, etc.
5. Fasting the extra days outside the month of Ramadan such as: Mondays, Thursdays, Day of Arafa, few days in Dhu al Hijja, and Rajab and Sha'ban.
6. To analyze daily before going to sleep so as to make sure to be better day by day
7. To ask for forgiveness from Allah, and to ask for His guidance on a daily basis
8. To read Ayatul-Kursi and the two Surahs of Qul-Aadhu before going to sleep
9. To deny yourself in order to contribute to those who are less fortunate than you
10. One has to have a pleasing personality, character, a smiling face, and amicable relations with others
11. There are many more activities that one may have to perform or avoid, in order to earn the Mercy and Blessings of Allah. The more a person is close to Allah, the more will he guide him
V. Final Remarks
As a final statement in this paper, it is better to quote the Qur'an about the winners and the successful people in this world and in the Hereafter. Almighty Allah says in Surah Luqman the following:
"Alif Lam Mim. These are verses of the Wise Book - a Guide and a Mercy to the doers of Good - those who establish regular prayers, and give regular charity, and have in their hearts the assurance of the Hereafter. These are on true guidance from their Lord; and these are the ones who will prosper. (31:1-5)
The Relation of Soul with Grave Is Very Close | for everyone |
The Relation of Soul with Grave Is Very Close
If you ask when souls live in allegorical bodies in Vaadiyus Salaam, why we have been asked to visit graves (for reciting Fatihaa and prayers)? And how do the souls understand that a visitor has arrived when they are not present in the graves? The reply is that it has been narrated form Imam Sadiq (a.s) that though the souls live in Waadiyus Salaam, their relations with graves remain intact and they know about the visitor and they recognize them. The Holy Imam has said that souls are like sun. The sun remains in the sky its rays cover the whole earth. Likewise, the souls covering or encirclement is Ilmi (concerned with knowledge and comprehension).
Reflection of Sunrays in a Mirror
Just as the appearance and reflection is relatively much more at a mirror the attention of souls and their covering is more at their graves. It is so because the soul had lived in those bodies for several years and gained much favors due to them. That is why they will focus their attention there. This also provides an answer to the one who asks as to why we should go to grave when the Imam is present at every place and thus, there is no difference in one place and the other.
Doubtlessly the graves of Holy Imams and religious leaders are the centers of the attention of Holy souls and the places where divine favors keep raining. Angels come and go there.
So, if anybody wants to get full benefit from those Holy personalities he should never give up visiting the Holy shrines and must try their best to go there.
Why No Reward Or Punishment Is Given To This Earthen Body?
Some people raise here a weak doubt and say: The soul after one’s death gets connected with a fine body called allegorical body which is just like this earthen body, as has been described earlier, and also sees (tastes) reward or torture with the same allegorical body. Now here arises a question: When man had worshipped God in this earthen body how reward is given to the other body? Or man had committed sins in the material body which has been disintegrated now after death then how is it that the punishment is meted out to the other body? There can be several answers to this question.
Every Soul Has Two Kinds of Bodies
As Alameh Majlisi (r.a) has written, allegorical body is not any outward thing which may be brought near the grave after one’s death and then, for example, it may be said to it: O soul! Now live in this body.
Rather, an allegorical body is a fine body which lives even now in this world living with man’s earthly body.
Every soul has two bodies: A fine (thin) body and a tough foul body. Man has prayed and sinned in both these bodies. This matter must be well understood. So we are giving the example of a dream. During a dream, these two bodies get separated. What a man sees in his dream is the behavior or deed of this allegorical body which walks, talks etc. Within twinkling of eye man reaches Karbala-e-Moalla, Holy Mashad, tours from east to west. This shows that the allegorical body remains with man always but after death; it separates from the material earthen body. This statement of Majlisi (r.a) is the much studied one. There also is many more witness.
Anyhow, It Is the Soul Which Gets Either Punishment or Reward
Another answers it that, after death, human soul turns into the same earthen form of body. It does not get connected with any outside body. Rather the soul takes up the form of material body. Now, you may call it an allegorical body or Barzakhi body or soul/spirit. But, as it is fine, elemental or material eyes cannot see it. Summarily speaking, it was only the soul/spirit which had committed sins in the world and hence it is only the soul/spirit is being punishment after death. Now, it may be chastised either by getting it connected with the allegorical (Misaale) body or it may be getting punishment absolutely by itself, constantly. Of course, on the Day of Judgment, all will rise and gather only in this very worldly and material body form.
By: Ayatullah Shaheed Seyyed Abdul Hussein Dastghaib
Ingredients: 4 Servings
• 500 grams lean ground lamb or beef
• 500 grams small potatoes
• 3-4 medium eggs
• 2-3 medium onions
• 2 spoons chopped parsley
• one cup bread crumbs
• Cooking oil
• Salt & Black pepper
Boil potatoes for 15-20 minutes over high heat until they soften, then peel and mash them. Peel and grate onions. Add to potatoes with eggs, salt, black pepper, parsley, and meat. Mix well until the mix is quite even.
Remove balls from the mix about 4-5 cm in diameter. Spread bread crumbs on a flat surface. Roll each ball in bread crumbs until it is fully covered. Shape the ball into an ellipse with a thickness of 1 cm.
Heat up cooking oil in a frying pan. Fry each Kotlet over medium heat on both sides until golden. Serve with parsley, sliced tomatoes, and flat bread.
MAHE RAJAB - A GREAT MONTH OF ALLAH (S.T.) | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said:
“Rajab is a great month of Allah, unmatched by any other month in the respect and significance (accorded to it); war with the infidels during this month is prohibited; Verily, Rajab is Allah’s month, Sha’aban my month and Ramadan the month of my Ummah; whosoever fasts a day in the month of Rajab will be granted the great reward of Ridwan (an angel in heaven); the wrath of Allah shall be distanced and a door of the Hell shall be closed.”
TRY SOLVE THIS........................... | for everyone |
Date: Sat 27 Jun 2010 08:46:49 -0400
POSTBOX (he he he he... )
Here Are Some Medications For Diabetes | for everyone |
Here Are Some Medications For Diabetes
Diabetes is a very serious problem which continues throughout the life. There are many different types of medications available to treat diabetes
Each type of medicine has its own way of working. Often, two or more types of medications are combined to get the best effect with fewest side-effects. Here are a few medications which are used for the treatment of diabetes:
1) Sulfonylureas: These drugs stimulate pancreas to make more insulin.
2) Biguanides: It decreases the amount of glucose produced by your liver.
3) Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors: These agents slower down the absorption of the starches that you eat which slows down the production of glucose.
4) Thiazolidinediones: These agents enhance your sensitivity to insulin.
5) Meglitinides: These drugs also stimulate pancreas to make more insulin.
6) D-phenylalanine derivatives: These agents stimulate the production of insulin more quickly.
7) Amylin synthetic derivatives: Amylin is a naturally occurring hormone which is secreted by the pancreas along with insulin. An amylin derivative is prescribed when blood sugar control is not achieved despite optimal insulin therapy. As a subcutaneous injection, pramlintide is administered along with insulin. It helps achieve lower blood sugar levels after meals. It also reduces the fluctuation of blood sugar levels throughout the day, and improves hemoglobin A1C levels.
8) Incretin mimetics: Incretin mimetics work by promoting insulin secretion by the pancreas. Exenatide (Byetta) is an approved medicine which is prescribed for diabetes mellitus type 2, when other agents such as metformin or sulfonylurea alone fail to gain control over blood sugar level.
9) Insulins: In the United States, human insulin is the only type of insulin which is available. It is better than animal-derived varieties of insulin. It causes less allergic reactions. Some of the rapid-acting insulins include Insulin glulisine (Apidra), Inhaled insulin (Exubera), Regular insulin (Humulin R, Novolin R), and Insulin lispro (Humalog). Names of some of the Intermediate-acting insulins are- Isophane insulin, neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH), and Insulin zinc (Lente). Whereas, some of the long-acting insulins are- Insulin detemir (Levemir), Extended insulin zinc insulin (Ultralente), and Insulin glargine (Lantus).
Article Source: diabitieslife.com
Diabetes is a very serious problem which continues throughout the life. There are many different types of medications available to treat diabetes
Each type of medicine has its own way of working. Often, two or more types of medications are combined to get the best effect with fewest side-effects. Here are a few medications which are used for the treatment of diabetes:
1) Sulfonylureas: These drugs stimulate pancreas to make more insulin.
2) Biguanides: It decreases the amount of glucose produced by your liver.
3) Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors: These agents slower down the absorption of the starches that you eat which slows down the production of glucose.
4) Thiazolidinediones: These agents enhance your sensitivity to insulin.
5) Meglitinides: These drugs also stimulate pancreas to make more insulin.
6) D-phenylalanine derivatives: These agents stimulate the production of insulin more quickly.
7) Amylin synthetic derivatives: Amylin is a naturally occurring hormone which is secreted by the pancreas along with insulin. An amylin derivative is prescribed when blood sugar control is not achieved despite optimal insulin therapy. As a subcutaneous injection, pramlintide is administered along with insulin. It helps achieve lower blood sugar levels after meals. It also reduces the fluctuation of blood sugar levels throughout the day, and improves hemoglobin A1C levels.
8) Incretin mimetics: Incretin mimetics work by promoting insulin secretion by the pancreas. Exenatide (Byetta) is an approved medicine which is prescribed for diabetes mellitus type 2, when other agents such as metformin or sulfonylurea alone fail to gain control over blood sugar level.
9) Insulins: In the United States, human insulin is the only type of insulin which is available. It is better than animal-derived varieties of insulin. It causes less allergic reactions. Some of the rapid-acting insulins include Insulin glulisine (Apidra), Inhaled insulin (Exubera), Regular insulin (Humulin R, Novolin R), and Insulin lispro (Humalog). Names of some of the Intermediate-acting insulins are- Isophane insulin, neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH), and Insulin zinc (Lente). Whereas, some of the long-acting insulins are- Insulin detemir (Levemir), Extended insulin zinc insulin (Ultralente), and Insulin glargine (Lantus).
Article Source: diabitieslife.com
Dressing For Success At Your Job Interview | for everyone |
Dressing For Success At Your Job Interview
Have you got a job interview coming up and you're not quite sure what to wear?
Here are some tips to help you achieve a professional, polished look.
Stay Away From Scents:
Many offices now have a scent-free policy prohibiting workers and even visitors from wearing perfumes, colognes, and very odorous deodorants. Even if they don't, you should refrain from wearing scents when interviewing. This goes for men and women. Many people are irritated by odours and others might have mental associations with certain odours. A perfume can quickly remind them of someone they dislike. You want to be a blank slate, where only what you have to say, your experience, and your skills do the talking for you.
Dress Comfortably:
You don't want to look uncomfortable and ill at ease in what you're wearing. That being said, you should have a polished professional look. You've heard the expression "Dress for the job you want to do." You should go one step further. You should dress for the job that you want, but a touch more dressy. A good standard for a management job interview is a nice traditional dark suit, with a clean, pressed dress shirt and co-ordinating tie. Remember to wear comfortable dress shoes with dark dress socks. If you don't wear suits often, try on your outfit a few days in advance to make sure everything still fits from the last time you wore it.
For women, the same standard applies. Remember that you want to project a professional image. A good standard to go by is a nice fitted suit jacket in a neutral color like navy with either matching pants or skirt with an unfussy neutral blouse. Your shoes should be classic and just blend into your outfit. Don't forget plain pantyhose.
It's important to be comfortable as this helps you look confident and successful.
Don't Stick Out:
Interviews aren't usually the time to make a loud, personal fashion statement. Of course, you can certainly inject your own flair and style into your outfit. And for some job interviews in the creative fields, flair is a great thing. But make sure it isn't inappropriate. Get a friend's advice if you aren't sure. Sometimes we get used to wearing a certain style and we don't realize that perhaps, the trend has passed. It's important to stick with the basics and to be professional. The whole point of the interview is to get across how qualified you are, how your skills will be a great fit for the company you are applying for. Don't give them anything to remember you by but your content.
When interviewing, wear clothes that are or appear new. Women shouldn't wear clothes that show cleavage, skirts that are cut too short, see-through tops, or very high-heeled shoes.
Of course, we want to look our best at an interview. Women should refrain from wearing loud makeup. Everything should blend in nicely and your makeup should not be so dramatic that it distracts your interviewer.
Remember to look and smell nice to be around. Enough said.
Have you got a job interview coming up and you're not quite sure what to wear?
Here are some tips to help you achieve a professional, polished look.
Stay Away From Scents:
Many offices now have a scent-free policy prohibiting workers and even visitors from wearing perfumes, colognes, and very odorous deodorants. Even if they don't, you should refrain from wearing scents when interviewing. This goes for men and women. Many people are irritated by odours and others might have mental associations with certain odours. A perfume can quickly remind them of someone they dislike. You want to be a blank slate, where only what you have to say, your experience, and your skills do the talking for you.
Dress Comfortably:
You don't want to look uncomfortable and ill at ease in what you're wearing. That being said, you should have a polished professional look. You've heard the expression "Dress for the job you want to do." You should go one step further. You should dress for the job that you want, but a touch more dressy. A good standard for a management job interview is a nice traditional dark suit, with a clean, pressed dress shirt and co-ordinating tie. Remember to wear comfortable dress shoes with dark dress socks. If you don't wear suits often, try on your outfit a few days in advance to make sure everything still fits from the last time you wore it.
For women, the same standard applies. Remember that you want to project a professional image. A good standard to go by is a nice fitted suit jacket in a neutral color like navy with either matching pants or skirt with an unfussy neutral blouse. Your shoes should be classic and just blend into your outfit. Don't forget plain pantyhose.
It's important to be comfortable as this helps you look confident and successful.
Don't Stick Out:
Interviews aren't usually the time to make a loud, personal fashion statement. Of course, you can certainly inject your own flair and style into your outfit. And for some job interviews in the creative fields, flair is a great thing. But make sure it isn't inappropriate. Get a friend's advice if you aren't sure. Sometimes we get used to wearing a certain style and we don't realize that perhaps, the trend has passed. It's important to stick with the basics and to be professional. The whole point of the interview is to get across how qualified you are, how your skills will be a great fit for the company you are applying for. Don't give them anything to remember you by but your content.
When interviewing, wear clothes that are or appear new. Women shouldn't wear clothes that show cleavage, skirts that are cut too short, see-through tops, or very high-heeled shoes.
Of course, we want to look our best at an interview. Women should refrain from wearing loud makeup. Everything should blend in nicely and your makeup should not be so dramatic that it distracts your interviewer.
Remember to look and smell nice to be around. Enough said.
How should parents encourage their child to eat? | for everyone |
How should parents encourage their child to eat?
We all know that a healthy, varied diet is important for our child's growing needs. But what should you do if your child turns up his nose at just about everything.
Offer your child a wide variety of foods, he will get a balanced diet. It is better for him to eat something that he likes even if you disapprove of it than to eat nothing at all.
If your child refuses to eat fruits and vegetables, try to make them more tempting or more fun, but do not camouflage a detested food by mixing it with something else. The child should eat because he wants to and for no other reason. Encourage your child to feed himself.
- Serve food that is fresh and presented in an attractive way.
- Create a mealtime that is pleasant and relaxed.
- Talk about food; this may encourage a child to eat. Whenever possible, allow children to choose from one or two items on the menu (for example, a choice of peas or carrots for vegetables).
- Give your child the same food you eat.
You should be careful that the child is not overweight. Overweight kids are more likely to remain heavy as adults. This can lead to any number of health problems.
Your child should eat a more balanced diet. Start by setting a good example. If other members of your family commonly eats lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products, your kids will learn to eat a good diet. Kids tend to copy their parents, so if you eat well, they are more likely to eat well too. Do not get angry and do not panic if the child refuses to eat. If you are concerned about your child's dietary intake, talk to your doctor or a dietician. Put less on your child's plate and praise your child for eating even a little. Try to make meals enjoyable and not just about eating. Limit snacks and drinks between meals. Drinking too much liquid can lessen your child's appetite. This will help ensure that your child is hungry enough to eat solid foods. Do not overfeed. Obesity in children is rarely recognised by parents and is a major health problem.
Children's tastes change. One day they will hate something and a month later they'll love it. Fussy eaters are often slow eaters who dawdle over their plate. It is pointless trying to hurry them. Do not lose your cool at dinner. Simply remove the uneaten food.
If you find that these techniques are not working, there are people who can help. A registered dietician who specialises in children's nutritional needs can assess your situation and provide strategies for dealing with a picky eater.
We all know that a healthy, varied diet is important for our child's growing needs. But what should you do if your child turns up his nose at just about everything.
Offer your child a wide variety of foods, he will get a balanced diet. It is better for him to eat something that he likes even if you disapprove of it than to eat nothing at all.
If your child refuses to eat fruits and vegetables, try to make them more tempting or more fun, but do not camouflage a detested food by mixing it with something else. The child should eat because he wants to and for no other reason. Encourage your child to feed himself.
- Serve food that is fresh and presented in an attractive way.
- Create a mealtime that is pleasant and relaxed.
- Talk about food; this may encourage a child to eat. Whenever possible, allow children to choose from one or two items on the menu (for example, a choice of peas or carrots for vegetables).
- Give your child the same food you eat.
You should be careful that the child is not overweight. Overweight kids are more likely to remain heavy as adults. This can lead to any number of health problems.
Your child should eat a more balanced diet. Start by setting a good example. If other members of your family commonly eats lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products, your kids will learn to eat a good diet. Kids tend to copy their parents, so if you eat well, they are more likely to eat well too. Do not get angry and do not panic if the child refuses to eat. If you are concerned about your child's dietary intake, talk to your doctor or a dietician. Put less on your child's plate and praise your child for eating even a little. Try to make meals enjoyable and not just about eating. Limit snacks and drinks between meals. Drinking too much liquid can lessen your child's appetite. This will help ensure that your child is hungry enough to eat solid foods. Do not overfeed. Obesity in children is rarely recognised by parents and is a major health problem.
Children's tastes change. One day they will hate something and a month later they'll love it. Fussy eaters are often slow eaters who dawdle over their plate. It is pointless trying to hurry them. Do not lose your cool at dinner. Simply remove the uneaten food.
If you find that these techniques are not working, there are people who can help. A registered dietician who specialises in children's nutritional needs can assess your situation and provide strategies for dealing with a picky eater.
All The Best Practice and Good Practice | for everyone |
Best Practice and Good Practice
To do or perform habitually or customarily; make a habit of: practices courtesy in social situations.
To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill: practice a dance step.
To give lessons or repeated instructions to; drill: practiced the students in handwriting.
To carry out in action; observe:
Definition - Good
Being positive or desirable in nature; not bad or poor: a good experience;
Having the qualities that are desirable or distinguishing in a particular thing
Serving the desired purpose or end;
Superior to the average
Definition - Best
Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality; most excellent: the best performer
Most satisfactory, suitable, or useful; most desirable: the best solution
Most highly skilled
What is Best Practice?
Best Practice suggests that there is a technique, method, process, activity, incentive or reward that is more effective at delivering a particular outcome than any other.
The idea is that with proper processes, checks, and testing, a desired outcome can be delivered with fewer problems and unforeseen complications.
Best practices can also be defined as the most efficient (least amount of effort) and effective (best results) way of accomplishing a task, based on repeatable procedures that have proven themselves over time for large numbers of people.
Best Practice is considered by some as a business buzzword used to describe the process of developing and following a standard way of doing things that multiple organizations can use for management, policy, and especially software systems. This is often true within the public sector.
What are the benefits of Best Practice?
A best practice strategy is one where the organization strives to copy those deemed to be proficient in a given activity. This can help your organization to:
* Respond more quickly to changes or innovations in your market space
* Become more competitive
* Increase sales and develop in new markets
* Manage and reduce costs and become more efficient
* Improve the skills of your people
* Use appropriate technology more effectively
* Reduce waste and improve quality
Tools to improve Best Practice
There are several business tools that you can use to achieve management best practice, including:
* Networking
* External benchmarking
* Quality and other external awards
* Strategic planning
* Performance management
Achieving Best Practice
We know that Best Practice means finding - and using - the best ways of working to achieve your organizations objectives. It involves keeping up to date with the ways that successful organizations operate and measuring your ways of working against those used by the market leaders.
Methods of Best Practice include:
* Benchmarking - learning from and through the experience of others.
* Standards - Best practice through achievement of standards.
To do or perform habitually or customarily; make a habit of: practices courtesy in social situations.
To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill: practice a dance step.
To give lessons or repeated instructions to; drill: practiced the students in handwriting.
To carry out in action; observe:
Definition - Good
Being positive or desirable in nature; not bad or poor: a good experience;
Having the qualities that are desirable or distinguishing in a particular thing
Serving the desired purpose or end;
Superior to the average
Definition - Best
Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality; most excellent: the best performer
Most satisfactory, suitable, or useful; most desirable: the best solution
Most highly skilled
What is Best Practice?
Best Practice suggests that there is a technique, method, process, activity, incentive or reward that is more effective at delivering a particular outcome than any other.
The idea is that with proper processes, checks, and testing, a desired outcome can be delivered with fewer problems and unforeseen complications.
Best practices can also be defined as the most efficient (least amount of effort) and effective (best results) way of accomplishing a task, based on repeatable procedures that have proven themselves over time for large numbers of people.
Best Practice is considered by some as a business buzzword used to describe the process of developing and following a standard way of doing things that multiple organizations can use for management, policy, and especially software systems. This is often true within the public sector.
What are the benefits of Best Practice?
A best practice strategy is one where the organization strives to copy those deemed to be proficient in a given activity. This can help your organization to:
* Respond more quickly to changes or innovations in your market space
* Become more competitive
* Increase sales and develop in new markets
* Manage and reduce costs and become more efficient
* Improve the skills of your people
* Use appropriate technology more effectively
* Reduce waste and improve quality
Tools to improve Best Practice
There are several business tools that you can use to achieve management best practice, including:
* Networking
* External benchmarking
* Quality and other external awards
* Strategic planning
* Performance management
Achieving Best Practice
We know that Best Practice means finding - and using - the best ways of working to achieve your organizations objectives. It involves keeping up to date with the ways that successful organizations operate and measuring your ways of working against those used by the market leaders.
Methods of Best Practice include:
* Benchmarking - learning from and through the experience of others.
* Standards - Best practice through achievement of standards.
Market Research on a Budget | for everyone |
Market Research on a Budget
Market Research is the study of groups of people that you would like to sell your products or services to. Spending time to do Market Research minimizes risk and often improves your chances of success.
Researching your target market can provide you with sound and objective data. The problem is that market research can be extremely expensive. So how can you do the research if you are on a tight budget? Low-cost market research is not impossible, let me show you how.
First off, let's consider the things we need to look for when conducting our market research. Your target market should have at least four common characteristics. They are:
1. My target market has a particular need.
2. My target market has enough money to purchase my products or services.
3. My target market has decision making power.
4. My target market has access to my products and services.
In order to determine these characteristics you must spend time researching and asking yourself the following questions:
* My customers have a particular need. What is that need?
* My customers have enough money to buy what I am selling. Who needs and can afford what you are offering?
* My customers have decision making power. Who has the authority to say yes to what I'm offering?
* My customers have access to my products and services. How accessible are my products or services to my target market?
Where Should You Begin Your Market Research?
First Resource: Secondary Research
The best place to start looking for secondary research is online. Visit association web sites that are aligned with your industry. If you are in the consumer industry, visit the government agencies because you will find all kinds of consumer information on their sites. A great resource that you won't want to miss is the U.S. Census Bureau. Keep in mind that secondary research is not done for you, so some of the information and answers may not be applicable to you. Whoever it was that commissioned the study had their own questions that they wanted to get answered. The information you will find might be in the ballpark but not on first base.
Second Resource: Your Customers
Put together a questionnaire and have your employees ask prospects, customers, vendors, and suppliers to complete it. A couple of questions you could ask are:
* Do you like our products or services?
* What are we doing right?
* What could we improve?/This method of research also works very well when visiting trade shows. Take a walk around the hall and spend time listening to people's conversations and ask questions. Spending time doing this helps you gain insight to what your competitors are doing.
This method of research also works very well when visiting trade shows. Take a walk around the hall and spend time listening to people's conversations and ask questions. Spending time doing this helps you gain insight to what your competitors are doing.
You can also conduct:
1. Open-ended interviews with your customers.
2. Surveys
3. Focus Groups
Third Resource: Comparable Markets
Look for other comparable markets and share the expense of a study. Remember you want to do this with comparable markets but not competitors. For example, if you are a copywriter, find a company that does print advertising. Once you find someone, sit down and decide what information would be beneficial to the both of you and hire someone to do the study.
Author : Laura Lake
Market Research is the study of groups of people that you would like to sell your products or services to. Spending time to do Market Research minimizes risk and often improves your chances of success.
Researching your target market can provide you with sound and objective data. The problem is that market research can be extremely expensive. So how can you do the research if you are on a tight budget? Low-cost market research is not impossible, let me show you how.
First off, let's consider the things we need to look for when conducting our market research. Your target market should have at least four common characteristics. They are:
1. My target market has a particular need.
2. My target market has enough money to purchase my products or services.
3. My target market has decision making power.
4. My target market has access to my products and services.
In order to determine these characteristics you must spend time researching and asking yourself the following questions:
* My customers have a particular need. What is that need?
* My customers have enough money to buy what I am selling. Who needs and can afford what you are offering?
* My customers have decision making power. Who has the authority to say yes to what I'm offering?
* My customers have access to my products and services. How accessible are my products or services to my target market?
Where Should You Begin Your Market Research?
First Resource: Secondary Research
The best place to start looking for secondary research is online. Visit association web sites that are aligned with your industry. If you are in the consumer industry, visit the government agencies because you will find all kinds of consumer information on their sites. A great resource that you won't want to miss is the U.S. Census Bureau. Keep in mind that secondary research is not done for you, so some of the information and answers may not be applicable to you. Whoever it was that commissioned the study had their own questions that they wanted to get answered. The information you will find might be in the ballpark but not on first base.
Second Resource: Your Customers
Put together a questionnaire and have your employees ask prospects, customers, vendors, and suppliers to complete it. A couple of questions you could ask are:
* Do you like our products or services?
* What are we doing right?
* What could we improve?/This method of research also works very well when visiting trade shows. Take a walk around the hall and spend time listening to people's conversations and ask questions. Spending time doing this helps you gain insight to what your competitors are doing.
This method of research also works very well when visiting trade shows. Take a walk around the hall and spend time listening to people's conversations and ask questions. Spending time doing this helps you gain insight to what your competitors are doing.
You can also conduct:
1. Open-ended interviews with your customers.
2. Surveys
3. Focus Groups
Third Resource: Comparable Markets
Look for other comparable markets and share the expense of a study. Remember you want to do this with comparable markets but not competitors. For example, if you are a copywriter, find a company that does print advertising. Once you find someone, sit down and decide what information would be beneficial to the both of you and hire someone to do the study.
Author : Laura Lake
Things to Know for Transferring Funds | for everyone |
Money Transfer Guide: Things to Know for Transferring Funds
It is not without reason that we find migration of labor force to lands that reward them more than their homelands and one unifying factor common among migrant and expats is the lure of money. Most often we see people leave families behind in search of greener pastures and would want to send cash or part of the income to families and friends back home. Transferring money and funds abroad can be done in a number of ways and there are a multitude of money transfer companies that can help you with this. The larger the amount of money sent the bigger the commission and the transfer processing charge.
Most global money transfer methods and companies can be accessed online and each one provides various services to different international and overseas location. Most offer electronic money and wire transfers that will allow you to send cash to anybody, anywhere and at anytime, making it a hassle free and secure experience as long as you are dealing with reputable and long established agencies. Wire transfers, money orders, direct overseas money transfer, and many more options are offered at MoneyGram money transfer network.
1. Money Transfer Agencies.
There are various services for retail or online money transfers. Agencies like Western Union, Moneygram is the leader in international money transfers. Both consumers and businesses use Western Union worldwide. They provide the ability to transfer money to a Agent location located in over 190 countries and territories, to a bank account, or by money order. You can access these features both online and over the phone. They also use comprehensive fraud protection services.
MoneyGram is another such money transfer agency that offers quick and easy transfer, with a huge money transfer network of over 100,000 locations worldwide. Money Gram offers the latest technology with high performance internet online based payment services.
MoneyGram is one of the largest and capable providers of money orders, offering secure transfers and excellent customer service features for help with money order accidents, such as, if money orders happen tp get lost or stolen. MoneyGram now has over a large marketplace since expanding its money transfer services online over the internet and has become a global leader in money transfer and financial services.
2. Banks.
There are many plans serving foreigners and expats who send money home that are developed by major international banks as well as localized banks in partnership. Recipients can claim their money from partner banks where the funds were wired. Certain banks may require you to have an active account with them, so research your local branches for such services.
3. Credit Unions.
IRnet is a service that electronically transfers funds between credit unions’ members. Several countries in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia are served by IRnet including 3,000 locations nationwide.
4. Paypal.
If you have a Paypal account an the recipient of the money transfer has an e-mail address using Paypal is a great oversea transfer option. Overseas, over 50 countries and growing can receive money from Paypal transfer service.
Also check out Xoom. They seem to have the best price for money transfers to certain locations, so it would be wise to check out their site for further info.
Vigo Money Transfer is one of the largest electronic funds transfer companies that deals in both US and international markets. Vigo Money Transfer is a low-cost, high-value money transfer provider with excellent service levels and worldwide reach for its customers. Vigo offers a sophisticated network of agents in six continents accessible to consumers. Their financial and regulatory controls make them one of the most capable money transfer firms in the industry.
As a customer, before you choose your money transfer agent be prepared with the following questions to find the most economic and convenient deals.
* How much is the money transfer going to cost me?
* What will the exchange rate be from my U.S. dollars to the currency of the country of the recipient during international money transfer?
* How will my funds reach the right hands?
* How can my friends and family retrieve the money sent?
* Will using my credit card cost me any fees for this transfer like cash advance fee or interest on my credit card?
* Will these fees be avoided if I use my debit card?
It is not without reason that we find migration of labor force to lands that reward them more than their homelands and one unifying factor common among migrant and expats is the lure of money. Most often we see people leave families behind in search of greener pastures and would want to send cash or part of the income to families and friends back home. Transferring money and funds abroad can be done in a number of ways and there are a multitude of money transfer companies that can help you with this. The larger the amount of money sent the bigger the commission and the transfer processing charge.
Most global money transfer methods and companies can be accessed online and each one provides various services to different international and overseas location. Most offer electronic money and wire transfers that will allow you to send cash to anybody, anywhere and at anytime, making it a hassle free and secure experience as long as you are dealing with reputable and long established agencies. Wire transfers, money orders, direct overseas money transfer, and many more options are offered at MoneyGram money transfer network.
1. Money Transfer Agencies.
There are various services for retail or online money transfers. Agencies like Western Union, Moneygram is the leader in international money transfers. Both consumers and businesses use Western Union worldwide. They provide the ability to transfer money to a Agent location located in over 190 countries and territories, to a bank account, or by money order. You can access these features both online and over the phone. They also use comprehensive fraud protection services.
MoneyGram is another such money transfer agency that offers quick and easy transfer, with a huge money transfer network of over 100,000 locations worldwide. Money Gram offers the latest technology with high performance internet online based payment services.
MoneyGram is one of the largest and capable providers of money orders, offering secure transfers and excellent customer service features for help with money order accidents, such as, if money orders happen tp get lost or stolen. MoneyGram now has over a large marketplace since expanding its money transfer services online over the internet and has become a global leader in money transfer and financial services.
2. Banks.
There are many plans serving foreigners and expats who send money home that are developed by major international banks as well as localized banks in partnership. Recipients can claim their money from partner banks where the funds were wired. Certain banks may require you to have an active account with them, so research your local branches for such services.
3. Credit Unions.
IRnet is a service that electronically transfers funds between credit unions’ members. Several countries in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia are served by IRnet including 3,000 locations nationwide.
4. Paypal.
If you have a Paypal account an the recipient of the money transfer has an e-mail address using Paypal is a great oversea transfer option. Overseas, over 50 countries and growing can receive money from Paypal transfer service.
Also check out Xoom. They seem to have the best price for money transfers to certain locations, so it would be wise to check out their site for further info.
Vigo Money Transfer is one of the largest electronic funds transfer companies that deals in both US and international markets. Vigo Money Transfer is a low-cost, high-value money transfer provider with excellent service levels and worldwide reach for its customers. Vigo offers a sophisticated network of agents in six continents accessible to consumers. Their financial and regulatory controls make them one of the most capable money transfer firms in the industry.
As a customer, before you choose your money transfer agent be prepared with the following questions to find the most economic and convenient deals.
* How much is the money transfer going to cost me?
* What will the exchange rate be from my U.S. dollars to the currency of the country of the recipient during international money transfer?
* How will my funds reach the right hands?
* How can my friends and family retrieve the money sent?
* Will using my credit card cost me any fees for this transfer like cash advance fee or interest on my credit card?
* Will these fees be avoided if I use my debit card?
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