In the middle of the night, the cry of a hopeless sorrow flew of this house. And then some more ...
The women from the Ghorayche tribe, especially those from the Bani Hashem tribe, came out of their house, and with hair flowing on their shoulders to show the depth of their sorrow, they began marching to Fatemeh's house, to make their condolences to Hazrate Ali, and to Fatemeh's little children, now orphans ...
The men of Medina came by large groups to show their respect to Ali, and to mourn with him. Ali was seated in a corner, and Hassan and Hosseyn and Zevnab and Ommo Kolssoum were crying unendingly ...
The people, on seeing this scene began to cry. Because of what Fatemeh had demanded from Ali, he announced to his friend Abuzar:" Tell these people that the funeral has been postponed ..."
Finally, nightfall came. Ali, with the help of Asma, washed the fragile, slim and pure body of Fatemeh, and covered her with a shrine. When he wanted to close the shroud, he called out his children to come and see their beloved mother for the last time, and to bid farewell to her ...
The women from the Ghorayche tribe, especially those from the Bani Hashem tribe, came out of their house, and with hair flowing on their shoulders to show the depth of their sorrow, they began marching to Fatemeh's house, to make their condolences to Hazrate Ali, and to Fatemeh's little children, now orphans ...
The men of Medina came by large groups to show their respect to Ali, and to mourn with him. Ali was seated in a corner, and Hassan and Hosseyn and Zevnab and Ommo Kolssoum were crying unendingly ...
The people, on seeing this scene began to cry. Because of what Fatemeh had demanded from Ali, he announced to his friend Abuzar:" Tell these people that the funeral has been postponed ..."
Finally, nightfall came. Ali, with the help of Asma, washed the fragile, slim and pure body of Fatemeh, and covered her with a shrine. When he wanted to close the shroud, he called out his children to come and see their beloved mother for the last time, and to bid farewell to her ...
'Israeli jets prepare in Iraq to strike Iran'- MAY THE ISRAELIS PERISH | for everyone |

Israeli F-15 fighter jets (file photo)
Israeli jet fighters have reportedly conducted drills at a military base in Iraq in order to strike targets inside Iran.
A considerable number of Israeli warplanes were seen at al-Asad base in Iraq, reported a source close to prominent Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sader's group.
The aircraft reportedly included F-15, F-16, F-18, F-22, and KC-10 jet fighters.
The warplanes carried out their week-long exercises at nights, the same source added.
The drills were reportedly aimed at preparing to strike Iran's air defense systems, disrupt Iran's radars and attack targets deep inside Iran.
Iraqi officials had not been notified of the exercises, which were conducted in collaboration with the US military.
The United States maintains numerous bases in Iraq, and the Baghdad government is not involved in any of the military deployments taking place there.
From a Chinese Professor
Keep asyringe or needle in your home to do this ... It's amazing and an unconventional way of recovering from stroke, read it through it can help somebody one day.
This is amazing.
Please keep this very handy. Excellent tips.
Do take a minute to read this.
You'll never know, ones life may depend on you.
My father was paralysed and later died from the result of a stroke. I wish I knew about this first aid before.
When stroke strikes, the capillaries in the brain will gradually burst. (Irene Liu)
When a stroke occurs, stay calm.
No matter where the victim is, do not move him / her. Because, if moved, the capillaries will burst.
Help the victim to sit up where he / she is to prevent him / her from falling over againandthen the blood letting can begin.
If you have in your home an injection syringe that would be the best.
Otherwise, a sewing needle or a straight pin will do.
1. Place the needle / pin over fire to sterilize it and then use it to prick the tip of all ......10 fingers.
2. There are no specific acupuncture points, just prick about an mm from the fingernail.
3. Prick till blood comes out.
4. If blood does not start to drip, then squeeze with your fingers.
5. When all 10 digits is bleeding, wait a few minutes then the victim will regain consciousness.
6. If the victim's mouth is crooked, then pull on his ears until they are red.
7. Then prick each earlobe twice until two drops of blood comes from each earlobe. After a few minutes the victim should regain consciousness.
Wait till the victim regains his normal state without any abnormal symptoms then take him to the hospital. Otherwise, if he was taken in the ambulance in a hurry to the hospital, the bumpy trip will cause all the capillaries in his brain to burst.
If he could save his life, barely managing to walk, then it is by the grace of his ancestors.
On the other hand, the usual stroke victim
usually suffers irreparable bursting of the brain capillaries on the way to the hospital. As a result, these victims never recover.' (Irene Liu)
Keep asyringe or needle in your home to do this ... It's amazing and an unconventional way of recovering from stroke, read it through it can help somebody one day.
This is amazing.
Please keep this very handy. Excellent tips.
Do take a minute to read this.
You'll never know, ones life may depend on you.
My father was paralysed and later died from the result of a stroke. I wish I knew about this first aid before.
When stroke strikes, the capillaries in the brain will gradually burst. (Irene Liu)
When a stroke occurs, stay calm.
No matter where the victim is, do not move him / her. Because, if moved, the capillaries will burst.
Help the victim to sit up where he / she is to prevent him / her from falling over againandthen the blood letting can begin.
If you have in your home an injection syringe that would be the best.
Otherwise, a sewing needle or a straight pin will do.
1. Place the needle / pin over fire to sterilize it and then use it to prick the tip of all ......10 fingers.
2. There are no specific acupuncture points, just prick about an mm from the fingernail.
3. Prick till blood comes out.
4. If blood does not start to drip, then squeeze with your fingers.
5. When all 10 digits is bleeding, wait a few minutes then the victim will regain consciousness.
6. If the victim's mouth is crooked, then pull on his ears until they are red.
7. Then prick each earlobe twice until two drops of blood comes from each earlobe. After a few minutes the victim should regain consciousness.
Wait till the victim regains his normal state without any abnormal symptoms then take him to the hospital. Otherwise, if he was taken in the ambulance in a hurry to the hospital, the bumpy trip will cause all the capillaries in his brain to burst.
If he could save his life, barely managing to walk, then it is by the grace of his ancestors.
'I learned about letting blood to save life from Chinese traditional doctor, Ha Bu Ting, who lives in Sun Juke.
Furthermore, I had practical experience with it. Therefore, I can say this method is 100% effective.
Furthermore, I had practical experience with it. Therefore, I can say this method is 100% effective.
In 1979, I was teaching in Fung Gaap Collegein Tai Chung.
One afternoon, I was teaching a class when another teacher came running to my classroom and said in panting, 'Ms Liu, come quick, our supervisor has had a stroke!'. I immediately went to the 3rd floor. When I saw our supervisor, Mr Chen Fu Tien, his colour was off, his speech was slurred, his mouth was crooked - all the symptoms of a stroke.
I immediately asked one of the practicum students to go to the pharmacy outside the school to buy a syringe, which I used to prick Mr Chen's 10 fingers tips.
When all 10 fingers werebleeding (each with a pea-sized drop of blood), after a few minutes, Mr Chen's face regained its colour and hiseye's spirit returned, but his mouth was still crooked. So I pulled on his earsto fill them with blood. When his ears became red, I prickedhis right earlobetwiceto let outtwo drops of blood. When both earlobes had two drops of blood each, a miracle happened. Within 3-5 minutestheshape of his mouth returnedto normal and his speech became clear.
We let him rest for a while and have a cup of hot tea, then we helped him go down the stairs, drove him to Wei Wah Hospital. He rested one night and was released the next day to return to school to teach. Everything worked normally.
There were no ill after effects.
One afternoon, I was teaching a class when another teacher came running to my classroom and said in panting, 'Ms Liu, come quick, our supervisor has had a stroke!'. I immediately went to the 3rd floor. When I saw our supervisor, Mr Chen Fu Tien, his colour was off, his speech was slurred, his mouth was crooked - all the symptoms of a stroke.
I immediately asked one of the practicum students to go to the pharmacy outside the school to buy a syringe, which I used to prick Mr Chen's 10 fingers tips.
When all 10 fingers werebleeding (each with a pea-sized drop of blood), after a few minutes, Mr Chen's face regained its colour and hiseye's spirit returned, but his mouth was still crooked. So I pulled on his earsto fill them with blood. When his ears became red, I prickedhis right earlobetwiceto let outtwo drops of blood. When both earlobes had two drops of blood each, a miracle happened. Within 3-5 minutestheshape of his mouth returnedto normal and his speech became clear.
We let him rest for a while and have a cup of hot tea, then we helped him go down the stairs, drove him to Wei Wah Hospital. He rested one night and was released the next day to return to school to teach. Everything worked normally.
There were no ill after effects.
On the other hand, the usual stroke victim
Therefore, stroke is the second cause of death.
The lucky ones will stay alive but can remain paralysed for life.
It is such a horrible thing to happen in ones life.
If we can all remember this blood letting method and start the life saving process immediately, in a short time, the victim will be revived and regain 100% normality.
It is such a horrible thing to happen in ones life.
If we can all remember this blood letting method and start the life saving process immediately, in a short time, the victim will be revived and regain 100% normality.
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
On the Resurrection Day, all the people’s deeds shall be investigated and everyone will receive the consequence of his, or her, acts; and nobody shall face any injustice. The Hell is waiting for the sinner, who did not believe in the Resurrection Day and denied and called false the signs and manifestations of the God.
It is said in Qur’an :
Indeed the Hell is awaiting as a home for the rebellious to remain in it for ages. In there, they neither taste coolness, nor drink except boiling water and sanies, as a proportioned reward to their deed. They did not believe in the Reckoning Day, and they strongly rejected and denied our signs, while everything has been accounted for and registered. Thus, taste, for we never increase but to your torment. (Verses 21-30)
This Namaaz is prayed to seek fulfillment if legitimate desires. It can be prayed any time, or any day, but Friday is strongly recommended.
Pray this namaaz exactly like 2 Raka't Fajr Namaaz (SALAT), with the following adjustments.
(a) In the first Raka't after Sooratul Faatih'ah recite Sooratul Qadr 100 times.
(b) In the second Raka't after recitation of Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Sooratul Ikhlaas 100 times.
(c) After Salaam recite "S'alaawaat", (O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad),
"Bismillaahir-Rah'maanir-Rah'eem", and Tasbih of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA), then recite the following Dua'a:
English Translation :
(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the progeny of Mohammad.
In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
Glory be to the Lord of Honor, and Sublime Authority;
Glory be to the Lord of Majesty and Exalted Greatness;
Glory be to the Lord of eternal Pride.
Glory be to He Who is Splendor and Beauty;
Glory be to He Who is Light and Dignity;
Glory be to He Who makes out the footprints of the ant on the stone;
Glory be to He Who knows (the exact time and place) the bird dips down through the air;
Glory be to He Who is like this and no one (other than Him) is like this.
O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the progeny of Mohammad.
(d) Go into Sajdah and beseech Allah for obtaining fulfillment of your legitimate desires.
(e) And recite the following Dua'a:
O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the progeny of Mohammad.
In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
O He, besides Whom, there is no lord, to be invoked;
O He, above Whom, there is no god to be feared;
O He, except Whom, there is no master, to be obeyed;
O He, Who has no counselor to be approached
O He, Who has no attendant to be bribed;
O He, Who has no door keeper, to be fooled;
O He, Who gives not but generously and liberally, (No matter) how many are the demands, and (deals not)with numerous sins but mercifully and kindly;
Send blessings on Muhammad and His progeny.
... (mention your desires).
ZIYARAH OF HAZRAT FATIMA -az=ZAHRA (S.A.) | for everyone |
It is reported that Lady Fatima (A) said:
"My father said to me: `He who prays on your behalf, Allah, Exalted and Glorified is He, shall forgive him and make him join me wherever I may be in Paradise."
In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Gracious
Peace be upon Muhammad and his Progeny
O you who were tried;
Allah Who Created you, tried
you before He Created your (flesh);
He found you patient with that which
He tried you with. We claim that we are your followers,
believing in you, and (believing and) bearing with everything
that has been brought unto us by your father (S)
and that which his successor brought unto us.
Therefore, we beg you (now that we believe) to make us
join both of them so that we may rejoice at being purified for following you.
(It is recommended to add here)
Peace be upon you O daughter of the Messenger of Allah;
Peace be upon you O daughter of the Prophet of Allah;
Peace be upon you O daughter of the beloved of Allah;
Peace be upon you O daughter of the friend of Allah;
Peace be upon you O daughter of the sincere friend of Allah;
Peace be upon you O daughter of the trusted (Messenger) of Allah;
Peace be upon you O daughter of the best of Allah's creatures;
Peace be upon you O daughter of the best of Allah's prophets, messengers and angels;
Peace be upon you O daughter of him who is the best of all creatures;
Peace be upon you O wife of the friend of Allah and the best of creatures after the Messenger of Allah;
Peace be upon you O Mother of Al?Hassan and Al?Hussain, who are the masters of the youth of Paradise;
Peace be upon you the truth-teller (devoted one) and martyr;
Peace be upon you O gratified and accepted one;
Peace be upon you O well-mannered and chaste one;
Peace be upon you O human huri;
Peace be upon you O pious and pure one;
Peace be upon you who is spoken to by angels, and who is knowledgeable;
Peace be upon you O oppressed and usurped one;
Peace be upon you O repressed and defeated one;
Peace be upon you O Fatima, daughter of Allah's Messenger;
and may the blessings and mercy of Allah be upon you and upon your soul and body;
I bear witness that you have perished while fully knowing your Lord.
(I also bear witness) that he who gladdens you, gladdens the Messenger of Allah (S)
he who deserts you, deserts the Messenger of Allah (S)
he who harms you, harms the Messenger of Allah (S)
he who bestows you (with a favor), bestows (a favor) upon the Messenger of Allah (S) and
he who deprive you, deprives the Messenger of Allah (S) (This is) because you are "part of him and his spirit which lies in his sides."
Allah, His Messengers and His Apostles are my witnesses that I accept him whom you accept, resent him who you resent;
I exonerate myself to Allah from him who you exonerate yourself to Allah from, him who you be friend, hold as my enemy those who you hold (as your enemies), and dislike him who you dislike.
Allah is the best Witness, the best-anticipated One, best Rewarder, and most Bountiful.
(It is recommended to pray on behalf of the Prophet and his progeny after this visitation.)
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Subject: Request for Surah Fateha!
Aap sab momineen o mominaat se ye meri guzarish hai ki ek martaba Surah Alhamd aur 3 martaba Surah Ikhlaas ki tilawat farmaye taakay iska sawab Syed Sadiq Hussain Zaidi sahab ko jaye.
Syed Sadiq Hussain Zaidi, hamaray group ki admin "Syeda Nabeela Zaidi " k walid (father) thay jinka inteqaal hogaya hai ! Ye barday hi momin aadmi thay jo Maula ko buhut chahtay shiddat k saat chahtay thay!
meri ye adaban guzarish hai aap logon se ki surah fateha pardh kar uska sawab Syeda Nabeela Zaidi k walid ko pohchaye !
Maula Ali a.s aur Bibi Fatima a.s , Syeda Nabeela Zaidi ko sabr ata karay ameen !
Iltemaas say dua
Amir Hassan
Syed Sadiq Hussain Zaidi, hamaray group ki admin "Syeda Nabeela Zaidi " k walid (father) thay jinka inteqaal hogaya hai ! Ye barday hi momin aadmi thay jo Maula ko buhut chahtay shiddat k saat chahtay thay!
meri ye adaban guzarish hai aap logon se ki surah fateha pardh kar uska sawab Syeda Nabeela Zaidi k walid ko pohchaye !
Maula Ali a.s aur Bibi Fatima a.s , Syeda Nabeela Zaidi ko sabr ata karay ameen !
Iltemaas say dua
Amir Hassan
"Live amongst people in such a manner that if you die they weep over you and if you are alive they crave for your company"
"Every breath you take is a step towards death"
(Request sent by Sugra Fatima)
Fatima (s.a.) will lead them into Paradise." | for everyone |
Amir Al-Mo'mineen, Ali (A.S.) said:
Once the Messenger of Allah entered the house of Fatima and found her in a sad mood. So he said: 'What has made you sad daughter?'
Fatima replied: 'Father, I remembered the gathering (Day), and people standing naked on the Day of Resurrection!'
He said: Daughter, surely it will be a great Day. But Gabriel informed me that Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He, said that the first one upon whom the ground shall be split opened is me, then your husband, Ali Ibn Abu Talib (A.S.); then Allah shall send Gabriel accompanied by seventy thousand angels and he will erect on your grave seven domes of light, after which Israfil will bring you three garments of light and stand by your head and say to you:
"O Fatima Bint Muhammad, rise towards your gathering place."
"You (Fatima) shall then rise secure from fear and veiled (in privacy). Israfil will hand you the garments and you will wear them. Rafael will then bring you a female camel of light; its muzzle shall be made of fresh pearls and on it shall be a howdan of gold. You will ride it and Rafael shall lead it by its muzzle while seventy thousand angels holding the banners of glorification accompany you.
When the caravan hurries with you, seventy thousand Huris shall receive you rejoicing at seeing you; while every one of them will be holding a censer of light from which the fragrance of incense is spread without fire. They shall be wearing crowns of jewels embellished with green chrysolites."
6. Bihar v.10, on the authority of Amali (by Saduq) reports that Imam Baqir (A.S.) said:
"I heard Jabir Ibn Abdullah Ansari say: Allah's
Messenger said: "On the Day of Rising, My daughter,
Fatima, shall arrive riding a female camel from among
the camels of Paradise-to her right shall be seventy thousand
angels and to her left shall also be seventy thousand angels; Gabriel will be holding its muzzle and calling with the loudest of voices: 'Cast down your eyes so that Fatima Bint Muhammad may pass!"
"Then shall no prophet, messenger, truthful one, or martyr remain without casting their eyes down until Fatima passes... Then a call shall come from the side of Allah, the Exalted:
My beloved one and the daughter of my beloved one; ask Us and you shall be given (whatever you wish), and intercede, your intercedence shall be accepted. By my Honor and Exaltation, the oppression of no oppressor shall pass My (judgement) today.
She (Fatima) will then say:
"O Allah, My Master;
My progeny, My Shiites (followers), the Shiites of my progeny, those who love me and those who love my progeny."
She will then hear a call from Allah's side, may His Name be exalted:
"Where are Fatima's progeny, her Shiites, those who love her, and those who love her progeny?" They will then come forward, surrounded by angels of mercy, and Fatima will lead them into Paradise."
On the Day of Rising, Minbars of light shall be erected for the Prophets and Messengers | for everyone |
Allah's Messenger said:
"On the Day of Rising, Minbars of light shall be erected for the prophets and messengers, of which my Minbar shall be the highest among all Minbars on that day. Allah will then say: Deliver a speech,' so I will deliver a speech that none of the prophets or messengers have ever heard. Then for the successors (of prophets) shall be erected Minbars of light, and in the middle of these Minbars one shall be erected for my successor, Ali Ibn Abu Talib, which will be higher than all their Minbars. Allah will then say:
"Ali, deliver a speech.' So he will deliver a speech like no successor has ever heard before. Then for the children of the prophets and messengers shall be erected Minbars of light; among them shall be a Minber of light for my two sons, grandsons and the two flowers of my life (Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain). Then it shall be said to them: "Deliver speeches." So they will deliver two speeches like none of the children of the prophets and messengers have ever heard before!
"A caller-Gabriel-shall then call:
'Where is Fatima Bint Muhammad?'
She (A.S.) will rise..." (Until he said):
'Allah, the blessed and exalted is His Name, shall say:
'O people of the gathering; to whom does honor belong today?'
So Muhammad, Ali, Hassan and Al-Hussain (A.S.) will say:
'To Allah, The one, The Almighty
'Allah the Exalted will say:
"O people of the gathering: lower your heads and
cast your eyes down, for this is Fatima proceeding
towards Paradise.' Gabriel shall then bring her a female
camel from the female camels of Paradise; its sides shall be embellished, its muzzle with fresh pearls, and it shall have a saddle of coral. It shall kneel down in her presence; so she will ride it. Allah will then send 100, 000 angels to accompany her on her right side; and 100, 000 angels to accompany her on her left side; and 100, 000 angels to lift her onto their wings until they bring her to the gate of Paradise. When she is near the gate of Paradise, she will look to her side. Allah will then say:
"Daughter of My beloved, why did you look to your side after I gave the command that you enter my Paradise?"
She will say: "My Lord, I wished that my position would be realized on such a Day!"
Allah will say:
"Daughter of My beloved!
Go back and look for everyone in whose heart was love for you or for any of your progeny; take their hand and lead them into paradise!"
Abu Ja'far (A.S.) said: "By Allah; Jabir, she will pick her Shiites (followers) and those who love her just like a bird picks good seeds from bad seeds. So that when her Shiites are near the gate of Paradise, Allah will inspire their hearts to look to their sides; when they do--- Allah, The Almighty, will say:
My beloved ones, why did you look around when Fatima, the daughter of my beloved one, interceded for you?'
They will answer: 'Our Lord! We hoped that our position would be known on such a day!'
Allah will then say: 'My beloved ones, go back and look for everyone who loved you for your love for Fatima;
Look for everyone who fed you for the love of Fatima;
Look for everyone who clothed you for the love of Fatima;
Look for everyone who gave you a drink for the love of Fatima;
Look for everyone who prevented (Gheeba) backbiting from being done against you for the love of Fatima...
Take their hands and lead them into Paradise... "'
On the Day of Rising, a caller shall call from the sole of the Throne | for everyone |
Ali (A.S.) reported that the Prophet said:
"On the Day of Rising, a caller shall call from the sole of the Throne:
"O people of Resurrection, cast your eyes down, so that Fatima Bint Muhammad may pass-while holding Al-Hussain's shirt, which will (still) be saturated with blood.' She will then embrace the leg of the Throne and say:
"O (Allah), You are the Omnipotent and Just; pass the judgment between me and those who killed my son." (The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) added): "Then He shall judge according to my Sunnah, by the Lord of Kaaba, Fatima will then say:
"O Allah! grant me intercedence for everyone who cried for his disaster; Allah will then grant her intercedence for them."
On the Day when the oppressed shall bite their hands (in fear)....... | for everyone |
On the Day when the oppressed shall bite their hands (in fear); when the oppressors shall be gathered in humiliation and lowliness, remembering their disgraceful and shameful deeds:
Then every one of them shall review his file, which is packed with oppression against his chosen worshippers. On that Day shall every human, whatever color, creed, faith, and his deeds may be shall be gathered... no one will be left behind... even the fetus who was the victim of abortion shall come that Day to present his case...
Then the great personality of Lady Zahra (A.S.) shall become manifest to every soul...
1) The Prophet (s) said, "On the Day of Judgment, a caller will call out, 'lower your gaze until Fatima has passed."
2) The Prophet (s) said, "When I long for the fragrance of Paradise I smell the neck of Fatima.
3) The Prophet (s) said, "Of all the women in the Universe, four would suffice: Mary, Asiya, Khadija, and Fatima."
4) The Prophet (s) said, "Oh, Ali, Jibreel has informed me that God has married you to Fatima."
5) The Prophet (s) said, "I am not pleased unless Fatima is pleased.
6) The Prophet (s) said, "Oh, Ali, God has commanded me to marry you to Fatima."
7) The Prophet (s) said, "Verily, God married Ali to Fatima."
8) The Prophet (s) said, "All the children of a mother are attributed to their fatherly relation except the sons of Fatima."
9)The Prophet (s) said, "All the children of a woman are attributed to their father, but not the sons of Fatima."
10) The Prophet (s) said, "The most beloved of my family to me is Fatima."
11) The Prophet (s) said, "The four greatest women in the Universe are Mary, Asiya, Khadija, and Fatima.
12) The Prophet (s) said, "The head of the women of Paradise is Fatima.
13) The Prophet (s) said, "If I were separated from the fruits of Paradise I would kiss Fatima."
14) The Prophet (s) said, "Many men have reached completion, but no women have reached completion except four: Mary, Asiya, Khadija, and Fatima."
15) The Prophet (s) said, "The first people to enter Paradise will be Ali and Fatima."
16) The Prophet (s) said, "The verse of purification was revealed concerning five people: myself, Ali, Hassan, Hussein, and Fatima."
17) The Prophet (s) said, "The best women in Paradise will be Mary, Asiya, Khadija, and Fatima."
18) The Prophet (s) said, "The first one to enter Paradise will be Fatima.
19) The Prophet (s) said, "The Mehdi is from my family, from the sons of Fatima."
20) The Prophet (s) said, "Verily, God has weaned (fatama in Arabic) my daughter Fatima and her children and those who love them from the Hellfire, and that is why she is named Fatima."
21) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima, you will be the first amongst my Ahlul-Bayt to follow after me."
22) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me. Whatever upsets her upsets me, and whatever harms her harms me."
23) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me, and whoever pleases her, pleases me."
24) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is the head of the women of Paradise."
25) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me, so whoever makes her angry makes me angry."
26) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is a maiden of Paradise created in human form."
27) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is a maiden of Paradise in human form, she does not receive any kind of menses."
28) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me, whatever harms her harms me, and whatever is against her is against me."
29) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me - whatever makes her angry makes me angry, and whatever pleases her pleases me." .
30) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is more beloved to me than you, oh Ali, and you are dearer to me than her.
31) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me and she is my heart and the soul which is between my two sides." Nur Al-Absar, p. 52.
32) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is the head of the women of my nation."
33) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is a branch of me, what pleases her pleases me, and what saddens her, saddens me."
34) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me - whatever causes her pain causes me pain, and whatever makes her happy makes me happy."
35) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me, whoever harms her has harmed me."
36) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is the joy of my heart, and her sons are the fruit of my soul."
37) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is not like the women of the children of Adam."
38) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima is part of me - what saddens her saddens me, and what pleases her pleases me."
39) The Prophet (s) said, "Oh Fatima, verily God is angry when you are angry."
40) The Prophet (s) said, "Fatima, God will not torture you or any of your children."
Gaddafi son, grandsons killed in strikes | for everyone |
Gaddafi son, grandsons killed in strikes
Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, the youngest son of Muammar Gaddafi, was killed in a NATO airstrike on Gaddafi's compound in Tripoli on April 30, 2010.
Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, the youngest son of embattled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, and three of Gaddafi's grandsons have been killed in a NATO airstrike.
"The house of Saif al-Arab Gaddafi was attacked tonight with full power. The leader with his wife was there in the house with other friends and relatives," Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim told reporters at press conference in Tripoli early on Sunday morning, AFP reported.
"The attack resulted in the martyrdom of Saif al-Arab, 29 years old, and three of the leader's grandchildren," Ibrahim said.
"The leader himself is in good health; he wasn't harmed. His wife is also in good health; she wasn't harmed, (but) other people were injured," he added.
"This was a direct operation to assassinate the leader of this country," he stated.
In the attacks, three massive explosions ripped through Gaddafi's headquarters in Tripoli on Saturday evening.
Volleys of anti-aircraft fire rang out following the first two strikes on Bab al-Aziziya. The aerial attacks were followed by a third from the same direction, AFP reported.
The strikes came after the Libyan government accused NATO of bombing a center for physically challenged children in Tripoli earlier on Saturday.
Meanwhile, 13 powerful explosions rocked the Libyan port city of Misratah late on Saturday as NATO warplanes struck targets in the opposition-held city.
Earlier in the day, Gaddafi said he would not step down, but he was ready for a ceasefire and negotiations, provided that NATO halted its airstrikes.
Rejecting his offer, NATO announced that it would only consider a ceasefire after Gaddafi forces stop attacking civilians.
The opposition has also dismissed Gaddafi's ceasefire proposal, saying he has no part to play in the country's future.
And despite Gaddafi's calls for a ceasefire, regime forces later rained mortar shells and rockets on Misratah, killing at least 15 people, including a nine-year-old boy.
The regime is trying to block access to Misratah by sea and has threatened to target any ships that enter the port city.
Iran sends 14th fleet to Gulf of Aden | for everyone |
Iran sends 14th fleet to Gulf of Aden
The Navy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has dispatched its 14th fleet of warships to the Gulf of Aden on a mission to provide safety of Iranian vessels.Iran's fleet of warships
On Saturday, the Navy's 13th fleet comprised of Tonb and Delvar vessels returned from a 44-day mission in the Gulf of Aden.
Rear Admiral Kamran Farhang-Javid said the safety of the region would always be provided through the vigilance of Iranian naval forces.
Farhang-Javid added that “the Navy's 14th fleet of warships, comprised of Bandar Abbas warship and Shahid Naqdi destroyer” has been send to the Gulf of Aden to safeguard the country's shipping lines.
The Gulf of Aden -- which links the Indian Ocean with the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean Sea -- is an important energy corridor, particularly because Persian Gulf oil is shipped to the West through the Suez Canal.
The Iranian Navy has so far dispatched a number of military warships to the Gulf of Aden to guard Iranian and foreign vessels sailing in international waters.
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Israeli rabbis clamp down on burka - Telegraph
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Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said, "I forbid you to dance and to play the flute, the drum and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said," Molten lead will be put in the ears of that person who listens attentively to music and songs.
Imam Ali Reza (a.s) said," And to listen attentively to the musical instrument (is also a greater sin ) ..." manufacturing, buying or selling musical instrument is forbidden, and the profits accured from such dealings are illegal and the transaction is also null and void. Even safe keeping of musical instrument is forbidden and to destroy them is obligatory.
Imam Jafar Sadique (a.s) said," Allah has prohibited the manufacturing of such things which are used for harmful purpose. And the things which only create harm. Thus the manufacturing of harp, flute, chess, musical instruments cross of crucification, idols is forbidden."
Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s) said : Singing is one of those sins for which Allah has reserved the punishment of Hell.
The place where songs and music are played, Allah's warth descends, as the following traditions says:
Imam Ali (a.s) said," And music and songs give rise to hypocrisy, and is one of the ways leading towards poverty and hunger.
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said," Molten lead will be put in the ears of that person who listens attentively to music and songs.
Imam Jafar Sadqiue (a.s) said," Thus to teach singing and music to learn to play it or to receive payment for it and to indulge in any kind of musical pastime is forbidden."
Imam Jafar Sadqiue (a.s) said," Don't enter a house in which Allah's Blessings And bounties are turned away from the habitants of the house, at such a place neither the Supplications are responded nor the Angels come near such place."
Imam Jafar Sadqiue (a.s) said," One who has been bestowed with favours of Allah; while in possession of such favours plays flute, he has been unthankful to the favours of Allah."
Imam Ali Reza (a.s) said," And to listen attentively to the musical instrument (is also a greater sin ) ..." manufacturing, buying or selling musical instrument is forbidden, and the profits accured from such dealings are illegal and the transaction is also null and void. Even safe keeping of musical instrument is forbidden and to destroy them is obligatory.
Imam Jafar Sadique (a.s) said," Allah has prohibited the manufacturing of such things which are used for harmful purpose. And the things which only create harm. Thus the manufacturing of harp, flute, chess, musical instruments cross of crucification, idols is forbidden."
Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s) said : Singing is one of those sins for which Allah has reserved the punishment of Hell.
The place where songs and music are played, Allah's warth descends, as the following traditions says:
Imam Ali (a.s) said," And music and songs give rise to hypocrisy, and is one of the ways leading towards poverty and hunger.
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said," Molten lead will be put in the ears of that person who listens attentively to music and songs.
Imam Jafar Sadqiue (a.s) said," Thus to teach singing and music to learn to play it or to receive payment for it and to indulge in any kind of musical pastime is forbidden."
Imam Jafar Sadqiue (a.s) said," Don't enter a house in which Allah's Blessings And bounties are turned away from the habitants of the house, at such a place neither the Supplications are responded nor the Angels come near such place."
Imam Jafar Sadqiue (a.s) said," One who has been bestowed with favours of Allah; while in possession of such favours plays flute, he has been unthankful to the favours of Allah."
Omar heard the sound of a flute of a sheperd and he hastily plugged his ears with his finger and turned his mouth to a different path saying : "The Prophet (s.a.w) heard the sound of a sheperd once when I was with him. He did not like it."
Abu Aamah reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) that Holy Prophet (s.a.w) prohibited trade in singing slave maids and training them for singing and said that their sale proceeds were unlawful.
On the authority of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) Ayesha narrates that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said that Almighty Allah has made unlawful the trade in singing slave maids, their training and listening to their songs.
Abdur Rahman bin Auf narrates that the Holy Prophet said that Almighty Allah has forbidden two nonsensical and wicked voices, one is melody and the other is the cry in distress.
Akramah reports the words of Ibne Abbas that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said that Almighty Allah has raised me to destroy flute and the drum.
Sahl Bin Saad narrates that Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said, "Submersion below the surface of the earth, raining of stones from the sky and multilation of figures shall come about in my ummat."
The companions asked, "O the Prophet of Allah when shall it happen.?"
The Prophet (s.a.w) there upon said:" When musical instruments shall be in abundance and there shall be a large number of the singing girls and shall be unlawful."
Abu Talib Tibri says that Imam Malik condemned music and forbid listening to it and said :"If you buy a slave maid and afterwards you find her to be singing girl, it shall be lawful for the buyer to restore her to the seller."
Imam Safii said that music was an abhorant sport. It was just like a filty thing and the one who listening to excessive music was a fool. His evidence shall be rejected.
Abu Tayyab says: Shafii declared music as abhorrent.
Tradition on abhorence of music has also come down from Ahmad Bin Hambal.
Abu Tayyeb Tibri says that Imam Abu Hanifa considered music as abhorrent and held singing as sin. The same is the view of all the scholars of Kufa like Ibrahim, Shahabi, Hammad, Soufian Thousi and other. There is no difference even among the scholars of Basarah in respect of its being abhorrent and forbidden.
This was the reaction of the companions towards the ordinary music of past times. How forceful would have been their condemnation of music, musical bands and dance of today.
Abu Aamah reported on the authority of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) that Holy Prophet (s.a.w) prohibited trade in singing slave maids and training them for singing and said that their sale proceeds were unlawful.
On the authority of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) Ayesha narrates that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said that Almighty Allah has made unlawful the trade in singing slave maids, their training and listening to their songs.
Abdur Rahman bin Auf narrates that the Holy Prophet said that Almighty Allah has forbidden two nonsensical and wicked voices, one is melody and the other is the cry in distress.
Akramah reports the words of Ibne Abbas that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said that Almighty Allah has raised me to destroy flute and the drum.
Sahl Bin Saad narrates that Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said, "Submersion below the surface of the earth, raining of stones from the sky and multilation of figures shall come about in my ummat."
The companions asked, "O the Prophet of Allah when shall it happen.?"
The Prophet (s.a.w) there upon said:" When musical instruments shall be in abundance and there shall be a large number of the singing girls and shall be unlawful."
Abu Talib Tibri says that Imam Malik condemned music and forbid listening to it and said :"If you buy a slave maid and afterwards you find her to be singing girl, it shall be lawful for the buyer to restore her to the seller."
Imam Safii said that music was an abhorant sport. It was just like a filty thing and the one who listening to excessive music was a fool. His evidence shall be rejected.
Abu Tayyab says: Shafii declared music as abhorrent.
Tradition on abhorence of music has also come down from Ahmad Bin Hambal.
Abu Tayyeb Tibri says that Imam Abu Hanifa considered music as abhorrent and held singing as sin. The same is the view of all the scholars of Kufa like Ibrahim, Shahabi, Hammad, Soufian Thousi and other. There is no difference even among the scholars of Basarah in respect of its being abhorrent and forbidden.
This was the reaction of the companions towards the ordinary music of past times. How forceful would have been their condemnation of music, musical bands and dance of today.
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