The traditions of the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.a.w.) and Imams (a.s.) about musical sound, musical instruments, and musical parties.
1. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "When my Ummat (followers) will acquire fifteen habits they will be visited by disasters:
1) When the booty will be treated as personal property;
2) and trust will become like a booty of war;
3) and charity will be (disliked) like a loss;
4&5) and man will obey his wife and disobey his mother;
6&7) and will be generous to his friend and tyrant to his father;
8) and voices will be high in the mosques;
9) and a man will be respected as a safeguard against his evil;
10) and the leader of the people will be the worst of them;
11) and men will wear silk;
12) and people will keep singing and dancing girls;
13) and will keep musical instruments;
14) and will drink intoxicants;
15) and fornication will increase;
at that time expect red storms or depression of land-mass or changing your faces like the image of animals and the victory of your enemy upon you; and then you will not be helped (by Allah)."
2. The Holy Prophet of Islam describing the signs of the Day of Judgment said: "Verily amongst the signs of the Hour is that people will neglect prayers (will not pray in the preferred time)! and will follow their desires, and will incline towards their own preferences ... In those days, there will be people who will learn the Qur'an for other than Allah (i.e.; for earning worldly benefits), and will treat the Qur'an as musical instrument ; and there will be people who will study religion for other than Allah (for earning prestige or wealth as is happening today when the main purpose of study of religion is to be come a good orator, so that higher and higher fees may be demanded from the audience), and number of illegitimate children will increase, and people will sing the Qur'an, ... and will adore musical instruments, and will dislike enjoining the good and forbidding the evil, ... These are the people who will be called unclean and dirty in the kingdom of heaven."
3. Imam Jaffer Sadique (a.s.) said: "Music is the nest of hypocrisy."
4. Also he said: "Music is the worst of the sounds."
5. Imam Jafer Sadique (a.s.) said: The place where music is performed, Allah does not look at its participants (with mercy).
6. Also the Imam (a.s.) said: "Listening to music and vain (sounds) grows hypocrisy as the water grows the plants.
7. Hassan (a companion of Imam Jafer Sadique a.s.) said: There was a man in my neighbourhood who had singing girls; and he always remained immersed in music and dance. When I went to W.C., I used to stay a bit longer (to listen to those sounds). When I want to Imam Jafer Sadique (a.s.), he told me: O Hasan, Verily the ear, and the eye and the heart, all of them will he asked. The ear and what it listened to, the eye and what it looked at and the heart and what it intended."
Hasan says: When I heard that Ayat of the Qur'an, it was as though I had never heard it before. Then I repented (from my sin of listening to music) and made a convent with Allah not to do it again.
The Imam (a.s.) said: "Stand up have bath and pray to Allah as much as you wish. How bad would have been your position if you had died with this habit. Repent before Allah and ask His forgiveness for every evil because Allah does not dislike but evil, leaves evil for evil people; because for every thing are its people.
In a list of major sins which he sent to Caliph Mamun Rashid, Imam Ali Ar-Ridha (a.s.) mentioned the participation in the musical gatherings.
1. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "When my Ummat (followers) will acquire fifteen habits they will be visited by disasters:
1) When the booty will be treated as personal property;
2) and trust will become like a booty of war;
3) and charity will be (disliked) like a loss;
4&5) and man will obey his wife and disobey his mother;
6&7) and will be generous to his friend and tyrant to his father;
8) and voices will be high in the mosques;
9) and a man will be respected as a safeguard against his evil;
10) and the leader of the people will be the worst of them;
11) and men will wear silk;
12) and people will keep singing and dancing girls;
13) and will keep musical instruments;
14) and will drink intoxicants;
15) and fornication will increase;
at that time expect red storms or depression of land-mass or changing your faces like the image of animals and the victory of your enemy upon you; and then you will not be helped (by Allah)."
2. The Holy Prophet of Islam describing the signs of the Day of Judgment said: "Verily amongst the signs of the Hour is that people will neglect prayers (will not pray in the preferred time)! and will follow their desires, and will incline towards their own preferences ... In those days, there will be people who will learn the Qur'an for other than Allah (i.e.; for earning worldly benefits), and will treat the Qur'an as musical instrument ; and there will be people who will study religion for other than Allah (for earning prestige or wealth as is happening today when the main purpose of study of religion is to be come a good orator, so that higher and higher fees may be demanded from the audience), and number of illegitimate children will increase, and people will sing the Qur'an, ... and will adore musical instruments, and will dislike enjoining the good and forbidding the evil, ... These are the people who will be called unclean and dirty in the kingdom of heaven."
3. Imam Jaffer Sadique (a.s.) said: "Music is the nest of hypocrisy."
4. Also he said: "Music is the worst of the sounds."
5. Imam Jafer Sadique (a.s.) said: The place where music is performed, Allah does not look at its participants (with mercy).
6. Also the Imam (a.s.) said: "Listening to music and vain (sounds) grows hypocrisy as the water grows the plants.
7. Hassan (a companion of Imam Jafer Sadique a.s.) said: There was a man in my neighbourhood who had singing girls; and he always remained immersed in music and dance. When I went to W.C., I used to stay a bit longer (to listen to those sounds). When I want to Imam Jafer Sadique (a.s.), he told me: O Hasan, Verily the ear, and the eye and the heart, all of them will he asked. The ear and what it listened to, the eye and what it looked at and the heart and what it intended."
Hasan says: When I heard that Ayat of the Qur'an, it was as though I had never heard it before. Then I repented (from my sin of listening to music) and made a convent with Allah not to do it again.
The Imam (a.s.) said: "Stand up have bath and pray to Allah as much as you wish. How bad would have been your position if you had died with this habit. Repent before Allah and ask His forgiveness for every evil because Allah does not dislike but evil, leaves evil for evil people; because for every thing are its people.
In a list of major sins which he sent to Caliph Mamun Rashid, Imam Ali Ar-Ridha (a.s.) mentioned the participation in the musical gatherings.
The ayats of the Qur'an and some of the traditions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and Imams (a.s.) on the subject of Music
Here are four Ayats of the Qur'an which forbid the Muslims from indulging into music.
"So abstain from the pollution of the idols and abstain from false vain words." 22:30.
The Arabic word "Zoor" has several meanings which include falsehood and the musical expressions. According to Imam Jafer Sadique (a.s.) "pollution of the idols" means Chess; and "Vain words" means music.
See how 'Music' has been joined in this Ayat with the pollution of idols"; only then you can appreciate the seriousness of the sin of the Music.
"And of the people there is he who buys a 'vain talk' so that he may lead others astray from the path of Allah without (real) knowledge and takes it (the revelation of Allah) for a mockery; for these shall be a disgracing chastisement (punishment)." 31:6.
'Lahw' means any thing which diverts the mind from serious thinking. "Vain talk" has been interpreted by the Imam as some talk sound or thing which diverts the attention of man from the ultimate aim of his creation; in other words makes him forget Allah and His commands. For example, fictions romantic stories, and such useless talks. "It includes 'Music', intoxicants and all such diversions." (Tafseer As-Safi)
Imam Muhammad Baquir (a.s.) said: Music is among the things for which Allah has promised the Fire (of Hell). Then he recited the above Ayat. (Kafi; Wasael us Shia; Tafseer As-Safi)
"Indeed successful are the believers those who in their prayer are humble and those who keep themselves aloof from Vain (words and deeds)." (23:1-3).
'Laghw' (Vain words and actions): The first Imam Ali (a.s.) said that "all that is void of the remembrance of Allah is 'Laghv'. According to other authentic traditions of Imams, 'Laghv' means all useless entertainment, wasteful of times among which music has been specifically mentioned. Also included in this term are vain games played just to while away the time.
"And the servants of the Merciful Allah are those ... who bear not witness to what is false, and when they pass by what is vain they pass with dignity". (25:72).
The words 'Zoor' and 'Laghv' have been explained earlier. According to the traditions of Imams (a.s.), the first part may also be translated in this way: "who do not witness what is vain"! and accordingly, it has been interpreted in the exegesis of the Qur'an as "do not listen to music."
The following two traditions explain the second part:
Imam Jafer Sadique (a.s.) asked some of his companions: "Where are you staying?"
They replied: "With so and so, who has singing and dancing girls.
Imam said: "You should have dignity."
They thought that Imam (a.s.) had advised them to treat that man generously. But they were not sure; so they returned to the Imam and requested him to explain his meaning to them.
Imam said: "have not you heard Allah saying when they pass by what is vain they pass with dignity'?
Imam meant that you should not stay with a man who has singing and dancing girls.
Second tradition: Muhammad bin Abi Ibad was known to indulge in music and liquor. He once asked Imam Ali Ar-Ridha (a.s.) about listening to music.
Imam said: Some people in Hijaz have their own view about it; but that view is absolutely wrong. Have you not heard the word of Allah 'when they pass by what is vain they pass in dignity'?"
I think this much should be enough for a follower of, Muhammad (s.a.w.) and Ahul ul Bait (a.s.).
Here are four Ayats of the Qur'an which forbid the Muslims from indulging into music.
"So abstain from the pollution of the idols and abstain from false vain words." 22:30.
The Arabic word "Zoor" has several meanings which include falsehood and the musical expressions. According to Imam Jafer Sadique (a.s.) "pollution of the idols" means Chess; and "Vain words" means music.
See how 'Music' has been joined in this Ayat with the pollution of idols"; only then you can appreciate the seriousness of the sin of the Music.
"And of the people there is he who buys a 'vain talk' so that he may lead others astray from the path of Allah without (real) knowledge and takes it (the revelation of Allah) for a mockery; for these shall be a disgracing chastisement (punishment)." 31:6.
'Lahw' means any thing which diverts the mind from serious thinking. "Vain talk" has been interpreted by the Imam as some talk sound or thing which diverts the attention of man from the ultimate aim of his creation; in other words makes him forget Allah and His commands. For example, fictions romantic stories, and such useless talks. "It includes 'Music', intoxicants and all such diversions." (Tafseer As-Safi)
Imam Muhammad Baquir (a.s.) said: Music is among the things for which Allah has promised the Fire (of Hell). Then he recited the above Ayat. (Kafi; Wasael us Shia; Tafseer As-Safi)
"Indeed successful are the believers those who in their prayer are humble and those who keep themselves aloof from Vain (words and deeds)." (23:1-3).
'Laghw' (Vain words and actions): The first Imam Ali (a.s.) said that "all that is void of the remembrance of Allah is 'Laghv'. According to other authentic traditions of Imams, 'Laghv' means all useless entertainment, wasteful of times among which music has been specifically mentioned. Also included in this term are vain games played just to while away the time.
"And the servants of the Merciful Allah are those ... who bear not witness to what is false, and when they pass by what is vain they pass with dignity". (25:72).
The words 'Zoor' and 'Laghv' have been explained earlier. According to the traditions of Imams (a.s.), the first part may also be translated in this way: "who do not witness what is vain"! and accordingly, it has been interpreted in the exegesis of the Qur'an as "do not listen to music."
The following two traditions explain the second part:
Imam Jafer Sadique (a.s.) asked some of his companions: "Where are you staying?"
They replied: "With so and so, who has singing and dancing girls.
Imam said: "You should have dignity."
They thought that Imam (a.s.) had advised them to treat that man generously. But they were not sure; so they returned to the Imam and requested him to explain his meaning to them.
Imam said: "have not you heard Allah saying when they pass by what is vain they pass with dignity'?
Imam meant that you should not stay with a man who has singing and dancing girls.
Second tradition: Muhammad bin Abi Ibad was known to indulge in music and liquor. He once asked Imam Ali Ar-Ridha (a.s.) about listening to music.
Imam said: Some people in Hijaz have their own view about it; but that view is absolutely wrong. Have you not heard the word of Allah 'when they pass by what is vain they pass in dignity'?"
I think this much should be enough for a follower of, Muhammad (s.a.w.) and Ahul ul Bait (a.s.).
No doubt music is one of the most ancient methods of merrymaking and enjoyment, of expressing feelings and emotions. It is called 'international language', because it encompasses the whole world and does not know any geographical or political boundary.
Let us find out what is the reason for its worldwide prevalence.
Let us find out what is the reason for its worldwide prevalence.
We have it on the authority of Imam Jafer Sadique (a.s) that when Hadhrat Adam (a.s) died, his infamous son Cain (Quabil) and Satan were very happy. Both gathered at a place and invented some musical instruments to celebrate the death of Hadhrat Adam (a.s).
And in the words of Imam (a.s), all such musical things which people now use for merrymaking have originated from that. (Wasael-us-Shia; Babu Tahrim-e-lstimal-il-Malahi).
So, religion and anthropology both agree that musk is a very ancient thing; and therefore, no wonder it has spread widely with the spread of the human race. But how dare a sensible 'child of Adam ' especially if he is a Muslim) "enjoy" music, which is an invention of Satan and Cain, the rebellious and disloyal son of Adam?
Here one may ask: But what is the harm in music? Why it has been forbidden in Islam?
The answer is that music does have harmful effects on nervous system and is the cause of many ailments including ulcer, diabetes and madness. It creates imbalance in human faculties, retards spiritual development, and lowers the ethical values.
So, religion and anthropology both agree that musk is a very ancient thing; and therefore, no wonder it has spread widely with the spread of the human race. But how dare a sensible 'child of Adam ' especially if he is a Muslim) "enjoy" music, which is an invention of Satan and Cain, the rebellious and disloyal son of Adam?
Here one may ask: But what is the harm in music? Why it has been forbidden in Islam?
The answer is that music does have harmful effects on nervous system and is the cause of many ailments including ulcer, diabetes and madness. It creates imbalance in human faculties, retards spiritual development, and lowers the ethical values.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalamiin.
Thumma As-Salaatu wassalaamu Alaa Ashrafil Khalqi Ajmaeen, Muhammadin Wa Aalihi at-Tayyibeen at-Taahireen, Wa As-haabihil Muntajabeen.
Allah (S.w.T.) says in the Holy Qur’an that:
“in their histories, there is certainly a lesson for men of understanding. it is not a narrative which could be forged, but a verification of what is before it, and a distinct explanation of all things, and a guide and a mercy to a people who believe”. (Sura Yusuf, 12:111)
Allah (S.w.T.) says in the Holy Qur’an that:
“in their histories, there is certainly a lesson for men of understanding. it is not a narrative which could be forged, but a verification of what is before it, and a distinct explanation of all things, and a guide and a mercy to a people who believe”. (Sura Yusuf, 12:111)
Sheikh Kulaini in his book Al Kaafi relates the following tradition from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.): “Cure your sick by giving Sadaqah or charity, and remove troubles and mishaps by giving charity, and increase sustenance with charity.
Charity banishes seventy shaitans from what is within one’s beard, and charity goes unto the hand of Allah before it goes unto the hand of the needy”.
Our Holy Prophet (S) says that: “We should give charity as it increases our property, and it makes the mercy of Allah befall on us”.
Our Holy Prophet (S) says that: “We should give charity as it increases our property, and it makes the mercy of Allah befall on us”.
Once Abu Abdillah (a.s.) asked his son how much money he had. His son replied that he only had forty dinaars. Abu Abdillah (a.s.) asked his son to give it all away in the way of Allah. His son was hesitant and said that it was the only meager amount he possessed.
His father replied that: “Charity was the key to sustenance”.
Shortly after having given the amount in charity the Imam’s son got four thousand dirhams. The Imam (a.s.) said to his son: “O son, we gave Allah forty dirhams and he gave us four thousand.”
His father replied that: “Charity was the key to sustenance”.
Shortly after having given the amount in charity the Imam’s son got four thousand dirhams. The Imam (a.s.) said to his son: “O son, we gave Allah forty dirhams and he gave us four thousand.”
Islam stresses that giving charity increases sustenance. Here are a few traditions that stress on this fact.
The Holy Prophet (S) says: “Attract sustenance by giving charity”.
Abu Abdillah (a.s.) says: “Allah gives help to person equal in quantity to the charity a person gives”.
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) says that: “Everything has a key, and the key to sustenance is charity”.
The Holy Prophet (S) says: “Attract sustenance by giving charity”.
Abu Abdillah (a.s.) says: “Allah gives help to person equal in quantity to the charity a person gives”.
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) says that: “Everything has a key, and the key to sustenance is charity”.
Imam Ja’far Al Sadiq (a.s.) was once travelling with some companions amongst whom were some businessmen who had some goods with them. After some time they became aware that there were gangs of thieves who were waiting ahead planning to loot them. The companions of the Imam wondered what steps to take.
The Imam advised that the best step was to make intention of giving some of the goods in the way of Allah as Sadaqah or charity. This is what the companions did and when they passed the thieves, nothing happened to them. Charity had averted the danger in which they were.
The Imam advised that the best step was to make intention of giving some of the goods in the way of Allah as Sadaqah or charity. This is what the companions did and when they passed the thieves, nothing happened to them. Charity had averted the danger in which they were.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) has said that: “An act of charity shields seventy dead people from ill fate”.
The Prophet (S) has also said that “The angel of death is told to remove the soul of a person, but if during that time charity is given then the order to remove the soul is cancelled”.
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) says that: “An act of charity given openly prevents seventy types of mishaps, and a secretly given charity cools the anger of our Lord Allah (S.w.T.)”
It has been related in the same book that the Holy Prophet (S) said that: “Allah says that when the angel of death is asked to remove the soul of a person, and if he or she gives Sadaqah, Allah orders the angel of death to stop”.
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) says that: “An act of charity shields us of seventy evils of this world including an ill fated death. The one who gives charity never dies ill fatedly”. 34
According to Islamic beliefs, when we give charity, Allah due to his mercy changes our fate. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an that:
“Allah removes what He wishes and establishes what He wishes, for He has the Mother of Books”. (Sura ar-Ra‘ad, 13: 39)
The Prophet (S) has also said that “The angel of death is told to remove the soul of a person, but if during that time charity is given then the order to remove the soul is cancelled”.
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) says that: “An act of charity given openly prevents seventy types of mishaps, and a secretly given charity cools the anger of our Lord Allah (S.w.T.)”
It has been related in the same book that the Holy Prophet (S) said that: “Allah says that when the angel of death is asked to remove the soul of a person, and if he or she gives Sadaqah, Allah orders the angel of death to stop”.
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) says that: “An act of charity shields us of seventy evils of this world including an ill fated death. The one who gives charity never dies ill fatedly”. 34
According to Islamic beliefs, when we give charity, Allah due to his mercy changes our fate. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an that:
“Allah removes what He wishes and establishes what He wishes, for He has the Mother of Books”. (Sura ar-Ra‘ad, 13: 39)
A woman lost her husband through death. She decided to give charity on his behalf. One Friday night she prepared some food and sent her son to give it to a poor man who lived near her house. While sending the food the dead man’s son felt very hungry but he controlled himself and after having given the charity, he returned home hungry and went to bed.
The next Friday the same sequence of events took place. On the third Friday, the orphan while sending the food to the poor, could not control himself and ate the food on the way. That night the widow of the dead man dreamt her husband who told her that: “That night was the first night whence he received the reward of the charity she had given, while the charities she had given before had not reached him”.
The widow got up and doubting that her son had committed a blunder went to investigate the matter. Her little orphan said that contrary to her suspicion he had sent the charity the two Friday’s to the poor man, and it was on the third Friday that he had eaten the food.
It was then that the widow understood that her son deserved the food more than the poor neighbour. Thus we need to give charity to our near kith and kin before we look further
“But he would not attempt the uphill road, and what will make you comprehend the uphill road? it is the setting free of a slave or giving of food on a day of hunger to an orphan having relations or to the poor man lying in dust.”
The next Friday the same sequence of events took place. On the third Friday, the orphan while sending the food to the poor, could not control himself and ate the food on the way. That night the widow of the dead man dreamt her husband who told her that: “That night was the first night whence he received the reward of the charity she had given, while the charities she had given before had not reached him”.
The widow got up and doubting that her son had committed a blunder went to investigate the matter. Her little orphan said that contrary to her suspicion he had sent the charity the two Friday’s to the poor man, and it was on the third Friday that he had eaten the food.
It was then that the widow understood that her son deserved the food more than the poor neighbour. Thus we need to give charity to our near kith and kin before we look further
“But he would not attempt the uphill road, and what will make you comprehend the uphill road? it is the setting free of a slave or giving of food on a day of hunger to an orphan having relations or to the poor man lying in dust.”
WORLD'S BEST FRIEND WEEK | for everyone |
Do u know the ralation between ur 2 eyes?
They blink 2gather,move 2,cry 2gather,
see 2gatherand sleep 2gather
though they never see each other!!
Friendship should be like that---n
Life is hell without friends
Send this to all ur best friends---even ME
If I'm one of them!!!
See how many u get back---
If u get more than even 5
Then u r really a lovable person
But I know u'll get much more that.
They blink 2gather,move 2,cry 2gather,
see 2gatherand sleep 2gather
though they never see each other!!
Friendship should be like that---n
Life is hell without friends
Send this to all ur best friends---even ME
If I'm one of them!!!
See how many u get back---
If u get more than even 5
Then u r really a lovable person
But I know u'll get much more that.
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
Great Reading. | for everyone |
Someone has written these beautiful words. Must read and try to understand the deep meaning of it. They are like the Ten Commandments to follow in life all the time.
1] Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.
2] So a Car's WINDSHIELD is so large & the Rear view Mirror is so small? Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. So, Look Ahead and Move on.
3] Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.
4] All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either.
5] Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold!
6] Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!
7] When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.
8] A blind person asked a saint: "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?" He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!"
9] When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.
10] WORRYING does not take away tomorrow'sTROUBLES, it takes away today's PEACE.
If you really enjoy this, please pass to others. It may brighten someone's day...
1] Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.
2] So a Car's WINDSHIELD is so large & the Rear view Mirror is so small? Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. So, Look Ahead and Move on.
3] Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.
4] All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either.
5] Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold!
6] Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!
7] When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.
8] A blind person asked a saint: "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?" He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!"
9] When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.
10] WORRYING does not take away tomorrow'sTROUBLES, it takes away today's PEACE.
If you really enjoy this, please pass to others. It may brighten someone's day...
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN..... | for everyone |
Difference Between Fruit Juice and Fruit Nectar
We all know that fruit juice is the fresh juice extracted from the pulp of fruits and we expect to get just that when we buy a bottle of cold drink labeled as a fruit drink. Those who have some knowledge of botany know that nectar is a sweet liquid secreted by flowers that attract pollinating insects. But in beverage industry, nectar has come to mean a type of non-carbonated soft drink made with fresh juice. It is differentiated with any drink that has been labeled as fruit juice by the industry as it is not 100% fruit juice, and can and does contain many other ingredients including water, sweeteners, and preservatives. There are no industry standards and so you can have a fruit nectar having fruit juice from anywhere in the range of 0-100%. Fruit juice on the other hand is a natural drink prepared by crushing the pulp of a fresh fruit. It contains no preservatives and flavors.
Difference Between Explore and Discover
You can't explore an island before you've discovered it.
You generally won't discover gold or oil unless you explore for it.
Basically, "explore" means to look for something (oil, gold), or look around (island) while "Discover" means to find something - uncover it.
Example:Captain Cook didn't discover Australia, the Dutch discovered it 170 years earlier. But Captian Cook explored its western coasts in great detail.
Difference Between Round, Circle and Eclipse
The shape of a closed curve with no sharp corners, such as an ellipse, circle or rounded rectangle etc.
Circle is type of Round whose have fixed radius.
It means that all circles are Round shape but not all Round shares are circle.
Like CD-Rom Circle Shape
Subject: The Empty Soap Box - Japanese Management Case Study | for everyone |
One of the most memorable case studies on Japanese management was the case of the empty soap box, which happened in one of Japan's biggest cosmetics companies. The company received a complaint that a consumer
had bought a soap box that was empty.
Immediately the authorities isolated the problem to the assembly line, which transported all the packaged boxes of soap to the delivery department. For some reason, one soap box went through the assembly line empty.
had bought a soap box that was empty.
Immediately the authorities isolated the problem to the assembly line, which transported all the packaged boxes of soap to the delivery department. For some reason, one soap box went through the assembly line empty.
Management asked its engineers to solve the problem.
Post-haste, the engineers worked hard to devise an X-ray
Post-haste, the engineers worked hard to devise an X-ray
machine with high- resolution monitors manned by two
people to watch all the soap boxes that passed through the line to make sure they were not empty.
No doubt, they worked hard and they worked fast but
they spent whoopee amount to do so.
But when a workman was posed with the same problem, he did not get into complications of X-rays, etc but instead came out with another solution.
He bought a strong industrial electric fan and pointed it
But when a workman was posed with the same problem, he did not get into complications of X-rays, etc but instead came out with another solution.
He bought a strong industrial electric fan and pointed it
at the assembly line. He switched the fan on, and as each soap box passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes out of the line.
*Moral of the story: *
*Moral of the story: *
*Always look for simple solutions. Devise the simplest possible solution that solves the problem. So, learn to focus on solutions not on problems. *
*If you look at what you do not have in life, you don't have anything; if you look at what you have in life, you have everything.*
PLEASE RECITE AT LEAST ONE TASBIH EVERYDAY (or as many times as you possibly can) OF
[20:111] And [all] faces will be humbled before the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. And he will have failed who carries injustice.
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
In Honor of all MOTHERS and To Be's ... | for everyone |
In Honor of all MOTHERS and To Be's ...
The officer at the Driving License counter asked the lady "What is your occupation?"
The woman seeking renewal of her license seemed to be puzzled. So the officer said "Ma'am, are you employed, have your own business
The woman replied "Oh, yes!! I have a full time occupation. I am a mother"
Officer: "We don't have 'mother' as an option for occupation. I will write it down as 'Housewife'. That takes care of all questions."
This had happened long ago, and was forgotten. Years later when I went to get my license, the Public Relations Officer was a somewhat
"Your occupation?" she asked in a rather authoritative tone.
I just had an inspiration and replied "I am a researcher in the field of Child Development, Nutrition and Inter-personal Relationships"
The lady officer stared at me in amazement. I calmly repeated my statement and she wrote it down verbatim. Then, unable to conceal her curiosity, she politely asked "What exactly do you do in your profession, Ma'am?"
I was feeling good about having described my occupation so calmly and confidently. So I replied "My research projects have been going on for a number of years (Mothers never retire!!). My research is conducted in the laboratory as well as in the field. I have two bosses. (One is God and the other is my entire family). I have received two honours in this field. (A son and a daughter) My topic is considered to be the most difficult part of sociology.(All moms will agree!!). I have to work more than 14 hours every day. Sometimes even 24 hours are not enough and the challenges are tougher than many other professions. My compensation is in terms of mental satisfaction rather than money"
I could see that the officer was thoroughly impressed. After completing the licensing formalities, she came to the door to see me off.
This new viewpoint about my occupation made me feel much better on my way back home. I was welcomed by my 5 yearold research assistant at the door. My new project (my 6 month old baby) was energetically practicing her 'music'.
I had earned a small victory over the Governmental red tape today. I was no longer 'merely a mother', instead I was now a highly placed
functionary in a service vital for mankind -Motherhood!!
'Mother' - Isn't it a great title. Fit to be added to the nameplate on the door!! By this standard, grandmothers deserve to be called Senior
Research Officers, and Great Grandmothers qualify as 'Research Directors'. Aunts and other ladies of that age group can be called
'Research Facilitators'
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
God, the Glorious and the Exalted, has said:
And they were not commanded except to worship God, keeping religion pure for Him ... . (98:5)
Ikhlas in Persian means vizheh kardan' (to make exclusive'), that is, to purge a thing of everything else that has mingled with it. That which is meant here is that all of one's speech and action should be for the sake of seeking nearness to God, the Exalted, and exclusively for His sake, without being adulterated with any worldly or otherworldly purpose.
Indeed, to God belongs sincere religion. (39:3)
The opposite of sincerity is that there be some other purpose mingled with it, such as the love of honour and property, good name, or the hope of otherworldly reward, or salvation and deliverance from the chastisement of hell, all of which are signs of shirk. Shirk is of two kinds: open and concealed. Open shirk is idolatry, and all its other forms consist of concealed shirk.
And they were not commanded except to worship God, keeping religion pure for Him ... . (98:5)
Ikhlas in Persian means vizheh kardan' (to make exclusive'), that is, to purge a thing of everything else that has mingled with it. That which is meant here is that all of one's speech and action should be for the sake of seeking nearness to God, the Exalted, and exclusively for His sake, without being adulterated with any worldly or otherworldly purpose.
Indeed, to God belongs sincere religion. (39:3)
The opposite of sincerity is that there be some other purpose mingled with it, such as the love of honour and property, good name, or the hope of otherworldly reward, or salvation and deliverance from the chastisement of hell, all of which are signs of shirk. Shirk is of two kinds: open and concealed. Open shirk is idolatry, and all its other forms consist of concealed shirk.
The Messenger of God, may God bless him and his Household, has said:
Amongst the people of my Ummah intentions contaminated with shirk are more invisible than the creeping of a black ant on a black rock in a dark night.
Shirk is the most destructive obstacle for the seeker of perfection in wayfaring.
So let him who hopes for the encounter with his Lord, work righteousness, and not include in his Lord's service anyone. (18:110)
And when the obstacle of concealed shirk is removed, wayfaring (suluk) and attainment (wusul) become easy:
If one is sincere to God for forty days, springs of wisdom, emanating from his heart, become manifest in his speech .
And safety from sin comes from God.
Amongst the people of my Ummah intentions contaminated with shirk are more invisible than the creeping of a black ant on a black rock in a dark night.
Shirk is the most destructive obstacle for the seeker of perfection in wayfaring.
So let him who hopes for the encounter with his Lord, work righteousness, and not include in his Lord's service anyone. (18:110)
And when the obstacle of concealed shirk is removed, wayfaring (suluk) and attainment (wusul) become easy:
If one is sincere to God for forty days, springs of wisdom, emanating from his heart, become manifest in his speech .
And safety from sin comes from God.
TURNING TO GOD AND ATTENDING TO HIM........ | for everyone |
God, the Exalted and the Glorious, has said:
Turn unto Him penitent, and surrender unto Him, (before there come to you the chastisement, where after you wilt not be helped). (39:54)
Inabah means turning to God and attending to Him. It consists of three things. First, turning with one's inner self, so that it is always turned towards God, the Exalted, and to seek nearness to Him in all one's thoughts and intentions, and to this refer the words:
... And comes with a penitent heart. (50:33)
Second, to attend with one's speech, which means remembering Him and His favours and to remember those who are nearer to Him, as referred to in this verse:
None pays heed save him who turns penitent (unto Him). (40:13)
Third, (to turn to Him) in one's outward actions, which means being always watchful of one's acts of obedience and worship. These must be performed with the intention of seeking nearness, such as the obligatory and the supererogatory prayers, abstaining from things avoided by the leading figures of the faith, giving of charities, showing kindness to God's creatures, procuring the means of their benefit and preventing the causes of their harm, observing of rectitude in dealings, being just in regard to oneself and one's kin, and, in summary, observing the laws of the Shari'ah with the intent of acquiring nearness to God and seeking His good pleasure.
Turn unto Him penitent, and surrender unto Him, (before there come to you the chastisement, where after you wilt not be helped). (39:54)
Inabah means turning to God and attending to Him. It consists of three things. First, turning with one's inner self, so that it is always turned towards God, the Exalted, and to seek nearness to Him in all one's thoughts and intentions, and to this refer the words:
... And comes with a penitent heart. (50:33)
Second, to attend with one's speech, which means remembering Him and His favours and to remember those who are nearer to Him, as referred to in this verse:
None pays heed save him who turns penitent (unto Him). (40:13)
Third, (to turn to Him) in one's outward actions, which means being always watchful of one's acts of obedience and worship. These must be performed with the intention of seeking nearness, such as the obligatory and the supererogatory prayers, abstaining from things avoided by the leading figures of the faith, giving of charities, showing kindness to God's creatures, procuring the means of their benefit and preventing the causes of their harm, observing of rectitude in dealings, being just in regard to oneself and one's kin, and, in summary, observing the laws of the Shari'ah with the intent of acquiring nearness to God and seeking His good pleasure.
Indeed, He, the Exalted, has said:
(On the day when ... ) the paradise is brought nigh for the God f eating, no longer distant. (And it is said): This is that which you were promised. (It is) for every penitent and watchful one, who feareth the Beneficent in secret and comes with a penitent heart. Enter it in peace. This is the day of eternity. There they have all that they desire, and there is more with Us. (50: 30-35)
(On the day when ... ) the paradise is brought nigh for the God f eating, no longer distant. (And it is said): This is that which you were promised. (It is) for every penitent and watchful one, who feareth the Beneficent in secret and comes with a penitent heart. Enter it in peace. This is the day of eternity. There they have all that they desire, and there is more with Us. (50: 30-35)
God, above all descriptions is He, has said:
O you who believe, observe your duty to God and be with the truthful (al sadiqin). (9:119)
Siddiq literally means speaking the truth and being true in one's promises. Here by truthfulness is meant the truthfulness of speech as well as that of intention and resolution (azm) and fulfillment under all circumstances of the promises made by one.
Siddiq is one who is truthful in all these matters as a matter of habit, and that which is contrary to fact in whatsoever manner, neither itself nor its trace is found in him. The ulama' have said that if one is such his dreams too would be true and come true. The verse:
(Among the believers are) men who truly fulfill the promise they have made with God, (33:23) has been revealed concerning them. The truthful have been described as standing in the same rank as the Apostles and the martyrs:
(Whoso obeys God and the Messenger), they are with those unto whom God has shown favour, of the prophets, the truthful, and the martyrs and the righteous, (the best company are they). (4:69)
And such great prophets as Ibrahim and I'dris have been described as truthful ones,' with the words:
Indeed, he was a truthful one, a prophet. (19:41, 19:56)
And concerning others it has been said:
(And We bestowed upon them of Our mercy), and assigned to them true and sublime speech. (19:50)
And since the straight path is the shortest path to the goal, one who walks straight is the most likely to reach his intended destination, God willing.
O you who believe, observe your duty to God and be with the truthful (al sadiqin). (9:119)
Siddiq literally means speaking the truth and being true in one's promises. Here by truthfulness is meant the truthfulness of speech as well as that of intention and resolution (azm) and fulfillment under all circumstances of the promises made by one.
Siddiq is one who is truthful in all these matters as a matter of habit, and that which is contrary to fact in whatsoever manner, neither itself nor its trace is found in him. The ulama' have said that if one is such his dreams too would be true and come true. The verse:
(Among the believers are) men who truly fulfill the promise they have made with God, (33:23) has been revealed concerning them. The truthful have been described as standing in the same rank as the Apostles and the martyrs:
(Whoso obeys God and the Messenger), they are with those unto whom God has shown favour, of the prophets, the truthful, and the martyrs and the righteous, (the best company are they). (4:69)
And such great prophets as Ibrahim and I'dris have been described as truthful ones,' with the words:
Indeed, he was a truthful one, a prophet. (19:41, 19:56)
And concerning others it has been said:
(And We bestowed upon them of Our mercy), and assigned to them true and sublime speech. (19:50)
And since the straight path is the shortest path to the goal, one who walks straight is the most likely to reach his intended destination, God willing.
God, the Exalted, has said:
Say (O Muhammad), 'Indeed, my prayer and my worship, my living and my dying, are for God, the Lord of the Worlds.' (6:162)
Niyyah means intention, and intention is a link between knowledge and action. For unless one knows at first that he has to do something, one cannot intend to do it and unless there is intention one cannot carry out an act.
Say (O Muhammad), 'Indeed, my prayer and my worship, my living and my dying, are for God, the Lord of the Worlds.' (6:162)
Niyyah means intention, and intention is a link between knowledge and action. For unless one knows at first that he has to do something, one cannot intend to do it and unless there is intention one cannot carry out an act.
The starting point in wayfaring is intention, the intention to reach a certain destination, and since the goal is to acquire perfection from the Absolutely Perfect, the intention should be one of acquiring nearness to the Almighty, Who is Absolute Perfection.
Such being the case, intention by itself is better than action when taken alone, for The believer's intention is better than his works.
Such being the case, intention by itself is better than action when taken alone, for The believer's intention is better than his works.
A good work accomplished with the intention to seek nearness to God will certainly achieve its due perfection, in accordance with the statement of God, the Exalted, There is no good in much of their secret conferences save him who enjoins charity and propriety and peace-making among the people. Whoso does that, seeking the good pleasure of God, We shall bestow on him a mighty reward. (4:114)
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